Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1908, p. 6

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Lover 18 5 wb of Canadian Not thwest HOMES) TAD REGULATI(INS. Any even numbered section of fon Lands in Manitoba or N Provigees, exasvtiog 5 a served, mpy be i owes! SOR the Sole hea d Synopsis Domine. srth-West t re pes aie Buy or G © Xtent of 00 uer 8, mote of & age, t ofe-quarter scctiol., of 1 or less. Appliestion for he be made in pecsou Domidon Lands Eutry bY proxy may ut an Agency on « i $ the fathey, uother, s« Ler, broth- £F or aisteg of an intendi leader An application {or « or an ih mede personally at LY, Bubragent's X may be wired to » Agent Ly the su ot, at the exp of * the appli- cant, ane if the land app)» ris vac on receipt of the gran appl tion is to have priority aud be held until necessary | fumplete the trubsaction are Heck mail, In case of "'persomation's or applicant will forieit all Or i entry bas Leen granted tL ammanly cancelled, 3 bry wm Cat it ica~ he fraud the y of claim will be pri The © White Indian Scott's Emulsion A white Indian is a sick In- dian. When the Indians first saw a white man they were sure he was sick. White skin--sick man was their argument. "Pale-face'" is the name they gave us. Pale faces can be cured. When blood is properly fed the face glows with health, is a rich blood food. # ives new power fo the one marrow from which the red blood springs. : 5 + -------------------------- oa All Druggists ; 50c. and $1.00. An application for cancellation must be m in person. The applicant? oust be ligible for homestead entry, andi only ome Bpplication for cancellation wlll be re #iVed from an individugl util that ap plication has been disposed of. an entry is cancelled & ubsequent to inetitution of cancellation priceedings, the applicant for cancellation 1eill he en titled to prior right of entry. Applicant for cancellation must state in what particulars the homesteador is in default. 4 A homesteader whose entry is not the stibject or cancellation proceedings may to ihe approval of Depart- ment, pélinquish {t in favor ofl father mother, won, daughter, hrother off sister i eligible, but to no one eise, on filing declaration of abandonment. DUTIES A settler is required to per- form the duties under ome of the follow- i plang -- i At least six months' residence up- on apd cultivation of the land in seach Year during the term of three years. (2) A homesteader may, if le so de- sires, form the required residence duties By living on ferwiog land owned solely by bm, pot less than eighty (80) Actress in extent, 'in the vicinity of his howestend. Joint owrership in land will mot meet this requirement (8) I} the father (ur mother, {f the father is deceased) of, a homesteader has residence om farming land solely by Bhim not less than slighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicini- iy of the homestead, upon a home stead entered for by ¥ in the vicinity, such homesteader may p » his own residencd duties Ly] living with the father (or mother.) (4) The term "vickpity" in the two recoding paragraphs in defined as mean bs Bot "more than nie miles "in a direct line exclusive of the width of road al- lowance 'crossed in the measurement to fer to con out If you It's Your Move ! Our figures are "om the Square' every thing and in and "above board' to is purchase now our up of« you ngs inspect search of a home If you want us we have wm clients whe want sev Our Le sult ft sell, several as T. J. Lockhart, Real! Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington Street. Kingston. (5) A homesteader ingending to perform his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or on farming land pwned by himself must notily the Agent for the district of such intention. Before making application fir patent the set must give #iX months' notice in writ to the Commissioner of Do minfon nds at Ottawa, of his inten- tion too so: SYNOPSIS OF WEST MINING COAL--Coul mining rights may for a period of twenty-on Bt an annual rental of $1 per acr fore than 2,500 acres shall be les to one individual or company. A royally at he rates of five cents per tom shall he collected on the merchantable coal mined QUARTZ~A person