Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1908, p. 2

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- PAGE TWO, KITCHEN CABINETS -- but a necessity. A : large , $8 up to $30 each Not a Jux variely, $06 Rockers For comfort. large and smail, $1, $1.25, $1.75 Rings As shown, With hrass chain com plete, only 250. A new stock that we are proud of Wiltons, Axmingters Brussels, Tapis ies, all the ntest COLOR TONES and pretiiest patterns RUGS, ull sizes dnd qualities. » _ Curtains Special purchase, that nminkes funy, designs and prices are right YOURS. T. F. HARRISON CO PHONE go. selling Spring 1908. We are ready now to show you Rugs and Carpets, in better values, softer colorings and an assortment as large as any Carpet House in Ontario. We would be pleased to show you the goods as vou may need some at house- cleaning time. Brussels, Axminsters, Wil- tons, Velvets, Tapestry, Wool, Union Hemps and Japan Matting, We have them all. S800s0ncserncnsencscesecscecee sec vesvenes » " ® » » » * » ° * » * * . o » » * # . * # ° * * * ° ® @ * * » » » ween neevssesccseesee Health and Accident Insurance That Insures The Fidelity & Casualty Company, one of the largest aod oidest concerns in the business, offers $20,000 in case of death bu accident, and an indemnity of firty dollars per week in case of any illness for 32 weeks, or for one or more days duration in the sume proportion. In case of disability Ly accident, they Will pay $50 per week for 200 weeks, or for one or more days duration in the Meme ratio. Apply to; W. J. FAIR, Home! Our Own Home! What a feeling of pride and - independence when you can say, it's mine. Now's the opportune time 0 Start. 60 or 90 days Irom now prices will stiffen, 'have a few snaps left. A District League May Also J teams enter from the THE SPORT REVIEW Be Formed--Boating and Skating on the Harbor is Good--Gen- eral Srorting News. called will ek to form a A meeting part of next w baseball league ly under much ment as the Kingst ey Association well The league like- same Amateur was, and should it did, Ii the league will embrace nearby outside towns, in cluding drockville, Na- pance, Deseronto and Belleville, The citizens furnished rood games this season by the teams, and they should support to the new ball league, help the teams along The Victoria Baseball Club, last year's city league champions, will or- the week. Lnage Ho HU be the ceed as as city, Ganand rue, some were every and give gamize the first of ers out in uniform again. Curling Club Meeting. The final meeting for the seakon of the Kingston Curling Association, was held in the club rooms on Thursday evening. There was a lars tgrnont of members, and general tind was transacted. The plans for next vear were discussed and, in all probability, a large honspiel will be held here next season The trophies for the season were presented the winners. The Tour cups donated by President J. M Farrell for the club comgx tition, were won by 1 rink. The St wart cup was won bv R. D. Suthe land, and the Carruthers medal also went to Mr. Sutherland. The consola to Slater's awarded to Dr. Etherington's rink The most successful ge eurling club has had a every wavy, eatly pleased with roing. The new quarters did much to increase the membership and many old timers take an interest in the game son and are in its members the way things are make Y.W.C.A. Exhibition. The Y.M.C.A od on Thursday evening when W.C.A. class held their open The work done by the girls was a pleasant surprise to all present, no one had any idea that they could put on such an excellent exhibition. The juniors did all their work wel gymnasium was crowd- the Y session. The junior clars did a very handsome sailors' drill, and did fine work on the horse. The senior class also put on some fine Wrills and did fine gym, work. The last item on the programme was a basekethall game between the junior Y. W. C. A. team and Cataraqui, the former win ning out, 14 goals to 7. The game was fast and closely contested all through. The locals played hetter combination and were better shots, Tce Boating Good. On Thursday afternoon, William and John Humphrey came over from Mud Bay, south of Cape Vincent, oh their ie boat. "They made the trip of thirty miles in forty-five minutes The bovs report the ice {0 be in fine shape for ice boatine. and they did not en- counter any water on the way