- WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. EE -- -- Ee - ---- A cheerful disposition for [TIL SREMDS].. "== _\iffE | JONEN WORK ten cents rT | -- tain Truth Instead of Sentiment. Pe week. Sweet breath, NO J, cap WILD LIVES AND ARE Pri. Elgar L. Larkin, the noted |AND MEN TAKE IT EASY headache, no dullness, no blues. All that -- and | astronomer, was discussing matriag. more--in a box of Cascarets. { ~. VERY FORMIDABLE. = [itonomer, was discumsing marring AND JOB. : i Larkin believes that it is criminal 1. . pAre Still Powers in Sicily--News- | continue for life marriages 2 re} In Many Parts of the World To- Cascarets supply a natural need. | .. Paper Man Fell Foul of Failla Unhappy. Cv iE Day Hardest Labor is Done By There is help for every w They simply do what some foods will do; what fruits will do, | = Mulone, grim by Sotdéuet ww said, Peinplce. : ness, depression, backas . & ; It is hard to go to any part of the when Nature makes a | if used in abundance; what exercise does. { A Palermo (Italy) despatch says : § misery as afflicts our m Bory w n should take , mg ivery woman should ta They cause the bowel muscles to act. Their effect is as | Although the formidable Y arsaloun 15 | the Blanka : Re Jue all mutual Natl thie days Without Snel ward of no more, during the last year friends in the anks' position men employed in many lines of work, : ¥ natural and gentle as the same effect from food, for two there have been several cand; "At the height of their nightly quar- | Even in civilized lands their occapa dates for succession. Among these, § rol recently. Mrs. Blank o back a | Hons include cleaning streets, work \ . Li ing in the mines, and running along- * trying periods and PAGE TWELVE. : THE DAILY BRITISH -------- ----- AY i | Malomone ) Failla M > ave i sproachfully 1 wo lived out-doors, and ate whole wheat, green vegetables sud trails omone and Failla lulone kave § sobs and said, proachfully : f: do : > - i Cha ' : Tr joutstrippetl the others. The former "1 was reading one of your old let. | side of dogs pulling small earts, to help her through wou never need Cascarets, . { has been arrested and is to be tried | ore to-day, James. and you said in jt | Unwomanly as these tasks are, it is a normal and healthy cond The girl just entermg wom But we don't exercise enough, We eat fine flour, much starch, and too | in the assize court of Caltanissetta. | that vou 'would rather live in endless | nothing to what women endure among hood. «nd those roy : Oal benefit ix m Beecham 's little of fruit and green things. | The latter is still at large. The men | {orment with me than in bliss by vour- | uncivilized people. lere they are Pil Taken at the first ' ferange hey give prompt We live artificially, so we need an artificial lazative. | Present cutious. contrasts for, while self! Sines bekd ge opeEty ue wl 39 do Sif the assistance. Bead the special directions for women with every box. 3 % silin a Wed : 7 y ork/ 0 the sbands as | Salomone "is hated by Stilians, Mu Well, TI got my wish, Blank Sold everywhere ig Caneda and U. S, America. fn boxes 25 cents. {lone is their hero. The first became {| orowled."" ters devote themselves to makin~ ela- 8 borate toilets and passing much of Cascarets give us, In concentrated form, one vital effect that we lack |@ brigand through politics; the second the t t di throug ove, E e me In Ig easan Hueness, Jo sich food. le dq < 1 i ough Jovy ago Salomone shot in Escapes Needless Disease. Among the lowest tribes in Austra me people ned them more frequently than others. It depends on {the back his political opponent, the Rbeumatisin, Neuralgia, Locomotor lia women are only the domestic your food, your drink and your exercise. | Syndie of Barrafranco. Since then he | Ataxia Tumors and a variety of [slaves of their husbands, and do all But we all need them sometimes. has lived by robbery, and has never | other Siscases as well as a veneral fof the hard labor. They catch the The right way to take them is one Cascaret at a time. Take it just as | hesitated to kill anybody who at- | debilitated condition of the system | fish, turtles, erabfish, and shellfish 800n as you need it. You can tell, jtempted tg betray him. The circum. | comes from impure or impoverished | from the sca. The women work the Don't wait till night, | stances of his arrest are tragic blood. Escape these ills and keep soil for vams and tomatoes, and , Alic health up to the highest standard by |gather the cocosnuts and bread Carry a box Always with yod. Ward off the dullness, the headaches. [Rdord, fam Shon, Fide bn hand. -- Wd -- Tonic Pills (Laxa- fruits. The men spend their time . 