~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1908. fh SPMLEDITION ISK FOR LEGISLATION... WANT HOR m They Are. S Dei INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, |r CRYSTALIZE THE FIND.| Dr Meer vos fod Deine: |SIX THOUSAND = TEXTILE, WORKERS | {the city, 4 owsy Paragraphs Pleked Up Wi INGS OF COMMISSION. | Avthuz. Reilly -contiunes to Boprove f | "eperiers Oa ap. he 1 Jeef, Iron and Wine, a spring toni at the Hotel Dieu. obs : A Young Lad Was Bun Over By , Jobn - (Neil, Portsmouth, leaves | Petition | Premier of Quebec to! Train and Killed--Said That |hortly for Montreal. Allow Their President to Hold! Miss Gertrud v, Railton, : Deer Have Been Slatghtered at | ae Mi le Haggert, Auten His Court House Position | iy is visiting Miss Carmel Beaupre. Has Violated the Law. sok ' out mg business on Bin i ot Perkins Mills, | Miss Veletta Cockade is leaving on ! | we 14 JF. « i | wés o Danie coves, , dor | Ottawa, March 31 --A conference is | ® Visit to friends at Fish Croek. Montreal," March 31. --Premier Gouin Edward Beecher and Stax wey Gould | was presented with a petition, to-day, $i, 500, The latter intends to make | I i procesding, to-day, between u deputa- | many alterations and, improvements. c 4 ty aid rations i Cutt, oyeme of | tion ol lasiters apd grain men from | hate left for Hath on a business trip. | signed by 6,000 me ers of the Fod- | | tartar ayd molasses. S Sod. in. Ring. f the west and Sir Richasd Cartwright, is Laurctta Beaupre is | visiting] eration of Textile orkers, asking | : | her sister, Me, F, R. Burns, at Bul-| that Wilfrid Paquette, | i | i sold in Gibson's Red : ross drug} store, i William Robinson, boat Reiter. as ei. ston only at Gibson's Red Cross drag! minister of trade and commerce, The 8 the president, vy , 3 € purport of the request of the farm- | tato. "7 he permitted to hold his 'court house . store, AND Bn Cacho ion of the city | ers' interests is that the fimding of the | fz. o J. Harty and Miss Mabel] position, at the same time retaining | will meet at their respective halls: on grain commission, last year, should | Seawnlald returned home, to-day, {the presidency. Attacks' were recently INSURED fl} Sunday uext at seven o'dock, an id [be erystalized into Jegislation. The So Hawa, made on the government for retaining } Hard: 10 88. 'Mary's cathedral, to | minister was sympathetic and pro- Ir Aha) Sriends of Capt. Thomas | him as an official while holding the Bl | their' nnnoal Lenten' communion. imised w ecousider the matter, { Donnelly will be pleased 10 hear that | labor position, which occasioned con- Telephone aggon = Croup positively checked | Walter Grey, stealing a ride on a C. | be is improving daily siderable prominence in labor difficul- x nies ap hoon 9 min ea mip PR. train out of Ottawa, thinking it Miss Carmel Beaupfe and Miss Mary! ties, Paquette, in consequence, resign- | to call, LS remedy acts Tike magie. No vomit was going west, jumped off just out- J Hitins or maths spent the past! od the federation presidency. Now the | nothing harsh. A simple, sale, plea- side of the «ity limits. Tho: tendar Miss J M ioe workers, with whom he is popular, | sant, pendable croup syrup. Buk. | TOR OVer him and he was killed. 