Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1908, p. 3

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'4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. ---- _ = TT » a 8500000000000 s000onsccscencees pring Millinery In selecting one of our hats you obtain mor? than merely a hat that becomes you. Individpality, exclusiveness, expert work- manship and worthy materials are a part of every one. In buying one of our Hats you also buy an exclusive style. . You will meet no other hat like yours. ' cit, AMM 0... el, A 0 FA SAA A A No extra charge for exclusive styles. We charge you less for the Hat, and give you more of Style and Beauty. Let us prove it. Dress Goods See our New Spring Suitings: Broad- cloths, Panamas, Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, etc, in all wanted Colorings. Also our beautiful display of Dress Ma- terials and Trimmings. ! | {Cru CRUMLEY BROS. oR CASH COUPONS, Sseeeescersesssccecccscsscacscsececaccecces The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits info any case requiring life insurance. Before placing ybur insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED -----Apply--Office, 18 Market St. 'J. O. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont, If You Want a New Suit, Comb to Us 'and We Will Try to Treat You Right. who make a business of clothing men. We oh the markets for junk, job lots refused iby other merch- pick our patterns . that suit us, notthose thatcdfa' suit ¥ erlow. Je create styles which we know are up to the tick of the k. We don't sell you cotton at all wool 4 We wish to sell you the suit wish time; and while a profit on'it.' We sh ber you are 'healthy, y Suits to buy in years to Tone. ; Suits, $10 to - PINS eee en GUILTY OF fF FORGERY AN ENGLISHMAN IN TROU. Heavy Winds Did Great Damage | Hamilton, April 2.--"Andy" son, a voung Esglishman guilty at the police court, ing, to committing forgery. He beard- ed with Jennie MeMichael, and to sqware ber account gave the woman a check for $26, forging the name of Donald Fraser. Ferguson also forved the name of Ueorge Elliott to a check for $10, and umsuccessfully tried to enter the check at several stores. When he was arrested, another forged check and some bank check forms were found on him. He was remanded un- til to-morrow for sentence. The high winds, yesterday, so stir- red up old Lake Ontario that con- siderable damage was done at Bur- lington Beach. Verandahs were de- steoved by the score, the foundations of some of the cottages were almost washed away and the lake shore pavil- ion of the Hotel Brant was wreeked, There was a danger of some of the steel towers of the transmission line of the Electrical Development com- pany being undermined at the north sicle of the piers, but the company re ports that stood the strain. Newsy Lalonde, Donald Smith and F. Cumming, late of the Cornwalls, have been engaged by the Hamilton lacrosse club, The announcement was made this morning. Lalonde is to be playing manager of the team. These three stars will materially strengthen the local team, AN EARLY ELECTION. The Provincial Battle Month. Toronto, Ont., April 2.--Ii informa- tion obtained from conservative sources is reliable, the prediction of Hon. A. G. Mackay to the effect that the provincial election will be held on May 25th will be found nearly cor- rect. Two conservative candidates stated, yesterday, that they under- stood that May 25th would be about the date. This early election, of course, is in accord with the pre- mier's declaration, yesterday, to dis- solve the house early next week. It seems that every portion of business will be rushed to go to the country at the earliest possible moment. SAFE BLOWN OPEN And Everything in it Was Carried : Off. Blythe, Ont., April 2.