rh ---------- c. ¢ Synopsis of Canadian North sest HOMESTFAD REGULATIONS, Any "gven pumbersd pection of Domim fon Lands in Manitoba pr the North-West Provifiees, excepting 5 and 26, not res served, may be homesteaded hy any pers son a sole head of a family, or wale pyar 18 years of age, to the extest © Pne-qiirter section, of 160 acres, mole or leas Application for homestead entry must be made io person by the applicant ata Domiglor. Lands Agency or Sub- cy. ¥otry by rroxy may, however, be made At an. Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother daughter, broths or or sister of an Intending homesteader. An application for entry or cancella- tion wade personally at any sub-sgent's pifice may bé wired to the Agent by the Bul «+ 8t the expense of the appli- cant, # the land applied for is vacgnt on receipt of the telegram such applica tion (8 20 have pAoMLY and the land will be held unttl the mecedsary papers to complete the transactiom are received by moadl, dn case of "personation" or fraud the applicsnt will forfeit ull priority of claim Br if entry has been granted ft will be Sammarily oapceliod. An appHeation for cancellation must be made in person. The applicant must be Mgible for homestend entry, and only one application for cancellation will be re etived from am individual until thet "np Pleation has been disposed of. Where an entry is cancelled to institution of cancellation proceedings, the applicant for Saacaliation will be em to prior right of entry. iad 10 5 for cancellation must state ig What particulars the bomestender io in Fefauit, bomesteader whose entry is not the subject of cancellation proceedings may subject to the epproval of Departs ment, relinquish ft ia favor of father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister eligible, but ba Ho one else, pn fling laration of ab ontuent. Berson settler is required tog per- form the duties under ome of the follows Plans ~~ ug } At least six months" residence wup- Pu aod cultivation of the land in each pear dyring the term of three years, 3) homestensier way, il he so des Sires, perform the required residence Huties By living on farming land owned solely Ly him, not less than wiglity (80) acres fn extent, tu the wicipity of Mf bomestond. Joint ownership in land will ate this requirement. (8) 41 the father (or mother, i the Mather is deceased) of a homesteader has Werianent residence om farming land Pwned solely by . bim, mot less than Mighty BO) acres is extent, in the vicind- ty eo homwstead, or upon a home etitered for by him in the vicinity, such holestender may perform his own rewidence duties by living with the fath- or (or mother.) (4) term "woinity™ Is the two ing paragraphs is defined as mean Hot 'more than pine miles in a direct Hine, wxclusive of the width of road ale lowance crossed in the measurement, (8) A homesteader intending to perform Ris redidence duties tn accordance with the shove while living with parents or ba farming lend owned by himsed mus Rotify the Agent for the district of such making application for patent Rho mpbtier must give six months' notice in Writing to the Commissioner of Do- minian Lands at Ottawa, of his inten tom So do sos BYNOPsis op CANADIAN NORTH- EST MINING REGULATIONS, "Coal mining rights may be for a period of twenty-one years annual rental of §1 ger acre. Not hore this 2,560 acres shal) be leased to be individual or company. 1 royalty at Bho rite of five conta per toh 4all be Pollected ont the merchantable com "tned QUARTZ--A person eighteen years ,4 OF. over, having discovered mineral in ay locate a claim 1,500x1,500 foe for recording ® claim ie $5. i $100 oF paki' CiPended on thie oach yearn or t Hew theteok: ih nt Hmm quirements, and at $1 per acre. tent Provides for the payment ality of 34 per cent om the sales, mining claims generally ars 100 n i entry foe $5, renewable your ty : AS Spplican? may obtain two leases tg for gold of five miles each for a Wenty years, renewable at She at Biacrotion ot Minister of the s ee Nesnce shall have Ww dredge in oper (Within one seasom from the date the lease for each Ove miles: Rental annum for each mile of river ¢ Royalty at the rate of 24 pen cent So om the output after ft ex. bonds ,0004 5 WwW. W. CORY, bf the Minister of the Interior. e=Unauthorised publication of this t will mot be paid for, EDUCATIONAL. rid dp LB ou wish to be successful at- od tend The . Kingston Business f College 2 . » TAflited, hoad