THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 5, TUESDAY, APRIL 7 e508. 1 WILL | LIKELY oF PITH OF THE NEWS. "ADJOURN RL FRIDAY. WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, } - : a ; -- - os 2 : B oo oe The Very Latest Culled From All Thomas F. Connolly Died | B | ¢ Over e orl y : rief Illness. i - jou SHOTS THE POLICE, Join Meaney. x Toronto ber. THIS IS THE HOPE OF| Wott iar mieinns | § AN EPOCH-MARKING DISPLAY OF Ee PUT INTO HIM. FT Att pueuenia at, Hout] PREMIER WHITNEY. trom Bostos arrived at Clasg ". on -- oh James Smith the Montreal Mur-] April 6th After Prorogation the Leader Will er derer, Fat Wounded--The / To-day is the fortieth anniversary i Take a Holiday and Then Go'he the assassination o Policerven's Uniforms Drew His! (io © (1) 0 of Hon. PAs Into Campaign Work--Asking For Deportation. HE DIVERSITY char- acteristic of the season's | styles makes the ch »osing of Ir Ottawa Fire. { Une bundred thousand pounds a Montreal, April It is bel 4 Passover biscuits are held by the To ] nto, April 7.--It is the desire were placed in the the cneral | ital. that James | fonto customs for valuation ¢ government that the legislature e stages are mith, the main who killed a police Mrs. Vicars, wile of Rev. John|should complete its business early on ig the passen mar, last night, and police | Vicars, Cannington, Ont., died Tue ' afternoon. 1f this i acco i the island to th sther apd firemen at bay for hours, vk Yay morning, alter a brief jllnes lished proroguation will take place o Spankie has left for Alameda holding the fort in his lodging house Inspector William Munro, of the! : or . In any event the Usk {to teach schoo MN 1 ake on Mance street, will die as the result | Winnipeg police force, one of the best-| n ession will be held this week is able to Ix rou; i tee: of the wounds which the police were | known police officials in Canada, is pated that after the house has | jjlness. Mrs Sates Ste - compelled to inflict before the man | dying Premier Whitney will take a )ens, sister-in-law of "Mrs was finally ubdued. To da he is Street railway employees at Winni vacation before starting on his | died, last week, at her home g in «the } tal ward, where he Peg have presented their demands to | election camprign tour. above place : or was removed, la , strongly | the company, and a strike is not im T. E. Poster, picked up on Kis Janes Murphy, o toronto guarded By police d was ' served | probable. t, a few weeks ago, a- starving of Terence Murphs ; the three warrants of arrest, one oa At frinidad, Colorado; Deputy Sher- | condition, alte Wns i place, last week Puniel W. re of murder and two. own} if Tony Shelby was shot and instant | to get work, has written to Mayor John Briceland er rod nt attempted murder, There I¥ killed, on Monday night, hy an ug. | Oliver, asking for deportation to the fine. new resides i olin } e doubts, however. that hel known man old country. He is now it Rockford, | Daniel B cher x aa will ever be able to appear | court | The Allan 88. Ionian, from Glas-|Unt., and says he cannot secure em hope ¢ ate ertert ned by answer the charges gow, arrived at Halifax, at 8.15 aan. | Ployment owllig to being subject to J wos M I. vald bag | epileptic fits. Foster has been in Can- | 324" ine) 8 y Chief Detective arpenter and Con- | with 126 séeond lg 36 | : t an 1 2 wn rss and 368 steer | Kil Y 4 holies Your Money tbl ile a | 4 il aiX taney uy heen lo Lan | 13a Murphy's hous who were shot by passenger th la Freder "Whi e island ederick tmarsh madman, but not dangerously injur- | Devision .was given at Osgoode Hall here the Marchmont Home, AB | gone to teach ischool ji Arde | 2a tase : ; ed. are reported to. be improvin- to- | unseating : the mayor and six coun-| Belleville, Ont. The ayo will refer Bovd has purchased ab 4 | ay, although suffering considerably | lors of Midlagl on the ground that the maMer 1o the dominion govern-| rom jchard Bolton. Bo M i i isi | 4 a fom their wounds. It