Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1908, p. 8

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YAGE EIGHT 3 oo] a] AA | | i THE 5 P.M. EDITION, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, | Howsy » Paragraphs Picked TU Pp By { oS oTaah On Their rind. Hogan, Belleville, is dead nine years t The young liberals have { in Alderman "Jock" Harty. . William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders | received at MecAuley's. "Phooe 778. Mise Effie Elmer, Bagot street, to-day, to visit friends in Watertown, I N.Y. 6. H. V. Hunter returned to | city, to-day, after. visiting friends N York Jamas r Gildersleeve is at present enjoying the pleasant weather at Los | Angeles, Caldornia, H. Cunningham, pigno tuner Chickering's. Leave orders at | Auley's Rook Store. Capt. Moller, Ottawa, will be here { this week bo ld examinations for | Masters and Mates. AM. Angrove left, to-day, to attend the automobile show at Toronto, Hel to call. { far as Detroit on "a 4890, dohn Mokay Fur House, § bint ti James aged sixt a fine loader CLEANED STORED AND INSURED | Telephone waggon wR Ces in Mo to am a as Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypo- | hosphites is sold in Kingston at] I ihsons Red Cross Drug Store, The Cape Vincent stdge brought 4 large number of passengers fram Cape | Vincent to-day and the drivers. repert | | the crossing to be in good condition. Capt. Thomas Donnelly, who is still | at Baltimore, is nmiuch improved, sd a | letter received to-day states. The cap- tain expects to be able to attend to hiz business here During the winter, alter the | storms, a great amount of snow | carted to" the éricket field: It | melted to quite an extent now i left some unsightly heaps of | on the field. Hon. A. B. heavy was has and refuse and Edw. J | Pense addressed, Monday i {a laymen's assemblage at good old] Brantford at an Anglican banquet | Ponty gu weok shuviug. When Wo in which the five local churches were ¥bu a Ruzor complete for £1.° united, The engagement to speak The Bver~Ready with 12 Blades wns mhde two weeks previously Morine on NO REASON WHY 2Y on sholiidn' t shave yourself, BVerage nian sponds thirty or The forty can well and flivery one guaranteed or your money | Mr. Pense found it impérative to at | unded, tend, failing to get a substitute, that! vy. A. MITCHELL, Hardware he might remain at home and pay SEE OUR WINDOW. the last respect to two worthy old] | Kingstouians. { Pension For X-Ray Expert, London, March 25--Dr. Hall Ed. | RE ones on Jew | wards) wf Birmingham, who lost an id Brain Wi arm in the course of his researches a pe Br | into the X-rays, but who is the dis a $1 rif ok y One aii please oe six | coverer of a suwtcessful method of treat- | EE Bold by ail druggists or Py n | nient for X-ray cancer, has had a | civil service pension of $600 & year on Re wu of en New pa et od cine Oo, x wl ein hel to, Ont | confervetd upon him. Special Sale Thursday Morning, 8.30 0'clock TT 560 Only Black Sateen Underskirts The complete stock of a large manufac- turer. Regular value $1.00, for | | 58¢. EACH. ALL S1ZES IN THIS LOT. "tas you like, 600 Black Sateen Underskirts Comprising the finest and largest assort- ment of New Spring Styles in pleated, flounced and tucked styles, made: of ex- cellent quality fast Black Sateen, full stride room in each skirt. Regular values $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3,00, Ln YOUR CHOICE FOR 98c. EACH. ALL SIZES IN THIR ror. SEE 'WINDOW DISPLAY. J He Took Train to to Montreal New York--His | 1? | them every | Teft, | the { from | | eft he sat down at a table in in a month. i | From An English Emigrant Near THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. REALLY THE DUKE. HE MADE HIMSELF KNOWN| Picton, TO QUEBECER. | and | rl Went on to { Identity is Fretty Well lished. Que, Estab- Cuebec, Mareh 25.--A derable amount of doubt seems {felt in New York as whether the person, who recently the] steamer Vietorian, and the | name of "The ppson, was | the *Prince De Sagan, but f standing the rumors it has been | certained, on the best and most { liable authority, that the party 1 to on gave arriy ed who notwith re | question, | on Saturday last, | De Sagan. This was confirmed = ves | terday morning by Mr. St. 