Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1908, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 30, Moa fi - THE WHIG, 7sth YEAR [iio 1 fo taledle place of the 30, - GANANOQUE CHURCH mex 8 mize HORSES. OOOO OV0V0V0CVLOOCOL VV OOCVV0VOVOTOOOLVVVCOY DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806. | public houses which will be closed." | Cost "Province Lot of Money 19 K goon, { in 5 eh in toc 3 | Perhaps that kind of talk will hav ef v Send Them. | = tished ERLY Riis Whic, 16 sete. ob | sore fleet on nome people. The re|porRVES ITS SEVENTY. reresto Star : . @® y ing at $1 a year. To Uaseed. Staten charge | cent Joss of a constituency in which McColy, MFP. is ashing more 0c. Pi Fecky. 1 ae ma he, Jo 4 the brewers led in the campaign whl THIRD ANNIVERSARY. | ey about Adam Beck = horses Na, 3 | Until he gets them answered all Adam a Attacked is' one of the best Job Printing | , 5. hava baad infec] Oftees in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cb {expected to have a restraining er Be 5 : | oaks horses dnd ull Adam Buck's mine improved presses. itoce on 'Mr. Asquith, who has the | e Spring Freshet Has Run ts men cgn't pull McCoig together agail The British No LEd. | license 'bill in hand. But Mr. Asquith | Course--Arthur Rogers, - Gan-| What McUCoig, M.P.P. bas heard to | SE tor. {says he is not moved to change his | anoque, Appointed Toronto prompt these enquiries must here be {tactics in the least. Ile is committed Bank Manager at Dorchester. [set down. An appropriation was made | n is oort : } {by the government fur the purpose of | {te JUrse, as p ; ch 30. » Daily Whig. jlo a ain course, as a matter of Gananoque, March 30.--Grace church | | defraying the expenses of horses that | FOLOCO0000000 principle, and he is going to ursie (held M2 seVenty-third anniversary, ves- | ope he wnt to the ternational | ry . Polish Your Furniture WHA] NA jit at all hazards. The man is con- terday, in sa manner well be 2hebiog | | horse show in London. The object of$ ith son' y - 'S 12 NAME? i. 8 ing CASIO. ier : § a ontmnns Dresured Was lire: INA ME { sistent, and he is. to be admired for | eh an Interesting « } os | this appropriation was to encourage | the wood. It produces a Teh, areidtis It may perhaps be somewhat of a it | Olr surpassed themse yes mn 1 | Ontario horse owners to show their | finish, to which dirs and dust will not relief to those who have found it bard | | mating and excellence ot the Music - { fine stock in the Hub of the Empire, | - | nu Ss. he pastor, Rev. al adhere. Just try it and you will see how {and thus attract attention to this! I | much better it is than any other polish. to pronounce the fame School of e- | EDITORIAL NOTE-. T Relate o i I res AA : i I bool of | . : . Timberlake, officiated _at both ser | province as a source of supply. It oa . : More men buy Suits at this price dagogy in connection with the new! There will be civil service reform | vices. For some years it bas been the | was understood that as the best] R i . : , than at any other. ' Johnson S training department at Queen's, to| right enough. And it will clear a lot | Fusion to make the anniversary the would be none 100 good in that great | . rongre- | : i know that the name is an incorrect | of incapable tories out of office ocasion for asking from ihe. £4 arena, only prize winners would be | i | gation a sum of money suflicien O{sent. In England, as vou know, blue NEE] | Ask any man how much he one and should not be used The | 3 W . i ay all outstane bills, interest « : tans x : 0 3 I repared ax Sehool of Fedagogy cased to xine Mr. Dunlop, M.P.P., has refused to! | bax oll 0 This ear J ie tases - | ribbons go by merit, not by favor as | . Suri § > p Xist | 5 on @ 1 thew a . ; - 3 ; £ is "A Complete Finish and Polish for All : ' stand for re-election in North Ren 6 noi I stri wh mount: was they are said to do in some other 4 Wants to pay for a Spring Suit Wood." Use it on your floors and wood~ nearly fifteen years ago. Whatever its 4 nanial stringency, the a - | parts of the world. The Order of the fi d the chances are that he will work, too. Johnson's Powdered Wax is merits ay have been its defects were | {frew. Now, what is the matter ? [ placed at $550, of which over £300 Garter is the only exception