Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1908, p. 6

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1 144 AE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. ! ---- m-- "---- ------ - -- ---- 'SOME GANDID ADVICE..." "meee == ) Goobery and One Fruit Meal a : _-- " { + Day Recommended. : The Most Cough Cures WEEKLY SUN SPEAKSWORD | Dr. Thomas J. Allen, the man who Synopsis of Canadian North sest Have a depressing | jn SEASON TO MATHESON. | lived sixty years on peanuts. declares 3 HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, . «flect on your system { that the peanut is "g sale, substi) even pumbercd section of ht hence their failure to . tial and valuable article of jet." in Manitoba pr the North-West cure you. Mathieu's The Provincial Expenditure Going | he does not advise evérvone to in Tan 8 amd 26, t Syrup of Tar and Up Too Fast--A Need of to goobers alone ; I teaded by say per« x ¥ EB (Fie oo 5 tr | Way Cod Liver Oil is the Economy--How a Farmer's| Ihe exclusive peanut diet," he « son the #ole head of & jamily, aie in the Vegetari ' i pyar 18 years of aged, to t ox : 1 we Vegetarian, may do mu only cough and cold Paper Sees Things--Mr, Mathe tharm. The peanut is I vehescd . It is he Shoe i LOW ONE-WA} or Young Lov or. Second Class One Way [waily, February 29 to April 29, CN $50 40/5 © FITIIITINIIGN for section, of 160 meres, more : } Tosa. | -t O LUYE@ cure that acts as a son Must Si® Heavily on the highly concentrated diet. It contain 0 TI us io' hs a 1 be Lh mig Pent agar iin el Fr TONIC to your Lid of Ontario's Box. | twenty-five per cent albumen. which is system. LARGE Poronto Weekly Sud. at "least twice as much as one doing Pomiglon Lands Agency or Sub-agelicy. Gri e Entry by proxy may, however, he madd pp oh , BEE stimates the re | Vigorous mental work should eat mi oency on certain Sopgitions a BOTTLE, Bs CENTS. a a Ir pn on year ph "The § st week 1 Jost Tea a her, mother, son, daughter, hroth- H ; : : oeIpts ol 1 ovin 3 4 = as -r oe of an Intending romesteader, When combined with Mathieu 3) ¥7,021,000, with a possibility that thea result of the sudden change, even Am application for entry or Saneslla. Nervine Powders it is the most | total may be increased to $5,200,000 | though I had tested foods before mv may Be iad te Se Ae by ye powerful of all cures for tha! by a surplus over earnings from je | exclusive dieting of three or four davs at the expense of the appli Grippe and all FEVERISH !lemiskaming railway. For 1903 the| * The news was heralded that the cant, # the land applied for is vacant " revenue of the province was Jess than | peanut man was losing flesh rapidly, hs . ca COLDS. It is th k i i tion Ev ah Spies . 8 Lie quickest way | 4, and a half million, so that at the®but was as well physically and ment dn 3 ha rie ne papers to to get well. Keep some of least the provincial income this year | ally as ever, Immediately letters he om fhe transaction are received by both in the house. Large box | will be nearly two and a half millions| gan to pour in from every state. 'How of Powders 25¢. (18 Powders 3} | in excess of that of five years ago, do you eat peanuts to reduce your : Great as has been the increase in! We ight, raw ar roasted 7' receipts the Inerease in expenditure | "Four ounces of unroasted peanuts $03 the | (you can learn to like them al way, In | the | () I to like th th Yancouwver, == Seattle, a : : < { : | Portland, ete. We are just in receipt of a big shipment of B| ren particulars at K. & P., and C, Men's Fine American Shoes, made by the great Jg|f B® Ticket aes Ph > : . » house of ! Gens Pass. Agedts Pr -------- 4 BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY ~ Thompson Bros., Brockton, Mass. §'.