THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. TE ------ - ------ sesesessssasesesessnsrsioncesess Fownes' Celebrated Kid Gloves The New Spring Gloves will add Ah at 'ta the ap- -pearance of cdstume yrovidin e__the, Pashionabla His A otore you purchase view our un- usual assortment of the Celebrated Fownes' Make. They're not only fash- ionable they fit perfectly, being absolutely free from any wrinkles whatever. The wearing qualities are unequalled by any other maka. The great va- 8 riety of colors, styles and sizes surpasses any of- gue in this section, and the prices are reasona- e. { All shades--black, white, grey, fiw, . ® brown, ete.--a color to suit all tastes. . All gualities--$1,1.25, 1 36, 1.50, 1,75,2.00 and . 2.25--a price to suit.all purses. All sizes, dressed and undressed, long or short. tan, Thé New Spring Veils How easy if is to recog- 'nize last fall veils -- the new arrivals are so en- tirely different. And when you purchase your veiling this spring be sure you are getting omething new and exclu- ive. Our Veilings are e00ssesesnsese secevenes extre- mely novel--the qualities are unusually good and the prices very low. Read the following facts : -- . All Weaves--from the long, thick, and service- able Auto Veils to the fine almost invisible mesh Veils. Pretty spring colorings, in large and small dot effects, plain or fancy mesh, plain Silk Complexion Veils for the cold March winds, in white; grey, : ® blue, brown, green, ete, At 25¢, 30c, 33¢, 35¢, 40c, 50¢ "to 98¢ per yard, A weave, a color, a quality to suit the most fastidious person. ' CRUMLEY BROS. SES ISI I reer ia ssa SORTS SHES TESTS EISS Heise ros ie sonar astsatunss sa cts Soeur s TREE IOS ° 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 The 20th Century Policy issued bythe Canada Life | Assurance Company fits into any case.requiring life insurance. Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you, AGENTS WANTED-------Apply--Office, 18 Market St. 'J, O, HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont. TYLE, wihch is only one factor in correct dress, is not more important than fabric or Workthanship. it takes the best of each to give that ter ar and refined individuality which is char- hyd xh a CENTURY CLOTHING" SEE THEM, | i 1 COLUMN OF HUMOR WHAT THE FU FUN MAKERS, HAVE TO RELATE. | The Size oF Her Shoe--The Modern Maud--A Happy Bits. A Boston man avers that in a certain New England churchyard there is a tombstone bearing an epitaph that pever fails to bring a smile to the face of the reader. It runs thus: "To the memory of Clara Ann and Sarah Jane, his two wives, this stone is erected by thelr gratefu! widower, Henry H. Harkins. They made home pleasant" : 5 " 8 Zasy. - '- Said Stella to Bella, "When I go to skate 1 ¥m perfect at cutting EA A beautiful 8" #65 £ = i ' Said Bella to Stella, % 4 "That's easy to do " Considering, dearest, A The size of your shoe." ~Judge, The Prevailing Style. "Do you mean to say you didn't know me on the street? "But your back was med toward me, my dear." "And can't you retinal my back? "Not when It's covered by your new pat."--(leveland Plain Dealer. On to Him. Hi Tragerdy -- Inspiration's a queet thing. Coming east while I lay dozing in the sleeping car I suddenly-- Lowe Commerdy--Well, welll Some kind brakeman gave you a berth In the caboose, eh? : The Modern Maud. Maud Muller threw her rake away Just as the judge was passing. Said she: "This work of raking hay is far lelow my classing. I'll start a 'get rich' school today And advertise for scholars." She did. and now instead of hay Wise Maud Js raking dollars. Gone, Anyhow. Mr. Jawback ---That boy gets his brains from me. Mrs. Jawback -- Somebody got 'em from you, If you ever had any--that's a cinch.--Cleveland Leader. Hello, Pat! "Me moind," sald O'Grady, "is not very clear As to whether OI'm there or if you are here. Of wan thing O'm certaln--~Of'm niver alope Whollst chattin® wid you on th' long dis. tance phone." \ ~ft. Louis Republic, -- Sympathetic, Sapleigh--~I make my--aw-living by my wits, doncher know. Miss Caustique--Well, here's a dime. Run along and get something to eat.