NOT A PARTICLE OF SKIN ON BODY Worst Case of Eczema Doctor Had Seen in 40 Years -- For Six Months Father Expected His Baby . 10 Die--Blood Oozed Out All Over | Her Body--Had to Be Wrapped in Silk and Carried on a Pillow-- «Now She Is Perfectly Cured, DOCTOR RECOMMENDED CUTICURA REMEDIES eo "My little girl was born two weeks before her and my wife died four hours after the birth of our child and I had to raise the baby on arti- ficial foods, Six months after birth she broke out and 1 had two doctors in attendance. There was not a particle of skin left blood oozed out just had to wrap her in silk on a pillow for ten weeks, most terrible sight 1 ever six months 1 looked for her mama, but thank God she is alive and well he will be three r never the dread trouble since. ory known remedy to alles fforing, for it was terrible Dr. C ve her up wont to and got , B= and he and Cuticura Soa tioura Ointment saved her. He recommended the Cuticura Remedies, sald we were right in making use of AS pearly as 1 can remember, ht cakes of Cuticura Soap nxes of Cuticura Ointment; you must take into consideration hers was an exceptional case, for and good doctor said that it worst case that had come to him in forty years. I havealways hinged on Cutloura Soap to keep her skin soft and a pure complexion, James th, Wood and Metal Patter Box 234, Buena Vista, Va., O¢t, 22, 1906." and External Humor of Int ticurn 8 alioany Du t in years old gy Fre Internal Treatment nts, Children, and Adults the HBkin, 0ap to CO Bkin, ut to Heal the Skin, and Cuti- 4 in the pom of Chocolate Coated fe world. Potter 'Drug wor! otter Dr C Props. Boston, A " & Chem Free, Cuticura Book on Skin Diseases. PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 280 E.W. GILLETT ohmiTes TORONTO, ONT. This woman says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured her. Read her letter, Mrs.J A. Laliberte, of 34 Artillerie St., Quebec, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : *"For six years 1 have been doctoring for female weakness, heart and nerves, liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I _ can safely say I have found a cure. *"I was continually bothered with the Inox distressing backaches, headaches, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- . relieved maf all Sirean distress ng ig go a made me a well WOmaD. would advise all sufferin, women, young or old, to vse Lj E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." For thirts dia E. Pink- ham's Vegrtable 2s from roots and t ? as bvites all sick write her for advice. thousands NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Gull Lake Notes. Gull Lgke, March 23.--Mr, Votren has started his saw mill and is doing fine work, Eliza Husband intends starting to draw fumber to Clarendon Station this week. Miss Alice Hus. band bas returned to Haileybury, af- ter spending the winter with her father. Del} Hickey has returged home after: spending the winter in Haileybury. Jehn. Mickey, Delph Hickey and Robert Husband made a flying trip to Arden last week. 'Reports From Chantry. Chantry, March 23.--Mrs. James El- liott, an old and respected lady of this place, passed away, Sunday, March 22nd, after a short illness, aged eighty-fpur years. She leaves two sons and live daughters. A memorial service will i held in Harlem church, March 20th, for the late Sydney Law- son, who died in the hospital at Brockville, on the 16th. Rév. Mr, Hughes, of Athens, preached here last Sunday. Miss Katie Derbyshire is vis- iting here. Philip Derbyshire, on the sick list for the last week, is able to be around again. Some of the farm- ers around this part have tapped. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, March 24. --Ross and Misg Marie Purvis spent Sunday at War- burton. Jacob Herbison is gaining from his attack of typhoid fever. Miss Blanche Herbison spent last week with friends at Temperance Lake. Miss Edna Summer has for the past two weeks, been visiting friends at Floe and Athens. Morris Kenny, who bas spent the past week with A. E. Sum- mérs, leaves to-day for Alberta. Miss Marion Hall, recently out from Bel- fast, Ireland, is visiting her cousins, Messrs, W. and H. Halk Andrew Hanna and family yill move here this week. Morven Happenings. Morven, March 23.