THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. I ---- I ---- ---- m-- "J THESPM.EDITION ASSES JT QUEENS, "= WANTED FR AORGGn Mrs. J. MN. Hughes, 374 Brock INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. lwiLL CLOSE ON THE FIRST | *¥"¢!, "as hostess at o pleasant tea FOR THE THEFT OF $7,000 on Thursday, from four to six. The : Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up i OF APRIL. { guests, who numbered bout fifty WORTH OF JEWELRY. Furs Reporters On Their Rounds, { je all eri rig The ort -------- Eh ba . : : 7 Bibby's ¥2 hats are fine. | Dr. Bonar, Master 'of the Canad-| was assisted by Miss Jenkins, Miss Police All Over Continent on = BW. BR. Givens, of Minneapolis, is i ; : { Mayme Smith, Miss . (rawford and % . 2 | the "city, 11 ian Mint, Speaks on Socialism Miss Rhea Crawford, also: by two Lookout For Alleged Ontario X | Strictly fresh eggs, 2c. per doen, --Medical Lectures By Dr. C { pretty little tots, Miss Phyllis t'oates Thief--Reward of $500 Offered. . gat Mullin's. « - K. Clarke, of Toronto. and Miss Kathleen Elliott. The decor- On a charge of stealing $7,000 worth | CLEANED k x Syivester Pyne, of Belle tlle, is a ations consisted of pink and white | of jewelry in Canton Ohio, a man, | : visite % The Engineering Society of Queen's | a > visitor in the city. & wg : «90en 2 | carnations, ferns and Palms, and the | who went by name of John Collins, is The Frontenac Business College hoo | eld an open meeting in the engineer-| qo.4o 0 of the afternoon was soon wanted by the police in that eity, and S ORED key 'team had their pictures taken |g building, on Thursday afternoon, | fo otten by the glow from pretty | the local police as well 'as the police to-day in group. ' | When Mr. James Douglass, of New | pinkshaded lights throughout ths | all over the continent, have been ask- A i See our assortment of moth de | York, delivered a very luteresting ad-| \ oms. All the guests enjoyed them- | ed to keep a lookout for him. i { , : ress que 8 of interest the 3 - Joye before putting fure away, Siig on Jueqtion ob intgreyt Sa lass. | Helves thobughly, and it was the op According to ' the circular sent out | at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ng & profession § 'inmion of alt that the hour of de- | by the Pinkerton agency, Collins, in! j The veteran, Thomas Payne of | who was one of (Queen's earliest grad-! i ' yt, a | . ? rture came t the We > oa | } U | Portsmouth, is surprising his friesuds | Wales in arts and science, is admatied.| Porure ES Soom. enter Fo ud ®y : aon Til & | Oy getting able to move around 8gawn, | lv the foremost copper expert. of the Mrs. Edward Beck, who is with | ter and bell Boy _ np he } oth | ' | The, many friends - of Miss Aung | world, and has copper mining inter- Mig Ww 5! 1. i 0 ¥y 5 ¢ oyed by the | y i i : sh 4 1, Mrs. W. J. B. White, University ave | management of the Cortland hote . * elephone waggon Vanalstyne il . ay] ents whid re probably larger than! © gh te, WRIveraity ave ; ob Me Lortland hotel, | I 22 that ir gy Nl el had he hen | tl Ag ring Roy fv 2% ioe { nue, will leave on Monday, for De- | Canton, Ohio. Collins confide ntially to call. | severs attack of Menai " om He was to have spoken at "the s fence | YO: infontied Some of the hotel employees ' , sm, e sb : e clence | . Cornehi : ol J igi 4 ; | The: Portsniouth postmaster hss had | dinner, and came to Kingston for that| Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham was gx. | that he was originally from Ontario; | 48 oO Wa new plate gl indow BE Rag | oka, 1 fall. but 'wudl ss! Pected home from Ottawa, this affer. | that his true Bame was Réfton On + . | Plate glassy window put wn, to | purpose, last fall, but "ueh a mass oon 1 | December 7th, 1907, between 3 and | {| replace the one broken hy an artillery | of urgent letters and telegrams await- Mrs. W J. B. White, University | 3:30:a:m.; while on duty in 'the hotel, | man's horse a few da i's Ago. el him on his arrival here that he : * oT ' -Bibby's $2 hats are RORY Ww pos able to attend the dinner. lis] 2VeDue, will leave, next Thursday, for | COlink stole a galeman's trunk of | bin 1 % hom 1 ] +p 'on Toronto, for a fortuight's visit with | Jewelry valued at 87,000, the property John McKay Fur House, | THe farmers coming to the city re-| lecture was heartily enjoyed by the |, © re artmght s vi of Wek White & Christie, (merrher. | Fhopuricori poses that the roads are in Very poor | science men and their many "lay - - - of Jewlery' Piotective Union). 