Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1908, p. 6

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SPRING UNDERWEAR gl ¢ IMP RIAL 'When i. Jay dor the MPERIAL CROWN = "BRAND guaranteed, Underwear ask vy KINGBTON LTD, Kingston, . « ppsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD HECULATIONS. oven 'numbered section of Domine 8 in Manitoba or the North-West ices, excepting 15 wad 26, not re Way be horestonded by BUY per- ad of a family, or male age, to ihe dxtent of on, of 160. acres, wore on Tor homestead entry must ih by the applicant at a 5 Agency or Sub agency. Proxy may, however, bw made gen on certain conditions Ly ie, her, son, daughter, broth Sister of au intending howesteader. application for entry or cancelly- wads onally at apy sub-agent's may Wired to the Agent UY the fat the expense of the appli- i the band applissd for is vacant : sof the telegram such applica~ is have priority and tbe land wiil B until thé necessary papers to d the transaction pre received by cane Of "pefsonation's or frand the )] pit Wilt forfeit ail priority of claim $l entry bas boon granted it will be penily cancelled, wppiation for eamcellation must be in oft. The applicant must be or homestead entry, and only ome jon for cancellation will be re from an mdividual uptil thay ap ony bas been disposed of, Fhver an entry is cancelled Subsenuent 8 institution of cancellation proeeotiings, Sopiloant for cancellation will be en- d pri pplican al: or right of entry. Sor cancellation must state in particulars the homesteader is in it] a homestender whose entry is not the it of cancellation proceedings may Bt to the approval of VDepart- + Teltmyuish in favor of father iF, son, daughter, brother or sister rib it to no one eise, on filing BE abandonment, TES settler is required to per- the Mlifles under ome of the follow AS Six 'months' residence up- ftivation of the land én each g the term of three years. en may, it he so de form the required residence ut living on farming land 0k] him, not less them eighty (80) Pes fn extent, in the vicinity of his de Woint ownership in land will meet this requirement. If the father (or mother, i{ the it is doveawed) Of a homesteader has res ont farming land solely by him, not less than ; $80) wores fn extent, in the vicini- of homestead, or upon a home- i enitered for by Bim in the vicinity, Joust eader way perform, his own 1 wdnties by living 'with the 'niother.) term "'vieindty" in the two p raphs is defined as mean- J8te. than nine miles in a direct of the width of road al- crossed in the measurement. A homesteader intending to perform duties in accordance with while living with parents or ing land owned by imself must the Agent for the district of such making application for patent ast give six months' notice ng 'te the Commissioner of Do- i Jands ut Ottawa, of his inten. to de so: [ROPSIS' OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Goel mining rights way be for A period of twenty-one years ! an rental of $1 per acre. Not BOTY 2.860. acres shall be leaged to fodivitiigl or company. A royally at Epites of five cents per tom shail be the merchantable 'coal - mined BAIS k JUAT vl person wightoen years of "ol } SHI having discovered mineral in ¢ - ay locate a clalm 1,500%x1,500 efor. recording a claim is $5, least $100 must bn expended on the eat or paid to the mining ou thereof, When $500 has the locator may made, and upon requirements, pur- x FT acre, Ph patent provides for the payment EB POSalty of 25 per cent on the sales. FE ining claims generally are 100 Square | entry fee $0, revewable yoar- RPDleast may obtain two leases to for gold of five mies vach for a Of fwenty years, renewshis at the tio the Minister of the In- 7 r by" gr lessee' shall have a dredge in oper- "Within ome season from the for each five miles. nwobum for each mie of river Royalty at the rate of 24 per oS loive. on the output after it ex. W. W. CORY, afvthe Minister of the Interior. sUmhavthorized publication of this Hsament will not be pari for. ~ EDUCATIONAL. Baby ILaugh * It belongs 1 0 health f a baby to ¢ at and sleep, to laugh and grow fat. * But fat comes first; gout lam "rh by to ugh; why, even his s1 clic pitiful | Fa% comes first. / The way to: be fat is the r way to be healthy, Scot's Emulsion the proper food, " ,. but only a little at first. § All Druggists; 50¢. and $1.00. Javalid LadieS This Is For Yon. 4 There are thousands of females who suffer untold miseries common to their sex, This is largely due te the peculiar habits of life and fashion, and the improper train. ing of