2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1908. AT THE GRAND THE. BREAD QUESTION Pense Presented the Kingston Bill For Two and Four Pound Loaves--The Government Will Put Through Another Bill, ; { Kingston very much in the series ol exciting acts hmelight in the municipal committee ] weirdness starties, the | of the legislature at Toronto on Wed: seen display and pretty costumes | dav the bread bill its council leds hire oe the Phantom : nfster- {was Ld bret as 0 be a mumature, but lous icks of magic cause wonderment lit has br ought forth a trail of com aed purine, the pretty chorus girls { munications, arguments, conferences delight mm the musical ensembles, and of Gakers and labor unions. aud. aio the Slory luterests all {three other bids. It lay dormant on {the order paper for weeks, because it alarmed 'the trade," and the powers {that be held it back that the other {fellows might get alongside and make lone race it instead of a best ope out of three The member for Kingston opened the consideration, explaining the great general interest mm the subject, the desire of the Kingston council to re gain the power of local by-laws over manufacture and inspection taken away in Il, and the demand for a standard loaf, instead of a fluctuating weight, changeable at will and with- "TWAS A JOLLY AFFAIR "SMOKER" HELD BY THE MASTERS AND MATES. Members and Friends' Gather in a Farewell to the Winter Season ~--Now Ready For tae Vessels. | i | : | Last night, the members of the BARN WAS DESTROYED... IN A FIRE EARLY ON THURS.| he ucts wt DAY MORNING. {irom Dr. Leonard Jones, who i Urizapa, with a patient, | read with much enjoyment Another Barn Damaged and Third! Gur party spent a few days in Has Narrow Escape--Blaze | Vana, where jt was frightiully Supposed to Be of Incendiary | €¥en for Summer clothes, and we were | glad to settle down for luncheon in Nature. the cool Florida hotel, which is typi- Fire, which is beheved to have been | cally Cuban in some features, but| Masters' and Mates' Assoc ation, held of an incendiary nature, destroyed one | American in" cleanliness--and prices. [28 "smoker" iy their room, on Syden- barn and its contents, owned by Ed-jA central court filled with palms and | ham street, to mark the close of the ward Koddey, victoria street, partially la large fountain and open to | winter season, and the affair proved destroyed a barn owned by John | the sky, provides. coolness, the dining | to be one of the best gatherings ever Walsh, butcher, Princess street, and|room being built about it. the sun's | held by the association. There was a another barn, owned by W. M. Doyle, | glare beautifully softened by stained | good attendance of the members, and Victoria street, had a narrow escape | glass windows and half closed shut- | their friends, and everything went from falling a prey to the flames. 'Ihe ters. We saw the forts and the ceme- | alone as merrily as a marriage bell fires occurred during Wednesday night, | tery in which is the students' monu-| EVervone had a good time, and the and to-day the police are making au ment. These were half of a class of [Masters and mates showed that they investigation. {lourteen, a member of which had |"er® royal entertainers. Both on land I'he first fire was at Mr. Roddey 's | written an insulting epitaph on {and on oa, these followers of the deep barn, a call being sent in to the tire-| Spanish officer. In revenge "the Span- | ae a jolly crowd; although when on men at 1.52 a.m., from box 24, at|iards lined the class up, and shot | the we ep they have very little time Williamsville, The firefighters made alevery one We passed Gen. Weyler's | (OF. ¥ easure All through the summer prompt response, but the fire had been | home, known as "The Butcher' hose it 1s a case of work for them, but in given such a start that when ! N : | the winter there is nothing doing. I ' they | cruelty to the Cubans was a factor 0. tow weeks now § of the A a n atrived upon the scene the barn was | causing war. 8 Dow, a » « rs ors mass of flames, and In the old cathedral we | : by } will be bat hh? oy the firemen! saw the yorgeons vestments of the | 1 be ha k on the fob hue Hhey | good re taking in the situation did all that} Road reason to look bac | p | wi priests and the costly silver and gold | ] ira ' ' . 