Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1908, p. 4

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-- CO 0000 CO000000OVORDOVO0VOVVOY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1908. SPIT OF THE PRESS I at 250 per head, J | « Will T ain. [it Ties, > Af { | TM at firsg you don't succeed, try | again," is a good motto for children But as applied to Madame Anna | Gould's matrimonial ventures its wis THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WH published at 306- 210 King street, Kingston, tario, ot $6 per year. itions at 2.80 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WH 1G, 16 pages, pub lished in parts on Monday and Thursday morn- ing at r? ae year. To tL nited States, charie for has to be made Soc. for JH boc. for Weekly. a Attached is ome of the best Job Printing es mm C ; raped, stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses, The Britisk Whig Publishing Ce., L£'d. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Daily Whig. A MODEL OF THIS KIND. The correspondence between Sir Wil- tal OOO00V0VVO0V00D0 tapetal amount $3,350,000 "From these calenlations, Bulletin, "it seems altogether reason- to conclude that during seven year thé immigrants to Canada brought into the country not less than $55,000,000 cash, As our total outlay for inducing them to.| 40m may be doubted. | -- come and for assisting them op their | 2 } | No Generous Mood. arrival was $600,000, the emigration | Hagiviiton Gen Xous 9 | policy appears to be a pretty profit-| To Mr. Birrell's pathetic appeal tc able business for Canada on the basis | John Redmond to say just what the] of dollars and | Irish Nationalists want in the way of } home rule, Mr. Redmond would proba- | the same year i bly reply, "Al you will give--and The people are becoming exact | more too," | ing in the emigration question. There | -- is room for it. At the same time the | It Makes A Difference. law: . | Guelph Mercury, development of Canada depends on the | Artanis Pretty welbcon influx of of | tented with things when he whistles, them, and the capital which they com- | but there is no rule that is absolute, | mand. | For instance there is the whistle that A man whistles when be receives his MAY BE NEXT SPEAKER. | Ie * says the The Missouri Senator is Well 8 able months of last | | | } | Every Drop SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT ' (3.0.7. Prepared) can be deposed upon to do good work, Every can is Jull measure both as to quantity and quality. When you buy 8.W.P. you get your money's worth. It wears for the longest time, covers the cents received during the money is expend- { ed." Justice Cassels is It has removed impression which frid Laurier and very illamioating. from the public an | | people, large numbers some politicians and political papers tried so hard to deepen, namely, that the judge had a dislike for the task -------------------- greatest amount of surface. If you want quality ,and economy buy 8. W. P. a Let us show you mommies aT Corbett's HARDWARE WOODWORK STORE and OFFICE Fittings, in House Finish, Quartered Oak, Cypress, Birch Or any other kind of wood No need to send your orders out of town, We can give you just as good & job, right here on the spot. Get our prices anyway Always pleased to furnish estimates S. ANGLIN & C0. Bay & Wellington: Sts. "Phone, 686. EDUCATIONAL. BA000000000000000POIOSY ® 5 you wisi to be successful at hd tend The $ Kingston Business 3 College » ® Limited, head of Queen street, J CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school, Bookkeeping, typewriting, tole @ graphy, all commercial by thoroughly Jaught by ed _.-e%perienced teachers, Day aud Hight claswes. Kater at time. Rates very moderate; hone, 440 » H. ¥. METCALFE, President. » J.B, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. » . » » » * * » ° » . * ° ° . * » . * ° » 0O00000000000000000000 {MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, 'Barrie sibd Clergy Ste, ------ -- T. N, BTOCKDALBE, ! 'Plions, 680, Principal: Health and Accident Insurance That Insures The Fidelity & Casualty Company, one of the largest and oldest concerns in the business, offers $20,000 fn case of death bu accident, and an indemnity of fifty dollars per week in case of any illness for 62 weeks, or for one or more days daxation in the same proporfion. In case of disability by accident, they Will pay $50 per week for 200 weeks, or for ope or more days duration in the sane ratio. Apply to; W. J. FAIR, Cor, Wellington and Clarence Sta. 0.K. a N.G. EN (FS X 1 , Al C8 of i» R. CRAWFORD He ------------ wey cough cures," Gibson's Cure (ry, the liberal candidate, a lawyer of and desired to decline it. He laid down two conditions, which mark as a conscientious man-- that he wanted no extra pay for per- forming this public duty, and that should not allow it interfere with his duties as presiding officer of the exchequer court. 