of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, Lypewriting, tele graphy, apd all conrmercind subjects thoroughly taught hy Compbient experienced teuchers. Day md night classes. Inter at ony iow Rates very moderate, 'Phohe, 440, ' He FF. METCALFE, President. J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary : * . - » * » DOO 0000000000000 00 5 IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION " and INCREASE YOUR EARNING +. POWER Day and Evening Classes ut the Frontenac Business College, ¢Barrie and Clergy Sts, ------ + T. N. STOCKDALE, 080, Principal DOOOOO0O000000 ¢ * xX ok QO000000 WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. : The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. 6 | WHAT Brookside Personals. Srookside, March 26 youngsters surprised H Monday evening. W. Wallace ; i#s Ftta Buck, Harrowsmith visiting Mrs Joseph Myx Emberly entertain few of her friends on Friday night Master Donald Mardin spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mjsz Beatrice Cowdy "is visiting friends at Syvder ham. Mr. and Mrs Cowdy, rowsmith, are at i again graw Ss a Freeman's vard Joyner, Lapum, is at F. lnce's. S-- A Girl For Ths Neighborhood Snider Road, March 25 ider and B. Babcock have put in a supply of jee for simmer. Mrs. J M Wal roth has returned home after spending a few days with her parents at Mos cow. Miss H. Walroth at Holleford with her sister for some time, is at home. Visitors = D, Clark, My and Mrs. Harry Whitty, Mr and Mrs, W Snider at B Snider's; E. Genge at Reynolds'; Miss A Morton at J Génge's. A little oirl has come to share the home of Mr and Mrs. Stan ley Snider, 8. Snic Ia-- Sale Well Attended. Althorpe, March "The at Augustus Fournier's was well attend od, last 1 hursday. Mr. Fournier and! family have moved to Perth. Our mail carrier, My. Norris, took sudden- ly ill Maberly, on Saturday, could not return that evening: but are pleased to state he is all right again James Holleran, Croshy, drawing hay from W. A. Norris' J. Strong has returned to Perth J. Ervin visiting with friends ti Westport Miss © Maggie A. Norris Saturday and Sunday in West John Ritchie, Jr., while work at a sawing machine at W. By gave {i SOME Verv se 25 cale at and we is Mrs Mrs is a spent port ing fingery grove's his vere cuts A Very Sudden Death. Stella, March 24.--A sudden took place, Saturday March 21st, of a much respected resi dent; in the of William Me Master. He was about his work as usual on that day. About o'clock he spoke of going out to his expired. Ie the bus death on evening, person four chores," and immediately ceased will be greatly missed on island. He followed the butcher ness for some years, and later bought a small boat and traded to Kingston, where he was well known. He was a member of Paul's Preshyterian church, and a member of Tanti lodge. | No. 4, A.0O.U.W. The funeral was con ducted by Rev. Mr. Glover, Bath, Rev J. Cumberland being unable to at tend. Our cheese factory will wpen on April 13th. H. Fleming has secured'a factory near Picton. J. Roddick left, | last week, for the west. S. L. Pringle | who attended the grand lodge, AO U.W., in Toronto, last week, has re turned home St Cattle Buyers About i Eagle Hill, March 24.--The weather | is springlike and crows are frequently seen around the neighborhood. Farm ers talk of tapping their sugar bushes | soon, and bope for a wood run of | sap. H. Pettler, Cloyne, is spending a few days with his family here also | Mrs. Clifford, Cloyne, is spending a | few days with her daughter, Mxs. H Pettfer. R. Ferguson had the misfor- tune to lose a horse on his farm here John Petter bought two fine cows | from Mys. Reid at a low price. Seve | ral cattle buyers from Tweed were | through this vicinity in' search of | cattle, but prices were too low, n and | most 6f the farmers have a good sup- | ply' of feed. A. Armstrong is busy cutting wood for W. Mot Miss. L Grant and Miss Pearl Ready spent Sa: turday in town. These last few days John Pettifer may he heard humming some old familiar tunes such as "Oft In The Stilly Night" and "Rock-a-Bye | It's a little girl. Miss May Lindsay is home from Mississippi. | James Trvine had three sheep killed | by dogy last week. Felix Lindsay is | laid up, with a cut foot. A Veteran Dead. Mountain Grove, March 23.