3 ospite y, a 118 ant Bhde s a a res ' : " Keep yourself always at your best, led to him a parcotic, mixed in his | tive), They fortify the system against making ah ntoxi ating drink, When -- food. When Sdlomone was asleep the | disease. They are a great nerve hot sr ng they are anying their | a | ai " SRY . strengthener i naker, 1 BAIT (dressed ey lind their wives Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never |iadiord imimotied the Saray ani Sirens gl aid higod Wade's Dia neglecting their work they flo them 4 3 t ok . 2 ph i e wigand, however, mana ge 0 ., = y 3 Setors in bulk. Besureto get the genuine, with CCC on every tablet. The price [awake at the right moment and took | Store, Money back if mot satisfac: [Severely ig Zend Is 50 cents, 25 cents and {to hi# heels. He had not gone very | tory, , Among the Maori of New Zealand . 10 Cents per Box. M0 Lar hofore Ie Toute himself sarrour O = woman's life is no easier. She builds al eee, Lud by eight carabinieri. who managed the hut, works in the field, makes the eee -- Y 2 Sais nin, re an 'A Thankless Girl. clothes, cooks the food, and looks af to secure him after a brief struggle. bE 3 -------- | Then Sal salled the loader of | Ierper's Weekly ter the children. In war most of the ! on. Salomon on CH = a i ooo "Ihe most eloquent speech 1 ever|men are full of fire and spirit, hut in NEWAYGO--CANADIAN NORTHERN QUEBEC RAILWAY [ie: cusumagieri ond ollored him B01 ioel® oot AE el I aer [0iem are peace they lounge and sleep = gy ~ 5) i a permission i Toon pe, said Sociologist Snodgrass, "Ginger The Hottentots think the mselves ex oh Naturally, the bribe was Yeluserl, and | a aponnigle has brought his best guy! coedingly clever. They wt their wo A [the 1 i hauled off 1 gonnig . : i . ' the brigand was hauled off © all. to the Grand Civic ball of the East] men to work and they take life cas With him were arrested two priests | qide. Gentlemen's Sons Terpsichorenn | The favorite way of winishing wives I i teria ; france : : and two gentlemen of Barrafranco, Coterie ticket admitting lady and}is to add to their labors. M a white = " | 2 é€ 9 | who urged him to kill the Svndic, and gent, including hat check, filty cents. | complains of this the men sav : "Whey | they will be tried with him I'he guyl fascinafed by a better walt- | we give our women plenty of work we | The Sicilians, uncultured, but chival- zer, abandoned her escort and danced | are sire to keep them out of mi | rous, hate Salomone. They hve nev-| three times with the stranger. Ag chief 2 er forgiven him for shoot ng the Syn- they were beginning their fourth waltz Most of the lower African tribes be GIVEN AWAY die in the back That was treachery, they were ed by the hand of [lieve women are good drudees and | because in Sicily homicide is regarded Ginger Magounigle, which ciutched the | nothing more, The Kaffirs consider a IN PRIZES jas a sort of duel "without witnesses, arm of the guyl. Gazing deep into their cattle better property than {in which the adversaries should face her eyes, and in d voice which were | their wives. They watch the kraal THE GREATEST LIMERICK EVER ATTEMPTED IN CANADA j each other loyally and fight according mingled surprise, soM-pity, reproach, | Where the cattle are kept, and their {to the traditional rules of chivalry in resentment andl menace, he oxclaimed women work in the fields, draw th of dollars in advertising Newaygo as a summer resort. In other the country. But there is no doubt | ™ *Sa-aray, who bruh ver water, and carty the heavy loads words, we have made a present to the newspapers of this money in | that his forthcoming trial will be fol cA When they go to market the women return for a certain amount