Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1908, p. 2

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Monuments! A LARGE STOCK NOW IN HAND TO CHOOSE FROM, LOW» EST POSSIBLE PRICES, JAMES MULLEN, 872 Princess St., Opposite Y.M.C.A, Make your bedroom BRIGHT AND RESTFUL. We have a variety not equalled for BEAUTY and COMFORT. : 1% Carpets New 1008 stock just in, Axmins- ters, Wiltons, Brussels, Tapestries. Curtains Direct from Mills of Austria and Switzerland, better variety shown, England, No Repair and Upholstering promptly done. Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90, Spring S8osevesecee 1908. We are ready now to show you Rugs and Carpets, in better values, softer colorings and an assortment as large as any Carpet House in Ontario. We would be pleaséd to show you the goods as you may need some at house cleaning time. A Brussels, Axminsters, Wil- tons, Velvets, Tapestry, Wool, Union Hemps and Japan Matting. We have them all, R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Rees acesseeessssesee Make a Note Of It. If You Can't Pay Cash. For the "Land's Sake" beat Jour landlord by getting a home of your own. We have a pair of houses corner Picard and Patrick Sts. Good substantial, 6 rooms in each, which we can sell you to pay 11 per cent net. I have a chance of selling one now, If you don't want might buy the other. SH00000000000000000000,00000000000000000000 both, you _ IX you want a first-class 'Brick residence in central location, 8 rooms, modern hot water heating. Look at 48 Clergy street. "THE MODERN DANCE" == SUNDAY EVENING SERMON BY REV. W. H. SPARLING. pre To-Day is Termed a Fashionable Dissipation-- | The Attitude of the Church Towd¥ds It. { Queen Street Methodist church, Sunday night, Kev, W. H. Sparliog continued his series of special ser; mons, taking as hix subject, "Ihe | Modern Dance." His text was chosen | from Romans xii, 2: "And be not! conformed to this world." ln open- R ing, he said that he would address his | remarks to the Christians: to those | who believed in Christ, and who were endeavoring to do His will. He would ! guard against saying anything that would be offensive, us it might tend to harden the heart. No person could | live a truly Christian life, and be con- | formed to the pleasyres of the world We must make our Choice between the | worldly and the heavenly. Dancing | might be defined as a graceful move- ment of the figure. The mere move- ment was quite innocent, but the | dance as a fashionable amusement, was a question to be considered, and | that was worthy of careful dis- It was a question that pre- sented itself to the church, and the | minister who considered the question | an all-important one, must speak out boldly, apd give his convictions. What then was the history of the dance ? Like the theatre, it had a history. The speaker then quoted some of | the many authorities on dane ing all of whom condemned it. Included in his references were Dr. Howard Crosby and Arc hibishop Spaulding, of New York. The former stated that three- fourths of the abandoned girls jn New York city, had given the influen- ces of the dance as the cause of their downfall. The latter had stated that nineteen out of twenty had declared that the dance was the gomg on the downward path of Koman Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian divines were quoted th + subject, cepting the | The Dance of At | | one cussion. Cause A'score and on all this as the truth," speaker, "dancing is and one about which no minis ter of Christ should Dancing. he continued, was originally, an expression of religious joy. This, however, was not the case, to- day, as it had degenerated into amusement. In the olden days, the Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews had their dance. dance of these days was quite differ- ent from that of to-day. That of to-day had no religion in it, and it might be termed a fashionable dissipation. The word, "dissipation" was used advisedly, for was not dancing commenced when people were seeking their homes or about to re- tire for the night The speaker could fancy of he | heard someone say, right, for does not the scripture say there is a time for dancing ?' There was not much consolgtion in this for the would be critic, for the scriptures said there was a time to hate and to kill. An analysis should be made lof the question. Under what circumstan- ces was the pleasure of dancing sought ¥ Did one ever hear of a com- pany composed entirely of ladies, dancing until. four o'clock in the morning ? Such a thing as this would indeed be a novelty, And yet it was often that ladies met together in other amusements. The same could be said concerning the men. Men who were members of a secret society never