girlhood. Then, too, the physical changes that mark the three eras of woman- hoody(the maiden, the wife, and the mother) have much te do with her sufferings, mos of which are endured in silence, unknown by even the family physician and most in timate friends. To all such whose hollow cheeks, pale faces, sunken eyes and feeble footsteps, in. dicate nervousness, palpitation of the heart, weak, faint and dizzy spells, we would earnestly recommend a course of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pilla. Mrs. Jos. Sharp, Brighton, Ont., writes: "I was troubled with palpitation of the heart, weak spells and nervous trouble, and found no relief until advised to try Mil burn's Heart and Nerve Pills I got one box and that helped me so much I sent and got five more. I am mow cured com- pletely." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50a. per box or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct en receipt of prios by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. It's Your Move ! Our figures are "on the Square' every thing "above board" and ®t is now up 10 you to inspect and pureifase our el ferings, If you .are in search of a home, come to seo our lists IH you want to sell, consult us at once as we have several out-of-town cHents who want WoLuy, T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington Street. Kingston. DODVOPOVTTTOTOOOC 0000 BRASS KETTLES They. have become almost a necessity and are just the thing to heat water at a moment's notice. A Brass Kettle makes a very suitable gift at any time, our stock in this line will be found most complete, every kettle is fitted with the newest patent burner. Call in when passing and let us show you what we have. Our prices range from $4.50 up. 9 | Kinnear &d'Esterre | Cor. Princess and Wellington ¢ y Streets. ---- Sand strength that's surprising. | everyone requires medicine in the ness in connection with the Grand a -- - - ---- -- , - ---- y [this season by the Semi-ready eom- pany. They have organited » special | order department, and suite, over ---- {conats, uniforms or garments of uni- que or novel design are made to or- OPENING DISPLAY OF NEW der in four days? Telegraph Grders {are filled by the compeny.. The same TAILORING MODELS. i personality and distinction which can : : + louly be given permanently to ¢lothes What is Correct in Men's Wear For lof quality is ma Hilo the : gar- the Spring and Summer of ments made to special order. . The 1908--""How Men Should [store shows some 235 different fabrics Dress.'? {to choose from, peat squares of each : pattern, with the prices plainly mark- ted, The Semi-Ready guarantee accon- Canadian men wear the panies these special garments just as each season, no matter in the garments carried in stock. same styles how lar from the eity where the chiel| "my 0 "te" C mi-Ready company ean produce new styles is proves bv the designs are made. Not many years | ago one part of Canada might be 81 faci that some of the leading New wear bebind the other, and the changes Lk in style would only become popular in Canada. They usually have through the visits of tourists anc {some of the special novelties designed travellers, : for them in the special order depart- Jesides creating a i olation in {he (ment. Owing to the high price of iu le System of fine mg . €lgood cloth in the United States, they Semi Ready a i rouge save from $10 to on the suits and abot his ny style. van 3 thoy Bay a Semi-Ready designs are looked upon Yeonts 1 ny huy while in Canade. as the last word in fashions dictum, | apd one caf readily don their gar-| ments with the full knowledge that they are both correct 'aud cultured in style, { A reporter who ealled at the Semi- | Ready department of the H. D. Bibby | company was shown the new models, | and a brief review of the conservative changes which are evident will be in: teresting to gentlemen. ! Following" the long coats with the exaggerated shoulder, popular some] seasons ago, the gradual changes have] restilted In 4 moderate length, loose- | fitting coat, gud the disappearance of } the built-out shoulder. The narrow | shoulder, which London hailed with | glee a year ago, will never become popular in an athletic, chesty county, The Semi-Ready coat has a moderate shoulder, is of reasonable length and has * comfortable, athleti¢ appearance. | With the long, rolliflg Mypels and the moderate shoulder breadth) the coat has a well set-up appearalicd, The dis- tinguishing marks of the cowts, single as well as double-breasted, ate the! long rolling lapels. The negligee oh] fect is emphasized by the