'lerre European buyer of the wholesale focal | | dry goods firm of Thibaideau, Frede & | Co., who, in conversation with a re- | porter at Quebec, stated that { party was none other than Prince | Sagan. On the buyer's advice took passage an board the 1.C.R. { Hablax. "I made the 1.C.R. fax and immediately after the De he train During one of | buffet car, alongside of me the meal he drew a card from his pockets, which was a membership ticket to a Parsian elub, made out in the name of Prince De Sagan. He was | anxious to reach New York and hoped | : or | his presence in| that he could remain there two three weeks withoug the American metropolis known." The Quebec friend has the prince's address in New York hut re fuses to divulge it, admitting, how ever, that he was residing not far from Fifth avenue. being A BITTER COMPLAINT Kingston. In ah English paper called Answers the following letter, written by an | English emigrant who is living not | more than twelve miles from King ston, appears ; "Dear Editor : 1 would like to tell some of your readers in the old coun hos try, about Canada. 1 lef [last year on the steamy Southwark, ufjder the Salvation Army. to come el work for a farmer, and when we got there he did not want me till April, 150 I had to keep myself and wife and | three children till I started work. He | said he would tell me how much he would pay me after 1 had worked a month. Well, 1 got on all right with him, and when the month was up he said he wounid give me ten dollars a month, house, and wood for fire, The house would have been a bad pie-pen; you could see the sky and the fields from the indoors. We were the first to live there for fourteen vears, so some farmers told me. 1 had to stop up at night to keep the fire in, for the children were freezing. That is what the army are sending English- men out to! There were thirteen of us came out, and that what we came to, have got some friends at home, and they are sending for me to come home, so I am com- ing. IT can tell yon 1 don't mind work, as I was twelve vears at .my job that I'left to come here, and am going right back to it, as the peonla out here are not much good. They are seli first, and we can go to the dogs. They will tell you there are plenty of men coming out that will be glad - to take anything. They don't | tell you that in Queen Vie toria street when you go there with vour bit of gold to come here. You can use this as everything in this true, and 1 would like to tell every- one not to come here that don't want to be a"white slave." is rood -------------- Mr. Speaight In [Davy Copper- field." What a delight his inte 'rpretations are! He clothes the familiar charac ters in flesh and blood and they live again Equally successful in comedy | and tragedy Mr. Speaight swavs his audience at will from laughter to tears. Under his touch Dickens lives again. Whethe of presenting © 'Dav id Copperfield," "The Christmas Carol.' "Piokwiok Papers," or any other of the famous tales, he endows each with life, and brings his hearers closer to the novelist, xo universally loved than | ever before. City ball; Thursday night. | | Capt. J. F. Allen Home. Capt. James F. Allen, of "The White Squadron," returned, yester- day, after two month# visit with re- latives and friends in the states of Kansas and Illinois. The captain looks more like a man of forty than one of eighty-five, as some of his friends declare he really is, for he has been a mariner for fifiv-three vears, However, the veteran is looking ten years younger than he did last avtumn, and from appearances it's a sale wager that he will reach the aoe of 110 years. The Folrer fleet wouldn't seem right without him, as be has been with that noted company so long. A ---------- Four Days Of Genuine Bargains. 1d mice large nutmegs for Se. " Une 1dc. bottle Worcestershire sauce, 5c. . One 10, tin ham mustard, Se. 2 Ibs. pure 4 4 lbs, pure cornstarch, 2c. Two 1 Ib. tins of finest baking pow- der, be. One Ih. bast cotoanut, We, 7 tb. jam, 35ec. IIb of Sue. Japan, black, or mixed tea, oo. 1 Ih pure 40c. Java coffee, 28e, . Chote print butter, 0c, and 32¢. a Hb, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ouly. Mullin's gro- cory. i. Taken A Mortgage. Watertown N.Y., Standard. 