BOVRIL is a food that FEEDS Its ore IL It 2. It is all wood in beef is principal recomendations is abe nd ull ths BOVRIL." 8. The nutritive ment = of bhegl are present in such form that they are easily a lated Hy even the most i When You Wear Merchant Rubbers You Get The Best Now is the time yon need good RUBBERS. Why not wear the best? They cost you no more than the other kind. H. JENNINGS, King St. if We Could Look ' 'at the Heart of a Pale-Faced Person! aver stop to consider what flew Jos countenance mesns. In the TAKES RIDE ON IGE FRED WARD, "OGDENSBURG, HAS THRILLING TIME. ~ | Carried Away on a Floe--Specta-| tors on Shore Go to | Rescue in a Punt and Succeed | #an Bringing Him to Land. | Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 26. Fred | erick Ward experienced a ride through the whirling waters of the Oswegatchie| #iver, into the channel! of the St. | Lawretce on a cake of jee. He was bugily engaged chopping out the chiip-| wel in the raceway at Proctor's mill, and bore be realized what was hap-| Eening, he was many feet away from | shore ou a large detached piece of ice As be was rushed under the bridge, his predicament was noticed and meh wentg out from the 'ferry dock in a pubszand after much manoeuvering sugtecded in effecting a rescue CITY OF WEST TORONTO Junetion Incorporated--Private BilI§, Conunittee Passed Bill. Toronte, Marel 26.--West Toronto now joins the fair sisterhood of cities The private bills committee has pass- el the hill granting incorporation and changing the name from Toronto Junction to West Toronto, Why don't you join asked A. tor Apdegson was giving thy change. 'We have gone on our knees and begged,' "he replied, "but the city of Toronto says our debt is too larce We want to build up a strong city of our own. The name 'Junction' has implied a . sort of jumping off place, and we whnt to get rid of ft. But Toronto is a good name, He "said they had a population of 12,000 and an assessment of five mil liapsy There was no opposition, this application was granted, BOY EATEN BY WOLVES. Toronto *"' for reasons 850 Tragedy at Barwick, Near Can- Fort Frances, Ont., March 26.--Uni- ted States settlers living ip the Big Fork river opposite the Cgnadiag boundary, who visited Barwick, re- ps that a nine-year-old boy was killed and eaten by timber wolves one day last week. They the little fellow was "attentling school, and was I for some reason or other kept in af ter four o'clock until nearly dark, when he was permitted to go home, and was devoured along the trail PLEW HIS HEAD OFF. say Suicided in New Brunswick | cisco, 000 miles quite : stan A. Mahafiy, asx Town Solici- | hoard feet. logs into dressed stogk, ing ceinng and other as into lumber. | jed with the the lumbering possible and cusfomary to have mills for'a steady supply of timber lies adian Boundary. berlands, careful a severe shortage in twenty I threw They The little But when I knew that TAP SIBERIAN FORESTS. To, Transport Raw Material 000 Miles. An Australian corporation has just eceived a concesiion from the Russian ped, to take out 30,000,000! feet of timber g year from a forest in Siberia, 900 miles {rom Vladivos to be delivered in Melbourne, stralia, approximately 5.000 away, nearly three tunes the dis | tance from New York to San Fran | It is likely that no lumbering of recent years more strong- pineh miles and operation in the timber in all parts of the world. In the news of the concession, told in an American lumber journal, the sug-} gestion of the dithculty that all coun tries may have to encounter in get-| ting the wood which they need in the) future. Every year timber cruisers are going farther and further afield cutting trees which, in former of abundance, they passed because inaccesibility. In taking out the Siberian the Melbourne lumbermen will have to! ship the entire year's cut in July, Au- September and October, for dur-| remainder of the year there is| water at the point of ship-| ment wuat makes this unusual fea- ture of trapsportating hulky logs X.