RATEFUL MEN" WOMEN PRAISE PE-RU-NA. sr Hon. C, ©, Brooks, Mayor of Bunbur Bank and Sunbury Building and Loan "Y have the utmost confidence in fhe tained beneficial results from its use. Cystitis Entirely Relieved. Miss Mattie MeArthur, care of Hos- pital, Medical Lake, Wash,, writes: "1 have not written to you for some time, bat, Oh, I have given you many words of praige. I am so well. I had| pop very badly and conld not walk | distance without suffering intense | | | | , but 1 do not have a touch.of my | to nll sufferers with catarrh, I *» not | It is thé grandest discovery of the age|over in bed when I began the use of Ing now. 1 can never praise | Peoruda enough. Iam telling every one | bow mveh good Peruns bas done for | me" ® | eine. T have used it and | have known many of my friends who have ob- THE DANY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. Mrs. Ellen Nagle, 414 4th Bt., Green Bay, Wis. writes : "I have often heard Pe- runa praised and it is more widely known here than other medicines, but Igever + knew what a splendid med- : feine it really was uniil a few weeks ago when I caught a bad cold which settled all over me. "The doctor wanted to prescribe, but I told him I } was going to try Peruna y and sent for a bottle and } tried it. 1felt much better + the nextmorning and with- in five days I had not a s trace of 'any lameness or $ cough." TP PPG Nd ' Suffered With LaGrippe. | Mrs. H.A Marsh, 2128 Reservoir St., Los Angeles, Benevolent Association, writes: "I suffered with Is grippe for seven | weeks, and nothing I could do or take, helped me until 1 tried Peruna. "] felt at once that I had at last se- cured the right medicine and 1 kept | steadily Improving. Within three | wecks I was fully restored, and 1 am glad that I gave that truly great remedy ! a trial, "1 will never be without it again." Used Pe-ru-na For Bronchitis. Mr. Frank Battle, Jr., First street, near Charlotte Ave, West Nashville, "1 have taken four bottles of Peruna, | Tenn., writes: and I can say that it has done me a| "I desire to say for the benefit of | great deal of good for catarrh of the others that your Peruna has unques- head and throat. I recommend Peruna | { tionably cured me of chronic bronchitis, HAS. | MARSH | v, Ohio, also Attorney for Farmers' Co. writes: { 4 | virtue of Peruna, ! It is a great medi- 4! i I cannot praise Peruna too highly." Catarrh of Head and Throat. Mrs. William H. Hinchliffe, 20 Myrtle street, Beverly, Mass., writes: think I ever felt much better, I am | for throat and lungs.' @ { really surprised at the work I can do. Peruna is not simply a palliative to [do not think too much praise caa be | relieve some of of the distressing symp- said of Peruna."', e toms, It brings permanent relief, | same, for in three days I was much bet- Cal., President Woman's | Prince Jonah Kalanianaole, Dewey Hotel, i Washington, D. C., Delégate to Congress from Hawaii, writes: . { Peruna $ coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble." «| can cheerfully recommend your } rd * * >oee as a very cffective remedy fo. DE MRSISHM MORRIS PRINCE'JONAH KALANIANAOLE Malarial Fever For Several Months. Mrs. Sup M. Morrie, 2214 Patterson Bt., Nashville, Tenn., writes: "Last fall a severe attack of malarial | My | fever laid me up for some months. condition was serious for a time and | the doctor who was attending me did not seem able to cope with the trouble, "A neighbor advised me to let the doctor's prescription alone and fry | Peruna, extolling its virtues to the {gkies, and I am now ready to do the | ter and in ten days I was able to be up | and in two weeks every trace of malaria | had left my system. "1 now use Peruna off and on when in need of a tonic and it braces me up won- { dertully. n "The Doctors Gave Me Up." Mr. Lewis Kitchen, Hulington, Ohio, writes: "] cannot thank you enough for the good your Peruna has done me. About six months ago I could not leave my bed, and the doctors gave me up saying that I had consumption and could not live, Then a friend recommended Peruna to me, and I commenced using it. "When I started to use your Peruna I weighed 117 pounds, and now I weigh 172 pounds. 