- E---- BAS00000000000000000002000000000000000000000 Fownes' Celeprated Kid Gloves 0000000000000000000000000(PRTRNNINSRIEIRDSONACIEONRGININSIOOUDNOO000000000000000006Y e ° ® . . * * Ld . ° ° ° ® » o . any wrinkles whatever. re unequalled by any other make. The great va- iety of colors, styles and sizes surpasses any of- ring in this section, and the prices are reasona- a. £g J All shades--Dblack, rown, etc.--a color to suit ; All gualities-- $1, 1.25, 1.85, 1.50, 1.75,2.00 and 23a price to suit all purses. Nv © The 1 New Spring Gloves will add greatly to the ap- pearance of your costume providing they are the, fashionable kind. Before you-purchase view our un- usual assortment of the Celebrated Fownes' Make. They're not only fash- ionable they fit perfectly, being absolutely free from The wearing qualities white, grey, tan; fawn, all tastes. All sizes, dressed and undressed, long or short. The New Spring Veils How easy it is to recog- nize last fall veils -- the new arrivals are so en- tirely different. And when yon purchase your veiling this spring be sure you are getting something new and exclu- ive. Our Veilings are extre- mely novel--the qualities are unusually good and the prices very low. Read the following facts :-- All Weaves--from the long, thick, and service- able Auto Veils to the fine almost invisible mesh Veils. Pretty spring colorings, in large and small dot £ = & effects, plain or fancy mesh, plain Silk Complexion Veils for the cold March winds, , brown, green, etc. in white, grey, At 25¢, '30¢, 33¢, 35¢, 40c, 50c to 98c per yard. A weave, a color, a quality to suit the most fastidious person. CRUMLEY BROS. bat THRE CUTIE, SS " A 00000600000000000000000000000000000008080000 [orser TRADE MARK GIVES ADDED CHARM TO THE WEARER Owing to its being the most successful corset design ever trealed, Tt is a well-known fact thata "D & A" Model greatly enhances the beauty of a per- fect figure, while it improves ordinary figures aut of all recognition. A "D & A De Luxe Corset" is the elixir of slegnnc, smartness, refined dis- tinction and comfort. Light as air, yet. guaranteed to outlast two ordinary corsets, Quebec PRICES $1.00 to $5.00 DOMINION CORSET CO:, Mantrs. Montreal Torents BRE taerannntauie rors iet art rere TEs SETI REISS REeabe THe etre cee ses e eres Le cae eat, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. MAY COME ALONG [GORDON HIGHLANDERS | AND LIFE GUARDS. | ---- Bronze Statue For Mountain Hill Has Reached Quebec--Martin Bannon, a Jail Guard Dropped Dead. Quebec, March 27.--1t is stated, om {good authority, that the Prince of {Wales will be accompanied to Cavada | by a company of the famous Gordon Highlanders and a troop of the Life Guards. These will act as his royal highness" body guard during the ter- centenary celebration, The convention of the association of the French-speaking physicians of North America will take place, here, from the 20th to the 23rd of next July. This was the date decided at a meeting of the committee held on Wednesday night to make preparations for the event. The bronze statue of Mgr. Laval, which is to surmount the monument, erected at the top of Mountain Hill, to the first bishop of Quebec, has ar- rived in this city and was yesterday taken to the site where the work of placing it will at once be begun. The statue 1s an imposing one. One of the guards of the common jail, a man named Martin, dropped dead on Grand Allee avenue about eight o'clock this motfninhb. He wa seventy years old, PENITENTIARY MATTERS. McManus Didn't Get the Boots Made For Him. The penitentiary prisoners knew the date of the release of "Kid McMan- us, viz., March 25th, and a fine pair Jf boots had been made for him asa token of the esteeme in which he was held by his nearer comrades. But "Kid" didn't get the boots. He was removed to St. Vincent de Paul peni- tentiary before his time expired, and there was no chance to slip theispe- cially made footwear to him wheh he wag taken to get shod for his de parture to the Eastern prison. The boots in question had been specially made, and were a pair of dandies, Several prisoners have had five days added to their sentences for making side pockets in the trousers df three penitentiary officers, A recent regula- tion allows officers to have only hip pockets, Some of the prisoners in the tailor department thought that this was a shame, and without instrue- tions, finished certain