-- Those on the sick list are E. M. Smith, William Sweet and Rev. Mr. Horton. The Union, cheese factory has changed hands twice. First, Mr. Shetfield sold it to a joint stock company and then it was resold to F. A. Perrv. who has become sole proprietor. There will be several barns reared in this neigh- borhood this spring." C. Smith spent Sunday at home from Queen's. Man- son Smith, of the G.T.R., Brockville, spent a day with his mothér, Mrs. D. R. Hicks, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pamon Garrison, of Naparnce, spent given by Mr, and Mrs. S. Hickey, Bur- | eh e Wie SG $0 soy that Yes, B. Ferguson and . J. Gipson, on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Unger. -- Maberly Movements, Mgberly, March 24.--~Henry Cleaver has"recovered from "an attack of quindy. Francis Curl has rented his farm to lieorge Buchanan and intends moving to Yarker, where he has been engaged by . Mr, Connelly, as agent. William Buchanan has purchased a valuable colt from Mr. Jackman. It expected that this will be a good sugar vear and farmers are preparing to do a big business. School is pro- gresging, under the able management of Herbert Buchanav. Visitors: John Acheson, Jr., at George Dowdell's: Mr. Rogers, at William Buchanan's; Miss Mary Wilson, Elphin, at John Buchanan's; Mr. and Mrs. Curl went to Perth to-day The News From Bongard's. Bongard's, March 24.--1he Marys: burg Telephone. company, has purchas, ed the G. N. W. telegraph line and and have alreaily installed a few in- struments, This will be a great con- venience Lo 'the people of this place, Mrs. John Caven, of Calgary, Alta, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. &, D. Bongard, 1, T. McCarmnock is slowly improving after a very serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Harrison and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bongard, also Mrs. Caven, were the guests of R. Harrison recently. Sug- ar making has commenced. Miss A. McGee, of the Pines, is the guest of Miss Viola McCarnock, The ice is still rousidered safe 'for travelling. Fair View Jottings. Fair View, March 23. --The farmers are busy getting ready for sprig work. - On account of sickness the school attendance is very small. There was no school for a few days, the teacher, Miss Robinson, being ill with grippo. Some of the young people are suffering from scarlet fover. Mrs Froderick File and little daughter, Helen, and Miss File, of Ameliasburg, ave visiting at their uncke's, E. §. File's. Frank McTaggart and family bave removed to the house on thé corner, Miss Maggie Lowry is able to be up agaio. r. Young is draw- ing hay to Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. George Bookes and Mr. Loucks, River side, were recent visitors at Schuyler Loucks', -------- News From Fernloy. Fermoy, March 34.--The weather has become quite mild and spring-like; the --- is the aider of the day in Shia sich: ity. 7 young peo at tended the leap year party on the 17th, Hickey, Bur the sick list, are no better. Recent isi : Mids Julia Healing, at 8. Hickey's, Burridge; Mi ilton, at M. Croziet's, Burridge; Miss Monica Crozier, at T. Rogier's; T. t a few days in Kingston; pd 0'Conno~ and Julia MeAl- lister, at Edward Golden's; Miss Mag- gie Golden, at Westport; Jerome Meo Allister, at Howe Island; Edward Me Allister, at James Murphy's Sangster. snow is daily settling. Drawing hay | THE DAILY BR ITE they spent the winter. C. Gonu, IN Valleau, L. Innes and families have left for their factories. E. T. An- derson and wife spent last week visit ing Iriends at Belleville and Stirling. The trustees of the Methodist church are having it repaired after the re- cent fire. Visitors: Mrs. Duke and son, at GG. Paul's; Miss Schell, at Mrs. Behemerhorn's; A. Davis and family, at A. Davis'; J. Gonu, at home; F. Wood and daughter, at Mrs. A. Wood's: Mrs. 8S. File and Misses File and baby, at Mrs. J. Gonu's; R. Lucas; at G. Valleau's. -- ; Wil] Move West. Folger Station, March 23.--The Am- erican Lumber company have stopped drawing on aceount of bad roads. James Kish has moved to Opeongo and C. M, Reynolds has moved into his house, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds attended the funeral of Mr. Reynolds' grandmother at Sharbot Lake last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Manion lost their infant daugh- ter. Visitors : Miss Ida Prasky and Andrew Crawford spent Sunday at R. Davis', Clyde Mills; Mrs. W. Gorr, Ompah, at R. Davis', Clyde Mills; Mr, and Mrs./ John Cheetem, visiting their friends in the village this week; Mr. and Mrs. E._Crawlgrd, at John Craw- fords, Uso; Misses Aggie and Laura Manion spent Sunday at 0. J. Dus- tin's; W, J. Boyd spent Sunday at his home at Wilbur. Z. Keller is selling all his farm stock and intends moving west soon. -- Barr's Settlement. Barr's Settlement, March 25.