70 oo Milly | condition, but that the raic wili do brothers" who attended. i a De ub. Pitta ' 3 0) ach ty pS _- Tie Dramatic Clore annual tection Colt] Rutherford of Ottawa, will Pets gee, auuseh, X.Y On Pe James Baker, Princess street, has | of officers resujted as follows : Presi an - Jew Jays with Mr. and Mrs fered a reward of 2500 hi h is still if put up a gold medal Yor the city pool | dent, F. H. Huff: vice-president, G. N.| Mis N 0, a E00, ii] in force for the arrest and conviction | | championship, The ganies wil os Urié; auditor, G. E. Meldrum, B.A] Hine May Townsend, of Halifax, will of Collins « ion | | layed on "Tuesday evening. : acd six | tusiness 'manaver. J. G McCantmon. | Probably leave town early in the com- . w : : : { a g usin ag , M {ing week The circular states that Collins may lave entere committee, Misses W. Girdler, MN. . be employed or attempt to secure em- | street, expects to leave for Montreal . " pre- i Mrs hd to commit another robbery. , e description given of Collins, in will =éll at : $3.50. See their window. | was the subject of Prof cluded the following : Age twenty WA farmer » rig came io griel, to- | rison's illustrated lecture hefore a i three to twenty-five vears height, five | day, on lrincess street. The rig was Historical Soe iety this week | : " feet six and o ind Ji : 4 y nan i ne-half inches; mediur heavily laden and the rear axle broke, D. L. MacKay, "09, president of the! Mis: Richard Tothill will ama UD 1 stout, florid complexion, brows } a seattering the produce all over the YMCA is still in the general hos- | 10 ingston some time this sprine parted i middle ol , 0 n air, rod. ital jand will probably he again at "The ligh Yale, Diuayray Th | Bibly's $2 hats § ile pita . : Avonmore."' slightly crossed, smooth shavéh, | Dibby's $2 hats for style, The permanent officers of the vear M 1M > The honorary testiony of the Royal | gx arts, are collecting the sddresses | | ir. ai re, Edward Moore, who Canadian Humane Society will he pre-{ of all the members of the vear. in an-| have been spending a few days at | 8 | J 3 : . "Arthur Place left by | sented to George 0 Nod a re o be Lek AF Ace, eft th : 50 REASON WHY (jie to Soar Hammond, by bid. eipation of & reunion toe feld mAs Place," Winnipeg. Ther | 200%velt Wants to Get it From | | B. Pense, M.P.P., at the Princess Vhe King few ve henee 3 ; . 3 ' ie . } ingston a few years hen . tript 4 1! : ea pay Eye ay a torts atre, at eight o'elaek this evening. The final meoting of the Political {jr F 0 the old Country was very de Canada. S80is wv Wook shawing," Whey wo can selt| President Stockdale, of the eity | » Club was held, yesterday fi - on . . YOu a Razor cotaplete for $1. | league, has had many communications | ternaon, in the junior English room, Wy Ee Chacles Nasters and her baby Cautida oe of the subjects of the, - 9 The Bver~-Ready with 12 Blades | irom the towns of the St. Lawrence when Dr. Bonar, master of the domin-{ 0% ot _-- "dnesday. or Thurs. on Cri Vin at message to con-} divery ome guaranteed or your money | league to form a baseball leacue, and ion mint at Ottawa. addressed the) W REXt week to pay Mrs. J. (. |uress. Mr. toosevelt recommends that | ivery | Paterson, Union street, a visity in the interesis of forest preservation | that wood pulp he placed on the free E jin all probability he will do so, if the students on "Socialism." Dr. Bonar, | 3 local