158 Jean McCallum, Glenburnie, bas | want him to be allowed to hold both { All dealers. é Wholesale slanghter of deer is re- | been accepted as nurse-in-training in jobs. The first. rehearsal for the new |Poritd from Perkins Mills, where it is Ringwion general hospital. ' The Merchants' Protective Associa- "Zephra," 10 be put on by - Prof. said foxes may be seen eating the | J. S. Turner leit, to-day, for Chat- tiot, an organization for account col: 5 noch for St Andrew; s church, was meat of the carcasses, As this is the Jom to end the funeral of his | jection purposes is being proceeded gh) held, on: Mandav large number | Cl0% season, the matter was brought | thorns ow Po 5 Martin. against by the syndicate of the Mont i | were present and a" different parts to the attegtion of the Hull game { recdurich fo od s, University avenue real Bar Assqciation, as having vie- | were carefully explained to thm. warden, who, it is alleged, refused to | left, on onday night, for Toronto, lated the law with respect to such T P prosecute unless provided with the | where he has secured a position. Ek 1 ; Mares : | hose unhappy persons who saffer : F the 'wailts tim "The Mrs. M. B. Malcol i h Work, It appears that the Merchants | from NErVOUSNess ahd dyspey sia Dyes 0 e gui ty tr hea. he pro: b a Pam) ' om returned to her Association has taken a lot of collec should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills | Vincio authorities will be notified. home in Pembroke) to-day, alter visit- > ing her mother, Mys, H. B. Savage, | | tion work away from the lawyers. which are made expressly for sleep: Bh 8 less, or TeEYOuS, dyspeptic sufferers FXPERIENCE OF A DOG. ha Pw HM ibeon, the Red Cross drug- HONORED BY THE MIKADO. ' ce 28e. jed Pul ist, 'who is ill in the ge lI hospital} ... .. The Young Peoples' Society of the It Tried to Str 3 & em, or a pa A Severe ah oO probe emp. Victim of Koreans Decorated-- First Baptist church held an open be: around in a few days. Family Provided For. ! : : meeting, last evening, at which Rev A big collie dog, owned hy a farm. | "yp (Capt.) PF. H, Lawrence re-| Tokio, March 31.--The & } Mr. Whitmore, Calvary church, gave a |er, came into town, this morning, and 3. tod y ' i lah peror has - Wi , ; . pl a an ap, one Yat 1b turnec o-day, after spending the] bestowed upon the late Durbam White The most complete assortment of Price most interesting address on phases of ast ten days visiti ol missionary work in Newfoundland. Mr. | will not forget (or some time. The (h t W oo ng friends and ref Stevens who was assassinated in San fenda eof the . t. | latives a arburton and vicinity. Francisco by a Korean, the decoration Whitmore spent ten years in the work ender on one of the street gars a : : 5 ) ' Re , : varied | tracted the attention of thé canine Col. Buchan, CMG, commanding | of the Grand Rising Sun, the highest ' of pin 3 ye " - rie i TT , MU >t s » » 3 ol 3 and he decided to investigate. The | Quebec command, is grunted the tem- | order ju Japan. The Japanese goy In Kingston now awaits your pleasure. | car was travelling at a lively clip, | porary rank of brigadier-general in the | ernment will give 150,000 ven (about J but the dog managed to reach the Canadian militid, from April Ist. $75,000) to the family of the murder | fender: He gave a snarl and in a very.| George A. Stephenson, of the staff | ed diplomat, and the Korcan govern 1 ! Capt. Geoghegan Home. angry moog went as if about to take {Of the Rockwood Hospital for the In: | ment will give them 50.000 yen, in all o REASON WHY Capt. John Geovheyan, customs of- |, Lite gut of the fender. But he found | 380, Kingston, is visiting his father, | about $100,000, ave Yon shouidn to . hata ar tor? ficer, returhed home, last night, from | that he was up against a hard pro- enrge opha nson, of the Central ~~ D Onin o Weok shaving. When we can sell] Point Alexandria, and citizens can | tion. In another second he found { hotel, Brockville. Mr. Shepley Got $82,000. b rawers You n Razor complete for $1 {now take it for granted that spring | himself turning a couple of somer- | William Day, of the ' local Crown Ottawa, March 31.