000 of the $14,000 The sam. of 00 Tn was tly deposi in the Natiohal inion Rank by former = su- sor ll hy M. Fitsgerald, has former Senator Kou at | at Hali-| ™ Auspicions Event For Picton mit in reality as-| ng who passed through Levis, | was truly the Prince | the! | the| | purchased | Phoebe { band-to-be { ren, | Porte, | 1886, | his long Engle and | g i | town s | 1 GOLDEN WEDDING. Couple. March 5~0n Monday Mr. |A. H. ATKINSON OF PERCY Andrew Davison, to of "| TOWNSHIP KILLED. ol most prominent residents cele- | their golden w ue d Ly sav. At dinger ' there ound Lying at the Door of His venty-five sts pumbering Stable, With Injuries in His lant of Breast, and Lived Only a Few Minutes--Leaves a Widow and Six Children. | there' having been ne break March line in the three generat Davison is of Irish Sc been received here of a terrible fatal ily whereby A. H. Atkinson, a well known farmer, residing near Bartford in Percy township, lost his life on Saturday by being attacked by a viel ous bull. Mr. Atkinson was found ly {ing at the door of his stable] with in juries in the breast, which resulted in his death a few minutes after he was carried into the house. One arm was broken also. He was a son-in-law Edwin Macklin, who resides near Co- bourg, and is survived by his widow and six children. Full particulars of the fatality are not at present known here. The funeral took place at Percy yesterday. Mr. Atkinson was a high ly-esteemed citizen of Percy and a prominent agriculturist, and Mrs brated the Mr Word has Cobourg, Ont. 25. of A MERGER FORMED. Of Many of the Lake Navigation Ccmpanies. Hamilton, Ont., March 25.~Apnlica tion for a'charter has béen made for the amalgamation of several naviga- tion companies to be known as the Inland Navigation company. The mer- ger has been under consideration for some time. The new company will be capitalized at £1,000,000, with an of 500,000 in bonds. Shareholders in the merging company will receive the option of exchanging their hold lings share for share for the new stack {or keeping their old scripts. The vari companies interested are: The | Hamilton and Fort William Naviea | tion company, limited; 'New Ontario | Steamship company, limited: Union | Steamship company, limited: | Steamship company, limited: Rosi |dale, limited: R. 0. and A. B. Mae live, { kay, New Ontario Lock and Fuel com has made | pany, limited him one' of the best knewn of citizens | He has never held a municipal office | REMARRIAGE OF DIVORCEES -- re emetic. | | ANDREW DAVISON. farm in father in 1834, Davison of six He Marysburgh from the crown wenty-two years ago, Mr was left an orphan gt the teen years. Mrs. Davicon's maiden name Minaker, and a mile of where lived her hus- They had but Robert Davison of the A. Bristol & and whom reside wn d from farming in ton to and m town the was born on that cent South 18- sue age wa born she was within ous two child firm of the | Mrs, J in t Son, V inona both of Mr. Davison retire coming fo Pic residence Bill It. Ottawa, March 25 {bas introduced a bill javils of divorce." It provides that the guiity and of to a marriage contract shall have no right to remarry the dominion after the of lo bill of divorce from the parRament {of Canada. If such party remains | outside the jurisdiction of the parlia {ment of Canada such re-marriage to be considered for all pmrposed { valid and illegal and such party who | re-marries to be considered a | bigamist in Canada. Introduces a to Restrict Clorar to restrict the Senator n { fending party | obtaining 8 m is CONFESSES THE MURDER, | Climbed Into Sleigh and Clubbed Him to Death. March 25.--Wasye Andre jail "here, chareod with the another Galician, A. Ouza- Teulon, Saturday night. Hq voluntar ssion to the killed his informed Winnipeg, jezuk is in {murder of | nae, near | has made | erime, He {Ozanac had | shooting moose of season. Meet ing the man on the trail, Andrejezuk climbed on to his sled and clubby 1 him to death SE NTENCE NEARLY ENDED. confe MRS. ANDREW victim because though he was twice in the town council He de ld however, However: cultural so twelve "occasion DAVISON: ) elected 1 to by acclamation to act, He has bee wa director of the agri jety of the county for and also on more than | president. He has been | treasurer of the Independent Order of | Oddfellows for twenty years. | on him for a seat out Years, one Life Prisoner at Edmonton Peni- tentiary, is