teams give him proper support Oo Wal 1 assmate of Prof John : w. A. MITCH LL. Hardware Splencia hance to buy an auto, a| Ho a. oa cir ol ol rape his | EVILS OF SUBSTITUTION list, with a corresponding reduction | ® > SEE OUR WINDOW local business, a home and many use nist) :, ~ re its of Political | ---- upon paper made from pulp when it es 9, ¥ fal articles offered in to-day's "For| "00% - " Phidosophy," showing an Means By Which This Practice | comes from another country that does | s Cotton Root | Séience. to Phijosophy, | The Gents' English made boots on Am-| Marshall, Messrs. P. T Pitkey and Gy Ms. Forbes Torrance, Wellington plovment in some hotel or club | erican lasts and patterns, at 'The | Ww. Ritchie | . a " ¥ | Lockett Shoe Store, To introduce "William Blake. Artist and Poet," | tO join her sons, about Easter. | | | J. L. Mor-| Torrance will be very much missed in the | Many cireles. WOULD MAKE PULP FREE. hghtful Washington, March 25 Pulp from Sale" column. Read page three. intimate sequaintance with both these May Be Cireumvented. Bi put hn export duty on it. 5 Now, the view here is that this He An elderly lady received a severe ora ranches of learning. He treat-| The old axiom "that the st i + y y GC : . 4 { f 4M fall, on Printess street, near Mont | 97°0¢ branches ea ng | ha HO | means, under existing conditions, no | FINE WHITE WAIST NS, very dainty Embroi- } Si} I {| ed his subject, "Socialism," from the ticks will be found under the best reliof for il oo 3 . ser & p r. She slippe . . a0 . apple tree > 4 . hei shel fe © che NEWSPaPers 2 2 $n issvkl 4 . . real street, this morning h PPC sopular rather than the technical | apple tree may be applied with even are selling their wares or pa dered; some with wide imsertions, j all different on the icy crossing and fell heavily to | 1 ¢ ew, and his address was! greater truth to the wi SDre - ' : the walk. Her lady companion helped | 4 tolligible to ih reat, irre- | tice of substitution sr aprcad pra cost, because the only country from | styles. None in the lot worth less than fron hor to her feet ami neniston] her jlo a nective of whether they had attended The more renowned the article the which pulp can come is Canada, and $1.00 to 1.25. nearhy store, where she soon recov | the political science classes or not. | greater. sumhber of imitators there will Canada insists 08 Jrotecting her for ered. Lectures close for the session next | be found endeavoring to fatten: on ests just as the United Sates does, ! Y Ch * T . pa -- Wednesday. Ihe honor examinations its reputation. Substitute articles ore and places an export duty on free raw our olce O~ Night, : commence this day week and the pass always inferior and yield a large pro- paper material, xaminations the following Monday. |fit to the dealer, many of whom for ON erp ! Dr. C. K. Clarke, superintendent of this selfish reason persistently try to : Infants Having Hard Time. 85¢c Fe \ h Toronto asylum, and formerly super-|foist them upon the public. Standard : New York, March 25. Lpidemies of ® ntendent of Rockwood Hospital for | goods like Magic Baking Powder, Gil- infantile diseases have caused the the Insane, gave two very interesting lett's Perfumed Lye, and GPlétt's | auarantining of for institutions 'for -- -- - -- -- ws : lectures in Convocation hall on Thurs- | Cream Tartar have proved a shining the care of children in Brooklyn. day and Friday mornings. Such ques- | mark for imitators. « The extensive Measles, scarlet fover and chicken tions as heredity and crime, and the | manner in which they have heen ad- | pox are the prevalent maladies, which OoOxXe treatment of the insane were dealt | vertised for years, coupled with their | have forced tne health authorities to with. The evil effects of a country's | recognized superiorily and the great take charge of the institutions, all of toleration of promiscuous immigration | and growing demand for them have | them overcrowded as a result of