--Since 1896 CG. F . . The Bver-Ready with 12 Blades | |, arrived sure. The captain is look saults, and when he landed on his | Dank branch, has been granted a six |g, epley, K.C . has drawn fre . gh \ Nightgowns Wllvery one gowrentded or your money | ing hale and hearty, and says that he feet, he set up a how! that was most months' leave of absdnee, owing to dominion government the os 8 » Ny rebiuded glad to get back to Kingston. H pitiful. The dog received no serious | ill-health. Miller Bryden, of the Bath 000, of which the prine spel pr 2, W. A. MITCHELL, Hardware |v. away two months. His host of }ininries, but his escape was somewhat | branch, is taking his place Grand Trunk Pacific. Bod yon . Corset SPE OUR WINDOW. friends around town will be pleased to miraculous. No doubt when he comes The death occurred last week of a legal cases, $9,060. labor department Y A ---- oe his smiling face again to town again, he will keep away | Kingston young man, at Cambridge, 247 railways ¥ i I ho 24 pg Covers -------------------- from the street ears. Ohio, in the person of J, Fallon, son auditor OEE 3 oon canals, 324.875, Howard Ganson White, for vears ac mrli------ of the late Michael Fallon, who for general, $1,900; finance' depart- 3 v o 008 2 4 3 oki mont {insurance company), $25.135 | tive in the business life of Syracuse ANOTHER : APPEAL many years lived on Patrick street, : ) i, m N.Y., and at one time owner and edi- : Mrs. Henri Panet, of Ottawa, was Gerald White was informed by Mr ] e ses o Fisher, in the absence of Sir Frederick tor of the Syracuse Standard, died, Against the Pittsburg Local | the hostess, on Saturday, at the tea Borden, that no arrangements had ki on Monday afternoon, at Willigmsport, Option By-Law hour, in honor of Mrs. J. J. Harty [| 0" de § } & i A \{ J 1 5 Pa. Heart disease was the rvause of] Pp oy i i and Miss Brownfield, of Kingston. The ade for the training of the per his death. I. .J. Rigney, solicitor for the Pitts- tea. table, daintily arranged, Was pre- manent foree or the active militia at ] y : aL ; y ! : bo Redd (Cross moth destroyer, sold only burg partiés 'who petitioned for the sided over tw Mis. Victor Rivers and Petewaus this season. i | They are well made. { there, abd is familiar with the | experiences of migsionary effort in this old colony. will be taken. At the hearin~ before : : : \ » ro Justice Clute, of Toronto, last week, ane a Tat nian J . Was An Essex Girl. \ 4 me d and yet the charge at indes ad voted was for a few rays, - the guests of : bis ex, Ont., Mareh 31. ~a& Boston, \ / I'he prices are the lowest not pressed. Now it w w, and the gb a 3: Bhar 11 ass despatels says: Th 4 \ 7 . >= Eman . petitioners hope to shaw that enough pe Sherwoud: Hubbell, at the death there of Mrs. ra N in K ingston for the better ka : TY and she died in the arms of Adjourned Sale. sight, When ee pisnieen il. when her husband of three months At the adjourned sale of city lands d sia eochinlite trem A ---- . ne for her, but she gradually grew L I * d for taxes, on Monday afternoon, the [yore and asd away on Momiay Another Yeggman Cared For. | aces, nsertions, Tuc san a ings. . 9 following prope rties were sold : afternoon. . Stratford, Ont., March 31. Giedrge Thursda Mornin 8 3 C 00 To the city corporation--Northerly The late Mrs. Knight was horn in Thoms, arrested in Toronto a few Ls ; 5 J ta ' . Z part of lot 27, east side of* Colling- Kingston, her maiden name being | Weeks ago, and brought here charged . oy. Taxes, 1901 to 1906; total, 859.28. | wae a kind, loving wife and mother ? : i 3 : ad } ' e and me ble is ck o broug § 3 ret later } season, In neat designs and colors, trimmed with "ihe funeral will take place on Wednes. bl Fronts Chistiek, wh Drought *A; impossible to get later on inthe season ' "Ma's New