THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. | MOVED INTO DOCK. Thousand - Dollars--He Was Remanded For a Week, Toronto, March 27.-With a jaunty flop anf a' smiling face Dougins Find lay stepped into the dock at the | } Hceleonrt, 'to-day, to'answer to charge of stealing $2,070.92 from emploser, 'David McDonald, of Poasid & Maybee, cattle dealers was neatly dressed in a | 0 his Me hizo. Fludlay's eounsel 8S. Hodgson, reserved plea and the trown not a week's remand was granted wan, pelo, Almetion for the windingnp of the Menzid Mall Paper fompany came in single court, at Osgoode hall, to- day, Hat was adjourned pending a | meeting of the company's ereditors Negotiations are in progress for re argh Zutiog of the company The Canadian Express company is still looking for a package containing one thousand one doller bills. Super mtendent E. Allen, of the company Laregory election and being ready Bail 4 Back to $15 Suits and Overcoats again in the Semi-ready stores ! J 9 A year ago. the lowest priced Suit <in real "Semi-ready" was $18. § Our buyers visited England in search of tweeds and serges that would stand the test of Value and the test | Quality : they found them. €q This season we show good Suits at $15 in genuine Semi-ready. Over- coats, too, €q The need for them was felt. q A boy who graduates from knickers is still growing fast, and $15 is enough for him to pay for a long He'll grow it out before he'll wear it out. q College boys who go in for out- door sports 'need sturdy Suits and Overcoats at $15. Therefore we have used every effort to make $15 Suits that will grace the "Signet of Surety" and be good enough to patisly us, hunt up the valual, le The! paral which Bank of package, was consigned to the Montreal, in Collingwood, le/t the office of the assistant -receiver- gragral, in Toronto, yesterday morn ig. dnd "whe taken aboard the Col- : lingwood train which leaves here at R10 o'clock, The assistant -reeciver wencral and General Agent Wilson the Express company, reached Collingwood, meni however appeared gt ol | Several railway claim the package dis Allandale, The transfe: man there, they say, after signing for It and taking it from the messenger, placed the package on his truck. wak lle! away for few pou when ho returned the ad disappeared Corporation Counsel ported to the hoard control, morning, that he advised the appeal against the judgment Justice Mevedith, quashing the to reduce the a minutes package Fullerton re this city to of Chief by-law : of licenses in Foronto. le said there were reason able grougds for believing that the indgment would be upset by a higher court, and added, it was probable dgment fould he obtained hefore May 1st, that if the by-law was upheld thio reduction conld be put into eficet next year, A special meeting of the council was called for Monday to consider the quesgion of an appeal Chief Justice Mhredith, this morn ing, gave order granting a new fir" WW George Auntcoe, a Hungarian, ui a sentence of eighteen months for stabbing Stephen 'Knight, anoth- er Hungarian, on January 1st. It was; argued that Antcoe, not under standing the English language, did not know how to plead properly The redistribution committee of the leghehtnry Ha® prude substantial pro gress in dealing with the dividon of the counties, and now only nineteen ridings remain to be dealt with. These are North amd South Brant, Cardwell North and South Essex, East, West and Centre Huron, North and South Lanark, North, South and West Mid- tHeseéx, North, East and West York Peel. The government's inten regarding Grey, Russell, Carle ton and Mtawa were divulged to-day Grey, Russell and Carleton are un East Ottawa is to consist Ottawa, By and St West Ottawa of Centre, Wellington, Dalhousie and Victoria Wards. The name of Fort Francis, in the western part of the provinee, is to be changed to Rainv River One of the big Toronto and Radial railway's big electric came within an of wing tated, with its load: of passengers, the swoolen Mimico Creek, late last night When the car ran upon the brivige «the stractare whiversd Tron end to engl, and an ominous cracking was heard, while the rail sank twelve