gave a ball, and limited the invita- tions to members of their own sex. Sex was the whole spirit of the dance. At these dances, liberties and famil- farities were gliowed, which would otherwise be considered improper, and under any other cire umstances, would not be tolerated. If sex was not the whole consideration how was it that a girl, if dancing with her brother would go home early from a danes while if she were dancing with other girl's brother, she" would main-until-four-o'clock-in the morn: ing ? The speaker stated that he did not wish to offend, but merely wished to added snare, | should | the { Christisn, | received at McAuley' 8. of their | al keep silent." | The | "Dancing is all | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1908. endeavor to hold on amusements with! whol Po not to the world and its one hand, and to » Christ with 3h other. If we do this, the world discredit our religion ouch We want to Could your not win vou da things | influence with | profess lol has. not unclean world for that would lower the world outside 7 W. have something the world somethfhg tmngs Jesus do more than join church. "Read vour whether or can lessen your infloence, see if they smile come to speak to them of their souls, | Be not conformed to this world | Next Sunday evening, ~Rev. Mr Sparling will speak the subject, "The Christian and Card Table ANCIDENTS OF THE DAY, and wed New not Testament you, as a professing things world when and so and vou do these the at vou, on the | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | league to get it started Reporters .,n Their Rounds. Good evening, Mr. Spring. Yank off the storm windows. The new suits of the ladies ere in Spring hats wij] shine Easter if | the weather is fing R, 8. Waldron pleasures with his motor car. i William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | "Phone 778. tafiv." Huy- ! at Gibson's on his | | has resumed "George Washington ler"s make. Sold only { Red Cross Drug Store. i A lot of maple syrup has been mar | { ketod in Kingston during the last few | days, at $1 to £1.25 per gallon H. Cunningham, piano tuner from | Chickering's. Leave orders at Me Auley' 8 book store, D Franklin has rented Archdea- | con Carey's residence, on Brock street, | for a term of years C. T. Dickson has dence, on Barrie street, pied by Dr. J. J. Harty "The king of copgh cures," { Red Cross Cough Cure Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | The Newman-Spriggs Flectric { pany has the contract for lighting the | { Board of Education's new quarters, at | | the corner of Princess and Sydenham | streets | Rev. Father Gill, O.P : | preached the annual charity in St. Mary's cathedral, before a large congregation | a vigorous diseourse | "Free from moths," | packed in a moth proof | double strength kind are son's Red Cross Drug Store 230. On Saturday, of the Salvation | sented with a handsome Ensign Cov. The baton was the gift of a well-known citizen Mr. Christ- mas has been connected with the band for some vears, and its present high standard is due to his efforts. GRAND OPERA HOUBE. rented the lately resi- | oceu- | Gibson's | com- of Mtawa, sermon | evening, | He gave last your furs, when | bag. The sold at Gib- "Phone Bandmaster Christma Army band, was pre. baton, by '"Ma's New Husband' Produced on Saturday. "Ma's New Husband" was the at- traction at the Grand Opera houte on Saturday afternoon and evening, and in both instances drew large au- diences. The piece produced is a farcical musical treat of the merriest ; | dolp h Hotel, | will be elected and each team { some fast games with | will be formed, | evidence | | wanted. | deemed advisable to try Sold only at» | a good baseball league is to Le i | other | amateur THE SPORT REVIEW * MEETING OF THE CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE At the Randolph Hotel on Mon- day Evening--R.M.C. Cadets Will Likely Compete in the Olympic Games in England. first regu- Basetall Ran be On Tuesday evening, "the lar meet; ng of the hingsten Association will be held in the when wil clected for the season and a constitu | tion drawn 'up. Each team that desires [to-enter should have at. least two r presentatives present, as the executive must on this committee. It of those behind the as soon as I good enolgh teams enter outside teams officers { be is represented the desire possible will be arranged. Both a junior 'and a s RIOr Series and all teams are welcome, asx are all lovers bas | ball, Up to the present time there are | five teams in the senior section, "and three in the junicr, Lut more are This Jeague will be the only as the St. Lawrence with outside as it is not and finance two leagues in the city, especially when one has such heavy ¢ xpenses as