eighteen vears of age on over, having discovered mineral in Hage, may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 6 CANADIAN NORTH- REGULATIONS, foe for recording w claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining it in lieu thereof, When $500 has been ded or paid, the locator may Mpon haviog a survey madd, and upon complying with other requirements, pur thase the land at $1 per acre The ent provides for the payment of a roflity of 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining Claims geoerally are 100 feet mquare ; entry fee $5, renewable year- the and . An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five mies each for a twenty years, renewable at the of the Minister of the Jn- shall dave go dredge in oper season from the date eich five miles. Rented for eath mMe of river at the rate of 24% per the output after it ex« ation within one of the lease for $10 FT wnnum Isased. Rovalty ont collecied on ceeds 2,000, ba W. CORY, w uty. of the Minister of the Interior N.B. Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be pax for i EDUCATIONAL. : wwwwwes e000 ossoNINNY i i you wish to be successful at tend The Kingston Business College Tdmited, head of Queen street, » CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele graphy, and 1 commercial subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers. Day and night classes. Enter at anv time Rates very moderate; 'Phone, 440, ) HH. F. METCALFE, President. J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. S000000s0csossoevesse {MPROVE YOR EDUCATION i INCREASE YOUR EARNING ; POWER f Day anil Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business i College, 2 { Barrie and Clergy Stas, Te: N;. STOCKDALE, Q | SeovevTII Ele : ' oveoseoses . ¢ » ® » contains all pime tree combined with W aad other patent burner. Its Only a Cold, A Trifling Cough." and grosel] used than ever, Is ® lung healing virtues of the Cherry Bark pectoral remedies. It stimulates weakened bronchial organs, allays irri- tation and subdues inflammation, soothes heals the irritated parts, loosens the phlegm and mucous, and aids nature te easily dislodge the morbid accumulations. Don's be humbugged \ gy of De. Wood's yrup. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, Shree pine » . 25 cents Mra. C. BR Bissnete, Lombardy, Bard dry songh toro a ry co lor a lon, in the i. but : . Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, for a few weeks, I find my cough has left me. I can positively say that this remedy is well worth » trial ® into accept an Norway Pine trees the trade mark, and price Ont, troubled with time, especiall after having used Dr, "I have been 0 00000QVOVVGPOOVOCOOOOO BRASS KETTLES They have become almost a necessity and are just thing to heat water at moment's notice. Kettle makes a very suitable gift at any time, our stock in this line will be. found & most complete, every kettle is fitted with the a Call in when passing and let us show you what we have. Our prices range from i $4.50 up. { Jewellers. Cor. Princess and Wellington & | : i 80, Principal; lear the April /ictor Records i me AP ee wson & Staley's Princess St., Kingston. h Grade Piands at living prices, i ramophor Of easy terms. nix 'Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers. rSewing Machine--~Agents want i % TSSHORT STOP gE W. F. KELLY & CO., South Coz. Ontario and Clarence. make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. come | 5 | Perth | Mr | Knight, A Brass | newest | i THE DAILY BRIT NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Marlbank Personals. Marltband, March 31.----Mr. George Connors, of Strathcona, visiting J. W. Hayes here, Winters, of Yarker, visited his Martin Kehoe, here last and Mrs, E. D. Shagraw | friends at Colebrook week, and Mrs. P. F. Balionr, of Port Col borne, visited friends here last Mrs. Peter Windover, was posed for a few days, is better, Eh A Double Wedding. Lyndhurst, April 1.