1 had been sick for tem years, and Was so sick I could not turn Peruna. I think itis the greatest med- icine of its time. "I am now feeling well and hearty Weak and Nervous. Mr.Charles Brown, Rogersville, Tenn., | writes: «3 "I feel it my duty to write you a few words in praise of your Peruna. I have tried many different remedies, but have found that Peruna is the greatest tonic on earth, and a perfect system builder. "A friend advised me to take Peruna for indigestion, and it cured me in a short time. I wss very weak and nervous, could sleep but little at night, but Peruna cured that tired aff feeling, and made me feel like a new man, so I heartily recommend it to all who are weak and run down. Peruns will give new life and energy. 1 can- not speak too highly of Peruna, and will not forget to recommend it on every hand. I will answer any letter from those desiring to know what Peruna has done for me," Systemic Catarrh. Miss Marie Lesser, 928 W, 36th street, Chicago, 111, writes: "I am glad to give a good word for Peruna, and 1 hope that all who see this who are troubled with systemic cs- tarrh as 1 was for years, will profit by it. I had tried many remedies, butnone did more than give me temporary relief and some did not even do that, I took Peruna at the suggestion of a friend and was more than pleased and surprised at the results. Jin now perfectly well and would not be without Peruna."' and strong."' True Cause of Disease. | YN these days almost every ailment is iI supposed to shot caused by disease germs. The medical profession as well as the people, seem to have gone mad over the germ theory of disemse. The universal fear and dread of dis- ease germs Is becoaring & very serious matter to the welfareyand happiness of the people. be H artman has ¢onsistently con- tended through all the rise and spread of the germ theory, thi\t most diseases caused by | are climatic influences. For instance, catching cold is respon- sible for more than on<-half of the ills to which human beings are subject, Danger of Neglec ted Colds. A person catches cold' easily, thinks nothing about it, neglects &, when it finally becomes settled in some organ of the body, and chroak' disease is the A fow doses of Feruna in the begin. ning of the cold would® have saved months of suffering, as will as great ex- pense for treatment. Peruna is a reliable reflief for cold. Almost everybody knows this. yg Instead of trying to dislodge or kill some imaginary germ, iff Peruna was used at the proper time itsétonic ities and anti-catarrhal qualities 1d soon convince the patient) that he has found the right remedy. A multitude of lettersiare received testifying to this fact, Keep Peruna in the house. Use it whenever cold or climatic affections as- sail, and sickness in the household will greatly 1 d, if not ly prevented. Catarrh of the Stomach. Mr. Christian Hofmann, R. ¥. D. 1, Slatington, Pa., wrftes: ® "For many years I suffered with ca- catarrh of the stomach. I was coughing day and night, After having tried three doctors and many remedies, one of your almanacs came to my hand, and I bought some Peruna. So far I have taken six bottles, and I have not suf- fered with catarrh this summer. I am cured and Peruna did it, I give Peruna to my children when they feel bad and you should see how healthy they are." Nose, Throat and Stomach. Mr. Delbert B. Craft, Lowell, writes: "For a long time I suffered with chronic catarrh of the nose, throat and stomach. 1 would continually take cold and my stomach was in bad condi- tion, I truly suffered untold misery. I took various medicines and tried the treatment of several physicians, but I felt no better. A friend advised me to take Peruna. I wrote to Dr. Hartman, who prescribed treatment. As soon as I commenced to take Peruna I was sar- prised at the relief it gave me. I kept on taking it until I had taken thirteen bot ties and was cured." ¢ Ind, Does Womans Vanit f rvoun } o Docs wi Ix it death ns i Afict howe the Italian th ix ughter of th declares, te waded from the | Paola m broso grent action of first "bal rep te moment mirror expiry fhe i whey While X REEUMATISM CURE Lh fails to Fetieny Iu cue to thide and cures io a few days; price $1. Mubyon's Dyspepsia cure is i ley 2 cure a forms of uliges tion and stom troubles, s 3X Kid ure oa a he be back, | clos or al all seas. onl ee Cure stops head nite winates. Price unyon's. Blood Cure ertdicates "all fone thes of the blood. Price 2c. 