-- St, Louis Post-Dispatch. fi She'd Change Her Mind. Though the new woman claime-that her m Is "work for the sex's glory," She'd gladly resign her position To list to the old, old story. = Philadelphia Ledger, A Cynical Solution, She--1 wonder why they call it a honeymoon? He---Because many folks going to it for the sweets of life get stung.--Min- neapolis Journal, A I s * Your Very Own. There's one thing that seems to me fimny--- When the state of a bank becomes runny, You're supposed to go back And sit down. It's a fact They get mad If you ask for your money, ~Lippincott's. Sea ---- = Society. "Yan Arthur is reducing expenses, jsn't he?" "Quite materially. I Heard him say he was looking about for a cheaper wife." : fami , N\ Behind the Bars. ! He opte was making money, Much more than he could use Devectives ca caught him at it, he x And now he's making shoes. ~Buffalo News, AS A Long Farewell. The Blagd-Did he bid you a long farewell? The Brunette--Yes, from 9 p. m. w- tii 2 a m. i | fH Proved. 144 > "I feel as it I'd lke to fiyt™ 27° - She cried In nervous fashion, |} I And then, as If to prove her cry, '%, She flew into a passion. ~Cincionati Faquiren The Real Hero. Little Willle--8ay, pa, what's a hero? Pa--A hero, my son, is-a man who takes a cold bath every morning dur ing the winter. N 7 There Already, "But will you love me wheh I'm nid? Asked plain Miss Fortitew. The man who sought her for ber gold Baid thoughtiessly, "1 do." Press. Parodoxss of Life. Sne--Woman is the weaker vessel, as well you know. He--Then why is it that man is the Ea Madam---FPm sorry, but I haven't one oh i Cynical Selution The Rork Company HAmusements. TO-NIGHT. s Profdiction. The Mistinguished Musical Comedy Sgocess, ""Coming Thro' the Rye" company of A great bi matchless Comedians Singers g Immense Chorus Costume Dis lay Prices. 25¢., Soc. Thc. $3, $1.80, Seats now on sale. THURSDAY. APRIL 2nd. JOS. M. GAITES Presents SYDNEY ROSENFELD'S Grewt New York Hrondway Theatres Musical Comedy Success "The Vanderbilt Cap" The Swiftest wing, CUleanest, Most Amusing MUSIC COMEDY Yet Given to the American Public, with 'fs Re markable Cast of Sixly, asd BARNEY OLDFIELD'S Great Automobile Hifect, Eveni ® Nothing Pricer 26-50-75 $t Higher Seats on shie Monday. PUBLIC MEETING. Increase Kingston's Tourist Traftic. per Money to the Town in Proper Protection of Our Game Fish, A Public Meeting City Council WEDNESDAY Ex-Mayor Cheap fish creasing wil be hold in the Chastiber, Kingston, oun April 1st, Jat 8 pom Mowat presidipg. food for the people, and in the tourist traffic to Kingston, will be the subjects under discussion Messrs, OLIVER ADAMS ang HE LLY EVANS of Torohto will defive ad dresses The public present aml take "THE FAR WEST" Portrayal of a Missionary's Life A work in "The Far West,' in eight scenes, presented in LWo parts: Queen St. Methodist Church Tuesday Evening, April Tth Admission, 25c. (IN AID OF MISSIONS.) AUCTION SALES ---- OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ssn, ALLEN, The several sales for are cordially invited to be part in the proceedings 8 o'clock, has booked Secure good Auctioneer April, dates by early Booking. ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER, 248 Sydenhany St. Assignee's Sale TENDERS WILL, BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, on TUESDAY, the 7th day eof -April, next, for the purchase of the stock in trade of Francis Nisbet, Bookseller Stationer, asd Seller of Wall Paper Kingston, Ontario. The tenders to be at #0 much on the dollar, Stock from $10 - 000 to $12 000. Stock open to inspec Highest tender not necessar¥y ace THOMAS DAWSON Assignee. March 28rd, 1908 Telephone, 252 Kingston ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. A ENERAL MEETING OF THE Wanderers' Aspociation Football * Club will be held at 'The Hall, Market Square, MONDAY, March 86th. at 8 fm fem bers, players and all injerested in fool. ball cordially invited. Preliminary Notice of Auction Sale J. LEACH has been favesed swith in- structions to sell the = Fapattufe and Effects, at 41 Ordnance St on TUES. DAY, March 81st, Sale to commence at a.m, THOUGHT II WAS WATER. Woman Poured it 'of Flames-- Burned to Death. Towa, March . Be-Mis- ghsoling, far water and pouring it over her apfon to ex tinguish flames