Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1908, p. 1

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he Daily British Whig pr a---- ad YEAR 75--NO. 73. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1908. i LAST EDITION - S---- A GREAT G ATHERING ; or aE ore ame ae HE IS AFTER PRESIDENCY [& 7 Sil iress | O Connor, who \ ors. 4 } a dicted at iiberal, victory. the ------ ¢ 4 March 26, Ottawa fol ' y " In . Valley and Up- C, Foleom, Jr. se $ by Hoos : eal Triangular Fight for Supreme Office of |. Ep a Of Young Liberals in the Whig Hall wi: em Uhr tes nog Fen neta fos Soe We, the Youny Liberals Association| JE8 : db ing | the city of Kingston, in convention : / } an seaming j ans mbled, desire to place on record | | | i i -------- S-------- : lowing resolution was moved by Resolutions Passed. on Wednesday Night. New York, March 26. The re is go-)came within 1,000 votes of electing { mild, Friday, f---------- ing to be a triangular fight for presi-| its candidate for mayor in this vity in be a dent this year, for the first time sinve| 1905, and put the republicans third | | westerly winds and ! coming 1860. That is the news gathered from| in the running. It forced its guberna ee . { There Were 500 Present---Elmer. Davis Elected | . . 7 party of the Dominion of Canada, : the editorial statement in Mr. Hearst's| torial candidate upon the democratic] President---The Liberals are Confident of and the Province of Ontario, and as! FP i i : . American, announcing that his inde-| party ht-thit state in 1906, and gave | SHEE A sndence party will t support him 140.000 votes under its own em { expressed in the legislation of the pre- pendence not I % I 0 Roosevelt, Bryan nor Johnson and | blem It cast 121 000 votes in 1907 : : Ly Y Electing Pense and Harty. sent government in power at Ottawa, a. : > y } . : : | and exhibited by the opposition at ? will nominate its own candidate--pre-| for its state candidates for court of | THOSE i KS ¥ i i our unswerving fidelity and loyalty to the principles of liberalism as enunci- ated and promulgated by the liberal] toronto. sumably W. R. Hearst | appeals. In the same year it cast | : "We appreciate the splendid states eX i I'his is the first real triangular fight 75000 votes. for its gubernatorial | That the liberals intend having Mr. | nobly Fie response showed pretty | manship of our excellent leader and AIR i generation, for although the re | candidate in Massachusetts and put! BEAUTIFUL ». | Penge re-elected as member for King: | well how the young men's vole is go- | premier, The Right Honorable Sie have been a number of small parties | the democratic ticket in third place ston in the Untario legislature, was |i I hat vote is with the liberal par- | Wilfrid Laurier, and we pledge him h to dispute the day with the republi-| In California it cast 45.000 votes. It very clearly evidenced last evening, | ty. There was every cavse for rejoic | out support as long as a kind Provi- cans and democrats at each quadren | has developed a formidable -- DRESS when 500) young «liberals, with ing. ; { denice spares him to carry in his un. nial election, and although Weaver | in the Chicago municipal elections . sprinkling of the older warriors, gath Salsbury and McAuley's ore hestra | tarnished and honest hands the ban- , leveloped a cansiderable strepgth in} Me, Hearst cannot elect himself, but | ered in the Whig Hall to organize for | was present and rendered some fine | ner of Canadian liberalism, 1 1892, there has heen no party here- | the net effect of his third-ticket cam- | MAT RIA S. the coming battle, and enjoy a smok- | musical \ selections, The assembly | "We endorse the policy of the cabi - tofore big enough to be a factor infpaign may possibly he to change or | ing concert, Never in the history of | "smoked" wp" for two hours, and [pet at Ottawa, and assure every mem the