Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1908, p. 11

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SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. PAGE ELEVEN. ° ---------- - EE ---- -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 1 § Synopsis of Canadian Northwest \ HOMESTPAD REGULATIONS, i Any even numbered section of Domine fon Lands in Mamitobm or the North-West § Provinces, excepting 8 and 2 « served, way He homesteadod by son the sole head of ¢ family, wver 18 years of 10 the ex ¥ Une Guarter section, pf 1600 acres, or " Application for homestead entry . be in by 5 applicant Dowifon \ 3 Proxy may, howe i Fatry by : f ot an y om certain conditions by | the father, mother, son, daughter, broth- | OT Or sister of an intending howesteader An application for wniry or cencells | tion made personally at any sub-agen office may wired to the Agent Ly th Sutragent, at the expense of the appli-| cant, aod if the land applied for is vacant on receipt of the telegram such applica- | Won Is to have priority and the land will be held until the necessary papers to complete the tramsaction are received by | waile | In case of "personation' or fraud the | applicant will forfeit sll priority of claim or # outry has Law granted it will be sutnmanily cancetid, Ax application for cancellation must be made fn person, The apphcant oust be eligible for homestead entry, and only one application for cancellation will be re coived from an dividual until thet ap- plication bap been disposed of, e agp eBLry 18 cancelled subsequent to institution of canvelistion proceedings, the applicant for eafcellation will be en titled to prior t of entry. Applicant for cancellation must state in what partieslars the homesteader is in default, A homesteader, whose entry is not the sulgect of cencellation proceedings may subject to the approved of Depart- ment, relinquish #t fo favor of father mother, son, daughter, Brother or sister il eligible, but to no ope els, pun fling declaration of 5 DUTIES A setter form the duties under hug plans . 1) At least six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the lend in each year during the term of three years. (2) A homestoader way, il be so de sires, perform the required residence duties hy living on fariving lard - owned solely by tim, not less then eighty (#0) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead, Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement. (8) IM the father (or mother, if the father is deceaseth) of a homesteader bas permanent residence on farming land solely hy him, not less than eighty (80) acres fin extent, in the ¥icini- iy of the homestead, or upon a home stond entered fof by him in the vicinity, such homesteaded may perforin his own residence dutiep by living with the father (or mother.) . (4) The term . 'vicinity' id the two precoding paregraphs is defined ns moan ing mot more th nine miles in a direct tine exclusive « the width of roed al lowance crossed tie measurement (5) A homest r intending to perform his residence dudes in accordance with the above while 'living with parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for ghe district of such tention. oe making application for patent the settler must give Wwix othe' notice $n writing to the Commissioner of Do- minton lands at Ottawa, of his inten ton to do sox SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL~--Coal mining rights may be teased for a period of tWenty-one years ot an annual restal of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,560 acres shall ba leased to one individual or company. A royally at the rates of five cents per ton shall be collected on the merchantablé coal mined QUARTZ~A person ¢ightecn years of or, over, having discovered mineral in may located § claim 1,500x%1,500 feet The fee for ording ao claim is $5. At least SI must Fhe expended on the claim each year orf paid to the mining recorder in leu thereof, When $500 has hoert expended or the loeator may Hpon havitg & sur ¥ wads, and upoh complying with Sher requirements, pur- chase the Jamel at 81 per acre, proviffes for the payment of a royalty of 2§ per cent ott the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry feo $5, renewable year- be 1 is roquired to per- oue of the follow- wince, 'The patent iy "An applidant may obtain 4wo ledses to dredge for gold of five mies each for a term of twenty years, renewahle at the discretion "of the Minister of the In: terior. iL The lessee shall have wu dredge iti oper ation within one - season from the date of the lease for emch five miles Rented 810 per wow dor each mde of river leastd. Royalty at @ rafe of 3} per cont. collected on the output after it ats couds $10,000. Ww. W. CORY, Deputy of she Minister of the Interfor Nb -- Ufmuthorized publication of this sitvertisement will not be pad for. When You Wear Merchant Rubbers vou Get The Best Now is the time you