would be incurred by Bringing outside teams to the city for a game every Saturday. There are very good grounds in the city either. Lake On tario Park has a fine diamond, buy it 18 too far out for a junior game/and when the contests are held if the Cricket field, there is nothing in N for the teams It is to be hoped that the citizens will come forward and help the few voung fellows who have started the rague. The people during the winter ere calling for good city hockey The K. A. H. A. League was formed { and the citizens r sponded nobly. Now form and the people are to he given an chance to come out aml that they are interested in good sport. It is a long time since | Kingston has Leen represented by a first-class amateur baseball team, but this new league will turn out a nine that will be able to make some of one in the city, river baseball league towns will not he formed, no ed, show clean | outside teams sit up and take notice -- Cadets For London. Kingston will likely he well sented at the Olympic games in don, this August, as a squat! of twen- ty-four Royal Military College cadets will likely attend to compete in the free gymnasium contests The cadets go to Montreal one week from 1o- day to perform at the military toup- nament, and upom their success there depends their trip across the water The cadets have never vet been de feated in this branch of work. and if the bovs succeed in getting over the ocean they will cover themselves with glory. repre- I Oon- -- Would Like To Know. The citizens do not seem to like the way they are being kept darkness concerning what the Associa kind." Its absurdities and comicalities are of the liveliest nature, and keep the audience convulsed with laughter, The company 'comprises some hand- some women who possess rich Volees | and know well how to charm an au-| dience, Naydne Scott, as "Doro | thy," who loves everybody, was very | amusing. With 'the ~ assistance of | "Willie," Harry Garrity, they kept the | audienge. in the happiest mood. Bessie | Sheldon's rendition of 'Al the World | Loves a lover," was much admired. | Mary Madison and Babe Hooker sang!' several songs in good voice. E. D McMillan, as "Samuel Hooker, a bogus | tutor," was the fun-maker.. His make Ih { up, singing and comical sayings and | acting, won him repeated ap-| plause: Ralph Marty and Harry Black were good in their parts. | tor The Nellie Kennedy Co. The Burlington Evening News, of place before the people the attitude of the church towards this fashion- able amusement. And the Methodists were not alone, in this stand. A reat many had the idea that the Anclican church was not opposed to dancing. The best authority showed that this was not the case. Dancine was al condemned by the Baptists, Preshy terians, Congregationalists and the Roman Catholics. A line must he | drawn between the harmless and the sinful. 0 In regard to dane ring, it was to draw the line.' Dancing lowered the | tone of the spiritual life Some would say that it was a question for each! one tO settle for himself. If there was the "least doubt about the danee of to-day, then it was wrong for the Christian to recognize it. 'As members of 'the church, what shauld you want to do ? The way is quite plain enough. Follow the Lord! THE REASON, Why Geo. W. Mahood Continues to Recommend Vinol. First : Because it is not a patent medicine and it contains besides tonic iron all of the medicinal curative ele- ments of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, but without a drop of oil to nauseate and upset the stomach and retard its work; there fore, wl vor old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions wil do good, Vinol will do far more zed. Second ; Because Vigol acts on the stomach, rag] acts § petite, strengthens and healthy the digestive organs, purifies and enriches the blood, in a natural manner, restores Soh and strength, Third : Because Vinol contains no injurious drugs to react uponthe sys- tem; every ingredient being named on the label, a patient knows exactly what he is taking. Fourth : Because we never sold any: thing in our store that gave such uni- versal satisfaction for people weak sickly women and children, nurs. ing mothers, and to build up the svs- afior a severe sickness, and for fixe > not hard | Wednesday, contained the following | highly complimentary notice of the | Nellie Kennedy company,, which opens | | a. weel engagement at The Grand | { to-night, "A week's engagement by | {the Nellie Kennedy company was | | opened at The Strong theatre, last | | evening, to a well-filled house, the | | first bill being a pretty drama, i | titled ° The Cowboy's Sweetheart." T° | { play coritained many strong situa- | | tions and much comedy. The company | | carries a lot