%> a nockburns and all points ort | cnse, of ""personation" or fraud the Will forfeit all priority f claim has been gradted it will be| , MATHIEU Co., Props., Sher | vaneslled. Be ke. BP { has more than kept pace, | ¢ wads io on, for Sancsiiation muse be broke, ¥: 9. total outgo was 34,588,000. The |for it's natural) daily is a good ra Bomestend entry, and only one main estimates for 190% call for $7, tion for the average case, The best t for cancellation will be re 50,000. This is more than two and a | time to eat them, generally, is the . : ; : ay tndividual nati gist ap- half millions in excess of the expendi-|fore part of the day, the substantial | $ These shoes are Young Men's Shoes in every rE ahyapalal lo. Banauek : un, Maynooth, ol 2 Cont rout has been disposed of. | ary , eS trai eal being taken in the evening i try i lled sub ture of" 1903, and the supplementaries | fruit mea g taken in the ening 3 Par Oh ua n . . BA . arlo " uF whis vin Vay TE I prt page nk ly Le to me a EAD LI 1 reins aT hr ath i, Sa vnity detail. For 25 years Thompson Bros. have made ! Tay sipuments yin. Vay of cancellation pr . > . . . . oat Jon Sanceliation will be ome ieast half a million to the eyropria-| them properly, but this need not in-| | nothing else. We invite the ¥ oung Men to call oP + W. DICKSON, Agent. igi for cavcelintion et state ty | Hous for the coming year. lerfere with business or plagsure. and see these leading shoes. They are undoubted- "The peanut is a natural narcotic icula; homestonder is a The provincial treasurer seems io| : . 4, i the masse ot sures Stein ly the best goods imported into Canada. Err ; §CRAND TRUN A | think the mere fact that there has been | If you are troubled with insomnia and oe _tutry DS a ' y { an enlargement in revenues a suffi-| cc sequent nervous exhaustion (for - ATE A gh aaguiation proommdingr mel : cient justification for more liberal | sep in nature's sweet restorer). cat a Prices $5 to $6.00 iguish it in lavor of Mateer 4 spending. That is not necessarily the | lew peanuts an hou before retiring-- | § . . {ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES 0, daughter rothe i . sme The ears on ol p ris them thoroughly." | Dut ro no one eise, pu filing | case. 'Ihe fat years may wot continue jpsitveri ing 0 ough | Dally Feb. 30th te April 29th, indefinitely, and more of the extra mil! Vancouver, B.C, Victoria, B.C., West- Wash 'ment, ' ----_-- { abamlonment. . | | 1 ; 8 ; : a air Ir required tg per | lions which have come in during the] Gown Of Messaline. i | minster, B t 1g Soe, 4 the duties under one of the follows | last four years should have been ap-| Jn * . SUT N & 0., San Francie. % re Yoo Angolan. LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 33399994 A: A bag ora barrel --it's all at i ha | ; - ' A 4 plied on construction account o per- | RX San Diego, Cal, E41) Atleast six mouths' residence up- i the same. The same choice | manent works like the Temiskaming | 2 1 . . {Fi Paso, Tex. . 8: A EE A Area Md § 4 i i : The Home of Good Shoes [Mexico City 3 Fear dutfug the term of three years, §" Ontario and Manitoba railway, or else set aside gs an offset | u ast a : 100C CS. i 3 om Eh © (3) A bowmesteadet may, if be sa der | a a Local Branch Time Table. ) A natn AY + od Roi Po wheat--milled the same-- | to the debts incurred under prev ious | EE Trane wii Tear atl ane "duties 1 on faring land owned x | administrations for the subsidizing of | rT Sle TIFISSIFIIIIIIIIIIITIVI III IVIL I TIP NIP i. Foot of Johnson streets ving } solely LY him, Bot