trousers with full sets of pockets. Now they must pay the penalty, Must Be Reconumended. Hayter Reed, chief of the hotel de- partment of the C.P.R., who visited Queen's to seek students who wished employment during the summer, said: "1 like to encourage the young men, as much as | can. I admire young fel- lows who have the ambition to work their way through college, as these are, doing: They earn edough in the summer to keep themselves all the winter, and there is no false pride about them to make them think it inffa dig. to act as bell-hoys and waiters, Most of those we engage go into the summer resorts in the Roexy Mouvtainge, and work either as bell- puys, waiters, or teamstars. Altogeth- er, 1 suppose we engage fifty to sixty in this way. They make from $75 to 8125 a month, in addition to their board, so vou see they are able to save a considerable amount to pay their college expenses during the win ter. Most of them come from Toron- to University, or Woliville, N.S, and some even from Yale and Harvard. 'The 'boys' have to be strongly re commended. by the principal of their college as to their sobriety, industry, anid moral character." Collins Bay News. Collins Bay, March 26.--A number from here attended the sale at Mr. Botting's, Westbrooke, on Wednesday. A. Rankin left for Toronto om Wed: nesday. Mrs. G. Marsh is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. F, Letherland, Cataraqui. 'I'hose on the sick list are Mrs. GG. Saundercock, Mrs. P. Lirass and H. Rankin. James Waller is engaged in taking out in the city. I. Vanluven has moved into Horace Grass' house. Mrs. J J. Lossee has returned home after visiting relatives in Toronto. Messrs. MeClymont have returned to their hom here for the summer, alter spending 100 Men's Foss Packard Patent Colt, Blucher Men's Gun Metal, Velour Calf Blucher Cut, all sizes and patty Reid & Charles, ~~ 111 Princess St. Succes 'sors to D. J. McDermott. cut, natty lasts, lasts, Regular $5.00 the winter in Kingston, Belleville Man Promoted. Belleville, March 27.--~Joha T. Lus- combe, formerly of this city, has heen appointed master mechanic of the Toledo & Ohio railway, with headquarters at Bucyrus, Ohio, Mr Luscombe, who learned his trade on the G.T.R., was formerly general fore. man of the Chicago & Alton railway. The Statement Denied. Berlin, March 27.--The Lokal An- zeiger and the Koinish Zeitung print an inspired dispatch directly denying that the government has rejected Pr. Hill as United States: ambassador to Germany, Butchered Armenians, "ongtantisope, March 27.--Thirty- three Armenians have been dwt cheped | and dight wounded by a Bashi Ba. zouks, at Vina, in a slaughter fol- lowing the shootine of a government spy, by an Armenian revolutionary, - Born On The Same Day. To-day, March 37th, was the birthday of both William Allen, the veteran Brook street shoemaker, and James, Stewart, postmaster. The two met as usual and offered each other congratu- lations, 3 Rout Were Killed. Hi » Mareh 27.~The fast Wells- iy collided with a freight, head on ai Belividiere, on the Erie®giinay, this marning, Two per sony ale dead and five injured, *> HAmusements. (GRAD OPERA NOUSE ) SATURDAY, MARCH 28th. Matinee, at 2.830. Eveming, 8.15. The Rork Company's Production. Distinguished Musical Comedy Success. ""Coming Thro' the Rye"' marcia pany of ers apd Dancers and ap Superh Scemic and Costume Display. Matinee, 35c., 35e. Soe 75. ; 25¢. to any TEREX ve Evening. 36¢., 30ch Seats pow on sale BLIOU OPEN SATURDAY, AT 10 A y. Je A great big Comedinns. ing Immense Chorus. Children o fie. wl. $1.50. To-day and Saturday we present a cleab, Healthy melodrama in 10 acts. "A CASE OF ABDUCTION" We also presen® a comedy full of life and movement. "RESULTS OF A RAZOR CUT" Showing how a Parish Lusipess man is infuriated by a sd shave, Which leads to domestic trouble. SYNOPSIS OF PLAY. The Plot=The Pretty Vietim--"The Fashionabla Scoundrels--The Brave News boy--Stalking 'Their FPrey- Swipescy Plays Detective--Giving the Tip--The Disguise--A Clever Imposition--The Villians Held Up--The Police Arrive--A Street Encounter--Chaos At The And Finally A Duel. JOHN ROBERT DAVIS SINGS F RIDAY --' The 'afe.' SATURDAY ~-- Office Flowers Outside A Bonny Jean," 5 cts. WIA THE HOUSE OF HITS. Programme FRIDAY and SATURDAY. "The Farmer's Daughter" A farmer's doughter forsakes her rustic lover for an unprincipled villan from the city. She runs away with him, and he deserts her after a few weeks pathstic story. "Mashing the Masher" A dude snnoys Youhg ladies who pass They tell their brothers. hey write him 4 note, appointment on «a certein corner. The brothers throw huge pile of rubbish out of a whxlow upon him, and the masher is thus mashed. "Up-to-Date Removal" Comedy. "Comedy of Errors" a wife beating. but ome husband. Very laughable. for the Song lilustrated--"TLL, BE WAITING WHEN DE ARTE, YOU COME RACK HOME, sung by CEO, BB. TOUHEY, the Wieasing Baritone. J. THEO. BK, Mgr. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. A GENERAL MEETING OF THE Wanderers' Association Football Club will lie held at The Hall, Market Square, MONDAY, March 30th, at 8 pm. Mem- bers, players and all interested in foot ball cordially mvited. t NEWS-OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. William MeKinnon has purchased, from George Dustin, Ogo, a portable saw mill and will erect the same on his premises near McDonald's corners A pen of twenty-one hens owned by Mrs. Reuben Noxon, Bloomfield, dur ing the period between January 4th and Warch 15t laid 416 eggs. Grief came to the home of John C Darling, 23rd inst., when his beloved wife was taken away. Can cer of the stomach was the cause of death Marg three Crawford, aret McKinnon, aged thirty years, daughter of Randolph M Kinnon, MeDonald's Corners, away Tuesday. For two weeks pneu monia had laid ber low. passed A CITY OF 13,000 GONE. Was Knocked Over and is Now in Flames. Mexico City, March 27.--The #0wn of Chilapa, in the state of Querrero, was completely destroyed by an earth- quake last night. Following the shock the runing took fire and the whole city ig burning. "The populace is terror steicken. It is not known, even ap- proximately, how many lives were lost. Chilapa was' a ety of 13,000 inhabitants. A GREAT EARTHQUAKE. ------ Fotr Persons Were Hurt--Streets Cracked. Mexico City, March 27. Mexico City experienced two severe earth- quakes vesterday. Four persons were injured," one probahly Sataliy. The shock was felt for 500 miles from north to south. Salle San Francisco, the main thoroughlare of Mexico City, was in places for many blocks. St. , BWI, March 27.-A very sharp" Shock occurred here, yes terday, and created much alarm. No damage is reported. ---- The Latest Despatch. Montreal, March 27.-A déspateh just to hand from Mexinn City, re- 15 junke, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c. a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafier half ceml A TALL NICE LOOKING WELL dressed boy, at The Bijou, Theatre Call before 12 sam, a word. Minimum caarge for one in- sertion, 25¢. YOUNG MAN OF 17 OR 18 YEARS OF age, for dry good business Apply John Laidlaw & Son WANTED---GENERAL, ACRES WITH PURCHASE 5 TO 7 Apply McCann, dwelling, near city. 51 Brock. street. TO PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY kind. Cull or write to rs. Cayicss, 834 King street, over Armstrong's. RENT, HOUSE, LARGE, COM fortable, good location Possession wanted May 1st, Apply Box 'F.)" Whig office, TO THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work prompily done. F. J. Bireh Electrician, 17 ellington street, A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other aggegr carted. Prices right. Apply to Lytle, General Carter, 85 Maig St. UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET LAY- ing, sewing geoeral reparing, by - w Millard, 235 Wellington Orders taken at Drury's onl offer. "Phone, 443. DRESSY GENTLEMER TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo ; Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. WAGGONS, FURN1 ture, Viavos, or any article for stor age, by the nonth, year, or any way required. For further mformation, apply to Laturpey's Carriage Works, $ 3 and 392 Princess St, *hone, 5! CARRIAGES, KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newnan and Sprigg's Electric Lol are alwgys ready to do repair wor at moment's notice. Estimates fur- nished for wiring. Beautiful import- el fixtures a specialty. Fresh Bal- teries and Sparkers on band. Tele phone, 441; 79 Princess street SALESMEN, A PORTRAIT 16x20 MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN STORAGE FOR AUTO-SPRAY Best band Sprayer made, compressed .r, automatic Laberal terms Cavers lros., Galt, Ont WANTED-FEMALE, GOOD GENERAL plain cook. Apply 105 Albert St. SERVANT, to Mrs. Fittinger below Union St AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS fine Propositic on S101 expenses men Apply Bex oftice, Kingston, Oot. TO sa CRAYON PORTRAITS, $0 fraanes, 10c. and up, sheet cenl each. You can make profit or $36 per week Frank Tayior cents, pictures one 400 per cent Catalogue and samples free W. Willams Co., 1,208 W, St., Chicago, lll SITUATIONS VACANT, BAR ber trade. Graduales earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly, Help secure positions Will equip shops. Con- stant practice. Careful instructions Few weeks complete course. Cata free Write Moler Barber Toronto logue ollege, IO-LET, FURNITURE, CL Storage ' FOR Frost's y 'Phone, 516. and dry Queen St UNIVERSITY AVE. COR. JOIN son, 9 rooms, hot water furpace, B & C. Apply at McCann's, 51 street. TWO with steam Bn BRIGHT FRONT study en heat Whie « N MAY 187 on large Haht Address ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212. #29 213 JOHNSON 81 BRICK HOUNI heated by furnace, all modern provements aml in good repair ply to R. W. Nesbitt 3a7 street. BRICK lighted ets WILLIAM ST NEW hous, heats 3 by bot water by eas all modern impro Vat Apply R. W; Nesbitt, 337 street HENRY r. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Maghood's Drug store, commer Princess and Bagot streets. Fatrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8, KIRKPATRIOK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. i C. STILL IN MAD HOUSE. | Thaw Will Remain All Summer. New York, March Dr. Rovern 3. Lamb, superintendent of Matteawan state. hospital, will sal for Europe,| Saturday, 'and will be absent July or later. The departure of Ur, Lamb means that he will not make al report on Harry Thaw's mental con-|} dition until pernaps duly or later. Dr. Lamb's departure from the coun-| | try for a vacation is taken to that Thaw will be a patient at Harry K. 2. Mat- | teawan for at legst a month following | v irtue # of personal character are | rec lveming the doctor's return. Odd Animals In Harness. Montreal Standard. The horse must look as a number of odd competitors his plage. as the friend of man SPEHAgIRG wp. At Apndheim, a in Southern California been trained to draw ed traps. Une of the nessed has travelled minutes, or at the miles an hou I'he African was formerly garded as being too wild and vicious f But time has | f use to his laurels, for are German &ettlement { ostriches have ight four-wheel bitds 80 har- | a mile in three rate of twenty zebra to be ol in harness changed this, Africa any number purchased, ready trained bridle. The zebra will be found useful in Africa and India, as it ws ex- | ceedingly slong, a fast trotter and | immune from many diseases which at- tack horses Perhaps the oddest animal in har | ness 1¢ the wiid boar; which is driven | hy a French peasant at Mentlucon. Is | is now three years old, and able to! draw a small two-wheeled cart As | a bit is of no use, the reins are at- | tached to the animal's eve teeth, | | ( of zebras can be bit and most | to Better Than None. Harper's Weekly. The negro's love of titles of what- ever sort is amusingly illustrated by a story told by the governor of a seuth- arn state It appears that the congregation of FROM ELECTRIC until! man breast may grow such | such | anity mean | soul | holding { mag need with | strengthening | tact | purity.- | Beacon street, | literature. and now in British East |, Syrup Jaws cans Phone 417 - 1908, NUMBER present occupied © by C.M.G., hot water MAY, Farl street, at Lieut -Col. Hudon, heating and modern puprovenants Apply to Armstrong McCormick, 102 | Centre street, or Thomas MAla. 79 Clarence streel. 187T BUSINESS CARDS. CLEANING Feather Beds steam, H CARPET Sewing. and Laying and Plllows cleaned by Milne, 272 Bagot street. Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, The Better Way. How beautiful it is that in every hu a spirit and a consecration as will lead it waturally and inevitably* to 'the wights of the religious life. As hum climbs toward the Infinite, it to see diviner mbanings in the day facts of individual and 8» and it feels that the the which uplift the will come by ideals, helping hu human sympathy, . bv the righteousness Hinckley, earns very cial experience, powers Spiritual purpose up true by 'consdience con of and 1 personal Rev. F. A C. W, Joston, Casson, at Mass. Address; Rev. *: AT VAN LUVEN'S. Maple Svruj Battersea. surpassed, also Rock Ca in tins, very wice. Just