right angle notch, While the loose lines of the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH Since the tailoring trade has been centrabmed actors buy all their élothes A Spring Gown, ~~ | Te graceful costume shown above coat are preserved, the chesty effect | was davelopgs! in mauve chifion cloth is as prominent as ever. | The sleeves and body of this coat are The back of the coat is less shaped [in one. It is trimmed with a Persian to the figure than has been the fashion. | border. The vest worn with this coat Yt falls almost straight from the is made of velvet to mateh the cloth shoulder. it meets in front apd has a secret The British svoollen mills have out- | fastening: a row of smoked pearl but done themselves in furnishing artistic] tops are placed near cach edge of the designs of distinctive shade and pat {front The skirt is made in four tern. These fabrics, coupled with the pieces and has a medium swéep. other important features, gives the| Semi-Ready clothes an added advan-| tage this season over those sold by the | tailor and the ready-made] pA Fine Bird Shot--Receriion te Couple, Morton, March 30.--One of Uncle Sam's representatives referred to in last week's issue of the Whig, "The MORTON MATTERS. eustom clothier, The sack coats are shown in both two and three-button styles, and] while these will divide the honors for | popularity, the two-button will be the | jald-lleaded Eagle," the largest ever choice of the younger men and will, | Bald Headed R w » i hese parts » | measuring seven no doubt, be selected by the more con eh n fae en for the oN on - # Pegs 1 lt, a . servative as the weather grows warm mist, fell a victim, not by a Ross i kind { skirt ¢ h rifle, but by a well dined «hot an wo kinds of skirt coats are shown Winchester in the'h 8 of frec a inchester in e hands ¢ for the business and Pealossional mah, Jacob, of this village. Mr. Jacob will the Baglish ik hing cpat ane be have the bird mounted. One of our mowing frodk. Both an aetmiabily young men, ay Junta, as Suieth . 0 _- 3 ? on 8 . slsey, Flgin. married to Miss Susie Kelsey, every-day business man who adds The wedding ceremony was performed dignity to the position by wearing it {in Brockville, from whence they went in flac of a sack suit. ahs to Watertown on their honeymoon, incorporated in the consuritin "oy |Feturning (0 his home hd tr The A 8 on. where a reception awaitec em. e the walking and morning coats, The guests present numbered about forty, Faglish oe shows ia a greater | many costly and hau pres ta varwty ol Jatterns while 1e more le he n Couple ¥ i : 3 . tions were made to the hs OUPe, formal morning coat is made onl- in among them a very beautiful piece of the, rough a Seth black goods, furniture by the young men of Hie with a few in dark greys. village. wit I he associate a ; . Hage, with whom he a a ls The vogue of the mornine coat will very enjovalle evening was spent and ever diminish the popalarit of the iall join in wishing them a prosperous double-breasted frock coat, which is land happy married life. the only correct garment for certain | Mrs. McMachen, we are pleased to occasions. In England the lawyers, |, cain report is convalescent. The ius doctors and others are wearing double {fant child of George Neddo, we are in breasted Jrock suits, 'made of less for- {formed, is improving. Thomas Welsh, mal pat¥erns and Material than the j Lyndhurst, has completed painting dress garment. ith these coats they | and 'decorating the interior of Mr wear vests of fancy material and | Roasitrie's new addition. We afe again passed trousers of the same material as the | clad to report Mrs. J. Sykes conva- cont, . . | lescent and able to be out. George H. In the contest for supremacy in Chapman Smith's Falls, fashion of overcoats the conventional | through our village last week on his Chesterfield seems to always retain its way to Seeley's Bay. George is seek. favor. These are shown. this year in line more light. Several here have a larger variety of pattern, but the tapped their maples and report a most popular 'garment will always be good flow of sap. A number from the silk-faced or silk-lined Vicuna. [here attended the Horrerite meeting Fhe lighter and "comfortable covert lat California hast week. coat is regarded by mary men as the Henry Pennel, who made cheese in most sensible top coat to ship on in {the Somerville factory last season, the late sjwing and carly summer, called on friends in the village last The increasing desire for something | week, on his way : home from Perth different and exclusive has been solved Heary is