2 him he to The service of a judge in the inves- tigation of grievances or scandals is trained in the analysis of evidence, and has the fa- culty for getting at all the facts, and for arranging and properly estimat- When he has been paid handsome fees, in some cases running into thousands of dollars, the feeling is engendered that he is influenced in his findings. sought because he is ing them. Judge Cassels opens a new era, i judicial enquiry by refusing to accept any remuneration for the work. He is in the public service now, and does it an imposition to un not consider dertake an unusual duty if he ean find the time for it. His competency or powers have never been questioned. His acceptability has been made more agreeable by the fact that he has updertaken to contribute bis share towards the efficiency of the local service upon which a special commission has so severely reflected. HIDING A CROOKED ACT. The Cobalt Lake deal cannot be A MAN OF DESTINY. | Mr. Sifton is again talked of for a| cabinet position. He is not anxious | for an office, and for the very excel- | lent reason that he has a larger field | of usefulness outside of it. He is the | one man, too, who commands atten- | tion by his abiity. | He is not able to spend all his time | the house. He has had to go abroad on account of his health, and in connection with engagements of an imperial character. Some men of small in minds have misjudged him, and said things of him that were not deserved. He has returned to his place, how- ever, just when it was expedient that some one should giye a new turn to public discussions. His speeches have heen rising higher and higher _ in favor. and foreefulness. Behind them ie the man of construc tive genius, and hence they have chal lenged Very general attemtion. { His last deliverance just before he left on a trip 40 England on business, was his supreme effort. It was not the greatest speech of which he is capa- ble, but it was unique in form and substance Unlike anything which had preceded it there was a lifting of the mind in- to new channels of thought, and an! tnlightenment upon some ve ry impor tant matters he As a rosult was apflauded by smothered up. The facts have to come out. The scandal cannot be suppress- The Globe boldly charges crook- edness in with the case, and intimates that the plan is to keep the scandal under. cover until the lo- cal elections are over. The scandal was discussed at a pub- lic meeting in Fast York, by Mr. Cur- ed. connection He took all the conse quences of his statement. According to Dreany, on May 5th, 1905, he and his prospector tried to file a claim to Cobalt Lake, but were told that the government had not decided what to do with it. Then Chapin was taken into partnership by Dreany so that the claim might be filed. Afterwards Lamarche, a member of the. legisla- ture, was admiitted into the partner- ship, and the understanding was that if he should resign his seat the claims of the partnership to the lake would be considered, standing. Lamarche did resign, and Hon. Francis Cochrane, minister of mines, was elected in his place by acclamation. In Mr. Dreany hail stated the claim was recorded in pursuance with the illegal bargain, but in December, 1906, the government sold the claim for $1,085,000. Yet the government refused to allow the. in vestigation to proceed in the Public Accounts committee, and Chapin had refused to answer questions upon the June, advice of counsel The people can have their own con- clusion. The fact that the govern ment will not permit of a scrutiny of the records' justifies the conviction that a great wrong has been commit- ted, THE INFLUX OF CAPITAL. The Edmonton Bulletin has a most interesting estimate of the value of last year's emigration, or rather the emigration doring the seven months ending with October, for which com- plete returns have 'been had. There was spent in advertising--in spreading abroad information regarding the re- sources of our lands--the sum of $600, What a lot of money te go into printers' ink, some one will say. Yes, a lot of it, as money and its values are sometimes considered, But the advertising paid. During the seven months referred to there were 211.839 arrivals, At the modest sum of ¥30 éach--and the law requires that they have enough cash to pay their expenses to the point of destination--there would be a total of $10,550,000. Ot the newcomers, however, 39,000 were from the United States, and 'at least 5,000 of them sold their farms in the south to buy others in the north, and they carried an average of $5,000 each. Thus they collectively carried into Canada Shout. $40,000,900. The single persons, t , artisans and labourers, about 19,000, had an aver- age of $100 each, or a total of 81, 900,000. Thus the American contin gent had al about $41,900,000, The oi across . the ocean--numbered 108,000, all told, and as they had an average of $100 each their total money was $10,300,000. From