-| feasible is that unmanufactured stock is admitted free, there is a heavy duty on all} ly illustrates the supply is and | times, | of timber gust, ing the no open such | while manufactured wood brought into Aus-|the i Paris in for in 1,000- the duty on lumber, being nearly ¥5 per At Melbourne a new ill } is being erected to manufacture the such as floor as well | tral products, These Siberian operations differ from | methods in the United] in this country it is new conveniently pear the place of production, THE with the con- tinunally decreasing supply, the larger mills often find it profitable to haul their timber by trains and railroads many miles away from their saws. Forest experts in this country say that the hope of the United States in tim- and the the economical and Even so, to twenty years must be experienced States, .in that the application of forestry to all private and publie, study of better utilization of product five The' Pebble. a pebble in the lake, And watched it as it sped saw it strike the quis Aud watched the eddies od. WOO widened and they widened, Dll they reached the farther ripple ded away And all was calm once more, hore ! on and on Those eddies. still must go Till all the universe had flt NEWS OF THE WORLD [at {dist church { customs officials in {E500 connected | way TOMB OF CONFUCIUS. Shrine | OCCURRENCES F RECOUNTED" a IN BRIEF EF FORM. j coui Batters That "Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read | and Remembered, C.¥% Douk this = I'he owger svstem wiil be installed py the of Edmonton and Strathcona. The Miramichi Pulp & Paper com- pany will close its John mill till the price of pulp a recovered. Durham W. Stevens died, last night, San Francisco, Cal. He was saulted and shot at hy Koreans. Rev drgopeer has accepted pastorate of Toronto of Greatest Member of Oldest Family. new" guide hook buries paragraph among descrip tions of the German port of Tsingtau and of about fifty routes in the Shan- tung province of China "At T'shue fu, passports and cards presented to Duke Kung, permis- sion i= granted visit the temple { and tomb.of Confucius." Many known tombs { Wefore that of Confucius {but there is no doubt, says the New York Sun, that Duke K Kung can show a larger pedigree than any other person He is the latest in the line of the de { scendants of Confucius, and the family has lived for seventy-seven generations in the very place where the illustrious Chinese philosopher was died, The this la ins on to says the marching Speers, at Winnipeg $ W were me old built, we very was automatic telephone cities born and as remarkable history of this fam- ily is due largely to the attitude of | the Chinese toward the descendants of the great teacher. The family is the only example oi hereditary aristocracy in the empire. The head of the house is an independent nobleman, ranking Dr. Stanton Colt, editor of the Ethi-| next to the imperial family, supported eal Repiew, has been sentenced to a! by the state on the rentals derived ! month's imprisonment in London for | from nearly 200.000 acres of land, and assaulting an omnibus conductor | distinguished by varigy special hon "Tommy" Burns has deposited the | ors and privileges. The governor of with the proposed | the province of Shantung, in the west- round contest with two of | ern part of which Confucius was horn English heavyweights 4n himself nine April times when he pays his réspects to the The Ontario & Michigan Power com-| duke, but the few Faropeans who have i pany's bill was blocked in the rail-| visited the place have been simply and committee at Ottawa, owing to] cordially welcomed though making | opposition from Fort William and Port! only their customary salutation. No Arthur. { other family in the world, oi course, Giuseppi I has a record of having lived for over 2,400 years in one place. Confucius died in his birthplace 2,355 years ago Four-fifths of the population of the i little city that is hallowed by the dust of Confucius can trace their line years, manager of I. R. Winsgener's | age to the' philosopher. lf the place store, at Kazubazua, Que., took wood | i# to be visited hereafter by the tour- alcohol, on Wednesday night in a mis- | ists who will go to China ip increas take for medicine and is dead. Need- | ing numbers as transportation facili ham was a single man. ties improve