polling, save in spots. The Hearst | affect the result of the national elec political campaigns in Kingston has | thoroughly enjoyed the proceedings. | her of the government of our deter THEODORE A. SHUEY party has orvanization and influential | tion. As the organizer of a real third there heen such a gathering of young { mination to hold this city ia line for Theodore F we i lean of | PAPEL aid, will have plenty of money | party, as a radical wearing the boots | } ¥ . ¥ R ' (eg 0 i . | | RE a PAX ail WE rb { liberals. The sight was one long 10 be President Mowat's Address. | liberulism by sending a representative! the corps of reporters op ex.]ond has a voting record behind it | and breeches, but not vet the com remembered, No apposition could J. MeD. Mowat, president of the Re- | to support them at the next, and] pert stenoprabhers wh orl the that indicates its power to confuse! plete regalia of a new-found conserva withstand such an attacking party | form Association, occupied the chair, | every succoeding election. doings of "the Unit States onnte | Calculations and smash slates. Tt tism, his is a most interesting figure on election day and made an inspiring address. He| "Wo gesure the honorable leader of and prep ro the a . Caf EO - "With that regimint of workers," | said that the young liberals had done | the opposition at Toronto, that he the J hal «5 of ti tiDae: i ; as | - | ' o] ae procesthing 3 ftir ous Of PITH OF THE NEWS, DOWN IN GANANOQUE. guid an old-timer, "we can beat Nie: | most effective campaign work in $he shall have the support of t's city, | congress, which appears each dav in le so badly that he won't know his bust and their aid was wanted | during 8 rie OT LOC Pr he 1i} i a d 8 roth ni | | name the day after. Just organize | again. The liberal party had chown oa ig hig betiol Sat Roi nel | sob i is ow apres The Very Latest Culled From All |The Liberals Held a Caucus to | that crowd, and it will he all over|an admirable standard eure in r. | shall be in opposition Mr Shuev | : Gs Over The World, | Organize. but the cheering. With such an organi- | Pense, who was modern in his me Ye | "We desire to further place on re- | by yénior : zation, behind him, Pinee can't help Jods and his ideas, and therefore, a | cord our appreciation of the repre | the Y porter maki e of but win." man whom the young liberals could {sentation at Ottawa of the Hon. Wil- | pew he oy lv tforming his Trading stamps with funerals is the Gananoque, March 26.--The libera) very latest in Chicago lof the town held a caucus at the! Ihe Women's Trade League is plan- | Reporter 'office, last evening for a President © J, McD. Mowat, of the regard ans one of themselves, i they | liam Harty, M.P., and bez to assure | work. astoad © naking a written | 0ing to get all of the 6,000,000 Ameri-| quiet talk over the existing condition Kingston teform Association, and | had followed him about in his cam | him the loval and abiding support of | transeript from h ographic notes | an working women into labor unions. | of things. to make arrangements for!) n " Jok® A . Soa by k { 4 K Ie . | X | Alderman Joek Harty, were de | paign work and on election day as | the young liberals of the good old od tating om « short I'he Prince and Princess of Wales|{8 more thorough organization of their lighted with the great gathering.) Thé] the speaker and other old liberals | Limestone Citv. It will be both a lhand notes to a stenographer Mr. | have left for Cologne From there | forces esl to arme hind bern ¥ sponded to | had, they would soon have learned | duty and a pleasure for this associa- | Shuey now ut . we we they will: go to Darmstadt and Paris. | Clarence Bennett m=a| that he was as young physically as|tion to conti supporting Mr, Har: | business | graph and 1 in turn] 1+ MN. Goddlet, eighteen, a 'student| duction, "The Holy City DAILY MEMORANDA. me half Lis vears., Besides having a [ty as long as ever he will permit us| grinds th och » hearing | at Ularkskille, Ark., died from the ef-|attraction at the Grand Oper Yesterday good candidate, the liberals had alto do so. of operators , take down the re. |fects of a blow received while playing| last evening, and drew a fairl Today and all the time rood cause, The liberal side 1 A " : 22 . i ron.' ; au w liberal side was the We also pledge E. J. B. Pense, M. Jcord on tvpewrife means Campbell Bros.' Huts are just right, do { a 0 . Gk : Board of Works. 