Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1908, p. 5

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it _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. KEEP OFF ALL CATARRHAL, fry S a MR. GEO. H. THOMPSON, At Work On the Farm and Feeling Well All the Time. Geo, H, Thompson, Craft, Miss., writes: "I have been cured of ca tarrh by your 'medicines, Peruna and Manalin, I had been affected with catarrh of the stomach sbout all my life, and was taken bad every } Spring and Bummer. "I used several kinds of patent medicines, but they did me no good, I then took * a treatment under an M. D,, which did me but little good, By this time I had come to where I could eat nothing but a little soup. I had severe pains, had lost in weight and could not do anything, I began taking your medicines, Peruna and Manalin, I then weighed 126 pounds, but after tak- ing several bottles of Perunas and one bottle of Manalin, I weighed 166 pounds, "I am now st work on the farm and feel well all of the time, I eat all I want to and my friends say that I look better then ever before. I will ever praise Peruna for its healing power." Pe-fu-na is a Systemic Remedy, If Peruna proves efficient for eatarrh in one place, it will be equally potent in any other place, because it is a sys- temic remedy, The people generally are very much misinformed as to the nature of catarrh, Oatarrh 1s usually believed to be con- filed to 'the head, nose and throat Lately wesometimes hear. of catarrh of the stomach and catarrh of ilie bowels, Seldom, if ever, do we hear of catarrh >t any other organs, +t 1s not because these orsans are not subject to catarrh, nor that catarrly of these organs is not a very common dis- ease, but simply because it is not gener- ally known that affections -of organs may Le due to catarrh, TROPICS HABITABLE! (of they mode of transmission of mala EXPERIMENTS IN CUBA STAND AS EPOCH. | Conquered--Pro- tection Against Pestiferous | Fly Will. Make the Panama | Canal Feasible. | April 4A evidence taken by the mission on Vivisection three months of last sued the government comtains a remarkable accounfit to tlie commissioners by Dr Oslet, | regigs professtr ol medicine at Oxford] uniVergity, of the 'methods which medical science has progressed ia battle against yellow fever Dry Osler observed that the story o vellow fever illustrated, perhaps, hore satisigetofily than any other the "re markahle way in which experiments | carefully devised and carried out, | might not only influence our knowl- | edge of the etiology of a disease, but | might iinflience extensively the coms | mercial relations of nations, and save! not only thousands of lives buat mil } lions of pounds annually. | Yallow fever hus been the great peourge of the regions around the Lagibbean Sea, and many attempts | had been made to fihd out the cause! of the disease, hut all had failed up| to the year 100, when a commission | was sant to. Havana by the United | States government especially to inves | tigdte the cause of yellow fever. hat! commission recoghized particularly the! relations of the mosquito to the di sense. { The experiments wh ch they devised wore carried out in a United States! army vamp in Havang, and they were] among the most remarkalile that had | ever been made. In this camp [Iro-| fessor Osler explained, a house was constructed with two compartments divided from each other by a wire mogguito-proof" sereen. Into one side of the Wit fifteen infected mosquitoes wer plaoed, Men were selected, partly from the army and partly from evil fe, wha had expressed and signed their will inghess to submit themselves to ex- nevimicnt® and ong er two of the me dical men 8lso volunteered. Into th compartment withthe bfteen mosqui- tocs a nonimmune went jn the morn ing, in the alfterndon and on the fol lowiig morning' and submitted hime self to the Lite. Within five days h had the disease. Al the same tim if the adjacent compartment, which was simply screened