less tham wiglhty (80) and blended in exactly the | private railways. : at GOING WEST ty in the vicinity of i i / The only really large work under aig i | s " a. . Lve. City L Joint ownership in land will same proportions. way during the Maly Fh present | Wt " _ -- - ---- this ul, . = : . Tequirement. That is why Beaver | government has been the Temiskaming a My he father (or mother, if the 7 : ? A | WA i" { © 12 )oea ther soensed) of a homestender has Flour alwa s ives th 4 | railway, and the construction o that | NG 3 1 i 1 ' Mermanen a On farming land EL . | is being provided for out of borrowed VEN i ADIAN BANK . 15 oa > FZ \ py | GOING EAST. t wight 0) AR Mie Tt Joa vicini- same results andisalways | capital. No great undertakings such as | } « ) ty the homestead, or upon a home the best for Bread and | the erection of a new central prison or | g City entered for by him in the vicinity, new parliament buildings has had to |$ 0 > } mail . i : . 2 fast 2.35 u such homesteader way perforin his own - | vided f n oh | fesidence duties by living with the: fath- Re pro: ied Jor out of current account, | / pp . ) ' . y | and still the expenditure in 197 was | HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 . ota) i fast express or (or mother.) « The term "wicinity" is 1 2 | $5,714,000, or ¥2,526,000 more than B. BE. WALKER, Presid -- ho Aphs "7 in 1903. Where has all the money » President P id.- i £i | '* 12 jloeal gone ? Une of the large increases is ip | I \ ALEX, LAIRD, General Manager aad up Capital, $10,000,000 ysl Fy re education, in ~ which department the | A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of RS) = = 5,000,000 [| For full pa residence duties in accordance with : dg altin) oy as ite Yinn M0! Branches Total Assets, - 113,000,000 JA N14 Sie hs : he above while living with parents or : o th F (11 \ on ing land owned by himself mus : the most defensible item in the total. Sr , the Agent for the district of suck An advance here was absolutely ne- | (V2 2% B A N K M Oo NE Y O R D E R S 3 mek feats tor t : cessarv if the public interest was not | ! \ . he settler ing appl ow Jor Datent o \ = to sulier. In the expenditure on civil| or \ $5 and nD 2 Fouaguing TEs ! | MH T KE RC 4] § 4) | | J. L in Writing to the Commissioner of Do- , oy Jjovernment some increase wag, owing! r = at y Ane Inder, cies uri ' Lands at Ottawa, of his inten. . 8 : gi : y \ i) Over $5 and not exceeding $10 { ton to do so. hy § I ro A | ta the rapid expansion in New Ontario, | a met WC " $10 " " % oa 2a | RA | LWAY BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH i : A d alto necessary; but an increase of over | E -- oe -- - $3 - - $50 . 15 cent i ! " i rr ki i re- : a ir : S | "rr i 3 WEST MINING REGULATIONS, 1 . i fifty per cent. in four years repre The costume showit ins the... Aotam. These Orders asé payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered B 1 Ro al Mail Trains sents altogetner too fast a gait. Much (Yukon e ted d ined 2 : ank J COAL--Coal mining rights: may be Ii r a Syoguner 100. last dor thi |panying drawing could he very easily ke xcepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States, | - At an Soave roan EE . I Not g 4 head is due to ' yy ns ad o on ; ed Mand effectively copied by the home Y are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland, From Montreal thas 2.560 acres shall be leased to AND EXPE RI. # f salaries at a thn Ahi at 8, seamstress, as the style of trimming, They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety t H if, X MENT Th ing had temporarily reached a very | while new, i=: very easily followed; 0d at small