is stated, to-| their declarations were improperly | ment . To ' . Richard Bolt ' x ake it a Point to Visit the Ex-~ day, that Smith hot mifo | made ' M. E. Stewart | issued a writ } Hogan as engaged with apt au . o y + shot at a uniform | ma las issue O'Brien. of Garden Tela wheels hibit of Skirts, Waists and Costumes where. he would not bother about Reports from all over the west, from | 8gainst the Canadian Pacific RR, for | h man on the boat. He sails from. To " bo : civilians. The explanation of that | the Rocky Mountains ¢ d. indi | $25,000 damages for injuries received -1 = is r a 'RS : |) eS ! N circamstance is that a few hours be- | cate thats pater ar Jodi ronto to Montreal Hanlon of HE STYLE M: AKERS have been hardly less { vvails, {in the Caledon Mountain wreck. Ste Ww fore the trouble he told his landlady. | and that seed . prospects never ere] Wart laimds that as a result of the atertown, is iting on the island versitile I the a a y b Mrs. Pritchard, that | I | s then receis ; a] aril, e had killed | better injuries then received he has been ua- (Fai ot Ba i i | bn i a yr A ® in ready- ~to-wear lines. And nowhere will you see Some one in the old ountr I is stated that % able to do anv work since : : y a iat a determined efiort : Budget From Latimer xome years ago. "The fear that she | will be made on Thursday to seears| A 8ttempt is to be made to quash | Ratirger uri] yan the newest ideas better exemplified than at this store : 2 ' } 7 sugar so | | F¥ | roves Be | had . told the police, and that vi]the a the by-law, passed by the tow: fi a f IRL x BI | appointment of u Canadian board ae 3. lM ) A x had come to arrest him for the crime | of the Grand Trunk railway Steck { Owen Sound, re duvigg the number of | A he hid ot Thomas Sherwood s, } or al more modern prices, rf. 3 | licenses from ten to six i April 7th. Res Mr Shortt, Elgin Joa? is believed to have worked on his | hold o " « oa 11 olders, H FY) VY Way mind and led to the determination to Dr. Orr has arranged with tl The hoard of control, this morning, | PUrE, will preach here on Sunday NOTE--Corset section now moved to ready-to-wear ' ~ go » 3 . C on i Hh the Gaild {decided to recommend to the city Mrs John Taylor received wi o x dept., second floor. 0 ies for a collection of | council that Thomas Southworth, di- | Thursday, of the death of her sister : Easter Millinery anything 7 but a formidable task. And diversity is the key- note of ' this Easter display--authori- i tative, well-chosen, and ce:- i tainly the most extensive and attractive it has ever been our privilege to offer. Is very ' and Dress Hats Tailored Hats Junior Hats Misses' Hats Children's Hats All Trimmings J mms -- hold out against arrest at all costs. | hall Defective == -- | paintings by modern British artiste | : : 4 ed "K1D"" BURK) PT { Fan . n ritish artists | pocqg f colonization, be offered the | in-law, Mrs, Charles Burtch, Jones ] . ¥ KE CA URED. flue Fhe Canadian National exhibition. | in of oo x" ia ttud e Falls. Mr. and Mes aylor attendec D a Vv i d M S e n C Ce 1 oronto bd : VET Joa » HE. Grabbed $1,000 Roll, Was Chased | ( oh en r. the wallknown. noeth Toronto, to fill the vacancy caused the funeral on Friday Mrs. . Charle . P ' by the resignation of John Cl bers | Cochrane died, on Wednesda Her a nd |e adder ix in ; ly ) ation o hin amber d . x 1 4 ra . _ . and Caught. {orn fur trader, is in Winnipeg, dispos- [The position will he worth $3500 5 | lingering ,illne Me funeral was held The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. . My ¥ J Louis, Mo 7 I r y . ter packe . : i 1 STRAT T NETL" } chael Poy He ar « April 7.