from these mos quiloes. hy a wire netting, for twenty one consecutive nights two non-ime runes slept, They did not get the diconse. This series of oxperiments had . al ready revolutionized life in thuse re gions, Havana within the next two yours was cldared of yellow fever, the first time in the 300 years of its ex. istence, . ei . De. Osler arkded' that the discovery malarial te and the dis. Yellow Fever Londo, olume of! { Com} last i Royal the vear has been is printers, ang given by by ila { and laxative propertios dercdan any and. which shows ho trace of decom- | Climatic Aliments Overcome By My Pe-ruzna. Mr, W. J, Temple, R. F, D, 8, Dela, ware, Ohio, writes: "I am a farmer and so necessarily must be exposed to sll kinds of weather, About three years ago last winter, I was takef sick with bowel and stomach grpuble. 'One 'dodtor 'tilled it ulceration of the bowels, another called it colitis, Another doctor helped . me [ tempo- rarily. "Then a - druggist" recommended Peruna and '1 followed his advice, I took altogether five bottles and I con- sider myself a woll man, "Batore usiig Peruns, it was utterly ImpokSIbIE tor He to do a day's work, but ow 1 ean do farm work without the least trouble or fatigue. I consider Peruna the best médicine and tonie on the market, "1 had not eaten a meal for five years without distress until I took Peruna. ve egorimended it to several mds with good results," nothing else in the whole development { the Writish pation that go Til ipporthnce as the discovery would have tia, It was going to make the tropics habitable. etc an Térmenting Food. Wien the stomach is weak a por tion of the food does not digest. It fermgnts; gonrs and creates flatulence, Palpitation of the heart or headache lis apt 16 result Day's. Dyspepsia Cure gives prompt relief and restores proper digestion This preparation has digestive, tonic Fach bottle treatment. For slore days gf Drug contains. 8) xteen sale only at W srvrenibpk ds A Fresh Egg ? Paris, April 4.--The constitutes & liesh Was at therponehuding EL of the congress of the French Milk lndustry adick Dells Produce Softies After very lively dikcussion, joined in over 200 members of the co : following definition was What question on Lirst by "A La, age is an egg which link Aosta "ig found nol to have sui way Jdrom evaporation position.' Mariage Lottery Sequel Paris; April gi--M wore, marci in voreced in 1901, dividing the and shares wideh formed their fortune. One of the shares, M. Bob- Bae won a SIO6000 prize, and Bobin is suing her former hus £50,000 and Mme bonds owned by in, Mme band fgr 7 a Tramcats For Women Only. Lond April $.~To such an extent have worth pedtonized the special tramears ron®or their use between Tooting and the PFmbankmeént that an additiomal, car gotyice mel similar cars will be next mopih in various districts London. run of To Prevent The Grip. cause. To get the genuine, call full name and look for signature of E. W. Grove, 20c. A party of sixty dined from a single sen pie at a Gorleston hotel, England. This pie; weighed 170 pounds. A vain man always makes a great hit with himself. 1 It Heals The Lungs. When Catarrhozone "is inhaled it spreads through the breathing organs, earrying healing to the sore An irritable threat is cured in minutes, bronchitis it soothes the fhrst breath. Nothing so certain for catarth ag tolls. Uatarrhozone wings new heal te your throat, nose end lungs, . Very pleasant and harm- fess. "iboeaught a severe cold which developed mte estarch, and. settled on my lungs," writes Mr. A Northrup, of Bedlord. "Catarrho gone relieved. quickly and cured me. 1 five treativent amd ik guaranteed to cure; : $l: sample the top of + thie | hay fed etiled | | the on! Bobin | 1891, and were di-| 1 | twenty-four hours | Pearl | gave {| mothers of all will be plied on the | in Fayston {Blind Candidate For Parliament. | ter's blind politician, has been select West | {ed as ! E nted by | King Leopold received from Liege Laxative Bromo (uitine removes the | for i Sir A spots, | from | firally | one highty." The | ws BY TAKING PE pa 9 Pe-ru-na, a Most Reliable Remedy For 9 - => Ale Mr. Gustav Schmidt, Spring Valley, and Manslin, and now I am entirely "I had catarrh of the head and throat for over thirty years. It became worse every year, About three months ago I commenced to take Peruna Your medicine is surely a blessing to mankind. You can truly say that you have not lived in vain, Doctor, and I thank you for the good you have done me. May you enjoy a long life to help suffering humanity." All Climatic Ailments. -- er"! 