need good RUBBERS. Why not wear the best? They cost you no more than the other kind. H. JENNINGS, King St. 0 x 0) . A : TRADE &F 2 IMPERIAL When you: buy Underwear ask | IMPERIAL CROWN by KINGSTON LPI, Kingston, INSTANT RELIEF OF ITCHING HUMOR Limbs Below the Knees Were Raw --Feet Too Swollen to Get Shoes On--Sleep Completely Broken by Intense Itching and Burning -- Well in Two Days and Says That CUTICURA IS AMONG HIS HOUSEHOLD GODS "Ood bless the man who first com- pounded Cuticura. ' Some two months ago 1 had a hamor break out on my Limbs below my knees. They came to look like raw beefsteak, all red, end no one knows how they itched and burned, They were #0 swollen that I had to sph do pena opet) 9 got them on and eotl Ft my #hoes on for a week of more, five or six dif- ferent remedies and got no help, only when applying ther the burni v Tose "that 1 A ra . the moment the ig was gone and on ie » [+r it since. The andintwodays I had 1d wi ad a8 about as usual, Heed Juticura the first of my troubles. ve me two or Dur- ur at en ¥ 1 swell 8 Eczemas Trvitations, Is Worth is Weight in Gold. pafféring 'Which Soa Boles Have aria , and the comfort they we oung, orn-out. and worried ve Jed to their adoption in as and among the have parents, d h eo chafings scaly, pimply 's with loss of hair, are speedily, perma~ nently and economically cu External and Taternsl Treatment for Every Humo 1 Ch nh, and Atuits u consis 3 kin, Cutieura ent to the Skin, and Cuti- fin plvent oS the. K tis, viais of 68) Te # Po Chem, - Ls SPurily © &n out A t oe Hole De, A , Malied , Outiedra Book on Skin Diseases. i En EPPS'S A deficions drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and "This excellent Cocoa maintains the system im robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold: nd Storekee Td a Tae THE COME AND SEE SIGN This sign is permanently attached to the frout of the main building of the Lydia KE Pinkham Medicine Company, Mass. What Does This Sign Mean ? It means that public inspection of the Laboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. I$ means that there is nothing about the bus- iness which is not "open and above- board." It means that a permanent invita. tion is extended to anyone to come and ve any and all statements made in the advertisements of Lydia E, Puianrs Vegetable Compaand; it a purely vege compoun from roots and herbs -- with- out drugs ? } - Come and See. Do the women of America continu- ally use as much of it as we are told ? Come and See. Was there ever such a person as Jia E. Pinkham, and is there an woman now to whom sic write and See. = 8 This advertisement is only for doubters. The of 'A HILLSIDE BUNGALOW. Designed by Chadlés S, Sedwick, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn. Our illustration is for a bungalow adaptéd to a hillside location and suitable for summer or winter living, both, the ground rising from the street front to the rear of the house in this case about ten feet. The pro- position is a peculinr one, designed to admit of good outlook 'from all of the rooms and to secure sunlight, ventila- tion and large piazza space. The de- sign is symmetrical, with a large cen- tral living room, 24x30 feet, surround ed by a broad piazza, the main roof low and spreading, covering over the piazza, with wide projected eaves and supported the principal corners with piers of rough native stone, laid in cement. The approach is by a ser ies of steps, the first leading up to a broad terrace and thence with steps on either sifle to a second terrace, and from this, by central steps, to the main piazza, with a commodious seat between the two flights of central steps. The living room is finished in native pine, with beamed ceiling; at the right and left are broad projected Dutch windows, and at the opposite end from the entrance is a wide fireplace, with a tier of steps on either side Jeading up four feet to the level of the floor of the diagonal wings, and also with a door on either side and win- dows opening out on the rear piazza. At each side of the living room is situated a pleasant bedroom, with fireplace in each and windows looking out on the front and side piazzas. Entering the right wing through a door at the top of steps is a large, spacious dining-room, 16x18 feet, ceil- ing beamed, octagonal at the front end, with wide open fireplace, recess sideboard opposite the entrance, win- dows on the side piazza, admitting the or . ZLOOR PLAN Jack of the dining-room is | wa poses, w "kitchen, pantry and servants' bed room. The left. wing comprises a good-sized family bedroom, with fire place, a nursery and hathroom It is estimated that this unique bun- galow, if finished' * and plas- tered, native pine being fagd for fmish and floors, could be build for 85.000 | If leit with the construction timbers showing, planéd smooth, Without fur-| ther finish of the ipterior, the cost | would be about $3500, These eon are