cost, and may be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank | o alna ; . ial ia ae Yi Pale blue satin messaline was used for : TaN v high level. Nothing is heard of any uti own ~ sketches the steps co KINGSTON BRANCH | CONNECTING WITH The methnd of prepare y proposal looking to reduction in these com overed mineral in Ing tho cient and tom- salaries now that a dollar will pur- | ming being crossed over filot Ince; the CORNER OF KING AND FRINCESS STS, Royal Mail Steamers P, i , having disc ay locate m claim 1,500x1,500 poring i9 oi ir axe 4 chase roud deal I : 11 | lace also being lot into the skirt, un: Slusive coorct Se a good deal more than it would |g. similar bands. |The skirt of the , nager, { - : i / FO VOArs since is s i rq | { 4 é - or ering ® claim is $5. you aeT ; two year soe, What is said of the {gOwn was cut in a two-piece circular, 1 rom Halifax toast must be EVERLASTING o expenditure on civil government holds and had a weep all around, witli i 2 , Sv all arounc ; -- | y Comer ORT > A fl | 50d. too, in the matter of outlay on | dec ided train in the back : a - to Liverpool y onther administration of justice, where an in- : R A thereof. When ! -- ed a made, ' Pr aras2ne | crease of about thirty per cent. has| i ' -- ' ay Ind at pr pri l\ # kr Sedona Bl pie been Focarded since . 1903. A good | THE WHIG'S J BLE. N What, Ever b (anada S Famous Train t provides for t . Chahion Sore, $1.00. deal of this was due to the spending] 3 y 0 yY i a 7 0 Dy per cast he Duyment #335 vockke. "Hiss to Staves Ul | of © $36,311 on eget services in 1005 | T8S About a Lot of Things in | THE MARITIME Placer ing claima generally are 100 as compared with $7,737 paid similar Skort Metre. ~ * { dns 7 entry fee $5, renowanle years services in 1904, Latest hats, $2. at Bibby's as een X ectin and { EX PR ESS BF may Obtain two } ta yim of A L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 | The province is in au infinitely het Many a poor man has nothing but Loavitg MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 gold of fve miles cack for roadway, New York, N.Y, ter position fipancially than is the deo- | money . . - : Fenoon; rries pass . , Tenewa at minion. The, per capita expenditure Orange slicers to rert, 20e. a day jRauropean mnils. = a jorior, | © he Ministes of the In| For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 69. | i * Gilbert, 3 0 ing or. Jk aL HALIFAX th The shall have w dredge in Oper 71 Brock 8t., Kingston, Ont. News From Ameliasburg, { An empty head contains a 'lot of IAL TRA on One season from the date Ameliasburg, March 25 Charles | 48¢less informution. AR . v ) an ¢ 25, To. adit. for ecord Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" up Livingston's STEVEN SON, for each ve miles; Rental Mm for each mile of river 1 Ferguson is moving on the Pettit!.. . 5 Saturday night specials th ard ho, arriv yalty at the rate of 2} per 5 { farm, lately occupied by Mr, Puffer t z | 5X + Bh Signs, = ue owt site ts $F WoOZOII, {Ne Vail famed bn Me. Pufer, SOULS neh spect. ae bone ' : Hy gd W. W. CORY, : the farm of J. F. Parliament. pare great teachers . S TYPEWRITER X ii om hg Misdaar hi ton Si Salt Rh { Palmer is renting the farm lately *oe- | Try Jibby. Fl blue shirts, 8 . » [Porat N, uy « : 4 will Bot be paid fof i eum. cupied by T. Lewis. Mr. Parliament] Read Waldron's Saturday night od f » FRUNK RABAT AGRNT, ' aren I id tors ist a : fam Mr Fowiz are Ky iig Sales, Cows vertisement: A special wile, Bg ¥ Pld. ficie-- . : ee Booms ar Salt Rheum, as 1 is often | Beware of 'imitators and 'go to" Gil Montreal Ticket Office eulled, is ome of the mast agonising