Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1908, p. 1

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= Li YEAR 75--NO. 81. KINGSTON, "ONTARIO. SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 190. © LAST EDITION ee------------ - a - - | the whole country are contiolied bid NEW WAY T0 MARE MONEY. IMPROVEMENTS IN PARIS, fewer than one hmndred men | beet : S-- 7 Wu Probabilities Sttached as sensatiomal 1 the Sit With Husband While He Municipality Proposes to Spend ! ines ve declared, he had been y Plays. $100,000,000. Toronto, Oat, ber Apr 1.258 be Louptess 'e Aprii 4.~The Paris munici | x April 4, Ottawa fonsery oe a much smaller numi Paris i al | of men rule the nation's wealth etl the "young Hungaria dink i i ~~ 7 ! wo -- ' he ally Projaost to spend SIU 000 HH | - The senator quoted John Moody ) ' bo sloped with pa public svorks of all kinds in the |} 1 ; Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence They Are Czars in the lo mp onomous growth in trust Geeength Has Not Shown "¥ a ae ro i Despatches Fro. From Near And "- ~~ pe id C102. myer Fin y to Selves, the } t de: | 8 « 0) ~~ e consolidation and ¢ apitali ization in i Un S four years. In 1904 Mr. Moody placed m ctr by her love match Distant i Places. a nt of the Seis memaoran . ited . tates. { the capitalization of the industrial Di inution, wa confound out of wer dum submitted, t y the muni a to-day and on franchises and railroad trusts at over fieults however Byary aod bis cipal council, declares that he 3 : 'Sunday. Sunday : J 3 , le ] #20,000,000.000. That amount had in ife have cd @ sontra to ap siders the spending of at ast is ' | creased more than #11,000,000,000, or ar every evenligtag the Cafe Spl nil ry for the thorough im | a Little milder. ¢ M more than fifty-five per cent. The d here lor salgpy of E00 un week pre wement of the hygienic and sani- | ; ; | $31,000,000,000, he said, did not rijire vary will conduet the: Hunga:t isn ol y condition of Paris | Al ) | \ | & . wd and the dling A a is proposed to spread the outlay lover the construction of municipal } | nent the financial combinations, bank : f trust and insurance companies lertbhen to slEDY his side irom i : " : "GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- ; I ROCKEFE E Mr. La Follette named as next after NN » x every voile till two in Gi buildings improvements in public LLER AND MORGAN | | Morgan and the Rockefellers a group HE CAN NEVER RETURN To) Morning, : wo ordes that pate of SIBLE FORM. Parks, promenades, open spaces and AT THE HEAD fof fourteen men, who, he said, were HIS DUTIES. the estalilishuent HY gaze on her. | streets, and, finally, on methods for | | "big operators and men of large pow- er { Matters That Interest Everybody the prevention of tuberculosis, which | 3 0 prevalent owing to the impure |e $5 onditions of the crowded city. With : {er and interests their own rights." | 1:1 1+ et ssdiam ' ' ith a Group of Fourteen | n ¥ Own ¥ Likely That Herbert Asquith Will FAMINE CAU SES CANNIBALISM Notes From All Over--Little | » : . These men, he said, find their best I Satellites--La Follette Makes |; terests "in working in harmony Sucteed to the Premiership T ag Destituti oe of Everything Easily Read | ---- a Lively Speech at Washington | with Morgan and Standard Oil." No | London Port Must Be Made to ales 0 dh. saad on mong and Remembered. . MERCHANT LEADS BURGLARS | --Varnderbilts See Hand-Writ- | combination which they could {orm | Still Hold Its Supremacy. Siverign Earibies. Sex } } : ing on the Wall | among" themselvve or with others | onton, April + The Tutet. ull | ipo §orrible] Seeding hae commented in 56 vi | ptap, Regarded As Respectable Washington, April 4. wg with I With) that Power, he. de tin issued hy th physicians attending | pape of the famig@ OW ravaging the! Secretary Taft has left