THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. * THE 5 P.M. EDITION CLEANED STORED AND INSURED § Telephone waggon to call, x 480, 1 Co oo | HE REGED IGAENS FRANK SPEAIGHT'S FINE READING. A Very Sparse Audience in the City Hall-Swayed the Com- pany By His Excellent Pour. trayals. Kingston's literary patrons were in- adequately represented Speaight, as he came upon the plat form of the city hall, on Thursday evening. [lis subject was Charles Dickens' "David Copperfield," in the credit due lutely unique great author fect, his impersonations strikingly real, while the attendant wterpretation of | continued and convulsive laughter Singularly adaptable to the various |nual meeting. McKay Fur House, & Te fe { dignified | nonchalant { and then the grufi, weather-beaten old | S| characters, | swayed | Mrs. Gamshy spoke most interesting. fe | from laughter to tears by their por- | ¥ on the Sunday school as a feeder the audience i& trayal, satively apart from "his own personality. Nothing less than undi- vided attention is secured first by the David Copperfield and his school chum, Steerforth, | salt, Uncle Daniel Peggotty, until with i | seems to be, not merely reading Mrs. Gubbidge one the book, but an eve-witness of the plot, Between the pathetic story of Emily's love. affair with Ham, the treachery of Steerforth, and the broken-hearted ihe despondént {Miss M. Straubenrzie, Miss Mary lers, and Mrs. | tendance was good. by a very | : | he Al jg | sparse audience which greeted Francis | not inspire her voung peoule with zeal lin the cause of foreign missions. wix | chapters. All the press comment which | spedfer said, has appeared fails to convey a tithe of | Mr. Speaight's abso- | the | ( f His elocution is per- | need A | North-West missionaries against acc- mimicry evokes | dent, and illness. The matter will be | | Pioneer Missionary Work." and her MISSIONARY PROBLEMS Were Discussed at Meeting in St. James'. ~ the Pan-Anglivan James The study fourth of clnsses was held nn {sthool room, on Thursda "Some divisions being, the subject Problems,' taken by Roe- The Guy Gamsby f the need Mise Straubenzie spol hh spe ial re for more missionaries, w {ference to some parts of Africa, which if not won now by the cross of Christ j will soon be by the crescent of Maho it. as a special Jack church that she does met. She noted of the Anglican The Moravians, though but a little neople, send out hall their number t8 the mis~ sion Beld. Some of the causes. (the were lack of faith and the instinct of worldliness. Miss Rogers" short, practical paper, was of much value. It dealt with the of insuring the lives of our brought up for discussion at the an for the mission field. I'he next subject will be "Women In A Delightful Tea. Ottawa Citizen A very delightfyl ten was given hy Lady Cartwright, Wednesday after noon, in honor of Mrs. J. J. Harty friend, Miss Brownfield, of Kingston. Lady Cartwright wore a beautiful gown of mauve brocaded silk trimmed with old lace, and was at- BOARD OF EDUGATON |THE BUSINESS TRANSACTED | LAST EVENING. | Tae City Council to Be Asked For $3,000 More: Than Last Year-- Free First Form in Collegiates --Fire Protection. special meeting of the Board of cation was held last evening. The report of the property committee re- commending changes mm the schools to | comply with the exit by-law was ad- lopted. The cost will be about $1,000, {and the city council will be asked to issue debentures for ité payment. Two of the committee's recommendations were: That each day's accumulation of rubbish and waste paper in the | buildings be collected and destroyed; | That the caretakers of Vietoria, Uen- tral and Frontenac public schools, jand the Collegiate Institute, be in constant attendance during school hours, with an unfailing supervision of the heating apparatus. The board also adopted the report of the property committee regarding | fitting its new quarters in the build- ing at the corner of Sydenham and | Princess streets, to which the board {will move on May lst. Iron gates are to be put across the alcove entrance to the Collegiate ln- | stitute to bar out those whose night ly visits and misconduct have been complained of by residents of the { locality. > The board adopted the finance com- mittee"s report on the estimates for { the year. The