} $ ¢ { $ } $ : $ ¢ 3 Et 3 } 3 i. WIRE WORKS Every Drop SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT (S.W.P. Prepared) ® can be depended upon to'do good work. Every can is Jull measure both as to quantity and quality. When you buy §. ".P. you get your money's worth, It wears for the longest time, covers the greatest amount of "surface. If yon want quality and economy buy §. W. P. Let us show you min Corbett's HARDWARE Good Spring Suits Hlaek and Bloes and Worsteds wingle or douple-breasted, high grade quality ~fully equal to tailor made, $11, $12 and $13.50 We invite Inspection of 'these Suits Spring Hats and Caps Big variety, Working Boots, Men's £1.40 woud line $1.50, ISAAC ZACKS, Princess street INTERIOR WOODWORK STORE but small prices £1.65, $1.90 fine Boots $2.15 from 2.75 Also to and OFFICE Fittings, House Fmish, in Quartered Oak, Cypress, Birch No of kind of wood your orders out Or any other need to send town, We can give you just as good a lob, right here on the spot. Get our prices anyway. Always pleased to furnish estimates S. ANGLIN & C0. Bay & Wellington Sts, "Phone, 66. RIGHT QUANTITY. lg P. Walsh, Coal Dealer BARRACK STREET. CRESCENT PARTRIDGE & SONS. Owing to increase in business we re- quire more work- room and have secured Factory (formerly Spenc- er's Lock Works), King St. West and will remove there about May 1st. LS Lith oN 4 JIT dishonest, ly, # 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AI APRIL 2, 1908, . THE WHIG, 75th YEAR| DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306 810 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, he pages, pub lished in parts on Monday and Thursday morn. ing at $1 a year. Je Snited States, charge for postage has to 0c. for "Daily; boc. for Weekly. Attached is one of the best Job Printing cheap Offices in Canada; rapid, Stylish, and work; nine improved The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd, EDW, Lk B. PENSE, anaging Director. Daily Whig. CENSURABLE, just DEPARTMENT 1 he Hon ate, not heen to which is unfortun- press has Adam Beck, "ministry of power" protection against since his is not an adequate uncomfortable and somewhat compro- situations. The Department of Agriculture nine horses to send For mising chose Encland for Canada's credit. choice of these nine from a minis- of the crown and his family, the department more censurable than those who permitted their animals to The charge of $1,710 for transporting, though a singularly did Mr. Beck's four in number. For the his how- to the ter is be exploited the large item, not cover own horses, carrying of these he paid out of own pocket. It that prompts menmihers to avoid even the appearance of evil in from ministerial van is a good rule, ever, per sonal benefits tage grounds. REFORMING THE SERVICE, The opposition made a serious mis- take with much it de- manded from the government to know what it was going t@®about the | he when, ado, civil service report, answer of the premicy at once The report would was dignified and satisfactory, was being be laid on the imtelligent discussion as soon as possible. As for the the official of the marine department they 'would be dealt with, to fear from the result, The Hon. Mr. Brodeur, could expected to act greater expedition than he and jt the printed desks of members for references to and the government had nothing minister, not he with any ap- pears to be doing. It was not a sur him, to have it said that the depurtment had clerks not as efficient as they He had suffered severely when an obstruction prise to probably, who were ought to be. on their account, the business of the house had oe- of curred for three days, while they were preparing a statement the opposition The deputy minister had a committee that the being wrongfully censured. Mr, however, staff was lacking in conscience, in the absence of the usual counts," in MUSINess transactions there was the finference that men were tha other words, they were taking graft, Mr. Brodeur was under obligation to ascertain definite and without delay, who these im- icials were, demanded, gone before of the house and admitted minister was Brodeur was scarcely prepared, for the declaration that the that "dis pecauous and offending but it was hardly to be expected that he could have matured his designs in three days The larger issue--how the civil ser- vice is to be permanently and success inlly reformed thought. How to eliminate the politi cal element is the question, The pow- is commanding serious Lor of appointment. must: be with some