--Last night, between, twelve and two o'clock, James MeMurchie's private bank was broken into and the safe blown to pieces and evervthing taken. The burg- lars gained entrance by forcing the front door with a ecrow-bar, and used dynamite on the safe. Two good-sized men, strangers, fairly well-dressed, who slept in a farmer's barn, about two miles from here, the previous night, are supposed to be the guilty parties. The amount of the loss is not known. In Favor Of Plaintiffs. Sandwich, Ont., April 2--Judge Hodgins, of the admiralty court, gave a decision in favor of the plaintiffe in the suit of the Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging company, who are working on the chavnel improvements, at Amherstburg, against the steamer Mil- waukee, for £3,000 damages. The Mil waukee became entangled in an old anchor chain picked up on the hot tom. One of the- dredging company's scows was called to the rescue, and while Is A Great Flood: Elkhorn, W\Va., April 2. Excepting the cloud burst of seven years ago, when one hundred lives were lost, the greatest flood ever known in the Tug River and Elkhorn valleys now pre vails. Hundreds of families are camp- ing along the mountain side, their homes being inundated, Three men were dfowned by the collapse of a suspension bridge spanning the Blue stone river, Three lives are reported lost at North Fork and two at Key- stone. Calling For Tenders. Montreal, April 2.-F. W. Morse, manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, who has returned from a trip of in- spection in the west, announces that the company has called for tenders for the construction of 129 miles of the road west of the most westerly section. contracted for which will carry the ling to Yellow Head pass into the Rocky Mountain district, Died Under Anaesthetic. London, Omt., April = 2---~Thomas Coley, who was struck by a vard en- gine in the C.P.R. yards, snecumbed to his injuries, vesterday, as the Vie toria hospital. He was placed under an anaesthetic for amputation of a partly-severed log. but. owing to loss of blood failed to revive. Doctors Highly Delighted. They say for fattening and nourish- ing. nothing excels the pure "So- ciete" Olive Oil, whith we import di- rect {rom France. We have it in seal ed bottled, fresh ' from Sunny Nice, 30e., oe. : and, $1 per bottle at Wade's Danger In A Fire. New York, April 2--Three pprsons were killed and fifteen injured, some seriously, and the lives of pestle a hundred others were endangered by a fire in a fivestorey tenement house at 41 Hester street, carly, to-day. I ------ a ---- Campbell Bros.' For new iescops hats, Bernard Mahon , Ottawa, BLE AT HAMILTON. | markatle Cast of Sixty, the steel structure with- | on Next) working on the tangle was run down by the Milwaukee, Hmusements, TO-NIGHT. vom of Cottanes amon. JOS. M. GAITES Washed Away. | Fergu- {Musical Comedy Success nid monn" The Vanderbilt Cup" ROSENFELD'S Presents SYDNEY adway 'Theatre Great New York Bro Cleanest, Most ( COMEDY Yet G 3ren with its Je and BARNEY OLDFIELD'S Great Automobile Effect, Special . Nothing ra, 25-50-75-$1 Mjihine Seats now on sale. SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, Bargain Matic at 2.30. Evening, 8156 HARRY Se or I' Conpany. in The Jolly Three Act Musical Farce, MA'S NEW HUSBAND Book by Davide-E in Music and Lyrics by GEO. F THER. 1656 Laughs in 163 Minutes. 20---Masical Numbers--20, Bargain Matinee, Children, Adults, 25. Evening, 15¢., 25¢ Seals now on sales ALL NEXT WEEK. Evenings, 8.15 pm or Matinee, Saturday, ROYAL « STOUT Beautiful Artist NELLIE KENNEDY Supported by her excellent company, of 18 players in a Repertoire of High-Class Plays, Polite Vaudeville and lllustroted (Songs. IMONDAY-"THE cow BOY'S SWEET- { HEART change of play and specialties nightly Popular p Nothing Prices 10 20 30 H her, Seats on sale Friday. For Monday night Ladies" Ticket ore 6 p.m., Monday. The Swiftest Movi Amusing MUSICAL to the American Pulildic, , 35c., 50e; Presents the only, Speeinl Limited to 300, "THE FAR WEST" Missionary's Life in eight A Portrayal of a apd work in "The Far West," scenes, presented in (Wo parts. Queen St. Methodist Church Tuesday Evening, April 7th 8 o'clock. Admission, 25c. (IN AID OF MISSIONS.) : » T. d. O'Connor Auctioneer and Comission Merch- ant 86-88 Brock street. All sales carefully coimductod--Prompt settlements made, Special attention given to Household Furpiture Sales. HORSES FOR SALE. Three horses Yelonging to the City will he sold On Marked, Square, om SATURDAY, April 4th, at 11 am, by W. Murray, Auctioneer. WwW, W. SANDS, City "Clerk. 1908, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL persons having claims against the estale of Fdna C. Osborne dectased. Send swe forthwith to the undersig HUBERT OSHORNE; T Queen 'St April 1st ACQUIT MINISTER. Chancellor 'Day Dismissed By Bishop Amid Cheers. New York, April 2.