buiiding a cheese factory . near Perth and will enter business on This Is Best Time his own account. All his friends wish him success. Miss Ella Smith, Jones' . . » Falls, was, last week, the guest of For Spring Medicine Miss Ai Bell-Dawson. Mrs. Charles Dawson and son, Clifton, visited friends in Kingston last week. James Taken, Now the Blood is Renewed | Somerville, Jr., is at present confined Disease Germs Are Destroyed, fo the house ith grippe John Bie : phens and wile, Elgin, were 1 ouests Good Summer Health is As- of his sister, Mrs. James, one day last sured. week. ? E That peculihr weakness so common! At a public meeting held in the in the spring, is demoralizing to body | Presbyterian church, the 16th inst, it and mind alike. was decided to secure the services of 'Stupid, absent-minded and dull, you {an ordained missionary to fi] the va: feel the need of a stimulating tonic, | SANCY soon to gecur in the absence of To impart. quickness and great vit- | Rev. Mr. McDodald, who hae received ality to the entire system nothing a call from near Ottawa. John Rod- | acts like Ferrozove. dick. Lyndhurst, called on friends, In a short time it makes you feel while on his 385 to Portland, Inst fit und fine, creates o feeling of youth | I hWrsday. J. Simpson. Seeley's Bav, " with his sawing marhine, is in this Xerrozone revives amd braces the Beighharhoud, Many of the farmers sickly because it nourishes and builds {fo 4, 2°04 laree piles of wood.eus, up up the organs that are weak, As a Ed eo i lan, Re Spi x, 4 > a nthe a E. Stevens. John McMachen, from A" well know dent, of Utoni Vermont state, arrived hero las DWH resident, opin, [6 attend - the funeral in wi Ont., H. H. Poste, writes: "From who died in Delta. J. C Judd To losg experience I am convinced that ronto, is again in the Village on basi spring. As a rule the blood is thin Teank railway. and impure and the whole system is last ---- - congested with poisons be carried off. I use F . it clears up the system, ApS . - Rounttie vas, gues! . - that should {ston and family, of Addison ogy hn because on ha secured the services of r. Lamm; & engitieer o i You an appetite and makes | summer, "i Coun has ie agile angther onsiguinent of wheat via B. : th y 4 ik W. railway, mn Lyndhurst, Wil- aches, and extreme tired feeling. 8 liam Jacob ad ily vig i was not restful and' by spring I was {from the village to their in bud shape. 1 took bash settlement. Ferrozone and of v 31, 1908. WPT, mis sdmber of th oung men fr antiapate taki a trip to the dian North-West this spring. D. Car bell, furniture 'dealer, of Elgin, livered some very nice fury residence of Mrs. Jo tions Jaade to the newly-mar and groom, ed bride ly Carried. Re Joyce and 1 Fownship of Pitts burg--J udgment (IL) on application by Luke Joyee to quash a local op tion by-law of the township. It conceded an the argument that if the poll clerks and deputy Yelurnine offi cers had mo right 'to vote, there was not a three-fifths majority of votes in favor of the by-law when submitted to the electors for approval. Held, that, inasmuch as sec, 37, of the municipal act expressly provides how deputy re- turning officers and poll clerks may vote on by-laws, they were entitled to vote on the by-law in question. It was further objected that the deputy returning oflicers and poll clerks were not entitled to could not properly take the oath which may be required of a person claiming to vote, because they re eve pay for their services. Held, that the oath has no reference to services of the kind, and if there were a prohibi tien agamst deputy returning officers and poll clerks voting on a by-law there would also be one in munmeipd! elections, where they have an un doubted right to vote. It was also objected that the by-law had received its third reading before the sc rutiny was completed, and that the present application was made in respect of that by-law. Jt was admitted. how ever, that a third reading had beep given to the by-law after the scrutiny and within the time provided by the act. Held, that no effect could he given to this objection. M the first reading of the by-law wa tive, the last reading was dismissed with costs. 