irish Sours arts oT AT SH { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 27. 1908. EE -------- ---- - - ------------ wes-- -- - pn-- . - wa : 4 i 4 |THE WHIG, 75th YEAR| @mniendations. These involved some | e {80 eminent a source, have had jm. | | ' DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published a 30s: structural changes in the buildings, | uU Pressed upon them all through "the | : | 810 Ki street, ton, Ontario, at 3 f . > IVES BA A ~ - nA a year, NE iitions at 20 mid 4 lock p.m. per! the adoption of means logking to] _-- pat investigntions that in 0000000000000 A0TOOOC 0000 000000000000 00006 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub-| cakity i . satus Ce . >, . ain features o he | { tished im parts om Monday and Thursday mors. greater secarity in the fire appa of (Continued from Page 1). jact, and features involving principle, | | ing ot $1 a year. To United Sta, ame and the erection of fire escapes so | time to time, say not less than once] might he simplified and improved 15x sta V eekly. to be made Hoc. 'I that the pupils in all class rooms in| 8 Year, every department of the gov,| The commissioners beg to point out | Attached is one of the best Job Printing . tori . ernment' service, "such mgpection to! certain sections which oh 3 ries will have egress from W might with | Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap] th? first sto ! {cover the whole management of each! some propriety be amended. Generally | work; nine improved presses. the buildings independent of the halls department. {speaking it is the YP i a Ee) -- . L185 the opunion o ie com- The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd. and doorways. These improvements, These respective reports to be missioners that the act is too ral nw, a tor, being gf a permanent character, will | Prompuly considered by the commis |and too involved; that it deals with be charged to Capital account, and SiONers, and such adtion taken by | Many subjects of varying importance, | the . il will } shed © to raise them as they may deem necessary for | from the examination of a candidate | ailv b Gg he council, wi se askec o the maintenance or improvement of | for admission to the service to the Polish Your Furniture = * money by debenture for the payment | the efficiency of the service, both out. | keeping of attendance books and the | with Johnson's Prepared Wax. It pre- | COLLEGE AGREEMENT RENEWED, [°F their cost. Et nie [Sammiamionere ese; "nce. The | } 4 ORD ' nes A i = * Lh I. wat, . . . v i ., yr 1881 1 po ot 3 i serves and brings out natural beauty of er . Ee The school budget will stand inspec- our commissioness consider that commissioners consider that dealing the Wood It produces a rich, artistie The agreement between Queen's Col tion, and generally its demands will be appointments made under this syste | With principles the act might be Bish, X lire and dost w : d generally p 8 i 4 . f amended 3 . oH . an a a at wal ot lege and the board of education, with h 7 ly bv the cit: council. On in the pablic service should be sup- | amended in the direction of simplifi much better it is than any other polish. regard to the School of Pedagogy cheertuily met by the oi y_ councy, plemented by a rigid system of pro. | "8tion.\ 5 » i * | public schools the expenditure will be | bation, i The commissioners find that in the Johnson S ap - on nwa) for Snot set VOAT- ¥836,130, and in the institute, $17,295, Win commissioners are of opinion arking of the public service there is | p et that ( pany « ogee gra |. ' at. somehow o . 5 | 4 tonstant atte ov addon a" ne} na pt 0. Ger The grant from the city to the public| too oar other the immediate aminatiops. opt to evade: the ex-! duated and teachers have been under schools will be $32.195 1 to the} nm of salaries should be dealt ns by grading under other! ool 'will he wy 13 ang. 0 butt withy names certain classes of officials whose | traini i r city, th they have : = "wr Rams $d ; Prepared W ax raining in the city, that they have institute $5,900, a total of $41,095.) They camnot recommend general in classification is not laid down in the! i | been, visiting the public and high |, . tans vd i - Publis eh [The total outlay for education will be | creases but they would suggest to] CVI service act--as, for example,| the | your exéllency in council the advieg | fciule called examining officers in the | bility of 'at Ie ki Outside service of the o : 3 ast taking votes for ice of the customs depart- | s ¢ ' "Thy in feed and government