that bad. caught in the garment, Mrs. George Yanning, of Millersburg, was burned fo death last pight. Me anbers of the family succeed ed in extinguishing the fire With rags and carpet, but not until the woman had been fatally burned -------------- The Sitting Habit. Budapest, March 28--Dr. Istvan Bacu, of Temesvar, Hungary, has dis- covered that almost all, modern (ail ments are due to the habit of sitting. Hé suggests that clerks and tyewrit- ers should stand at their work, but should recline at full length on the floor for a lew minutes ever-- two hours. ' Oskaloosa, taking a cup of The Editor's Quandary. Milan, March 28.1 he editor of a Nilan paper organized a competition, and announced that a valuable prize would be awarded. Not until © the competition was vlosed did be state that the prize was bimseli. As the winner proved to be a metried woman some difficulty has now arisen. ------------ England's Oldest Clergyman. London, March 28.--The Rev. Angus Béthune, vicar of Seabsm, who , has Just attained the age of ninety seven, is believed to be 'the eldest clergyman in England still fulfilling active du- ties, He was ordained in 1811. and had held his present charge wine 1569, 1 Man With "Nive Wives. Lemdon, March 2% ~dohn Woodgate Kinsella, a tailor's cutter. was sen leneed, yesterday. at Leeds to seven Zervitudle for Aoiong He and Dancers ang. an Scenic ' and EY i] The CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion $c. a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafler hail cemi a word. Minimum coarge for one in- sertion, 5c. WANTED-GENERAL, TO PURCHASE 5 TO 7 ACRES WITH dwelling, near city, Apply McCann, 81 Brock street. PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF_ ANY kind. Cali or write to Mrs. Cayiess, 834 King street, over Armstrong's. HOUSE, LARGE, COM- good location P vsseasion Apply Box *'F.) TO RENT forvable, wanted May 1st, Whig office. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly dome. F. J. Birch Lilectrician, 206 Wellington street, A JOB CLEANING ASHES Our OF yards or cellars, or other 'beg carted. Prices right. Apuiy g Lytle, Genéral Carter, 3 aie St GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish er anteed to please, 131 Broek mext to Bibby's Livery. DRESSY CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNI- ture, Pianos, or any article for stor- age. by the month, year, or any way required. For furiber information apply to Laturpey's Carriage Works, Ty and 392 Princess St, 'Phone, 53. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co' are always ready to do repair work, at moment's notice. Estimates fur- nished for wiring. Beautiful import. ed fixtures a specialty. Fresh Batl- teries and Sparkers on hand. Teles phone, 441; 79 Princess street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure 4 sitions Will equip shops. Con- t practice Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course, Cata logue free Write Moler Barber College, Toronto ARCHITECTS. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OP- Queen and Bagot streets. ARTHUR fice, Cor POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Rank. Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212, HENRY Pr. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, 345. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug stofe, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone. 608, STRAYED, COLLIE DOG ; CAME TO MY PLACE on Monday, March 16th. Owner, by proving property and paying charges, may have same. Apply Alex. Ilanuah, Soow Road ll BUSINESS CARD. . W. MILLARD, "235 WELLINGTON St., has closed his carpet laying snd upholstening husiness, and has en gaged with T, F, Harrison Co. A WORTHY RECORD Some Facts About the Mutal Life | Insurance Co. | Few insurance companies in Canada are better known, and few, if any, en: | joy the confidence of the public to | such a large extent "as the Mutual | Life Insurance company of Canada. This is due 'to a number of causes : | The management is in the hands of | capable progressive men, skilled | in the proper handling of such a task: the field force is carefully select ed, and a persistent advertising cam- | paign 1s reinforcing their efforts every day