responsible persons, and it will be dif- ficult mit to select any persons and com the task of employing and pro- moting public officials 'withohi some care TENDER, supplies for BUYING GOODS BY Fhe of dominion service is made now as far as possibile by tender and contract, It to avoid purchase the is the only way, apparently, scandal, and yet it is not in. all re spects satisfactory. The articles chased under contracts have not been, a specification which pur called for guarantees their by There are of The ten- derers may supply what is called for, but not the better class of material, not the cheaper the long rum or more enduring, because it was not specifically called for. This fact has been established over and over again, and yet the contract system is the preferable, because it limits the ex- penditure and: keeps the demands of the service within the appropriation. Mr. Foster, in the commons, sprang a motion which he asked the house to consider noti-politically. It was to the effect that the supplies of the public service bo secured by tender and con tract, but that they be ordered and a purchasing committee, Whose power would be absolute. The members of this committee would be appointed for life, and se independent of the governient, however, and start off under suspicion of the opposition, and would in time become so arbi trary, and perhaps so corrupt, that the country would have occasion to rue its experiment. The obvious weakness of the Foster proposal was in relieving the minister or head of the department of the re- sponsibility which he should carry, and this weakness Mr. Fielding point- ed out. His iden was to emphasize the importance of the contract system, but to give the minister the latitude quality, some goods mamy varieties, in j tract, go far as practicable, especially i parliament, His motion, amending Mr. Foster's, was: "That all the supplies purchased for the the government on the basis of public tender and con- use of the various departments of large of goods are required; with regard primarily quality and price, and that all such should under the and direction of the minis- when quantities to | purchases be made authority ter responsible to parliament." This motion carried--against the will desire of the They | posed as great economists, had a | holy horror of the scandal of peddling to-day, and conservatives. and patronage, though in Ontario, this patronage is depended on by the | line of the smaller dealers in next election, CANADA'S CONSULAR SERVICE, Sifton, thos The spirited speech of Mr. 80 different from the who had preceded him in "the speeches of American ago. In press tage government many the American to the consular 1900, a writer for called which, Fugland, attention the advan- | service and France enjoyed in the the Orient the American concession of China, which joined that Russia, Germany markets of In of Great Britain | the great of | Shanghai, were some of the most sue-| & the and embraced city cessful business houtes, and here Buropean nations trained their young | men for foreign service. Her corps Great Britain maintained a of student when they passed an examination cand! i an} ap- | I i i interpreters, the Chinese language they were pointed to the consular service. | France, Russia and Germany followed | and it was point | States England's example, ed out that a United should be similarly fitted for the work | before that he ficient in the arts of his competitors { The on the they share of the consul | him, should not be de- lesson of the day was not lost | Americans. They realized what to do in order to secure a| the east, during the last seven vears their con-| | | { had trade in and has been wonderfully im- | the United China, indeed, have been keen to what the CRifese and Japanese want- ed and what Canada had for and the exports of our country have. been finding a market service The States government sular proved. agents of in enough discover | sale, to some extent, through these United States consuls. They not the agents of Canada, however, aml are only providing the foreigners with Canadian goods until they can be supplied from the United States. It is a matter of importance, there that Canada should have its own consular representatives, bright young it would be to find | ave fore, men, whose duty a market abroad for the products of the dominion, and lay the plans for the pemmanence of business relations. Mr. Larke, WwW. L. Preston; may be- doing the best they can for but their in Australia, and in China, the time, mission