Washington | Turns Out a Thief | Wis enormous increas ) : wer Here are the fourteen WwW. K. Van- Sir Homey Cdmphell-lidnnen an. = | Tehukte and Yakuls tribes. Stary-| for a ten days" tour in the west { Pari April 4 ~The police of Bo- | has gone a steady proces i neutral | devbilt EH. Harriman Augunt] a premier ap sen a. gi t High and : Jidre have been seen gnawing Ihe Tuckett company, of Hamilton, | hain, n Lille have arrested a band | 8 Zation in the control of power | Belmont Thomas F. Ryan Frederick that ye ec : #7 Bh Lhe Sn. of members of the family has decided to close its London tobac- fol burglar: whi Wis ganized hy a until now the entire situation is | Weyerhnuser Louis SN "Bwift John | X Syegis Tips ny SNL ION OL wh ave died of Ringer, co factory. ta man named Heloir who, until his ar minated by the Standard Oil Morgan | Jacob Astor Hemrv Frick | Jara strength Hump g the | fou, davs, he dist « has hen intensified Ln Percy brown will give evidence in [rest, was believed . merchant vembination. - | Speyer, J Ogden Armour. James Which really meals hic} ng y the loss of hundred@®f thousands of his own behalf at his trial, in De- |of the highest respec "The old fights between these two Hill. Ge rege "f. Gould Ww HH. Moore 1 on pari agency, w Yich does not deal | reindeer inl year's epidemic, In! troit, for the murder of Mrs. Wel h. i It is impossible great powers hve bon laid ueide {Jacob Schiff fein I arext a= | the . th of . Hgliliegemwelsky alone| Mayor Stewart as the candidate for how many bur his the vad has | on ¢ Me 0 ' nic, 5 t y I b commit te luring y t wt | Mr. Morgan's picture adorns the wall When Mr La Follette mentioned | quch cdse s. issues n long statement | about 300,000 reindeer perished. Fast Hamilton in the proviwscial par- | ommit 1 during the Ma vear, 2 of the inner room of the Rockefellers | Senator Depew and the brother of |) flect that Hament, is the latest elestion romioe fe Pe = Hie goade stslet 1s be N aE Py ol : 1e ele nt Hts now reco " he | lieved to be over $100,000 at 0. 36 Broadway, dn combination Senator Guggenheim as men in the | that the premier nnot return to | Ex-Lord Mayor's Ruse . The 1 1 i A few dr « aso the police heard torday, they are together to gather group controlled by the Standard Oil [fice, and that Ierbert Asounith, chan ndon, wsmllt acdmittin to} nivel teamship line lo Ia s 840 that four A Fi whom they spi in the smaller powers company, both men laughed heartily ellor of the exche * ifl b © iiesden TeaeBers A sso ia ti n | B10 resolution and also the resolu Seinlbir PEfSODE oI , ny : : g + | cellor © 1¢ | exchequer, wi 2 © hs : tion to regulate patent medicines. pected held meetings at the house of "Mr. Hill hax | ; it t} ' wont taught that he « ot} alleries \ . of ois that he iid not @Sercome the tem | i hat bh didd the galleries, but they left the | successor ot ome the temp eturned miner from the Klon- |a respectable tradesman in Bertry i House of Commons carried must the: hin o : a v vd on : got Ba Stand- [senate chamber as soon as an oppor In the House 'of Commons, ves Ae socomfhand hookstall, | } 2 { that a depth f Ihe four were arrested and confessed wh oy Fo in on the Great Northern tunity eame, and did not return tday, Day ovel-Ueorse, pre a f | © n Cockhue the late Aus feet | , ' 1 th r oh | fr , ) h i |adding that the merchant deloir ws VALUE ede oh The Gould interests are be Mr. La Follette declared that the the board of trade, in int i " alian premier, sald Sir William Tre H pail ' ' i tma ter, Adam the leader a rganizer of the bay ; ne ¥ ' | 1 tictiod ton's genial postmaste dan ( organizer o wd we swallowed by the combine. Morse | commercial banking system of the port of London bill, said that, unless | loar vas atthe With the same) v | a 1 sther mile-stone - : rn Me : drown, ANS uthe r-stone ------------ country was