3 Chronic Catarrh of Head and Throat Lasted "Thirty Years. tter] Praising Pe-runa PE dh? Pe-ru-pa, a Household Remedy. Mr. Henry Schroeder, Estey, Mich, writes: MR. J. B. ALEXANDER. | | 111., writes : A Necessity in the Home. J. B. Alexander, publisher of thd "Fruit and Floral Guide, 8 Magazine of | "I suffered for almost ten years with Horticulture," published in Hartford | catarrh of the stomach and all doctor- ing was of no avail. I took nine bottles City, Ind., says of Peruna: «1 was afflicted with catarrh of she | of Peruna and two of Manalin snd sm now entirely cured. | tl t and head for over ten years. I Heats "I recommend the medicine to all cured of that troublesome sickness. "Dr.S. B. Hartman, the inventor and original manufacturer of Peruna,is one of the best farmers in the Middle West. Hip farm comprises several thousand acres of the best land in the State of Ohio, located near the City of Columbus, As an importer of French Percheron and German Coach horses, the Doctor has not an equal in this country, The fowl-raising department 1s = marvel of ingenuity and perfection; but, perhaps the dairy department is where the Doctor shows his greatest sense of order and sanitary science. His milk cows, of the purest Jersey stock, have all been subjected to the tuberculin tests, and he gives to the City of Columbus a pure milk, certified by the Board of Health, The milk stables, the milk men and the whole process of milking sre ab- solutely faultless and clean, - The Doctor himself, past 70 yearsof age, is the managing bead of the farm. - TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Gust of Wind Hurled Him Out Chair. New. York, April 3 persons from the street and shop win ¢ watched Joseph of Hundreds oi | l . vesterday Bailey, a steeples olf from a dan a 200 ev City Batley was slung when a siting chai ney chair and {did so he gre angling from wind blew reach, Several perso and their the & Aa he had barel "1 of the A UNIQUE RECORD. ean tthe edges te | Becomes Grandmother fon: Times | in One Day | April 4.--The record of ha a grandmother, four times Boston, hecomi within twenty-four host th that M Fayston, four sons ha dangghgers within? is sy peleu Belle liar one belongs Durkee, of come to her three first instalment msisted which came to Mr Jonnet te Waitefield A later Mrs. John Ie ) Arthur Maxham, F birth to a the The twins, and ow hours Mrs children London, April 4. -Walker King, Exe- candidate for Somerset, the divisiph repr Acland-Hood. Mr } good speaksr, amd coatested { unsuccessfully in 1960 liberal = a | | Bulk tea may ger profit, but 'Salada' Tea (packed in sealed lead packages) leaves' ga fasting and favorable impression upon | the palates of all giving it a trial { Hence its enormous sale. | The mayor (All. Charles Willis) and { the deputvmavor (Eo. W. Willis). en- ! gaged dn a boxing bout at the open- of & Rochester (Eng) athletic leave the dealer a lar- {ing jelub, » Red Cross Beef, Iron and Wine, the king of tonics. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Occasionally some voiln~s man at- 'tempts to make the mare go by in vesting a lot of morev in wild oats put up in nice neat package, 10e., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Insgrance is a mathematical prob- lem. 