there should be Robert Nolan, eighty agreement as to the spelling of its many years a resident name. It is spelled in two ways in was found dead at his home on the guide book referred to, and Legge, nesday. He was taken ill 'and went | Williamson and some other to one of the windows of his room, | Confucius have their own apparently for air. When found he | translations for the name of his birth- was seated hy the window. He leaves | Political reform in China a wile and one daughter { should be accompanied by reform in the Occidental spelling of Chinese place names Sequestered among the mountains of Shantung, the has almost | unattainable by foreigners; and even | today few pilgrims, unsustained by well in| fm purpose, will undergo the great minister of labor| discomforts of the journey there. Six British government | days are required to reach the town immigration: This| from the railroad at Tsinan fu. The for us is far the most pressing ques | road is too bad for driving, and the toe day We cannot atiord to! choice is offered the tourist be leave it in private and inexpert hands, | tween six days on a donkey or in a not even in those of the Salvation] wheelbarrow. The the the Junction Metho Imported costumes valued at over! $10,000 were seized hy United States! the shops of fash ionable dress-makers. twenty best tix required to prostrate Bruno Greeco, charg- murder of Antoni Rieszo, | Doolittle and Wilcox quarry, { Dundas, on March 12th, will be place on trial for their lives. Charles Needham, aged thirty-one | and iat the vears old, for Windsor, Wed of writers on original place TIME FOR A CHANGE. No been Necessity For Constant town Stream of Immigrants. Goldwin Smith in Weekly Sun, Our government has done sending our deputy to conler with the on the subject of tion of to is called " > some | TRE TVREERRERNDREYIN U8 Gur! LADIES' SKIRT LADIES' SKIRTS in tweed, br --all the latest 1908 styles ONE PRETTY MODEL is made panama, box-pleated style, the hip, very full correct flare at foot, " Millinery Yor all and at very moder. ate prices. ow i is the time to choose Millinery. Everything is at its best now. Stocks are fully complete and larg- est, and the choice is best as a matter of Course, S---- 2nd Floor oadcloth, panama, lustre 8.00 of fine guality close-fitting over Special LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS 2nd Floor WE full, guaranteed not to split. Re and rtstle until worn gut A VERY COMPLITE ASSORT makes, E. T. Crompton, B.&C., tories. Tape-girdles. porters. SRE t P ANDLE THE HEATHERBLOOM TAFFETA, five-piece pleated flounce. Every garment Nursing very 3.13 tains all its sheen CORRECT CORSETS--2nd Floor MENT of all the leading including the best numbers of the D. & fac Sup C., and many other Corset, Hose David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery ERRORS D7 J.Collis Browne's / THE ORIGINAL The Most Valuable Medic and Mantle Store. t SREEEE ---- P V. {) AND ONLY OENUINE. ine ever discovered. The. best known Remedy for CougHs, CoLDs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Checks and arrests those too The jar of that one blow place Eifectually cuts short all attacis of SPASMS. Lumber ' § bbro's Herpicide will «do i dre i [te i : i < ¥ 2 E 1 was three boxes of Fille T foul an oat en aeons are the best pills on earth." Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for all dealers, or mailed direct on ce T. Milburn Co., Limited; Fo) oe ' IN THE GOOD OLD FASHIONED DAYS, ivi a-- Powdered Wies Formed An Tm- portant Adjunct to a Gentle- man's Apparel. to that the majority of today would gladly revive 'the old, dignified Gustom of they could. But, they can do the next . best thieg to it; that hold off to shat, hair they, have, In cases where the hair root or hair bulb has not been completely destroy. od by parasites that infest it. New wonders © in the way of encouraging a' new growth of hair. Destroy the cause, you re: move. the effect. That is the successful mission of Herpicide. Sold hy leading druggists, Send 10c. in stamps for sample ta The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in two sizes, Bc, and $1. 