Husband." ° day afternoon. Ottawa, Ill, out of which grew a ' fancy stitched braid, regular values 70c., In "Ma's New Husband," which chargehol Kidnapping, was. yononiay T " 90c $1 00 for comes to the Grand on Saturday, Knives From Horseshoes. dismissed by the government. Man Do his. : os ¥1L.UY, April 4th, matinee and night, play-| Old horseshoes find a ready market minors were allowed to illegally vote 4 gloom in Rutland (Mass.) Sanitarium makes i, wood street, assessed to B. W. Folger, Margaret Megahéy. She lived with her | with burglaries committed in Strat- goers and music lovers have in stofe! i. China. One steamer alone, last One of the oldest and best known! to carry the by-law, MH they succeed PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY. Crane, who was Miss Katherine Jean Taxes, 1901 "to 1906; total, $84.63. parents at Elginburg, but had resided [ford in Fébruary, was, to-day, sen- a rare feast of comedy and song. | November, brought 300 tons of this | residents of Clayton, Ont, and the The book is by David Edwin, wholserap iron from Hamburg. Chinese | surrounding country, passed away in| Wh Not You ? C. CI hus several farce successes to «his iron dealers buy the horseshoes and | the person of Uzias Banningg at the! . shi ; . . ; dn w Lennox was told by Mr, Olive ¢ Red Cross drug store. & lquashing of the local option byslaw, W. Rutherford. as told b r wer t | 3 : | at Gibson's Rec " i passed. last January, on the ground Mr n wr ahprione of the topoora: Shat the ? Sokal amount paid to W. B i t They are correct in style. EE ---------- that minors and others not entitled K. = ives : nnex, formerly commissioner of the k i \ . * a : i 4 phical survey of Canada, Ottawa, in- 141. issioner of the i iy They are prettily trim- in Suis [tention the hy- ew will be Millar, of Essex; Ont., where she was igs The materials are : declared null and void, and Pittsburg |. 3 ¢ | 8 school teacher. While a tient t will not lose its drinking places this Death _ Be eay Jtsrsoom, . the sanitarium she et dit Fi Whi Co year at least. If the by-law is sus rs. 0 er night. physician, Dr. + Bayard 1. Crane. It tne ite ottons tained, the township's drinking places Mrs. Robert Knight, for many years was a case of love at first sight, They | Also the southerly half of lot 28, east [{ (je city for seventeen years.. She | tenced, by the polico magistrate, to » side of ( ollingwood street, awvessed was a woman beloved by all who had | five years in the penitentiary. He is! to B. W. Folger. Taxes, 1901 to 1906; | je pleasure of her agquaintance, and | only twenty yearh of age, and was w! ! . total, $45.96. Sher death was learned with sincere | pat of Schaefer, who was, VeRterday, | * = 3 ren' S aril by J. 3). Harper Lot 5. South tide Pegret by her many friends. She is | sentenced, - at Berlin, to fifteen years | of Joseph street, assessed to survived by her' husband and = two |in the penitentiary, on a similar! Your comple 1 0 1 r : th 3 , L : ete ring Outfit or your Folger. Taxes, 1901 to 1906: total, daughters, Mrs. Maloney, of Toronto, | charge. | mj . Si g y credit; the music and lyrics he the| soll them to knife and tool manufac: | advanced age of seventy years, De-| rHisnoun, i song Bg George turers all over the province of Shan- | ceased for many years kept a general| ; "tetcher. is mirthfil, musical farce tung. It is claimed by the Chinese | store in that village and has also fills] To fit ages 6 to 14 years, . offers light entertainment of a breezy! 4 .