all other sources there both sides of the house, and the opin. ion has become urgent that he should be giving his country the benefit of his judgment, Rumour has it that he has be:n ask- ed to take the direction of the trade and commerce department. Sir Rieh- ard Cartwright may be desirous of relief from its oversight, and the lib- eral party will remember him for his stalwart service. The government would, in that case, have a great advantage in the return to it and the house would have the abiding influence of his personality, which is strong and dominant and patriotic, -- EDITORIAL VIEWS, If there is to be a redistribution of the constituencies in 1910, what is the sense of a gerrymander now ? The imperial premier is entitled rest after a public service of years. many of our public men suceumb under the strain of office. to fort Vv So The pure, the immoculate, the so- 'alled honest government of My. Whit- nev has a"skeleton in the closet, The Cobalt Lake scandal cannot be con- cealed much longer. . ---- The local government is determined to prevent if it can, a public explan- ation of the scandalous deal by which Hon. F. Cochrane got his seat in the legislature from Mr. Lamarche. The Montreal hockey clubs have con- tributed $1,700 of their receipts in the winter games to the local charities. Clearly there are some hockeyists who play for something besides the spoils of vietory, ---- Ottawa has a man named Cham- pagne who thinks he could be élected to the legislature if he had the surance of a seat in the cabinet. He may have the fizz, but has he the ne cessary sparkle ? as- Eighteen constituencies have been attacked by the Whitney government and remodelled so that the nine con- servatives now in the house may be re-elected and the seven liberals closed out if possible. A government with thirty odd of a present majority must fear things when it cannot face the electors as before, The government must give the muni- cipalities the assurance that the pow- er measured out by the Hydro-Eleo- tric Commission will not, in any case, be mote than a certain figure or the contract is faulty. A few places cannot face an expenditure of mil- lions without a guarantee as io "the limit of cost to each. Bi tremendous favorite pug only at Store. J {Are Reported As Occurring About | | years. Pearl Perry are spending a few days, Check. Orillia Packet. wife's millivery bill. Freak Legislation. Toronto Globe, 'The bill prohibiting munic iflal bonuses has been thrown out by "the legislature. Municipalities are casy marks in this regard. But not being a8 a rule more erratic than the gov-| | thé "élections of| Hon. Champ Clark, of Missouri ernment, nothing could be gained hy a prohibition with an outbreak private bills to render it nugatory, A Timely Act. Industrial Cyngda,. Some one has said that it ds a poor | advertisement for Canada, but how | much worse would the advertisement be if our farmers were not able tol get their crops in for want of seed i the government never does ar thing worse than coming to the resend of the farmer in a time of need - it] will have no occasion to fear critics. | A NUMBER OF DEATHS | { | Napanee. Napanee, April 7.--On Saturday last there died, at Newburgh, Thomas Wil kinson Grange, elder son of John T.| Grange, Napanee, aged forty-eight years, after an illness of about four Deceased leaves a widow, but One brother and five sis ters, and father are left to mourn The funeral took place, yesterday af-| ternoon. The remains were placed in the vault at Newburgh, and later will be interred in the family plot at Na panee. Word was received, on Saturday, that Thomas Mooney, Winnipeg, brother of Hugh and Daniel Mooney, Napanee, was dangerously ill of pneu- | monia. Hugh Mooney left, Saturday night, for Winnipeg, to be with his brother and family. C. R. VanSlyek and daughter, Edna, spent a few days, last week, at Gra- venhurst, where Mrs. VanSlyek is staying, and found her very much im- proved. Mrs. J. L. Boyes and Miss no children. | | this week, in Toronto. Dr. Leonard still continues very poorly. There is no news of "Zan" Smith, reported missing over a week ago. The remains of the late Mrs. Clark, who died at Lindsay, on Friday last, were brought to Napanee, on Satur- day, and placed in the vault. Two daughters, Mrs. E. McCabe and Mrs tlenry Hough, and one son, William, of Watertown, are left to mourn. De- ceased attained the age- of ninety- three years, e : William Sweet, Morven, died, Sun- day, aged fifty-three years, of con- sumption. A wife and one son are left to mourn. The funeral will take place, to-day (Tuesday), to the White Church, Morven. ng Gross Perjury. In two recent cases Police Magis trate Clark has sentenced prisoners to a term of two years in the peniten- tiary at Kingston, and Sntimated that the punishment in part was for the crime of perjury, which the accus- ed had in the witness: box added to the original offence. In the