0. W. Mahood, special agent It is safe of bald men say is, P. Walsh, Coal Dealer THE KINGSTON . MATTRESS co. Have the only properly equipped i 'in the city for renovating and * ng Thair, Cotton, Fibre ar other Natt com. 110 CLERGY ST a day {worker than a' Camp. MeAdam Junetion, N.I3.. March 26. Prom Sprague's lumber camp, about five miles from here, came news that Allonsg, Frost, aged sixty-five, blew his head oli with a shotgun. No cause for the self-destruetion is Known. He belonged to Danforth, Maite, 4nd was a member of the Grand Army, of the Republic. In his pookets' the shu. of $43 was found, Gillette Must Die. Albany, N.Y.,, March 26.--Chester Gillette jof Cortland, must die in the electric chair of Aubiirn prison, next week, for the murder of his sweet heart "rate Brown, of South Otselic, at Pig Moose lake twa years ago Governor Hughes has definitely an- nun that he had carefully exam- ines the. gviglence in the case and had found nd "ground which would justify | him gm intaefermg with the judgme: of the, court. pp ------ "Bcome At Revival Meeting. i Beles ile," 'Ont., March 26 Adams, who is 'alleged to be ergated, much excitement at Crigssley: Hunter revival meetings rising in, his. place and denouncing Mr. Hunter, was speaking. He was | insane, | the by who hy soedicpl men. a -------- Medical Slander Detroit Free Press 'What's _ the matter hand, doctor?' asked the anxious wife. "He's wiffering from auto-in- toxication," replied the M.D. "That's not #9," mipped the wile heen in an' auto this year, and never tasted liquor in his life." with my hus- he's | -- mien | Whiskey And Tuberculosis. | Winnipeg, March 26.---A. S. Beland, Toronto, is here after a trip along the Canadian Northern railway, in New Ontario; "Tle says the condition of the Indians along the horder lament- able. They are victims whiskey | and tubertalosis. is of Bell Co.'s 'Offer To Fort William. Port William, Ont., March 26.--The | ell' Telephone company has offered to oll ifs plant here to the town for £6,000. The terns are said to be iden- tical with those submitted to Port Ar- thur, Mayor Sears Will Run Again. Sy, John, N.B., March 26.-Mayor Sears has announced that he will again. be a candidate for the mayor alty. He is opposed hy Alderman oa Bullock, who is gow chair map, of. the treasury board. oy + Deall At 107. Malove, N.¥., March 26.--Mrs. Elee- ta tt, the oldest woman in eo in county. is degsl, at the age 107. vears. She lived most of her life in the town of Moira. : fro-------- Earl Grey To Visit Bermuda. Ottaws, March 26.-The governor general and Countess Grey leave, on Saturday, for Bermuda, where they will spend a few weeks. Oysters ! Oysters ! Oysters ! Rewards & ' Jenkin. Samuel Storey, an elderly and life. long resident, dropped dead within twenty feet of 'his home, ic Brockville, Wednewduy afternoon. He was a retir- blacksmith, and leaves a large family. To some one whom we fain would We think it vain! We never speak a word Flach Fach word and nod a pebble is, Whose eddies widening o'er the earth {New York American and thing as pulling {a cart, ! against | boat pushes | drawing a handcart Joseph [his grasp. against his clothes arrested and his sanity will be tested | entist has to, say, not a San slaughter 'He hasn't loven among the children is shown by { You've got the plague 'when {a rat what's been bit by a sailor." igrin."' how like word And then I thought We speak an earnest our life ! help But no response is heard, we little Know How 'neath the surface calm, Phe eddies of that little word Are sweeping on apd on. in vain, Or do w fruitless deed ; effort, be i eer so sumil, Will help a brother's need, Cast into life's reat main At length return agunin No Such Thing As Pull. president of Birm scientist, author there is such A horse doesn't pull Sir Oliver it collar. A man rowing a the water, and a man behind him mere the handle in Sir Oliver Lodge, ingham University, lecturer, says no savs pushes its lv pushes the part of were tied to a the man would He would 1 Even if a weight man's coat tail, pull the weight. not push sci 80 in view of what we SO sage a must the ward palitician really. has "pull"he's merely in with {he "push." conclude thiat The Origin Of The