Dying. | Edmonton, Alta., March 25 { Gilbert, serving a term of prisofiment in the penitentiary here 15 dangerously ill, and there 'are © but tetight hopes for hig Ghiltert murderer, having been brouehit here from Regina early in 1007, he commenced the life imprisonment sentece which was imposed upon him Sad) ' is over seventy vears of age, and i {18 the oldest life prisoner in Canada © : Rural Telephones. Brockville, Maféth 25. Monday night a meeting was held at Portland to take the first towards forming a rural telephone®™vetem for that tion of ther country head offic will probably be at and the lines will radiate to all points 'in that The popular sentinent id strongly favorable to the Leeds and Grenville will soon be wd with a network of rural tele phone lines. over five Josiah FORMER KINGSTONIAN. life. in Robert" Dunlop Leases the Hotel | Malatesta. Atlantic ¥ Review Kobert 2) Punlop, known hotelmen, the Hotel Malatesta at Nortiy ¢ arolina avenues David land, er, is also interested in transfer of the control of the hotel Mr. Datilop will take entire in Ap for a five-year | | will make a number to the hotel, The hotel was erected Mark Malatesta time it in the FECOVETY lis a x when [the has arranged to lease | Atlan one best tie « Sharg re stow sex The 1878 Crosh- in was one of the gry City, section The Late Charles Hall. Sch Charles Hall, forme ely day' dlerk in| the Randolph hotel died, at Merrick- | ville, carly Wedne day morning He | left Kingston, Iast Friday, hoping that a rest at his old home would im- | prove his health, but he became worse | oy uce on Tuesday. His wife and child were | cold in one day at their home, Brock when ars ob box. 95¢ the intelligence of hi arrived, | 4 pan The deceased belong ickville ! and was about voars of | age, For some clerk ina i Lindsay hotel, Wrrd- robe took over J three } J vears ago, he accompanied him here i Mr. Mall was a popular hotel elerk |g and his many friends will sificcraly ro- | gret 10 hear of hic sudden death. Penitentiary Binder Twine. On the vote for péniten tiaries sev- |X eral members of the apposition td | i to 'know why only about two-thirds! of the binder Twine mantinctured at Kingston was sold. Tt was pointed | § out be the solicitor-general that the! fact that eash had tg be paid by the farmers before delivery, and freight | charges, might be reasons the! supply éxeceded the demand } Colds Cause Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the Used the world over to cure a B. W. Grove's signa- on treet, time he and when J the * Rand wa REPAIRING OR RESETTING Of valuable rings is neces. sary after much wear, other. wise a costly jewel is likely to be lost. } a2 workmen are skilled in -------------- | settin, f Doctors Highly Delighted. 18 other prosocs dismands and They say for fattening and nourish- |¢f we can promise you first- ing, nothing 'exesls the pure "So- | class work, at reasonable ciete™ Olive it. which 'we import di | prices. Ry rect from France. We have it in seal- | ed bottles, fresh from Sunny Nie 30c., 50c. and El per bottle at Wade's drug store, why Engraving, designing and manufa a special feature of our To Have Curling Matches. } To-sight there will he the las game ~1of the carling saasan, wl a full crowd | § a SA at the | 3 inthe Whig CORED BY A BULL Smart styles, new cloths, at prices vou will find moderate. $5.00, 6.50, up to Suits Right up to March 21 in style, at prices less than you ex- pect. Come and see these even if not ready to buy, $12.95 32.50. N EW SPRING SKIRTS In Violes, Panamas, Chiffon Venetians will Lp to Many new designs see with no other firms here. $3.00 .to $13.75. You You may choose any Suit, Coat or Skirt or all three and have them placed aside until required if not ready to buy now, Only Come Early To take full advantage of this offer, as many of the New Suits and Coats we can- not possibly duplicate later. English Boots Made on American Lasts and Patterns We induced an English manufacturer to make X us up a lot of Gent's Genuine Engliéh Tanned Box Calf Blucher Cut Lace Boots on up-to-date Ameri- can Lasts and Goodyear Welted Soles. They are here, and to introduce them have marked at the low price of $3.50 A Pair. : Ge Lockett Shoe . Store. BEE SSeesRERSEEYES (o la \.; Pd lo;

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