--The farmers are busy making maple syrup. Reports say our blacksmith intends moving to Portland. A number of the young people attended the surprise party at Stephen Hickey's on St. Pat- rick's night. John Darr and William Thompson have returned after spend-\ ing a few days with friends in AF thorpe. Miss Deatrice Barr has gone to Westport to learn dress-making. Mr. Mustard has moved to Elgin, as Mr. Burke is to take possession of the cheese factory. Stonness and Adams have purchased M. Crozier's mica mine. Visitors : Albert Barr and sis- ter, Mary, at Westport; T. Barrett at E. Golden's; Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Barr and daughter, Bertha, at Nath- aniel Shellington's; H. Killens, Cole Lake, at James Sheilington's, Friday evening; Miss Alice Stinson at her sister's, Mrs. William Taylor, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Butterill and family, Fermoy, at James Barr's. Awful Accident\Near Rockport. Rockport, March 23.--A serious ac- cident occurred af Anthony Senecal's, Grenadier Island. While employed sawing wood with a sawing machine this morning Thomas Vanstone, son of William Vanstone, of Poole Resort, had his leg horribly mangled = and brokeny at the thigh. The balance wheel © broke and struck Mr. Van- stone. Dr. Lane and Dr. Judson, of As the limb would have to be ame putated at the hip . the unfortunate young man was removed to Brockville hospital, Mrs, Joseph Cook is on the sick list, Joseph Cook, jr., is improving. Mme. Stevens, of Kscott Centre, spent last week with her son, Ernest Ste vens. Chancey Burtch and family have moved to the village. Charles Kahnt and sister, Amelia, spent flast Tues- day at J. Hollingsworth's, Andress burg: Mrs. A. Edwards is spending a couple of weeks with her husband, at Rochester, N.Y. Wellington Wafltings. Wellington, March 24.--Miss Morris, of Toronto, entertainer, appearyd "be fore a fair audience in the music hall on Wedhesdav night. Mr. Claude Smith was called to the bedside of his wile, Black Creek, who is very ill. T A. Rankin bad a bad fall this week, which has confined him to his bed A number of our citizens have had falls upon the icy . sidewalks, - Mrs Striker is quite ill. H. M. Ruttan, of the firm of James Richardson & Sons, of Kingston, made a flying visit his sister's,. Mrs. Joseph Stevenson, on Saturday, Rist Fhomas Stingon: who has been in the employment of his brother, Louis, in Buffalo, has re- turned home for a few weeks. Revival services have closed after three weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Me- Donald favored quite a company of young people with a drive to Belle. ville on Friday night to Messrs. Cross- ley and Hunter's meetings. Anthony Murphy and Mr. McDonald were in tdwn on Saturday. last. § to Point Road Pointers. Point Rodd, March 24.--The farmers are Very anxious to see the snow go, so that they will be able to com- mence seeding at an early date. Judg- ing from the amount of hay that going down to supply the wants of the farmers, grass can't come too soon. J. Woods bas the contract of hauling the milk to the city. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kincaid spent a few days last weok visiting friends in Plum Hol low. E. Draper purchased a very fine three-year-old colt from - J. Moran, which promises to be a stunner™Qar- rett Bros. purchased J. Walker's oh tire stock of cattle for which they Jia 6 handsome figure. Miss = G. 'atterson is visiting friends on Front Road. W. Milton is breaking in a handsome pair of colts. W. Wood is busy hailing home his summer's sup- ply of firewood. W. Ruttan has finished filling his ice house. ----t Tichborne Tidings. Tichborne, March 21.--Services were on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Kingston. A few attend- ed the somal at Fish Creek on Thurs- day evening. M. Raymond has moved away to his farm, at Long Lake A. is Malorytown, was at once summoned. | SH WHIG, WEDNESDA r------------------ Leslie has resigned his position as av parture. { sent. Mrs. J. ter visiting friends at Harrowsmith and Kingston. Mrs. L. A. Cameron has gone to Montreal to visit her sister. P. Ritchie made a flying trip to Parham on Sunday last. Visitors - Miss C. Payne, Piccadilly; Apnie Gray, Arden; Mrs. 1. Duly and F. Bertrim, Parham, at Mrs. BH. Grey's; W. Howes and R. Butler, Parham, at P. Rit chie's; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Bridgen at A. Thompsons, Burridge; James Hanna, Jr., spent Sunday at home. Budget From Cushendall. Cushendall, March 2B.