grants, . : } na , : art You can get Johnson's free book, "The tional centres nf go ¥ granting increases to deserving offi- | Ment. The commissioners also find | Pr nit for ¥ Food ---- : Prone: Frenne Bb {oF Wears, i ae fuark " . : FHITNEFVY'S CREFAT ry | Cals, and that for eastern Canada. | that in order to meet the pressure » ese preparations of There has been no disturbance in the | MR. WHITNEY'S GREAT INIQUITY : . sen anada, | } pressure both in the inside and outside service, | Prought upon the several departments schools, no hindrance to their regular Those who thought that Mr, Whit- such increase might be at the rate of | "Y influential politicians' to také on 3 Vv work, no detriment to the classes, The ney was the embodiment of political | fifteen per cent. for officials whose | 888istants, officials who have not in E ercoa elect has been, on the other hand, to (honesty, a man' incapable of down-| salaries are under $1,500 and 124 per | passed the examinations are employed cent. for salaries above that rate: and | temporarily and are called laborers ' brighten up the class work, and to | right and flagrant wrong, have had a i 4 '1'= 4 ag &» for the western provinces, where nol Patronage seems to run more or less : > 3 : stimulate the teachers unto the very | revelation in the gerrymander bill | ooo a greater need prevail these | through every department of the pul The Spring Overcoats., we are showing, win admiring ap : "» : yr 8, ose . ) » »> . i hest wervice. They are remunerated | There was a pretence of fairness in the seales should be 25 and 20 per cent. to] lic service. It was the universal feel. proval from men, who are the most critical in dress. HARD A for their extra work, as they deserve appointment of a committee to con- the same proportion of incomes, ad | ing Smanyst the offi ials who gave bly They are handsomely tailored from finished and unfinished Ww RE. to be, and generally it has been ap- |gider the situation but there could be |® provisional allowances should | fence before the commission that this Worsteds, Soft Mixtures, Cheviots, Vicunas, ete. i - patronage evil was the curse of the OOOO OOCO0 3000 BA Sam ete Finish anduPolish for All 00d." Use it on yourfbors and wood. hools for observation and practice, - . . work, too. Johnson's Powdered Wax is ac uh fo! ! 852,425, but the difference is made up for all dancing Hoors is scarcely known outside of educa- TO OCO0VON 0000 POOH -- - --. a -------- 3 int 3 » se, i A h preciated by the teachers-in-training. | no fairness in the face of Mr. Whit-| ® Your Sominissiohars. Suggest | blié vi i ; The School of Ped hen, | : 2 that such increases should only he | Public service. Many of the witnesses 0 Ci . 0 p 2 dagogv § pv' selar: 3 . iy + » BT rar : x ea y or our te School of Yedagogy, them, has |pey's declaration that the majority granted on rigid examination, but as| Were very frank on this subject, and e ar 15.0 heviot vercoat not been an injury, which some fear- | 1d rule. time goes on, if the suggestions of the commissioners earnestly recom- ed, to the schools, and it has been How Mr. Borden raved in Ottawa|YOur commissioners are carried into | Mend that all persons who are inter We call special attention to this Coat for the reason that it is the best coat ever offered at the price. Other styles, at . a 'se : fect, these special increas hould ested in the maintenance t hig} an immense advantage to Queen's Col- | old the same thing by Mr.|° pecial increases should be a at a hgh D lowe, «local institution. iu. the ™ amos when ie " 1 iy Teolored abolished and a scale of salaries daid | rate of efficiency of the administration } $12, $13.50, $18, $20. oe, Fielding ! tute force, he declared,| jw) suitable to each department and | ©f the affairs of the dominion should | A full line of the latest styles of cess of which all our people are deep was asserting itself, and the minority! office in the public service. very carefully eonsider the evidence See Our Special $12.50 Grosvenor Raincoat. Good Rain or Shine. OOOC New Spring Suits, dats, Caps, | }yv interested. A larger attendance of had to submit to any outrage . and Your commissioners have. in * éon- | Submitted on this point with this re- graduates and teachers is expected any indignity because it had not the clusion to point out they are unani | port, also a large assortment of Boots, nest year. sis re . M Whitne mously agreed that a comprehensive | It would seem that in the four post Shoes and Rubbers at big values. | wu Lone thore will be vo disap power of resistance. Jr na superannuation system should be plac. | offices examined into by the commis ! Call and examine our stock. 