Plague. Francisca" Call. That the subject: of the of germ:-bearing rats is with growing interest wholesale be ine | discussed the following conversation overheard on the street corner uptown : "Wot they huntin' up all rats fer? "Aw, don't ver know nothin' ? Rats has the plague an' if yer one ver'd better look out cause yver'll get it too, maybe." "If yer just ae Aw, see see a rat do yer get nothin' ? vou've been bit by a flea what's been bit by don't yer know The Old Stand-by. Chicago News "Funny," remarked the man who was touring the rural sections, "1 have met hundreds of farmers in the lest few weeks, and all wore a broad "Always wear broad grins this time of year, mister," laughed the man with the pichiork. ol "H'm! How can they be in such a good humor when we are just ofer a money panie ?"' "Farmers don't think of money pan- ics or anything else this time of Pear. stranger: they are too busy reading the good old jokes in the 1908 farm- ers' almanaes."' Quick Change. Chicago Tribune "Fer two cents." said the how the dirty face, "I'd knock ve down!" "Here's de two cents." said the boy with ragged trousers, tossing the coins at his feet and squaring off belliger- ently. "Now come on an' try it, durn ye ! "Wot's de use?' rejoined the other boy, picking them up and. backing away. "Ain't no sense in knockin' a feller down wen ye kin git de mun out'n 'im widout doin' it. See?" gun A Boston despatch says: Sockalex- is, the former star Indian ball player for the Cleveland club, is reported dy- ing down in Maine. i has wreeked the once great athlete. » v with Army, great as is the good which the Salvation Army in its own sphere has doue. have been led away hy the common impression that increase of population is always increase of well being. What is the number of the immigrants 7 What is the demand for their labor? What is their character, how far is it congenial to that of the nation with which they are to blend ? The Doukhobors, wtroduced inte our North-West, who run about naked in religious frenzy, and leave their dead to wild beasts, are a very extreme but not a solitary instance of an uncongenial incorporation. Political character especially is apt to suffer by the influx of aliens, who fall blindly under the influence of corruption. This seems the case in the North-West Nor should we be too hasty even filling up our lands, which may bel needed for our own expansion. On thi momentoud subject at present all is| contusion, and influences are pulling against each other. 'the fruit! of Mr. King's visit to England, let us hope, will be a definite policy. ne in| divers The Watermelon Habit. Washiagton Herald, I'he humorists always associate the African with the watermelon, assam ing that the taste of the colored man for his favorite dainty arises from his tife in the southern states, Where (he | melon vine grows likf a weed As a fact, however, the African taste for the watermelon is hereditary. The vine is a native of Africa, where it is found wild in the great central plains of the continent, and has also been cultivated for many ages In kgypt the melons grown along the Nile rival those South-Eastern Missouri Ihe melons mentioned by the Israel- ites as being among the good things they had in Egypt were undopbtedly watermelons, for in the wall paint-| ings about the time the exodus the melon, vine is represented, and "in case a long of slaves is! depicted, each bearing on his shoulder a huge, dark-green watermelon Botanists says that varieties of melon are found in Somthern Asia, and some even claim that the plant | grows wild in Central and South Af- | rica; but Africa is no doubt the orig- inal home of the melon, and in his | preference over every other kind of | vegetable or fruit the African merely displays o taste that has become fixed | in his race by thousands of years of | indulgence, for in Central Africa ripe | watermelons are to be had every | month in the year. ol of one | procession the | { Not A Horseless Age. | Boston Transcript, | the horseless age that has been so | persistently pradicted «is not merely | slow in coming; the facts indicate | that it is further away than ever, and | perhaps may never come. We hope it will