1 ~ p b pM M was possible, paying special attention | of the church's servis upon the final "smoker with great -- candlesticks, | 7. O° 5 cortainke to the property in the immediate vie - | six and seven feet high, and a old | Pleasure, hee A ue sirtainly - nity. Mr. Roddey had some WARgons | and silver model of a cathedral, sev-| on without hom be 10 a : Pasy and farm implements in the barn, and | en feet in height, . he raving a word about. the 9 ; ] . association. It is one that has a fine all of these were destroyed. His loss We had tea at the Merrimac cafe, | me mbership, and is i very flourish. will be quite heavy. There was a overlooking the sea and Morro Castle ¥ . diti hg The a - il stiff breeze blowing at the time, and and afterwards Ww some Sp ish {of ya 3 present oom will, the scene which was quite a spectacu- | vaudeville saw ome Spanish | of course, be vacated in the course of lar one, was noticed by people livin The 1 ' i & week, as it will not be required dur. a ' ' y people 8 he next day we watched the light | 1g the summer, but late next fall, some distance away. W. M Doyle's | erg unloading: the ships in the busy | when 'the members are back in town barn, which next to that of Mr. | Havana harbor. Morro Castie guards | again the room will be put int Roddey, caught fire, but was saved, | the entrance, a narrow strait. Most | shape. > through the good work of the fire- of the houses are of adobe and look| Card playing was the chief attrae- men. It received a good scorching, very pretty from the water, but a | tion at last night's affair, and some but was $0 drenched with water that closer inspection of their dirtiness on | very interesting games were put on. the fire was unable to make Vety shore is not very enticing. The Am-|( apt. C. Booth was on deck with his much headway. Some horses and PIES | erican government has done much for | gramaphone, and during the evening were taken out of the building | the city, which is clean now. he gave an excellent programme, Col. safety. The shingles on some of the We had a glorious sail with perfect | Hunter, the veteran member of the houses nearby caught fire, but a close weather, across thé Straits of Yuca- | association, was there with his ever check was kept up, and another fire tan to Progress, a gang of picturesque | smiling face, and upon special request avoided, : | Mexicans appearing, with tugs, to|rendered a fine recitation. Relresh- The second alarm for the fire de-| take off our passengers. Some of the | ments were served, the inner man be- partment was sent in at 6:20 8.0, | passengers fished for sharks, off the [ing well after by a special for the barn of Mr, Walsh; which was stern, but without much success. { commit tes looked "after their found to be on fire. This blaze, how- We said good-bye to the good ship [work nobly had not made such great head- Esperanza at Vera Cruz; her officers | Farly in the evening, the associa- as the first and the firemen were most obliging, and the memory [tion held a business meetin with the 3 able to do good work, of the sea voyage "will be always a |President, Capt, "Jerry" Hurlev. in I'he fire was conlinetl to one part, pleasant recollection. We made and the barn will be in fair shape ground tour of Vera Cruz in a street | for repdirs car drawn by two tiny burros, took | Manent secretary, and Col Hunter J Koddey, in speaking of Se oe snapshots of cathedral and plaza, and as J Biointed port se retary Alexan- ' kept down the heat with a never-end | Tr J 4 ne was made an honorary mem- his tire was of an incendiary nature, ing procession of soft drinks. The ber of the association, and the names He had not been around the build- constructed, | ©! William Rirkwood, James Norris | : . | harbor is magnificently ng with Jignts, and last night, when| ° AT Cap se sre 3 ing ghts, ar ¥ | at the cost of many millionsyby the 2"d Capt. Ulsen were added to the he went he locked hoth membership the| 3 id Joo Mr. Roddey did not know | Englishman, Pearson. who built New; doors y py iC py y * : : ! | Yorks subway, a Mexican railread | bout the fre until it was about all toca : | te ve apers about . a and now installing trolleys in Vera | > have all papers, over, as he lives some distance away.