's Cola ture outs Pneumonia xy Bn & fen hours. went ively cures Price Br . restores Jost powers she was-able {ing integrally whith deerecs that the intuitively enabled her Latrong te her of the priso - him At the helpless iu the presence ton American mil last, governor extra the of cautiful, wil an ambitious, ol me] = fron fo. |e an Insurred confessed Vmeric aL on occasion, millionaire juished, and made rather visit from royalty $0000 she Hin ure jail costumes tl In a short behaving Wearing tlor-mad duet wer ced a { of time | like ange tailor-made | te a co ordered | good dor Su creatic prisoners could d the colored tempt in ns he all wer on tal da hoes | and te nature Is In assionn 8, ha Ital bent and 1t yssibl an for beauty colder - elima could net | toes cisely the appx demonstrate | in Ameri re a to pre arance i af which ard fon VORA OLLIE ligent that while +4 ph pvoil. Jay tht th the disner; still .ra vision of Ler completely nog womar type ished wi 18 of the irequent path= rossi an | upon order I gravy the her nechigent, untid I as acting priflee there the the of millionaires to sympathetic room and ol was an i \ v | home, put utr tale ney been | ht, wives rho pri N5 mile SETS ¥ nee mike Xt «| brig LO 407 spicedily finds and her oft So | son A at Is HSER means too the prosaic pr the nea royaits her gown both charm. ale ening elves an adornment. And, worst offenders swentable wmvert-even the ange attire thess thom: 5 to. exhibit which in crentiaotis the Hn recent a Lombraso # vanity 'of the A needote which told of and freshness o it may same ¢ In article Sie g remarked ten the Final as thet try extra an to the most pre Prise the are prisons ve two uitimate may ie an by wor the w nat ay. | seem which an come that re Wome ion. a te of her i. por rem var (ine 13 when comm ih her he 8 th the o te when ol ile, present, fitation in despondent, vide T he womer teristi 250 nik ® thre by stimony woners is that she might of red cloth finds, fron chars their sui caught adversity and hur hang hmmn< infested ns a ¥ the of A teh jie yard or two alike, grave racure a Women he She argues, tao pre, for the part of prema man, of Hable to walk up stairs hlow out brains, hiz throat i prone cides the ero she all the ars cradle to some. nipping that it is well they J 1% mstinet of vanity is parcel "of unalterable law shall be summon to hex hy her elogue nt charms the male with whom she shall mate Anecdotal and philosophic, the dis. tingeished seimtist's daughter did pot nogleet opportusitios which her fath- or's famous tavestigations brought te her attention. She stuhiod women in dail, the last place where vanity might be expected ts warvive, for the prisons of Milan har out the very sight of men from the female convicts, Pwhily boisterous March Well, there the women soccnmged in be. very exhilarating snd oie oni Breaking evéry fogulation prohibiting Se Bours when the wind playtully our fair ry the adornment of theic person, Oue p08 SOFT SAH Tesla Ls picket the whitewash off the walls! this same playinl March wind wilt des chewed it and secured a powder that ey me shin Inti i. will take io chalk her cheeks into | h Secale mts some somblance of poudre de viz i dha og lexture a Perfect com . 1 iplexion should have Aniather continued habitually nuruly,! A safe apd sure preservative in oder that she might be placed complexion is a Wash made as foliows the punishment coll. where she could of pak hee 2 ounces of Rose Water, 4 oueees . Eppotone and I ounce of Cologne efeal fram the gratings wie, "from Spat . You can x these i. 4 st may drag store at the Eopotose tn which she constrweted a phir of cor Ta pint of hot Water: (aot hotly oe sets, that she loved so tightly a= rieddly his sell or A woman ort studiousiv, As ihe and the cut to think it all to arrange evervthing for goer race Cipstivet the female prove to carefully as she can the wirle sifently Sessssscesseseseseseen Unkind March Winds Play Havoc With Skin and Complexions Put on' veur veils before venturng out for the x £0} after it is