Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1908, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. F ~s A head-on taeen the collision has occurred be- whiskey bottle and the railroads of the country. Railroad men, critical glances over the of miles of tracks, are unanimous in de laring that the roads are in very mich tar condition than they were the collision happened, It's more than a gpeach, this head-on the Chicago road 'went casting thousands het- before firure collision. When and North-westhrn rail dry' on New Year's day, what is believed to have been the greatest swear-off ip history took effect, 25,000 omplovees of that sytem becoming total abstainers. Then, a few weeks later, a smash-up of the bottle occurred on the Jalti- more & Ohio railroad. Third Vice President Potter, head of the opera ting department, issued an order pro- hibiting all employees having any- thing to do with the direction or run nimg of trains from using intoxicants at any time, when on or off duty Fhousands of men an that immense system were affected. "Al over 'the land railroads are frowning more and more upon the use of intoxicating liquors by their em- ployees: A new chapter is being writ- ten in the history of the remarkable prohibition wave that is sweeping the cotntry, mere big ie Ln It is merely that the railroads ap pear to have taken a recent lead in insisting upon either total abstinence or the most temperate kind of living of the part of all employees. In fact, their fight against alcohol Hoes back many years, but now, with 8 victory, after repeated defeats, that * amazing in its thoroughness, they find: themselves indorsed by other en terprises and other classes of men to anextent amazing even to the most ardent opponents of the drink habit It seems as though a wide wave of abstinence from liquor, impelled by the tremendous local agitations that have swept counties and states for the last vear, is 1 gathering up men of various not. only singly, but thousands, And diverse as have humanity for stimulation, So _the railroads are far from being alone in the triminph of their collision with ths bottle, imposing has callings in groups of the callines Are as been the tastes of its forms of alcoholic Yet so complete and been that victory that 8 magnitude makes it overshadow all the othe Charles R. Jones, chairman of the National Prohibition Committee, put the situation most tersely "There are a in the United aMonnts to tinence "Our statistics show lowing roads, other than those men- tinned ib recent news items, have Elbinoent rales aginst the use of 'in t@Xicants by emplovees. and all Vifle severe penalties Shore and Atlantic, Grand Trunk Oelitral Vermont, Maine Central, Fo. ronto, Hamilton and Bufialo, Interna tinal of Canada and others has million railroad men States under what & practical rule of total that the fol pro Duluth, South OF over a month preparations had! for the great swear-off! \ made among the Chicago and Northwestern employees; all along the line the Your Complexion "inthe =, n hati liowm Marvin, NEY culture, leant the SH a th ives advice in the A tuated ie mn pd Delineatr, WOrry . owing to the sun and Romditins prevalent in the . mong other yaluable Marvin says © the skin once br twice n day i to he most plexion ; HE these simple remedies wre pot, y known or used a valuable: 18 Soft ant the com- Slear and brilliant, is o winple i wh tan be easily preps t The reir alam. a Bke two ounces of Rose Water, Cotogn: ts fou vihere Solar Davos are s of } runs, Crate Dx Loon Elal Meré ood s TRESS IEEE, se Cae wear 7° pledge had been circioated-s It is be lieved now that in time every man employed, no matter in what capacity, from end to end of the 7,000 of road, will become a total ar, In Omaha the efiect of the ment was pronounced, and may, haps, be cited as typical of the chang- ed conditions in other railroad centers | affected. At least who reside there, mile abstain- move- 2,000 railroad men | reach there the abstainers, | 'Roehrig's Place', known for years | by every trainman west of and particularly to those running and oat of Umaha, the wt on | are now .among { hicago, mj as railroad | { the 'cateh-as-catch-can' for a flooding the country, | | them, | all on the water wagon.' | man's retreat Is a thing past," despatch city. for a of th | that | } as | avs a trom "Famous generation for the hun-| gry brake twister and the grizzled en-| gineet and fireman, where they might | [get a whole meal and a glass of beer! nickel, it "Andy Roehng's nous hot and and cold lunch, held a4 an inducement to the thirsty: been supplanted by steaks, 'bam and." "They water wagon, every mother's he declared. "I'here thing Toit Tor 'me, and that is to serve them plenty of Missouri ¥iver water. | going 'out of the business month,' "Roehrig's experience is not unlike that of many other saloonkeepers who! has Jost its prestige i soup | out! have! wilenies chops and | the | of | have gone on son only one am saloon next m a great measure have depended on the patromage of rdilroad men in} Umaba, and in towns along the lines | of railroads entering the eity While | this swear-off started with the train- | men on the Chicago and Northwestern it has spread in a most remarkable manner to other trainmen in Omaha until, as. Roehrig puts it, 'they are "John Studen, yard