of handsome scenery to | increase the. effect of the plays. Miss Kennedy, 'at the head of a. vey ca- | pable company, is an actress of merit, {and she proved capable last night of | creating genuine inte rest and sympa- | thy in the role of "Vera Randolph.' {The company has a big line of spe- | j clalties, ail of them entertaining. The | | Burdett Dros., ac robats, were fea- f tured Some excellent illustrated | | songs and singing and danc ing fea tures are also entertaining The Nellie Kennedy company will commence a week's engagement at The Grand, to-night, presenting "The Cowboy's Sweetheart.' The Kingston Humane Society. The Kingston Humane Soe riety held its uarterly committee meeting, in the Whig buiMing, on April 2nd. Those present were Cornelius Berm- Col. McGill, - Mr. Butler, | Massie, Miss 'Ma-| ., M. Strange, Myx, Mrs. March, Miss Betts, Miss Cottle and Miss M. Cot. | tle. Much business was transacted and the society being in want of funds to carry the work, it was decided that the members present resolve themselves into a collecting commit- tee. The meeting adjourned, to meet on Semi 6th, for the collectors to make their returns. , "Returned To Halifax. A. G. Kennedy, Halifax, who has been taking a long course in the bat- tery here, left for his home on Satur- day wight. While in the city, Ken- ly 3 on the senior O.H.A. championship team and made a grand showing. . Kennedy made many 'stdy, and they were sorry to see hiv: leave thé citv. He expects, to ao ¥ Heit Tor = Tow masthe = 1 the winter. . : Fadia ie Driving Victoria day no subserip what being entertain ton intends doing Some say they will tions 'until they see done and what sports mepits are being put on on give 1s or Sporting Notes. The Olympic lawn tennis trigls be held in Ottawa the first week June. Montreal has secured Merkle, 'ew York Nationals first man. The Montreal te: in train ing now at Easton, P Robert Stronach, champion Mm urdile mmper and runner, of Scotland will locate in Canada probably Thon and participate in athletics Shipley has awarded the tie will in the base of as un is game to Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Danger! STORE YOUR FURS When furs are laid aside in the spring, after. a hard winter's wear, they should be freed from dust and placed at once where they will be out of danger from moths, fire, or burglars. The average residence has no facilities for the proper care of -furs and the attempt to take care of them at home is always troublesome and usually injurious to the garments. Furs entrusted to . our storage department during the sunymer are fully insured and cared for by a method which insures their return in perfect condition. This, the quietest time of the year in the fur business, is the very best time to have your furs looked after. We will repair or make over all furs or fur garments left with us during the months of April and May at special low rates. In addition to this 'after such garments have been remodelled we will store and insure them for the entire season absolutely free of cha Ring up "Phone, 238. We'll do the rest. EE ------ SE ---- the Englichmas This makes the match a draw, and the _ Rice trophy will remain in England another year A chess tournament is proposed to be held in Winnipeg some time in the and will - any player; who has -- in Canada during the! last twelve months. The date of the great Marathon race in England has been changed to Fri-| day, July 24th, instead of Saturday. owing to the congested traffic on the roads on the latter day. Henry Tuthill, the trainer, ti the world's baseball series next wil be between the New York Nation- als .and Detroits. This opinion at least has the novelty of not including Chicago in the series I'he intérnational cable chess match between Ugited States and British universities, will, it is officially stat- ed, be declared a draw, each side hav- ing three points. It learned from an authoritative source that Referee | ABOUT THE DE} DEMAMDS 0 THE SEAMEN. fail, open to Important That the Secured For Responsible For the Help T) Employ. Ks Foronto Gl with seamen s evidently that minent © "These | here to | exist sapel a pr Vesterday D0 far ht number rine the { been men comin adjust are ix does ne a troul ss¢l own and lar M 1 pow as to, | of seamen, Association seamen, it formed in Lg oug Coals ot ov a ia the Dominion re that there AS 1G serms nada with a charter fall they applied ation for rocognitic In the arrany Come ons for t season, absafut ly as it claiv oi it had no jurisdiction Over its men bers, who arranged their contra with their men individually. The 1 sult was that an official of the uni to the department and the appoir a B. A. Hotel Arrivals. M. S. Joseph, Boston; D. P. Clarke, | W. B. Bently, K. Braley, G. 8. Minty, B. M. Britton, Harry Kennedy, To- ronto; Thomas Ketche son, T. Mullett, | H. R. Beattie, F. W, Lamb, Belleville. | James Irwin, Camphelliord; H, M Nimmo, Detroit; Rev. Dr. Nimmo, Bar riefield; B, F Neustedt, John Wanna maker, J, J, Frost, New York; Miss Myrtle ---- Binghampton; J. P Devlin, Cobourg; Thomas Tompkins, | Peoria. I; B. Buckley, Alice Asse i line, Hamilton; Ben. Butterill, G. J.