The Dail Brush YEAR 75--NO. 5. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. LAST EDITION -------- TT . - -- -- PITH OF THE NEWS, MEAT SCARE IN AMERICA. | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. LI] TA A T UEBE The Very Latest Culled From All Two Million Pounds of Canned ; (UI OFF |: : yn 2 $10 gm 1 le Re-shipped. i : - rn . . EEE PEE Over Tke World, ru i The Mrich curren ill passed the; London, Me r 28.~Two million enate bn Friday pounds, of nned meat, valued at) Vote of $300,000 Will Not be Used bee pa Soe ol i, | Burglar Stabs Pa Pal in in Mistake DOROTHY few weeks. as the result of the scarci: y Brodeur is now engaged ty of meat America. As a conse for Display. or Ue veorgatiadon of gues ithe stun, Ban! cri 8- § DAINTY HAIR 8 artment | American farm vere unable to «f-| } i v of Montrenl loan, of al fect loans and placed their cattle on | - { " pow , was taken by the| the mashes i of stall feeding | - : r de 1 The House in Committee on Supply---Delay in|": "oii. ei i Ble Trying to Force Office Safe They Are RIBBONS Congressman Heflin, hama, shot! and meat consumption increased. Thus Bringing Down Papers---Left to a or Washington. |i "Baia wrth BE oan eat | Savagely Attacked by sFOR CHILDREN 1 ow, the jeadér of a Chinese vin with freight to pay twice across | the Premier. ] ole i New York, as sl : 2 wd | the Atlantic,' said the repregenutadive | Beast. «in the stre By three le of a Chicago firm here to-day, "We countrymen have been able to sell reshipped goods | ra------ Rene Dupont, government agent, re-|in America sat prices six . per cent THis hip Gn, Corroshonden: i propridtion and. this had 10 be .pro- ports that French-Canadians are com-| higher than we could obtain here Ottawa; March 2 In regard to! vided for, ing back to (Quebee in | numbers | fxndon is the cheapilt'ment market." tha participation of the militia in the] Mr. Foster retorted that "parliament | ¢ ~0 Now Englund, owit to the -- ------------ ISR ter centenary celebration' Sir Frederick; was getting to be a farce when this] iv of work there : HIS SIXTH ATTEMPT. S Rue Baghette, but they had hardly } shooting, marie lov the baek | Borden has made an important state j tng souk be fone. pr. Coit, a prominent writer nd | jzoL 0 work Nhe " they Wels Jud fenly | staircase. but . their passage ment. Heo said it was proposed that further vote of 25,000 for gene turer in the United States, has been | Ty oT AL ¢ a ferocious bulldog about, fifty pet cant, of th. mils Wes orj ral immigration exPeuses WAS next inn Fo iw a month's in | Feiea Various aya to Take His slept in the oflice : about 20,04 men, should go to Que- | discussed, G. Taylor read letters from | iconment for assaulting the con |. . Alte ; ian of the safe, They thereupon retreated to M bee. Aw tar as the western battalions! farmers in the Yorkton district con | pootor of an omyibus Paris, March S.--A middle aged t k a rv yf Dis unexpected at- | Bonfils' office, and had once mor to were concerned it would not be ex. tradicting the statements ~ of the! pragident Roosevelt, a Texas repre. farmer of San Kemo, named Sevire Jase the PD) wo burglars drew their | face the terrible bulldog. who, though | pedient to transport half the strength minister of ghe interior and Dr. Cash sentative declared in the United States made six ptiempts ab suic ide helore id . ee SEempls i Jo kil the dog, | badly wounded made another furioes of battalions east, but the Ontario | to the effect that the Doukhobors led congress, has shown himself guilty of | succeeding. : which re 3 nisRle or ark lantern fattac k on the two men, tearing ! 