foreman for the Chicago and Northwester is given credit for having originated the abstinence movemignt. Whether or not this is true it & certain that, Once the movement was started, its growth was spontaneous, and many thousands of dollars which, up to January Ist, were being spent in salocis are now going inte other channels of trade. "No railroad has operated without an iron-clad rule against the! use of intoxicating liquors, but many | railroad mén have considered it an in-{ dication of mental and physical weak- ness to admit that a temperance pledge was a requisite of total ab- stinence, "In the case of the Chicage and Northwestern wen, it is not doubted world-wide reform spirit ae- hem to a groat degree is their swearing off; perhaps a bigger factor was an witimatum from the officials of the road that with the annual reduc tion of forces temperate men would be retained in preference to those #n' to indulge their appetite for intoxicating beverages." That this reformation was in a great measafe, due to the influence of Frank Walters, general manager of the North. western, hates, there can be little doubt, Speaking of the swear-off the general A manager said : ever Safe And Sane. : "We are trying to operate a rail- road safely and sanely, that's all. 1 was in Washington, January. 1st, and read the news of the 'swear first i in gastern paper. Uf course, T wns | : but I must admit that 1 had i ironlation: of Plexion | nothing to do with 'the and 1 | f | 2 unanimous per-| doing their best to hold them | that keep intoxicants in that, with decision to join the in creasing throng of tetotalers "Our about January 1 slack. We non-drinkers, Just at this line, like others, reduces force busi preference when alwavs give to other things being equal tune men with jobs are I hope the ! employ total the action of our men will enable to hoast of the abstainers." Operation has k paratively methods road an army of es in train service who tem pt abreast time and educated to th cor Vong ar familinr w of the modern the requirements critical tra- velling public, hay placed may ficials of the old only matters which the paving of dis Anxious to bring the the highest these had to idend standard iebriate formed the the safety of to economics. in freight Phe Chicago and Nor sued ' worst met the tra periodical bul found. indulgis These and smployees eating Jiguors badle Cane mare more summary discharge was any employee caught ing saloon hi the close of the ound a Foward the vear the ficinls gave out Announcemer the am | ial rec force temperate men wou ed in preference to those k t ing le nually lulgent of their appetite f Verages. A redustion and ampany's has long willingness 1 a fervent markable all classes foreman, od of Keeping together, charge, th « well wage cut swear off-a wide swear-off that will put every one of us in the strict roll." suade. this with felt ¢ r un the risk o SINE } \. niaile members rug Just then the Omaha YM. campaign for new manifestation which the has been doing for the impro of the morale of railway employees of It was a sign of the times that the new membership soeured nvun 800 and 900 men. of the re association the local work ement bered between then that John Stuben, vard thou of an effectiv safe from he It was ; a meth dis- men was ad istomed to work with to any member crew of liked S0¢ suffer in a them, "let's all vard told genuine he "Bays," all-wool, I'AB. class and, 1 hope, keep every one of us on the pay to argue or per He had no need so quickly that it They saw it Are You Up to the Mark? H not feeling as well as you should, do' not make the mis- take of letting vour health take | care of itself. Resort to : Beecham's too | cept the happened to mention to other train-| dhusiasm for temperance amounted almost to a mania. Ea body swore off The Chicago North-Western example sot going me f othe ads, until finally movement grew all You When was over swearing, must not eter any bueket shap. You they 1 then I resolution speculate, attend prize-figchts have vicious must not You must not You must not panions, You must resorts ox the great Nor is in same er N men, i ery- | fom- and i the not frequent hecome white lights blaze lulgence regarde lenient. Hioht s f conspicuous modest into the greatest Ww ror olution | ormeri ocations. The actor w duty, iz observed to hav complete ruthlessly dropped from the cast un ifieation | the preat™major of American ma the lig f agers, Even a "sts ' with a i of capital upon completion of offend often when it sharp line of sobriety r {rade are then rr le y On ly Portion his rer'S pendent cement ma his } G00) may ot r money ory $1.000 To Laugh amounts to R36 It Was owen for foc clo All of ulden 1 fily that jared iriend, somethu t loes. 1 igh every time | Well Well, 1 » banks thin} was in the m Uctober B | Inrs & Ohiod vo do with |] ramng will { until ants at | Lord either on or off | A feller using such bev Under no oir made," "T did sity de "And rder more | dow ?" an "Wes "And "No in. 1 balance wasn't a that 1'd el | for next but how any had to duty--and erage "Wall vou ha ! you got to ved, | ptions be cumstances will exe Ang, inivirsal cur the teller's win manded his reasons for an « drastic than any es f orgamzation, he "It is believed by of the road that this is an step in the effort to reduce to