|"t'awa, Anderson, J. P. Dunning, Montreal ; | Ment of a Miss Alice Yonker, Kankaker, Ill. G.|auently the S. Kidd, London: J. P, Groth, Ro- | take chester, N.Y.; R. E. Cushman and BoD or even wife, New York, seamen's union, Chicago. Last { the Marine Ass of their organization ment lor working but the asso ior ghored the gug apphed marine asked board lation refus consider conc Marine matur ito the to this consider ment of an arbitrator the associatian the ground th there was no ition for jt.' | | | on | | Another official of the association i -------------- Died -At Victoria, B.C. Masta Elizabeth * Dempsey, aged en ' months and widow of the late 'mpsey, passed away on March 21st. | at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Vie 10 i organizati toria, B.C., where she was operated | t a IN ra on for cancer on Jandary 10th, Mrs Fle i" i Dempsey was one of the early pioneers of tho alnen of the township of Barrie, having set nd eventualiy tled there in 1857, She is survived by . " i i three sons and two daughters, Wil ng re as wood liam, Deer River, Minn.; Varner, Vie rRboets toria, B.C Samuel of "Palliser, B.A Mrs. McBride, Hanley, Sask.; and Nee, George Bishop, * Ribstone Alta. seventy nineteen William the matter said: "When t uns diction of a vessel pass 's out the hands of then it | time for entering discussing the to move with that captain Ry this the us greements han means deck to the mast no dis iplin can dictate there the vessel, owners and greatest pub imp Pe men as "tance to sec sible for | propose to be of n | spons ble dor mi steamboats and we dictated to in the : ter these men. We are N. i my our boat wel 1 ef it is | Iutely f ch company | sacupr vailable, or non-union. Fach steambant pany has its schedule of and working arrangement is A Fight On Sunday. I On Sunday afternoon, two voung men engaged in a free fight, on Prin Cess street, above Alfred street. The boys took off their coats and hats and went at it in good style For quite a few moments the dust flew and one or two _severe jolts were dealt out. A large crowd soon gathered, as a free show will always draw well in Kingston, even on Sunday, aiid no or attempted to stop the contest until a local church worker happened along and separated the scrappers. By his actions he was in danger of having his silk hat badly handled, but it came out unscarred. eee. Fine Sunday Weather. The pleasant spring weather dealt out on Sunday afternoon, by the weather man, enticed many to go out for long walks. The penitentiary road was the one most frequented and large numbers walked out that way, np the Bath Road to Princess street and down to the city again. The roads outside the city are drying up rapid lv, and on Sunday were in fine shape Crowns the Worl for walking or driving. A few of the| local auto owners have got their in shape again and have been touring the city. One two out ning around on Sundav altersGon uni co own vith me cars Z| KING HATS have the fashio or were | Call in on your way down appoin as repressuting NOT MUCH CONCERNED F Best Men Be Vessels--Ownere 2 n er I qe a vance with has called from to n © he @ n n- ts ° m at it Subse el a i at in he of mn mn ds er hi " yt at re an hat ahso to on m wares, n d n- JPin- | able touch that crowns the world, town {and see the latest Spring Styles, {at the New Men's Wear Store il Peds HUNT, di 63 Brock street. | ------------ Have Sound Digestion. People who have perfect diqesti mn | need never worry about danger of | disease. Sound digestion produces surplus of vital energy. Whenever gestion is disordered restore it to nor- mal condition at once with Day's Dys has] {000000000000 0000000000 l pepsia Cure This digestive, tonic and ties. Each bottle contains sixtpen | days' treatment. For sale only atle Wade's Drug Store. Freparation laxative proper | es I ------------------" INTO THE EYE Recital In St. James'. Another pleasant recital given| g in St. James' church on Saturday af ° ternoon. These recitals have beenle® given every Saturday during Lent and | @ have been well attended. On Satur-|® day Miss Craig, organist in the First] Congregational church, resided at] the organ, and Miss Massie, Miss wards and Col. E. T. Taylor the soloists, was were The Exams Now On. examinations at on and it won't be long before they are over. The majority of the] boys