being swallowed by the] something should be done, the port | passio He toldime last year he pa! ns | financial, speculating bankers in New | would no longer he able to hold its | stated, "that unfertinately his wife vy ird vous % i ' : 4 ( on asl ' | York. Referring to the recent panic, |supremacy. The bill provides for a | had hink 8 take any more! NY ' ew H / " 1 Embroider I * s well pl 1 | ks h | that whe cowed B.A. Griflith's jewelry store, Ha od Shirt Wa You bave ever he said It was well planned and] controlling body of twentv-five mer books hom ne ®t when he made raville. was entered 'and' about 81 $ { JUrs eo 8 Bre ol, oen ie est ng cleverly carried out, it settled many | chants trading in the pont Llovd | @ large pirchase he deft ghem under a By worth of valuable watches, rings ata : and best | : ve ) lus s , itting nents he " old scores, gave the system control] George said. all the dock companies | rosebush in the garden and took then ' : tole ' ne gury 1 the trade, of industries which it bad long cov-| had comsented to the proposed terms | into ¢ hou one at a time pa, $ stolen a the evitatio Fut s of dels * 10 chow 2 jo o bar i EX1Co has . g | rot ranging f 1 The. to $6, etodd, at low preicen; wad money far | -- -- - . ---- from the Japanese government to nar I i [its promoters, reba Ke the fearless ae i - -- ticipate in the world's fair to be held A Hy 4 ol dan 81 ECIAL LINES ministration of our president, and kill-| - in Tokio in 912 and 25, ed off the movement for his nomina- | 3 : LA club' bas beth incorporated in | Jor a third term i the | » " 6 3 wy ca i New York to send expeditions to the ; f . 4 | were WAS no occasion or ie or | x it i oT i { Arctic and Antartic regions to find vy fs, ew Iriva S § pans and cla He rs of the Jrystem | to} ' 8 Bi 53 he 5 } Fwhether or not the earth.is hollow Kk BY | become frenzied over my statement so | FF) . dai ) § { ) : ' : ye meat dealers of Philadelphia " yg 3 {easily proven by the directorates of | : 3 od : ' fnave decided to wend =» petition. . to & CHAMOIX GLOVES, | } | the trusts and combinations controll ; ] 3 President Roosevelt, asking that the Eo | FANCY BELTINGS fed by the 'system | iad Cah duty on sheep from Canada be re 4 | LEATHER BELTS, } TO-NIGHT we offer the best and entered upon his eighty moved « At Chicago ¢ Frid ight, Hac PE ' : Ions A wp ee Te hots F LONG KID crovks | Summer Cottages Wrecked Just | dy eg 4 ' . : | wrestling without a fall for either LADIES' NECKWEAR. man and the referee awarded the fight | Below Ogdensburg. J ¢ § } } ' i y ; eo dh bs to Gotch. ROBE DRESSES, | HAVOC CAUSED BY ICE JAM LIBPIIEERESE ynadian vk! EEE Ogdensburg, NX. April 4.--~An ice A man in an Indiana court room on . . near Chimney lsland caused the total LADIES' COATS, destruction of several summer cot-| revolver, shot and killed the Shied | Po TAILORED SUITS, Iv skoted 'du docks along the American river front wwstander and three other officials I pun SILK DRESSES, and Heinte. Wdre ot > Pe eh + just below this city. 'The damage | Important proposals with a view the he my he een mn ws e Kt i the jam forming in the #1. Lawrence river - ng for arson, yesterdav pulled out la | tages, boat houses, launches aud BEE ta if i : g [iy i detectives and seriously wounded a PATRICK DALEY, t fruk || done is roughly estimated at ¥25,000.| le he union of the Presbyterian | Canad, ay hn bi % WALKING SKIRTS, Trust. was given a drubbing and hon " hota . n eo I'he trouble is attributed to the |! | started in the same direction "The Vanderbilts can no longer re chur of Australia will | pew breakwaters recently erected on] 3 B "i : 3 sha od to bl e Lambe th conferen tai i 1 sontrol & 3 the Canadian side and suits to re 1 ¥ ; 3 RA Al d subs aently further considered in | ha ee Bin SLRSIE . uppogtans couizo Ris | cover damages will be _ instituted | . #) | Australia : { J . 