to this J an i. Suances 2 n for all dancing floors " - {was placed on the plate at the morn- : ' You ean get Johnson's free book, "The very marked and in due time it gave| Ny, De : i A | was pace £55 fia Sabha th scl | | rule. a ! say--"Oh about Fifteen Dollars,' Proper Treatment for Floors. Woodwork oo i Ar, Dnovan was a eged to avel ing ser ice, 30 at the Sabha OO This appropriation for the encour- aud Furaliare" and these preparations of place to the Normal college at Hamil- redeemed Brockville. But it has to be |®e%ion in the afternoon, and a bal- agement. of Ontario. horse owner ' i icie , ell 1,0 : sale el i ic . ton. The Normal college in turn this | gerrymandered, it seems, in order to ania? to bring £ the vim | breeders, and exhibitors was duly an . Knowing that this price is so year gave place to the Faculties of | remain redeemed. Fn evening oun a oF 8% | nounced in the newspapers, The gov : i . popular, we place great stress on Education in the two universities. I'o -- Q a ernment hought about an inch of | 8 i dlen House, Ivy Lea, the nopular space in cach of the daily newspapers, } our Fifteen Dollar Suits and we ) the teaching prolessi the! It is suggested that the government |... i 3 . v 10 teaching p Olean on, if not to the Fa or ty! ! resort of W. Ww. Shipman, holds the and strangely enough, the people who | ir offer lines of Suits that we believe public, the name School of Pedagogy | rn over the reform of the civil ser- honor so far as known for entertain- were most concerned overlooked this | 4 ; is not only ugly, but is un-|¥i® tO a commission. Ob; no. That ing the a the United ot os re advertisement. Not a horse- | ; / can not be duplicated elsewhere. : savory, and, is, moreover, long | would not*prevent the ery of "spoils, po Mrs \ " Syn in hte por | Ah SAW it, DOL even Rir Henry Pei . | spoils." ons of Sirs. Norton and daughter, of latt, the well-known furnisher of white N . HARDWARE. out of date. It is unfortunate New York City, who have arrived to {horses to the future King of Eng ' e ourt --- Ri f Ol ' : A " : oi is or ¢ Su r that it has come into use in King-| The civil service was not appointed enjoy the sugar 'making seasov in that | {land. Only Adam Beck seems to have g . : locality. . t- ¢ " ston, and it would be a distinct im- ho whitewash any one. At the same Ww. B. Carroll, K.C., has received the | known what was going on, and as the . Comparison CE GOOTOOOTOOCOOOTO OOO FOO OOD AR : A | fund was for the encouragement provement if the public in general gig, it was not expected to black- | appointment as police mavistrate for | t horsemen a of When Be ti would use the name Faculty of Edu-| he officials he ine de- | this municipality. and also heard his | op ' a { Wash the officials of the marine : felt greatly encouraved and said, We' Butt Styl cation in referring to the new institu. __ appointment would be gazetted on Sa- " e've the Two and Three tton yies, g partment. terduy g | "This will help some tion. ---- hp la : { Not to make the story of Mr » . : All the 'officials afiected by the seari- I'he annual spring freshet, which has | {Coig, MPP. heard too long. Jet i The Single and Double Breasted Styles. THE LENTEN DEVOTIONS Kos For i 'ig been somewhat in excess of former ar " \ I {fying of the civil service COMMISSION, | years, in volume, has been causing | 8° available t nd h q ", . v n ¥) Pas i . - ; > Se 5 This year the Lenten season is *INglbut one, are' conservatives, The re considerable anxiety amonc the water | [belonging to the 'RB \ fing ' Sth { arked by more thoughtful and sag " . 0 a 3 Oy o e } etc. ¥+ | marked by mors omg £ port is properly described as '"'start- Be puny 8 dploy vey uring | { horse show in London And these nine ! a iW. gays, -h Za | Be horses re th ni Ses t its course without doing any further eck horse Ee © the only horses tha -- damage. and is now well in hand | went at the government expense gaged with the devotions that deepen| Some of the civil servants will not | Rugsg I Britte . i th town . ; | Some of them were prize winners at | ® % ») ir » 8 | . . | + of [m8 OWN, 18 18 | Canadian horse shows and some were) 3 The man, who stays away from our Fifteen Dollar Suits, one's religious zeal. {enjoy the 12} and 15 per cent. in Kingston, taking a short course