'Quehee and maritime regiments would | moral lives and were desirable settlers. | «disgusting usurpation of power, | Sufiering from mati as the result | and ir the nd } and went out, | hig piece out of the le of one of Lie 'represented by fifty per cent. There] This brought Dr. Cash to his feet | not only of congress, but of the judi of influenza, he rushed into a pond, a 3 the darkness there was a loud | them : § . | i {knife in hand, and attempted to (*ream; Robert Morland, one of them, Finally the two men climbed out of | drown and stab himself at once. striking at the bulldog, had stuck his the window and estaped. but later Failing to kill himself he dra~~ed | knife into his compmnion's hack {were captured by the police in their would be po recruits, and regarding] and he declared that the Douks were |giary as well eroises would constitate their annualjzens, Mr. MeCrapey (Saskatchewan) : i : son. 4 A 3 ] ual Dr. Sinclair Goes To Dawson {himself home, fetched a pistol sh Aroused by the noise, all the neigh- | lodgings nearby rsh papa Paris, March 28. ~Twd burvlars bors I iring off their revolvers made an attempt last night to force out of into the street the safe in the office oi 'M. Bonfils, ut and the burg s alarmed by the | who | barred by seve of the residents i and was the guard | with loaded revolvers | { tral battalions the ter-centepnary ex | cle an living and were desirable citi mn deifl. Ihe vote of $300,000 for the|spoke to the same declaration. March 28.--Rev. Dr. AD G. | Gray b Code ter-eentonary would not be used fog Mr. Oliver stated that none of the}, Lobourg, March 2 ry 4 {fired at his chest. The shot inflicted militia display at Quebee Rinclair, a former member of Peter- |, i 0 wound. £ @ shee, Dr. Reid asked why the cost of the : a a} . is hn . ' of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, eranary, but the ceiling w ilitia h loubled MATS AN Before supply was reached GG. Tay . 1 , | ng was too | . = . Militia hud So hie in ] n Years nd y Sete Bupply 8 Fenchel hat ay Port Hope, left evently to Jak to admit = of his sMspendine him- {Is Rapidly Breaking--Dams in!Quaint English . Hostelry ia unister replied a allla and! or a . pi 1 i "| eharge of St. Andr we's church in Daw- | olf fee b ¥ D : J Faquimanlt forts had been taken over, | respondence asked for had Ix en Soh Ci ' Mr Jin lair has for | ed rn Sh head anger Curious End. the pay of the men had increased and| brought down incomplete. Mr. Tay 4 ex ae there whis a larger force. I'he lot's remarks had to do with & break! to the importation of immigrants, money of this vote would be devoted bora preshviery, and formerly pastor | Sevtre then tried to hang himself | THE ICE AT GANANOQUE. HOTEL BURNED. [ | 5 Has | \ ; attempted to heat out his | Gananoque, March 28.--The bigh London, March 28.--The quaint old | ffome, time in charge of St, Andrew istaine against a wall, but that fail wind of Wednesday, followed by the] Red Lion Hotel at Hampton-on wreh, Winnipeg { od er tempe . ' oy per man at the annual camps was ¥ water wach slid into the water and] : tine Finally } turned to his | | ihe: temperature Thursday, caused a]thames, well known to many travel The house soon went into committee] while being rebuilt was blown away, . x : | Maly de HeLHEN © his bedroom | break-up in the ice in Gananoque riv-]led Americans by its proximit to Ouse soon w i mn E ¥ : . , \ $20,000 Model Battleship, and cut his. throat ler, above the dan v ) } on supply. In the militia department| The report did not deal with these 4 id e Fhe Ye o ams, vesterday, the| Hampton Court Valace, has had Qa Me. Foster thought an item of $235,. occurrences. Could] it be that the Berlin, Marchi 28.~The kniter Las 1 Arrived From England brid stepiciing from the railroad curious end. After standing ior cen-| ¢ York's latest novelty for 000 for last year's annual drill requir-| minister had expunged the papers? nounced his intention of presenting to | gland. j Dradige to centre of the upper dam] turies it was condemned to destruc he ittle ones. Beautiful rich Si J y se at Ma model of Yesterday another large consig ant! was broker y 9 - d: al : 2 Silk © Ritson length thet will od some explanation. Mr. Pugsley spurned the idea, which | the museum at Munich, a mo ) o msignment | ken by the ice crush, and all]tion in order that it might be re Wear andl Wah Wail A monk the t » | of Carter's ilkinson's | day th : Sir Frederick Borden replied, saying! was unworthy' of Mr. Taylor, and pro the new bhattleshin Nassau. The 'model f Carter Lg and Wilkinson warld | day the water company had its men placed by a modern building | lot are Drestonus. Brooke's Moires that $65,000 was for railway accounts | mised to oblige, if the papers could] will be three feet in length and will | renowned ¥2 and $250 derbies was|out fighting to keep the dam safe.