--At St, rectory, on March 25th, William Yardley and Miss Maggie Berry, of Sweet 5 Corners, and Albert Starry {and Miss Dong Wiltsee, of this place, drove to Athens and were married | T, Jackson lost a valuable horse to- day, with blood poisoning, D. W. | Guess has started hig' cheese factory with a good quantit¥ of ~amilk, He | took in thirty-five hundred on March | 31st, Vigitors: Mr, and Mrs. William and little son, Stewart, at R. R. Fate's, on Sunday. Rev, J, A, { Bonald preached | in the Presbyterian church here | Sunday last. All | success in his nes and Mrs are John friend, week. last week who indis Luke's on ield of labor, i ------ | Marysville Tidings. Marysville, April * 1.--Mrs Lester (Gould, Fredericksburgh, and Mrs. Levi | Gould. Lonsdale, are spending a few | days, this week, with Archibald Camp- el Miss Pearl Stewart, Shannon- ville, spent the last two friends here. Miss Loretta Meagher | attended the Fairbairn-Marshall wed | ding, in Belleville, on Wednesday of {last week. Miss Maud Sexsmith, Sel by, is spending a few days with her Mrs. John Russell. Dr Bur- rows visited here on Monday last. Miss Annie Marshall and Cornish, Belleville, spent Sunday with | James Meagher. Miss Annie Fahey {1eft, on Monday, for Watertown, where she intends entering an hospital as nurse-in-training. Mrs. S. Sexsmith is very low, with but slight hopes of her avery Francis McAlpine left, {on Monday of last for | ronto, | weeks | sister, re week, Harrowsmith Happenings. March 31.--Farmers, bushes are busy mak Harrowsmith, who have sugar ing syrup, and report snow very deep in the woods. John Warner has mov- ed the farm lately occupied by Stephen Martin, who has moved on | Mr. T¥étdale's farm at Holleford Tohn Deline last week purchased a valuable Deveras coit from II. Rob ert#, Sharbot Lake. J D. Shibley has lowered his stock of horses by "disposing of six Greaves is busy to con siderably last D loading car for the west and intends starti on April lst Myrtle Gallagher thome. Visitors Mrs, Lydia cam, of Napanee, and Mrs. William | Bertram, of Parham, at George Bert- jram's: J. Hughes at F. Walker' : (Gi. Walker, at George Redmond's iHowker at 1. Buck's: J. Watson {John Deline's: Mr Hogan at | Trousdale's: Ernest Redmond {1 homas Carr's. week J H at at Holleford, March 31 people hauling hay shows the scarcity of it in this A number of farmers have tapped their sugar bush #8 and report. a very Mes, Charles or some time, Service { preached an able | Sunday. Mrs still attending her he 18: loing a The number of vicinity good run Martin, seripusly ill f Rev. Mr temperance 18 recovering | | Holleford Happenings. sermon Smith mathe, who CampratThartinetaon is with neighborhood Mr. Donnell, on George is Ley rushing 'husiness his | sawing machine in this | Visitors Mr and Road, at James and Mrs. Thompson, Harrow. tsmith, and Miss Grace McKnight, Sy. { dedham, at James Walker'ssJ. Sms jder and Miss Maggio Trousdale Dn Mr. and Mrs. ¢ Mes Godirey Ernie and Netta ! Retimond and Fs Babeork, Harrow smith, at J. W, ledmond's; Me. and Mgrs. S. Babeock at (, Babeock's: My and Mis, William Shellington. Fl rida, at. D. Walker's: J G. Walker at (1 { Redmond's, Harrowsmith: Miss Ada | Martin is Visiting friends in King- ston. Ms. and Mrs. Charles Walker, day, called on friends here {last week, : at | Freeman's Collins A Death At Wilton. Wilton, March 31.-Mrs. J ames | Forsythe passed away Saturday morn Kinnear & d'Esterre &| ing, after a week's illness of pnea- monia. Her health had been gradua- ly failing for the last weak state, she soon succumbed to the! illness. ber of the Presbyterian church. funeral was held 'at.the house Monday afternoon, Rev, J Newhurgh, preaching. The consist of tour daughters apd four sons--Mrs. Sammerby, of Massey: Mrs, Gandier, Harrowsmith; Miss Annie and William, | Wilton; James and Archibald, Harrow. | smith, and Robert, Rock Wyoming, The remains were inter in Wilton vault, | Thomas Wallace has been quite ill but is recovering. S. Storms cut his foot - very badly last Thursday, Miss Nellie Mills had the misfortune to sprain her ankle very badly 4 week ago. Mrs. L, L. Gallagher is! very ill. Her mother, Mrs. Patterson, Harrowsmith, is with her. Mrs, red | R. 