of publicity, Our present scheme is de- { lowed with much ioterest : carry the produce on their heads I'he vised with a view of securing still further publicity by sharing out a 1 Failla Mulan. wi ook to the lop Ambiguous. lords walk behind with a sti ng portion of our advertising fund to th blie direct Fat pe. Ta ione, who tool to the for-1 yw, hinman Star ords walk behind with a stick ready 9 ® public direct. | oft after he had killed his sweetheart A Washington correspondent who | to use it on the slightest provoca- Ist PRIZE | and his rival for her aliection, is the | ysed to run a newspaper in lowa tion. ' | true brigand of romance or melo- tells how the heavy advertiser of the t is not unusual to hear these men | : i | : - : | drama, and he is beloved by the Peo- | town once entered the editorial offices | sav My wives are my oxen. 1 bus Value $1,000 i ple, who recognize in him the ardent &nd, with anger and disgust depicted | them, therefore they must labor." The women practice the strictest eco nomy so that their husbands can buy second wives he system in in a comparatively short period we have spent some thousands | A beautiful 6-roomed ecot- | disposition, as ready for ferocious re in overy line of his face, exclaimed tage and lot, an ideal summer venge as for magnanimous generosit "That's a fine break you people have home, at "Newaygo "over. which i: characteristic of the Sicilian made in my ad. this week !"' : A 2 h oT : re TH ; . race "What's the trouble * asked the] In Tibeste the woine n are cast aside JORIS >. Bt. Francis, Two years ago he had one glorious editor, in a tone calculated to mollify | 1 they do not work hard enough to among the Laurentians Moun- { hour of celebrity when he was sur- | the indignant one, please their husband The men go . " joins. the most gobular at {rounded by a squad of carabinieri in "Read it and see I" commanded the | ff on raids and hunts which last for 1t- e orm ictates t e real. A deed conveying this [8 house in the Montedoro country, advertiser, thrusting a copy of the |Months. The women take care of the property to the prize-winner { but managed to escape, killing two of paper in the editor's face. ' Sulsias, children, chamois and goats will be issued within ten days the police and wounding several oth- The latter read : "if you want to] lhe buy and sell and go into the of completion of this com- ors SVC ¢ ear Blank's shoes.' mtevior. To = chew tobacco is thei . ; vy & le wou Hite chief recreation HATEVER bears the Fit-Reform trade- petition. ¢ ' On that occasion a Montedoro jour oa , - ¢ J nalist telegraphed a long account of s Inside The Nose. Among the Bobo, in the north-east . . « 2nd PRIZE$100 in Gold oc the afiair to n Palermo vewspaper.] ,. "o%68 "nmce Tne Nose. lof Senegal, besiden worn Usenet mark is accepted without question, Fhe lining of the nose will (rack, fields and caring for the children the 3rd PRIZE--8$50 in Gold nd Tenn' the minpaport; wan dhe, | Fon very 'sore, and irritating. Notte | cid wud caring i higren th : and 100 Prizes of Value of 0 Each satisfied with the A of his hE Touthes avy iE ouble like It is Toman for husbands to send Men of to-day realize the fact that they Adherence to every pierosTEndent Judes. with impartiality and strict PE emlitgly. he wrote to the editor kin Rub it on thoroughly, and ey The ihe eliting. the Ubangi, need not get Suits made to order for the same bags eR And nue rduiy mmaliaped Bank. | the A re or irritation, sou' fd Be Hamil work Fey" 2 ori 2 Bh reason that there is no necessity of having Hats, : i ¥ Y B ortle on $ imtment best of al rv a oe Work 18 done hy the women on . ' a re tema EAE A = Sin and Shor made order, to the decision of the Judes fin in tent compet of the Limerick in | pee Journalist hurriedly leit Monte Jaatating The Great. wr telling, the Anes of Sirus Because Fit-Reform garments fit exactly the best way. No matter how small the namber of entries received, 1 where he lived, and settled in { From the prizes will be paid in full, are, ' Contractor (coming out of his pa-| thing that is heavy. Amone soma. 1 me : cle ' as hely Sempat itary as much as possible, we give a list of a few Palermo. latial