inches. The motorman sent the car across safély, it found that 'the spring rush of had knocked the upright piles out of per causing the iron bridge f ol trouser Suit. mimber SO an Semi-ready Tailoring H. D. Bibby Co KINGSTON. } 4 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mist Bear Signature of . Sot Fret See PacSimile Wrapper Below. Very small and as casy to take a9 sugan FOR HEADACNE. R FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER, FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION and tions changed, of Ridean, wards, and George York cars ace precipi into north when was water one of Cross the will be pendienlar, timbers which supports and track, to break. It time before. the bridge used with safit Some can be again LICKED BY HIS RIVAL. a Hit at A Story Which Made Border. March 27. Francis geon of Water Windsor, Ont, Faggart, veterinary het, Mich, tapped by United States lmmivration officials while crossing on. the CPR. train from Windsor to Detroit He sas disguised and he mioht but this was the wa save the im- a danger story pression that be ous anarchist, he told : "oy fow years ago | had a rival for the «irl, who is now mv wife. I was hving on my father's farm at Wilson- ville, near Toronto, at that time Semg time after my marriage | re turned to visit my father and my rival, a much bigger fellow than | am, licked me. On another visit he repested, so this time 1 evaded him bv this disguise." The story made a hit with the offi. od and Tagvart was allowed to pro- coed ét Formally Engaged. New York, March 27.--Madanw Anpa Gould inlormesd the reporters, vester. day, that she was pot formally en gaged to the Prince De Sagan. Mrs. George Richardson and daugh- ters, Kathleen and Agues, left Wad: nesday, wi' a (rip to the Mediter rangan. They will sail from New York Saterday morning, aud do not ex- port to vetern fo. Kingston until about Augast sti ~ A swciel'G T. R. train carrying the "Coming Through the Rye" com- pao from Peterboro, will arrive here at eleven o'clock to-morrow morning. ave ity people in' the jrodue a Jak, Je d Ren aqunie 10 bounds Sat oda PTV .S0LD EVERYWHERE. W. GILLETT Sivas . TORONTO.ONT. WITH JAUNTY STEP... DOUGLAS B. FINDLAY ale is Accused of Stealing Several | He | fashionable | i tweed suit and earried his overcoat on | the | left this morning for Collin gwood to | i | ployed by feel sure thatiit | He] PITH OF THE NEWS, Over The World. Hamilton Spectator voting contest, Saltleet quashed by Finkle to deira company Italians were dy The atting on a The | was 18 local option' by-law Clute guifty Justice Samuel found of attempting urance Two was ud the killed wamite on Dryden indication that will brought next two weeks Edward Is by ar plosion of the I'runk Pacific There is eve Untaric in end AT thi y y legislature be within the The legislature land has passed a law running of automobiles in vince. Mrs. Minnie Tarner, of murder, will be | and the crown will not | charge | Hamilton of Prince the pro held cased on prosecute bail the Board of Education has | adopted a plan to spend a quarter of | | the! doctrine | a million dollars in improving | school accommodation. | - United States | allege that during several months pas have been smuggled whole Ontario into Bufialo 0. hag sued for that his wife, eruelly driven are wealthy. At Kenora Cecil Taylor, { ty-one, was sentenced to | in penitentiary tor stealing | from a laundry company, In he had been tor one Jennie Bradbield, wife of vadtield, Hamilton, and Roy Ruhiin, formerly Albert Gibson, a King Wil inm street tailor, have eloped Mrs. | Bradford is about thirty-nine vears of | age and Ruhlin is about twenty-two, Chinamen from Prospect, | sale | At { nged eighty-six, divoree, eighty- | from | aged him eging has They our, home three some | | emp oy year. Mes, her | oem- lam | boarder WOMAN ON TRIAL. Sorcery and Other Things Used. Ont., March 27.