| It was made the object of a faked also the in Kinds, in colors for carrying twops; a large amount | be found. cost more than $20,000. received at Unmpbell Bros.', the Prin | The amount of water is considerably p | Red, Piok Helio, White, conflagration in order to entertain | ' i sgh 5 ation | . ins . : N 14 i Creme aml lac They come In was for the pay of Toronto and Mon- Could it be possible, queried cb . -- \ cess street hatters. {in excess of what it has been for sev-| t}e people of Hampton ive the lo-| » rd pie Every piece as (real corps 2 | Samuel Barker, "that when a hreak Fhe Far « Wes Jusen stroet A il aan Jou Pa i miclorable wien wa x Nin You eat. . Ean $ dist e sh, Tues svening, Apri . ter showed + the " ) i t aq hey "Any kicking 7' asked Mr. Foster. |water was carried away no enquiry Hie church, Vuesday evening, Aj { Have your eves tested hy an ex-|!'® hawt i ah along the St. Lawrence] tally to provide a realistic scene for | ro-N1uN] tal 'a "is . § gir 4 th. Zoe, v ¢ 8 > sw river front, yesterc . . ; 1 x | No," replied the war minister, "'the | was instituted ? : i pert at Best's ahd save money. {a fow os. Festercay alterioon, and moving ' pictures After the tunher city regiments found the money and R. L. Borden asked when the report = wajor Saxe pe this will take off the work of the old house had heen well | New Arrivals for To- didn't mind waiting, Then, #9),000 | of the commission on. the British soaked with petroleum it was set ) . Ph A 4 8 ) was withdrawn from the general ap- Columbia fisheries wowld be brought i t fhe club room of the Young La alight and blazed tnerrily, while the ' #| down. He had information that it § dies Alerury thietje Club, last even} foo 00 performed gallant deeds of Ni ht % Sellin DAILY ME vas made in November and was nc jing, the Gananoque high school bas RRA ' " MORANDA. aS Nh : her Al RE now rescue which werg carefully pre- Rain J jn the marine department archives | Kethall team and the Shamrocks, of arranged. { Or shine, Mr. Brodeur replied that the report | the LAC, met in a keenly contested FRENCH VEILINGS Camptell Dros', Hats was being printed and would be avail- . C hb li M N . 1 {game, the Shamrocks finally doing the : i : 1 , oh IN THE 'PUBLIC EYE | BELTS AND BELTINGS ind ait ki of weather, | 8 US OC Irish Catholics May Nominate J. J. Ward For |i by & score of 10 ta 8° i | etnonrber § wirew"s Conce arek M, : e Litizens banc as made te 2 FANCY NECKWEAR including or Iso enqui or r ear 3 : IR rrr A 4 u I a aaron rk or in Cabinet. rangements to hold a series of dances Has Been Able to Quitkly Solve the Jutest fad, THE MERRY wa Rummage Sale, Aprdl 10th Wanith dhe minddter conte with the op. . 1 Turner's assembly hall, throughout Problems. | WIDOW'S BOW, PAE SANE SOEUR Tax Tandy, | position vegnrding the disposal of the ---- As eek, There is to be dancing EMBROIDERED SITRTWAISTS. noon, Monday. - rooms ? every cvening, and a moving. picture "Coming Throvgh The Rye," Urand Mr. Pu o fans exhibition | EMBROIDERED DRESSES, ve, . Pugsley said he would he pleased | TS 4 Opera House, 8 pom. ¥ 800 | I'he Ladi Orange Be l 1 ex ge Benevolent Asso Presentation to Oeorge Hammond, > ciation Held a social he O z 'rincens Theatre, 8 ; Mr. Foster asservated that the : Socih in Tong : nn ty ---- automobtes; | nosal of the rooms should be with ) tent Upon. recuivitie:. hotles rébre { hall last evening | | homes, ele, offered for sale m the Whig |My. Speaker. He wondered if a large = ist pon ing better repre | Miss Hattie Me Nine bh, of Montreal, a a t overlook these bargaiis, | ober of rooms were to be sump- 2 . ; sentation in the cabinet, Théy point | POY pl A short holiday Yih he 1 Pax : "1 mwod of new hat. tuously furnished and placed at the 2 Bal 3 ' out the fact that in Sir Jobn | ts Et i Nissi otieda So tonight 1 will go dizgposal of members of the house. | Wed \ i