will become the more success- ful as the country sees the necessity and resources at the federal with all the vigour the command of govern- mient ' EDITORIAL NOTES protective tarifi immoral ? Who The civil gerviver commis: A says that? critic bas so far should be purchased | Whitney government to keep the votes | for: the | budget | debate, opens up an issue which was |, considered of prime importance by the | years | h of [3 4 ere yesterday, | lock | filled frames complete, {enteen, of Carmi, {from the flamed, at Chillicothe, of prosecuting the conquest of trade hs. i -- { forbad those who were divorced in the | | United States remarrviog in Canada -- Political only wrong i when it patronage | is afieets the liberal party. conservative government can ladle oa) {its pap and the faithipl can ijoy it and no harm can be done. ---------- | | The president and the secretary of {war in the United States are urging congress to give them an appropria- of. ¥73,000,000 with which to new battleships, armour-clad | eruisers and submarines for the navy, demurs. It has ' i i { tion build Congress reason to do so. | Am-------- | 'E. H. Southern regards the stage as one of the greatest teachers, and jf jit does its work aright it 'is 4 | teacher of morals. It has its good and 'bad actors, but it has its high Lideals. Music. and poetry. are refin: {ing, but there are some fearful musi- cians and some atrocious poets, and | the good should not be condemned on jaccount of the bad. ISSUE NEW STAMPS. April 2.--Hor. { Rodolrhe Lemieux, ge was * | * ; announced 4; that a new series of post- i! age stamps commemorative | {Hi of the Champlain tercenten- | [# lary will be issued at #! HH Ottawa on the third of #1 July, which marks the ex- | #M act anniversary of the : ¥ foundation of Quebec by Champlain, » ¥ * THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things - Short Metre All Sanitol preparations are sold at 25¢c. cach at Best's. Howard Mears died in Chicago from jaw, caused by a gunshot wound received March 10th. For that lame back use the 'Per fect" Belladona plaster. Sold at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. Austria has definitely rejected Great! | Britain's proposal for the appointment of a governor-general of Macedonia. Have your ey tested at Best's. Free examination by expert optician. 50ld- $1.50. William Deering, of Evanston. has made an unconditional gift of 825.000 to the Maine general hospital at Portland, Me. 4 Accepting a dare, Quebec, | John Finley, sev. HL, fractured his spine in attempting to take longer strides than his companion. "Rennie's seeds," the best that grow, Every seed is fertile. No old] stock to disappeint you. A full as sortment at Best's. A fourteen-year-old daughter of Jos. eph McCoppin rushed into her burning Home and dragged a baby in a cradle Ohio. one article in thé line ives so large a re- ne a good porous such as Car- and Belladonna There is no of medidines that g turn for the money stiengthening Rinses, fer's Smart Peckache Plasters. A vew gun has been invented by a Scotchman which, it is claimed, ean fire a projectileifrom London to Paris, | and without smoke, | The United. States battleship Con-| necticut is at San Diego. Admiral Evans is going north to receive treat ment at the mineral hot springs, near San Luis Obigpo, Cal. Pain, anywhere, can bé quickly stop- ped by one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Pains always means conges- tion--unnatvral blood pressure. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain - Tablets simply coax cohigesteéd blood away from pain eentres. These Tablets--known by druggists as Pr. Shoop's Headache Tablets--simply equalize "the blood | sircilation. and then pain. always. de: | narts in 20 minutes. 20 Tablets' 25 sion, and not a tory presumed to attack it. -- By the there was to have been way representatives with the Hydro-Elee- trie power might be signed. ment to make ? ---- man who extends his mon increases No anunounce- . 