|¢ We saw the Mexicgs v next season It is thought that the second fire was em ie. 4 1a. navy mi harbor, the Alfonso XIII, now a In speaking of the fires to-day Chief Spanish liner. All these Spanish-Am- Elmer said that he wished to tender|®T'an towns are filled with auaint his thanks 1o the citizens for the] Md cathedrals, the walls showing the prompt manner in which calls have fnvages of time and the bells in the been sent in. The chief also wishes| tOVer a beautiful green from deposits to remind all that the telephone, jf of verdigris. The city is comparative-1piy, jy, the carrying out of the work andy at the time, is the best to use ly clean, flocks of lizards forming 80 | during the winter season for sending in the alarms. So far this efficie nt scave nzing department. There | year twenty-one calls have been sent a fine of $25 for the killing of one. Forget The Itching. . in, and only four of these were Fives Ti er epartient js a the Salt Rheum and many other ski. from the boxes. fing on the wight force. consisting of actions Saas Wore annoyances and a mounted division, five big fellows, i Bian many nore serious ail- on splendid horses, and also an un- immedint. wh tn ine nt Gives almost Mrs. Hentig, who departed «this life| mounted division. Later we saw them | dicate hens and il thoroughly on the evening of Tuesday, the 24th[lanidl --a_traubiesome sailer in nil | 100 Bis e fies yS. nvaluable inst, was the widow of the late | with weatness and celerity There was | & as OT a Mg application. Charles Hentig, Esq, of ~ Kingst n, | & special train to meet two English | Coa alt am, : Peal who came to this country about fifty | fellow-passengers, one of whom turned | i big LE i - ies, years ago. The deceased lady was|out"to be the président of the Nexi- D - n ig boxes, Bic., at Wade's born eighty-three years ago in thej sain railroad over which we travellad. rug. Store. city of Manchester, England, and t may interest you to kmow that . : the daughter of the late George Sav-|the orchestra here, after playing La | A Agreement Has Expired. age,' Esq, M.D. of Auburn Lodge.| Pomona, Spanish Fandango. ete, in| - meeting of She was a faithful member of the|our honor broke into the "latest" | POWEr committee Church of England, and of St.Paul's| American airs-- and we heard, much afternoon lds, church, in this city, but latterly at-| amused "Just Ome Girl," ' "RHia- | McCann, Me( artney and Chown were tended St. Luke's church. One son|watha' Sousa's Marches and "Home, | Present It wag decided to inform KE and five daughters survive her. : Her| Sweet Home." | U. Gildersleeve, of the Kingston Mili remains will be interred in' Cataraqui After leaving Vera Cruz and cross- | INE company, that the agreement The funeral will be pri-| ing fifty miles of flat country, we.le.| tween the city and J. M. Campbell gan to see the snow-capped peaks of] 2% to the erection -of poles on the Orizaba. We - passed through tobaceo | Streets, for = the purpose of bringing To Have Fine Time. and sugar cane plantations, saw ban- | Power from Kingston Mills to the lo The committeemen of the Kingston | AAs, cocoanuts growing: by the road. | cal Milling SGI PanY-S Jretiti, hac Driving Association are working hard | 8%de, and enjoved surve ing the peons|*Xpired, 'and an application would for the celebration on Victoria day. | and Mexicans in their wide hrimmed | have to made for 'agree- The men are arranging for one of the sotjireron ue had a Rupe afair, the { ment biggest "celebrations ever put on here | corated with sterling silver braid anc | . The races promise to ¥ even better| worth 8100. The poor classes dress in | Spring Importations Of 1908. than those put on. last Victoria day light linen or cotton, wear no shoes, | Prevost, Brock street, has received pnd they were the best ever seen here, | and carry blankets, for the nights | three cases of imported goods for his -------------- are cold, At every place we are gar- [order clothing department, tonsisting Tickling or dry coughs will Toosen [romnded bhi sellers of fruit and flow- | of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, when using Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. | ers, one man bringing a bouquet to | theviots and vicunas. A great variety And it 18 so thoroughly harmless, | decorate all the Fane ranza passencers.