dissolved strain and det evnl mnke her faint. Ih- a the rose water and rologne A thisd soaked erimson © threads i" Finis wash is' Inexpensive and ron easil which she drew from her prison¥iress, be prepared at howe. As a Completion antl she ehitained a dye sufictently (ROME tds far more beneficial than any the face. at CRPeRSIvE Spreparatioes sold in the ferme which her deeps to}, i Appear in' i i the : tax receipt. y Ever Wane i ttle. hor death the affairs nty of and S¢ to choos which is dishiguring. many [ her and the i of sci least pain SO {hat suicides otf classed by coroners ot irbolic » "asphyxiation." it ignoranc unter When acid Are in the unsightly sea voman who acid is up the poiso i carl COMIC snatehs Tir the strangely the ti tral checks have Litedike ts of in vouth Shi best fmorand ike some in -such ke adjun omen ain to lind & same small trace of womal the t hopeless of pris 1 deputios among expects nt of eh teriny they man coroner | 'neat eas whey led to dees a { ¥ t sicians attendant lum have their Keeping the en { Inost complete reg tof the Ary mn mre cal w suicide the a lunatic todly fr of dress and fife insanity th vreatest iin in He lunatics mm the do ventions of line o from the ; the patient re nt ar ol horder f even wher emer fabyss of sheer | tours to an mite tall her normal pride itsoli. Bui the self i« forfeited shes in her physi With one : That sane mama for adornment and a pitiful Imagination that the are, truth, lemale personages 1 mons in histor for the beauty their the magnificence their raiment In the intellectual death, chosen physical death, sion stats strong CONSTIOWENERS Vanity ass when her san sell esteem van trase melition an of the hour her 3 so far as any is discern al « exer man one tion important women ir : t develo a in of persons or of as in self the ruling your spring cleaner cream tartar and molasses, sold at Gibson's Red Crose Drug store, Nobody wants ta he thought a fool vet every one has a secret itching te plav the part. Nothing #s to be ab is | tage of most | ag are | ay 1 blank | pas- |, blood | A GREAS ATHLETE All Records For Strength. 1 v HUGH DouaGl Archibald Hugh hroke sh wiemy ARCHIBALD nail re at i= uy Physical Doug "Honk, honk," "Yah, don't man. "Honk, suggested the other it!" exclaimed the Honk, dot's der place Fill it in 'Hongkong. *' said the clerk, and she paid over her money with a smile of relief ---------- All. Night. as if he would was torturing him didn't have 'Nerviline Just rub with Polson's and the or lumbag or known known cures half so fast He Howlec Seemed nearalgia go crazy pity he some handy Nerviline neuraly liniment Nery one naw worst No as 1 ws 0 e iline From Life. "In thiz new die from a hroken heart to know i person he ¥ las pla The Actres supposed to Now, how am | with broken The Manager- do. Yon the author play after he the first how art' behaves I'H tell a what te of this rehearsal you stuely wis as can be, ht. her temper brig Hollister's Rocky ht She's as happy Her health is rig Since taking Mountain Tea at prepo a nig AY i n would nm minded beat a retreat thay wo- | 3 Pm { lengths ht, | | Rip, WHY HOE T THEY QUIT | {MYSTERY SURROUNDS THE CLUB WITHDRAWALS, | Odd Circumstances Connected With the New Imperial and Colonial ~--A Divorced Woman is Secre- tary. Londo March are Sn ~Clubmen dit greatly agitated framstances counected formation of the al Club Myste "ri appearing that and Over with the Imperial and Cologi- us notices have been in the daily papers stating { on rion after another has wit hdrawn his membership, As a mat- ye of fact, a very great many noble {fords and ladies have withdrawn their | names and there is every chance that {the club will 'never be started--at | HOt in is present form. : The secretary of the club, a divorced oman, who was connected with the | formation of the American Rendezvous in Regent street, and who has had a very varied career , 1% the cause of all | the trouble From various sources, | including the colonies. a sum of about 240 000 has passed through her hands i for "organizing" the club, which has | temporary premises near Piccadilly, As a very small part of the sum meg | toned remains the noble lords und la. | thes asked for details of o