are providing themselves with one of Campbell Bros'. famous light { weight derbies before going home, they get such nobby styles and superh | ® values. | The now » -- Queen's HE system of sight test- ing which is being de- monstrated by Mr. Montgon.ery in my Optical Room is entirely new and has never been practiced in Kingston. Looking into the eye has been practiced for Some years, but with very little success until Mr. Mont- gomery originated the new way of diagnosing these errors of sight which have baffled the profession fof years. For a limited time now this Specialist will conduct free examinations by his new systan in my Optical Room and I most cordially invite all those who are suffering from any defect of vision to come. No matter how diffi. cult or complicated your chse there will not be one "failure to locate exactly and in a very few minutes the errbr of refraction be it great or small. Come in order that you may be able to tell others of the work which is being done to correct imper- fect sieht and relieve eye headaches. Hours--8 to 12, 7 to 9. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician. 88008000000 sssevnee as | Tramps In The City. Three tramps were given protectior the police cells. on Saturday might. Reports have been made about | several tramps calling at houses around the city and asking for some thing to cat. The tramps started outle on their journey a little too | however, and the cold spell caused | 'eo them to seek shelter in the station. SOON Three Years For Forgery. County Constable Carter, of don, arrived in the city on the early morning train and brought to the police station Isaac Holmes, sentenced in that city, to three years for for gery. The prisoner spent the might in the cells, and was removed to Penitentiary this morning. Cannot Consider Them. A charge for illegal sale of liquor! has to be hrought within thirty days after the alle referred to last week occurred on bob. | 15th Inspector Wright says that cannot consider them, Lon i ie terse, 1.30 to 6 Your Pet Corns. Some people cling to corns though they were prive poss ssibhis. Anybody 'that cares to get rid of corps can do it every time with Peck's Carn Salve. In big boxes, 10e. at Wade's Drug Store. % a * * . . * # * » » * » * ® . # . ® ® » * . * ® * * * . * * . » th of of It as di that wo the Prevost, order clothing cheviots and vicunas Are vou going «8 Dobilily, ondency, wtorripa, a ioe §1 por bog, ill cure. ormerin Winlegr! than will Le ) secure empl different ports." ral other that Lhey the matter, members when = Were x £ wry and dide the of the } ¥ any effect. on ements for the 15 not bothering of men applying for work there are mar conderey thei cision ahd a SYRBOY oe There wreds steamers. and Spring Importations Of 1808. Brock street, imported department, Scotch and English tweads, ree cases of goods for § them to choose from s-------- move is not expected the f numerous as last May splay. We store Furs. "Pr aa) Great. English 27 eB ane invigorates the wl Hervous system. makes ood (a nid Veins, Cures Ne bend it and Brain ! Weakness, Kmiseiona Weeld of Abuse or. § MIX for si Homes ols Sig Suid Ly al on reer! free. The pt of penn, Wood Med' cine Co. Ye~onto, rror Gentre Pieces FOR THE TABLE. We are showing some pretiy new patterns, edged with silver, in plain, pierced, and embossed eflects, with or without fort, sinen from 8 to 14 inches across the top. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ar consisting needed vimen t on t consider 1 n 1y has received is & A great varioty Spring Has Come and we have just received a choice lot of Feather Boas. See window W. F. GOURDIER, 78, 78 and 80 Brock St ---------------------- 'Woed's Dhosphodine, new ro Dew ere on, One wil please, six I druggists or mailed in New pamphlel x : Housekeepers' Day. Special offerings in the way of House Fur- nishings for Tuesday shoppers. Lace Curtains in a brilliaut array of pat- terns, all new this sea- son, at prices ranging froin 25¢. to $7 a pair. Being imported goods the valuss are away ; above the ordinary. Brass Curtain Pole 8, made to fit any win- dow. Tuesday, special, 15ec. 200 pairs Scotch ; Huck Bedroom "Towels, made of clean, soft, fine 3 flax, with red borders, | size 19 x 38 inches. un- excelled for wear, Tues- day, special, 25¢.a pair. 25 only Colored | Crochet Quilts, large size, fringed, colors ®ky, gold or pink, a really handsome article for 'a moderate price. Tuesday, $2.50 each. White . Sheets, good quality cotton, full size, hemmed, special at $1.50 a pair. as Cases, 40 and inches, hemmed, To at 15 we, and 20¢, each. Newman & Shaw "The Always ras Store" AAA AAA AIAN Nn HIRANO HK HHH g REN R HAS RR ee RN Hy I

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