'we pe. : has no hesitation in saying that w hat ed on the 'statute hook: and that this | Sion, letter carriers were employed to B I B B Y , S ; : pointment in this respect. On the | ver his government. proposes will|system in the present state of the] do high grade duty and duties of will do our best to please you. contrar » hope the new school il : ini should of | clerks; that they are still de : ontrary we hope the new schoo ot | have to go because it has the mmjor- Gominion should include pensions tol ' a Wev are stil designated For [he Best $2 Hats. ) ( and assure you the: lowest prices education will grow in size aud im- itv 10 enforce: its will ependents of civil servants, for there | On the pay list as letter carriers: that F The Be s 4 ! in the city, wortance and that its merits will in- *y 0 eho : -. seems little doubt that with the ex.|in consequence of a desire on the oF bs 8t-316 Suits. In Canada S------ portance an There was talk of following county ception of "slight set backs the condi- | part of the officials not to bring thes For The Best $1 Gloves. ISAAC ZACKS vite from the local government the boundaries, and because this sounded tions of lile in the dominion are, and! letter carriers in their uniforms to the For The Best $1 Shirts. - o financial recognition which is its due well the government aimed to lull the are likely to be such, that advances in | public notice, they to their loss have 471 Princess Street. DE wople nto a sense of security, The new the prices of commodities will he the | been: deprived of their uniforms as peo} ; ge rule, and it will be almost impossible | Well as their street car fares. In that SMASHING THE MACHINE, The independent 'movement in = the constituencies in the Barth were ar-lg the average civil servant to efiect | special branch of the public service conservative party of Toronto is suo- ranged so as to give Mr. Gamey and|any savings from his salary. With | politics was found, as a rule, to play pe Mr. Cochrane seats without much anx-| this view your commissioners consid. | #n important part. The commission \ gestive. The men who have been so er that the time has arrived when an|®rs consider from the evidence sub . . ' : ety. Middlesex and Huron are bein Wr 5 ready to denounce the machine, to.|"' 4) 3 wer 10. hive the oe efficient pension system should be put | mitted to them that on the part of declare that it is the embodiment of | PU¥ ered. wm orver lo Ive BTS] into force. responsible officials of the several de- FAS ON ; C T 3 and give to the conservatives a couple Your : Goffimissionars have endeavors partments, especially in the outside AR HI( L A BLE C 1.O1 HIERS., of safe seats, The electoral map, al-{od t6 the best of their powers to | %eTY ice, there is a dread of the poli : ter the thin red line of the political | thoroughly sift the conditions prevail- | fician, and every hit of strategy is re 00000000000000000000000000000000000 Y00000000 ing in the civil service. Possibly they [50Tted to to 'circumvent the carrying have allowed their enquiries to extend | Ut of the patronage system O00 OOD OOOO OOOO OO0D00 evil, that there can be no purity in political life until it is smashed, are, & it seems, the operators of its brakes. In one division of the city the men engineer, has been run across, becomes ---------------- pe - of independent. mind have met ip | 8 sight for She gulls There fing NeY-Irather beyond what might have been | The commissioners also found in one i i . i thing like it, an there | considered the limits laid d I department a clerk who is employed large numbers and put their candidate |€r been any ) be limits laid down, but i a who is employed to i can never be anything like it again. |your commissioners are of opinion | do certain work in the accountant's Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. in the field. In accepting he prbiess- ed that he was an admirer of the Whitney government, that if elected he would support it. But he stood,-- | suspected since it is the product of | With this view they construed the ve- | him, and his work has to be done in like. all who were at the meeting--for | the provincial secretary's office. Fur. ference as to efficiency and sufficiency spare moments by his immediate su 31 WILLIAM ST. of the departmental stafis as inclod- periors. As a consequence the work is alld e 0 *e *s TORONTO, ONT The work is unique, the inartistic