---While yi {ing 0 sls runt rd acke t He has vear, but will include no house. Mr. | from her home, on Friday Miss Eliz . i. / Shut 1 EAL was Sanding in the Blan Jo bodings of the future of | Chambers received $9500 and free abeth J. Tavior, Golden Bridge. N.Y x I || be oo [ow oo To [ju : ube bankiag room of the Mioreantile © trade hous ¥ & ' . s spending nf week s t hor a When You Trust company, yesterday, Fone The. Ontario suppl ee ts iworth's present lis sponding u few Weeks at hor pos N pany, terday, Frank Sel | ntari ipplementary estimates | sqlary is 22000 a vear ents' home Mr. and Mrs. R. Dixor lick, New York, a hookmaker's shee gf Contain a vote of X100,000 to he made -- -- and Denzal, spent Sundav Milburs Select Pen-Anglé wiiter Middeoly seized pn yoll of $1,000 | 13 Ae provines towards the purchase P. E. ISLAND AGAIN. Richard ~~ Sgevenson, and Mrs. Fx from Hogan's overcoat t ang : Plains of Abral am, at Quebec S 1 ¥ atl poeke ang braham, at (ue McFarlane Were married, last Wed; pecia re " ' i i | a 0 in, pushin aside men and women Av national park H make | ; | Ww 2 Provine \ day Me ill (ONT I ear, Ml | "ho stood in his path. He was cap-|, It 18 announced the king has con ovince's Grievances Subject : " | i si Alberta. Miss May Taylor is home Y tured on the steps of the bank. white Fred a kuightship of the Garter on Discussion in House. sind Fe py La Mie Fo W $ attempting to pass the money to a | Ord Urewe, lord president of the] Ottawa, April 7.-The trials © and] "7 rl Drs Tore a te Tavs 4% n Cc I OO0I mn copfederatd. ~ Selick was fashionably | "2Unsel, and kniglptship of the Thistle | tribulations of Prince Edward Island na 2 Bs i bo } re 1} i sl H a' Let a 5 ab } y a { spent. sever eeks ir City 5 * attired, and was wearing a number | WPON Lord Tweedinouth. which have xo often been discussed in n atric Traves in ree fo from wi s of diamonds. He had plenty of mone The new school in Hochelaga ward, | the House of Commons, were again : +, EN ul I LI | Onsy IN ® * | the subject of extended talk vesterdaw|illess. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lvou spent rn rr »> in his pockets, Superintendent * John | lontreal, named in honor of Miss \ ol exlended ta vesterday | " . Wednesd at Newton Orser's, Kepler Shea, of the Bertillon bureau, jdenti-| Sarah Maxwell, who gave her life to and monopolized practically ihe whole PB. Meck hi left or th 5 , D 00 tyl Pri .t p w left fo We on A O]KOTS ror , pe fied the prisoner as "Kil" Buke alias | *®* the children in the fire some time sitting, the. % Saturday. P. L. Edwards has pur ¢ reusersy DYCE ou SLY os. rices : age S OPOne . his as \ o be .de-|™ x dy . g 5 . : . " . 6 ' 1 Fisher, known to the police of every |" At Ne eopunieel an Monday al oi . eo ant ----- e a : chased a fine team of horsggiro } hb F range from $6.00 and up. large* city in the United States and in ane we great legal battle Private members, snd the! y Padden, Perth Road Mesars. Pre | SERIE : 3 29 50. 3.00. 3.5 Page and Tondin, Severs ht over the rights of the Dommnion ver-| lukewarm interest in the well-worn y i R Westport 3 go Iron Beds from P= ol, 5.0 ' 3.50, PP ang 1, . § 1CLIreS O1 | sus the province t on + gtre topic was evidence he «li i- Yosb an Sper Sou pot Eh @ 0.5 7 ni Vte Srted drt rer nas the ra i v oO sontrol th treams loti. we . Figfhced by the «lim at makers in the Latimer factory: have Ba 2.00, I'hese have all been red cod, Jory, 'Mr. Hogan is pivablent oo i] Within minion raway belt in Tl 3 > here, i wrived The factory will open " ' . : british Columbia is under way. we resolution of Mr, Hughes, which Ww. H i sk for Hercules Spt ngs, principal owner of the lank at Alta Th : i > Monday Arthur got his fae we douma has scored a victor yi| was ultimately withdrawn, called for . mont, Til, ary ' ; badly hurt, by being struck with Sweeping importance' in forcing the re-| the change of name from Intercolonial | k of mill. J. Taylor | ' I tar tirement of M. Alexieti, vice-minister| railway, and voiced the opinion that] crank of the windmill. .J. Taylor los J RR > i D Division Court. ; --" : Loe-rmniaton he ferry ) 8 Opinat 21a valuable cow, this week, from . . » In foll i of commerce and director of the de-| the rey service all the year round J - : we folloWing division court ecases| partment of commercial