8 pan a e for the young men to take. Its! pP.P.. 4 continuation of our lovalty | much time i wed all mel. Phono {arch 2th was the cighty-eighth | Along some lines manufact datform was the more advanced. Inland support. and assure him that we | graphs are ow being pe v em-| birthday of Miss Fanny Crosby, | ¢al conditions seem to be improvi Curling Club Meeting, 8 pm Fire and Light Courier pom. | Hon. A. GG. MacKay, the likerals oi | appreciate fhe splendid efforts he has | ployed in rep ¢ debates of | Bridgeport, Conn., the blind poetess| to some ext The bolt works has 1 Friday. Ontario had a worthy leader, who [ever made in the interests of party | eong t work is di tehed much {and hvmn writer been enabled to increase the amount, "Phe Phantom - Detoctive,' Grond | was destined to be premier {and principle, since he first entered | more juend Vessel owners object to . the impos- | of time for their employees during the Opera House, 8.18 po If the voung liberals worked as they | w the governme of a duty on | past week. On the othe hand, the Spoaight's Lecture on 'David Copper | had worked before, nothing could sa has been comp from fold," Cy Hall, 8 pan : Litostone Lodge or ACU. W Mr. Nickle from defeat, whether Mr the United States lack of orders, to close down Art meets thi§ evening, «t 8 o'clock, | Metcalfe remained in the field or James Hartwick, London, Ont. |of the éstablishment The ne ess Goods afe more > § | Personally, Mr. Mowat he | against wham a true bill was return-! George Crawford Hickory stres eautiful the ¢ . A povtest i i * " ty "no wWorths | | baseball | crowd ture repairs made to Canadian vessels in | hinge works Open Session and Girls' Basketball | not said Mat obs, Y WOA Gymeasium Classes, | would like to see a straight fight be ed for the murder of his wife, was! spent some time during the dore pi { : shadow - stripes, sent to life imprisonment in Hamilton | of the week, in Kingston. Mi 1s ocks an & in the deep rich at the YMCA, to-night at 8 pom i Admission, 1c PUL tween Mr. Pense and Mr. Nickle, and asylum « Jd Lansdowne township or Lotion mon, of Lan m, ! the softer shades of Modes and Bijou Theatro--Melodrama, "A Caso Of | the latter given such a decisive lick y . . . : i thie Atduction," Comedy, "Results of of ing that he would not be heard from Stabbed Himself Wit ie Pin--- entence I'he United States government has|idg a short time with friends in town . Hues of ht avery Shan Sikon ni ut ; ohn hen Davis sings, f aonin. (Applause). granted a permit for the erection of al M. McParland, King street, js spend nelndihe Dotft Af pe open we oOWers ut side afe "Pe . ' . . a1 O00 OOO CRE jf Vin | " » 2 ¢ 28 Ta pee nih shden "*Fhraw. your oll. lust on. the shail A voice- Pensgz can beat Nickl s fo Penitentiar . bn it power plant on the South | ing a short time in Brockvill Mi hugs, in Coghon hale IE wane rank Ha (Cheers). Platte watershed, a short distance] Eva Douevan, Victoria avenue, spent { ating display of Dress 4 gods Whan JOU sta the Stylish new. spring hats Kingston had been ealled narrow and a from Denver, Col, | short time, this we with friends in |{ we've ever shows, Wonderland ol re scturos. | DAular, President Mowat said, in a] pegerhoro, Ont, March 26.