--The of Mrs, Carrie Breker, charged | "exorcising witcheraft, sorcery on- chantments and conjurations" in hav ing bled a Mrs. Bastien of 3500, dur ing a period of fourteen months an effort back a former boarder ta Mrs, Bastien, was conclud ed yesterday. The boarder owed 330 board bill, but under cross-examina tion Mrs. Bastien admitted that it was principally for his own sake that she man to return. Magis frate Bartlett took only sufficient evi- dence to commit Mrs. Breker to the higher court to deal with the ease and on $100 bail furnished by Witcheraft, Windsor. trial to bring wanted the released her her husband NEW YORK S1UCKS, (Per W. Hector H. Mandger.) : March 27th. Upening. 60} 104 Stochs. Amal, Copper. Amer, Loco, Lom, Am, Sug. Refi, Am, Smitg. & Re. ex-divd.. Am. tar 623 16 4 126 Co. 1254 Co. Foundry ... Anaconda Min. +o. Atches. Top. & St. Baiti. & Uhio.. Brooklyn RR. T, Central Leather Canadian Pacific . Chicago Great West Ches. & Ohio Chicago & MN. W, ... { Mil. & St. Paul Colorado Southern Cons. Gas N. Y. .} Col. Fuel & Iron ..2 Delaware & Hudson Distillers secs G. North Ry. Kansas & Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific Min ex-divd, New. York Centra Erie Railroad. - Y. Ontario & West Northern Pacific, Penn. R.R. People's Gas... Reading Rock island Rock lidand Southern Ry Southern Pacific... { Steel, com. U. RB, Swel, pil. L Rubber, com { Union Pacific, Wabash Wabash, West National Fe ... | : pid. Texas com, St. P&S pid. com ~ oS. com, pid Union Tel Lead CHICAGO PRICES March Onening. 051-M3 3 Close MA SOIR Wheat | { May { July Corn. May | July Pork. May 663 643 665A LL 13.60 The Burglar Was Killed. Gentry," Ark., March 27. --In a futile attempt to blow open the s=afe of the Farmers' Bank, at Springtown, the head of one of the robbers was blown off by a premature explosion of dyna- mite, Result Of Races. - London, March 27 ~The grand na- tional steeplechase was ran, today, andd was won hy Rabio (66 to 1); Mattie McGregor (U5 to 1), being see- ond, and The Lawyer (100 to third. Black Watch A Very Latest Culled From All 3 | { does not propose to sell her land af | secution, Loudon As} ex-| Grand forbidding the i on a charge | customs authorities | voeacy Orlando Northup, | aged twen- Ph yearsifo. oo 300 | whose | | battle Wil. {land Ling Hin {| but certainly | nature, with | { socialism | meds | Israel nj { haply 1 | think, | from | mercialism, | and { ng { corn in Prices Furnished By F. Ww. Boschen | Hume, | jit Close. | | the | | | 8Y {all WHAT SOCIALISM 1S ITS AIM Is TO TO SET ' THE PEOPLE FREE. ! It Means Public Control of 'opolies--Socialisin Does Wot Desire to Make Rich People Poor. To ted icle in the Sago "scussing the recently favor not ouly R. J hundred, other who signed a Liverpool what Mr. Campbe.d pages of book, ownership 'snd man production, exchange the sign We feel as nunisters of the faith, that this «conomie is in perfect harmony with and we believe that its ad sanctioned indeed re by the of lay ron ile AECH vk en i Rev, Camp stand { Cladism Dy { bed { mingsters of the declaration drawn i ciub, advocating demands in the viz, publie agement of the { distribution and but by over a a gospel, up by his ! the means of Ars { Christy say an faith, is | quire d of us tour religion, | Mr. Campbell, the {book "admits that some says Globe article, | Hig ch Churchmen © and | Army, have done noble worg in the! slums of great cities. but he declares' this work is only touching the of distress: it is helping the wounded but it does not the I'he picture he of the misery of the masscs of Eng | must be read to be appreciat- | Whether jalism, which the of England such lary are turning the pre will he universal reme-! for the social that ery out so loudly for redress not only but all of co {our and implications author of thi ministers," "principally the Salvation { the stop draws | awful | ed SOM masses I numbers, time, in to at | sent thy | dy evilg are over the civilized | to be come from from its and England, world remains irse seen no harm ean the social misery, possibl of it, as possible what offer the f | Investigating finding out as far as and the extent learning as far really For as one Gamaliel from dors of saad ¢ as elders If thi men 1" | ol lemt fight | 80 would we say of socialism, counsel or this work will come to nought cannot overthrow ve be found even | against God YActs v, If socialism, as ents firmly believe tem, "cut and dividing up' but