THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1908. Bh ~ EXTRAORDINARY OPTICAL DEMONSTRATION I take great pleasure in announcing to my patrons and to the Public in general that I have secured the ser- vices for a limited time of the well known Optical Imstruct- or and "Shadow Test' Specialist of Toronto, Mr. Wm. E, Montgomery to de- liver a series of lectures and conduct a demonstration and free Optical Clinic of his wonderful new system of sight testing and ocular di- agnosis known as the '"'look- ing into the eye' method. My reason for bringing this Specialist to Kingston is two fald. I have wished for some time to obtain a perfect system of sight testing, and after long investigation I have decided that the "Shadow Test" as practiced and taught by Mr. Mghfgomery is the best by all odds to-day. I wish to perfect myself in this new and scientific system of measuring the inside refraction of the eye, and further than this I wish to gige thg Public an opportunity to consult free of charge with a Specialist to whom all Opticians arg indebted by reason of his marvelous work to instruct and elevate the Profession. This campaign of Optical Education and Demonstration will be- Ein on MONDAY, APRIL 6th, And continue for a limited time in my remodeled optical room. Mr Montgomery will have charge of all optical examinations during his stay with me, and 1 most cordialy and earn- estly invite all eye sight suffereys from near and far to come and learn the true condition of their eyes. Each day free eh rrins gessions will be held from 9 to 12, 1.30 to 6 and evenings from 7 to 9. I arm "spa¥ifiz fio expense or pains to make this demonstration worthy of the patronage of the most critical. Those who visit my optical room during these sessions will be surprised at the simplicity of the system without machines or drops or tire- some trying on the glasses, andan accuracy never before attained. I have every reason to be lieve that the public will co-operate with me in making this a grand success Mr. Mont gomery's services will be free dur ng the hours I have stated above. Those requiring glasses pay for material only My invitation is broad. Come every eye sight sufferer. Come every headache sufferer. Parents bring your Children. Doctors bring your patients, all will be cordially received and well repaid. Appointments are now being booked. Yours to Serve DR. A. P. CHOWN, Druggist and Optician. 185 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. e-- BI CLEARING SALE OF BRASS and IRON BEDS In pretty designs, strong and | durable. Also Hercules) Spring to fit, and Sanitary Mattresses at sale price. is a "bread flour' and a 'pastry flour." As good for one as for the othier-- and THE BEST for both. Beaver Flour isa blend of } OMtario Pall Wheat Manitoba Spring Wheat It contains just the right propoftion of each to make the whitest, most nutritious Bread -- and the lightest, tastiest Cake, Pies and Pastry, Insist on having Beaver Flo James Reid, "" hone, Health and Accident [Pearsall's Millinery Insurance That Insures Leading Under- taker. "Phone, 147 YARKER BRANCH Our Spring Millinery Open- ing in ¥artker will Com- mence on Wednesday, April 8th| 11 are invited. Pearsali's Millinery 288 Princess St., Dealers -- write for Prices on all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Coreals. T.H.Taylor Co. Limited, Chatham, Ons, 67 The Fidelity & Casualty Company, one of the largest and oldest concerns in the business, offers $20,000 in case of death hu accident, and an indemnity of fifty dollars per week in caso of any illness for 52 weeks, or for one or more days duration in the same proportion In case of disability by accident, they will pay $50 per week for 200 weeks, or for one or more!days duration in the samo ratio. Apply to; W. J. FAIR, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sta Alfved York filed wile, Gwe mad nne Vandegbilt, the defendant in ; supreme court French Vanderbilt. hh the Hen i vit Kingston I Spe ~ Saturday Of the 'Following Lines Which Yo Will Find Are Real Bargains: cial Sal % Men's Tweed Working Patts, light and dark colors. 