--Oug the first settlers of the township Ulden passed peacefully away on the | 20th inst, in the person of Edward Barr, at his residence, where he resid- { ed' for forpy-nine years. He was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1515. The funeral service was held in the Moun tain Grove Methodist church on Sun | day, 22ud inst. The largeness of the funeral showed the high esteem in which deeeased was held. Mr. Barr was a kind and generous neighbor, a | model husband and father, devoted to | his wife and children, a' consistent member of the Methodist church, and | a faithful member of the Orange or | der. Arden and Mountain Grove Orange lodges paid tribute to the de- parted brother. Six of his grandsons acted as pallbearers. An impressive sermon was preached by Rev. L. Sharp, from St. John vii, 23. viving are his widow, three daughters, and four sons, Mrs. Emery, Asspin, Mich.; Alfred, Manitoba; William, Wal- ter, George, Mrs. IT, H. Flyon and Mrs. John Ewens, Olden. The de ceased was a reader of the Whig twenti=five years and an admirer Hn. | Baby." ot] of Sur- i | | f | for of The Tenth Anniversary. Mill Haven, March 25.--Our school is cloded for a few days on account of the teacher, Miss Huffman, being home quite ill. A large number of our residents are laid up with grippe. Frederick Wemp has returned a few days' wisit at Toronto. James Franklin and daughter are at their farm near Clarendon maki maple sugar. Miss OC ham, Bath, was the guest of Mrs. F. Wemp for a few days last week. Miss Ballantyne. Eric, was a recent visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharp and daughter spent Fa few days at Ainguten, Mr. and Mrs. F. tod the 1 anniversary 'of their 'wedding. About F NEIGHBORS = {early preparing | guest jon | Brigginshaw, student jand Mrs. Thomas Singleton | lor | ton { March | games | telephone poles | Parham { William Kennedy is i his ankle broken from |. THE DAILY B were present an time § spent, h t on paling pany breakin McMaster, i hea owsniith News, h, Mar or = J or eof stock visiting friends in a few davs his wife intend going to the west the Cobalt Herbert home suminey for some time, has 1% again Edward with blood-poisoning, is out Archibald % in Brockville iam Dowker, , DOW spending Bradshaw, spending has returpec formerly Manito! winte Wil la place © residing in the been has thus friends wre and turned to her new butter plant is expected factory in home on soon under Miss Lawrence fidings From Forfar Forfar, March 25 past week of spring have commenced Sugaring, yet Were weather, but ery Mrs guests poor returns Derbyshive, Croshy, of the Mrs ence Johnston, Saturday Mr as former 5 pare: Isane Derbyshire Athens and Sunday and Mrs. M visiting Mr, aud Mrs, H land, recently W son of Postmaster J. B considering moving to Calgary summer Mr. Ackland' friends here will 1x his College, is here amd high spent parents E. Barker spending some time promotion home ag a i i »a r vicinity, Monday. in Horace ih, ohn Tallon arch Pittsburg On his return, he and Alexander Thompson, at returned lackson, visiting at Bancroft, Jackson, itl ain few the The schoal'is improving As a result of the ! | were glad | (Rev. Aj | ter, at which piace or in Cleveland he report | My and recent | sek in Qu a Mr ol, with her Young were Eaton, Free- Ackland, Ottawa, Ackland, he many pleased to Jearn of con's t his Farmers are becoming in | (Principal) Falconer, of Toronto ni Miss Flor- | | visited Miss Q. McKim this week. Miss | Lena Madden left on Monday, for a terested in the opening of the cheese | the factory for season Edward Mvers, visit Myers to his parents, Mr. and Miss Davis, school a number of schol A * eon which used md ner examinations from here the Crosby, the proceeds of to be attended understood, are building of granolithie Poole visiting Mrs. B almost the country amount of walks has been her Cannon, Crosby. an wmpossibility ons roads, SNOW Toledo News. Toledo, March 21 ars nu wert , It mn me I'he members operation Kingston, paid a flying Mrs teacher, I is for mir at | blood, the Mrs, daughter, owing to the great the Epworth League held a masquer- the town hall he Miss Mary Dr. 3. Smith social in 17th inst. of her brother, Smith's Falls. Miss V. the guest of friends in Saturday, 21st inst. Miss of the Saturday here. ade the Ww. High School, Sunday at spent her home and w Toledo. Mrs, McDonald bourne M®Donald, Portland, A day last B. Coad, by residence owned Mr. and Mrs, N into the Murphy. Athens, were Hth inst. Miss Maud Singlet Master Gerald Singleton, Falls, Saturday here, their and parer spent the guests of la M Mrs Murphy left Sask., where Thomas Mandal phy purposes already" selected his claim convalescent. Lewis He Saskatchewan, in this the sick Miss Ella MeGuoire and Kingston, are spending a fe here with their mother, Mrs Guire, IB now section. 