over. ------ Good Skating On Lake. On "Thursday . afternoon, the harbor front was well crowded with skaters The ice was in fine condition and some good games of hockey were induleed in during the day. Some of the more venturesome skated nearl- over to Garden Island and report the ice 'to be jn god condition all the wav over the programme. Removed To Toronto. Hach Tavlor, teller in the branch of the Standard Bank, left Thursday morning to-bogin his new duties in Toronto. His many friends were very sorry to see him leave Kingston, especially the men of the 14th Regiment, who will miss him greatly. Quite a number of his per- sonal friends gathered at the train to bid him good-bye and wish him luck, local Take Your Choice. In choosing a hat at Campbell's you can take your choice from leading styles made by the best hat makers of the world. See the swell new derbies, $2, $2.50, $3 84 at Campbell Bros, Kingston's styl centre for men's hats. -------- Some men are like gas metres: they mst can't help lving. enough | K.AHA. | This | team will have nearly all its old play- | tion prize, four handsome stones, were as the free gymnastics beine a feature of | the | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. 2 the Edi | CONGRATULATIONS PALMISTRY ABSURD ? A Local Writer Gives Prof. Stirl-! ing the Ha ! Ha ! Kingston, March 26 --(To tor) : I was much interested by read ring an article entitled '"Paimistry Ab- | of wour| ! declared | edition has absolute Tuesday's Sti surd," in paper Prof that "palmistry surdity, the whol tempt." This professor of physiology + must be an exceptionally wonderful | in fact, quite buried in his Man- | chester sphere. He really ought to be at large to be admired hy the public, He has suddenly found out that such | authorities as Messrs. Frith, Cheiro d Prof. Zanzig, who, with his won- derful performances before a criticising public, on both sides of the Atlantic, has proven his points in every detail are in error. All of these authorities are absurd, and for generations the world has been fooled. Some of them have been' clever men; but at last, {in our gnidst has arisen who contra- dicts xiluxands of minds. But still, { this must be the mind of minds. The | atheist has said that God exists not It makes no difference--Ile still exists. The same can be said with regard to he has said, palmistry not £ is an ab- | thing beneath con | we take| {man one i Prof. Stirling; {is absurd. It absurd. The cally argued His points, on ing three prominent line J and head--and the girdlegfof Venus, {and the bracelets of life around your wrist-- hardly the A.B.C. of palmis On some palms, some of these are not shown. Would that par in that be I the hand be | somewhat deformed. This not so, { however. The "line of heart, for in: stance, is the flefure of the four fin | gers," Prof. Stirling quotes. But when this line is extinct, where is the | flexure of the four fingers ? One would { think that palmistry was only based of the hand, according Some matters not--it is professor has not logi y mention fe, heart { try. { tines { ticular | extinet ? case, muscle, would £0, 14 the "lines" to the professor's quotations of the chief characteristics have to be the best by indications of the "finger-nails."" Are they influ fenced by the muscles? H so, they { must be extremely hardy ones. Do the | muscles make the various colors which | form a palmist's standpoint ? is one lof the main points. Again, without | looking at the lines, the very shape of indicates almost as much as the lines. The Barbary ape's palm has been quoted as having similar | liries. In the same way the shape of its head is similar. Would this then on been | proven {| the hands prove phrenology to he absurd ? Again, the features of the ape are the nearest resemblance to the human: then this proves physiology to be ab: am sorry humanity is daily Stirling us i } aunt. I | gulled, but glad that Prof. has arisen as a light to tell $0 fr he ape's head and face, in their { shape, proves to us that intelligence | material alone, cannot be judged by So then, al- | bmt by, the development. S : . al { though the palm may be similar, it is not developed. In concluding, I should like to add that 1 am simply an enquirer, and should be glad to get any views on the subject through the = Wedium of vour paper--Yours trulvy,, MARY ELIZABETH TALLING, Earl street. | GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "The Phantom Detective" is Full of Novelties. The latest Rowland & Clifford "sue- cess, "The Phantom Detective," was | presented at tHe Grand Opera House, | last evening, before a fair sized audi- ence. "The Phantom Detective," js a novelty in theatrical entertainments, embracing as it does melodrama. musical comedy and many scenes of | mysticism as prevailing in eastern { lands. The company is composed of | wonderfully clever people, - and ..a jchorus of charming girls as singers {and dancers lends brightness and de- {light to the entertainment "The { Phantom Detective" is plaved by a clever young artist, Jefferson Hall, and hé is original in the interpreta. | (tion of - his dificult role. His 'ma ric {and hvpnotic work cause wonder- { ment. The singing and dancing of the Hall sisters, as well as the singing of {the Lincoln quartette was repeatedly applauded. The lion den scene was a novelty and was both startling = and surprising. The scenery WAS Very { handsome, especially the view of "Tis. jer-ra's palace on Solomon's Island." -- i "Coming Thro' The Rye." | "Coming Thro' the Rye," a musical | comedy, will be played at the Grand | on Saturday, March 28th, matines and { night. The organization presenting "Coming Thro' the Rye" comprises | about six¥y persons, made up of come- | dians, singers, chorus and ballet. The | leading comedian is George E. Mack, { whose performance in this piece has | brought him conspicuous celebrity, { Others in the company are Mae Phel | pa. who plays Mrs. Kobb: Grace Tur ner, who will appear as Bessie Claude Lora Lieb, who is Lolita. an artist's model: Paul E. Decker, who imperson. ates an Eaglish nobleman: Osborne Clemson, who assumes the character of VanDyck Brown, the portrait paint er; Carl Hoffiman.,® who has a western character called Cactus Clande: and Sydney Broughton, in the character of an up-to-date press agent. Aside from the comely supplied by Mr. Hobart and the music contributed by Mr Sloane, monologues and popular songs are introduced, many of which are s» 1 to be given in this production for first time. ---------- The Snow Disappearing. The severe rain of Thursday night did much to decrease the snow and ice around the city. In many places the snow is neariy all gone and the roads are clear of ice. If the ice and snow along the sides of the down towp streets were thrown out into the middle of the road it wonld soon dis. upper bart of the iu upper part the city are still in a disgraceful condition. However, King- ston's streets are clean as compared to those of Ogdensbure, which are dasye'< treatment HIgHL ---- PLEASED TENDED TO PROF. SHORTT. --e ff By Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux on His Efforts in Settling Industrial PROF. ADAM SHORTT. Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux has sent a letter of congratulation to Prof. Shortt on: the successful results of his efforts in settling the diflerences be- tween the Dominion Coal company and its employees. Mr. Lemieux says in part: "You have daring the year presided over many boards of conciliation and investigation under sthe act for the adjustment of various industrial dis- putes. The result &f your efiorts has been uniformly successful and of the utmost value to the industrial popu- lation of Canada. I welcome this op- portunity, therefore, of expressing my of the deep obligation under which you have laid my department, congratulate you upon having seized at the outset the vital principle of the measure of conciliation. and of effecting a series of agreements and establishing an array of investiga. tions which must prove of the highest value in all future proceedings under the act: Let me assure vou that my colleagues in the government appre- ciate no less than myself the value of the services you have rendered during the year." sense TO DO PASSENGER TRADE, R.and 0. to Sell Its Freight Line. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation company has disposed of its freight business of the Montreal and Hamil ton line to the Mackay company, Hamilton, and will withdraw its boats from its service. This line is known as the Bay of Quinte route of the R. & 0, and the willingness of the com- pany to sell out is a result of a de- cision to devote itself more particu- arly to passenger traflic, The R. & 0. will also likely dispose of two freight boats to the Hamilton com- pany, uring the proceeds towards the purchase of a new passenger steamer. ------------ Dyspepsia Is A Crime. _ Nearly all conditions that in break- ing 'down of health have their begin- ginning in chronie indigestion or dys- pepsia, Thee troubles ean be effectively our- ed at any stage by use of Day's Dys- pepsia' Cire, Thig preparation has digestive, tonje and laxative proper tics. Fach bottle contains sixteen 3 For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. j -------- New York's Latest. Tn Deri ies at Campbell Bros, eS -------- The smartest hats, $2. Bibbv's. Haricot French beans in glass, at Gilbert's . : Oysters, Fdward & Jenkin. Men's Spring Hats Our great Hat values are the "talk of the town." Qur offers speak [or themselves, and then our pleased cus tomers continue the conver- sation. We 'are advertised by our satisfied patrons. Here are our 5 leaders : Woodrow, $3.50 Hats. (King Edward's favorite.) Hawes, $3 Hats. (worn everywhere.) Strachan, $3 Hats. (made in Canada.) Piccadilly, $2.50 Hats. (the hat of peripetion.) Waverly, $2 Hats. (King of $2 Hats.) See our window display. EX. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. *ewsy Paragraphs Picked Up By &eporters Un Lheir mounas. Ursters, rdwaris & Jennin { wWehost hats 22, at mnuy 8. | A. nn. Copemna, bul, 13 a visi tor in the wy, i rise oranges, 0c. a dozen, or J0¢. | 8 peed, Laipert, } ak. oa eft, here, Yesterday, ou a mip tw broekpory, N.3 Buy your wati paper now and save money ut Fraser s, . Read waldron s Saturday night ad- | Vertisement, A special sale, : lhe only drug Siore open all day Sunday, uitson s Med Cross. try Bibby s dainty ¥1 sharts. w. F. inompson, of ushawa, Spending a ew days in this city, Wilham swaine, Pano tuner. urders received at McAwey 8. Jhoge Tis. James \uinu, of here, ¥esteruay, on his way to water wwn, N.Y. Radway's blood purifier cleanses the blood, 4 § son s Ked (ross wnrug dtore, Bibby's 82 hats for comfort, Mrs, by, 4g, McLeliana, of vrockville, has made AlTangements to take up her residence in hingston. New Spring suitings are open for your inspection. Crawford & Walsh. ie Johnston, of Winnipeg, torm- er proprietor of ihe British sanerican hotel, 1s Visiting iu the city, Bibby s $2 hats for style, Douvle strength tarine moth bags, three sizes, sold only at Gibson's ked Cross Drug Store. Phone 230, _ Henry hogan, the n. & ¥, driver injured on Wednesday, passed a fair night, and is slightly improved, HBibby's $2 hats for comfort. Sale of stockings, two pairs 35¢.; belts, 10c.; two pairs dress shields, "Jc. New York Dress Reform, Everything Is reported very quiet'in police circles, "I'here was no. session of the police court again to-day. Save money by getting vour Paper at Fraser s. Large stock choose from, at 78 William street. Bibby's $2 hats for style. . Police Constable Thomas Mullinger 1s on duty again, after being laid up several days within severe illness, The many friends of Mrs. O'Reilly, 93 William street, will be sorry to learn that she is quite seriously ill, Bibby's $2 hats are favorites. Latest designs in wall paper at Fraser's, Herbert Laskey, of Trenton, was a visitor in the city yesterday, He went to Watertown in the afternoon. Splendid bargains in corsets of every description. Sce our special Dip Hip, 65c. All makes Kept in stock, New York Dress Reform. Try Bibby"s smart #2 hats. Snow and ice are going away beauti- fully, ¥ you keep your ear to the ground you may hear the backbone of winter crack any minute. Sulphur, cream tartar and molasses the greatest blood purifier, sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Style, fit, finish, Crawford & Walsh, tatlors. The, funeral of the late Mrs, James Cochrane, Latimer, took place, on Fri- day morning, to Sand Hill cemetery, Six sons of the deceased acted as pall- bearers, See Bibby's new $2 hats. Paper all this week at half price, at Fraser's, Sale of three-inch silk ribbon, ear- dinal, navy, black, brown, white, blue, pink, green, 12§c. per yard. New York Dress Reform. : We VY, Fairbairn, Kingston, and Miss Mary 1. Marshall, Belleville, were mar- ried, on Wednesday. Two little nieces of the groom, Misses Pansy and Pearl Druce, of Kingston, were winsome flower girls. ol is wall to For your spring suit. Crawford & Walsh. y Don't neglect your spring blood cleaner, sulphuf, cream tartar and molasses, sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store See Bibby's nobby $2 hats The funeral of the late James Fohn son took place on Friday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. Services were conducted at the house by the Rev. D Laing, pastor of the First Baptist church, of which the deceased was a member Burdock, sarsaparilla with iodide of potassium, removes pimples, boils and all skin diseases. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store Francis Dennison, Ottawa, is to re ceive a humane society medal for sav ing Mrs. Murphy, of Kingston, from drowning in the Rideau canal, on June 24th. Without taking time to divest himself of his coat, he jumped into fifteen feet of water, and after considerable difficulty brought the wo- man to the shore. A REMARKABLE FAMILY. Three of Them Lived to Be 100 Years Old. The Mrs. Alexander MGinnes, of St. George's Lake, or Oconto, whose death fa. been recorded in the Whig, was formerly Ann Spike, daugh. ter of Brine Spike, a United Empire Loyalist, who was the first settler in Portland township, and who cut the first tree in clearing land in that township. His crown grant extended from what is kiown as the Dennison property, south to where Cook's drug store now stands in the village of Harvowsmith, There was a large fam. ily, all living to be very old, ons sis ter being 110, counting from the time the United Fmpire Loyalists came over hove, being seven years old at ila time. Mrs. McGinnes is the third of the family who lived over an handend Sally, Betsy and Ann were the rears, thre conlienarians out of a familie of late thirteen . children. All died over eighty years old, with the exception of John, who was killed by being thrown against a tree when he was forty. To Bc Given A Diploma. On Saturday afternoon, Capt. George C. Hammond will be presented with a handsome diploma, awarded him by thé Royal Canadian Humane Society, for bravery and presence of mind in rescuing Claire Robinson, Alice Moore and Alice McLean, from drowning during the summer of 1906. The presentation will be made be E. J. B. Pense at the Princess thestre. -- om | ander | an account when he was indebted | contract regarding Gananoque, wag | Sewer | see how the Board of Works could de- plication fdr a full attendance members, ! City Engineer Craigh\informed { ! SPECTOR APPOINTED. He Hasn't Time to Attend to the Work--Contract For Stone For | the Streets--Forty-Seven Con- crete Walks to Be Built, The Board of Works ing at eight o'clock. were Aldermen Graham, Free, McCann and Nickle. An account was presented from Alex- Tait for stone. AM. Nickle raised the question of paving Mr. Tait to his street didn't even last present met hose the city for failing to carry: out the "Kill Ald. Nickle said he fend a recommendation to pay = Mr. Tait's account. It was decide! to hold the account in question. R. J. McClelland, assistant city en gineer, applied for increase of salary City Engineer Craig recommended that the Board of Works grant his as sistant's request as he was worthy of a higher salary in view of his good work. 'The hoard held over the ap- of the committee that was impossible for him to act as plumbing inspector, which duties last year had been added to the engineer's duties, "He said that it was a mistake to have ever ime. posed such duties wpon his *position, and desired to protest against the imposition. The city engineer, he said, had fully as much as he could attend to without being inspector of plumbing. Mr. Craig recommended that another person be appointed plumbing inspector. It would pay the city, he said, to carry out his recom. mendation, because enough fees would be collected to more than pay the inspector's fee. The engineer's letter was referred to the city couneil. Alexander Tait was present régard- ing the stone contract." He offered to supply stone to any part of the city for ¥5.75 a toise, or R390 a toise at the quarry. He offered as securi ties D. J. Rankin and A. C. Wartman in $1,000 each, on a two-year con tract. On the peommmendation of the city engineer the figures of Mr. Tait were aecepted. Alds, Graham and Free said they were satisfied that $5.7) was a fair figure. The city couldn't supply the stone at quite as low a figure. It was decided to recommend to council the passage of last year's street watering by-law