of skin | ! are not bringing prices expected. At ' - 3 salés here one herd brought from $25 | bert s for a 7b. pail of good fresh discases. It manifests feel in Hetle [i Xo Sach. i will Sot that to |Jam, 3c | winte en. oward Anderse a Higa, which woutgin an wlewly | ¢. Anderson and QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY George H Worthington, of Mrs. James P. Anderson are co vales: |] tating and subse A hres: DeTia esti te is worth $300,000. lac Bert flsid. These break {exper nate is worth $300; Placed on the Canadian Market. BER Mi J ) A We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. 141 St. Jmues St. Clove We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. FL and, 0., has a stamp collection that We hold the biggest record for the sale of ar ¥ Typewriter! jeent alter severe illnesses. Small-pox j TENDERS. quently & arust er scale is formed. { has again entered the county, ope| '8lMron's sale Saturday night, of Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar ? D) t et ] 45 hours from New ¥ fy TERDERS ADDRESSED TO T " The burning tohing and mm jcase being reported at the C [White waists and sateen skirts, ¢Fe. i ip 'f ! { ' Nndersigned ut Ottawa, i rc ng i ox Place. Hav hor rv will be wl | See advertisemant, Our Opponents said we { Couldn't do it," "WE pID." It the new Twi Few Stea elopes, and marked of , ing, 4 might or when the part is | used up this year A number py Neat! Work has begun on the new British It will be money in vour pockit to look at it, RE an L300 n he ry or construe of a lJ | Sxposed to amy strong head, are almost | year. of new |, leah : aE 5 Tet a i 2 - at A" Aa Pegwdor apnd Bao wr meadows were killed out a vear a attleship that is to overmateh. the et us demonstrate it to you. i ' o at 8 kh oorgian Bay Service unbearable. }40 people ma: pot oir 2 yen hae | Dreadnought She 'will be' christened . March, Zod wnd 16th April, ? Mp to the | 4 P | Collingwood : 2 v t crease in the price of hav next vear, | gg ewsome 1 rt t d w | CTY | . Tey Bibby int m est India Croises from New York IWENTY Fionn i J { 1 he great amount of machinery, an Bibby"s pretty $1 shirts : Ls ' 1 1 ec 3 Jor the construction of Steel Twit wire, ete, being drawn in here, and| A" average man, livin for the ves No. © Jordon St., Teronto, b y : iil s : a Steel Twin the owe ae «| Be veriod of human life, may he eal Brew 1 inh thous py p» Had | the great amount of farmers' products ulated 't th i } ) 500. B h H i f Weoner for. the Sour Bay Servies being hauled over the twelve miles | "0iated to ge iwough about 500. ranches--Hali ax, N S inni 10 Br dotie. ri a a Serve, Fra Bisel hain upon one | the|miles of reading. s» N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. Stontner 3,70 date iupr stentners wail following leading ol ens dons Bales | reat ty \ i a Iengrt 3 breath | greal necessity for railway comming ' ' BNA . breath B. A. Hotel Arrivals LOCAL AGENTS: 1 dq wil 194 betitante and depth moulded 17.6 jcation, and goes to. show that these . . 3 Rd roecifititiin rie team { districts would feed some large line Re E. Anderson, RB Newton, F. J, 4 Or 'F RBRITH and Fisherles, Ottawa, at the { well, making it Pay some company to Sark, T. C. Hunt, R. Ww, Braithwaite, NEW MAN P I [Quetiee Steamship of the Collectors of Customs at build thrugh here. The mill is ran-|A- BE. Juniar, B.A. Stewart, 'H. R. = Hew York. A.AH vn ----_ he, aa Nactiund, ht ning regularly. There has heen no | Maddock, Toronto; Church Bros., W. { - ANT nion hOus Yepot gh wv. » g 1 - . * » ) BY, J and 'at no. of the Dae sugar brought in yet. E. Van Viack, Picton Rodney Worth 79 Princess Street, Kingston Ont Rh ston. of Mating and Fisheries at Monte : Philadelphia; CL. Edy, P. Speaight, ' . uebiec, 3 a G. A. Witmer, London: W A Canadi Line. ar : : s : adian 'Lake e Wood, (Mtawa; D. E. Winsley and son A Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines Hat plans and specifications can be R by Eonfication, fra the De S8. J. H. Plummer--Captain, W.