navigation should be managed by the rhilway| Culiar disease 230 Princess street. "Phone, B77. were tried, before Judge Madden at \ worn } ---- : e hy Capt. W. D. Gatfield, of the marine | department | . th Sour, Buse, this morning : reporting agency of Dull & Gatfield, *Piia. Anlk' veered all. around the com} A Quick Firing Gun. James bi. Purdy vs. George Mack- Amherstburg, Ont., and one of the] Pass of Prince Fdward's grievances,| Major de Bury says the cannon fir y alternoon, was an exper Account, $8. Judgment in full. best known marine men on 'the lakes ] froin thé néetl of a tunnel to the dis [ing, this Both | mental practice with a new eighteen " $ » \ SHIRTS Newyan #8 Shaw a Jitte Sato is dangerously ill of typhoid fever. crimination in freight rates Ln " . ti ! : Big ate me a ull E. Dyson Currier, a guest at +| Messrs. Graham and Brodeur, the in-| pr. quick firing field gun. This is the Ross McRea ve. J. M Parkharst and} Badminton Motel, Vancouver, | terested ministers, were non-commit-| first time such a gun has been fired is The back collar stud in Edward Lami» Note, $163 20. Judg-| while examining a Colt automatic re. ptal, ! Canada. It was found that twent: ment for plaintifi in full A volver, accidentally shot himself. be ----ail | «hots a minute is the record, obtai our shirt is inserted in the Predes Teli i : sderick Noice ve. W. Telfer--Claim r wounded ba ; ed here. "The practice took place om tab, shewn i cut. 2 TE aoe hug. und L painfully but not da ANTI-JAPANESE BOYCOTT |e dete we pra 3 . Metcalfe "Ee w m } ; In this way the stud is gt A ours I ite Fuesday morning, a squad of police| To Make It As Far-reaching As easily inserted and it never N. Norris vs. Sarah Holden Inidel I oO TY inguiend # bake shop Possible. E i . ami § d seize "ar 3 + - . touches the neck of the Account, 815.40. Judgment for $16.20 To oy Co a " ently oy Canton, April - 7.-The hoycott wearer. Kent Bros. vs A Haoroie and R. Ab M: Springstead sold. Mi By weight ] wav freight sheds. was. the bott-- Note, SH47.05 Judgment inf i a" ght 1 the trouble between Japan and China » read LX . BE 5 " ar rat When the collar is on, full "18 It is admitted on all sides 'that the over the rare and lat r the release the tab cannot mov C. W. Kelly vs. Mrs. Sylvester Hart-| ment of Sir H bell of the Tatsu Maru, is spreading ra k stirement © i phe 0% move. man--Note, $11.30. Judgment for de-| pn O0 Re © Eek for the home] Pidly. Mass meetings have been held 5 1 & 5 se 0 w home re 1 : n ost fo y » wit the object oO weing Wy But the re is sufficient - plenty with vost Viet N | rule' movenient; and the nationalists with Tere of ifuprs A iv room left in the bytton-hole ? Deter ; ve. ctorin inlay do pot attempt to hide their disap-| gp 0 : L maiug Se company--Board, $79.2 Judgment | : : y for the collar to move in full posstaent Mati manufacture as far reaching as pos \ one len atheson expects to sail | giiln. De spite a torrential ram to-day slightly from one side to . i { . 1 i 5 t for England about the middle of more than a thousand women, dressed the other, so that the collar Brockville Increases Tax Rate. |, = rh the hea eu than at " n, : . . » +B p nt April 7.-Owing to | It . . actml \ 0 mn ute, as awemblem of mourning . . il The bad: 0h Oni may be easily adju Brockville, Ont., 3 van! Jt ts to Be expected; "therefore, | Mee ti | emi; a ; ing a Basebi v.ha he front ote 10 Be Crscadinely ons spenditurs. i. that the provineint shone wil [attended a mecting held Sor this_purt ing bash, Chev bal Ou £0 E "ddys s"Silent" Parlot Matches ae Iront, curved 'by the smallpox opide mic of | over by that date pose, speed he being made Senon : hi . svervihing t srtaine to Only on Tooke Shirts can Hm past winter, the Yon council it | The second double hanging of the - sn Via. Pera 3 atx mecting, foun it necessary ) | presen « # h Ac ) . : this tab be found. strike the ote of taxation for this flesent 3vus, at, the Pp hila lelphia year at twenty-six mills on the . dol ---- Met With Accident. Francis. H. Deline, cartage ' | } lat the Kingston and Pembroke rail against the Japanese, arising out of ®* : i foreman a painful accident, Monday He was assisting in t a casting off a truck, when {manner it shipped, strikn foot, and severely crushing Hi 1oes boycott of Japanese products and away farmer's horses ran Bagot street, this afternoon. They came frightened at some bo hrom A LIGHT ONCONE SUBIR Po Ail poid grocers sett Eddy's Matches Jhomas Carey, a we | Kingstonian, left, to-day, on a trip to jent ns the Sphinx wr Voll " | county prison, took place on Tuesday a : New Liskeard when Max Soifer and Joseph Toiroco The Waterworks' Committee ne -- were executed for murders committed | 1 Ie wos committee met | MoandRy afternoon Aldermen alg NEW YORK STOCKS. TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED, ; i § ar, which is an increase of one mill | MONTREAL. 22 1907. : over during jealous passions i CHOICE OHOROHO-OHOBCHOHOMOHOHOBCEOHOHONONY © 0 OHO OHO COO CHOROHOHOAOHOHOROHOHOS | i i | | oO --o------ | lexander Wille, Thorold, Ont, ar-| (chairman), Kent Couper : Indians Die Of Poison. : | rested, 'Charged with arson, it heing ||Uarson, Graham and Hanley were pre-| Prices Furnished By W. Hector H | g ! | | van eli nM C [he had been ordered to vacate, was| Co., for a flat rate of $25 a quarter Stocks, Opening. factory, was referred to the! Amul. Copper { befessence of lemon cured it at a store in Somerset. This! will run steamers to Quebec and Mont-| liam eBfnce I¥ a Tavorite beverage with] real, in conjunction ' with 'the Domin-| er field for pasture, was held over | Am. Smitg. & {ion line, during the coming summer,| On motion of Ald. Chown the super-| Am. Car Foun -- | entering into competition for both | intendent was requested to report on' Anacorda Min United States Army Bill. | passenger and freight business all streets not supplied with water Acie Tep & Washington, D.C, April = 7.~The| At Troy, N.Y. a negto woman, | and the cost of extending the various Balti. & Ohio whose" name (is not known, was| Wains to and along those streets Brooklyn R. 71. . of almost $100,000,000, was passd by | brutally murdered by an unknown Ita- ------ | Canadian Pacific The diamond is the birth the United States senate, practically lian, on Tuesday morning. Despite her | Y.M.C.A. Directors Meet. stgne for April. [If it's a as reported from the committee on | terrible injuries, she managed to crawl { The Y.M.C.A. directors held their] Ches. & Ohio mms for use of the water tow-| Am. Sug. Re. Swan Lake, Man, April 7-On Sa-[alleged he had set fire to a house in| sent Hume, Clarence Chambers. 8 Ganong's G.B. Chocolates direct from facto turday Jost theee of the lndians.on | which he had been living, and which | - The request of W. J. Urothers & April 7th 1 1b. Boxes, 25¢. 1 Ib, Boxes, S0c. the reserve west of here died as a re-| Close 3 -~ Ib, Boxes, $1.00. { { solitaire yéu would. like. No military. affairs. The bill materially {to her room nearby, where she ex- | regular meeting last night, when some (kh & NW, 1 sult of drinking what they believed to | amuitted in the police court | for thew better value can be had than increases the pay of ofc rs and ea- | pired | matters pertaniing to the interest of , Mil. & St. Paul They had pro-| The White Star line of steamships city conunecil,: The application of Wil-! Amer. Lowi. « OTE 2 ) ---- - - a i riati " dai o The: } "031 our special listed men of the army. i £ | the association were diséussed There Colorado South a : \ 264 . SO OOOO OSLO GO the Indians, army bil, carrying an appropriation | hivago Gi. West ™ : { Death Of Sir Howard Vincent. | was a full attendance of the -mem- Cons. Gas N.Y. 3 : $25, $50, $75 & $100 Rings Call Accepted. ! London, April 7.