'W. Hauton -- sre on Pratt is the Pratt, Vv At Cauley was Falls iolet | hens and Georoe 1 ere Mg Ma mn, Sm Sur its, Mr st r Art Ww Cole Lake Happenings. Cole March setthing Very hard for to feet slump through. is purchasing McMahon at the 24, The fast and travel Wilham hay from A number of peoy home of 1. J. Keine 17th amd a very was spent in daneir The people are busy along the Godfrey Station hav by Lake, down norses evening to busy modelled over McConnell are tapping their Willia mov residence Martin and this Vicmity bushes. Mr. and Mrs, liggton, Florida, intend this part of the country their abade Ht J. short time. Thomas ( oulter, getting along nicely, of this vicinity have attende | it as H J le dy, 2 ha way ng ( Me Farmers! m ing to take Shillington's in who had some time ago, The young folks i | Pepper, Frankville, has purchased the { residence owned by Delorine Marshall, Mel- in {the village on Wednesday and Thurs Brockville, was {in Toledo during the week. Mrs. Mat | thew Murphy has moved ito To ledo, Artin $8a% guests in Toledo on the and Travelling is | | strengthener and | | Store, { tory. of | | Caméron, jderkine, W. | son, | | ville; R | Gill, f Chatham; W, | W. Shhith, FE. { Morgan, 0. L. Robb, London: Samuel | Peterboro | | | | Smith and wife, | chester | Vincent, Seattle. ith's | day Mr and Mar homesteading,Yhe hay ing Mr eph Seymour, who has been quite ill, Jos of days Me- Wis is then amil ames met | | on | enjoyable and | wlng from | '| Preventics, 25¢. ¢ PATS, Shit to! mn upg: Aj it fome of the revival meetings which are he- ing held at Oak Flats and people a from here attended the meet. ing at Verona on Sunday night. John Shillington has sold a valuab riage team, Roy Martin, le on Ccar- the sick list, is able to be around again. George Kennedy, who has undergone an operation, is somewhat better and is hopeful he will soon recover. John K. has Ont. Campbell gone to London, W. Loucks has been engaged in painting the Methodist church at Giod- Get acquainted with Black Wale the big black plug tremendous favori te because of Fer ' | perties week | } ¢ {ilton's is spending a. few days was list for a few dave recently W. MeGitire, TGillerTain, Brockville, has caused wide r| I bl | church a green silk ve BI hes i | perties i i i | sant, | boxes, } 1 | 1c few | Mics RITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. MARCH 26, o ressing M ehool is pro CANON STARR PREACHED. ™ -- Opportune Time to For Spiritual Uplift, Ma: tan ted = New bur was « elebrated last gh, IV ine ondu & communi ng in Lothrop ire Xvi n G. GEorpe § Loe ng from Frehiel heart anon Starr presented the opportune tive the spiritual life in Preparation for the Christian war fure. He emphasized the value of en tt asm in the Christian life ang ir tanced as notable examples for emu- lation the visioh of St. Patrick 'and the self-sacrifice of St. Benedict. "the service was profitable and inspiring Lewis Innes, who 18 to conduct the factory here for Mr. Cleall this this new ang i 88 a most ultivat ul Ate chees removing his family from Selby to the house form erly occupied by the late F. N. Huyck, Dr, H. A. Mc Kim, Port Row an, paid his mother and sister a fly Ing visit on S'inday. His many friends to see him again. Mrs { Mears, Napange, visiting friends for a few the ethodist church on Sunday ght, and rimdered 3 sweetly at the offertory. Shorts [eft on Saturday for season 18 week J. days, assisted choir solo very "Bob" y Roches will locate for the summer Miss Gandier returned on Saturday ber brother, E. Gandier, Toronto, where she had spent some weeks with her sister, Mrs with from versity. Miss Ballance, Strathcona. Toronto, * with Miss Penj. Farley is week's visit in Madelon Thomson. Til-Redlorm === Bruton sin eo rant A a A EN : v 1608. Zn, oe Where Stylcand | AoE IT Value Meet. EEQRM 3 NE man said, «I buy Fit-Reform Suits MN /, . because I can depend on J é Yo & KinesTong Pesm BROKE RAILWAY °° IN COANECTION WITH * Canadian Pacific Raliway LOW ONE-WA} RATES Second Class One Way Baily, February 29 to April 29, | {Various B. C, 50 I 0 cou: ' < . { Portland, eto. Full particulars at K. & P., and P, R. Ticket Office, Untario St. F. (ONWAY, Geny Pass, Agest, B------ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY station, Ontar (Sundays excepted them being in style and holding their shape." Another 'man' said, "What I want in a suit is good, honest wear. I get it in Fit-Reform", Whether YOU buy for looks or wear, you get both when you buy Fit - Reform garments. Let the new styles in Suits at $18, $20 and $22, W" good Yancouver, EE Seattle, Ca Train leaves Street, 4 pa dajly for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, ser nt Bannoekburs and aii points on To secure quick despatch to Bannock barn, Maynooth, and points on Centr (tage, routes your x Movants via Vay {of Gute Railway. For further particu ars, app ta KR. DICKSON, Agent Phone union us show vou ' 4 Ww. No [ITEC RAILWAY SYSTEM ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES to April Victoria, Wash Feb. 20th 2th. B.C Seat tle, Daily fancouver, BC, 1. Ore Cal Wash. 8 Francisco Cal, Tax § Los Angelos Diego Fi Paso o City Local Branch Time Tabl Trans will leave and arrive at CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingdon. Deseronto this M. Ryan are are incidentally Visiting friends in week. Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, where they attending the automobile show telephones have rocently T. I. Winter's in Ryan Two new been installed, one residence store, in and another Y new ---- Escapes Needless Disease. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Locomotor Ataxia, Tumors other diseases as debilitated comes from impure or Escape these ills and keep health up to the highest standard by using Wade's Iron Tonie Pills (Laxa tive), They fortify the system against They are nerve maker, In at Wade's Drag Money back if not satisfac and ol well condition a variety a general the system impoverished as of disease a great Mood cents, B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Rice, William Rogers, Parington, ¥ J. A. Stewart, R. Moon, W, B. Stewart, W, B. Wat- Andrew Willson, Wm Patterson, A. Barrager, Belle Savage, Percy Elliott. Misses Brockville; CC. H, Bakeridge, J. Murray, Preston; B H. MeNeil, Barrie: F Mont Qua, E.: B. Ken Rous real; George N. 38. Js Craven, Fred. B. F I l'oronto; George Deseronto: A. H, Seymour H. W. Marshall, Syracuse Fimmins, W, K. Bickerv, Mont- real; F Wilkins, William Mareross, Trenton: Thomas Wallac e, James Jamieson, Prescott Miss A. Smith, Shaw, Montreal; | Smith, Henry N Conse S. R Ro A. {} A.J Are Your Hands Raw ? the healing pr Ointment ont with y Hamilton's smoothes Anoint them of Dr it the | the scaling roughness, makes the skin cures SOrencss, Depot, Foot of Johnson streety GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr mad local GOING 7.08 p.m, EAST mail 2 fast 3 | 1 | Ne All other For full HANIAEY Ontario Sts trains da pag ticuls Agent, INTERCOLONIAL L-YANLT 24 Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax | to Liverpool ~ (anada's We are just in receipt of a big shipment of Men's Fine American Shoes, made by the great house of Thompson Bros., Brockton, Mass. These shoés are Young Men's Shoes in every detail. For 25 years Thompson Bros. have made nothing else. We invite the Young Men to call and see these leading shoes. They are undoubted- ly the best goods imported into Canada. EXPRESS Prices $5 to $6.00. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO., §ii aol : say afternoon | SPECIAL TRAINS 'baggage and mails {ers do Connect with the MARITIME ltave HALIFAX arrival of the steainer, @ connections for Ottawa, r and points west | Famous Train THE MARITIME The Home of Good Shoes. WB Tr For has Ham as firm. and smooth. as velvet | downright goodness no ointment | half the power and merit of Dr Try a 5c box, | A---- The death, Tuesday, of Frederick .J 1 had at He wa William | spread sorrow. The decease | tained his twenty-third vear. {the fourth of = the | Gillerlain One hundred dollars paid by Dr. | Shoop for any recent case of grippe {or acute cold that a 23 cent box of Preventics will not break. How is { this for an offer ? The doctor's | preme confidence in these little candy {ecld eure tablets--Preventics--i cer. [tainly complete. It's a $100 against 25 cents--pretty big odds. And Pre- | ventics, remember, contain ho quinine, {no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick- feming. Punoumotia would never appear {if early colds were always broken | Safe and sure for feverish children: 48 All dealers. Combe, near Wo has found in vet pulpit ating the date of 1631 The only trie corstipation cure begin its soothing, healing ac mn when it entirs the mouth. Hol lister's Rocky 'Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a healthy. nor mal condition. 