city council will be ask- led for $3,000 more than last year. The board decided in view of the assisted in receiving by her daugh- | ters, Misa Cartwright. who was dress. | vote of the people in favor of a free od in white silk and lace, and Miss | 75t year, in the Collegiate Institate, Molly Cartwright, who was gowned in| that frat yor, fudtuding Sommiercial gray chiffon velvet. wor sha » ree irom September, The tea table was| prettily arranged | Uncle Peggotty, and the climax, Mr. | Speaight is the acme of perfection as Mr. Micawber, and is properly "'pro- h ided for." Dickens himself would | surely laugh if he came under the gaze {of that monocle. Mrs. Micawber's femininity with that of Mrs. Crupp, David's landlady, and Dora, his fiancee, with quantities of and that the finance committes should pink carnations and ferns and wags |T0POrt to the board a scale of fees for , : ) t ' presided over by Miss Edith Powell | the Collegiate, 'showing all the re and Miss Muriel Burrowes, who were duction that can be/made in forms i111 assisted hy Miss Constance Lowe, Miss | and IV, without asking the city for ¥ | : 4 i tver | MOre money for 1908 was grant- & T Ever-Ready with 12 Blades | and marriage, his domestic troubles, Madge Morse and Miss Clare Oliver. ©) in 1907 " than was g f Bers ol. guranteed ar" yous money | the world tramp of distracted Uncle | Mrs. Harty, who possessés a beau- | rifanded, ! Peggotty in search of his niece, Dav-|tiful voice, charmed every one with | The agreement between the board W. A. MITCHELL, Hardware id's perilous journey to Yarmouth, the | several delightful songs. The tea was [80d Queen's University respecting the SEE OUR WINDOW NO REASON WHY You shouldn't shave yoursell. AVerage man spends thirty or forty : gents x wook vhoving@l When we can seit] heats everything. David madly in ¥ou a Razor complete Tor $1. love, his pauperism, hix prosperity : | ; aflmir School of Pedagogy was renewed with rte dentrint] f the ship-wreck | quite an informal afiair, | H ! ag Sow a gin vi the wash: | ia few slight amendments. For the ges 3 tic on , as b i : ho # ah a i Steer forth"s corpse, can jon just closing the board recived ing ashore of ! ) x i", | $2,050 from the university and ex- only be designated 'prodigious. | ' pended $3,044.83, BNTS THE Y. the city council sit up and take no-| MOI or on lo He propose to have af Hot of extra duties imposed upon him, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By ot 0 fo oe! 1 d A Local Im- Reporters On Their Rounds. the performance of which would cause | Appeals Bun Agujast oca - ky him to neglect the more important 4 ps, 20c. Carnovsky's. him 0 : Nis. Ether Vanhorn Ulery street, | work of city engineering to the detri-| - Judee Madden, of Napanee, held a has left on a trip to Vancouver, B.C. ment of the people. There is enough | court of revision, to-dav. in the dty H. Cunningham, piano tuner from [to keep him busy ten hours a day|council chamber 10 heas appeals : ' T | . , s Chickering's. Leave orders Mc- | without being called upon to do {aerainst last year's local improvement Auley's a store plumbing inspection, Mr, Craig } 15 { levies. Une that took part of the Mrs. George M. Hazett, Kingston, | asking the city council to appoint an morning and some time of the after is spending the week with Mrs. W. J. other inspector. He 'wishes to have | noon was the appeal of James Daly and the AR ate Robinson, 'Consecon. |an expert plumber given the duties of | Wellington street, against. being as Miss Myrtle Wallace, of lroguois, inspection. The Plumbers Union will {cessed for a new drain constructed ! i . sar : § i taken by {late last fall. He claimed that his who has been visiting Mrs. Lanos, [be glad to hear of the stan : \ bY University avenue, returned home this | City Engineer Craig. property was a ready sufficiently afternoon. drained, and that he shouldn't be as- The customs records show that An Interesting Contest. | sessed for a new drain It swems that George Mills & Co., are the only direct | An interesting contest is promised fthe Srain Rap ordered bale hw he importers in this city of English felt [at the Y.M.C.A., on Monday' night, yeiny taunt ho Ion of oa 1h ny hats and cloth caps, when Nelson MgCartney and : Russell Jing Tecoma = eh Snnitary Gents' English made