the upon its present and future welfare! cyuged manufacturers of spurious ar financial stringency, f FRI were fully set forth. [ ticles to boldly and closely copy the Supt. Goodhue, of the bureau for ] The Regina papers Sontain tre] Mods with the hope of sharing in Septtudent. children, Saya that! much | 4 ' he annual meeting of the Queen's the trade Gille SI ore- | © ie Sickness among the little ones | at N.2 . . SAT U DA Y N 1G H ] af the annual eet 2 wich] ne illett's reputation Jus cre was duo to lack of proper nourish. | | dainty Frills in each box. ; 3 The officers elected are as follows '| mich tacties. Examine the label ment n the hotfies from which they} All white. 1 hey are worth | phe and had com sre - y a SOM regularly 15¢ to 20c. Honorary president, Prof. J. Watson, | ingist on getting what vou ask for, as ! Queen's; president, N. F. Black, M.A..{it can generally be accepted that the : | : ; : § Regina; first vice-president, * J. A. Ai-| doaler w ho wishes to sell vou some Washburn Personals J » ken, M.A. Saskatoon; second vice:| thing else, "just as good' has some Washburn, March 27. Mi Emory | r -~ : 'hb Re- | . ia i 4 ha ul £ : ny president, 1 A. Wilson, Ph.b., ulterior motive to serve ws moved from Gananoque to this) 9 i gina; secretary-treasurer, J. 8. Hof, | i ---------- neighborhood. The tea-meeting at} B B.A., Regina; committee, Mrs. E.| Municipal Amendments. Zion church was well attended Req J Simpson, Miss E. D. Cathro, $A. The municipal committee of the®| nt visitors were Mr. and Mrs John : ' . Dr. F. J. Bilis, Regina; W. A. Boland, | jo icin ture bas sent to the house Groep!se, at H. MeCrom's; Mr. and| C OX M.A, Yorkton; S. W. Arthur, B.A, [0 00 0. Mrs. George Woods and family, at W.| . M.D. Reiners; A. H. Singleton; M.D.{ "0 =o power for entering -or | Woods', « Rouleau. passing over lands to search for tim x Prof. Callander has the profound |... gravel, stone and other material Doctors Highly Delighted. ' o o sympathy of the students in the be | for keeping roads in repair, price be They say for fattening and nourish. | 360 PAIRS WOMEN S$ BLACK CASHMERE STOCKINGS 360 Onl W hite Muslin reavement occasioned by the death ofl ing subject to arbitration. Before this | ing, nothing excels the pure "So 4 ; , y x his .; brother. Prof. Callander will process of 'arbitration Was. necessary | Gee Olive Oil, Which we import &i- | . a Sa : $ PATE Za give no further lectures in Greek this | to secure lands in the first; then an- | ™*ct from France. We have it in seal A sess¢ton. | other arbitration as to price, ed bottles, 'fresh from Sunny Nice, | 2 quality, Considered excellent ouses Give councils power to regulate op- | 30c., 50c. and §1 per bottle at Wade's . . Op : An Unusual Storm. ening of quarries or gravel pits, to | drug store. bY . value at 25¢, The electric storm on Friday night protect residential sections or public --_ Regular values 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 for was decidedly vigorous. At tem-o'clock | squares. A Negligent Committee ? . Yours To=Night rain began to fall quite heavily, and| Give councils power to regulate erec- The bivic finance committee met, last | continued during the greater part of | tion of advertising hoards. evening, but failed to take up the | the night. The lightning dashed and| The committee refused to reduce the | budget, so that it will likely be the | the thunder crashed for quite a time, length of bridges for which townships | middle of April before the tax rate i" - ® ¢ 3 @ and gave the people quite a seare, 88) have the responsibility from 300 feet | struck, unless a special meetine of the Y ' at aty council is called. The delay hin Seamless feet, good wearing dig] a storm of the kind is so unusgal at ito 200 feet. There was a sirong ex- 1 this time of fear. Tt is said that if | pression that counties wgmld ere long | ders the city officials in their work. You will find your exact size in this such a storm disappears