x a : PAGE TWO, Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Use Shiloh's Cure for the wo st cold thesharpe ~=iry it on aguar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,~--nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure-- 25¢c.. B0c.. 81 ms . cough Kitchen Conveniences Mean tivw and labor saved and every- body made happy. Kitchen Cabinets $4.50 up to designs in this $25 sea. In large varieties Soe specially good Carpets Larger and totter stock than Wiltons, Brussels Balmoralag, 71 ete, bought direct from Mills. Linoleums widtha, Some 40c, 7 itnontal floral hardsome yard, All patterus, 10 T3¢ Curtains large regularly Some for selection sold varieties ry values $1.25, £1.75. Repair and Upbolstering work ly done. prompt. bt | Ii] Yours, Ts F. Harrison Co., PHONE po. Weseveevesevsccessscee ® 1908. We are ready now to show you Rugs and Carpets, in better values, softer colorings and an assortment as large as any Carpet House in Ontario. We would be pleased to show you the goods as you may.need some at house cleaning tims. Axminsters, Wil. os Velvets, Union Japan Matting, them all, R. McFaul Kingston 'The man who fails is the man who puts off the start." Don't Lose Your "Start" HERE YOU ARE, 4a Clergy St. near William St., solid brick dwelling, ® rooms, new open plumbing and hot water furnace, all in A 1 condition. A comfort. able and convenient home. A % HERE YOY ARE, 248 Albeit St., frame dwelling detached, 8 rooms, bath and closet, good cellar, all in A 1 condition, with barn, suitable for shop and hen house. Lot 332139. Here's Another 89 Bay St. cosey up-to-date frame dwelling, nearly new 6 ¥ooms, open plumbing, concrete cellar, You will find a great selection _ "®t houses, from $500 to $10,000 nt INGREASED TAX RATE (Lontinued from page 1.) Ald, McCaun said he didn't see apy use of postponing the budget. 1t was necessary to increase the tax rate Even with an increase of half a mill taxation, the Civic committee appro- Priations had been cut down to the limit. ol Ald. Elliott said that if the light department was going to fix the streets it had mjured as he under- stood it bad to do, the cost of which would be $4,000, thon the board of works appropriation could te reduced from $11,000 to 7.000. He Again ask ed that the finance committee recon- sider the budget, ang come back with the, decision not to raise the tax rate Ald Rigney said that the needs of the schools justified the raising of the tax rate a hali mill. He and declared that it would be quite justifiable for the council to raise the rate one mill. J the tax rate been increased some years ago, stead of the civie committees being starved, it would have been economy, because the streets and the other city property would have heen in bet- ter condition, and required Jess money than to-day. Ald. Rigney said that even if it was possible by some mani- pulation to keep the tax rate down to twenty mills, he would not support it. He read the tax rates 'of Ontario cities and towns, and showed that Kingston had the lowest of all. The other places' rates ranged from 24 to 35 mills, Ald. Graham said it was impossible to cut down the board of works ap- propriation. So far this year 81,500 more had been expended on the streets than last year, Ald. Chown said that Ald. statement concerning taxation fallacious. Kingston wes taxed higher than any place in the province, be- cause it was assessed to the top notch, A vote on Ald resulted : Yeas --Alds Carson, Couper, liot tS Free Harty, McCartney. 6. Nays--Mayor Ross and Alds. An- grove, Chown, Craig, Givens, Graham, Hanley, Henderson, Kent, McCann, Nickle, Rigney, Robertson, Hoag.--14 Rigney's Elliott's amendment El A Startling Resolution. Moved by Ald. Chown, seconded by Ald. Grabam, that in view of the rest account held in cash by the water works, 38,611, and the cash balance on hand of the water works of 312,- 264, that the sum of 34,133 be trans- ferred from the cash balance of the water works to revenue account, and that the tax rate be twenty mills on the dollar. Ald. Chown pointed out that the waterworks had been excellently well run, and that every benefit had been given to the consumer. The water- works was the Property of the city, and there was no reason why the surplus profits should not Le taken and applied to the tax reduction of the city. Why should the surplus be laid up for the benefit of the next generation ? Let the people now