-| of them to choose from. that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use Orizaba "is a little naradise 4,000 ---- nothing clse, even for very young bab- | feet nhave sen level The hotel is de- | ies. The wholesome green leaves and | lightfully clean. and meals ~nod. The | tender stems of a lung healing moun-|eonrt vard is sorrovmded with flowers GOR tainous shrub give the curative pro- and vines. and birds, in cages. sing |" Hav : Nt? : perties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It among them. So far we have heen at | ave your eyes tested at Best's by calms the cough, and heals the sensi- | a Band concert and seen two eathe- | AN XPert and sate money. tive bronchial membranes. No opium, | drals, and taken abort thirty snan | no chloroform, nothing harsh used to shots af this pert of the world so lit- | injure or suppress. Demand Dr. tle visited by Canadians. and of so | Shoop's. Take no other. All dealers. much interest and quaintness W. D. Johnston, a resident of New ------ York, alter spending the winter with his father, J, Johnston, Brock street, left on Tuesday for Baltimore and Washington, and several other places in the States, to inspect the work of his patent, which has been adopted by that state Pay what you will and go where you like, you cannot get a better, purer or more delicious tea than "Salada." Ji you do not use it, The "Salada" Tea Cé., Toronto, will send you a sample. State whether vou use black, mixed of green and the price usually paid per pound. A series of young liberal smokers are to be held, probably one every fort. night. The city hall may have to be secured for the gatherings, asa place larger than the Whig ball is needed for the great crowds that promise to at- tend. The weight of the Pyramid of Cheops ie estimated at 4.000 toms. WRITES RACILY 'The Fhantom tive" is Put On. full of mystery, mirth and the new musical melo-drama Detective," which tarand Fhis is theatrical very decided Detective actor, J the | Trip Through Soutiern To-Night Detec- Climes. - extracts KITCHEN CABINETS ------ ~ me owing is now | wall ntom Fhe an letters | 1 be { LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW, J. B. PENSE, The candidate's comes to sight ertainly innova and nantom vouny he 1s in The play carries | as Ha Mr hot produ one played by ferson Hall rather, difficult one through a and its is clever ana } role a Mieal was srenes- of public duties will prevent a systematic canvass. Will old friends, and many supporters kindly pledges for his benefit ? A Not 8 luxury, Lut o necessity ch Variety, 36.00, $8 up ty $30 e large new reserve their 'Coming. Thro' The Rye." What one Boston . critic said "Coming Thro' The Rye' I'here a delightful charm about this enter- ol Rockers comfort. large ane $1, $1.25, 81.75 1s For 4 ol simnail, out notice The bakers filled the committee room and were heard in support of their own bill, presented by Member Me. Naught, of Toronto. It fixes a pro- vincial standard of weight, a pound and a half or three pounds, for com mon bread, but allows lots of latitude for fancy bread, duly labelled as = to weight. It also provides for inspec tion at the bakery only, and for a severe fine for shortness of weight The journeymen bakers also sent a representative to support the mea sure, which a representative retail merchant did also. Nearly all the speakers in support of the bakers' measures were {rom the trade mm out H present Hamil in with brass chain ¢ om plete, only 2%6. A . Carpets is stock that we are proud of A xivinsiers Brussels Tapis- the latest COLOR TONES aud Patterns ull sizes Curtains that makes prices are right A new Waltons tries, all pretijest RUGS, FURS THIS MONTH FROM W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Furrier. We vay Cash for all kinds of Raw Furs. and qualities, Special purchase, selling ensy, designs and YOURS. T. F. HARRISON CO PHONE 90. side towns. R Toye was jfrom Kingston. Toronto and | ton councils sent a speaker each | support of Kingston's appeal : | Mayor and Ald. Nickle spoke of | Ii MISS EDNA The Dancer in 'Coniing Thro