--There ous, although there is great danger of Ex-Senator Henty. Gi. "Dnviv; made] Kingwton: ~W. Hh. fawaioyy..ol Abn . : rhe aathoart When A Hoy." 4'The | nolitical campaign, but the upeaker ' |b dpisoning sympathetic by his own thwarted ro-| Provincial hotel, is spending a short |» The Plain Cioths Tricky Twins,' and "The Hirincess in the | declared that in this tory section of Shepherd confessed to the doctor Carrie Clow Phd p ¥ g Ve : 1 + 3 ube, 1 IL Me by he n at 2 Neves the country, he was just as glad that that he attempted to commit suicide * : Kinzston remained insular, sand eon- | Shepherd was sentenced to two vears WIG TELEPHONES. [Lil [nen en ok [ot tome Shopeand baton rast 948--~Busipess Oflica. of forgery wepher 1stene uietly 229 Fditorial Rooms. (Laughter). Mr. Mowat then called for {while Magistrate Dumble pronoun | tl { 1d 2 292-Jobhing Department. nominations for officers of the Young | sentence, and as he finished, sprang glishman, and is ftyave Juars ood, was found in 'at | ) Lown LS id Le EY Eitarat Chi, uel the Tollowime wets {se his Toor: seloced Ths brows. mi ue J sai x morphine fiend. He was | Yoodshed fn u cellar in New York. "| How C. N. R. Will Show Good Queen's Cloth, chosen hig tie, and rapidly stabbed him ; : ere fing two checks In the matter of the difficulty re Will to the Poet | Panamas ' Kusset snd Leather Browns was a scene of excitement in the po- mance, saves he will financially help | time in Brockville Miss his grand-daughter, Katherine Elkins, | King street, spending » ral weeks is 4 ir . { tt ¢ Wo lice court, yesterday, when George | Lyn, the gues f he titer, retprned | : to wed any duke she s to in the county jail b tabbine himself | f thi I he wants t | \ 3 NAW y ats . deed | \ x 0) with the same pin as he had used ha y rats'and much decom-| home last es posed, the body of a woman named] nearing it with 1 iu "| Florence Reynolds, alias Thompson,| WILL CALL TOWN KIPLING. Shelma Cloth, der to produce inflammation » Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square unanimously = Open till late cach evening. : ---- three or four times over the heart «| merchant o enced to [garding Hindu emigration into Brit-] winnipeg, March 26.1. 3S. Darling 3 {ish Columbia, "the sceretary for India town site manager for the nadian Sedan Broadcloth, pen se Officers Elected. I'he chief of police and several con year in * Kingston on both Honorary Presidents--Hon. William | stables grabhed Khepherd and wrested es, the terms to run concurrent ws: not rontempla te nding an en- | Northern, announces that about thirty | @ bod int it the | 48 Amazon Cloth, Harty, M.P.. and Edw. J. B. Pense, [the pin away from hin, not, howe was arrested in Port Hope | Voy to Canada, as was mistakenly re | new town sites and is wanted "on | ported | market this sume Fhe most im: | § Shadow Stripe, in Trenton and Gan Brigadier-General W. D. Otter, CB will be the ' I weeks | President--Elmer Davis, ral times. A doctor was called, and | forgery charg [mares tiie sammer Ih 0 | et ets First Vice -President--W Harty, Jr. |stated that the wounds were not se 04 | ui | Ever his connection {HH : the | Hi icional Boint in the Brandon-Regina Broadcloths and . » . estern Ontario command on. Tues 112 Wes if B on Second Viee-President--Charles Me ------ sm-- -- . ivisona) Bn a of Pio c Te "| day next, and will report 'in Ottawa | It is 'a matter of intere that this | Tweeds, Kay. y : ; public life, and we 'shall do our best IN-CRITICAL CONDITION. { for his new duties as chief of stall at] new city, not yet born, will probabl; Viscose Voile, Funird Vieo-President--N, O'Connor 1 1 Wed { f Fourth Viece-President--Dr. (J. Daly. | to send him back to Toronto : weadquarters on Wednesday | be christened Kipling, alter et 0 » ' Seeretary--W, Craig. "We assure the senior liberal associ- | Pre: s Not Likely to Over-| James Carper ter, Thorold, arrested | pe empire Rudyard Ki n hi Egyptian Voile, etc. New designs for the Spring Treasurer--George Birch : | ation the heartiest co-operation in| come His Illness for bigamy, has been released and for {trip through Canada vas | - T odd old Chairmen of Wards--Sydenham, | every effort 'to keep the flay of the i London, March. 