have the bevefit of the surplus, Ald. Chown said, Ald, Elliott vigorously opposed Ald, Chown's suggestion. In a short time the waterworks would require a new engine, and also a larger tank, and and where would the money come from ? Ald. Angrove also council had no right from the waterworks Ald. Chown, Ald. Craig said that perhaps the council could do as Ald. Chown sug gested, but he hardly thought it hon- orable to take the waterworks sur- plug. That surplus - Ald. Craig said, might be wiped out in a -pight. The city even now required a greater wat- er supply for fire protection, and for that reason, the waterworks savings, secured by great efficiency, should not be touched Ald. Graham suppofted the amend. ment of Ald. Chown. He pointed out that if the waterworks sustained an accident to the amount of $50,000, the city would have to come to its rescue and issue debentures. In view of that, why shouldn'( the waterworks surplus be used for the general interest of the citizens. The plant belonged to the city, and not to the consumers Ald. Rigney thought that the cues- tion was too big Jor the counci} to take action upon on sich short no- Much more time wag required in that the fullest might he secured Ald, Carson claimed that it was legal to take the waterworks surplus The act, he said, provided that snch a thing could * not be done until the system had been extended over whole city. Ald. Chown's amendment wae feated on this vote: ; Yeas--Alds. Chown, Free, Graham, Hoag, McCartney. 6, Nays--Mayor Ross and Alds, An. grove, Carson, Couper, Craig, Elliott, Hanley, Harty, Henderson, Kent, Mc. Conn, Nickle, Rigney and Robertson. held that the to take funds , a8 suggested hy tice order de- Givens, Too Many City Officials. Ald. Graham moved that a com. Mittee consisting of Mayor Ross, and Alds own, Craig, Hoag, Kent, Graham and Elliott be appointed to consider the arrangement of the city officials and the readjustment of their salaries. Ald. Graham pointed out that salaries paid fo civie officials, side of the police, water and departments, was $25000, the out- light $100 REWARD, $100. to cure in all its ,. and tha Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure mow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrly being a constitutio, al diseasd, requires a constitutiong! treatment. Hal's Catarrh Cure is intoraally, acting direct and mucous surfaces of One dred that i fails to . Send list Lost is, o Mddrems oS a AE ee. went further! had | in-| | | Ald" Kent | | was | information | + | Elliott : il- | the | This, he! A Ha Tle oie |. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, _ i held, was too mach for doing the | City's business, Less money should | be expended It should cost £ i ANNUAL MEETING OF KING. ot more than 315,000. If the city off- cials stafil was put on a better basis) | thers would be no necessity of raising [the tax rate. : | | Ald. tiiott 'said that Ald. Graham { was about ¥10,000 out in his esti- | mate. No good would come of Ald, | Grallam's move. Kingston has the best lot of officials iu the country, { and he. couldn't how any improve-| | ment could be made What officials { did Aud. Graham want removed ? Ald | Eliott asked that his name be struck { of the committee, ° AL: Angrove said | fault to find with the civic officials { and their salaries. He didn't know of | any who were not earning their sala- i Some of them were underpaid 1 The motion of Ald. Graham lust on a vote of 10 to 8. Graham and Hoag declared that hadn't. voted. or "We have in this council," declared | Ald. Graham, "some aldermen who | | are cowards. | hey're afraid to take! a stand one way or another, | Ald. Kent remarked .that last {the parks had cost $1,504.16. year the appropriation was only $1,-| OM, or $394.16 less. The parks gre a | great attraction for strangers, Ald | | Kent said. Visitors wondered why | | the city didn't expend a few hundred! dollars more on the parks and make them what they should be. What | Wanted 16 Impress upon | the council was this How could] the parks' committee keep the parks] in good condition with only see } that he had no, I | F108. { | was Alds $1,500, | and what use would a commission be | if it could only get that amount of | money, Ald, Nickle said it wasn't fair to asl . Rent to run the parks on $1,500, which would do little s more than pay salaries. Ald. Kent was the best man in the council for parks' | chairman, as he was an expert hor | ticulturist. He would like to see | couplé hundred dollars more given | to the parks, |. Ald. Chown moved that additional | by-law to cover the extra cost of the O'Kill street sewer, viz, $2,500, be { submitted to the people next January and that the amount charged in this years expenditure be appropriated as | follows : City property, | parks, $500, Ald. Elliott didn't a thing could be done. people defeated the proposed by-law in what position would the city be ?, | Ald. Chown Reld that the expendi- | ture was not an ordinary one but think that $2,000; | | | house Monday evening, | ly attended J all Strachan. 