'N. Lapum has been suffering from aa attack of grippe. The Presbyterians are making preparations for necessary repairs to the church at an early date, Cartwright Davison left for! Oxbow, Sask., on Wednesday. NEWS OF NEWBURGH. Mc- | his farewell sermon | join in wishing him | with | George | : maker, Mr 3 {vi James | Redmond 's; | year, and in her | Deceased was a faithful mem | ister of The [granted a divoree from on | family} E. Gandier, Newburgh: Mrs. I. Baker, | ISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. ---- viewing the brsdge situation, wit to determining what mi i } View kind Dries it i aunty te members + council, examined the that county council erection of a concrete arch The Hi School Literary Society eting afternoon was of excellent Miss K tercentenary celebrati of Quebee, of this year, Miss DBernaditte v on charact of Lady Macheth. musical part of the Programme thorouchly enjoved. The arid the boys gave and Misses Edna Amey and Mary War- ner contributed an instramental duet. Miss Caroline Fiukie, one of younger pupils of the public school, rendered a dillicult piane solo in 'bril- liant for one young. principal gave a brief reading, "Lan- guage That Needs A Rest," Lena Clancy was very apt in her as crite. The last meeting of the school term will be {held on the afternoon of 1 hyrsday, | April 16th, when D. A. Neshit, B.A, will address. the students, The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist aster --_ Ie bu with thoroughly and lerstood ground it is un recommend to tl the Friday Two one by essays e Finn, n of the mn ti me read, on "the to be held and another lounding July stvle #0 | e- | marks annual lone week in advance of the janniversary on the morning of April { 12th. The ladies have secured {district organizer, Mrs. DD. E. Famworth, for an address. | On Sunday afternoon { thodist Mission | stage on their Rose, of last the Me- lad made return vaovage on trip around the world, v four groups of the Pacific islands and {learning of some of the remarkal missionary service that has been ren ered to these "dark plages of arth The cheese factory will com- {mence operations next Monday Miss Carmel Whelan, a pupil at the {high school, was taken on Tuesday to { the Hotel Dieu, Kingstan, to receive [treatment for a diseased knee. Rev I Mr. Duke and fi absent this {week in Picton and Mrs. J. W. Denyes 1 Odessa, at J, M. ford, Camden Fast, {Miss visitinge wu are and Denyes': at (, Fin Kimmerly, Déseronto, at Farley' Anson _ Aylesworth returned Monday from the old land |after a three months trip in the sey {vice of the dominion immigration de partment. James BATTERSEA BUDGET. To- | School Closed For the Past Three | Months. Battersea, March 31.--Karl Vag {luven and W, Ormsbee each have seve- {ral hundred maple trees tapped i their evaporators are kept goin~ con stantly manufacturing syrup. F. W. Balls has disposed jan unusually large quantity of mill {products this spring, notwithstanding the high prices which prevail. Quite a large supply of logs still remain {be cut, although Sawyers Bennett and | Huehes have made a lot of saw-dust, Messrs, F. and W Anglin have jceived a good supply of heading for their box facto. The new cheese Walker, late of the Brock lle district, has arrived and is got- { ting things in shape for the { business. Arthur Sparks 'has been en | gaged as assistant {and family, of Lauder, Man. {turned to the west, after spending the | winter here Dr. Joseph Robb, latedef Mountain Grove, spent a few days with friends here, previous to going to Warren Pa., where he will en rage in hospital Those who attended the towne | ship Sunda cohvention af | Sunbury, on the 20th inst, were well ipaid. The S808 gives In King- Iston's Sunday school team. Messrs. { Meck and Harrison; {many ladvertised to | dresses failed te Mrs. 8. J." Hughes Is ap [ low, having suffered another [recently Cadar Lake school has opened with Miss Berry, of Woll lant, as teacher. The trustees, keeping the school closed dwrine last three months, have saved the {tion a few dollars in taxes | what cost to the children who {deprived of the laily Visitors * of late: Misses jand Arletta and Mrs {old and John Anglin Mics Jennie } : | Lemmon, of Kingston Iron Defends From Disease The moment the red, iron cot of the blood fall low {standard the | against of re George have re- work school The . nd \ up. miles to hear minis be present ad show LH re sec at werp but mstruction ! Marv, Am Walter