in rOOCOTOTOC be stated that the appropriation was Choice selected Fabrifs of Cheviot, Fancy Worsteds, Serges, i i | Cut by experts, and tailored by skillful workmen. COC OO pestive talks. There is a lull in the {ting" to the opposition. social festivities, and the mind is en | I not. but they were all Beck horses In the large cities it bas been the|creases which the commission advo-|gunnery at the Royal Military Col and entitled to cabinet honors ¢ Will stay away {rom the best fifteen Dollar Suits in Canada practice of the clergy to make much | cates And they do not deserve it--if degre, hua Roger PM IM | McCoig, M.P.P., is sorry to have to ogers, s : of the Lénten discourses, and some of | they ave dishonest, as the commission | B. Roge = Store ees. an iy listen to all this. All he wants is the . mn V0 has | faets, and to that end his questions | the great preachers have found it] avers. | been spending some time at his home are directed convenient to come very near to the | i a Wher on account of illness, received word | : { busy men and women, and at the noon | The Toronto school board is im from the head office of the Bank of | News Budget F Florid i i {pressed with the fact that too many | Toronto, in whose service he has bee mn | Florida March " a A la, Mg 28. --Mud Lake cross hour discuss with them some of the for some years, 10. report at or {| teache: re 86 . a PATS, PO . : . | teachers are absent from school on Pe at once in ing is not safe. Mrs. W. Walker is ¥ questions of the day. | Toronto, and has been dul pointed ; 3 | ace ; Jo . pss... 8 s Cure ' A en « Vv. appointe "M ye In Kingston this year there are] 2°¢OUnt alleged illness pi manager of the branch of that 'in- tangerously ill Much sympathy is| Fashionable Clatiions, 78, 80, 82 Princess St, i . {for this is to be had by a special re- stituti t Dorche 0 { extended to J. Wallace and wile in the | ' evening talks to the masses, and re-| yrs itution a Ortiester, Unt. loss of t} laught El lied | Q course $0 the S f the C° | ference to medical authorities, Miss Nina Meoos, spendine- a three | 2% ©f their daugh er. Bliza. who died course to the Stations of the (ross as weeks" furlough here with her parents, | from diphtheria. I. Wallace and} 0000000000000 000000000000000OVOOOO0000000 a means of diverting the mind from| 1 he Telegram wants a board of | Mr. and Mrs. Abel Meggs, Osborne the sordidness of commercial and in| oyitics for federal offices. Why not a Street, has lelt to resume her duties dustrial life. There are, too, sermons similar board for the provincial of- | 2° Durse-in-training at rockville General Hospital. on amusements, though this is a sub- fices. A few independent critics in To- --a -- Lake next weék. Mrs. J. Peters, Jeet on which there is a serious dif-| 40 would find something to talk Ladies' Suit, j nurse, after spend ng two weeks at RELA LARA000000000000000000080000000000000R0 W. L. Storms', has returned to her SOOCO000H WOOO { { danghter, Gladys, who were ill, arel | recovering. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shel] lington, who have resided here for two years, purpose moving to Cole | { ference of opinion. about--if Mr. Whitne a the F hitney would let them. 4 n | home at Wilton, Miss Aggie Thomp There is no fixed rule for the guid- son, Inverary, is spending a couple of] > i i co is| The imperial parliament will lose ance of man in his diversions. It is pe I ill lose a | weeks with her niece, Mrs. W. | | a matter of conscience, which can he| notable figure some of these days by Storms. R. Peters lost three valuable left to exercise its oftice as the ocea-| the death of the premier. He is not a | Ham by indigestion. A. Thompson, 4 . ; brilliant man, like Mr. Asquith or iN Harrowsmith, has purchased N. Lily's : son may require, ' farm and expects to take possession Mr. Chamberlain, but one in whom the at once. Torrance Babeock, Wilton, ti Shae Toe ade od men. THE INCAPABI MUST GO masses have the fullest confidence has rented W. Shillings farm, dnd in 'Slide, hut is as low na 2. Shoo of If there is anything of special im: H Rohert' Becta : ios 3 | tends to move next week, Miss Fihel ; A ' beside a cheaper shoe, the differs port in the civil service commissioners on. Robe ogers is going o . | Martin is spending a week