8 | lows | Albree, | Capt. Lesshie, James Stewart, year Te I -------------------- This al | such | ficial Supposing the| and E. C, al special one, an expenditure that really | should be paid by debentures, and not out of one year's revenue. After a long discussion an amend- ment of Ald. Henderson, transferring $300 from incidentals to the parks' committee was adopted, After passing a by-law fixing tax rate the council adjourned. the Communications Referred. These communications were read and referred to committees for considera. tion : Charles Kellar, applying for a side- walk from the corner of Vine and Raglan streets, running out towards Division street west, W. J. Crothers & Co. asking for a flat rate for water used in thew fac- tory. Board of Education asking that fire alarms he placed near the schools. Mother Superior, of 'Hotel Dieu, asking for reduction in water rate, DEATHS IN THE CITY, An Aged Mariner at Rest--An In-; men fant Taken. The death occurred, op Ypoday ev- |ening, at his residence, 4 Patrick | street, of John Gollogly. The deceased | | had been ailing for some time and [ had been confined to weeks. The late Mr. Gollogly, sixty- years, old, was a well-known | mariner. He leaves a wife and daughters, The funeral will Le held | on Wednesday to St. Mary's cemetery. | | | i seven Mr. anil Mis. George Bilodeau, King | ter will f= have the sincerest sympathy of a host of friends in the loss of their infant son, Acthur George Bilodeau, | aged one year. The little baby had | been ill for soma time, and despite all | that could be done to save his young | life, he passed peacefully away Mon- | {day evening. The funeral was held to-| Yacht Bacing day, to St. Mary's cemetery. | | List. Of Tax Rates. | The following #s the lst [rates for 1906, quoted in council meeting last evening | | | | | tax the city by Ald of | | Mills, { Kingston 20.6 Belleville. Chatham, Brockville. a St, Catharines London. Windsor... ... Brantford... ... Ottawa... ..... .... i. St. Thomas... ... wos cis Owen Sound Hamilton... are ames' -------- Invitation To Students. | Perhaps you would consider spemd- | ing a few months during vacation, | with the Manufacturers' Life Insurance | company, hy way of recuperating fim- ancially. Thix applies to five coun- {ties on the St. Lawrence, beginning with Frontenac. For further informa. tion, address J. W. Corbett, District Manager, Box 2, Kingston. y B. A. Hotel Arrivals, IW, H. Keteles un, A. McDougall, J. McLellan, J, E. Labelle, BE, L. Vin cott, J. Laupin, Montreal: H. E. Mae tin, Picton; Benj. C. Budd, W. J. Keyes, W. Minton, W, A. Griffith, R. W. Williams, J, 8. Williams, D. Mor- rison, George Laird, G. K. Martin, N. W, Munro, H. Thompson, B. F. Burrows, Toronto; W. H. Ford. Phil adelphia; J. Aubin, Hiadson Heights; Samuel Myers, Ottawa: W. L. Satchel eton, New York. Frank F. Cummings. Wilmington, Del, W. F. Kelly, Oi} City: D. 0. r, Peterboro, D. | Valleau and wife, Napanee, ! "The Far West" will be the only at- w EN He -0 a dod i | the house for|® J | the club for Wo | was | sailing vachts, club on | Strange, | H. { Judge G. | Dalton | Kingston yacht traction on 'Tuesday evening, April Jb, Queen street Methodist church. Lovely brown suifings at Crawford Wa 8, tailors, | MEN GATHER STON YACHT CLUB. John M. Campbell Re-elected Conunodore--Eastern Circuit Also Meets, and Arranges For the Season's Events The anougl meeting of the Kingston Yacht club was held at the club and was large MN. commodore: Campbell was re. Bartlett Dalton Iva Martin rear Kirkpatrick was ected vice-commodore and commodore. (, 8, | again elected secretary -treasurer. I'he executive Waddell, and F the Hal, Kent following were elected committee F. Albree, John McKay, W. C. The regatta committee are as fol H Pr Burns, FF. McParland, Bruce Lieut.