2 Sir Hen: Camp. | S1V00 by No. 1 wife. It was shown | yaken up suis lige on a onstruction | nll Te i . 1 thi Carpenter "had been drinking { train and showed a keen interest "nn season. Quaint; y d : . ; 0 @ George Robertson : Ontario, Noble | liberal party flying high and honor i beil Bannerpvan is sa w at the | A ¥ fashioned shapes and Stehey : St. Lawrence, George Van- | ably at the masthead, amd beg to hint | point of death. His co wm. cer- | Heavily prior to his second marriage, | (he country. | Steac bo horne; Cataraqui, A. Chadwick: | to the enemy that the Young Liberal ta critical. He too wetk i hn when it took place I ---- | nother . : Frontenac, K Godwing Rideau, -S Association spells F1G-H-T with j conver vith his attendant Nir rt move 1x being made to put | MAY BE LOOKED INTO, | d rices 1g t, Livingston Victoria Pr Chown; | capital letters nry weakness wi accentuated | Police trate Jelf of Hamilton, {a AEE EE EEE. : . i ; rday, to such an extent | © 0 *. Thomas Binkley. jew-| png Methods in Election to Be - MPP before he had punctured himself sf Portsmouth, Bruce Culeheth Our motto will be King 0 ¥ esterday, ¢ } gt r nize 1 , 18 fer charges with the at. b f recognize H AT y } a5 { Challenged | MAKRIED called to the chair as first viee-presi- | ston. Copies of these e accuses £. Jeils | Lond March 26.--Liberal papers | BARKER HH An declared] that he intended | sent to Sir Wilirid Laurier, Hon, Wil ' ven tl who, heretofore, | insulting letters to him Oy oh that the Romany jent. He de N . a f ' F 7 nilite } . ) mal invitation iritish~ Co i « eo probability ROBERTSON BROS. taking a more active interest in the !liam Harty, E. J, B. Pense, and the {were optimis now admit that it . invitation for British intimat He rel io ntars: election } tions i this vear, than ever be |Hon. Mr. MacKay." remel biful of th e | { lumbia people to visit Seattle. when | validity of the pariiamenta Ty i slactions of ia year, than eve © ! f Ys RA aL aus vo Peckham district on Tuesday : } . ufl ' Jivin wi ' othe United States Atlantic fleet ju} in the «he haar i fore. He had heard outside that the Elmer Davis, who arrived late 1 ny | ; } alco on the Puwet Sound next | which resulted in a liberal defeat, wiil James Duns- | be challenged under the corrupt pra conse fives were going show | thanked the voung liberals for choos P SEFot fe . prolor : lh . trouble June has been reesived by . : James R. Macdonald Nir RO re "he " "Well." | ing him as their president. He accept. | heat : Pons where to "head in ell ¢ pres t ie -- {muir from the sécretary of the Cham: | tice act Seattle question the government igthe House of Cofminons regarding the metho of the victors At thie juncture, W. Harty, Jr., was | liberalism, and liberalism ing at at times pledges shall be | t} ' gathered around his bed ---- Magnificent Properties For Bale said Mr. Harty, "the place where he led the position cheerfully, and would AMAZING DEBT OF RUSSIA. |ber of Commerce at RINGWOOD, 19 'acres beautifully wood | is yoing to 'head in' is the legislative |do everything in his power to help | MA ES C'} ? Eo Detective John J. Sul , all water front, r Jardens, Walks, sto buildings in the ity of Toronto. | win the coming election. The liberals | 5 3 Lge ; i ; Joh : ul sidence. } ' . a . r «1 ivan = nd mortall oundec ag a Ee ah-house, Toolhouss (Cheers). He's going to win this elec could win again by united effort, Mr ore For Ordigary and £xtraord th . Kr, . i ¥ : I. i Kr » ] po : . enry ause, of NS Onis ause, R FLAW fh. i , tion, and the young liberals are going | Davis said. They must again organize inary Purposes t fighting . ith Henry Pender, had twice Heavy Estate Duties . ndsome spacious subdr | 4. chare in winning it for him." | thoroughly. and work with system. If | Petersburg, March 2 M. Kok 2 A iY Ath 4 Brockville, Ont.. March 26.