3 themselves fe the handwriting on th against the Dominion government { En & h pd { Gov. Fort, 6 ew Jersey, § $i | Cruelty To Soldier A Silk Bargain wall. ke 8 4 La Follette { "The handsome Kosegrant house is] : Jed the : ill Senator Avis, ma Beri 2 pil 4 ~Lorpl. Otte " Hig 7% od | a ats lho t of his among those completely demolished! Jit 8. Ck ssieimennon-ta. Sibiish any. Lol. 4b ha Eyl: ie Be memorable speech against the Aldrich { and the ice : : Currency bill | so completely as 10, Joree His assertion that the industries of | : : DA j : . Yukon land registration district, has ---- i : ha - J x wi one MDA LVELY TINE Fa EEE ARRESTED ON So = Se 3 ards of five French Tofleta i A hesutiful filled the Ashwood Housel ; | a le. advocating the death or injur any person. The bill is aimed at | court-martial off the top| { i |e anarchists mouth imprisorament for )rsistent | t of the roof J. | ! Garoward, registrar of the | erueily Lo subordinates | Of flew Bats at Campléll Dros | | ¥ Board of Health, 4 § M owed his wil ' wing of 82.700 a vear Detectives Go on in Theatyical General Hospital Liovert 5, \ pu |cuPID RAIDS A BOSTON | : | 3 ¥ : h murdering his ei THE EPISODE WAS ONE OF steopathist of ° Costume and. Capture Man Be. | SSAC HCOOEUEDE.. Maomlay. 2 3 Llecn-vear-ald- 3 wi ay i wlecn vear.o ae--she . L. x L No. 918 Moghs Tisai y" even STREET. | } ou a ob TNT gly TR | [aston Michal Le. Cwentaon REAL INTEREST. ------ | Newark vas.arrekterd.: On mary Eight Weddings Celebrated in| 3 { the latest Photograph oi G Britain's premier, ho is {0.1 NB hu the | fore Audience--Thought it a - : R rs seriously ill. : : & e . Y for ¢ it en or "The Soldier aml His Lenten Vows Three Days. : | 1 3 ranswick cour shysicians an $e 7 alto a comedy, Mishaps a Mi Boston, Mass, April 4.--Cupid has | . rgtor i le $ Scene. St BORN. tary Thy vii ve Joba Robert Davi | hit Boston hard in the last thre 1 a t ' : siggy © Monterey. 4 Vays, and his execution has been | ticularly fearful on Woodberry st | pros ri : i { i 1 Lit 1 yen 1 : WHIG TELEPHONES, {the shortest in the city. y fi amid chee Conservatives Ask Him to Help 245--Nustnten Lite | There are just forty-two houses En .-,B.l Prestor | , wrhseys + t re ) pede ' ie 120s Elbit 0 : i ; . i - * . 2. a ¥ nia ¥ ! ™ ' -- 4 -------- 202 a. Dore raiant {hoth sides of the street, yet 2 WILL ADD $5,000:000. 3 ' '" § 3 ive ' ot - ou } axed ne i © $hCOL 1 NO | Y MARRIED. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig Inst three days there has been : ' . | conser . mem ber waite pon | bullet in Otto Tavlo lot enter the thewtre | The Daily Whig is alwave on sale at |marviage Irom every one of ti ' the Carnegie Foundation For | : y AX a . : ted} LOU wa shat through ( Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square-- | houses and from some of them two Eligible Professors 4 x oY window tevengor I everal Open till Jate each evening. and three New York, April 4A \ ri i thers 'were ate And the best of it is, that everyone | join it js announced, will MH = / et} ark. - whi , The t aniber of Deputies | W8® there at the mome on the street who -martied, married 000,000 to the fund of the a Zie | Praston redes rou i i lonted the am v bill by a vote | 'The man had been eng some one else' on, the street. Nobody | foundation, or whatever sus . super and the detecti | > i -------- Yo ean Buy's new hat | Fora dollar or wor | Gets a Capture in Every One of wr three mor ago, Leo had taken ) on his wife's | In George Mills' Swell Stere Bijou Thea tte Symbolic Pantomine, (m colors), "Three Sins of the Devi He rch and sb tifa) . Forty-Two Homes; ' Forty- SIR HENRY CAMP BELL-BANNERMAN. h APPEAL TO MATHESON. that ti gerous rim 0 comm itted political offen AEE RRR ER AA | in 1907 in commection with the wine growers' revolt in the south of Fran P Must arrest hum at { Locked i their home at Hughe hey sani ROBERT J. REID, town. Pa., while their mother You.cant stop my performance The Leading Undertaker. Dominick Jimitio went to wo | PTO tested M. Antoine, "and i Ca 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. go on the stage in those clothes, hut went outside . 