rather our present day one-sided as natural as the the full corn in the ear." from the individual blades the first place, then eo no efforts, except rooting ont blade will stop its If, ever, it be not the natural outgrowth | will' die of itself." In commenting a months ago on a trip through our continent made by the Countess of Warwick, great English landowner in the inter ests of sociaism writer in the To i ronto Globe, saul: "Her position regarded as somewhat f bin i he o but if it be God ve it to 38.39, its adher- | an artificial as it wers sem to growth many of 18 not dried," some of nn. natural com Year sprin of rtainly | the | growth, how few a n is she or the welfare for | vale n attitude of the arcial, as livide her fortune for socialist commentary class is on the i | sogmlists themselves, to. find that [ countess as a com- for a moment out they accept the rade without suggesting that she should carry trines, they preach and dispossess her- self of her estate. Evidently the writ. er of this item confounds socialism as so many other people to do, with communism or dividing up." But we s before, not Socialism does not de- shall divide up the doe seem socialism, as id is | 'dividing up." mand that anyone anything. Socialist up, of course, means and of their time They not of their means but they themselves cand-often-give themselves | to misunderstanding hod to things oH world, means may rick world is not rich It is poor div- their tlo individuals, both . of je ele give | only give | and ev poverty essary, elf-zacrificc ne ol their 1 At In miany even by become present ways i is very poor, in worldly 3 | pools. i | poliea 3 13.058 | 7) few individuals, only in it are rich. And vet socialism dors not demand that even shall divide fap. For as we said before, ial sm is not a "'div Hf anything. Socialism is public control of mono It demands, first, that the g shall control and that the A they ROH ding up" oO monopolies shall ernment secondly, people Mon- | | methdds, Frich j for { busy | Warwick, | te i Method i powerful enough | ston | Greed | the the | we -- At utrol the gove it be in governments of the onvernment present do not Huls country, unless Ang, Athe nation zeriand Canada included, But rather rue. Monopoly « governm to fiflerent ot iy. t n extent, people. « people and the state herelore direct and are monopoly. es Ser the stat by Bo them control, of the the me ition by people free by ving ony aiso ot ure maory not sentatives iction at preseut paratively fe speculators who are reap where they 1 to d ff, ofter into their fers, the wealth to the people Sorialism but and of distrib mono men, prod I» ed of them to Ww many avoring sowed, own private cof thut really belongs desire to make what poor there 3 Peo! at to maintains that the no one 18 people rich in world f« everyone and poor if it greed and the greatest of these," "15 monopoly." need he monopoly Z were waste; Now who is to this condition of things? Most l the is all. Now I wpon the people to lacts, and to put a stop to cer now becoming only surcly it will have done relieve poverty even socialist, Lady all of ther We will not Globe said, for in particular. to people are too examine real facts of the the tain abuses evident to all, something to thougl individnal or any other, to feed the the writer benefit of many too no sold goods poor the socialist class' say fou for well poo Why must the ther in the rich s re ialists, and ones innumer not assume ruling motive world; and that love of Surely must pe or socialists that of every there ht people people who gre will people be the the nterested anywhere greed one it dis justice and no rig the themselves I unselfish part of Why should | a } greed of all Chown oral Reform Department t Church Guardian, who assume this, be sted the they disinters a time 'at least then and other president men a of the of Canada, the litte little "The What mn ( Plhivis t in a over a, quoting from a Hin Spargo entitled alists, Who They Stand For" 'Greed may inspire a United raft and fraud. but inspired ~~ William memory is pages are being writ bs Soei are and senator some Llovd hon to g thing else whose these Greed may to was