boots on Am-| Edgar will compete in an athletic con- jromnce. oo Bem: a ont twenty erican lasts -and patterns, at 'The test for a medal, for the champion- | da th aE i A Rl i Prof. b Lockett Shoe Store, To introduce | ship. McCartney won the ¢ H. MN he Spel a ita Pro : will sell at 81.50. Bee their window. |championship, and Edgar wen out in Silaic a i Ne a Pa The lake is open at Nine Mile Point | the intermediate series, and there -is ila A 8 him for of a for quite a distance, and the peniten- no doubt but what the contest will be |W concrete walk on: Centre street. tiary shoal is also free of ice. The ive [a good one. There will be five events, are wig a walle only on ane wide of is not very thick in any part of the the rope climb, fence vault sinty | he reel, am Mus owners of pro- harbor and } long there should be open water. . Wants A Plumbing Expert. City Engineer Craig evidently in- tends to make the board of works aud 00 O0OFO0-OTEEC COURT OS REVISION. doesn't THE REPAIRING OR RESETTING Of valuable rings is neces- sary after much wear, other- wise a costly jewel is likely to be lost. Our workmen are skilled in the setting of diamonds and other precious stones, and We ean promise ydu first. class work, at reasonable prices, Engraving, designing and manufacturing a special feature of our pusiness. 'Spangenberg " JEWELLER Diamond Merghant. at senior | ards potato race, thie high jump, and {Perty on the other side had no tax to I! Stinding broad junap, pay. The cost should be more equally divided. The judge said he would : have to dismiss Prof, Marshall's ap 's M. red. . a ay Olds le LL Benge York peal, as there was no law to uphold Jame hougins, 1. engineer, who is the contention of the appellant. a graduate of Queen's University of | goyp oF THE VESSEL 185%, addressed the engineering stu- el dents at fhe university, yesterday af- | And Sixty-Five Per Cent to Be ternoon. ln the evening, a dinner was tendered him by the School of Mining Lo : Paid Plaintiffs. governors and staff. It was held in| Sarnia, Ont, March 27.--At a ses- the library of the engineering build. [sion of the 'admiralty court, * before ing. Pr. €. K. Clarke, of Toronto [Judge Hodgins, the Reid Wrecking University; -was--also-a-guest. company appealed for a Fade ment against the: steamer Fred Pabst, Will Be Examined. which was recently raised at the jen- stated that Philip Low, sen- | trance to Lake Huron, where it "was te Comwail io the peniten- sunk last season, in collision with the Clarke, aged four months, who died on [tiary here, for three years, on a Slontue £1] ke. Rhone: Fodder Jodsios Thursday afternoon. The funeral was charge of arson, will be examined hy | UU °C BANE CHECTHE JACK eh held.on Friday morning to, Bt. Mary's! insanity experts, as it is believed that { PV Up (® PICU Fo08 SXRUAVE Hon cemetery. he is insane.' Low, it will be remem. |" ie 1, y bered, pleaded guilty to two charges vessel after deducting Costs and' ex of arson in connection: with the higyPentes we claim of the Reid eom- fires at Finch, in May last. now before Deaths ¢! Children. Mary Margaret Woods, infant dangh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, William Woods, Bay streets died very suddenly on Thursday afternoon. The child, who was a year and three months old, was only ill a few Bours. Little Margars et was the joy of the household, and a great favorite with her playmates. I'he sorrowing family have the sincerest sympathy of a host of friends in their vr w" . My. and Mrs. Peter Clarke, Mon- treal street, have the sincerest sym pathy of a host of ftiends in the [oss It is of their infant. son, Kenneth Ambrose [tinced Keen Interest Taken. Keen interest is being taken among the members of the RCHA,, in the proposed trip to Qebec, in August, for the celebration of the Champlain tereontenary. It is stated that about twenty thousand: mem will take part in the celebration. pany was for the confract price of raising the vessel, according to agree- ment with the Underwriters' Associa tion to whom the owners had aban doned the steamer. Direction was made by the court for the sale of the vessel, Pearsall's Millinery Call in and see the Dressy Hats we are showing this weet. The BEAUTY of STYLE and MATERIAL, PERFEFT in DESIGN, speall for themselves. We will be pleased . to show