with Miss | repori it is that the junior clerks are Ottawa on a special errand. It is to y ; | L. Davy. Hanlan Carl has secured] tne is unmistakable, Infying ana uate anes. aa. all right, but that there is no pro- | %¢@ that the new election bill does not / the milk route from here to Cora " ' ¥ ta : ' / to! » . story - shculd wear the "Invictus Shoe." motion for them, the seniors being a [Provide for a revision of Manitoba's 5 | ii a Sent neon Si item pon , {| a W I's . mmaons 1 " lot of old-timers who cannot be mov-| f | ton, were call . . : nas = § : . J { » were ealline -on friends here this] : i r 1 l AYIA tion he deserves it will be hot en i | work. Mrs. R. N. Tapum ix very iil. 4 This Shoe Store represents voters" lists. Ji he! gets the recep {on home of Mr. and from mere shoe selling. Agents. timed, and in some respects unfortu- J IW. Davy, hutcher, at Witten. Passed) ! ' nate. The department has never heen 0 j § through here Thursday buying fat) iki it i a A |e attle for the market Miss A Wal-| GOOD SHOE service means the furnishing of just the cor- 4 | to his liking, He found it in a clumsy lace is spending a few weeks with her | rect SHOE Suited to a particular requirement his first acts was to call in a firm of | i sister, Mrs. A. Babcock. Visitors : 1 Belleville Ontario, Fi | Thompson and son, © Shephard and] and cumbersome condition, and one of ung The Silent Man. MERELY to inake a sale is not satisfaction to wus--and F accountants whose duty it was to I'he late Duke of Devonshire has i / Aan Lag family, Inverarv, at W, | Storms' ! merely to buy a pair of SHOES is by no means certain to . . study the book-keeping methods in wg classed among great statesmen : | B. Redden. and family, at G Red- | mean satisfaction to you every branch and suggest an improve- 1s strongest point was his ability to bs den's; A. Thompson and wife. Harrow | ' 5 v Seba Member Consolidated Stocx uit: He did 4 k secific bar | | keep silent, _--_ smith: Miss G. Thompson. Fish Creek: | We are able to guarantee good service, in its every sense men ie Cul na mae a 8 : -- This neat and inexpensive. suit wa | Mr. Caully, Sydenham: Mrs. 8. Mar. and every meaning, because we are sure of our own intentions Exchange of New York. gain for the cost of every detail and it A Different Bar. developed in brown chiffon panama | tin, Nes. 6, : Petes, at W Shelling ] is questionable if he could. But he {Toronto Star. The' Eaton jacket 'is made plaih--the | ton's. May not we hope that you will tést bir sincerity and our STOCKS, BONDS 4 and meant. yeform, and it seems that-he |The bar of the House of Commons {neck opening and EIges dre finished | | judgement the next time you purchase SHOES, i \ has had his difficulties in seeking to has face n closed. This, by the way, is| with silk, which is cut on the bias. | | RAI ? 8 i» not. the bar to which George E. Foster The sleeves are the plain coat sleave | Affairs At Parham | bring this about, brough Fed : . f 8 m. - t : ght a newspaper man about a year| The skirt is kilt plaited, the material] Parham, March 29 The monthly | Th S Sh Bought and Sold for Cask or bE The patronage committee of the ago. is perfectly straight, without gores,| missionary topic for the Epworth ce pring oes are Margin, conservative party filled this depart -- with plaits turning from the front and League, April 1st, will be led by Mrs. | ment with some of its incapables, and Makes A Difference. closely lapped at the top, thereby|J. Goodfellow. Andrew Howes, con All I DIRECT PRIVATE WIRETON.Y Ottawa Free Press. leaving a panei in box-plait effect, { fined to his bed for months, is gain-| ne they can be retired When ¥. Brodie Mr. Lake, of Qu'Appelle, is for econ ing slowly. Mrs. David Goodfellow | - Ww. HECTOR H. HUME. mor. has the department given the vindica- omy; but he wants the economy to Harlowe Happenings. | has had a bad attack of grippe, als * » tion which is its (due. He cgnnot have cease. when the question' of the Hud- Harlowe, March 25.