1 Puesday night marviages were cele | Gog elivible professors of state uni ! brated. This 'makes a total of foriy-| versitios. This ins of 'educators was) eight people on the street who have { 5, provided for in the original gift, married sine Sunday. ; | and their inclusion now is made on qo id, in William C. Cromiy, who} the repre sentation of the National As : iatior State Universities he styles himsell the professor of 'New A Banal donation will A " Be New designs for the Spring Thought." He preaches that to live | yor vent. bonds, providing ai added in any but the married state 8 | . . . season. Quaint, odd, old crime and-deadly-~sin, and. evervhody | ib: ome a ict ol a mittens dol 3 : ars ghd a tot for vearly dishurse fashioned shapes and in the neighborhood, apparently, has | | weats of $750,000, accepted his tenets. The pecple martisdare of all con | necessary to include as pension be irom the opposit ® NAMES CONDITIONS. a------ 47 Ottawa, April 4 --The ap- butcher shop, t I , Ha ¢ ¥ her sop. the house caught pointment of Justice Cas- and three children. Mary s you say, there is danver of the | --- amen sels, as royal mmission~ Joseph. were burned to death man escaping you, | will do what | er, to inquire into the # | wore all oie than 'six wears of ace can for you if you will wait #1 4 f affairs of the marine de- Capt. Epnar Mikkioson. who jointls few minutes lator the detectives, | . partment, is not yet defin- Mi commanded the Anglo-Polar sxpediting M0sied in the picturesque Basque cos Cairn's Scotch itely concluded. He has re- ¥/ which sought an undiscovered contin, | (M6, went on the stage, laid hands plied to the premier declar- | uni in the Beanfort Sen has Arrived | ©" their ma and. alter ing, in substance, that he ¥ 54 Seattle, Wash. Capt Mikkloseo 520 gle hand: ull i him, tied h . foe Jams and Marmades . 5 i Prices Right. ditions, young and=wold. The chandes f DIED IN HIS TOY TUNNEL. : : g are, those who are married say. that | will only assime the duties | uel. the Duchest of Bediord wae! 10Z0ther, and carried him bodily : § : there will be a couple more weddings | | { Sad Fatality From Fun of Some al for which he was appointed' | lout in the ice pack, near Flaxman ithe Wit any special excitement on ti before the street' finishes. Small Boys. on two conditions = First, | {land. a vear ago art of the au e, who imagined | Ginger Marmalade, | Detroit, April 4-Jereminh Curren, | 43 that there should te extra Miss Gertrude Ricketts. Coddr View, | 18t what they ha wn was merely | Green Fig Marmalade, Saved His Life With $20 Bill. | thirteen years old, was suliocated by @ remuneration, and, second. 2 is seriously i at her home as a re. | OF 10¢dent in one of the wonderful |p, and Lemon Marmalade. St, Paul, Minn., April 4.--& special |a cave-in of a tungel Le and liis | my ly, that the work should ¥! sult of hibod-poisoning, which develop ge pictures of ~Hamuntcho | Green Fig and Ginger Marmalad, from Lake City, Town, "avs: Stewyrt | chums wire rapning from the cellar of | 5 not interfere with his # od. following the extraction of ge { Pi le M. Dunbar, an insurance broker of Des | a dilapidated house Curren, withi® duties as judge. Sir Wilfrid "$1 tooth. Miss Ricketts had been suffer AS TARIFF EXPERT. { Ginger and Fineapp annalade, Moines, while gh his way to meet a] Uwen McLaughlin, John Cady and # says he will bring the cor- ¥ling from neuralgia, and went to a Strawberry Jam, party of friends, Jast night, fell on the {and Henrv McCabe, had taken posses- | ye regpondence