St PM Amid huy a swell derhy, Sir Wiltrid Laurier said what his four | Wednesday vor Stevens, son of I ro George Mills Ue Y : y at % 5 sn Stevens of From oor gv & 0. Case of | minister of public works had failed to Catholics. tins Sip al | and Mrs. W Farren Stevens, of the Bijou Theatre : Melodrama, '*/ nse o ed : : y a ; Pn ! Behl ' x JOMR | International hotel, spent a short Alsduction" : Parisian Comedy Results | say. Certainly, this is a matter for] . baie " vol te Kin LM of n Razor Cut ae © John Re 21 Mr. Speaker, with the concurrence. of] : rE hompson, Hen. J, J, Curran, Sir | time his - week in Kingston rs om o Ry v ho uid Br a the house, to deal with." { Peles g ik Smith, Hon, John Costigan, afe" | Na ny « Ee y cal firemen some &gercise, and inciden March 28. The Irish C A to do so. i A } Frish Catho | ia | lie f » dominion are becoming in- | FRENCH BATISTE DRESSES, MERCERIZED MULL *, = For Dresses, with beautiful Em Insertions and Allovers | township, returned to. her duties on Thompson's cabinet there were I sted see EEEEOREE John Gracey, of Oakville, is the guest ' 1 + . {of Rev. and Mrs. Henry Gracey, at a Rx : lon tho present cab et their only i the manse N E Ke lsey, of Sweel WHIG TELEPHONES. SAVED FROM SUICIDE , | 5 0 ' representative is Hom, W. R. Scott, | Corners, spent a couple of days, dur 248--Dusiness Office . i i : who not io pS rr the ot de A : Iatives ib % $ S---------- i i 0 18 No position fo look af ing the past weel with relativ ir 229---Edisorial Rooms. i ; A { i : ! 202. Jobbing Department. . By Hearing Words of Prayer | Sag Ne r. their interests, on -account of his | town. Alexander Amo, Oak street 4 : { FR i 1 Forms, all kinds, at Whig i % Through Window. { 4 % Ri ia left. on Wednesday evening. for . New x RY A 1 March " » Wt is ways in _ sale a , ( Annee » 4 "i bd aa Fading Moby Boe Ararket Square- New York, March 28.-<From Rev.| y J It i : that two additional Tr. ] Liskeard, where he has e at fd a situ Open till fate each evening tlobert M. Green, pastor of the Sum] s : . : a ro a 2 | ation W. J. Smith, of Cataraqui, \ ; --- terre em ---- Avenue Baptist church, Brookiyh,! ; : : gh Catholics should be appointed to | spent a short time in town this week X s ROBERT J. REID, mer --- The leading Undertaker: | comes the story of a man who was saved. fram. suicide through hearing! - aud. the other without purtiolio, and PUT NOOSE AROUND NECK. | Phone, B77. 227 Princess street. words of prayer drifting through an] the two. names most prominently men- | rn JOHN G. CAPERS . Spen w iiiony in the church last Fri | : tioned jn this connection are (hs | Shows Her Executioner How { Job 'ap he | ' te /. day night. . . gi ¢ ' be a 4 eS irecn, yesterday, Fewived al Murphy of Ottawa and Controller Patriot Dies. : : | cor Sione: 1 al re a Cairn 8 Scotch letter from theman, who, he says, is HON. JOHN COSTICAN. | Ward of Toronto $ retershurg. Mageh 28 Sophia | official 10 he wm Very prominent | twenty-three vears old, {ly in tl bi { well known in busihess circles In , matt veky, v : a i 1 th dL ice fate ¢ ste , ¢ the writer wast™ ET To has been put to death at Vina as a {son this is found the increas d M a Brooklyn, stating that the w Fina i ] : 'Jams an arm or his way to purchase a revolver! CZAR GRAY [S PARDON. FAREWELL AUDIENCE {dangerous revolutionist in the manufacture a; ¢ ¢ i . ¥ « taken from her cell in the early {ized alcohol. importa investiont New designs for the Spring with which to comm t suicide when : vas taken : ' i . por g a : 1d the sounds of worship iskuing from | Fifteen Sentenced For Part in Given to Sir Robert Hart By | morning she walked gaily to the «al f regas ling whivh ha been made by inger Marmalade, season. Quaint, odd, ole the wharch . attracted: him. A . fow Massacres: Fresd. Chinese Emperor. {lows and ran lightly up the steps | Commissioner Capers and pexist | Green Fig Marnialade, fashioned shapes and moments of listening sent him howe St' Potersbure. March: 25.-The cia: Pekin, March 25.