REMING, The Rye. looked which " Ross tammment which no lavish display sartorial embellishment can effect proposal : wa It were shorn entirely of its magnifi { roy i They appealed for settled | council. ¢ O! SH : or qu » 5 wy '08- i cent e Rpm nt > cenery 2 cos | standard, preferably local, but at tumes, "Coming Thro' The Rye' would least a provincial standard to stop thoroughly delight an audience for its |. juggling" with. weights, for the re comedy bright and extremely storation of the old right of inspec clever; the situations are uproariously tion in carts or shops leading to funny, and the characters are rational seizure, which had. a salutary effect ahd Shiltally drgwn; fhe music | nd was fairer than inspection in the roug 8 8 ti foug ou is clo ou l and |) kery and the fine proposed in the cate » rk generally , ' atchy . the work gemerally of bakers' bill. They condemned the both autho and composer appeals to license given # fanc- bread and the the of humor and to the love difficulty of decidine on a two pet of genuinely good music I'he play cent. basis 'of sugar shortening will be presented here the same as ; seen at the Colonial theatre, Boston also the appointment of inspectors by \ . the board of health instead of the At the (wand on Saturday, Mareh : 25th, matinee and night {for the Kingston bill, which was the aver of the former in the city Mirror Centre Pieces FOR THE TABLE. We are showing some with and Spring way one, a were some the | the chair { Capt. Booth was appointed per- 18 r pretty nev and 3 nw patterns, edged * t in MOE 1 or Without feet, siges 14 aMoss the pierend, with to away, plait slain, a tai sense was instructed effects ete, 'ready for we shore secretary or from 8 inches top. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. hone Issuers of Marriage Licenses. : 1908. We are ready now to show you Rugs and Carpets, in better values, softer colorings and an assortment as large as any Caipet House in Ontario. We would be pleased to show you the goods as you may need 'some at house cleaning time. Brussels, Axminsters, Wil- tons, Velvets, Tapestry, Wool, Union Hemps and Japan Matting. We have them all, R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Health and Accident Insurance That Insures Capt. Booth, Hunter were ap secure a next season Before the Capt. Batten and Col pointed a committee 10 for the assoc lation council, as a less controllable plan; and pointed out the great difficulty of conviction under the bakers' pro | posal | The bills were laid over without de bate by the committee, as the gov jernment will submit a measure with fewer holes in it than those submit ted, being the outcome of the discus sion created by the original bill. The Kingston act, though it will not carry, has accomplished the desired Buy your wall paper now and save effects--enquiry, restriction' and up-to money at Fraser's. date legislation Mrs. J. Smith, of Waterton N.Y. . Is visiting friends in this city 4 NOTYous ryt makes new 1d Ve also of an incendiary nature room i meeting adjourned, the president thanked all the memoers for the hearty co~operation they had given » ° ® Ld ® ® ° ® ® » » » » ® * ® ® » » * ° » » : INCIDENTS QF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Joseph A. Newman is in Toronto on business. # "Improved Sulphur and Molasses," 15¢., at Best's. ann 980000000000000000000000000 The Late Mrs. Hentig. Wood's Phosphodine, The Great Puglish R Tones anc. invigorates the whole eeonese and that presentation "First Steerforth were Wasn't that a hummer ! The young City Hall, To-Night. s n- N $lood in « nk "wrens Nero. Liberals Kot on fire last night The Maul Empire says of Mr Davis | Where did we hear Speaight's of David good old liberal name before Copperfield seen David rma Debiiity, Mentod and Dros Ie orvy, Des sondency, 2 Weakness, Fmisvions, Sper. natorriea, avd fects of Abuse or Ereesnses, "rice $1 per box, st moth on [ it then forth's caw ber up, exhibited and lastly, was enacted was story Strongest moth eamphor, and his fries their vis was x for $4 Ome will plonse, six flakes and tar bags, at 8 to Peggotty and Little Emily, and wl ne will cure. Sold br all druggists or nailed in and yesterday (chairman), the civic light was held, Givens rest