not, while at the same time wel: coming: all the new aids to rapid and untrammelled transportation. People must he riding a great deal more than they ever rode before. The au- | tomobile industry in this country has quadrupled in value in the last three years, and has developed at even = greater rate in the number of ma- chines manufactured. But the statis tics of horse flesh keep on expanding. There were more than 14,000,000 horses in this country in 1897, but, according to the figures for the year just closed there are 19,746,000 horses in the United States at the present time, countrymen | Amal | American | Anaconda { { { 1C. Mil. & { ( Mecca of China, by from the western world are likely improvement of transpor wait for the tation facilities Some hours befo ed the visitors may see tery in which the and top of a gentle en to which a stone ess ging stones, for the surface is further of the stairway dinary height tween surface is tion, prayer in which ing side Cross pieces COVeTre in front and incense and stool his descendants it many re the city repose ninence stairway uneven, of stone 1 with the of it are a a bandsome is constantly devotees to is reach- the large ceme remains of Confurius Near is a terrace the gives ac- The terrace is covered with flag- not in the best of repair, and at flagging opposite the rises a tombstone of or embedded in mortar be The inscrip flat stone vessel burn This is the modest and simple Yoinb who and ed for his honor a the of the man seen in all pire was whose larger deified temples, nd worship cities NEW YORK S10CKS. Manager.) Stocks. Copper Loco. Ke Smitg. & Foundry Am Am Am, Sugar Car Atches & Balti. & Pop, Ohio com. . Lo Refi Min. C ot. hy may his rear be of the em Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, March- 26th. Opening, Close Hud og i n. Le. 0. Fe rooklyn Rapid Traos.. Leather Pacific hesapeake & Ohi Central anadian 0. hicago & N, W, St Paul 1 io Southern olorado Gag N.Y Col. Fuel & hron Delaware & Hud Distillers, sces North Ry.. ple Kansas & Texas, ao Kansas & Texas Louisville Missouri Pacific ... Hin St. P.&S Y. Central Erie Railroad N.Y Northern Pacific Penn. R. R. ... People's Gas Reading... Rock Island Rock Island, Southern, Ry. Southern Pacific... U t. ons. "i 8. Steel, com 8. Steel, Ynion Pacific, Wabash Wabash, com pid. CHICAGO PRICES. Norman D. Dewitt, Oxiord, Ohio, heen apoointed by the board of Miami University, St son i om. pid. .. & Nashville % Ontasie & West d.. com. Hd. ous arch 26th. roy 12.60 12.9 MA. PhD, of has re. Wholesale arrests nre being made in gents of Victoria University, Toronto, China, in an effort to check the anti- | to 'the chair of Latin and ancient his- government movement which has fol- {lory- Dr. Dewitt is a graduate of To- lowed the Tate Mary incident, ronto iw arta, oftaa fatal diseasis ~-FEVER, CROUP sad AGUE Th: only palliat,ve ia NEURALGIA, GOUT, RIICUMATIS VY. Chlorodyne is a liguid taken in drops. g NH wivariably relieves pain « allays viridation of the ner no bad cfects. and INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. an be ta en no ont et I Price of (i BR oti] The immense success of 1 this Remedy has given rise tO masy imitations. Every boitle of Chlorodyne on the stamp name of the inventor, Dr. J Collis Browne vad uate v rd ing to the malady efreshing sleep fil beoves be tolerated ther medicine can CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices ia Eagland i. 2/9, aj Sole Manufacturers J. T. DAVENPORT LONDON, SL. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. FARRELL IRIE AT NE RAZORS! We ment of "E , with 12 the best on the market leather $5.50 per set. lliott Bros., dris= STFH4F0P00 0400000805000 04 0000000 000 0050 Ripe Bananas, -~ ORANGES CHEAPE A.J.REES,166 Princess St 2 blades, for $1.00, is Tomatoes, Tangerines, Malaga Grapes. SHELL 00 Aa carry a nice assort- RAZORS. The ver Ready' Other in morocco from $2.50 to Razors, *a8es, ERTL THI 4 BEETERS ETI ER FS *g ans Pineapples, R THAN EVER. =| | PIG METALS We are head quarters. Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. Send us your inquiries. 31 WILLIAM ST Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., Toronto, ONT