only approximate, and might varied either way: by thefunanner of | use of the side piazza for dining pur- . Spring Is Coming. By 8. BE. Kiser. Spring is coming, We may know the willow's golden gleam, By the old familiar longing to sit down in peace ani dream ; | Spring is coming, we may know It by tha shrieking of the jay, And the south winds that olit of gardens far away. it by blowing | are Spring is coming, we may know it vy! the sunsets warm and red, By the soft and gentle cooling doves upon the shed Spriog_ is coming, Wa may the lilac's swelling bud And the yelling of the toamster, driving through the mud the | of know it oy | who is Spring is coming, sprig is coming, let us bravely cling to hope, There will soon be dandelions gleaming on the distant slope ; Spring is coming, We may know by the loud appeals they make Who Jive down along the rivers when the ice begl 1 ak. it Absurdly Late, Argonaut, An English tourist, "aecompanied by a friend and wearing a brand new top hat, entered a = restaurant In Berlin one evening. The food, music, ahd proceedings were so interesting that the twg visitors lingered on and on until it was very late. When at last they rose to go the Englishman's hat was not to be found. "What sort of a hat was it, mein herr 7" inquired the stolid person in charge. "It wae a new top hat," said Englishman, somewhat annoyed "Ach, but, mein herr, all the new hats have been gone for half un hour," said the Géyman placidly. the How It Works. Success Magazice Once there was a struggling young author who was blgssed with many] friends, all of whom told him that he was the coming great writer of the country, So one dav a bright thought struck him. He said : "1 will publish my book and all my friends' who adniire it s6 much will buy ny book, and 1 will be rich." So he printed his hook. And all of his friends waited for him to send them autographed copies of his book. And- so his books were sold as junk, And ever after he didn't have any friends. ------------ Open Your Window. Hamilton Herald. Every dwelline house ought {o be thoroughly-aired every day, and those who can afford - sufficient bedclothing to keep them warm st night ought to sleap with their bedroom windows open. HM the open window habit were commoner there we be fewer coughs and colds; for colds are in a great majority of cases produced by breath- ing impure air. The main reason why people are troubled with colds less in summer than in winter is that while sleeping they breathe fresh air in sum- wer. and taimied air in winter. 4 ------_----_ Calls For The Author. \ Balt ynore American. "1 suppose that there was a very cultured andience at the petiormance of aoe of Sophocles' plays in New York." "Pm pot so sure of that." "What makes vou dubious 2" "The foot, thal I heard several calls for phe author." Philadelphia Reco Age Of Birds, 3 " Country Life. \ Recorded Jace pé do the tonevity of birds in even ile best natural his- tories are flow, 1t therplore becomes almoft the duty of observers to place on record all well-authenticated cases which come under their notice, Ladies of my acquaintance who live at Long Ditton have sent to me the following exact facts relating to a ringdove : Jt flew into their house on WhitSunday, 1550, from a house adjoining, in which it was hatched in the previous September. It remained with them very tame and attached to the ladies. Itg last moult completed as soon as usual, and ils feet seemed to oive wa that it was seldom in its cage, but about in the room, or nestling on its mistresses, 1t- died December 20th, 4 1907, being then. twenty-eight and three months old, and grew was. not VOArs An Angel Husband. rookiyn Eagle. There is mn Brooklyw a young ve} cently married couple who have been having the usual hali-pathetic and wholly 'amusing experiences incident to somewhat = hnrited means and © total inexperience. Recently there was - a hiteh in the delivery of the marketing and Sunday found them with a prac tically empty larder. When dinner time came the young wife burst into tears. "Oh, this is horrible !"? she wept. Not a thing inthe house fit! for a dog to eat. I'm. going home to! mamma !"' "ff you don't mind, dear," the hus band exclaimed, as he visibly ened, and reached for bis hat, "al go with you." | ------------------ Frankly Admitted. P's Weekly. Robert Smith, brother of Sydney Smith, and an ex-advocate-general, on one oceasion engaged in an argument with a physician = over the relative merits of their respective professions "1 don't say that all. lawyers are crooks," said the doctor, "but you'll have to admit that your profession doesn't make: angels of men." "No," retorted Smith; 'vou doctors certainly have the best of us there." ---------- T. A Critical Moment, Chicw Daily News. Pearl Yes, Reggy proposed over the telephone the other night and 1 was worried to deatlr. ; Ruby--* 'Worried over bis audacity in proposing * : Pearl--"No, worried