4 patterns to chdose from, regular $1.75. SpeciakBaturday at $1.15 per pair, 10 dozen Men's Soft Colored Shirts, light and dark colors, some regular 50¢ each, but most of them were 75¢ each, sizes 16, 16} and 17. Take your choice Saturday 20¢ cach. : 20 dozen Men's Hose, Black Cashmere, Worsted (plain and ribbed) and Cotton, regular 25c. Special Saturday 19¢ per pair. 40 Men's Suits, Dark and Light Colors in Tweeds and Worsteds. These .are odd lines, but in the lot we have all sizes from 31 to 12, These suits were sold by us at $11.50. We want to clear them out, so they go Sat- urday at $6.95. =" Boys' Norfolk Style Suits, 8.B. & D.B., regular $4.50 and 5.00. Take your choice Saturday at $3.15 each. No suits on approbation. We want you dressy young fellows to see our New Suits and Top Coats for spring. You can get what you are after here and save a 25 bill, in RONEY & CO., 5 . 127 Princess Street. N.B. Given Away With Every Boys' Suit a Never Stop Humming =m THIRTY - SX DROWNED | she | answer | square piece of rubber and snippin -- BURIED UNDER SALT VAT. Body of Unknown covered at.Syracuse N.Y., April 3. Examine a body of an unkyown It salt yard, ------ {BY SINKING OF A TORPELO BOAT DESTROYER. Syracuse, tion of sian found day buried ur yuster ndicate The ried the pereolated preserved it revealed 1 died of wou the = vio body { The Catastrophe Occurred Off Isle of Wight=-Tiger Cut | Two By Collision With a i Cruiser. the in Big 1 wag t mn a bag and in hole deep under salt to ue had fairly I'he i Corpse Italians the crime. The police bel 1 the we have been corroboration br and suspected of ve that they ath, Eng. April ustody mcluding Lieut Thirty are in | - Portsm et on i 3 discovers have dead man far to | Italians n off the isle of Wight t between that vessel and the Bri Berwick The the Portsmouth division British home fleet were in night manoeuvres in on their wav to night was dark and yy er to cross she was caught half with knife almost who but unable last obtamn DISORDERS AT FUNERAL and on TI the Port when Of Workmen ers Rome, April of a workman, of in Rome--Four Riot. Wounded. 3. ~During funeral number the a who were following the disorders out Two rioters who fired, killing and wounding 6Hf whom were mortally strike has, against tr attempted { the Lig cruisers bow and cut sion, vesterday, ranghs, created Troops were « the of the four | amidships in hearse I serious | like mune drately i dressed in heavy oil down with the twenty-two d de soldiers I he ew were boots Most of men who were rescued stokers, who hav able to keep intil picked up stoned skins and vessel rnoters of A y proclaimed as in day's disorders | three } went teen the were engineers and heht clothing Ives afloat been the with vestor- wounded general a protest ing were themse iatalities convection PITH OF THE NEWS. Football Club of the wiation Football" Clab following officers were elected President, F. Andrews A. McLeod Stewart Db. RB Ihe suit of Evelyn Thaw for the Bigham, A. F. McLeod, C. Batty cay annulment of her to Harryltain. ©. Batty: vice-captain. H Big { Thaw will come up in the supreme! ham The clubs regrets losing two old court, New York, on Moudayv next H. Stewart Postage stamps valued at upwards have resigned of ¥100,000, forming a consignment in process of shipment from New York Newfountitand, have washed | | ashore at the Island of Cuttvhunk New Bedford, the { the steamer Silvia P. D. Ross, Journal, and last cued ommnation for Wanderers' the general meeting At deters ery Latest Culled From All Over The World persons were anti-clerical | The hy in killed ric Several in an ansmng year | { troops t | Rome, com H , Secretary treasurer, mittee, H ham marriage and hut | playing members A. Mcleod, who who will still take an interest they the ng are tor the bright soon af ground in in the team are on Commitee Plenty who are as to heen hand, { the of vor plavers on the game, and eager from wreck ol for COMING season are Practice will per prosy CLs. | exceeding gnmes will start mit, on the the + Ottawa candidate at has de conserpative Otta editor defeats provincial elections, to seek the one of the ol + as ory Ladies' Aid Society twentyr-eighth annual meetmng of Ladies Aid Society of Queen Methodist church was held Wed-| afternoon. Res W. H. Spar A From the warts ol the past ful I'he VEAr were re William Cockburn Mrs. John Nicolle: se} co-president; Mrs. R Meek; | Mrs R J McClelland; and| i easurer,- Mrs. O. 1. de Carteret committee, Mrs. Robert Mrs. J.G. Elhott and the It was decided to to ander July Horse In not at The left | ut and way of passengers | She is the first outward ! mer Edward has Esq ax with a he ste street nesday number Hing presi ro. general cargo the the oliiers vear | steamer of lines this Fire regular officers elected hrst had wen SUCCES for the ensuing President, Mrs