-Yester improvements, out Tae ; hav diel "tha amt 1 4 ns { Lolled- the officer by blows over ' 'the srockyple, nl, AIArCR = Lar They J. pr, By acres choice | (Applause). j they did 'that, nothing could proven | 0 i, minister of. hm Ha wang head heavy chair Sullivan | day Hutcheson & Fisher, solicitors lor. C. ES a grounds. SWIFT'S REAL Edgar A. Rush then was eallad up- | them being again yictoriovs. President | the executors of the late Charles E.|yooog AT d' insurance Agency. on to favor the sssembloce with a] Davie urged every liberal to work with and the fact Fulford, founder of a well-known pa song, and rendered the following vers: | an will from now on, and there would v Si milliards of rubles, about | tent medicine, and nephew of the late os which he composed himself, and | then be no fear of the result S425 LO, 000,000, loans were inevitable, | Senator Fulford, paid over to the TWO MONTHS SALE sang to the tune of 'Ahe Red, White! After songs By J. A. Wright and | Double tracking the Siberian railway provincial government $13,000 in You all know that I havea big Stock | + wa. Tames Halliday. the meeting adiourn- | building the Amur railway, the ex sion: duties pt Furniture, Stove, © and | OM r . Tous ; e hb fore unknown in pa : i Crocker Au ad thea wd with eheors for the king and the | traordinary expenditure for national : : . The gross duty on the estate yr Fo P p---- y . hs . he perennial faminine | had her design for the proposed sol £ | : want. em Second- Han loeal candidates, defence and th 1 ial faminine | TAC | nt to be. erected ac | over ($30,000 but an allowance made! SU 2 , 398 Princess St. 'Phone. 705, The Rush Rally Song claims would, be said, involve<an an-|diers' monument 2 by the statute for estate auties paid! wa RTMAN Come, hrace up my lads don veur ™ ZATH nual output of at least 150,600,000 cepted : ls . dines the major part residencs : Eur. 2 WORSE AN Dza robles (835.000.0001 for the next five] An attempt to wreck the new oF Ragusa sud r po ye rr el Arai 450 Pi - COREE svivania railway bridge over the Rari- fof the husiness Of SHE CEO eq 1 Barnabas Ar And hineki. un She shale to the foe, Are the Terms Put Upon @Rines | YOf% tan river. between Perth Amboy and|in Great Britain, almost %17.000 in| eighty three The wail is "an. honest, clean ele: N DRINK : h Ambov. N.J.. was made, early | estate duties was. paid ghere and ore | Fumeral Betrayers. South Then quit vou like strong men and Pekin, March 26. Seven men, re FORMALIN DRINK KILLS. os | Wednesday. A charge 'of dynamite Jited by the f ing strike the blow. erent vets. Have. oma | Switch Gang Foreman Dead From | wae euploded near 000 U0 Galt puis Pell Prom Wintow. ROBERT J. REID, ast o ent 's &, ¢ sulments, caus ' 2,000 ' : | ¥ A blow that shall help ws to posses found guilty and sentenced to long Dose The bridge did not fall, although it New zouk, Make . 3: i -- I'he Bry princess Ty out sion : : i " 4 A sg. March 26.--As the resul ¢ tion regarded ns 1 a %, fe : > terms of imprisonment. This punish | Winnipeg, March 2 the result | wx loft in a condition regarded az un- | ren, twins, | | Statione OF the house in TORON 1-0, he | ment is generally considered to be jol mistaking a jug of lormalin for | 0. gether at the home of Wiliam i . And the bulk of the seats in thei i than death. The conspiracy | medicine, Menser Webb, foreman of a ------------ rich, sheet metal worker, of East 8th C : y Scotch Dominic against the government is fairly wide. |C.P.R. switching gang, ix dead, and | Praises Casadian Tobacco. street, yesterday, and were hurt i arn 8 ' " The Celebrated Faton-- Pense rnd Harty, anyway, shall have spread, and the revelations within the |{ harles Clarke i= dangerously