'As the policyholders maultinly Lhe directors divide. ; Frosh supply of MeCenkey's choi caramels. Bold only at Gison's drug. store. : c DR/'HARTMAN?THE FARMER. storm Mra | whole field » born | {KING LEOPOLD THREATENED | | Vaunton | Baking Ammonia and (i! of Lemon] was treated by many physicians, but grew worse Sri Ay 1 was seldom able to | Who are afilicted with this disease, It | 1s my household friend." "a --T go out in cold weather. ; He himself 'supervises the working | "About one year ago I was advised to | One of Dr. Nartmaifs Sratemi Cor- details of every department. | try Pursns, which 1 ad, ay I am now Mr.W.R um Haka of Big i | entirely well of the catarrh. LZ BY + Hh ' cota Fors 2 | "Furkan 1 acai ou home, HA Barn, and promot fit grows ever makes personal use of, his physical | With the first symptoms of a cold we A ie a va a a condition is a testimonial to the efficacy | B5€ it snd are Never afiieted With ca | toward you and pre a3 medicine, of Peruna of greater value than could | 77h. P re y B ' be framed in 'words. "1 advise all who are afflicted with | gn {catarrh to try Peruns. There is cer- had & very bad spell of sickness Dr, Hartman {sone of the few doctors | , ie nothing equal to it as a catarrh | 80% could not eat anything at all. My who take their own medicine and his | head, stomach, in fact, my whole body medicine," splendid physique and strength in his| 7 a reid and Able te Work. ached, and it looked #g though nothing old age are an eloquent argument for Mr. John G, Hirdler, Garfleld, Kas,, | would do me any good. I had almost Peruna very difficult to gainsay, writes: | given up. Dr. Hartman, being a farmer himself, | "l was injured by a fall on the rail:| "I decided to try a bottle of your knows what the farmer needs and in | road and my entire nervous system was | Peruna and before I had taken half the speaking of Peruna to the farmelrhe impaired by the same. The help of a| bottle my appetite came to me and my speaks to his own kind of people. | physician was useless. head became all right. In fact, I was Pe-ru-na For Bowel Trouble. "I then tried Peruna and after us nz 'all right all over, Peruna cured me." Mr. Stanly Bell, Ashley, Ohlo, writes: | it for three months was entirely w While Peruna is not confined to any "I was afflicted with rheumatism so|I am 71 years old and my work on the | one class of people, yet it is probably badly that it was painful for me tothe railroad is hard and tedious, but I | true that the farming class more than move. [ took two or three bottles of | can work like a young man In all kinds | any other, rely upon Peruna for the Peruna when I began to feel better, It{of weather, heat, cold, rain, snow or | prevention and cure of all climatie also gaye me relief from bowel trouble." | storm alike." i diseases. oa IN APRIL FOOL TALE... WALKS IN CLOUD; FINDS 1... TRIP PERILOUS ONE. 000.000 w Early Arbutus Gatherer in Search | For Bigger Plowers Does Eliza Crossing-the-Ice Act in Town, ! Thundeéropolis, 0., April' 1.--1homas | had i ath, corresponds ) thought some fet NOW IN GOOD SHAPE OBJECT TO VACCINATION. $3,000,000 Worth of Orders on Hand. April 4 Hundred Fail Pay Atten tion to Order wi £1 Set \in i Two to turbines gines al SHANI INN) | State Ohio vl Conner, who ape from de tell vour fetails, be ons might n ause h him, I went to the mountain top,' suid]. mftoo ang 3 - : Apes IR Hamwe an Wh sim arbutus that gathering. 4 that the storm had driven the into the tightly teau. as _so bu Wi"not nati bad-not-v wt valley that and packed they formed I stepped off FORCED TO FIGHT DUEL tarted to ut the { mountan Stra War Office. Ww } Brings Against Ape It Officer til I got 1. a rift wet clouds tained me ui there was re awl: '1 woul of the r to the earth helas THE WHIG!S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things in Shert Metres ma as to say the more atk garden seeds ss drug store, a fall from an from an marry a man 5 reasons why st fo tarine noth Gibson Mr. and ee, for Ont. Beef, nake, ex Newton, Napa- +. Monday next, expe home In Lakefield, their future Wine, "Our Own" 50c., at