--Rev. Mr. Sher- | Miss Gracie Clow. Mrs. W. D. Ber] | Olargnce Chambers: FPhome, 888, any jone_lic under the suspicion that on 's Bay railway is concerned. Build Mian preached g missionary sermon to | trim is visiting friends at Harrow- | J H SUTHE LAND & B 4 that at all hazards and all costs, he a large crowd on Sunday evening last | smith. Miss wertrude G: Barr, is * . * he is dishonest, and that the service ans. HB tent that th th Ee ho) M J re A ow consisten hat is with e "wn ik e for week 3 holidavs MIs. x 5 intere Tr in the Movement church. T. Thomp- | hom a h and the public interests are suffering idea of economy ! son made a tas siness trip to yur { Bertrim and Miss Edna Bertrim have] The Home of Good Shoes f CS. village, after spend and sure of the quality of our SHOES. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE attack on Mr. Brodeur was ill-] "EP: / | [A young daughter has rome ta brig tht- | P good Shoo service as distinguished we rs. E. Bert. | i 1 ' i | in consequence, : : , . . : _--- this week, Froderick Wood spent Sat- [returned to the Ernest Bertrim's Neat Shoe The reflection unduly placed upon : Studholms In Battle. urday and Sunday last with his sie-| ing a few days at E a it, must be removed, at the expense Toaunto ope i onde ter, Mrs, Forbes, Kaladar, Mr. |Mrs. J , Curl and daughter, at W. 1.| JTHISISPSISIIIIFISVOITIISIIIIITIIIIIP IV IVF Roe en Mr. Studholme crossed swords Bertrim's: Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox, Wa- - " Repairing. of the guilty persons, if they can be! yish Mr. Donovan, of Brockville, the on Yi eee | Ee at G. H. Smith's. Mr. R found, and at the discomfort of the | Third arty came out viet us. Mr : pis Vis w-- - = pe Bue o ein Mel 'racken, Roblin, passed through | Williamson, of Sharbot Lake. is visit A The Canadln and American Shoe Ne i. if oth harges nnot be | Donovan compiled a + ry mushy menu M MCh 1 we Shon, 29 » se 5 5 rT © ges cal . < et © » © a po Mrs Md Baiting Shap, 391 Princess St, iy fully | commission if other charg ! Ab I y RW] his vicinity last week, buying cattle, | ine her daughter, Mr ge aris A SHIP BLEW UP wiped to do all kinds of shoe Tepair- oven in which some fulsome praise of the : William Black has sold his saw mill ut shortest notice. Work neatly ang | Proven. " pnt rabl i Mrs. A. Palmateer and H. Palmateer | : | government was inextricably and inex- | and he Jiteuds to] And Thirteen of the Crew Were ing . fhoapiy dove. Satisfaction guaranteed shen plieably mixed with soup, fish and have returned from a few days visit | 1, Jom bowery, Cn will makel at Parham, Miss Dell was the guest | take a tris { Drowned. . MR STEAD AS CRITIC, the Is. But when he t 1 M . i ' Te J. Green. R ST A other' viands. uh hen une | of Mrs, W. Black 'on Saturday and | cheese in Wagarville this season Mandal, . Norway, March 3 ALTHOUGH, NOT A DANGER- W. T. Stead has the faculty for say- | against the Third party he found him- S i 3 ii: " Sunday, Mrs. H. Rodgers has gone to veiri nih ' ' fecuntls ing some candid things. He glories in self in the fast course. Arden vicinity to oe Y MeCamiand THERE IS NO SECRET | Nortgiun har. r Soe i" and ous DISEASE, ARE A VERY ola . 0 e o or Stockholm, d the fact that he must be honest in his Swallowi i who is in King ston, is im roving. N | ts Dw : wing Himself. KS pe ¢ : i arriving here on March 20t aught speech, that he must spogk of things |Hamiteon Tomo Whi lov, it ches | About Pur Cod Liver Preparation artiviog baie on Mach 2 i! TROUBLESOME AND UN- . : nit Ad te's, " recently. Ns hevler, | . ---Vy . } I aphtha and subssoeently blew as he finds them without waiting to Whitney, but a short time ago, an } a : with naphtha and subse y oflect whom he may hurt or offend nomnced that he would grant no morve| Parry Road, has returnéd home after] So many patent medicines and ad {up, inking in forty feet of 'te SIGHTLY AFFLICTION "ee n y | land to railways, but he now pro- spending a week with her daughter, | vertised cures are now offered to the | Thirteen of the crew were drowr Hence he is just now expressing his Al C that| Mrs. A. Palmateer, Mrs. A. Gray and public that we want to cail the speci mista gomia eutal Jramofers h ' at|{ al attention of the people of hing i ---------- They are caased by either poverty or tm mind quite freely on the licefise mea- |), will meet 'their demands. And the| Mrs. F. Gray, spent Thursday, | pe Vinol tin sure which is before parliament. Tt {organs that praised him so loudly for | Mrs. J. Gray's, Rev. Mr. Sherman] ston to the fact that Shel - rot in) Conditions At Sharpton. purity of the blood and require the prompt . 