and Har of Anglin A Pine Grove and ( be certain system defenceless In a litated con- bditions the - blood ds found. to be Iack- Ling in iron, i vou are weak run | down, build up vitality at with | Wade's Iron Tonic Pills ( Jaxative). | They are a great nerve strengthéner jand blood maker. In boxes, 20c., at Wade's Tn ug Store, Money back if not satisfactory. y lisease, or once -- Rev. J, A Robinson, a young min. Cleveland; Ind... ~ has besn his who conductor wile, eloped with a street car Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, whith are made expressly for sleep- less, nervous, dyspeptic pufferers, Price 25¢. lary | Winnipeg ecuneil put off for a week} Springs, | consideration of steps toward purchas- ing the city street railway, Bland's Iron Tonie Pills. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 2 Alice Marion. a dances hall girl of Bakersfield, Cal. has inherited $75.000 from an uncle in Chicago, Mr, Craig wall structure. | by § the The was | Glee Club two. bine numbers, | the | 1533. The Miss literary | church will hold their thankoffering service | Easter | the | another | the the | Toromto: Visitors: | and | the délicious | season = | Jamieson | were worth going | tors | very | stroke | Is- ¢ | dell, puscles | jrier was an ee -------- LONG POINT. -- DEATH AT harles Chapman Passed Away Very Suddenly. March 31 Point, Un Wedne lernooy las o clock, an aged the . person Very st and Mn of | died Although not havir g for and stick 1 whea' all at ovre ot and dropped on the ground. stantly. He was une { resident of this ty-sevewr years. his sisters, lpey J. and Mrs. 8. Seabrook. living with him. In less than two he would have boen mty-five vears i of age, having on May 4th, His fun on Fr day, to the Ang church, Seeley | Bay, the funcfal services I | ducted by Rev. Mi Fitegera { ton, after which the body was in the vault mtermont | The sympathy of the people of neighborhood is IT. Moorhead, 'of | former resident here this estimable wife, place on Saturday fow days' illness, ving jdaughter, four davs old. Her which was the largest held part for a number of vears, on Monday, the 22nd, to church. The services iby Rev. Mr. Meredith, Sceley's after which her body | the vault at the hody some 1 was helping of wood place fo two months befn born ral took place Hican to await later this extended Sweet's Corners, in the logs whose death he 21st funeral, in ih was | Olivet the were oe fay was placed Bay, brother Seelev's where x of |e | also lohan | fall ! Ea orvomwe | bushes at { O'Connor, short visit Tuesday, of last week. Mi {C. J. O'Connor visited the | sister, Mrs. Donnelly, of Pittshury Wednesday The all The present, as * their su Dy Gananoque is busy in present of male ' his father's, here, on Mrs at and or 2th NOW is 1 attend nearly gone school 15 quite small at 1 prevents of it Slack water on the long bridge hildren the other jattending. Mrs {iting in Toledo Mrs, I'. Yates mn sacle from Joar at a her daug MET ON TUESDAY. elected the Officers For Year. The annual meeting of St | cathedral branch of the | held on Tuesday afternoon i nie Muckleston | president, and and Mrs. as secretary | Sawyer, Q.1.P., Mrs Noonan will be Dorcas secretary Mrs. J. ( | as first vice-president, but to allowed to resign and Mrs Ww Grout will fill the | resignation of Miss Annie Fe | the box secretartship, was greatly re For her work the Georgy W.A «v Miss again chos Havelock was Mrs en Price | Miss and secretary treasurer; The meeting elected Farthing G Ihe nn be LY ollice tris, fi good in | gretted. | past she was given a standing vote of thanks | Dean | auxiliary the | Farthing tulated the and or Mr ar Farthing econgra vear's worl pre interesting Miss Farthing nursing the on its harmony which vailed. read an letter from a teaching and amusing | who is Indi | sionary in Alaska, among | ans | drist 1 Mr br insti t of Oakville, an e the and thus worker fre of Nj a brief of the work there, and the f Oy m 100s jagara, gave bright | on some phases | Miss Macaulay president | tario diocese, urged the { the triennial thankofiering to. the edues nw stonakies for our own North Miss Muckleston asked attendance which i of West to be given mis for atthe mi and begged