~8ir Robert Hart leading to the Ho Bal sak Anothér contri r Fig and lemon Marmalade, { eured of all desive for self-destruction } . She refused to have he prohibition wal was = ox 28th Daryaw, OH the cabinet, one as minister of labor Green Fig and Ginger Marmalads | % t " * . ht | sa et cipators in m cres of Jews, Fii- | many years at the head of the Chinese [4 ine it from the executioners hand | missione r: Cabers : di ded . Ginger and Pineapple Marmalade, rices 1g . Legacy Refused. teen men convicted last. autumn by ' customs, was received in| 4 tossing it away, Pushin~ awa le Nine ubextinng affectis ¢ intor- | Strawberry Jam, Paris, March 238«-The French Aca: | court-martial and sentenced to im- | fave audience by the emperor and | jer guard be cried Long live the atc Li ot ie : th unde: Raspberry Jan j demy has refused a legacy of 30.000 | prisonment for killing, wounding dowager empress of Ching yester- {revolution ! 'This is how a Russian | 40 Tw wnelitions. - | "m Bl pr Ct J n for the purpose of reforming the mo- | robbing Jews, have hwen released a) + empress cordially thanked | woman dies Then, fitting the noose | ihe 'cuidk solotion of ac 1rTA am i | C { R BERTSON BROS rals of Parig, lef. by a French wo decree signed persane.ily by the czar. | Sir Robert for his services to the | around her neck, she swing herself off lems 'breserted: Mr: Capes vy man, Mademoiselle Leclerc, who re- | The petition, begging the release, was | country and made him a number of [the platiorm |e therner, being a © Jas i en 0 i > southerne zn « Di 4 } x who is re ni « Ane fle 1 y hernidal ranted another pardon fo parti io is returning to | England after fo, wn over her head and shoulders been sweepinbg over cently died in the United States | presented by 'the Union of the Rus- { gifts. The emperor also manifested This was the end of Sovhia Perev Caroling So------ sian people his appreciation » tsky's eight years as a revolutiona- From "l eo. of i n The World's Best. Ihis is the seventh time in the last -- She was first captured at Bielostok {has ensbled him to pass intelligent) Importers Of Fine Groceries, TWO MONTHS SALE Hat manufacturers are represented year that Nicholas 1 has imervens! | 26,585 Lost Dogs In London. fin 1905 in charge of a secret prin ting . issues that ght have been ex ---- a iN New derbies, $2,1to save persons guilty of anti-Jewish | Lond 5 ) { PRY hich occasion she nearly | P08 fa " For Sale . You wll know has 1 havea big Stock | at Campbell's ! X . 18h ondon. March 28.--Interésting fig- press, on which ar ected to pro pen Mag operties Furniture, Stoves. Carpets, pong £2.50, 8, $1. Campbell Bros' King "outrages from the punishment inflict. | ures of She work of the Dogs Hom: flew up herseli and ' her captors by [PY sim i nificant Pr Sroeker; All good clean and cheap | 4. o style contre for men's hats fed by his oan courts } wa : is a wutting her lichted cigarette to some : : RINGWOOD, 12 acres beautifully » 00d RES | Second-Han n 3 5 3 C t were given, yesterday, at the forty-|J @ = a The Wilkinson $2 Derbies , all water f rdens, Waiks, hey dr no "Phone, 05. bis . dian seventh an Fa mee Tog of supporters jexplos ives Y 3 Are hat wonder fo be had in King- | 3 iden Ci irra. os The report showed the following facts She esd aped from jail in hroad dav het! ron the lead: | | house, Stables, Wash-house, Colouss, | relating to 'the Batiersea and. Hack: light, making her way to England ston only at ¢ amg iH y fi, ats. Binest site Ni IVES | bridge institutions : Dogs received, After a second visit to England she ors in men's hats, {SonrL PLAWN, han abn } / 4 . --- y 26 586; sold, 2.564; vestored to owners Was captured in November, 1907. Dent's kid gloves for 75¢., special bilidings. sts.. atout 3 i 8 SEAL tt bs rove and grounds 5 |! 130; painlessly a Yd 2,358 Bibby's $2 hats are natty. to-night. Livingston's i HTATE and lossrsnce A : t Pope Indorses. S. P. C, A. mm S AFTER MAROONED SAILOR. | Weddin | i By the Destraction jon --of ¢ Chilapa in State Of | vienr: Murch 25 ~The Viewnn So] | ciety for the Prevention ok Ceuelty to] RST SKI q Supposed to Have Been on Inde nery ; Guerrero. | Animals received from the Papal Nun-| fatigable Island, 40, on behalf of the pope, assurances i ¥ jah | Acapulco, Mexico, March. 