vieespresident, very season the house of | avenue, in| dea | Friday, in John Reid, No. 2 Ashland Riverdale Toronto, | troyed this and the adjoining occupied by Moses Wyatt, Red his family, consisting of his wife ild 1 narrow escape Finui ui thre section, { cond house secretar ex and Craw offi-| ex ecnatiig one cf had a A way ford sh immigrant on tried to 3 . | eursion suicide, on Friday morning, ! pices train from New York on which | was approaching | the car | of an ap-| | gineer that into the found a the city | iv, health | ship, was | water cleared her | run then oers an to western states, Toronta aus commit next the was a passengy TY Montreal She jumped from and threw herself in front proaching train on an adjoinmg track. | At Terre Haute, lud., found guilty | of a charge ot arson, Henry D. Me- | Donald shot and killed Chief of De- | tectives William EK. Dwver, seriously wounded three other ofhcers and a bystander, and was bimself sériously McDonald © had been tried t and a church mn as Drinking Water Chatham, Unt., April 3.-City En Jones, investigating rumor animals had been thrown river the eMy, ource of a dead above the I hames dead hors water Dr officer for Chatham notified and. will have Pre will in Charter. town | the fol supply 1 wecutions wounded for in Sandford . | low. ores | dynamiting i Confessed To Murder. | N.J., April 3.--Joseph Ban | zaner and Herman Haupt, wno f arrested on Sunday for chichen-steal confessed to the murder f Kade, wo lifele last l step of her fast wear Answer Was Easy. Lipjircott's Magazine I he victim of the dentist held up his hand 'Doctor," said he the lid on my conversation, will Tgenton, were | ing, have put | Mrs you | | across the door Failsington, Pa "helore vou Frances whose Saturday home ne body was found question 7 | the dentist, selecting a | it n Yes," with hi ors NEW YORK STOCKS peor chew » mouth than Sure," said the lamps How Which The rephed the «t side Prices Furnished By W. Hector H Hume, Clarence Champers April dnd. Opening. Llose.| oH 58 one the other ? lentist, picking wy | more on the interest side Stocks, inside dent Amal. Copper e lipping the rubber dain over the ver one that Loco Re Amer Am. Aw, i) Am. Car Found {Anaconda Min. Atches. Top & St | Brooklyn Rapid 'I | Central Leather | Pacilic Ohio Ww al issued from his patient's | Nuy ips Qf EVELYN THAW FORCED Leave Hotel | . Notoriety. | New York, April That she Hforeed «to leave .-the Hotel Prince { George hecause the notoriety at | taching to her name, was the report about Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, which at tracted attention to-day: Mre. Thaw, | Fit is said, has left the Her suit | for annulment of her marriage to Hat rv Thaw comes up hearing Monday to be in | the city | To Because of | Canadinn & was of Paul Southern NX city t Distillers soos 1 (:. North Ry., pid Kaisas & Tesas | Louisville & ash ville | Missouri acvifie Mu h y for on 3 expected the trial, and she tom for Will Be Patrol Boat Amherstburg, Ont, April 3.-- Frederick 'Irotter purchased the Eri roa Open' from Rei Wrecking | Northern (Pac of Sar and, it un-| Penn RR i derstood, that thé tug will he i { as the patrol boat at the Limekiln! Roc | Crossing. this season, flying the Blue] Rock Island, pid { Peter" of the Canadian government Southern Ry., com | The Owen * was built at Detroit in! Southern Pacific | 1861 and is sixty-one feet long andi! sixteen feet beam { Capt. has the ia tug | company, ie d used | Reading Island Steel, com. Steel, pid Union Pacific, | Wabash, pid { West Union Tel S com. Back To The Land. Toronto, April 3.--In reply to Allan | x Studholme, Hon. Mr. Monteith stated | "ational Lead that the number of immigrants placed | on farms in Ontario in 1907 by the | Ontario government distribmtion office 1,547, and by the Salvation Army 9. Total, 9.226 CHICAGO PRICES, April ! Oprng, 933 x0 Wheat: | May { July Luxuries Cut Off. Com New York, N.Y. April 3. -Heavy | Hay falling off in importations of laxuries i : uly. x during the month of March is report fu fiona. ed hy the aprraiser of the port- of | ° ay... New York. The most remarkable fall | Jul} {ing off is in regard to precioas stones | | and jewelry, i The jiniors of the Y.M.