--Sir Howard Vin | bers, the president, Dr. Anglin, oc Col. Fuel & dron... , . . i A ----" opr oss -- -- Each st ei ° full Bradiord Out April T--It is ans]*® ut, member of parliament for Cen ecupyving the chair. The directors met | Distiliers sees, . ' Ag it i 5 3 rd, J gy = s : ie i ons is hye oy a te the adh Presbyterian tral Sheffield and aide-de-camp to] in the parlors at the association. | Erie Railroad . 5} } : i ho ine our guaran T a that "Rev. Charles H. Cobke: | King Edward, died, here, to-day. He! building, at 6:30 o'clock, 'and after |G. North Ry., pid. . 233 i ? L Fe und oR re ry 8. a Dtiiorty of Smith's Falls | Was born in 1849. Sir Howard was | partaking of luncheon, considered the Kansas & Texas com... 2 i > : / B0IAa, Tenet to Xu ba sted the call extended to him { well known in Canada. { business. The wembers are delighted | Missouri Pacific : 23 | 1 1 XL aed acce) g -- | with this new departure, and will: Min, St. P. & 8. St. M. i 3 y f ' J OF ------ 1d K. Martin, late of Hardware, a County Court, meet together in a like manner at all; National Lead Kinnear &d'Esterve Taranto publication, is in en route to Sr county court mt on Tues | the regular meetings of the board. N.Y. entral-... . Montreal and the maritime provinces. | day afternoon, hefore Judge Madden. -- | Northern Pacific Jewellers. He will return to take up his guties Pure was Sly one cnse to Loum | Outwardly Quiet. | Penn. K. R . ¥ the attention of the court, that of Paris, April 7. Cowed into sulr! Reading Cor, Princess and Wellington mi the Northern Navigation com Mrs. Ann Kelly against BR. W. Allen! mission by. they overwhelming military | Rock Island : } . A Streets. Philip Oswald, OBvssa, will be ste | for encroachment - on some land on foree, Lishon is outwardly quiet to-! Roe «Island pid : ti i H HL Ly In pretty designs, strong and ward on the steamer Rapids King, | Sydenham street, day. according to reports from the Southern Ry com. t i 4 2 durable. Also Hercules running between Prescott and Mon: Portuguese capital. 'I'he censorship is| Southirn Pacific ... . fd aay : ay Rector Of Loughboro. so strict, however, that no very ac |. 8. Steel com. . . i | 3 Spring to fit, and Sanitary . ? ili treal. * " 3 Pearsall S Mi 1ner Rev. F. W. Dowdell, Selby, has been | curate idea of the real conditions can U. 8. Steel pid + ny ' "sii " E Mattress 8 at sale pric eo, Ro A Toilet Luxury appointed rector of the Anglican par-, vot been gained. The Portuguese gov! U. & Rubber com. .. § ¢ . ---------- « ish of Loughboro, to fill the vacaney | ernment's reticence iz interpreted. un- | Unign Pacific com lon . " 33 YARKER BRANCH, - Miss. Skin Soap is 4 Jelight to every made by. the removal of Rev. P| iavorahly 'and news is ponstantly ex-] Wabash reo ry 103 ot R id The Leading Under- Sus Spring Millinery Opes. | Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin O'Connor Fenton, to Dessronto. pected of the renewal of trouble. { Wabash pid, .... - Yi} James e1 ' taker. 'hone, 117 ing in Yarker will Com- tion -- cures skin troubles --and ns ni jes skin clear and smooth. Up-To-Date Fur Storage. Sent Up For Two Years. { CHICAGO PRICES, At Campbell Bros. , phone 79. Belleville, Ont., April 7.--Iewis J.| Chicago market closed on account | e-------- iio, mence on k the oh . . expe ty umed - Wednesday, April 8th : | -------- Besna alins Yaacics Longe. alias Wil {of local muniéipal elections ie ! asc a cake R. B. Neilex, secretary of the Y.M. Ren Yanbigh of We aied, eter, i : PIG ME I ALS Copper, Lead ; ited. C.A., left, to-day, for Strationd, where | pied E. 1 AR are invited ' he will attend the Y.M.C.A. convention, | fraud, on the Farmers' bank. « Only One "BROMO SUE~ that is | Tin, Zinc. - Pearsall' Millin which opens there to-morrow. { tried to get a forged note dor sel S ery | J. H. Birkett has rented the Bagot | cashed. Bryan was found guilty, to-| We are headquarters. Bend us your inguiries. He will sree a sentence of two! Cures a Cold in One Day, Princess St.. Kingston. : Heidencs,, formenly. oscupied ly | day. | { x A Loe wt coi, | SHIN SOAP go yo ae nl | FL... nz Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., toronto 'or