received New Vanlauven & Bons annot he fakes Ap nt { Fresh Suger Dried I'ca Large Agssortme and Jellies, in ( aud Peaches, 2 ting . Kipperod Herrvings Sardines, at he Vindona at 3 tine 10% forend n and 124 a delicious fish Celery Relish, bott Horse Radish, Hotties Mixed Pickles pad how-Chow, hotties, 10¢., 15 Jumbo size, 50¢ bottles, for Turner's Pure Unfermented Wine. F, W. Van Luven es a colored charch in Georgia conceived the notion that it would add greatly to their dignity if the pastor of the church were enabld to add the initi- als "DD." to his name. A member, bearing of an institution in the north which would, for value received, confer such a degree, entered into correspon dence with that end in view. Reply Wm. Hurray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. came to the eficct that the sum of $75 would obtain the desired dignity. A difficulty arose, however, in that the congregation was unable to raise more than #39. Finally, after much confabulation, the congregation dele- gated one of its number to wee the thing out. Accordingly the following EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guaranteed STRACHAN"S. messages was sent to the institution mentioned : ; "Kindly forward our pastor gne 'D.] we being unable to afiord the other at $his time. When a man North London police court for sending his daughter to school said she was his twenty-ficst child. + The amount of wheat ruined Ly the rust is estimated at $5,000,000 per ey year there are 500 deaths from hunger, ad destitution in Great Beit i nt not he was summoned How To Know The Leap Year. "Ladies and gentlemen" In years of is the phase three hundred and wmisty- five days, jut vineleen hundred when The lafios are after the gentlemen Perfume manpfacturers of Italy eve > and eight ery year comoase 1 860 ton ol orange blossoms, 930. tons of roses, each of aod violets and 15 tons of ome. 150 tons The 84, Sith, fost 30 pur sary yard, Oh 188 UNIVERSITY solid brick house i open ng Sullivan, Cla srence tree VERY FINE HORS 10 hands higt buggy and ha office, or Ng WELL Chgar Owne ESTABLISHED business, sp golng west FOBAC( 354 King ot VALUABLE PROPI RTY FOR SALE-~ Double house, on J¢ property Son, now used as a aw pumber's shop. Apply aiken & Walkem, CHESTNUT STALL HANDS high, good acu sound. kind and well broken. Formerly handled by . McGill For information, apply te Jas. Stratford, 287 Priucess street, Kingston. ION, 1¢ NO. 76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK with extension kitchen, 8 bed rooms, hot water heating. Hecently renovate ed throughout. Eni ist May Also pair. of good houses Nos. 60 und 63 Wellingtun stadt "Apply A. UB Cunminghat =. MTOMOBILE~FORD FOUR enger, light Louring car prac PR od as new, with all the kates and 1 up-to-date Lmproveins powerfu searchlights and fu equipmen Four tres new, three overhau As I an large 1 use PASS by. Broek | jo n Johnson Johnson | 158 | THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT 25 for the | | Pol 1c building company « Godwin s et Square } xa p Insurance Funpol QLOnEy Availabe [LiveRroot LONDON AND ire Insurance assets $61 187.2 which the secur®y the rmiimited the stockholders. Farr perty ired rates n new husiness got ra & Strange, Agents PERSONAL. apa pe Ph PALMIN] tinues at AND rd st 8! Far > PSYCHOLOGIST fessor Hadste MOLES Hin THMA RR, ete rem ved per niiyv, SCAT Twenty ¥ wi i Lak h and Skir 2568 Bagot street HAIR, warts without ence. Dr Nose, Tq Bpecialist, FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built te order and erected in place on short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youiden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY Wholesales or Retail. A very {choice stock grown in sandy soul, 246 Princess Stat A. GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED. 1863. President--Sir Richard Cart wright Money loaned om City and Farm snd County Deben- erties. Municipal Deposits Tes. M ages purchased eceivad and inierest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. ATTERTION, FURNACES your furnace teeds repairmg, if any work Aone io the way of Lk ve me # al, you you will gt prompt. attention wed DAVID | Brock st Brook St. New England Chinese Restaurant 831 King Street. Opett from 10.30 am, to 8 am, the best place to get sn all round Lusch ig the city. Meals of all kinds on siortest tice. and Chinese disbes 8 apetiaity, yy O85, ol iol