gl, The Ottawa. March 2--~F. G Charlot, | badly that they will Hkely die Hurlbut" manufacture. two. Inst few days have considerably alarm- {men took the jug from a settler' rar, dominion tobacco expert, was exam- Charles and Willie, two and x r ades i y : f vesrs old A wire serees in the ams G m in Cabinets of 50 fp Chorig-- od the court and the administration. | where they had got & previous potas 'ned before the aiticulture committee Fitationsy These cheers for the old Liberal Flas, | No less than thirty important prison- | Hon. It is beiieved that the settles i now being held in custody, fond the formalin for u g wheat could grow a cigar equal to any coun: The fall was about thirty ah | Ginger Marmalade, i rach . Green Fig Marmalade, And for Harty and Pease tried and ers are Asolo palics 53 0 Hie ponds, A physician found tha true. and it is reported the o OLIVER LEFT $62,000 {tpr. Out of the ten million po A ph h : ; ho v v 8 | WL y pare o > wikall an nier- | =n Ri how k he tories' pea-| of the forbidden city is among thi 000. were at present grown in Can- | severe fracture of the v : 1 For they'll pluck out t ws ¥ which f inferior. {nal injuries. Neithor is likely to hs Fig and Lemon Marmalade, = Green Fig and Ginger Marmalade cou hers Certain men at present in | a wa k feat nemnber, | 3 - [adn ahaut one millio The latest and neat- Three cheers 1 a tiger for the two. |the government serv joo are thought to {Maker of Famous Plow Had fle advocated government sid, es 3 " : : Ginger and Pineapple Marmalade, South Bend, Ind, March 26. ~The a London, March 26 <ia the third ofl gu awberry Jam, Tomy ' | esi id wedding station. {be acting as spies aginst the dymasty | Wealthy Estate. It reusrd 10 packing houses Beauty And Strength ; + + . pecially wn rey ' ery. Other lines as We're ont for re-organization, as well ax trafficking in state secrets, $ : y fo ; : Wells Neatly printed The sons of the wardlors of ypre, and other arrests are expected fk of James Oliver, is Sante of the| Peep Sight Allowed At Bisley. h lis series of tices in the ruin} Raspberry Jam, She < - ps i] re ¥ says the ow Lo ph Fo a ingest Uuawa, March 38---fesp vehle Pant Jon yo wars pt" Black Currant Jam, The Young Liberals' Association, --AT With valiant Elmer Davis at the fore What yout A New Derby ? | plow plant in the wetld, public bene- |e slowed at Bisley this year. This [ty of Canadian cities always Suy ! aren't we "bold enough 10 be! Our $2 and $2.30 derbies are world: | i factor, and the wealthiest man in In| important announcement was soceived od him. 'Our eldest sister has wo honest ¥' | heaters for re anit quality. Camp- diana, bas been Sled for probate Fam- [ge Aen Sergt. €. 8. Scott in a copy | beauty and strength inside her three Aren't we "honest enough to be bell Bras', Kifigston's style entre for ily ties are shown in the distribution | of the ememiments 10 the regulations biret cities than the rest o of us putt a a3. en " bold men's nats, J of the vast fortune, which is reported | goverying the meet. By this resula- | gether." Wr. Kipling criticizes Let us show ad ve not scared at a to amount to $63,000.00. i thon. esther the Sutherland or Peardon | strect-cleaning, water supply and at Importers Of Fine Groceries, i peep t 11 be allowed. fic regulati A pig, wi rth a iA CPR. brakeman, wear Lagges, Nor - Aonet iwoms when 'we've od, at Mon : A thre ' i in wall paper at a Yanosuks Twasaki diad at To- | was Wefomaty stabbed by tramps, who ci enn th He a with a th Russia's debt | red the datoon to end the fighting {At Bayonne, N.J in competition with several New York sculptors of note. Fleanor Fadie, nineteen years old just ont of high school, and hereto iouma, announced th otwitl i her profession, has pr 2 jrovince of Ontario at 2 #0 He stated that in his opinion Canada | window gave wa

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