residence)--"*Come, boy ! N ) Jia tribes, whore $t is ne y . try are In pesfect taste and absolutely faultless of the words that rhyme. Cabins loafing ! You ought to have had that | fell the 1 8, this employment tr dior . o . Assign, o | Dine Interline Pine Sign > Pe Cieties. snow off half an hour ago." Boy 04h rs ployment is give mn style. Brine. Leonine Porcupine Spine Arkansas Taper "Oh, I wuz just waitin' for it to rain In Java the women alone aifend Diving | : , a A 1] Bunshi | r» asked an old colored preacher the : | cone Friwine ka Reyne Superrine hs doy. how "his church was getting | samo as you do when you has a snow-J the markets ap conduct all the busi Buy Fit-Reform spring suits on our uncon« na or a a ditional guarantee that they must give complete y satisfaction or money refunded, = - they migrate their wives heeome beasts of hurden ine removal contract." ness of buying and « Hix Decline Fine Nine Shine Underl i : rh We ir -------- ------ ) | poor, mighty poor, hrudder. e ven - . m-- Design Incline Outshine Shrine Wine | pox a e trouble aod he. re Must not be confounded with com Infantile Politeness. Common sense tg all that 1s reouired to fill in the line, and the un- | tured 10 ask the trc f " Car- | Philadelphia Ledger : educated person Is Just as lkely to succeed as the university scholar, phil : Yominy had Been invited kince all stand an equal chance of winning thess prizes, Therefore, "Ihe "eietten, de "ciefes. Dey a learned rok 3 ; do not put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day, the first ta in' all de fatness and marrow ou ' or hose frawin' al mother was anxious for hi thought being frequently the best, and immediately that you think of | ten de hody an' bones of de blessed | will prove their superiority i , Lo f Suitable ihe, send it to the uddrony yeh velo; Lord's body We can't do duflin' with The librdry at the British museun HAY iO at table: Shd ga 0 a ; ALL YOU HAVE TO DO out do ciety, Dar is de Lincum tie} whieh new contains bet worn 3 600-600 ta Wit pe dome ce : b . _ : M YO ' ommy, ho tlie Vis i: Is to fill out. cut and forward the coupon, together with 10 cts. in | ty, wid - Sister Jones an rudder andl 4.900.900 Yalu ie ih Ee "Jon?" she asked on hj A : Q / silver or postal note to the Laurentian Land Ceo., Montreal Stroat | | Brown to ran it; Sister Williams mus | cention the largest i he orl OY urs aed oi ls ib Raflway Bullding, Montreal, Que. The word "Limerick" must be | march in front ob de Daughters of | w= CRE impolite You dyin anything LT written on the top of the left hand corner of the envelope, | Rebecca. Den dar is de Dorcases, de HER HUSBAND im soli' Cy Marthas, de Daughters ob Ham, and hor hy 0, ma~-at least N R U N-- hy A de Liberian Ladies.' / ' Here {a the sy LC FO Ne % Be hoe you fe the hrethrén to help WAS A DRUNKARD ' rng ig thors a ye op thing CRAWFORD & WALSH which the iast line should be added: Please find enlloset wom cents for in the church," we suggested, \ i » - wrong * ye oll He 1] O 1 en entrance fee to "Newaygo" Limerick, "No, sal. Deve am de Masons, lo A Lady who cures her husband of Tork" V, 18ll "3 H about it, "Summer time at the sea shore for | I agree to accept the judges' deeision Odd Kotla, de Dons Bh a de His Drinking Habits Writes "Ob, it wasn't muel on wor Sole Agents for Kingdon, mine, Promised ane & . : ! ; 5 But that's not in everyone's line, As final and enter the competition on Qulahoait Prom de time de brudders of Her Struggle to was trying to cut my meat when If good health you would know, that distinct understanding, AY. Dp : . . " lipped off the plate on the H6or ** TE - ---- To Newaygo" you'll ge, and sisters pays all the dues an Save her Home. pied of the | lat th A or. Q tends all de mettin's dere in nuffin' left -------- do hold t y atever did vou Sharia AEA EE ERS ar esas eg for Mt." Pisgah church but. jist the A PATHETIC LETTER i 1. just said, sort af earl sob: de © has all heen shelled off j ; ' n ly cob; de corn h "Fhat's always the dav w ith tough meat," and went on with my dinger ! mon cathartic or purgative pill is jist} ter's Livtld Liver Pills are entirely anlike them in every respect. Onedrial A A FIFI 