ef- that to get at the full knowledge re- | branch. This clerk came into the ser f . ovil . i 4 I quired to make a report their enquir- | vice under a special clause, was utto w head fect of some evil genius, who can be ies should be as extensive as possible. | ly unfit to do the duty entrusted to ® are headquarters. fend us your inquiries, | h ini p st there is a further attempt at]? "1¢ | r ] a chance to express an opinion and a thee ea t "a B til ip , ing In ils scope the control of the | steadily and gradually going behind choice apart from the ring that has [political deviltry in the mutila lon olf appropriations granted by parliament. | The commissioners have no reason to : its headguarters in the Albany Club. | Peterboro by the transfer of townships | In fact your commissioners could | doubt but that the same result ob-| brought painfully to their notite that 0000000000000 000000000 80 as to make Peterboro safe for tory hardly have done otherwise consider- | tains in other departments and that in the runt e¥elisfumunt which bas 3 taken place in the last few years Now in another electoral division } . : : their attention had been d y officials have been @ inted po J Wes SOReRe West Northumber-('P8 how I- | many officials have been appointed to 4 i (West Toronto), A. W. Wright, the | representation and a) ba i rected to these matters by statements | do work for which they are unfit the doriinion, the character and (ual aforetime organizer of the party, has | land unsafe for liberal rule. © 9e-Lin parliament and in the public press. | The commissionets have to draw at-|ity ci the male candidates: entering the service has declined. Having wo become an independent candidate with | sign is to knock out Mr. Samuel| Your commissioners, in conclusion, | tention to another set of cireumstan public ownership as the chief plank in | Clark in Northumberland as it is the| cannot but express their sense of the | ww which has « opped ap during the | inducements held out to them to re high importance of this civil. service last few years ahd that is the great|™ain in the service the better «hss p , s . p re- psig aghter Mr. Duncan Ross i i bis platform," He accepted the re design to slaughter MN y Ros and the necessity of doing everything redundance of women appointed to the| men stay but a short time and leave |i quisition to run upon a non-party is- | in Middlesex. possible to improve it. While there are junior branches in the inside service |to better themselves The commis sue, and the paper which brought him The game is fully exposed, and the Many conscientious, hard working and The commissioners have not the fig-| stoners see with regret that in many They have become almost : { x 3 el ae P Pp ie 3 wi ~ i" 0 non + ¢ i g out was signed, hp said, by the repre- | government will have to take the i ee it, it Samot be Homie ures relating to the numbers present: | parts of the dominion able an a necessity and are fust the ee 4 ore are Sol orwise ng : x . y § ¢ ' 1 sentatives of all the parties. At the | responsibility of it. The last gerry- os be pa Te it a ing 'themselves for examination during thy young a Hn attracted] by i thing to heat water at a ; , . Sh ya , « November last. but one | emoluments have left ¢ erVIe t ' accepting the no- | mander of the conservatives, in the much more difficult proposition to yh & nth of ven a % hut Ole : pioment s Fotice, A Brass : . . a . . : ' Tol 1e Co s¥1Oners 10 8 e 118 4 ettle s mination, he said he would, if elected, | federal parliament, will be recalled. It preserve a uniformly high state of House of Commons found that that|to fill their places ried makes a very suitable yas t redistribution to meet the efficiency in government staff than in + ber had bee ot 'aside for EB at any time, our stock was not a rib ) chamber had been set aside r in this line will be. found give the local government n indepen- 1 the ihe Yn Tih j= sor em" = ss a : . Yor p y © e world cgr- . % . 5 ot sre 3 , ; ] dent support, though reservine to | wants of a suuting population, but al ied 'on hy' money-making organiza. je u, hil a great Pr portion wre, BOSTON BABSER R LA, most complete, every kovtls - himself the ~right to advocate mea- | hedevilment of territory for party tions. This, your commissioners think || IR1EE Ra DLE pu Ha . 