s. There's many. a heard the of Steer slain on froolot of price. New pamphlet cold snap between the robin and the worm this spring treachery Traddles Mi New spring waiting for something to turn : The Ww Mod cine Co. pty BP Fey Crmemto, Ond suitings are open. for your imspection.. €rawlond Walsh all ther You can't transform a woman ato David's own Mr Speaight hat, but a hat Irequently becomes programige with a more hoisterous a woman Joseph E. Clark, after selection from Pickwick visit in Cleveland, Winkle's Misadventure returped to. the city the Dow ler Fresh McConkey's wad audience from class candy at 'Gilsonis Drug Store. "Phode 230, Foaday's Maveh wind was Jack, it harbor Have had fompetition vet full of coupon Col MeGill was in Belleville on Tuesday, attending the funeral of I in his late friend, T. R Wragg Save money hy getting Papert at Fraser s La ehoose from, at 5 William There was good skating on & idiosyncrasies love story a closed and amusing papers. 'My | Bath with Huyler's high | held the Red Cross | ish a month's be- with his sons, has at * rd o ® ° ° . ° ® . » ® » * ® ° ° ® » 4 » ® ° * ® ° ® * ° tvnesevesscecee AAHAAARAANS HANAN AN EIN Dress Goods Dress Goods -- family. Speaight I ¥ cemetery, to fig vate. tart HAN Hall Fleet Appointments. the fleet worge Hall company for cracker the o lousened ok: Must | avy I'be following are ments of the ( 190% Steamer Rugee | gan; engineer, § Steamer Fred Russell, engineer, Steamer Henry B. Hall -Captain. 8 | Anderson; engineer, RB. i. Jardir | Steamer Hecla--Captain | Richards engineer, W Thompson the har | Tug Proctor--Captain, Alexander M. Donald = Barge appoint * be a new ice somewhat. vou ness Best's | box in is almost a g The Captain, D. Houri A. Barker Mercur--Captain, W James W. Estes HH The Fidelity & Casualty Company, one of the lurgest and oidest concerns in the business, offers $20,000 in case of death bu acsident, and an indemnity of firty dollars per week in case of any iliness for 52 weeks. or for one or more days duration in the siwe Proportion. In case of disability by accident, they will pay $50 per week for 200 weeks, or for one or more days duration in the same ratio. Apply to W. J. FAIR, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. ¥ ¥ wall | y to vour stock stroet Joseph G Th s week finds us prepared to show you the range of Dress Goods gver brought into Kingston. You will not find extreme styles here, but only the newest shades and in the most popular weaves that are so much in deéniand, at the big centres. bor, vesterday, and quite a engineer, ns best 3 | number ! § Sherman the after was no of committee yesterday There property + quorum City were out on it Captain, . Matthew The lake wa Wednesday In ihe in afternoon were out in full force. of alternoon AHIR condition I'he The ice fine HH LaPlant Francis ae Blaine--Captain, S Matthews Captain, Barge Barge Lum Barge is ¥ SNOW The meeting of committee called for Wednesday, postponed, as Ald. Graham was the only member to put ju an appearance Our grandmother's remedy every "Three Swallows." Spring, was sulphur, cream tartar and " : § John Power & Sons, molasses. You can buy it at Gilson's Bir «oli "og: r ' Red Cross Drug Stere. The genuine is Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, sold there Famous for get . century, ig ' Of highest standard of purity, The Y.W.C A sses | cir | 3 eT cla pi wif be A thet Distillers to His Maicsty the King! evening. Besides af some fine gym.| | i the city property Lyon--Captain, ( AHN HECK A = Home! > Our Own Home! ~ What a feeling of pride and independence when ou can say, it's mine. ow's the opportune time to start. 60 or 90 days now prices will stiffen, I have a few snaps left. ONE' STEP AT A TIME Is the secret of all pro- gress, The first step to- wards a successful life is farge Argosy--Captain Dixon Wonderful values 50. 