in the north, | have to take charge 'of fll bridges We iH me colder weather, if it disap-| over fifty feet long. The bill to make . : ; - : apes lot at Blonics. it means colde v Ove tL 'on he ba 3 iq be Want an auto' Want 30 bity al 35¢ for 2 Pairs. All sizes, pears in the south it means warmer | milk sellers for house use liahlé weather. The storm divided, ome half | fine if there was loss than twelve per | Prosperous local business? Want tol going north and the other south. Now | cent. of solids, including three per | secure a home * Then read oe "For 4 the Portsmonth philosopher is wor: | cent of chemically dry butter fat, was | Sale" advts. in today's Whig. You ried. He is very busy with his divin: | killed. cant afford to miss reading this page, ing rod, trying to interpret these | / . a -------- -------------- : : strange signs of the times, { The Late Mrs. Charles Cochrane. W. B. Carroll, K.C., is to he ap- " « Only Black Satee The funeral of the late Mrs. Charles | Pointed police magistrate of Ganan To-Night And Monday. Cochrane was very largely attended' aque, rs 1 00 3 Ihe. fresh arrowroot biscuits, 23¢. | op Friday. Service was held at the Peter Hunter, Queen street, is im- S irts : 7 Ibe. fresh hroken sweet biscuits, house, by Rev. Mr Rusdboase The | Proving daily 25e. ¢ pall-Bearers were six sons of the de- _ 1 box soda hiscuit, 200. ceased. The remains were taken 10 | IFOTTODINEOD-00-0-OTEGT OTA ade ; 3 lbs. Pearl tapioca, 25¢. Sand Hill vault, and will be later CB M of good quality Fast Black Sateen, Ririctly fresh eggs, per dov., 20c buried in the family lot. Deceased THE 1 i hed and fsll width worth 90¢ Farmers' roll and print butter, ver | wos a daughter of the late George neatly finished d : . Ib.. Je Hanley, of Storrington. She married for At Mallin's 'grocery, corner Johnson { Charles Cochrane. of Glenburnie, in 0 and Division streets. 1564, who chins six years ago. She REPAIRING mdi sssis-- leaves a family of fWelve----Rubert, of Big Drop In Milk. Sydenham; George, of Syracuse, N.Y; iy C . There was a big drop in milk, Sat-| John, of La Fayette, N.Y.: William, OR ' : ® # urday morning. A lad hail several fof Romula, N.Y: Mes. Blanchard, of ; » 3 a ¢ cans on a push cart, on the hill on | Newton Falls, N.Y. Mrs. Carman, of RESETTING Ordnance street, when the cart struck | Antwerp, N.Y. Campbell, of Glen % a rut in the road, and the cans tum- burgie; Charles, Edward, _ Matshall, # ' ¢ . bled off. Some fifteen quarts or more Christopher and Mary, at home. OF valuable sings x of milk was wasted, and the lad was FE ine i nam ; x : almost heart-broken as a result. Lecture For ta sary ' . other- These goods are being offered at hn S| eo acura, lo | § ie 8, Sorby eve 5 Sve + x is 3 : > ' : May Be Charged. the divinity students ot, Queens, dn . As the result of an investigation! Friday. at noon. He it wi . Our workmen are skilled n an actual loss to some one on J | boo rele of an inveigation| i ethos Tox hs argaetzntion sn {8 a0 umorkemen are skilled tn x man, Jiving in Loughboro township, | mhintaining of young people's socie- other precious stomes, and may bave to face a charge of seduce | ties. The leéture. was a most helpful we can promise you frst. tion. The girl involved in the cate izlone, and was much engoved hy the dass work, at yeasonable filteen years of age, and her parents students. prices. also live in Loughhoro. The gil is now in Watertown, N.Y. John Flett, Hamilton, ~eneral or i ---- ganizer for the American Hudurdtion Sale of Labor in Canada, returned to pe acht nw row ; he to-day, from Gananade, steamyneinly w organized sons' union. boat, boathouse, ete., property of the ore tonde? of W. ai Sebi. for late John Houtler. Inquire of Mrs. the Perrin Plough business at Smith's John Houtley, over store, 173 Prin. alls, is for "joes street, tris a : Dorothy Dodd FORDOO00 OTOOOOO0 is mneces- team TTT ---- DOOROOO00 o PEEEEEIERIEERIREERIEREEREEES i OOOO OLIO OO OODIODDOOO0 DORSGOTOTOO0