Toronto police court, Col. Denison astonished a woman charged with keeping a dis- reputable house, by sentencing her to a term of six months in the Mercer The prisoner had insisted upon giving evidence in her own behalf, and the magistrate in naming the penalty, added, "that will cover the periury, too." It is high time the bench dealt sternly with this grave evil. Perjury of, brazen and unblushing character is | of every day occurence in Canadian | courts, and has come to be taken al-| most. as a matter of course. Elcetion | trials and "whiskey" cases are motor- | ious for it, and the 'impunity with | which witnesses have lied under oath | has had much to do with making the! crime so common. The magistrates | and judges who deal sternly with the evil are doing a great public service. The Referee"s Exp . Prescott Messenger, (Conservative The Whitney government made a division of the province into two drainage districts some years ago, and appointed (i. F. Henderson, of, Otta- wa as referee for the eastern district. At the time it was claimed to le a useless expense, and it has proved so The expense in the eastern district this past vear was: Referee, salary ... ... ... .. Referee, Stenographer, salafy ... Stenograph:r, expens:s"... Printing....., 82,500 00 a; Ww £00 00 2 40 02 40 PE es i $3203 20 In the counties of Grenville and Dundas, which formerly furnished the most important drainage ceses, there ® not been cone tried since the sep- aration or division of the province into east and west. In fact it would be hard to ascertain where there is any business doing at all under the inage acts, The people have evi: dently lost all confidence in the pro- visions of the ast. \ ---------- A number of determined men tried in vain to rob the Imperial bank, at St. David's, Ont., early on Tuesday morning. They blew open the vault, but could not get the i scared | and 81. The Tatter size being | of president. [ed States senate. \| years | clerked in a country store: edited | appointed | ritz, which will not | who died i | | HON. CHAMP CLARK. { Jf the democrats have a majority in {the membership of the United States House 'of Representatives as rovised at the coming automm, Cannon of HN | succeed "*Uncle Joe" { Bnois, as speaker, the most powerful the country next to that Hf the democrats are not successful in gaimng pa majority, Mr Clark will take the position of leader of the minority succeeding John Sharp Williams, who enters the Unit. Champ Clark was Kentucky about fifty eiPht and was educated in the position in born in ago common schools and eventually in the Cincinnati law gos! As a voung man he worked a8 a hired farmhand, a Country newspaper and practiced law He moved to in 1875, and goon became city attorney of Bowling Green, has ever since been his home. He married Miss Genevieve Ben nett, hy has four children the two still living. Missouri which whom he Youngest CABINET MAKING Is Now Going on in the Merry Old Isle. London, April 7.--1% nding turn of Herbert Asquith, the nealy prime minister, from Biar be before Friday is impossible to that will be Politicians and however, are busily guess: ing and predicting the changes with more or less assurance, some of them claiming to have authoritative infor- mation, Beyond the faet that Lloyd George, Winston Spencer Churchill and Walter Runciman, the financial secretary to the treasury will be included in the new cabinet all this is conjecture at present. Lloyd ieorge is favorite for the chancellor ship of the exchequer. the re and perhaps later, it forecast the made in the newspapers, changes cabinet Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. B0c, Dr.. Charles Ont., is diseases Harwood, Sandwich dead, from a complication of Dr. Harwood, before becom ing a physician, taught in the old Sandwich public school. He was born sixty-three vears ago, the of retired Anglican ministet Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr Prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis., I surely would not send if free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint ment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, 'either external or internal La¥ie jar 500. "Sold by all dealers WwW. 7 basket factory; at Burlington, Ont.. was destroyed by fire, Monday night, together with Freeman's blacksmith shop. The Ca nadian express office was gutted and the records of the company were lost Women with pale, colorless who feel weak receive both and Carter's Iron for the blood, son a Shoop's Magic Ointment. To Glover's on iacex will vigor which and and discouraged, mental bodily Pills, nerves by using are made complexion, Mrs. Thomas Lippe well-known Agnhersthury, two in her eightieth wifé of ex-Mayor G. 1 of the , grocer widow Ont weeks ago, is Mrs Florey dead Florey is also Vear {dead, in her seventy-ninth year, Crawford & Walsh The yeggman who tried to rob the Imperial bank af St. David's, Ont, have