-Col. Strange, Smith, Col Young, R. EF. S. D. Dunne, F. COMMODORE M, CAMPBEL! rr -------------------------- a arruthers, Karl Tandy, John Davey, Norman Crothers, J, H. Macnee Of- measurers, Henry Cunningham Gildersleeve., Some members of the regatta mittee protested against the small amount of money voted the club to the regatta committee for conduct- ing the races and the large amount devoted to pink teas and dancing, which tended to make the club eff. minate. Several prominent members of the club supported the regatta com- mittee in the stand taken and spoke in favor of a more generous support to the cause of yachting. Prof. Mar. tin moved that ¥200 he voted to the regatta committee for the coming sea son, but the motion was afterwards withdrawn on the understanding that the club would deal more liberally with the regatty committee, A communication was read from W. J. Fair, of the Victoria Day celebra- tion committee, and J, H. Maence and John McKay were appoinfed to meot the committee and arrange for a 're- gatta for the holiday. Judge Reeves, commodore of the Crescent Yacht club, of Watertown, was present and addressed thé meet- ing. He spoke of the great long- distance race from Hamilton to Chau mont for the Fleming Day cup, and the Eastern Cigcuit races at Chaumont. He promised vachts good races com hy to follow the and a good time and invited them ali to come over R. E. up the mattey of a club badge for the members' and a committee was prepara a design and submit lub. burns brought caps appointed to it to the Tm enlogi rendered and commo- warmly M for Campbell wa the splendid sery the past few unanimously . re-elected dore for the 11 The new whapf-huilt--the past afiord for five and with the eighteen new gasoline hoat the club will be a lively spot next summer, zed Sears coming ve x wm moorings more houses Eastern Yacht Racing Cireuit meting of the Eastern circuit of Lake On tario was held at the Kingston Yacht Mon with 'the following present : Licut.-Col F the chair, retarv-treasurer H. No. But. Crescent lartlett the Oshorne Yacht The annual day, members and president, in P. Smith, W. Reeves terworth, represepting the Yacht club, of Nar ten: and FE. ( file claly | the N and jersleeve, N A panes and F. Miller, | club; H. Mastin, the Bay of Quinte | i "News from the Hat Store" You Can Cash a $3 Hawes Hat for $3. At this store, any time you can bring it in and say honestly that it has failed to give you betler all-round bat satiafaction--style, ap= pearance, finish, fit, service and price considered, than you have ever found in any other hat at nearly twice the price. That's the guarantee that goes with every "Hawes." "We are sole agents. |way, the victim of a severe accident, 1908. =e a ------ EE ---- Yacht club, of Picton, and the other yacht clubs in the er cuit were umable to send delegates, ™ Susie LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS he minutes of the last meetings and GEN RAI the statement of the secretary -treas- | IN E urer were received and adopted. | TH : I'he "election of officers resulted as Deri a Bri Sy as icant ys-- ler Tie ems o follows : President, Judge Reeves | 3 of Watertown; vice president, Rev. F.4{ Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. W Armstrong, Trenton; secretary - treasurer, H. N. Butterworth, Water { . William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders McAuley's. "Phone 778. town The racing programme for the shinki of ing season was discussed. The think of event of the season will be the distance race from Hamilton to ( mont Bay for a valuable CUP. pre | Chickering's. sented by T. Fleming Day, editor of the Rudder Magazine. It is expected | that a large number of the upper lake yachts taking part in the inter lake! 5¢ Kingston, Ont., on April Sth, 1872 races at Put-in'Bay, Lake Erie, will "George Washington tafiv Huy Join with the Eastern yachts jn the Jor's, minke Sold ouly at Gibson's racé to Chauwmont, where the first! Red Cross Drug Store. raves of the Eastern circuit will be! The many fesends of held. From Chaumont the yachts will! 176 Ring street, will 'rulse to Gananoque, when more rac-| hear that she is recovering ing will take place in that vicinity. | recent illness. Commodore Reeves stated that the! Your fur coat is perfectly s Crescent Yacht club would Put up! gauble strength good prizes' and 'a very successful | bag. Sold at meet is anticipated, The