{ A rill] Men should look for this hold their annual gymnasium exhib: | { tion to-night, and there promises. to T ag on . Chewin be some interesting events. The jun- | iors have been preparing for the Tobacco. It guaranteesthe high quality of Black Watch The latest reports from Captain T. | The Big Black Plug. was 4: Gal 64] { Donnelly say that he is improving | { daily. It is expected that he willl i be able to be home in a fow "days | time. ok Rl i Thomas Hogan, the man who was! { injured in the marsh, on Toesday last, | je improved today. Every hope is | } now beld out for saving his eve sight. | i ' Italian Dis- | their twill | officer 1" | occu {amination { some people, who were aslepp, { narrow "AGE FIVE a sss SATURDAY EXTRAS What Better Selling Arguments Than Such Prices: Extra No. 2° wl buying FANCY MM inches + RATTOW and patterns Extra No. 1 I30 YDS ONLY CIRCULAR PLLLOW tOTTON Full bleached, wide; firm Happened Bn a g YARmS R LUSTRY chance ux 42 MOHALI inches even wen pare finish good Regular ¢ price tape effect i pum' 1X washing blue vara on nd Dresses. 49 Extra No. 4 5 ONLY PLRE IRISH LINEN FRAY CLOTHS XN X beautiful and tn hat of 5 Yards to a . turday, Mily stomer, Extra No. 3 YARDS FINE CAMBRI( Embroider edging insertion HN) and inser e is 2%. wn hemstitche hroidered, hemétigel price Mi cack {in day Extra No. 6 30 YARDS FANCY Window Curtain Ser le boa il ] ches and embroidery wnclhies x 20. em Extra No. JG YARDS LINEN TOWELLING 18 blue and red in quality 5 GLASS inches wid ART chek th Su uperion finish, very weave, Regular 06 { * 0c. a vard.. Un is to a hes flower designs in all open work price uc, and wi Some 08 i A------------ -- shades even price sale A have stripes. Saturday only gular yi limit of 10 var (On sule Saturday istomer, indy Exceptional Values in Men's and Boys' New Spring Clothing complety Never had aterialg A better or more Suits Material W( and makes honest n vell made f and guarantee satisfaction tomer a cl to complain We want to caution you that every hour lessens the advaniage of choice; also quantitivs are limited--so shop early. (No 'phone orders for any of the above Extras.) The Montreal Stock Co |80 PRINCESS STREET 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. "Phone No. 844. rane I ---------- A---- EE ---- ~~ THERE ARE MANY BAKING wml \ \ \ \ Typewriters are divided into two classes-- The ONE made seemingly modern by patched-on im provements=--the OTHER BUT THERE IS i ONLY ONE { MAGIC BAKING POWDER EW. GILLETT ut TORONTO, ONT. L.C.Smith & Bros. Typewriter (Writing Entirely in Sight Every time ' with modernness inbuilt ANY MiTso A { ! device for convenience "SHV | ing and labor saving is inbuilt in the L. C. Swiru & Bros. Tyres writer. @ Every known) clement of durability and dependability is Burr Ix. € This insures the most and best work both from That's | | | | | there SUITE TO BE THERE. machine and operator The Man of the Garrison Likely to office economy Camp in the Diamond Ditch To Be Great Preparations For Visit; Quebec, L. C. Smith & Bros. 'rince that the | ries ; a al Typewriter Co. "3 "41211 Newsome & Gilbert, |_| tercentenary LIMITED SEXD VOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE April understo colebrati wicker be tempo s and the Br Ww nehew unipeg $1 i Uttawa, On Ww quariere ort from the Highlanders ters in th er that the men of the: gheeimon with ~LOCAL AGENTS Dismond Ditch | iii" NEWMAN & SPRICC Extensive pre | : ELECTRIC CO., '78 Princess St. Kingston. A Tuil stock of Type ¢ pmkes of machines Second-hand Typewriters mto the that Prine camjy dari period th porations are del for the be made and | : egiments in Quel writer { pe Huppiies for 16 Iw ys pa hand, wha it is thew r theif stay cient capital applications have already been ni as ection with the pro of honor dar are said wit 15 at in the as wmto Chinaman, Hamiltoy ¥25. by celestial Stratiord, 2 meciale {alive coming terrentenarv io existing representatives have held their lands ia unbwoke for two hundred past. An of these showe that so far forty of them i todd pretences from a fellos Sherif Magwooe i the ity me of fam are afternoon, that ®irived in yeary {in ents for urglary Pe man x 0cd Lreorge | to five Benjamin Emmereon Grand Trunk ssection At Hamilton, Bros' | by a train at Cobourg confectionery store, an overheated fur. | injuries ' 3 Henry fas to appease | enrriage Rotbwer on Tuesday, Canon Muck lesion noon, to-day. wilh Yims city, fee i famine wel eville " ras strnek Ont, at Burke ord of hin for has nave melted a natural gas pipe, cgos. Folger has ered so mg a The spread To two adjoining buildings and had a4 were Was disastrous hilaze fire Bia to Montréal escape. Two firemen bvercotie by smoke and another injured ly faking down a grate went to Perth at