you them. e advige making Presented With Ring. Before leaving for Toronto to enter the Standard Bank, Hugh Taylor was presented with a handsome sienet ring by .the members of the local brach of the "bank. Mr. Tavlor winslthanked the bovs heartily Aor their | Robert Dunlop, carpenter, employed gift, stating that he was yety Ory | Lu the M. T. Co.. had a cold dip oa - eave the, ao amd vould, aligye | Wednesday alternoon. He was doing | some work around ome of the barges, and when stepping across on some Doctors Highly Delighted. thin ice, was I into the water, They say for fattening and nourish- | Some of the workmen were near at ing, nothing excels the pure "So- |p vi and they gave My. Dunlop as ciete" Olixe Oil, which we import di | jistanee. After n change of clothing We have it in seal ed botples, fresh from Sunny Nice, Mr. Dunlop was able to proceed with . and §1 per bottle at Wade's store. ea Had A Cold Dip. Due de Chaulnes et Piequigny, recently wedded Miss Theodora Shorts, has been sued for BLMA, due to a London tailor since 1901 dor cloth- ing alleged to have been bought but not paid for by the Due, your CAO ORORCS OS OS ON CONOVER RORORORORORORCHORCS OROHOHCH CONSTR LIVINGSTON'S SPEGIAL- OFFERINGS | or Saturday and Saturday Night. CNR SHOROROD 0 this work, feeling none the worse for his experience, Making Quite A Stir. There was quite a stir around the different vessels in the harbor this morning, 'The fine weather was taken J advantage of for necessary work, and the ship carpenter was a very busy man, Somewhat Improved. The condition of Arthur Reilly, the victim of the shooting accident, was to be afternoon. good night, and is deine dx well can be expected. The bullet has yet been extracted, ------ -- Worth Knowing. their hats not . Step. Out Please. St. Petersburg, March 27. Gens. Fox and Reiss have been asked to re- sign their commissions on account of their complicity in the surreiider of Port Arthur. D 1d lot Dent's Kid Gloves, worth $1.25and - 15), Tor sibined tee 7300 2Q dozen Job Neckwear, worth 50¢. and for 25c. 'hird--To clear odd lines Negligee shirts, regular 81,00, 1.25 and 150, fOr ..conmmissrriesee TOC th-- Regular 35¢ line Spring and Summer § Weight Black Cashmere Box, 25e, 4. pair Bice tage $1.00: TURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY. x _ from LH SRR FIRST DIVISION. Debate on Budget Concluded Early Hour, Torojto, March 27 ~The debate the A sania budget concluded, ths morsing, with the first division of the , after 4 brilliant speech by | Hou, A. G. Machay, in which thei non-constructive policy of the nwrésent government was severely criticized. As on the occasion of address, deliv ered in the debate on the speech from | the throne, Mr. Muchay carvied the war into the enemys camp. He ag. vepted the line of argument adopted by the present provincial treasurer when in opposition, that receipts from | the sale of timber and other natural | resources of the province were drafts | upon the natural capital of Ontario. | Following this line of arcument of ia | boasted surplus, the financial state | ment should show a deficit of alarm. | ing proportions. My. Mackay submit ted an amendment expressin- the re- | gret of the house that the present government should have allowed con- | { { i on SOSS101 ngs trollable expenditure to increase dur ing the last three years in a degree disproportionate wif the general ad- vance of the province. Speaking the power question, he said that tl premier had "slammed the door" in the face of Torouto so far as cheap | power was concerned by his refusal to | treat with the representative of the | British bondholders of the Elettrical | Development company. That action |] of the premier he described as al breach of trust; inasmuch as the got ernment were the trustees of the muni. cipalities, and could only make such agreements as were in accordance with the demands of the municipalities, Premier Whitney replied in ene of his characteristic speeches, and in cidentally challenged the statement of | the leader of the omnosition that the conservative party had pledged them selves that hoards of license on we | } | | | ' commis- stoners should include count and county wardens Before house rose Mr. MacKay the journals of the legislature the re solution to that effect, whic h was conded by Mr. Whitney himself amendment was lost on fifty-five to nineteen, Mr Voting with the opposition. jurlges the se division by Studholme | quoted from | | | | -------- GETTING SUNDAY DRINKS. .