long-distance | pry,» Store. race ending at Chaumont is expected! J imothy Kennedy, to be the largest event ever held oni horse, yesterday. fhe animal Lake Ontario, and a splendid season | taken sick while going its rounds, of yachting is looked for. {and it was found necessary to put it i to death You will mise a treat if vou Queen street evening, {received at vom=t I you are BreAL| soaring suit long-} Wai, 'hau-| ordering Crawford a & Cunningham, piavo tuner from leave orders at Me Auley's book store. i B. W. Folger, manager Niagara Na Vigation company, Toronto, was bora Mrs be pleased Irom Smith, to het ale in a proof Cross moth Red tarine Gibson's carter, lost a was miss Metho April Will Soon Organize. Victoria baseball team, city | "The Far West," will organize for the sg int church, Tuesday ith, PJ Kyle, of Belleville, visitor in the city to-day He The champions, son, on Friday evening, at the Y.M C.A. rooms. Officers will he elected for the season and the work mapped out. This team, which was never de-| for Watertown, N.3 , where be feated in Kingston last year, and had | secured a position with the only one disputed game, will have the| York Central railway company, same nine men as it had last season, "Free from moths." vour furs, when will do its best to repeat the [packed in a moth proof © bag. The double strength kind are sold at Gib son's Red Drug Store. 'Phone 230 Who [are Kennedy Company Was |council that Ald. ( Well Received. { What aldermen Juve ¢ » I" Ww AY re jp au to The Nellie Kennedy Dramatic ; Hiddy own a ye 3): aie] pany was the attraction at the Grand Smart Weed and Belladonna Upera House, last evening, and drew Fined with the other ingredients an immense mee. $ y sel- dom that a new company on its firgt [1 the best Porous . plasters, : * Carter : W. & B. Backache appearance receives such a cordial red s the best tthe * market ception. The company is well balanc- " 4 ed and no doubt will win larger favor before the close of the week, The piece 1presented was entitled "I'he Cowboy's Sweetheart," a plav piving a very vivid and realistic description of life in Arizona and containing many startling situations and good comedy, Miss Nellie Kennedy, a charming young actress, by her natural deline- ation of her character of "Vera Ran: dolph," proved herself capable of creating genuine interest and sym- pathy. Mazie Hallee, as "Ziella." displayed much ability in her part Susan Hanshaw, as *'Helen Manning," the wronged maiden, by her work won sympathy and approbation. © "Mrs Koblin," the maiden aunt, whose ef- forts to bring the major to time, was ably handled by Jennie Delevan "Dick Marlow," Royal C. Stout, the cowboy lover, bad a difficult part to carry out, but he succeeded, and he won sympathy and popular favor by his able defence of his honor and his sweetheart. George Hayes, as "Jef ferson Benson," the designing schemer, made a capital villain and carried out his role well. Harold Blain, as "Col Randolph," a stickler alter his duty, made a capable military commander and faithful to his trust He was ably assisted by dhe Irish major, Mil ford Stack The company has a fine cialties, all of which were entertain ing. Burdette Bros., comedy acro | bats, were good in their work The Armitage m their artisti Scottish dancing, created a sensation and were repeatedly applauded. Hal let and Stack, Centric conversa tionalists and up-to-date comedians, a account of themselves and were frequently applaticled In the Hlustrated songs, Nellie" Kennedy sang sweetly "Won't You Pe My Honey" and * Baby Suntin- and was much admired F'o-night the company military drama. entitled Arms," United was a leaves has New and trick, GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Cross cowards the city srabam referred to ? of the in Nellie no opinion vote com- com need make Mas Price 25c. Ald. Elliott presented a most plan sililo scheme {or keeping the taxes down! Ald. Couper sided with him, and held that the people were paying taxes special rates were enough when added, Crowns the World KING HATS have the fashion. lie of spe- | able touch that crowns the world | Call in on your way down town {and see the latest Spring Styles, |at the New Men's Wear Store P. J. HUNT, 63 Brock street sisters, as eo gave good presents Call & scene in the civil war in the States, | | | | fn To Was Given A Chance A voung man pleaded guilty live" court, this morning, to stealing a