7. J Rigney for applicant; J. | Whiting, K.C., for the township corporation COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets, For the month of vole because they not effec Motion February, gross earnings of fifty-nine roads ir the United States have decreased 10.7] per conf v On Saturday next, the price of trea ury shares of the Yukon Basin Gold Dredging company will twenty cents The output of the Crow's Nest Pass collieries Tor the week ending March 27th was 15,688 tons; a daily averse 'of 2,615 tons : 4 Ottawa will issue $1,000.553 deben tures and will offer them to Parr': bank in accordance with a loan agree ment made with the bank when money was tight Gold production of this month, as houses in Londen, will aggregate 530, 000 ounces; fine, the last June, The February output was 541 .93C ounces, The timber output bf winter, was 906,000,000 feet, and the indications are that these figures will be about scarcity of labor prevented operations advance the Transvaal estimated by Kaflis smallest sine Maine, last equaled this' year The to a large degree It is said that the directors crease the capital of the Ogilvie Flour Mills company to 82.500.000. It is the ambition of the management to mak: the Ogilvie compdfy one of the lary est and most extensive in the world Ihe | t statistics on French post al savings banks only come down « 1904. Then there were 7,553 bank with 4.345 446 depositors ind de posits, including interest due Deeen £229,158,200 will in ber of per dent. compound the money stringency is sffect upon ecommerce the fact that th toms receipts at Toronte for the per from $1.020372:87, in 1907, to 8778 328.85, in 1908, a difference of 5212 044.62 The American Tobacco company issued & denial that it is in tion with the American Society Equity, an growers in Kentucky purchase of the tobacco cre and 1997. It has been negotiations had Ix the purchase of these cent box of Dr. Tablets will kill any pain, everywher in 20 minutes | oughly ' sale. Painful women, neuralgia, ete. alter one tablet. All dealers. from 987, to 99.95 JUDGE CLUTE'S DECISION, eH Held That the By-Law Was Legal- 106k Mareh-10th --to-25 th tne organization of tobaceo | relative to the | of 1906 | Pain ean be quickly stopped. A 25 Shoop's Headache | Besides they are thor- | periods with | guickly cease | Nutrition Out of Balance 'A medical term to denote that your entire assimilatory and excretory systems are out of gear, A condition not at all un- common in Spring. Nourishment is re- quired without burdening thé digestive organs with food--nothing meets the case so well as "BOVRIL"--the most concen- trated and easily digestible nourishment in the world. ; "BOVRIL" is a pure preparation of beef. SALE OF FURNITURE r We Will Continue Our During March. A few lines of Mission Furniture, suitable for Dens, at special prices. Combination Buffetts, from $25 to $75. Furniture, big reduction Parlor Sett, for $1.00 $85 for $75, 3-Pieces Mahogany Sett, from $25 to $45, at 230 Princess street. Plate Racks, regular price, $4.50, for $1.50, Iron Beds, from $2.50 to 25. Marshall Sanitary and Ostermoor Mattresses, at Sale R. Jd. REID, Prices, Solid Mahogany Bedroom in 'Solid Mahogany, $1.2! Phone, 677. Mathieu's Syrup OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL. DOES) CURE every kind of . gh and cold easily, quickly fand permanently. Don't suffer any longer than i Siyou can help. Get rid of that nasty hacking cough, Cure syourself of coughing- at night, i Don't be robbed of your sleep. iMatbiea's Syrup soothes the ir- 'ritated surfaces of the throat fand lungs---heals the bronchial dtubes -- aids expectoration, istrengthens your system and Jcures you in no time. The Best Cure Mathieu's Sy- : . rup taken in i For the Grippe conjunction dwith Mathieu's Nervine Pow- ders, is now the surest cure for iGrippe. The Powders reduce il ithe fever and banish all the aches and pains from your body while the syrup has a notable tonic effect on the -- NN I Sr 05 5 isteind 51 Wasbongren, 11. 5. 3 and Crue, Cassin a -------------- system. i m-- When you get a cold obtain the best cure there is, n ven a -------- a Get Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil. Large bottle 35cts. - The Nervine Powders are 25cts. a box of 18 powders, From all dealers. J. L. Mathieu Co., Props, Sherbrooke, P.Q hn i bibs Me i LET LIL I™1 FP 1.0™ all Ba Pull Bud Dd Bed Ted LY TO OM . ? Druggists, Grocers and Bakers! It will pay you to look over Bulletin No, 143, recently issued by Inland Revenue Department (Ottawa). , It contains Government reports on Cream Tartar. Study it carefully, and after doing so we think you will always insist on getting § GILLETT'S CREAM TARTAR The report does not do this Company's go~ds justice in many ls ways, yet you will readily see we make the best showing. PW -Chemically pure Cream of Tartar means that which contains um Bitartrate. nd out none testing less than ; ig - i . Lia cata ecg a. tien ot ela

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