3%¢., Tea or Tablets Mahood's Drug Store At Christ church manse, Lyn, Rev E. A. Pocock, united in marriage Effie R. MeClary, only dauchter of D. McClary, Mglntosh Mills, to Sevmour Burnham, Buell. The well-known strengthening pro of iron, combin «1 with other tonics and a most perfect mervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the hiosd and-somplexion. Mrs. James Elliott, an old and ve speeted resident of Chantry, passed peacefully away on Sunday. 22nd, af ter a few days' illness at the ndvanc- ed age of eighty nine years. Croup positively checked in 20 min- ates. . Shoop's 20 minute croup remedy acts like magic. No vomiting, nothing harsh. A simple, safe, plea- troup syrup. Ste. son late su 18 wl his loth vicar of England, The stock, Glen N on On at th of Re All dealers. Hons On March 14th, of John Falis, N.Y, otcurred the death Wilson, a1 Rensselaer an aged and respected re- sient, in his seventy fourth vear. Mr. Wilson was born in Wolford, Ont. See the display of spring blood re- ties on the counter at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Al} fresh there, Ww. nn Leavitt, Brockville, has lensed of M sold i Garrett's Rest, 'a Ride uw river resort jden, this coming season, : A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" L. GC. SMITH & BROS". TYPEWRITER placed on the Canadian Market. Newsome & Gilbe always on hand. I------ period of aboot sixty-seven years. For thirty four years, she dische the duties of post mistress Word bas bees received of the death Angeles, Cal eighty years of age, was fi » w - . 8 { "Retard Gls, nec, 1. [DAWSON & STALEY, for 1.300, What. Everybody Has Been Expecting and Looking For. | FOR TICKETS AND FORMATION 3 nearest GHAND Montreal Ticket Of 141 St St FURTHER IN Jases QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA | Meached in 45 bours from New by the new {mwdian | 28h Maret and 8 Le ! West India Cruises from'New York ~N i i { | wt w Steamer "Gulag o£ OO todate i ents steatuers: sall from New d x and first class of scatery these trips are sted parmphl ai areel all dees ot TERBRIG Steamship {New York: A. AE} lampda, or ta Ticket Agen HANLEY, at J. FF. GILDE Kingston, We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. - We hold the biggest record for the sale of any Typewtiter | V Luehec $d Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar ? Our Opponents said we "Couldn't do it," "WE DID." It will be money in your pocket to look at it. Let us demonstrate it te you. | > } ALLAN 5:5: LINE TO LIVERPOOL Virtorian sails from St March 27th, Hulfax, Mar Turbine, Trip -SMeraw Nloauer 0 tome. FirgtClass Bx Ciaes, $47.50, Third-Class, $28.7 Hates of pa and "fall fsforme. may be oly from J, P HANLEY, Aemat GTR ow On KIRKPATRICK, Local Agente 1 rt, Limited, No. 8 Jordon St., Toronto. f Branches --Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. | | LOCAL AGENTS: ! EWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. | Xypewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines ' Pd i ii i i £4 4 , y 2nd hand Typewriters; sold John 24h 12 prud 5 -- COAL. ! The sudden changes in wenther olghl to suggest 'he wisdom of We have a largp stock, all makes Putting in some good conl. We sell good Coal. Its the wind that easy terms. EE ---------- | : i : The Phoenix Dry Powder akon {he pore Conmtorisiin ; 1a Fire Extinguisher. best money can buy, and there is nome better timed We deliver it to vou clean sad Endorsed by the Leading Insurance without et (he very bottom Companies, adopted Ly the U. =~ Gays] rament and principle Cities, Railroads, Hotels, ete., throughout the U. 8S. apd | prices. Vanada. ready, comiaing wo Vguid Booth & Co., Is always ries. 8 505] A Full Stock of March 15th, e age of whit's oldest ti. Her re passed away, ity-five rwsyedey Vears, , Miss i overed we AT re jidenes rged weil chemicals. which do as much 7 Phone 133. Foot of West 8¢ fire, will not frecam or clog. J Agents wanted. Los of James. Nesworthy, at Deceased upwards wT years rs ; d "JUST IT." 217 Princess St. Kingston. For the Breakfast on s cold morsing High Orade Pianos st livisg prices. | & bot sis of "Mid Cored Ham," sod Vrtor Tyulling Mactines on easy Pay | Striotly Fresh Epgh, at. M EARS, Gay ments, : Hrock street, HA his imported shire «Aallion, Hol to Phy viel McFuiden, Westport, he 83 ¥