3 + . sense shicine. | aims at no immediate attack on vest [his determination to grant no more old his horse the ther day to Mr. he 8 socret a gu en the world |. Sharpton, March, 2%.-- Although the | wes of a good blood medicine such os Bar- : dal Wood, Flint very good price. | 3 teres trict lands as railway subsidies will cheer | Woo on, at d very good p | YBokds are " - re. is bo - od in 14, but a gradual restriction as heartily his abandonment of that] Messrs. S. and T. Thompson paid a (over have recognized the great tomie fichls a _roiiy hare, Sher a Where dock Blood Bitters, for their eradication, in the sale of liquor, in obedience to Ii visit to Kaladar last week. Mr. and | and cerative elements contained in the : 2 the growth of temperance sentiment, |" Mrs. E. Wood spent Monday and co's iver, but how io extract thess| the snow is off Tries I SAAih 24 penalty woeciglsigh, 4 Vie bast until in fifteen years the trade has Tuesday at her mother's, Mrs, Per. | medicinal elements from the useless ow Pile f ae wh dn the t very much confined. Millions of The Ottawa Gazette announces the ry's, Myer's \Cave. Herb. Palmateer, | and repulsive oil which enveloped Cla on he Fea Ar | " yy a iyintment of Chiel Justice Wetmore, | North, Bay. left for Tweed on Thurs-| them has been the problem hitherto|/*nvale cheese fact ans "Wis dollars or pounds are involved, how- Saskatchewan, to be administrator dogs en he ak uacived brought a carload of a | hay to ever, and the people who control this {for some weeks. Mrs. A procuding "Cosy Nook." | This was finally 'accomplished by Ritvale tation. or 4 of i 3 a & . ROUT & b " on. : vast wealth are not going out of . % Miss C. Parks spent a couple of days | two smisent French chemists, od this cheaper than expected for there are a The business without a protest. recently with Miss P. Taylor. Miss|result is Vinol, a delici us | great many buying it. Report hak it Difference . : Mr. Stead thinks that the govern. x Laura Miller left for Napanee yester-| cod liver preparation without oil. | hat 8 good many cows have died the t ha undertaken heroic task, 4 day where she will spend a few | made by a scientific, 'wxtractive and from one cause or another. Mr. Main in Quality men . an 5. M s. J. Black spent concerntrating process from fresh cods' | icy © vba ave kia he + : i 2 r. and Mrs. ack gp 2 ¥ while: chopping wood, gave his fook a i Gg whars you~ will for your a he does not think Ra pay. Sunday at "Cosy Nook." Miss L.| livers, Shula, stumbling pi ptanate bad cut. He suffered considerably cond supply, the is very y ? "Because you, ie temper Spicer, Parry, Road, is at her grand-j of iron all the medicinal, Toe IN | from loss of Wood, but is now dei touch the same ; Siflerence ie ance men) "who would applaud at a ; father's, 01 Cole's. Mrs. C. Miller and Souls building elements of cod fiver Bloor: Mr Bley and J Spafigry ti re not worth a row of pins spent Norday at North- | oll, but no oil. bought a horse and a cow at Bot nealing a X a Py 4 ro Mr. cand Mrs. J. Black have, Ax a body builder and strength ore ting's sale. Notwithstanding Whe . hen time for hand fighti ie - ng moved to ator for old people, delicate children, | (orite of the weather, Mr. Swain, ey } to Arden. ity of 1 i . v Hi comes." And he proceeds : Were y weak, run- down persons, after sick-| obliging mail carrier, made his usual a politiian 1 would take publicans Ttaly is anxidhs to prevent the emi- | ness and ehronie coughs, colds, | trips throughout the winter. Jt . is R. CRAWFORD every time as my allies. They will gration of criminals to America, as | bronchitis, nt all throat and lung lannounced that a former resident of JR ; st. 'shell out' for the fighting funds and the reey 'of these in the new world is | troubles, Vinol is unexcelled. Try ithis place will soon be married, Whe "Phone, 5 Foot Qreen 8 like the ils their A nemally honest Ialinn emiorante. on our offer to return money if it|past winter has -- remarkably " man, 1 . N ade on fri it jams, Pints, he. An Jo sive Sntisiattion, George W.|healthy. *Visitors © J. Moon and wile, « 1 hope shall Some 4 : Hey » oert ay Mahood, druggist, Kingston, Out. Dammay: 84 J, Walpole's, y

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