each herself personally work's success, The Late John Thompson. funeral of the late John Ti Monday fram hi street 1 The Omg | son took place lter's residence, 67 Charles { Mr. Boyd, pastor of Zion cl lucted the services. The taken to Cataraqui cemetery { The pall-bearers { Messrs, Albert Stanshur i John, Thomas 1k are} remai were h and ech a resp about five ham, wis city until he went to Buffalo and « a company running a | | from Buffalo to the upper had to the {mate on one of the VOArs risen positio . { time ago he. contracted | as nothing serious was to communicate ton. He grew Vas r Word UNNeCrsSary Kir thought | with his friends in {rapidly worse, howe 3 I moved to the Marine. Hospi | was immediately despatched {eity, but too late. Death lfore any of bis relatives {hime Of a bright, sunny disposition, true. and lovable in character, the {young man had made many friends {both in Buffalo and in his native city band his early death has cast a sloop { many hearts, Four fvive him: Mrs. Thomas 6 and Mis. John Stansbury, of Jana Mes, J. Brewster, of Banff, Alta, {and Mrs, Revell, Hartington His {only brother, 'Andrew; well-known in { Kingston, died a lew vears. ago. ! ensued be could reach { over sisters sur 1am 1 thi { . | An Old Frontenacer Dead. afternoon, March 23ed home of his son, Alexander | Mountain " Grove, * Mr. Crozier was! tone of the oldest settlers in Fron {tenae, having been born in 1820 {the county of Armagh, Ireland, | coming to Canada shortly after | marriage Miss Jane Ewart, {died in 1597. 'He settled Island, then removed to [township and thence to Olden, | he tived ever since, He leaves six isons and three danglsters, Mrs. WW [Pringle Arden; Mrs. Frederick W. | Dodge and Mes, Charles Yott, Now i York: Wichard and Alexander, Moun. | tain Grove; Thomas, Homestown, Al terta; Charles, Minpeapolis, Mion. | Robert, Ki township, Fong George, Pittsburg township. Wr. Cro | TE en A a oF sot Shevidin, | or, Toronto, {red Monday jat the in and his | who Walle Portland! where to on to Joseph | nducted | wl in | | Leadbeater, of Ellis itle, who died last and Mrs. | latte's | pretty | Ensuing | An- | Arthur Klugh will continue | she begged mis- | talk | mportance of | Special | Sale. Saturday Morning, 8.30 0'clock 18 Ready-to-wear Skirts Regular values $5.00, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00 for $3.98 Each. A mere glance at the superior quality of material and workmanship in these Skirts will convince you that they were never made to sell at such a ridiculously low price. The material alone being worth much more than the price we ask. : Panama Skirts, Cheviot Skirts, BGweed Skirts, Zoustre Skirts, Broadcloth Skirts ~------ INCLUDING 86 White Wool Skirts la Voiles, Panamas, Lustres, Serges, &c. Every garment made in the latest style and handsomely finished. Al sizes in this lot. Alterations on o0c. extra. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY R. Waldron. these SPECIAL SKIRTS A better smthily member to | responsible for to this | The death of George Urodier occur. | S----------t-- Dr J.Collis Browne's, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for COuGHS, COLDS, .-- ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Ellectuaily eats short al! aftacks of SPASMS Checks and arrests those too often faial disesses FEVER. CROUP sad AGUE The only palliative ia NEURALGIA, GOUT RHEUMATISY Chlorodyns is a liguid token in drope. graduated a I in riably relicwves f whatever kind reates a cal allays tim of the nervous system wu ! no 'bud' ¢ and can be taken when ub otiser mic INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. ther ve ects lictue canbe erated CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices in England Vid. 2/9. 4/e Sole Mancfactyrers J. T. DAVENPORT Lid, LONDON, S.E The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB. ~ Every bottle of Genw Chlorodyne bears on the stamp the same of (he inventor, Dr. J Collis Browp: Wholesale Agents, Lyman Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates direct from factory 3 1b. Boyes, 25¢c. 11h, 2 1b. Boxes, $1.00, A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Joxes, S0e.

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