* Four Bartenders Were Kept Busy Serving. Montreal, March 27.- sensation was sprung on the public by the liguor| license commission avhen they brought | up seven hotelkeepers for selling liguor on Sundays. For some time the com- mission has been in doubt regarding the work of Chief Campeau and his men, and put private detectipes to work to watch saloonkeepers. Seven | were fourid selling liquor last Sunday, and all pleaded guilty. In one sa-| loon there were sixty men found inthe barroom and four bartenders waiting on the thirsty crowd. commissioners sent word to the chief] to come and explain his reasons for saying there was no Sunday selling He sent back word that He busy." An investigation is eertain, busy The | was too almost BUCKET SHOP SHUT And Chiefly Because the Manager Has Gone. { Montreal, March 27 Montreal's only] up-town bucket shop, which ostensibly 10 accommodate the gambling propensity of the gentler | sex, is a thing the past. It was opened until about ten dave ago, but | the manager, ( hristopher W. Munroe ] has not for that time, and a seizure has been taken on! the furniture by the landlord Fhe { business was being conducted in the! name of Coulson & Co. Personal fin-4 ancial difficulties on the part of Mun roe are aseribed as the eause of closure, { ope ned | stock | of been seen space of } i | { the THE SALE IS DENIED. The Company Has No Purpose to, Sell Line, } Montreal, March 27.-C. J. Smith, general manager of the Richelien & Butario Navigntion compmny denies | the report that the company is about | to dispose of its Bay of Quinte busi M ness in connection with a merger of through lines from Montreal to Fort | William, Good Counsel Mount Forest Representative. Don't forget that your though he differs from you pelitically, | may be just as honest in his convie-| tions as vou, that this is @ free coun i try where freedom of opinlem is one of the biggest of the broad * founda our goverpment, and there would be an end of that form of government without it. Be toler- ant, therefore, or rather not tolerant hut rational, patriotic and good-ra tured. Stand by your convictions and let your neighbor stand by his if neighbor, tion-stones of £0 at GREAT SALE nits OF ies RIBBONS To-Morrow. 'One of the best Ribbon Bargains ever brought to Kingston has arrived and will be offered 'To- morrow. Samples of some of these Ribbons will be shown in windows that you may Judge of the values. Ribbons In French Striped Ribbons, In French Plaid Ribbons, In Dresden Ribbous. A great variety of new designs, ranging in value from 25¢, 30¢, 33¢, 45¢, 50c¢ vard. Your Choice To-morrow 12 1-2¢ Yard. 250 yards Plain There are also in this lot 2 Colored Taffeta Ribbons, worth 20¢ to 25c, These will be offered at the same time at 12le yard. The Fancy Ribbons Are suitable for Fancy Belts, Hat Trimmings, Children's Sashes; Hair Ribbons. Sale from 9to12 O'clock. POSITIVELY no telephone order ace cepted or no orders accepted to place aside, disposed. Keep cool. Argue polities, if vou will, but do it calmly and rea-} sonably, and bear this fact always inj mind, that just as you have made up vour mind unalterably as to the way in which you will vote, ninety-nine | hundredths of the voting population | has done the same thing Six Thousand Coming. i Montreal, March 27.-8ix thousand | people on four ocean steamers, most | of whom will secve in this| pew citizens, are now crossing the At. laptic and will grrive st lower pro. vines ports within the next few days | The spring immigration rush is now) eonsideted as" having been inaugura-| ted, Off For Alaska. San Francisco, Unl., March 27.-The American automobile, leading in New York-Paris race, started Alaska, today, via. Seattle, Died In Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse, N.XY., March 27. Rev. Charles D. N. Sims, B.D., former chan- cellor of Syracuse university, died, to- day, aged seventy-three years, } ------------------ Alexander Baker, aged twenty-eight! of Otawa, was sentenced to filteen | a Safe BEA GEEEERAEEIEECHEEETE y Dodd; he's on TEES oy A Oi MAL LR RRE a Ghe Joockett Shoe Store. a oe