1 --_ - v : a . buildifig. * 1h Ottawa; in 1906, out of is fitted with the newest sures, which might not part of the | purposes. The people revolted against | is- generally recognized, hut to achieve 006 . i i the ; { Health Orders Steriliza- patent burner A shoe for well-dressed men. . lick ! : any real success in either field the su. | he 206 candidates whe Jassed. the | Board of Health O s na Call in when passing and .Coetg enough to insure a perfect government's, policy. it, and in constituencies which were preme "necessity is' character which qualifying examination, 121 'were wo tion of All That Barbers Use Jet us show you mh ¢ shoe, but is as low as a shoe of > b " Alecks' rd ly . i o 3 ad S aracter . which . The am : . of . . . 10 a we. TO Catt oe La shes of One who knows ""Aleck)'- will hardly presumably conservative liberals 'were! 1 vo 11 means--conscience. No pov. | e0 he Josees grat Sd fos st oR CaBtORioTy. have. Our prices range from ! Fa g : 0 wre there . smplovees t oxpect "him to be otherwise than triumphatitly returned. History may| ernment can ignore this and live ab ere po bre 3 h Smp i a A special despatch from Posto ogether, ane we lower grades of 1e | \ . s ay wu te ec N department of the interior, where there | lay 5th, 1900, to th ) an gn beside a cheaper shoe, the differ $4.50 up ence 'is unmistakable, strongly conservative, but on labour repeat 'itself in Ontario this year. While omundihy the highest charac- ter they shoul pvervihing s¢ible | new prin] he Boston Boar 3 0 do evervthing possible are some 500 employees. are practicad how Fux ulntion of the Bostor o : ly filled up with women. While the| of health as to barber shops: "Mu Men who want appearance, sat- : Isfying wear, and sold comfort, questions he has very strone views, to develop it, and one of the first rommissioners readily acknowledge having hrus 8. and razor A that many women are. thoroughly en | sterilized after each separat ne should wear the "Invictus Shoe," ; . . EDITORIAL: NOTES. : and in the legislature would" be a HF. } things necessary is: to see that its ser. and their occupants degree of comfort, and, that after thereof. A separate, clean tows powerful ally of the lonely Mr. Stud- | It will cost about 24,000 to protect |, = can at least live infa moderate THE SAWYER SHOE STORE holm. The revolt against the ma- | the ;, schools Jed 1 th bi . . i : SUeCe e public service, chine, however, is preity complete Sean fire. that a career be opened to everyone ¢ H1tied to suceced in » » a le be used for each person, Materia ---- in the seryice in which the rewards [Yet the influx of such a large num = } 1 f blood | must, if continued, in 'the course of [*op the How of blood shall be \ when #0 pronounced nm patty man as : Agents. F ad » The young liberals mean business. | will be justly proportioned to the | i e_young . { time utterly swallow up the lower] oly in powdered form, aud applied Mr. Wright proceeds to répudiate it { ed TH ! p Sir ' {value of the service rendered > : ' Fhey will take the lead ir the cam-|Y Renders grades of the service and by limiting | on a towel. Powder puffs ave jrok a tsar ee ea eae tees te Ss mith ' » this x 1 :will make i Your commissioners, in the opening } 14 b i } hited." Wherever Newhi Herpi Shi ------------ - ------------------. migns HS yea and wi iJ a sy fie y tio to the higher en reve "8 ha 1 ' ! she field for promotion E for face: a1 . ow | WE'RE AT IT TOOTH hE z ae . } : : | paragraph of the order-in-council up : Cr COST OF OUR SCHOOLS, mighty stir in this community, on which the commission was issued, | classes prove detrimental to the devel- | cide," is used fcr : The board of education had a special opment of the higher and more a= having or hair cutting 5 AND NAIL. find that the minister states in his re- . 2 - 3 for | danger of infection aE it meeting last evening abd at it made oO OOO OOOX OOOO same time, after becoming more and more difficult FOO wo XC O00 FOOOK Kinnear &d'Esterre Jewellers Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. OOO-OO0A 0 OOOO QUOQO0OOTO00000 OOO0OO0 OOO OCGOC OOOO 00000000000 ¥ The addition to the school budget {port upon which the order was foiind- | sponsible branches of the service: for | Laas this year will be about $7,000, but jt that "While the general principles | it can hardly be admitted yet that the | tic, and kills , he oi service act are regarde wrk devolving the departments by leading 21.000 of it will be added to capital fof the civil service act Are regarcec | we rk qevol Ting on EE 3 o tam for as satisfactory, ete, et can be carried on with a stall com-| stamps fo account. The fire escapes alone will | Your commissioners. while deferring | posed entirely bf women jlo. Detroit, Mich, J Wo Sade cost about $2,500, . [to