-- The charges pre- ferred against Chancellor Day, of Syracuse University, bv Rev' George { A. Cooke, Brandon, Vt., were ruled out of court by Bishop David H Moore at the opening of the = 109th New York <Methadist Episcopal eon ference, -vesterday. Bishop Moore, in dismissing the elarges, garded the complaint against Chancel lor Pay as a direct attack upon free speech and free press. The decision was greeted by cheers and applause. The charges against Chancellor Day contained five counts, and allegell that he had defamed President Roosevelt in some of his public utterances. Dr. Day "inade no effort to answer the charges." said he re -------- $20,000,000 FOR BUILDINGS. Every State Recognized in Appro- priation. Washington, April 2.~Twenitv mil lion dollars for the constriction of publié buildings throughout the coun try will be authorized in the omnibus bill, soon to be reported to the house committee on public buildings. The house leaders tried to keep the appro- priation down te $10,000,000, but they failed, They are now grinding their teeth in rage and bemoaning the day when they consented to the passage of a public building" bill" at this ses sion. A "pool" has been formed, how- ever, and every state will Be fecoghiz ed in the public building' fi i, rs the leaders must "how to the inevitable, Proposed Increase of Civil List to © * $3,980,000 a Year. Berlin, April 2, An, auth port is in _ciroulation: he mt soon will Be inteoduced int sian diet raising the civil list of i emperors : Thiy let Atl So of $3,930,000 a year, Shilton * rad the emperor as king of not as emperor of Germany; amish lat- ter position carries no salary. The explanation offered for raising the list is the imcrensed = cost of livia whieh bears pasticulady les heavily in the royal" household: beciase of the large number of children and other persons enim 3 the purse "of the monarch Seeks An Appointment. New York, Speil rhiicatife bik 15 cents if. purchased be- COND ADVENSEDERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word. Bach con secutive thereafter hall cemi a word, Minimum coarge for one sertion, 25¢. WANTED GENERAL, TO PURCHASE 5 TO 7 ACRES wWiTH dwelling, near city, Apply McCanp, 51 Brock street. WANTED--MALE. BALESMEN, FOR ""AUTO-SPRAY Best bend Sprayer made, compressed air, automatic. Liberal terms Cavers Bros, Galt, Ont. MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS THE are of hdtses. Must be recommen Apply w Dr. Kilbom, King St TWO CARPENTERS, AT bur Mine. Steady job the Wages per day Ap iy Iron Ore Co. Lad., Wilbur, Ont JHE Wile sar ro PLAIN SEWING DONE OF, ANY kind. Cuil or write to Mrs. Cayiless, 884 King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO PURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, Fiectrician, 206 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES uy oF yards or cellars, orm varted. Prices right. Rppiy 38 Lytle, General Carter, aia Se. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery, \ BOARDERS WILLING TO ROOM respectable workin, people Apply between § and 8 7 Quebec street. ™O together preferred. p.m, to TO PURCHASE-TWO STEAM Barges or Boats, suitable to install motive power in Sane, and carry a deck load. Give fil description capacity, age and price Address "Sand," Box S84, Montreal. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric i are always ready to do repair worl at moment's notice. Estimates fur- nished for wiring. Beautiful fmport- ed fixtures a gpecialty, Fresh Batl- téries and Sparkers om hand Tele phone, 441; 79 Princess street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. eighteen dollars weekly. positions will Syaip shops. Oon- stant practice Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course, Cata logue free. rite Moler Barber | College, Toronto. Help secure POSITION WANTED. HOTA, Restaurant, ete, !y Uhina Apply 881 King str: PUSTMON AS COOK, IN hinese Shin INFANTS' NURSE WOULD in family. Help lady and sew or take entire sick baby Good homo, Excellent refer- Division street TRAINED like position with baby charge of more than wages, ences. Apply 1 Kingston, Ont. LOST. LOCKETT AND CHAIN, BE Union and Purrie Ste. and Tuesday morn Whig GoLp tween Cor St. Mary's Cathedral, jog. Reward for return to office. 3 BUSINESS CHANCES. AGE? S MAKING SPLENDID MONE Y canvassing high-class ladies magazine Address National Business Methods lompany, Pearson Chamntwers, 17 slaide Fast, Toronto, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Snip Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters Ou Their Rounds. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Capt. John Barnard, of the schoone: Kitchen, , looking after the fit- ting out of the Vessel. Our assortment of Woollens is very choice. Call and see them, Crawford & Walsh, tailors. H. Cunningham, piano tuper from Chickering's.--- Leave --orders --at---Mo- Auley's book store. Cecil Clancey, of visitor in the city, vesterday. He left, afternoon, for Watertown. "Tarine" moth bags, the great fur preserver, . sold in Kingston at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store Willian Fahey, who has been ill at the Hotel Dieu, was able to return to his home, near Three Mile Point, yes terday. , Weak women get ing kelp by using Dr. Cure. These soothing, healidg, anti septic suppositories, with full inform: ation how to proceed are interesting- ly told of in my book "No. 4 For Women." The book and strictly com fidential medical advice is entirely free. Simply writé Dr. Shoop, Radive, Wis., for my book No. 4. Sold by all dealers, The funeral of the late Thomas Con- nolly took place, from his late resi dence. Wolfe Fland, Thursday morn- ing, to the Roman Catholic church where & solann requiem mass was sung. : Fresh tea " weeks after being gardens of the lsland of Ceylon (the finest | tea-producing country in the world) "Salada" reaches you. The flavor of tea consists in an essential oil, which deteriorates rapidly with age. la order to preserve the delicious favor of "Salada" tea it is packed ir sealed lead packets (never sold iv bulk), guaranteeifig you a superior 5 flavo~, quality, purity and oo in use, re OHA. senior cup has anived at last. This morning Major Can wlugham received it. The silverware aad falt be displayed in owe of the store windows. London Sends Its Tribute. London, Ont.--Miss Clara C, Col ley, Clarence St. has ex such remarkable benefit from "Catarrho- zone," she makes the following public statement : "For two vears | had » cortihuous cold in the head, and nev er used awything giving such aeick results as Catarrhozone. It positively Lonires. colds, consequently, 1 advocate | Catarrhosone strongly."'s No remedy possibly clear away catarrh and oid like Sota Catarrhorone beeiuse it's is here Napanee, was a in the prompt and last Shoop's Night all-important. Ten picked in the tes Foes eure; Treatment for To a So dollar and is Graduates eam twelve to | A COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER, TO sell hwooms on commission, between Montreal and Toromto. Apply J. A Gould and Co., comer King and Queen street, WANTED--FEMALE, APPLY IN THE Ww. Lesslie 57 GQ HOUSEMAID evening to Mrs. street. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL, FOR GEN eral housework. Apply ta Mrs Cunningham, 169 Earl street. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, ONE able to cook well Apply in the even ing to Mrs, Gildersieave, 199 King street. SERVANT Apidy nn the Shaw, 115 GENERAL no washing. Folx A Goon plain cook, evening. to Mrs, Bagot street. A GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO can do plain cooking and well recom mended. Highest wages Apply in the. evening, Mrs. Kilborn, 244 King street O-LET. STABLE, 3 STALLS Jas. Laturvey, Carriage Princess street, Maker LARGE FRONT BE DROOMS. WITH ! all modern conveniences, 160 King St., pear City Park. APPLY TO NO. 188 UNIVERSITY ANE sol 4 brick t hot 3 Cla a Stree CHEAP FOR CASH, ON} wg road cart, VALUABLE PROP} Pouble house, on property of the late son, now Steg as a dwe plumber s 8h Apply Falkem & Waikem RTY J oh A CHESTNUT STALLION, 16 HANDS high, good action, sound, kind and well broken. For andied Ly Dir, cGill For gt On, apply " Jas. Stratford, Privcess street, Kingston NO. 76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK with extension kitchen, 6 bed| rooms, hot water Matieg Recently renovate ed throughout. Possession 1st May Also pair of good houses Nos. 60 and 63 Wellington street, Apply A. B, Cunningham. CITY PROPERTY CHE AP Bagot St near City provements, 9 rooms sion No 204 King St stone house of about 12 reo 32 Ontario St, 12 rooms provements, hot water hea snap. Geo. Cll, Heal Estat Clarence St. MONEY AND BUSINESS OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers Examine them at lasurance Emporium, Mark- 'ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE ST FOR FURNITURE CLEAN Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. "Phons, 526. | ---- 251 UNIVERSITY AVE , 9 rooms, Apply at