--Although there is still quite a quantity of snow the roads are in bad condition. The many friengs of George Hyland regret to hear of his serious illness with pneumonia for the past week, E. Red- fern. is suffering from a severe cold and rheumatism. . Mrs, Hamilton is able to be out again after a lengthy illness. 8S. Woods, has recovered from a serious. illness with inflammation $ his lungs. E. Trotter having recover ed from his illness, is home again from L'Hotei Dien, Kingston. A very successful concert and tea meeting was given at Zion church on Friday even- ing, 20th, with a large attendance. B. McKane, Kingston; has been spending a few days at his home lately. Mr and Mrs. R. Simpson, Kingston, vis- ited at J. Martin's recently. Mius Maggie McBride has gone to King- ston to attend business college. A meeting will be held at Pine Hill cheese factory on Tuesday evening, 24th, to arramge business for the Coming season. Coffin On Wood Sleigh. Crow Lake, March 94. Many from hete attended the Tuneral of Mrs. Jos. eph Reynolds, Sr., who 'died at her son's residence, at Sharbot Lake. On the corpse was econveved to cemetery on a woodsleigh Lewis lost a valuable horse last week Blake Buell was down to Beb's Lake setting up machinery for the Frost & Wood company, recently. Frederick Mahon arrived home from Cobalt last week. R. Reynolds and William Hicks are away working on the Loughboro Lake bridge. S. Middleton purchased two fine cows, last week, for a very reasonable figure, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, John Hicks, at R Reynolds'. Mrs. William Hicks, at Mrs. Delbert Olden and Mrs, D. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs William Kennedy, at J. W Knapp's Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, at George Bertrim's; Frederick Dowdell and sister, Miss Mu zie, William Brad shaw, Miss R. Gendron, at Mahon's; Mrs. R. Reynolds and Mrs. DD. Shaw, at John Hicks': My. and Mrs S. Middleton, at C Knapp's, before their departure to the Bygrove farm Doings At Fish Creek. Fish Creek, March 2.--Service was largely attended on Sunday. Miss Florence, Kivor, Tichhorne, was organ, ist, in place of Miss Edna Thomp- son, who is visiting at Sydenham amgl Murvale. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hal penny, and Miss Mabel Kithorn, of Sharbot Lake, assisted the choir at the social. The surprise party at N. Shellington's, on Saturday evening, passed off quietly, Miss Hattie Steele is spending a few days at her broth- er's. George Steele has moved on. the Walker farm, Glendower, and John Steele will move back to his old home again. John Steele, Calabogie, will move out-to the farm, occupied by his father. rented James Coulicr's farm, at Glendower, Sam Barr, of Glendower is moving back, to his farm here. Visi tors ©' W. Wilson and B. Hannah, Cole Lake, at Wiliam Hartwick's: Miss Maisie Burnes and Edward Hickey, at P. Turner's; 8, Jones, and Mrs, 8, Jones, Mrs, J). W. Knapp: Crow Lake, Mrs. W.i J. Kennedy, Tichborne: Mrs. D. Stafford and daughter, Myrtle, of Rob's Lake. Miss Nora Beadotr at W. L. Barker's;' Miss ¥. Kivor and Fli Barker, W. Brown and family, Mr and Mrs. R. (hod, "at John Steele's; Miss Bella Turner, at L. Beadour's Jogeph Steele, at George Steele's. Mr and Mrs. George Steele spent Pair nt Fermoy: Ross Anderson, Mr. d Mrs. Davey, at Ezra Thompson's: Miss. Annie Burns has returned heling. Budget From Cannifton. Cannifton, March 214.-The concert given on Tuesday evening, hy the local talent, was a decided success Mrs: James Burnside, of St. Joseph's Island, who was called here to be in attendance at the death bed of her father, will remain for a short time Miss Hattie Burnside has returned to Muncroft. Mrs. Francis Hearns and children, of London, are at Mrs. Gon solus', Daniel Gonsolus, of Madoe, was here, last 'week, aftending his father's funeral. Miss Mary Callery spent last week in Toronto, as dele gate to the grand lodge of the Cana dian Home Circle. Heury Boyee took ha large load to the Crossley and Hun- ter meetings at Belleville, on : Friday evening. Blake Bedell will treat the Epworth League to a similar outing on Thursday evening. Mrs. Cross, who has been spending the winter with re- latives in Parry Sound, is expected home on Wednesday A number of lit- on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Evelyn + Palmer, who recently graduated from a Toronto businéss col , is here, spending