2 The business employs usefulness, operations, more and extends his his expenditure proportionately. the its business ex- Can govergment expand cept in the same manner ? _ Surely now the public accounts com- mittee will get at the the Cobalt Lake deal when the case (forcing silence on the government), has been discussed by the court. Why should the facts be hushed up now ? facts ia * Now it is the imperial government that is hampered with the incom- petency or hostility of the permanent public officials. Are we drifting to- wards the time when with a change of government there will be a change of officials ? Senator Cloran would, hy law, pre. vent persons divoreed by thé act of Canadian parliament, remarrying. He would have more sympathy from the people if he advocated a law which a meeting this week of the municipal | Commission so that contracts for | | Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free | | package. Sold by all dealers. James DD. Reid, warden of the Todi | ana penitentiary at Richmend, Ind., | has resigned in order that he may es | | cape participation in further hang { ings, The battle ships of the United States! Pacifie flect to arrive at Syduey, | Australia, September Ist next. They have been invited to visit Ho-| bart, 'erth, Adelaide and Brishane. | Major-General Adolphus W. Greely, soldier, Arctic explorer, scientist former. chief signal '- officer- of - thei | United States army, has been placed on the retired list of the army aveornt of the statutory age limit Livol, a tasteless and palatable pre- paration of cod liver oll combined; with Peptonate of lron, the best of tonies and blood producers, supqrior to all similar preparations. Ea« hi bottle fully guaranteed and money cheerfully refunded if not exactly as represented. 'Ivy it to-day and if you| do not get a dollar's worth of good] from a bottle, return it and get your] money. Good for old and young. Sold only at Best's. Four more appendices to the report | are on and! on | of the invéstigation nto the * Quebec! bridge disaster show that the engw neers failed to take advantage of any of the test data available. At Brampton a jury brought in a vefdict of murder against John D. Tearse for the killing of William Cuar- ry, the aged Peel county farmer, last Christmas day. Chief Justice Mere dith sentenced Tearse to be hanged on June llth, Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Omtment. To prove it 1 will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis, [ surely wonld not send jt free unless 1 was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint- ment would stand the test. Remember alone for say tinot matter so much as it would in a | place where the assessed value of pro { perty 1 Feetebrated Pro Witham Osler, | second reading | winter's close | accumulation of wastes. = HIE oF TAXATION 5 AWILL IT BE | INCREASED THIS YEAR? The Civic Finance Committee will Meet This Evening--How the City's Finances Stand--May/ Be No Increase. This evening, the civic finance com- mittee is to meet to take up the bud get. The question that interests the citizens is not what amount the board of works is going to get for | street repairs, but what the rate of taxation is to be levied this year Will the rate of twenty mills be ad- vanced to twenty and one-half mills in order to meet the city's needs? As pointed out before, the expenditure | this year wiil be heavier than ever | before." The board of education re- ytired an additional $3,000; removal | of snow from the street railway tracks | cost about $1,200, and there is a de ficit from last year to be provided for. | The increased assessment will yield | about $6,000 more in taxes, not | enough to balance the above three! i items. Other increased expenditures | are to be met, some of the aldermen are gniious to keep the tax rate down and it is thought that the council in the end will maintain it at the same figure and try and squeeze alone the best possible way. Uthers are in [a vor of increasing the rate bv hali a | mill, so that the civic departments may, not be hampered through lack of funds to do necessary work. They that Kingston's assessment is not high, and, therefore, the tax rate does is at the highest notch. There others who think that the assess ment is quite high. On the whole, | however, the assessment seems fair, | considering the very few appeals al lowed by the court of revision during the past two or three years, and last year in particular. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets. The output of the Dominion Coall company dor thus, month wil} total about 530,000 tons. The Marconi Wireless company 'of America, in statement, values its good-will ut $5,491,000, A new hee, built by company, will extend from Southeast Ohio and Illinois fields at a ¥2,000,000 An important event the Ottawa lumber industry is the by J. R Booth of all his three-ingh deals to be cut in 105 to Messrs. Lox and Bur stall, who will ship thém to the Brit ish market Last year the Dominion Coal com pany mined something over {hree mil lion and a half tons, and, with the successful operations, of the new gnine, they are confident of reaching four | millions in 190%, i A New York stock on Saturday sold for $65,000, The pre Vious sale, made threo weeks ago, at the .time Wall street was uncertain whether or not to take the proposed legislation regarding the federal tax ing of stock exchange sales seriously, a seat sold for 852,000: recently a sale at $60,000, are Telegraph its annual patents apne} the Pure Oil] its pipe lines | to the Indiana cost of oval in sale exchange seat was made | THE DEGREE OF L.L.D. To Be Given Dr. L. F. Barker By| Queen's. ! At Queen's University spring convo-| cation on the 29th, the honorary de gree of Doctor of Laws will be eon | terred upon Ur. L. ¥. Barker, profes | of medicine in Johns Hopkins! University, and -physician-in-chief to Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. will: be remembered as having Kingston January. and delivered | an "address the the | opening of laboratories buildin at Queen's, igs the sueovssor of the | SOT darker | visited | last upon ovcasion of the He Fohns in is: a native of Norwich, | educated at Pickering | University ol Toron he took his medical | Hopkins Ont., and College and to. At the course He was the fatter ------------ "Short Stop" remedies cures It Best's where | other but cough fail. costs oe The hill of Senator vent th remarriage voreed in was 23 to Cloran to pre of persons di-| killed on the | Canada, | 20 by Low SPRING FEVER. Doctors Report Many Cases. yéar. } weak and} weather Same thing happens every the body Damp . spring brings out rheumatic tendencies, ex : bausts vitality, and simply demands | everyong to use a bracing, strength- ening tonic. I'ime wont help; matters grow worse | instead of better if your system isn't rid of ite poisonous burden. Your blood is not only thin, contaminated with a whole winter's run down, but is A stimulating blood tonic is requir- ed What's it going to be ? Not bitters or alcoholic depe, but concentrated cure in the form of "Ferrozone" which is known as the} best of all spring rejuvenators. It creates keen appetite. Produces trodigiovs digestion, Converts food into nourishment, Gives richness and vitality to the Makes strong nerves and hardy mus: cles. Ferrozone possestes po power that can't be doubted. It will do for yow what it did for Falter Wood, of Beaufort, Car Co., who writes: "1 cam say that on hes given me a new lease of life. A year ago 1 suffer ed much from nervous weakness. T was really scarcely able to drag myweli around. My avpetite was gone, I had no eolor or ambition and felt gensr- ally used up, The first box of Ferfo- Zone started me back to health. 1 took a rumber of boxes. but it was worth while aa my health was completely Get back to health with "Ferrotone, six boyey for , or 500. per box, 0000000000000 0OCOCOO000 We've gathered the best Spring Hats from the best Hatters. The Hats that fashion.says are correct. We're not confined to the product of a single factory. We handle the Hats made by half a dozen famous makers | Derby Hats $2.00 Soft Hats INo Higher 0000000000000 00C Last season's Hats won't do this Spring--the chaneres in the shapes are very marked, and will make your old Hat ap- } pear decidedly old-fashioned. | | COO ORD FTONOITOO COCOTBO OOOCO0 IOCOQOVOOO0 We're Hatters as well as Clothiers, and you'll find that we can always save you a little money on a hat. DOR The Best $2 Hats in Canada. O0< The Best $15 Suits in Canada. The Best $12.50 Raincoat in Canada s§-1n OOOO: The Best $1 Shirt THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Clothing and Men's Canada. $ DOC COOTOTOOOK Furnishings House, 0000000000000 00000000 0000000000000 0000 together-- FISH and Lea & Perrins' | | | f i i | Correct Shoes This Shoe Store represents good Shoe service as distinguished | from mere shoe selling, oT Wor of Tow GOOD SHOE service means the furnishing of just the cor- rect SHOE Suited to a particular requirement. MERELY to make a Sale is not satisfaction merely to buy a pair of SHOES is by no means mean satisfaction to you. to us--and } certain to We are able to guarantee good service, in its every sense and every meaning, because we are sure of our own intentions and sure of the quality of our SHOES, May not we hope that you will test our sincerity and our judgement the next fime you purchase SHOES. The Spring Shoes are All In. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shes. | PIG METALS sores: te We are headquarter, Bend us your inquiries. Canada Metal Co. »Ltd.,"roronto 'onT >