for fear some one would cut us off before I could say Yes.' A Mild Case. wed. He--"'What did your father say when you told him 1 was a poet? She-- "Oh, he raved mbout it. of courza, tnt, after several hours, 1 finally con- vinced him that you weren'{ much of a poet, after all." -- : A Transformation. First actor--*'1 understand the audi- ente last night was vere" éold." actor--""They were at first, hat when they began #0 reentiact that they had paid good money to soe the show they got hot." % : ¥ » # { | cafe--champagne and | Chicago { day of August, Auno bright. |= OF BUNGALOW, construction and the kind of materi als This design would be ideal for a summer home in the mountains, at the seashore lakeside suggestion for painting might as follows: The roof to be and painted red, the wide under s soffits of the projected cornices ceiling of piazzas painted a light yellow all woodwork to be painted dark green, the stone work of the rugged piers and chimneys to be pointed with red mor tar. The effect thus obtained would be very striking and beautiful. used or shingled overhead to be and other South American Inns, Philadelphia Record. X traveller who recently returned to Philadelphia was narrating some of his experiences in South America at a ban quet of globe trotters the other even- ing. He had skirted the entire coast of Sopth America and found the inns or hotels in most sections very poor So bad they in Peru, he said, that one American who had been thrown into jail pending some dispute over his papers and after his release had sought the hotel of the town, re turned the next day to the jail begged that he might be taken in The most curious sight he had t hy of a restaurant which read fried were and geen was in window in "American potatoes." Avres Buenos Not So Bad As Charged. Tribune "You are charged," said the court, reading the formal complaint, 'with having wilfully, feloniously and with malice alorethought appropriated to your se and article ~to wit, a vehicle--said vehicle having been wrongfully and feloniously ab- stracted by you from the premises of the 14th Domini 1907, contrary to the statute such ease made and provided, and against the peace and the diguity of the people of the state of Hlinois. What say you ? Are vow guilty or pot guilty gre "I'm not guilty Jedge," protested the prisoner. 'All I done was to steal a buggy." behoof a certain me John Doe, on or about mn be Kokomo Woman - Gives A Fortune In the past few years Mrs Miller bas spent $132 medical treatment to =» Sometine ago we ane column h fre fered frown female discases More th 1 « have ac th Mrs from I parts | of et used the ilinue the Ter, and as JUERLS remedy, has decided 1c offer for awhile longer This is 'the simple, mild preparation has cured women in the privacy of homes alter doctors and other i harmless 50 TRY heir own rewedies that I for the speedy leucorrhoca or is especially prepar permanent cure of Receives Hundreds of Requests Daily, he sf me hot flashes, wea a case, of ho matter of how Every woman sufi relief, who will without delay wil of charge, a OH-cent home remexiy tary liustrations sl suffer and how they themselves at home with a physician Don't suffer another once to Mrs, Cora Bb Building, Kokomo, ess day M Indiana LENT DOES NOT ENTAIL ANY PER- SONAL SACRIFICE IF YOU USE More wholesome and nourishing than meat or eggs, while its daily use keeps the stomach sweet and clean and the bowels healthy and active WHEAT Try a Biscuit with Hot Milk --a good Breakfast for less than 5 cen ts. Grocers, 13 Mathieu's Syrup OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL. pet DOES] CURE every kind of tet cough and cold easily, quickly sand permanently. Don't suffer any longer than nasty {Don't ll [tubes fcures Bg swith the I Shnaon: " : --. Jwhile mm tonic you can help. The Best Cure For the Grippe Mathieu's Nervine 'ders, is now the surest cure for ; Grippe. fever that Cure of Get' rid hacking cough. "yourself of couzhing at night. be robbed of your sleep. i Mathieu's Syrup soothes thé ir- § ritated surfaces Jdand lungs-- heals the bronchial of the throat aids expectoration, dstrengthens your system and you in no time. Mathieu's Sy- rup taken in conjunction Pow- The Powders, reduce and banish 'all the saches and pains from your body the Syrup has a notable effect. on the system. When you get a cold obtain the best.cure there is, Get Mathieu's Syrup of Large bottle 35cts. Fhe Tar and Cod Liver Oil, Nervine Powders are 25cts. a box of 18 powders. From all dealers. J. L. Mathieu Co., Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q A A MI 4 A ITA -- THE FAVORITE IN CANADIAN HOMES FOR MANY YEARS. TRY IT. { REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Sold Everywhere in the Dominion by the Best Dealers. FTA TVA | 973 No ~~ E.W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. MADE IN CANADA.

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