a short time with her aunt, Mrs. Francis Farnham. John L. Palm- er was reneving Stquaintances here last woek, Miss Maud Watts and friend, of Toronto, paid a flving visit to her parents, prior to her departiire for Cobalt, where she has secured a position. Mr. Burr, of Madoc, has rented the ip farm and will move here shortly," Miss Annie son, of Oshawa, i% visiting at William Watts'. On the sick list are Mrs. Can- wif, B. V. Brintoell, Mrs. W. A. Kel- Mrs. Gavin and W. C. Farley. former resident oN i place, died, this morsing, at hie Mr. and Mrs Purley are in t jety for their som, who is ingen ill in Seattle, Wash, minted Y, MARCH 2s, -- section foreman of the K. & P. rail His many friends regret his de- | Ellsworth, Bedford Sta | tion, is supplying the vacancy at pre- | Drown has returned af- | account of there being no hearse there | Shaw's; Mr. and Mrs. N. Donnelly, Mr. | Thomas Tobin has | tle tots are invited®to the parsonage | ie A 1908. | | The Quickest Cdre for Asthma, Bron- chitis, all Coughs and Golds, the @rippe, Etc. If you want to get rid S that cough--to be completely and thogoughly cured in the quickest time possible, then take Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil. No other combination possesses its invaluable curative properties, It is the only cough cure that acts as a tonic 16 the throat and to the lungs, and to your whole system--leaving these organs stronger than before Mathieu's Syrup is the only safe cough eure for children. It does not contain any harmful ingredients. ) Mathieu's Syrup taken in conjunction with Mathieu's Nervine Lowders is the quickest cure for the Grippe. The syrup strengthens your System, and cures the cough, while the powders reduce the fever and banish all the aches and pains. Large bottle of syrup 35e, Powders, 25¢. box of 18. From all dealers, i Hod Blt of i Mathieu's Syrup OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL. . SRBLEAS ER | -- | William | The Whisky with Sixty Years' Reputation. James | Aberneth Makes Life Miserabie. . . It takes » person that has had and is sub- | ject to beadaches to describe the suffering which attends them. The majosity of cases are caused by con stipation and dyspepsia. The dull threb.\ bings, the intense pain, sometimes in one | part, sometimes in another, and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by the eause which brings it en, purely indi- eates that there is something the matter with the stomach or bowels. Te the fact | that Bardock Blood Bittess reaches every part of the system is due its success in re- lieving and permanently curing headache. It has proven a specific for the malady in oll its forma, Mr, Wm. B. @ilchrist, Now Mills, N.B., writes: "I was troubled for years with | oanstipation and headaches, but after using four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I am completely sured." Mr. Joha T. Kidner, Red Deer, Alta, writes: "I was troubled for several ysare with headache. I tried & number of re. medies but they did me no good. I tried a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and is sured me completely." : . Nor mle at all Druggists and Dealers, ys A A A A A Mii Your Spring Shoe Are Here. S Everything that is New and Stylish is to be found here. Al} the Newest Patterns in High Shoes, Oxford Ties and Buckle Pumps for Women and Girls. All the Up-to-Date Lasts in High Shoes and Oxfords fér Men and Boys. In fact, everything that will appeal to the TEA DOLLARS FINE FOR PROV. ING THIS IS A FRAUD, taste of good judgment. INSPECTION INVITED The Canailiasi and American Shoe Re pairing Shop, 201 Princess St., will fix leather soles and bber hecls on your boots for 70c. Half soles and heels, ladies und children, §0¢c. a pair. I am able to this, having in stock a large consignmen of the best leather and rubber heels, i me a trial and I JRarsaien satisfaction I lead, others follow. J. Green. aT Ee Nm mcm et its ls i Abernethy"s n we send fone. if you name his BIRD BREAD. Aha, "How to Kit Birds of © Send ag toduy: stateps of com. ede shipped anywhere any time. % COTTAM, BIRD SEED . Heart: Streng Beart Sirenged. or Heart Weakness. means Nerve or Weakness--nothing more. Pos. | Pouiishing Answers equally well for Furniture, Shoes and Stoves, and they keep your hands \ ---- paDebeRy R0000nacncscsrsvensoctssnscsenee clean: Price, complete with Dauber, 15¢c. 'McKELVEY & BIRGH, 68-71 Brook St 200000000b00000000000 0000000000 see ssPeNee Bs To Dr. Shoop's Resiquative 90000 0000000000000 00000GOO0T eat MJ