Wade's and bottles, Iron Pint J. A Daly axpect next weak, for they will spend rele Napa Brandon, Ma the summer Huyler's put up mg Ouly at store Mrs dene where dros, Ji drug American 1k assorted ass jar and Uibson 8 R. Doller mn Napanee to sald he William Sicker, the John resi Hawley, who will take Ist of May For that box of Gibson's Red get Huvler's or frosh, Possession to and Always bon bons frag QUuRey 5 go Cross store Mot ald rubliér somethine on Some stop to when" they stove cooking It would be a pleasure to show yon the beautiful range of suitings we are carrying for spring. Give ua 8 all, Crawford & Walsh, Anson Avieswor who has been women we have the th New- pending the d, return- George wirgh ast three months | nelar and mo. used Sulphur, cream tartar Kind that me Sold in Kingston at drug st th ther to Gibson's Red Cross A pleasant er i {| March 3121. at the residence f Hen \h third nddinag | riage of her | Abbott and Richmond place, on My of Fy the mar- Beattice Years Parisian by a Gi Privat Wound Felt After 1 April 4 \ who was wou I named rman in Man Outraces Horse April 1A 1 of seventy SEute A i Jon agninst h bad ounger He Hanged By The Neck. No death more cetipin than the {end that « to every offender treat Putnam's Con ut is omes od by I xtractor ot and iy It's corn or aart nest « Putnan ot fron I comes the branch. 1 he In free Traveling Spider Apr Spring Importations -0f 1908. Prevost, - Brock three cases of clothing departmer cote and English is and vicunas hem to from has received is for his asi ting strent imported goo BET OS,; variety New Handwriting April 3 In A Town Durty Fox Hunt "By sing this time the } out SUM nd the was bérin vast plair time 1 to come mmencedd met satik to my nv. mas one aist anc only efforts did 1 drag myself out loud trifle » most strenuo 1 that was a I reached the begs to 1 ™ clond to the mountain the break compel cloud like When ot last 1} regched the mountain side | was faint up 1 eral j Se times mp from | crossing ice JURY AS JUDGE. Offers to Disclose Name of Plotter For $5,000. April 4 May Pass Law Enabling Them to} i Decide Sentences ! A few days ago| Paris, April 4M an | minister of justice that the { law to the splot to! which a Fre Brussels | cide the guilt Brussels, lotto Was an accom anonymous writer | blow up the royal § jand to kill the but that he bad been ctricken remorse and would discloses the of the plotter for 35 000 The money, he said, was to be de! livered to him on a cerjain day Kinkempois forest, near Liog Two policemen disguised nc workmen wore sent to the place in the fort They placed an envelope at the faot of a tree and left. A man. who had ing Justice Warrington's evidently been watching them, was the crowd of prople after the a. | lace entire at roval family, ior With | the name | dis I collaborate Robbed In The Law Courts. April 4A in in the London, record fo bashed was established, Vesterday - Henry Hodge, Ho 7 Ri a barrister, as. lean cort amang cgolness prohing hard seen to take the envelope, and he was {ment of a case, when he discovered arrested at once i that his chain was dangling from hb erie pocket bad di Found Guilty, But Acquitted. Liverpool, April 4.--The following | ] : . Women In The Pulpit. | strange verdict was given by a jure | Cardifi, April 4.--Weslevan Metho- yesterday, at Leeds | think, wy lord, the prisoner is ~uil i dist local preachers in North Cornwall thut that there "i® not suflicien {have decided, after an ammated de dence to convict him." The man was to reconize women as "help discharg and his gold wateh appeared asELzeN i hate, jers" ---------------------- fur | Gibson's Red Cross Cough Svrup find | Sold in Kingston only at Gilman's Hed | ; Umpse drug store. To the woman who bakes, Royal is the greatest of | ix colonel, and cight month aie | Bf time and labor savers. [irom exertion. and terror" -- Makes home baking easy, 'a pleasure and a profit. r---- CRRA NR

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