with these ad ditions : Clergy street from Col borne to Ordnance, Rideau street from Bay to Raglan Road, Earl street from Alfred to Frontenac, and to cut off Place d' Armes from the area. The city engineer. presented a roport recommending the construction of for ty-seven concrete walls," in places 'where new walks were absolutely ne cessary. Aid, Nickle advised that the old asphalt walk on Brock street between , the Brock street Methodist, church and Cooke's 'church be recon structed, as it was in a dangerons condition. The 'engineer will look into the matter, -------- Spring Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has rbeeived three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch angl English tweeds; sires, i cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from Lettuce ! Celery ! Parsley ! Edwards & Jenkin, "Ione 775. Bananas ! Livingston's advt. ou, last. page, Saturday specials. Read Waldron's Saturday night ad vertisement. 'A special sale, It's better to work for nothing than to play. a losing game." : Best navel oranges, all sizes, 83 a case, Gilbert, Rats are an alarming nuisance England. RUN DOWN-TIRED. In Kingston People Who Are in This Condition Are Asked to Read This Article, There are many people in this vic nity at this of the year who are all run down, no strength hardly able to drag shout, Don't know what ails them, We want to say to every such per- son that our cod liver preparation, Vinol, is the tonic reconstrector which they need. Vinol tones up the diges rive organs, creates a healthy appetite makes rich red blood, and strength ens every organ in the body to do its work. In this natural manner strength and vitality quickly replace weakness and Jassitude, Miss Kose Blair, president Sopho more Club, Kanegs Civy, writes: 'Last spring 1 was all rum down nervous irritable and could not sleep. 1 tried many medicines without benefit. Vinol was recommended. It was delicious and not at gl like the greasy cod liver oil and emulsions | was used to Vinol gave me a hearty appetite and restored me to perfect health and strength." Vinol is recoghired throughout the world as an unexcelled strength ere ator for old people, wink, sitkly wo- men, delicate children and (he con- valescent. 3 Try Vinol on our ofier to return maney if it fails to give watisfsction George W. Mahood, druggist, Kisg- ston, Ont. season OAL-_ ENGINEER CRAG | WANTS A PLUMBING IN. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE, The candidate's will prevent a systematic canvass. Will old friends, and many kindly reserve public duties new supporters their pledges for his benefit ? You Can Save Money FURS THIS MONTH FROM W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Farrier. We vay Cash for all kinds of Raw Furs. Mirror Centre Pieces FOR THE TABLE. We are showing some pretty pew patterns, edged with silver in Piorced, and embossed with or without 14 inches plain, cflectn from 8 top. SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. wt, sizes to across the Wood's Phospho The Great Bngiis Liem ody, ole Tones aud invigorates the w pOrvous systom, makes now ww Blood in ald Veina 7 "eres Nero. ma paiity, Ment dl and Drain Wery v, Jes sondency, Sexual Weakness, Femi vions, Sper Ratorrhaa, avd Kets of Abuse or Ere cases, Price $1 per box, sixfor§s One will pi nix will cure, Bold by all ruggists o1 mailed in n pkg. on receipt of price, New pamyphle nailed free, Mod cine Co, owmnoris W70v dvi Fomarte. Onl, -- ------ AAA AAAAIA AANA ANN Saturday Snaps WILL INCLUDE Ladies' Print and Flanel ette Wrappers, odd sizes, regular price, $1.25, for 89 each J IIE HACER Ladies' White Waists "with Allover Embroidery Front, a $1.25 Waist, for T6¢., sizes, 34 to 40. Ladies' White Waists, with Square Yoke snd trimmed with Lace and Insertions, the best §1.50 Waist in the trade SATURDAY, 98c. each. Buy your New Dress on SATURDAY, as we will have some extra good lines, at 50c. a yard. All the popular shades, in plain goods or fancy. 20 dozen extra quality Towels, Muck, Plain Colored Borders, good sige, 19x37 indies. For a SATUR- DAY 8 1, 12}¢c. each. Special sale of Corset Cover Embroidery, at 20ec. . and 25¢. a yard. Allover Embroidery, extra value, at 35c. a yard. Wonderful range of Lace Curtains, at 25¢. to $6.50 a pair, NEWMAN & SHAW. The Always Busy Store

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