pair of boots and trou ers, J. Meh Mowat appeared on behalf of the cused, and stated that the voun bad taken the goods while under the influence of lignor. In the eyes of the faw, however, drunkenness was suse for such crime, but he Previously been a good character ol ask that he be given a chane e magistrate gave the young man fome good advice, and then allowed Bim to go on suspended sentence. ---------- Back At Work Again. Henry Hogan, the well-known carter for the Kingston and Pembroke rail- in po- | S I can not talk with all eye sight sufferers and tell then of the great work which is now fairly started in my Optical Room, I am sending out these daily messages which I know will be read by hundreds, and I wish each reader to consider my finvi. tation to come as Personal, I was pleased yesterday to See 50 many calling, and I know there are plenty who need eye help. Personally a | { g man | no ex had | as some weeks ago, is back at work agaih, and has about fully recovered from the effects of the injuries he re- Mr. Hogan, it will be remem. bere), was thrown off his waggon, when the horses made a sudden start evivesl Spring Importations Of 1008. Prevost, Brock street, has receivid three cases of imported goods for his : order clothing department, consisting new system whic of Scotch and English tweeds, serpes, | cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. is a revelation to the Optical World, its very simplicity is astomishing, No machinés, No drops, No tedious exam. inations, each dav and even- ing Mr. Montgomery is hold- ing a free Optical Cline, and all who will may come and learn the true condition (ol their eyes. Portsmouth Council. The Portsmouth. council met, last evening, and transacted routine busi ness. A claim for damages by Mr | McGeein, was held over in order to get legal advice. . ------ Pain, anywhere, can be quickly stop- ped by one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pains always means conges- Lon--unnatural blood pressure. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply roax congested blood away from pain | centres. These = Tableis--known druggists an Hours--9 to 12, 1.30 to 6 709. ! Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician ian. 185, Princess St., Kingston. . ® * o » * ® . " * ° * ® . . » ° . Ld * . g . esesee eso eOSsOIIRGIOIS and the Rev.' ' F.. W. Armstrong and J, T. Rowe, THE DAY'S EPISODES the Trenton Yacht club. The Oswego . ---- LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE. The candidate's public will prevent a systematic canva ss. Will old friends, and many supporters kindly reserve pledges for his benefit ? 1 duties new their A\ Em Spring Has Come and we have just received a choice lot of Feather Boas. See window display. We store Furs. W.F. GOURDIER, 76, 78 and 80 Drock St. Phone, 700, * & 3 Hood 'a old Veins, ures Nev us Debility, Mentii and Brain Worry, Des ondency, Sexual Weakness, Emisviona, Sper patorrhoa, ad Effects of Abuse or Excesses, "rice 51 per box, six ror $5. One will ploase, six «ill cure. Bold hy all druggists or mailed in dain . on receipt of price. New pamphlet nated The Mod cine Co. ? rn Ona | | - Mirror Centre Pieces | FOR THE TABLE. | 'wood's Phoaphodine, The Great Englis Tones auc invigorates (he w hole Narvos tian, makes new We are showing some pretty new | patterns, edged with silver, in plain, pierced, and embossed effects, with or without tect, piven | from 8 to 14 inches ACross the | top. | MITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage | | | Licenses. { / HAAN AANA AEA KID GLOVES FOR EASTER Buy now while our range -of shades and sizes are complete, The popular shades, including Tans, Browns, s Greys, Modes, Black, # White, 11 sizes, $1 and $1.25. 'Long length Kid Gloves, Black or White, in all sizes, at $1.75 a pair, Buy your Dress for Easter at this store. No old goods to show you, but everything 3 crisp-and new from the | best makers. We are # selling more Dress Uoods this season than ever before. If you want to know the rea. son, why just ask your % neighbor and she will & very quickly tell you ¥ that our prices on new 3 & * HH EHR 2 HK ¥ REO AK goods are the lowest in the city. Come and see. Nothing nicer for Easter than dainty Whitewear such as we sell. Our White Waists at 98c., $1.25 and up are real gems, being priced ' 'much below regular. All sizes in stock. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" ; : i #