spenditures, { which are not forthcoming | The first clond came when the of London withdrew his | resignation was followed { the Duke of Newcastle and Lord bert Parker | Llangattock gracefully retired and | were followed by the Marquis de So- veral, the Portuguese minister, and many others. The fair secretary is defiant, although now hotly pursucd | by creditors in all parts of London, the hitter fight raging is | and | | likely to be heard of in the law courts, [. | en i Bishop His of Gils name by that Then Sir and Lady now CONVICT'S FRIENDS MUST.PAY Escape Agency Charges $500 For Aid to Flee. March Interesting revela- tions are being published with regard the which exists help conviets to get away from arenne penal settlement in French The agency charges 850 for a escape; and $150, paid in if the attempt the esti. average outlay for canoes, pro. just under Paris ON to Escape Agency' to HC Grmana successful advance! mated fails, visions and being £150 From C ! Dutch ¢ | canoe arms Paramaribo, a a three to means and virgin who avenne in davs' days' About from Cay- or fall vies snake bites uiana, four journey through convicts forest floe are captured en route | tramp half the { enne or tims to exhaustion EXPECTING THE STORK. Secret of Her Not Coming to Canada. March Ihe reason that ss of Wales will not accoms on Wis brief visit to another interceting Marlborough end of the | 1 | | | | | ! | i London 2 { the Prince { pany the fHrince | Canada that event is expected in the | House family towards the | London season The [ blessed and a is already five boys and CONS Are ix prines prin with children, girl A Stayer. aid the vou to treat "Mildred ma, ey, with | He or prudent mam Mr. KNetches last evening, respeet I want who called on vou consideration and particularly handsome he well successful in busi- of "the some may not be attractive, but 1s sensible, highly and is regarded as | connected ness, Om men wouldn't coming I the if being one of Miss Mildred, so long to ga." mind his "said him coming men Mt idn't take ta we would give the for a steadily H- the davs and nig ve of equal cone rising gan PARSE NO EXGUN scale Splendid bar description our [5% All makes kept Dire Reform who corsets of special Dip in stock, gains in overy Dee New % The alone much need make are #0 ompans the plonsure never in mistake about being theirs ne all the | emark t tence caking aking nt school, roke: ho record fon | 1060 points, phacipy Tn at excpedest fog In the test masle a total of wid being highest figure for at the lift, yie wiry hgure long strangt to be a of i%e lr to come Douglas previ the ift ever ma , while his | Were FOmar ernduate frop véar ix zht and weig 1.481. grip Naval and othe the 15 red { made an nAacK dips Douglas, Naval is foot two ches i hs im tra ofts | Made Herseli Understood. Jrovalyn Life. A large man hele g at the Boston {ierman we I up people in the day. and of der winlow post all because on her to her son, ; other went back werd son { oem fed te ry maohey chant but sailor mer in fon won Lend | the tnekine "Well, = it?" he asked. money {name of the place." "Yah, dot's de trubble," "A didu't pring his letter und | can i remember der name of der town, bu {it's some place out China Yo {sounds like der + makes. on y wale when «he the do vou want t« "We can't give here » eT 3 che by noize : The two vierks looked at dach other ake a man feel so oor | dubionslv. to contemplate a big! does R "What an asiomobile kind of make ? the 1,622 kilos, | He | Aca- | who | Aéa-| in- 180 pounds | n monev-or- | office her Nhe want steamshiv then pre application at the window clork noticed that the address was you vrder unless youn know the she replied, "t an sutomobile a noise "asked | when eating, that yo highest wholesomeness nothing in it that can ie or distress you -- makes the repast doubly comfortable and satisfactory This supreme confidence you have when the food is raised with ROYAL hi d rl | Baking it | i t t less of the alum Confidence f is of t it has Powe Absolotely Pare The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar There can be no comforting confi- dence when eating alum baking pow- der food. Chemists say that more or powder in oe eut alum pow it wichanged