McCann's, 51 COR | | | TWO BRIGHT FRONT rooms one large, with study en suite Electric light, steam heat, locality central. Address "BD Whig office 'ON MAY 1ST FROM 1ST MAY, 1908, Earl street, at present occupied by Lieut. -Col." Hudon, C.M.G., heating and modern jmproverents Apply to Armstrong MeCormick, 102 Centre street, or Clarence street. FROM MAY 1ST sSTOone Princess and Sydenham Sts ent occupied by Y.W.C.A most desirable store for almost an kind of business For further pe txoulars, apply to Jy Parkhill Princess street. PERSONAL. PSYCHOLOGIST AND PALMIST Professor Hulstead stil continues at his rooms, 287 Kari St. Owing to continued popularity with the educat ed people of Kingston MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, removed Twenty years SED | Lake, Eye, HAIR, warts, etc, without scar 'Dr. Elmer J Throat and Skin Nose, 208 Bagot street. Specialist, REV, up w. Casson. A Human Leader Jesus is the greatest of the leadds in the because world's deep by his leaders because he wt things of life, aud sublime suciess in obeying his own ideals he has made it clear that all men may live on the same high plane Jésus is brought near to us by the perfection. of. his. life. He iree from that mistaken notion to be faulty is to be human, To In faulty" js sometimes to be Ik thai human. A fanlt is always never a human nature A fault is a survival from the wr imperfection. A virtue is a revel ation of off real and final state Rev. ( . BE. 8t. John. seis us necessity, in ox Casson, at 25 Address, Rev. C. W. for the Beacon street, Boston, Mass. literature. COMPETENT JUDGES. Beauty Doctors Endorse Herpicide Women make a business of beautifving other women come pretty near knowing what will bring about the best resalts. Here are letters from two, voncerning Herpieide "I can recommend Newbro's * Herpi- cide," as it stopped my hair from alling out ; and, as a dressing it has no superior. (Signed. ) who Bertha A. Trullinger "Complexion Specialist, "294 Morrison St., Portland, Cre, "After usiig one bottle of "Herpi- dde,"t my hair has plogped; Talling wt, and my scalp is entirely free from dandruff, "Signed: Grace Dodge, 'Beauty Doctor, "195 Sixth St, Portland, Ore." Sold by leading draggists. Send 10e n stamps for sample to The Herpd ide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, We. aud 81. G. W. Mahood, special agent, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness , for sale. Bale of Horses every Satvrdav. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. The Steel Institute Bax been incor porated at New York Mr. Drum mond, Montreal, is among the incor poratars, : Red Cross Sem Castor OF Sud brag NUMBER 158 | hot water | Thomas Mills, 79 | permanently, | Blemish | C. | [HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT| Insur ance Company vailable JOHN hot water furnace, H. | Broek | ARCHITECTS. ---- -------- | ARTIU rR ELLIS," ARCHITECT, o : ' ARCHITECTS, MER Building, earner Broek ftroets 'hone, 212 swith, Apert T, ig, Market Sq WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second floor over Mghood's Drug store, comer Princess and Hag ot streets Entrance on Bagot sireet 'Phone, 608 POWER & SONS, chant's Bank and Wellington {HONE y P ¢: Anchor Bu ie, 845, BUSINESS CARDS VLECTIIC CARPET CLEANING bw rig VI 0 Ving ' . and P ws cleanvd hy stean 1 Milne, 272 Pagot streot MARRIAGE LICENSES 8 KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER Oop Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St | that time of | | FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built to order and erected in place on short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Ltd, Kingston Foundry. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--8ir Richard Cartwright Money Jougad on City and Farm Pro erties. M aud Distisn- res Deposits 8S. C. MeGAll, Managing Director. IF IT 1S To get a sink set up or a hath room enstalled. I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID 60 Brook 1 ? 60 F k Bt New England Chinese Restauraat 1 King Street. Opell from 10.30 amv, to 8 am, the best place to got an ail round Lunch ig ae Str. Meals of all kinds on shortest and Chinese dishes ars 653, Provided the weather tures warm wadding will commen thiv week in di tricts of Mawitohn where the Jond ia bight andl well drained, only af' Gibson's Bal Cross oi sie] BAM ts Nt eg

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