the minimum and to raise the heiency of the the safety | - of patroi in to 1 highest | Have You Cold Seben'? standard. Frail ol ores tubbing The order applies to d spatchers, | won't eure in - trainmastier firemen, powerfully hoal ductors, brakesmen, vardmen and all} Hamilton's. . Tt employees having anything whatever | morning to do with the handling of trams. { wien ha ! irew ha !" VOur applied to 2 explained money where the there to That's the managemend . t mportant . A cidents thro ' nothing--ha ! service and travel in giveerine and maontl con- | engineers, on tme on nig ay and the cold s¢ { For this purpose alone Ih With resolutions and jron-clad pro- | Ointment hibition ringing the Sounitry east and | Sc. boxes, sold everywhere. west, and with stretches of Sahara | waste at which the traditional camel | Heart Broken By Curling Tongs. would shy in the South, there has | Madrid, April 4 - been needed ooly some system by la girl whe . took which *Y man on ever job on left a letter expla every railroad should be made amen been driven to des able to rules of employment and dis | heart's confession t charge so rigorous that the mtemper | was not ate, habitual or spasmodic would be | curling debarred from a foothold. It would appear that financis tutions re soon to follow tk cuted § Hamilton's | should be in every home Mathilda Gorlano, nolsor hair he « Traced By Teeth Marks. used but that mornis natural, tongs every wnsti- | red Crew of ble Nertbwes | Broadway ! where | Lond April 4. <A charge ples set on these railroads. The F [ Blac was proved against John Avenue National Bank. of New York, | st Neunthrope, Lincolnshire, is has issued this list of prohibition to jel manner. The burglar left a | ! its employes : { eaten apple behind, and Dr. Behrendt | not drink any intoxicants | stated that the teeth marks on it cor : } jonded exactly with the man's | teeth. : You must with men! You m in public restaurants. L DOL enter amy saloon. You must not enter any gambling | i) fbrush, 20c. Sold only at Gibson's | You must not enter any poolroom.| Gibson's special Red Cross tooth You must not visit any rece irack, | Bed Cross drug store, bern Pat Deer Cle Greed : . Swear 74 __ NEWAYG) CANADIAN NORTHERN QUEBEC RAILWAY GRAND "NEWAYGO" LIMERICK $3.65 GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES THE GREATEST LIMERICK EVER ATTEMPTED IN CANADA In a comparatively short period we have spent some thousands of dollars in advertising Newaygo as a summer resort. In other words, we have made a present to the newspapers of this money in return for a certain amount of publicity.. Our present scheme is de vised with a view of securing still further publicity by sharing out a portion of our advertising fund to the public direct. . 1st PRIZE Value $1,000 A beautiful ¢-roomed cot= tage and lot, an ideal summer home, at "Newaygo," looking Lake St Francis, Among the Laugentians Moun- tains, the most popular resort within shart distance of Mont- real A deed conveylog this property to the prize-winner " be Issued within ten days completion of this ocom- petition $100 in Gold 3rd PRIZE --850 in Gold and 100 Prizes of Value of $25 Each To be awarded by independent fudgcs, with impartiality and strict adherence. to every mle of falrmess and' fustice for each competitor, every line being read and careful y¥ considered Judges--MR. H. CARTIER, Mgr. Quebec Bank. MR. C. 8. MILLS; of The Montreal Daily Star. MR. C. NEVILLE, Mgr. Laurentian Land Co. The above prizes will be given to the competitors who, according to the decision of the judges, till st line of the Limerick in the best way. No matter how s the number of entries received, the prizes will be paid in full » help competitors as much as possible, we Elve a + words that rhy over. <Q list of a few Blgn PD Hpine Sunshine Superfine | o Twine N | ) Underline | Incline ii Bhrine Wine mmon sense is all that is reo to fill in the line, and the un - educated person ls just as likely to succeed as the university scholar, since all stand an equal chance of winning these prizes. Therefore, do not put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day, the [first thought being frequently the bust, and immediately that you think of a suitable line, send it to the address given below ALL YOU HAVE TO DO Is to 11! out. cut and forward the coupon, together with 10 cts. In silver or postal note to Laurentian Land Co., Montreal Street way Build] Montreal, Que. The ward "Limerick™ must be written on the t: f the left hand corner of the envelope. ENTRY COUPON--No, 57. Mere 1x the unfinished Limerick to which the last line should be added: Please find esMiosen wan cunts for entrance fos to "Newaygo Limerick I agrees to sccept the judges decision as final! and enter the competition on that distisct underetanding.' "Summer time st the sea shore for mine." Bat that's not In everyone's line, If good health yow would koow, Newaygo" you'll go, Address . reresi red No member of the firme oN fmploye will he allowed to compels. Asy Sum- ber " Foie oad may be ron Bmp on plate paper, and accompanied by either senarats postal notes or onéd for the whole amount It is particulsrly desired hat sii selgiions be sent In as emily fe possible, owing to the eOOrous Amount of work eatalled. 2 5

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