got across the border, going out by way of Niagara Falls. Some 3400 will cover the damage at the bank Morning Cough, Bad Breath Prove Catarrh is Active Act To-Day--Prompt Measure MAY KEFP THE GERM FROM YOUR LUNGS. to hear of a case Catarrhal Trouble, Bronchitis, Asthma that failed to vield to Ca tarrhozone. Its success among the peo ple of many pation has been phe nomenal., No remedy could accom- plish so much without true merit Miss Counter, ~of Windsor, Ont, says: "1 contracted a heavy cold that settled on my lungs and resisted all treatment. After | had tried sev eral doctors here and specialists in Detroit, withgut benefit, | went to my druggist, Mr Avignon, and asked him for the best remedy be had for cold on the lungs. He recommended Catarrhozone, which cured my cold in ope week. It brought back my voice, and 1 have ever since hoen free from my old trouble. For coughs, colds and lang trouble 1 am sure that Ca- tarchozone is the best remedy. It goes right to the sore spot, gives quick re Lief makes a ing cure. ter. and Signed} M. Coun = Catarrbozone to-day and ' "denlers well it, tailors of or We have yet you'll guaran teed. will sp David A FAVORITE SUIT We show TO-DAY a Coat and Trouser or Two-Piece Suit for Boys', from 8 to 15 years of age. It's always a great favorite for Spring and * Summer Wear. The Coat is cut Dopble or Single Breasted, to be worn with Negligee Shirt or Waist. The Trousers come straight or bloomer style. in Handsomely cut and Tailored from choice Cheviots and Tweeds, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $6, $6.50 Here's a Suit the Boy will like, i Don't neglect the Boy, Shirt. takes just The Boy always great pride in wearing the right thing in Shirts Our Boys' Shirts are made by the same good makers that make our Men's styles The Fabrics are the same, the fit is correct, and the making is right, i) aE 6oe big Boys' Shirts, 50¢., 75¢c., 90¢., $1, all sizes, boys, or little, Boys' Shirt Waists, 50¢ 65¢., 75¢., $1. THE H. D. Ai Beeee Rete ntey 'EASI Keeps the contents Bottle Stopper pure. Preserves the effervescence of cham- pagne, mineral waters, etc. Price 35 Cents. BIBBY GO. VO00000000000000000000 000000000000 000000000N r-Tight LY ADJUSTED. of bottle fresh and 0000000000000 ONIRORESS McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St AR00000ANNAOURONOIIRN0N000000S You cannot Jossibly have a better Cocoa than EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaining economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains 'the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. Grocers and Storekeepers {-Ib. and }-1b Tiss. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, x What is Going on in the Business | World--The Markets. Railroads of the United States will née) jfrom 250.000 to, 300,000 men for repair work this spring, Gross earnings of | oronta railway for first three Were $2566, r $19.55 more than the corrigponding period 'of 1907. Canadinn Pacifie Railway commyiany's return of traffic earnings from March 21st to March 3iet © 1908. $1 404,000. | 1907, 32.009 000. di crease, 3045,000, The New York Central and Hudson River railroad company reports for the fiscal year ending December 3st, last Showed. net earnings of $51 199, 40, a decriase of 81,157,588, The Molly Gibson group, near Ross land, has been sold to a New York syndicate for 850.000. J. B. Singer, J. McNeely and Charles Schwartzen hawer are the owners. There are five claims in the group. - It is reported that the CPR. has under contemplation what is practical. lv a second transcontinental. with a terminus at Hardy Bay, B.C, one of the best ports on the Pacific const months this year be It will he shorter than the present road, and better 'able to compete with the Grand Trank Pacific. The Sydney mint for coining' Aus tralian gold was erected in 1853 That at Melbourne followed in 1360 The coal output of the Novy Scotia food. Fragrant, nutritious and || COCOA Ww Typewriters are divided into two classes- The ONE made seemingly | modern by patched-on im provements--the OTHER | L.C.Smith& Bros. Typewriter (Writing Entirely in Sight) with modernness inbuilt. QEvery device for convenience, time sav *Ing and labor saving is inbuilt in the L. C. Surru & Buos. Tyre warren. § Every known element of durability and dependability is there--Bunr Ix. § This insures. the most and best work both from machine and operator." That's office economy. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. __| Newsome & Gilbert, | | LIMITE D Na. 9 Jordan Bi., Toronto. Branches Balifax, N.S. Ottaws, Ont., Wang Man. ~LOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN & SPRICCS ELECTRIC €O., 79 Princess St. Kingston. Steel and Coal company in March totalled 57494 tons, or 4.001 tons {mare than in Febuary, A full stock of Typewriter Supplies tor li makes of marbines always = hand, Typewriters,

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