an expression of opinion from The commissioners have had rand 81. G. W, Mahood, special agent escapes as promise the amplest protec- -- : ii tier . fire . . o A -------------- enm------ -. ---------- tion against fatalities through fires. The local government is going to - a ------ | EDUCATIONAL. "i " kin ¢ i : The demand upon the courcil on sce what it can do about pleasing current account will be about £3,000 everyone on the bread question. Hanna . | 00000000000000000000808 | more than last year, and 'wholly in has the matter under consideration, It you wish to be successful at ® | nation with he lie $ehanls. and he is the jollier of the combina- Un own { tend The : This is necessitated by the fact tha tioh . | | the school year begins vith $1,000 less : Kingston Business College limited, head of Queasn street, than a twelve month ago, that the : Mr. Cockshutt, ME, wants an in- If r doctor says / b Ayer's Sar- council did not grant what was asked [crease in 'the tariff, on agricudtural Y : for 'in 97 on account domestic (implements, to be sure, and Mr. saparilla, then take il. If he has CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE science (which involved nn deficit of | Lake, M.P., wants a reduction. What business school, Hookkesping, $599.48), and there is theé regulation [is the old saw about a house divid- Shoribasd, Upswriting. tela. increase in the salaries of teachers. [ed against itself ? . Subjects. atuaghiy. dope vy The civie demand in behalf of the ee wR ight el Finte t Fducation in the institute has be ay sw tar nary moderate, Colleginte Institute is practionly the come cheaper. This is not Goldwin 3 . " same as that of last year, namely Smith's iden: ol 'the. sternal fees oF ers arsa ari fi FM 1 . $5,900, though the first form will be things, hui it. is: the ides of the +E. CUNNINGHAM, Secret made free beginning with the Septem- ' The vote: of the people Jost ber term, and a reduction will be i NON-ALCOHOLIC made in the fees of the third and January settled that. -------------------- fourth form of 85 each. This result is| The Quebee ridge cost, up to the Ik down, easily tin . ] reached by the utmost economy of the | time of its collapse, over $6500 000. If you are / 4 » y ed, thin, pale, oR board. The dvop in fees will be $911. | The Phoenix compané may be liable, nervous, go to your octor, Stop guessing, stop i ¢ The Phoenix Dry Powder 55 (on the collections of the mext|but it can never meet that loss. De : 2 . \ year). but there will be som advan: ducting the approaches and abutments | § experimenting, go direct to your doctor. Ask his POWER { Fire Extinguisher ! a ¢ x Day and Evening a i Endorsed by Whe lLesding Insurance tage in the continuance of the pre- the cost of reconstruction has not a» . 2, ; wnt foex: to the shud of Abe Vnne 01. | been calculated J opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholi¢* Sarsaparilla. No Frontenac Business coca: A people affected v --t - . . rament pripeiple Cities, Railrpads, ig orghubate commercial a In the finance committee of the alcohol, no stimulation. A blood purifier, 4 nerve ts College, | fotets. ete. thoughout the U. S. sad 4 ' Is always ready, contsing No Hquid first x. The county ils are not city council it was decided, on mo- . alterative, . . . and Clergy Bua: ; n. Hon oF dla, Nickie that ivie ov} J SORIC, 3 Strong altSrative, sn 3id to Ee -- Be ot, op bir Wh affected, not the pupits of the second : digestion. form, the commercial form in the se- | Pediat to send a deputation to To- ° Fi Al T. N. STOCKDALE, : Agents wasted 2 as ; ranto on the bread question, and in CO Phone, 680, Priscipal. | we mmemie a Tet | Free from Alcohol | DAWSON & STALEY, ites o was expedient. loadin. : . 1 . and city engineer ; warranted the ad- {ap meanwhile * What i Loo R CO., - % Mess. We are going to sell ten 46 the ot | en Seats ai ring prio. i the dandruff druggists, = provision for the wants of the year, financially, and ordered such changes samp la to The in the buildings and with iron fire Our competitors may be "In hot Water," "trying to make ends meet.' but we won't he oul-sbripped Ly any. body in furnishing satisfaction to th public. To tell the naked truth we are going to out«do curseives in tesing the mark this coming season M wou bave any City Property to sell, lst it with me at obce. | have severa! clignta out of town who wast Lo buy in Kingston before May next. T. J. Lockhart, Yoal Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington Street. Geo ePn.s000000Re SAsansssscsvecvoeTe 7