75¢. and $1 a yard While at 25¢., 35¢. and 45¢ . We show good goods. Shantung Silks demand this at Tied AS Smita's Falls. Mrs. John Jones, Smith's Falls, dead. For a week or more Mrs. Jones had heen confined to her room and on Friday last it was seen that the end was near. She had no dis- ease, she suffered no pain, but the sands of life: were running 'low, the delicate mechanism was well nigh worn out and it was apparent to those who watched that her pilgrimage was nearly done. With unruffied fortitude the calmly awaited the summons and, she peacefully = slept away. She was born in the township of Wolford, in 1816, and had thus reached the great age of nioety-two vears. - Her maiden name was Mary Phillips, ber father being one of the pioneer settlers in that township. In IN34 she was mar- ried to John Jones, who was the first lockmaster at Sly"s. To her were born nine sons and two daughters, of whom seven sons and the two daugh- ters survive, viz. : William, of Somth Elmsléy. John, of Syracuse: Charles, This Is the Day of Specialists. We are special- ists in Men's Hats -- therefore 'our claim to su- annual exhibition gymnasium, this basketball match work will be put on For yveyr spring suit Walsh, » don't buy sells to please the them--or because a patnotic duty to support Crawford &/ him You buy goods to sell. Pus ad The : Board ha | vertising that will sell the goods. been called for this evening at eight | Double sirength tarine moth, proof o clock, instead of this afternoon. Ald | bags are sold in Kingston at Gibson wr.| Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230. PH] The militia camp will not be held tarriefield this year. You goods man who | think it OK INCH vou of Works meeting 2 be chosen as Graham will likely He has been acting | manent chairman RHINE Are much in season, natural shades, at 50¢. a yard and up. At 75¢ we show special value, in Navy, Cardinal, Reseda, Copenhagen, White, Cream, Natural, etc. HK NOK: This 75¢. line is the same cons of Gananoque while there. 1 as other stores ask $1! for. Sanitol tooth powder or paste 3c. at Gibson's Red Cross Prue Store. i ior goods is peno since the late All. Gaskin took ill jat | cun prove our Organizer Flett, Hamilton, who was! the marine association, left to-day for A medicine so healing, so balsamic Waverly $2 Hats entitled to We Paper all this week at half price, at | C sideration. € 3 | Fraser's. Cares Coughs, olds, . . in the city looking after the trouble! | . ht claim with the between the lake scamen's union wd | Sore Throat in a Nig Hats we offer. For instance: Gananoque. He will organize the tha- {amd antiseptic that everv trace of Piccadilly $2.50 Hats jeold and soreness goes before it. FRAN » HOW'S THIS ? "Catarrhozone' js so rcrtain in ca 5 and Arthur, of 3a Coats for Spring are now often a Real Estate Invest- ment at the right time, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE It will pay youjto call on J. S. R. McCANN, St. Next Wade's. We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewgrd or any Case of Catarrh 4 cammot be cured by Hall's Cat ks F. J. CHEN & CO., Toledo, 0. the 'uni known ¥. J, and business to WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, TI Olio. Thomas, James Smith's Falls: Ormond, of Plattsburg, N.Y.. Mrs. Soper, of British Columbia, and Mrs. Warne, of Smith's Falls. Competent Judges. nee Campbell Bros." new 2.50 des just right, = William McGuire, Montreal street, returned from Toledo, to-day, after 2 Hawes $3 Hats Strachan $3 Hats Woodrow $3.50 Hats. Watch our windows. Style, fit, finish. Crawford & Walsh] tailors, rT a bars 8 1 tarrh, bronchitis, that every case yuickly cured. Lady Cartwright entertained at the! tea hour in honor of Mre. Jock Harty and Miss Mabel Brownfield. Mrs. Ver. Experiment no longer--cure is guar non Eaton entertained this week at aianted if you ~ use Cgtarrhozone--sa ten in honor of Mrs. Panet's guests, | varitable death to catarrhal dicepse Mrs. Jock Harty and Miss Brownfield. because it destroys their cause aod If taken patimtiy and persistently | remeries their effects will relieve the most obstinate cases Delightful and simple to use, quick of indigestion, constipation. bad-| fo act, sure results. Petter get Og blood, bad liver, no matter how long tarrhotone today. Lerze sive, suffi- standing. That's - what Hallister's | tient for two months' treatment, price Rocky Mountain Ten will do. 35 cents | $1. trial size 25. dealers. or N. CO. Tea "or Tablets. Mabood's Drug | Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn, US. Store, ' : A. and Kingston, Ont » in stock. Biz showing, at $4.95 and up, Ha KX