25.~The that the holy Jah E Suiocyes the so- {Unis oy States gunbost Yaskton, ten unrated ata e= ' Mexico City, March 28. ~Chilapa, a \ In the neighborhood of the town of | dety's aims with a as art. to of Conditions in the der to the Atlantic bateloshiy vet, Taanuiae : town of 15,000 inhabitants, in # the | Omtepec the jail was destroved and . 4 U d Ti H Hindus of as sent from Lalla to the Galapa- - a ete ot 50 ¥e- state of Guerrero, Bas bovn shaken by | thirty prisoners made their escape Not Stopped By Difficulties. : rge e (ros Islands to search for a miss an ecarthquake apd burned. The | Troops re guarding the public build Bristol, March 28~A member of the Dominion. American sail one Frederick Joffs, shocks, two in number, occurred Barly | ings that are standing in Chilape, but ; Bristol Deaf and Dumb Football Club the inform n furnished. was of the "$2 jon Thursday evening and were fol | perfect order prevails. has been reported for usingibad lan- m-------- most meagre description, only that towed hy --fires, originating val The earthauake shock, felt here, al | gunge on the field. : liefis was a momins 6f tig crew of the dozen places among the tombling|most equalled in severity the ome | og London, March 28. -Lldyd George, | horted to warn Hindus who intended Norwegian batgue Alexandra, wrecked and eat. buildings, which resulted in a con: | which caused great damage about a Read Whig Want advts. president of the Hoard of Trade, in a0 emigrate to Canada of the condi- iin the Galapagos in May, WOT; that - n viding station flagration that swept the town. year ago, The disturbgnee was pre-| "The leople"s Forum," on page b. i 4 overn.| on" in the dominion. The whole he separated from bis companicas om ety. Other . lots as The town was largely destroyed, | ceded by several light shocks. Build | three, is full of golden opportapities, | "Po last right, sau I BOVEID- | uestion was receiving the cardul at-|Jndelutigeble Island, and that when Wally © Neatly -vrinted but though it i eg that 100 to | ings swayed and the cxowds in the | Don't miss reading every offer. ment was pot in the least daunted bY | rent on of the ghvernment, A O6s-ithey were posened in October of the g 130 persons official ad jtheatres and other places of amuse ------------ the result of the bve-eiection in the path irom Durban says the govern-luame year at a place called Puerto --AT=- vices resivel 4 Govtensr Saminn oy Seed into the Siretts Yany ol Influenza Attacks Horses. Packhnun district, inwiich he" Sirs wens of fle Salons at {he comin | Agu io, given os in ag 16 mig. gr Lu Flores, chiel executive of the state | the smaller buildings throughout the ~ Ri se | Contiidnte was defeated. on psesaion, Will introduce 8 Wall to con-iseuth, longtitude deg. 2 min. Flores. Sho sie 1 was presest in this | city werd badly damaged, but so far to odor. Manch as NX Dota he te declared, was merely the first! trol emigration from Jodia, and fix alse, west, Jeofis was not with them, city, last evening, sys no lives wore |a# reported there was no loss of life. hh attacked by ioflienza spd one chirmish in the war. The government' date whercafter the introduction ol | He od, therelore, been pearly a year lost. The upheaval prostrated the telegraph | yo. died . a would go on with its licensing bill,| Hindus will be illegal _ lon Medelatignble Island, if alive. The police. and police anarters | wires in some paris of the resion - she socond reading of which will take! The Moning Post, in au editorial, | fr ------ and the mavers y south of here and consequently the og iv Une tolace on April 6th. says the Indian government bas been | Dainty neckwear, 00¢., at Pibby's. i ali a of the damage and possible a In the House of Commons, yester-| instructed to prevent the emigration | Ses 'Courtship of Miles Standish, " at die bn the earthquake cannot : Ant " 3 Any, John Morley stated thas the In-|10 countries where it is caloulated to (City Hall, March Jia, ot. ? : flaw govenubent'bus been sposiully ox produce disorder, Bibby's #2 hats take well,