down on Mon- # dentist. who pulled the ofiending | 10¢ Casadian Manufacturers Offer | Raspberry Jam, cattle gard of the railroad tracks of | sion of the Gellar of the I and i day, Hl tooth. Her condition is eriticsl, Position to. W. R. Bredner | Black Currant Jam, oo | the Chicago atid Noeth Western and | started to dig a eave. Their plan | *® (Mtawa, Aprd 4--W. R. Bradner, | Eaquirios : snught bis foot in such a manner that | was to run a tunnel just large encugh AICI | BABY WEIGHS 23 OUNCES. | ehiel clerk of checks in the customs d partment, and one of the best « Jas, adden Co i "n EEF EFEXEFIEIF IEF #43 yen: from he would 'have been trushed to death | to crawl through and enlarge the end Fat ties desirous of selling should lose | Deneath the wi of an approaching | VANCOUVER'S MILK SUPPLY.|A Mite of Humanity, Perfect in of the department, bas been a y | no time in placing thein propecty with us. | hand car had i i 'been for his pres | The Feet Of The Poor. Smt Form and Healthy. the Canadian Manufacturers' assotia-| poo ters Of Fine Groceries SWIFT'S Real ~ Estate and Insurance| once of mind, | Vienna, April 4.--As a measure of «1g Killing the Babies, Who Die | Scranton, Pa. April 4 "The smalls | 1300 to accept the newly-created posi | Pp : Agefiey. Igniting a $20 bill he held it overl precaution on account of ith h Like Rats." lest mite of = humanity that has ever] 10D 'of tarill expert to the) associa his head as a» sigoal of danger, aod | Empe ror Francia Joseph wi , Pg) ver, BC. April 4. Dr. J. A } soon the light in Lackewanna eounty | 90 Fhe salary offered is "onsuder ' TAKE NOTICE atiractl the: attention 'of - the oceu-| stain Sra taming pat . ; ; : 3 pial p e © Several wxceadingly | bas beer born to Mr. and Mrs George ably a excass of what Mr. Bredner i Bishops' Bad Writing. I vou are selling out your Purnitare. | Pants of the hand car. i tomary Holy nk Perems Tg startling ements regarding the [heh] of the Boulevard hotel The | NOW getting, and it is uidersio Be. Yowdon, April 4.~In a lecture af leit wish Jou would rie Jutes! the washing of the feet city Ws y ai appeal, this [Rttle stranger weighs twenty hres W140 @ rpt the positon $ the Kev, (5, ¥. ¥arram, vicar price for i Foi 298 Lives Lost By Carelessness. the pon alterne wesented to the pity coun: | punies and is phesionily ae gerfest iw ig ---- ' gebury, sad the writing of nireet. London, Apeil dln giving ovief ; eh Gil 'to insist on bacteriological test. shape and form. and the doctors' say Many Storss a wrth standard slemantary school. - dene at a Paddisgton imguest + Leo. , "Apaches Revenge. Pie said 0 One dred and © fgety [in health, ay any infant of the aver Can sell you a ®2 bat bul no slors v would, put Enghsh bishops to 'Royal Personage Hurt. sard: Ward, inspector of factories, said) Pacis. April 1 Bob." a distin habive moter. agearsoid died oa Vab- | {age vice sor weight, Unlike children con sefl you. one bat will equal shams. American bishops wers wines, April 4A despatch to the 00 nen ar ote go Pane of the saiine pofice; i eoaver dat Sr The supply 3 90 | of its sizk, it shows no traces of im, Campbell Bros', special 32 dechies. [he aided, and ted Aypewritersy Liberte, from Bordeaux. confirms ast ng ree in Paris, bas disappearsd mys fad. it 0 like Toading them Rreemie. Pmatority. i y y idepts reported to have | soafigla atte er onl. of terionsly, and it is feared that he st (thin yymiber, 190 babies were un- | The atiending doctor says that the Bibby's for webby hats. #2. i Lenaox and Aiding ton sounty eoun- X nN ; . Jud Ration the hands © Lehi ified ta Satih milk. Lhaby will live, i Lawn grass seed put up in 100 sllors may make arrangements with g will a i packages, at Gilsen's Red Crosse drog! Prince ard county to we jig shore, i dnd AT fa Sirk Babak

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