¢ the temper of this class of iron | ed the position of postmaster for some Yukon S ] must cease to dispense liquors after, {& much respected resident of King- | oop married last _ Christmas day Flanneletic Dresses HI: Niro lots 17, 18 and 19, wext land - Miss Nettie, at home, and to re | Trousseau and have it placed aside until side of Nelson street, north of Prin-| them much sympinthy will be express- Constable Dismissed. | required and in this wav secure a choice | '¥ . 4 and refined character, and it has been! makes it the best obtainable for | time. filling theatres to overflowing in 2 knives and cutlery and also good for For first-class toilet waters, per- the cities visited this season. bel Gther tools. The reason ascribed for | fumes, ote, go to Gibson's Red Cross musical numbers run from solos 10} gis is that the constant beating the drug store. KX sexteites ahd vary in theme, from| joes have received under the feet of E "Galician boy, named Goerle, was | "Ll" ) had voted, states that another apveal spector of Dominion surveys, accom- » was 891,14 or Muy lst ston, passed away very suddenly, 'on The d l b . d N. . k . ------ Monday afternoon, "at her home at hi mes heme youn in he south, | Lons ate Cam rics an AINSOORS. SALE OF TAX LANDS. 368 Barrie street. Deceased, who whs ory. Siugat sompele recpy. : fr nT sixty-eight years of age, had been' en Her pulmonary trouble, however, re- | T l i i I & Four Parcels Were Sold at the! joying good health up .to Sunday turned, : AD rimmings are 0 m rol eres, oess street, assessed to Lawrence Ken- lod, in their bereavement. Deceased Winnipeg, Man., March 31. Consta n ums tomedy 'and' sentimental to parody, pores given them a peculiar killed by wolves near Fulton Mills, 's and topical. Most of these have temper absolutely unobtainable in any Rask. proved to be popular and catehy. other way, and that tools made from them are superior to all others. D Are Your Hands Chapped ? : DOOGCTROTEOC-0-0COTRECOTEIRY mer Dresses gon Bc = Tester" and cause pain that can Winnipeg, March 3l--Late last night A ril Plain White Muslin, also Fancy Checked grokied by rubbing on Dr. Hamilton's | Ald. Manning endeavored to move in P . 2 'os a_i. Dorothy Dodd Chambrays, handsomely trimmed with powerfilly _astispetic is Dr. Hamil-(to negotiate with the Winuiges Els: Showers Lzie. New Spritig Styles ton's Ointment that all skin irrita-| tric company for the pu holdings a 5 : { A Dr. Hamil in this , including. the embroidery insertion. Regular valaes Sion. in cured at once. 2 v. Hamlet holdings in Suis. i ini hing Will soon be hate. and you $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 for \ plants, the total value will need an és Opgning Of Cheese Board. $14,000,000. The motion was even ) The innugural meeting of the Fron. | tially changed into & notice of mo- tenac cheese hoard will be held in the Hoh, I ome w a fortnight hence. 2 Fad « | Whig hall, on Thursday. Apeil 16th, [Al Manning will then intrgduce a m re a » at 1:30 The. election of officers motion paving. the vay for aa Be ! gr tiations the | of buying out : will wl take 'place nd Java for the Re TompaiEy on aha basis eh exlculated # Pash YOars. " ot had a met ta senae |om the market value of te shares. Ss. Sell a superior grade WN RRT and 1 it espe (hat this year will Vent Tos oy. Well cansthueted and - with - en susceashul. The ice boats are in use on both |§ - Preached Brockvill a sides channel now, to get v e carry well selected Brockville had In . Cape Vincent and return. The ice on I'§ stock for both ladies and Rev. . Prof. Jordan, of Queen's Uni: |this side is now ting quite thin, | 3 tlemen | with choice the pulpit at both hut thet in ly in getting that will appeal to gver wi ts. In all probabil { § in both style and price. ity the steamers will be A you : y i this time next week, and X whistle of the ald Pierrepont will likely be the first to be heard. WEERAREEEETEERE EEE ; ) $3 OOO OOOO x L BAR TTREREN