Garrison, being ored while ten have teen mspire the nobler John thirty piece but it Jegug to slave but that Lhe mspired hunter it ins some pas pired Brown of Judas, lure was not which insni gonies of Gethsemane and Gol Mr. Campbell, the beginning docialism, "The true only hope for And it ern injure no investig this spel of what the it the wron inlists impraetic tie whom we quot- of this article calls gosnel of service and humani iy." to rats and find out advooats Ii as maintain surely service' are in if visi is some are then dis facts and vestion will imoracticability thi invest enlig sible onaries 1 the the n of and sich bir out mors plainly will that of ! trom gation htenment i nake. pu righting gotinl FOHNSON Heacy E Ottawa, March atory obser SieHIn 6.10 o wraph ela earthquake shocks sin It lasted or laste the the tno hours ening, at one of severest Francisco Another almost at 10.51 ode dwturban Nan disaster ns at lator A riled ok cn Ame red I he the recor was north of South i all Is of the obtained, Will Interest You » Want business Phen reg day's auto nt putting Red Cross assor tme whore ub r Dancers in the Clever Musical Comedy, Coming Thro' the >wit- do! cialism would endeavor to set the which a com- | and | ticnable | it really aims | It} is enough wealth | that | not | "but | says socialism, | blame | No one | | i if socialism can | examine grab are | of the | a work | They | States | of sil-| endure | one remedies it | he | 3 ion | iINnSUTance. and | yme-the | will | St. omy ion | rede | | " strong tremors | i | { | FLYERS FOR SATURDAY You will find every article just as we represent it to be. Ne exaggeration of regular prices to bring you here. Flyer No. 200 YARDS CORS COVER EMBROIDERY in. wide Superior Cambric and Em broidery Many Patterns in dainty designs. Never sold for less than Me. and 0c, wd Come early Satur day for this saving 19¢ On Sale Saturday Flyer No. .35 ONLY LADIES' SPRING COATS--Sample lot of the new plain and striped Covert Cloth, English Broadeloth and = Fancy Short tight-fitting Chap and Box-Back Fawn, Black, Navy and Striped effects. Re gular prices n to $10, On Sale Sat day only ET 18 F'weeds Prince Styles Cheek and | $4.69 Fiyer No. UNBLEACHED | even | | | | Flyer No. 4 PAIRS "PARIS LADY" Fine Coutil in Drab and White, Medium Height, Some have Hose Supporters attached, All sizes, Sold all over for Lorsets 180 YARDS SHEETING Weave, free from ng, 72 inches wide. Regular price 30c vard. On © Sale Saturde ay only. F yer No. 3 73 MEN'S RAINCOATS Ox ford Grey Cravanette Cloth, Plain all Nress- 19¢ 81. Special Saturday price Flyer No. 6 100 MEN'S DUCK WORKING generously cut Bodies, self SHIRTS Dark, Neat Pat Collars, well made und ! terns, in Stripes and Dots I'ummed. Dizeg 34 to Well made and Snhatod Sizes "$5.68] i heh 38c Remember the Big Sale of Fancy Linens, Also most Regular price 5, On Sale uedar Suitings, ete, Spring SUR- popular Spring Musgling, Prints, lines of New YOU'LL BE display of th Waists, Newest many a big Summer That we have Dainty Ladies Goods PRISED AT The Montreal Stock Co |80 PRINCESS STREET 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. 'Phone No. 844, Patterns other YOURSELF n Pleated Skirts, and COME AND SEE FOR THE VALUES, The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED----Apply--Oflice, 18 Market 'J. O. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont, "Your Spring 1 t Perhaps you were just about to leave your order with a tailor, Come here first. Let us show you the new styles, new patterns, the few weaves in our PERFECTLY TAILORED SUITS Everything new is here, and as much custom made as though you had left your measure for it. Same style, same fit, same hang to our Suits at $9.60, $11.60, 13.50 and 16.50. That a tailor gives you for almost double, Our guarantee goes with every Suit. See Our New Top Coats at $9.00, 11.50, 13.50 Come here first and order your suit. afters wards--if you want to, Special for Saturday 20 dozen New Four-in-hand Ties, exclusive patterns, just arrived, Regular 50c each. on Sale Saturday 35c each or 3 for $1.00 SEE WINDOW. RONEY & CO., 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets thie Pace,