of the year. The Mutual Life he in printers' ink, and puts its | belief into. force heause it believes jt has a thing to advertise and i] wants the public to know it. It vises } the daily papers to carry to the homes each day, the story of the | great accomplished by lile in surance, | Leaves have their time to fh And flowe rs to Wither at the v breath And st Thou hast all Death The uncertainty of death, of which the poet sings, makes it in umiwht| upon every man to provide for his fa- | mily against the day of his demise In | fact the day, is regarded as almost eriminally | negligent. Life insurance is an invest ment--a laying aside of a certain sum | periodically for old age, pr for loved | ones who may need it when the bread-winner is no more, In a eom pany like the Mutual Life, this money is so handled as to produce the greatest possible returns ands secare the greatest degree of safety to / the policyholder, The general agent at Stephen Roughten, 171 street, has been with the Mutual: Life for many years, He has made absig- | nal success of the work in this dis trict, because to persistent efforts he has added unfailing courtesy and good business acumen. He desires to call he attention of company's #pecial advertisement > pearing in another column, wherein | the financial statement for 1907 is presented in detall. Tt is a splendid record. Over $7,000,000 of new husiness was written in 1907, a gain of $1 577. 855 over the previous. year. Total io- surance in force is 851 091.848, while the surplus gained last year was $300,341, ringing the total surplus on hand up to §1.597.355, the gov- ernment standard. ------------ Suicide"s Foretauought. Hamburg, March 28--A well-to-do! merchant of Hamburg called at an un- dertaker"s sand bought a coffin, which he ordered to be sent to his address He then went home and shot himseli. 1 i and lieves good good | ars ta set--but all seasons for th | Ivingston, Wellington 4 A clash is expected between froope and S00 sirikers on Douglas Island, Alaska. Try Bibby's nobby' $2 hata questiony of secession of New tario wax pract cally killed at a i essor, the | who hives honest Life, bearing man who does not do so to Li every reader to the i | phone 417 =, 248 Princess §t WANTED--MALE. FOR SALE, A raLL{ NICE BOOKING WELL dressed boy, at The Bijou Theatre Call before 123 awn. SALESMEN, FOR "AUTO-SPRAY Best bend Sprayef made, compressed ar automatic Liberal terms Cavers Bros, Galt, Ont. A GOOD, SMART GIRL APPLY AT once. by letter to Anderson Bros Corner Princess and vis DETECTIVES SHEE wh R E1IARLY man for £ act ¥ i necessary. Wr ny H. C, Webster dianvapolis, lod s YRGANIZERS FOR A FRATERNAI ficiary Society, Ontario, gualified with experience Refer ences required. Also a capable man fur superintending organisation work Apply P. 0. Box 258, Toronto beni young Men WANTED-FEMALE, A HOUSEMAID Ang ta Mrs Ww. APPLY IN EVEN Lesslie, 37 George St SEWERS --~MAKE SANITARY materials furnished Particulars stasop- Dearborn LADY beits at home $15 per hupdped «i envelope Dept. 556 Specialty Co., Chics "go. AGENTS WANTED. {VALUABLE AN EDISON PHONOGRAM, WITH Ju { A gat h. § bh bi UNIVERSITY AV} DOUBLE 0 hous hot Walter heal Wig y W i. a tm------ WELL ESTABLISH} BACCO Np PROP k RTY FOR SAL lwubie house, on sO reat, property of the late 4 Jat Son, now used as a dwe pumber's shop. alkemn & Walk Mons A CHESTNUT STALLION, 16 HANI 9 high, good act , Sound. kad a well broken. F erly handled by | McGill Yor information, apply to Jas. Stratford, 387 Priccess sirvel, Kingston FAMILY boat ' { ate Jot Rn Mrs John Rout Yin ws Stroet LAUNCH BEST NEw GASOLINE 6 in, safe nx Spec of 15 11nd Le with 16 HH. FP ply to. 8S. Anglhe PORTRAIT AGENTS TO TRAVEL fine proposition, salsry or comms sion, with expenses aivanced to good men. Apply Box r. 1 hig office, Kingston, Ont. of (WERE RE RNY WANTED--A BOY, Smart boy to work at store and deliver parcels. Apply George Mills & Co, Hatters and Furriers. HORII BEXS Sin TO-LET, FOR FURNITURE CLEAN Frost's City Storage, 2V "Phone, 536. STORAGE and dry Queen St. AVE. COR. JOHN hot water furnace, B 51 Brock 251 UNIVERSITY son, 9 rooms, & CU. Apply at McCann's street HOUSE AND ONE 2% wiles from Kiogst Road. Apply to WwW. H. Collinge Bay, Ont, JRNISHED HOUSE WITH water furnace, gus, etc Ie Park. Will rent by month, of oar Address "G." W ------------ ON MAY 187 rooms ome large Electric light, & central. Address ®" FROM 1ST MAY, 1908, 1908 Ni MBER 158 Earl street, at present oecupled by Lieut Col. Hudon, C.M.G heating and modern improve: Apply to #rmstromg MeCormick, 102 Centre street, or Thomas Milla, 79 Clarence streel. AURE OF LAND on Bath Bander HOt City TWO BRIGHT FRONT with study en suite heat ocality Whig offic MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. 8, KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. > |THE PARAGRAPH . PULPIT Unitarian. BEV. C. W. CASSON, ------ The Religious Man. Who is the religious man ask ? The church-goer, the pious pro man ol many prayers and TING the reciter of a creed, the quoter of Scripture phrases, 'the confessor of a name, the supporter Perhaps. Bat there is { these, and a more do you of a chueh? a better than ity bur hlem faith hives ol happs dens patiently, facing ite pre {bravely performing its duties fally; whe 'seéks to make the those about him a little more wha puts something of his into every act that he performs ; who hot water | wots. | ISSUER OF | NO. 78 SYDE NHAM, BOLID BRICK with extemsion kitchen, 6 bed rooms, kot water heating. Recently removate ed throughout. Possession 1st May Also' pair of good houses Nos. 80 and 62 Wellington street, Apply A B Cunningham. AUTOMOBILE-FORD FOURPASS enger ght LOur ng Ir owl iS new with ost up-tosdite MONEY AND BUSINESS COVER MOLE Or building and contents than any other company oilers Examine the it Uodwin's lastrance Emporiam, Mark. et Square QUR POLICIES GLOBE LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Mire Insurance Company assets $61 187.215 Ir which the policyholders pecur®y the unlimited 'lahility the stockholders. Farm and city { perty insured at Jowest rates. Mefore renewing old, o new business get rates from & Strange, Agents Phone, & PERSONAL. BY Hol OG jot H PALME mbinues at +. Owi 1 ith the, cducit BIRTHMARKS, permanently, Years RDA Liye, Ear, Blemish Skin 258 Bagot stroet | | best self | | lives well and loves well --he is the! religious man. Address, Rev. C. W. 25 Deacon street, Boston, Mass. { literature. Casson, at for the Ty VAN LU! IN LOVEN'S. Just received New Maple Syrup, fr Vanluven & Sons, Baitersa. mot be surpassed also Rock Candy yrup, in ti very mice Fresh Suger, im Cakes Dried Peaches amd Aprico Large: Assortment Cannes [Jams and Jellies. Peaches, 2 ting Kippered Herrings, 3 tins Sardines, at be 10¢ Vindonn, o delicious fish food, n ans, at 15¢ Celery Relish, bottles Horse Radish, potiles | Mixed Pickles and Chow-Chow, bottles Jumbo size, SOc bottles, (or 40e Turner's Pore Unlermented Wine. F, W. Van Luven ond 12§¢ 10¢., 18¢., 30e , 280 Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale, Sale of Horses svery Saturday. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR | 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. High stas damaged Toronto Island and South Parkdale beaches and car ried away 806 feet of the western sand bar. The schooner Paden Powell has iven wrevked off the Newlonndland inadt. Mepting at Sudiyary | Pregident--8ir Richard Cartwright | erties. Municipal sud | FIRE ESCAPES! | | er All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built to order and erected in piace on short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. ror Daten Pepodite y sud \ Farm Cornly res. Mortgages Torchased eteived and Mmierest ailoped 8S. CC. McGill, Managing Director. ATTENTION, FURNACES § i your noeds repairing, if you want work in the way of Hot Wher Healing. sing, give me all, you wi ton wed satiafacti DAVID HALL, 2x3 ' k St New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Oped from 10.80 am, to 3 am He best place to get an all round Lu in the city. Maais of sil kinds on abe An fie sod Chissse dibes a hove. 655. Money loaned on Cit ality. The United Hiates EE tion last year purchased 7.714 rail road ears cl different typed, ad 8 fovamotives,. The vorposntion sow has 12.715 eare and 905 locomitives, Qisel ( * Bibyy's $2 bats are lavorites, It has 2.722 miles of railroad track BS HU ASN Sa ie os os ERA SPR,