- Me New Haven, Conn. W hent of Marine ami Fisheries up to Lean, Colli : +" chief i + G. Andress, alwdys on hand. R Smt. K 1 Lean, ngwood: chief ¢ eer, RR. CA ! 1 rd Apt a dt Chalmers, Midland ELIngnter, \ Rarnardo, LR : ROA Alderlace, H We have a large stock, all makes, 2nd hand Typewriters; sold ya accompanied by es 4 » Iiplock, T. 8. Cune, Montreal: ¥. E. on easy terms : Mail bank cheque equal to 10 per SS. AE Ames Captain» A Mchn Wheeler, Now York R. E Robitaille : ' fra ld - heeler, Ne : RB. E. ibitaille, TO LIVERPOOL Victorian sajlg 1 it de ther i Hi of the whole minount Of the ténder ; p . chi b Will be forfeited if the teres ty a Sound; chief eugiacer, Sam. A, B. Whiteley, Déseronto: W. Patter uel Gillespip. son, Windsor: P. dee, Believilie: \F. H. rr -- m-- o sg the oi der declines to : Eto = cotta ar SS. HOM. Pellatt--Captain, A. An i : he Bet completo the steamer. Cheques derson; chief inter, W. H 'Durha Morris, Dayton, 0.; William Radkins, . BRipanying. hcopssiul tepnoks will » RR oH §. TT ™- | Winnipeg: E. Wirebash, New. rk, N.J. | turned a S8. Kefiota--Captain, E. Stephens Peg + Yemark, S00000s0csccrernrecensececesnsesssnnses irtment does not bind "itself to Collingwood; chief engineer, A. Byers, See he JOWeSE br any tender Port Dalhousie 2 wag A Great Hat Combine. pers. copying this wdvertisement oped : . = f - Ta. C hell's ha " aed - s suthority from the Department . 88. Regina--Captain, P. ' McKay;| on Cam B hats ave combine Poli hh be paid, rE GOURNSAG chief engineer, P. J. MeSorley. pleasing good style, high quality and S ng ' + GOURDEAU, 88. Corunna--Captain, W. H. Bryan. | low prices. See our surprising values 8 mn Na. qua Fishers chief engineer, Mr. Ross. al ahd 82.30 * Derbics, Camptell 3 » on shores, weak S8. Nevada-Captain, J. Cavanagh; -, Kingston's style centre for A M tter 1 \ 19th March, 1908. on that var. chief engineer, og TR men's hats, t SS. Arabian--Captain, Mr. O'Brien. : These boats will start about the The Fat Oi The Land. ; i middle of April. Philadelphia Pros. Answers equally well for Furniture, Shoes bhs--"Yes: he literally" lives on the fat of the Ind." Slohhe What and Stoves, and they keep your hands business is be in?" Biohhe--"He man- : ulactures an obesity remedy." clean. Students. Price, complete with Dauber, We do not give 10 big students. but we do = hi ci a for $2. Tae H. D. Bibby ¢o. 1 = opular Science Monthly for rr, i ' CC April contains the following articles : Lémons, 2 Dozen, '2c. . A xidental _Resemblances Among | Edwards & Jenkin. Phone Be n A po : destin Pi Waldean's ale Saturday Sigh, of TNE : : iti == we) | § MKELVEY & BIRGH, 69-71 Brock Stf quer vn 4 on & cold . it 1s 5 a i gl tan ave bought} ty vannnh Bui Both Ad Cation od f Class, $47.00 i Bates of passage and full gaforme tion may be obtained from J P HANLEY, Ar GT.R., of O4 § i] KIRKPATRICK, Local Agente: mvs vv nl. Vara The sudden chan in weather ought to suggest wisdom of puting in same good cosl We sell good onal, dts the kind that sents owt the' most heat, and makes the home comiortanle | f° the best money cas buy, thers js nome Getter nied Wo deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices. Booth & Co., Phone 133. Foot of Wess St | hss conescncbone

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