044506649544 ELF E RAAT TTT A EAMG Loviireirh snares isiiinmsmmmaibvess divsaitssss iraaavenss Peerines esa an' frowed to dese speckled chickens." an. i 7 No member of the firm or employe will be allowed to compete. Amy num. The Supple Salesm acy $When Age Troubles Women. ber of solutions may be sent, written on plain paper, and accompanied by either Washington Star. " NOW. York Press. separate postal notes or one for the whole amount. It is particularly desired Asa Goddard, one of the leading s Women." aid a minttiage. } Shas all solutions be sent Iu as eatly as possible, owing to the enormous amount spirits of the American Automobile or " Sale ' Janine een se i v ' clerk, oltey i» abn fr fg r work entalled. Association, said at a dinner in Wor the certifi ate Lo X hors "a his .' ster IPOS » pew autom g 3 aCe " > $18 a en apropos of some pew automo OL a wth ete, Thin ip. ile legislation : { i : i ] ot : if a little age lie will il tinate he "T r thing passed we must | & r To set this £1 \ , marriage. She says she 1a thirty The | be diplomatic, we must be supple. W. : . : Dr. KOHR'S RESTORINE R i though, go in our diplo- 0 4 and her fiance thinks hee twenty nuke Sah de) of AS maty and our suppleness, to such She wants, naturally, to maintain th New wry, the mast wonderful Medicine svar dis. lengths as an automobile salesman 1 3 illusion. 1 got lotiers every week. | The know. reply, if stamps are inclosed that there is no law against these lies Ni has recommended this Res for use " de i " ; in the Tunane Asyiom where, as is wel . A friend of mine went to this man : : After ull. they do po harm, do they 1 [EE jotity of the inmates are victims of lost eh and said : Nn : dorsed by all governments a he used a8 & wal Want an automobile.' o ye Ne : I t th in A d oy . . ore 8 § a ¥ 19 Li 1 0s Sie ented FRR | Yel ir" Food ome? mid the SETTERS | ri Thon pit them in Au » Srniany. . * ¥ 4 Ys 80 that cE LE IX XPT XXX ry a nice assort- ment of RAZORS, The "Ever Ready' with 12 blades, for $1.00, is the best on the market. Other « Safety Razors, in moroeco "fl leather cases, from $2.50 to ey $5.50 per set. Tr -------- " EEC 2 E from salesman, he : "Yes. What will a first-class ma- a one divorce waz granted a man on the plea that his wife had lied about her chine cost *' io a= "Well, a really first-class machine age to him. She was, it scoms, forty . : will cost you from 36.000 to £7,000, -- six, but he had thought ber ouly thi 77 Princess It isn't economy, you know, to directed, | tV-live. 0 10S - hex ent mpusa.ana puis bis coer ve -- | °y Street. FREE PATER 4444 +et batted never afler a few ars treatment, a y-- a ---- * "Great Scott, man! 1 can't go as . hich as that. Haven't vou got some- supper. He a 1 Buried With Honor. i . ath oi ts bee ok thing Meche dhe eli then iving it An old woman who prided herwoli | ESBFFCESTFCFICCEEITIRSH EALERTS TES \ + yes, Sai © salesman. tingli hor ial stand lived in York- wea 1.9241. MONTREAL. 'We've got a splendid line from sixty and ry ep. There -_-- onal og dni . E---- fre up Nothing hetver BONE: ei at hejore mea of life, an the next viflage, Bia Ji not attend ¥r vas abou ¥s 4 » it, but a neighbor of hers was there, to pay a fancy price just for Rame & woman's heart; for m That night she called on the neighbor pe FEEL igi oo we The 8t Lawrence Sugar Refining Co ---- A cortain Shel ns fond Herat M certain li ¥ was very fon "Yes, 1 wor," Nancy replied. of his grandmother, and Suntinually "What kind of a ft wor it ONTR E AL, pestered his futher aw Nancy sniffed. Manufacturers of the'choicest couldn t marry her. At last the fath. "Why, it wor a werry mean affair," n » he id. J be so 'absurd, upoh which the son said biscnit. an' uch. hn, REF INED SUG S moa burt voice : "Ab," said the other old woman, , don't seo why T shouldn'd marry to. I've lost five, but, th " i 3 y ; < Love ve, but, thank good- x... : : yours, ness, ¥'ve buried 'em all with 'am. | - Sugar,Be sure you dsk for "St. Lawrence." er grew angry, and tol him not to "Well, you married my mother, so | "them's the sort of ways Idon't hold Grannlated and Yellows. Made entirely from cane + a. ! i i : i i i 1 7 i f 2 i f | fs § i f ik i i i i ! |