Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1908, p. 7

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Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. 'Any even numbered section of Domin fon Lands in Manitoba or the North-West Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not re served, way be homesteaded by any per- son the sols head of 4 family, or male pver 18 years of age, to the extent of oh ter suction, of 160 acres, wore Apphecation for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Domindon Lands Agency or Sub-agency. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, broth- ©F OF sister of an intending howesieadir An application fdr entry or cancelly- 1 made personally at any sub-agent's © may be wired to the Agent by the Nubragent, at the expense of the applic cant, and if the lund appird for is vacant oR receipt of the telegram such applica ton is to have priority and the lind will be held until (he necessary papers to ete the tramsaction are received by wail, In came of "persomation'" or fraud the applicant will forfeit all priority of claim or if entry s boem granted it will be pmmmpily cancelled. An appacation for cancellation must be made in person The applicant must he ligible for homestead entry, and only ome application for cancellation will be re wived from an individual until that ap + plication has been disposed of. Where an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, the applicant Yor cancellation will be en titled to prior rigit of entry. Applicant for cancellation must what particulars the homesteader default. A homesteader whose entry is not the shbjeet of cancellation proceedings may subject to the approval of Depart ment, relinquish {t in favor of father mother, sof, daughter, brother or sister if eligible, but to mo one elise, on Gling declaration of abandonment. DUTIES --A settler is required to per- form the duties under one of the follow ng plans '-- 1) At least six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three vears. (4) A homesteader may, if he so de sires, perform the required residence duties by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less than efghty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement (3) I the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteader has permanent residence om farming land owned selely by -hiin, not less than Simhty (BO) acres in extent, in the vicini- ty of the homestead, or upon a home stead entered for by Min in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or mother.) (4) The term "vicinity" in the two ecoding paragraphs is defined as mean- ng Dot more than nine miles in a direct line exclusive of the width of road al wance crossed in the meas"rement (5) A homesteader intending te perform his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Before making application for patent he settler must give six months' notice In Writing to the Commissioner of Do- Minion lands at Ottawa, of his inte tion to do sor ByNorsis OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Coal mining rights may be ased for a period of twenty ne years an swnual rental of $1 per acre. Not Lowe than 2,560 acres shall bel to Bde individual or company. A royally at rates of five cents per ton shall he pllected on the merchantable coal QUARTZ--A person eighteen years of $e or over, baving discovered mineral in as may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 'he fee for recording a claim is $5. t least $100 must be expended on the claim each yoar or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 por acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable year- state in is in mined, An applicant may obtain two leases to a for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the In- terior. 'The lessee shall have a dredge in oper. ation within one season from the date f the lease for emch five miles. Rented fio r _sonum for each mie of river oan Royalty at the rate of 2 per cent collecled on the output after it exe ceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, ty of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--~Unauthorfzed publication of this advertisement will not be pad for, Weigh ~~ Yourself and then after a few weeks weigh your- sellagain. W you are losing weight take S EMULSION. Breathe fresh air day and night. Eat simple food. Try this for a few weeks. Then weigh yourself again. The expe- rience of thousands of men, women and children is that Scott's Emulsion increases the weight. It contains a power that produces new flesh. This All Druggists;: 50c. and $1.00. Beautiful Wall Paper. A Paper for Every Room, in Every House--now in stock-- ready for your inspection. A pleasure to show you. We believe it should be a pleasure for you to lcok through this stock. Even though you do not intend to decorate now if is to_your in- terests to find out just what we are offering, so that when the time arrives, you will know where you may obtain at right prices, that which will make your walls look most beautiful. XLet your own~ good taste judge. be THERE IS NO BETTER WALL PAPER LINE IN AMERICA. W. H. Medley, "Cor. Clergy & Princess Sts, PRICES: Hollow Crou=d €2.°0 Double Concave for Extra Heavy Beards $2.50 Pair In Leather Caso $4.60 $9 Kazor Troubles Possible 865 Clean Shaves Every Yoar Get one from your dea'er on 30 days trial, with no obligation to purchase Firm of A. IL: SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, 3 For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 6€- 71 Brook 8t., Kingston, Ont. It's Your Move ! Our figures are "on the sqare' every. thing "above board' and nis now ap to you to inspect and purchase our of- Rerings. II you are in search of a home, cone our lists. If you want to sell, conti us at once as we have several out-offtown clients who want wo tuy, T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent =o. 159 Wellington Street. Pr Kingston, American * Olls Coal Oil Lubricating Oils 4, Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. " Prices on application. i W. F. KELLY & CO,, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. Table and Whipping CREAM This is the flour we good cooks know Will make the Bread that's white as snow It's just as for Pies and a fo e And all my skill as Chef I'll stake On Beaver Flour's tion ; ** The popular flour of the nation." 73 Beaver Flour the original Blended Flour NEWS OF THE WORLD -------- Ratters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Dr. J. W. Peaker died, at 347 Bath- urst street, Toroato, of paralysis. Toronto Board of 'Trade will ban- Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, in . quet June, About 5,000 Seas are coming to settle Columbia. John W. Cowan company, died susidenly. Js R. Booth, the OUttawa lumber king, celebrated his eighty-first birth day on Sunday. Calgary is willing to start a public library on a handout of $30,000 from its uncle, Andrew Carnegie Pritish Columbia apples have re cently been sold in Scotland at prices ranging from $3.10 to $1.75 a box. Ephraim Gelman died from burns recvived at the lire in the Matsa Biscuit company's warchouse, To- ronto, Fijis from the South in Brisa of the Toronto, Cowan, president fimited, the | Sol. White, the veteran Windsor political leader, is reported to seriously ill from typhoid fever Cobalt. At Wesson, Miss, John Burr, a negro, was lynched by about 500 men for the murder of a twelve-year old white boy. Perey Bowins, who is accused at De- troit of the murder of Mother Welch, gave evidence in his own bebalf on Saturday. Fdward Mahon, until two years ago one of the most prominent criminal lawyers of Ottawa, died in Brock- ville asylum on Saturday. The University of Woostcr, at Woo- ster, O., has raised the $375,000 ne- cessary to secure an additional $125, 000 from John D. Rockefeller. Glengarry liberals nominated A. W McDougald for the legislature, and Fast Middlesex liberals nominated John Gillson, of London township. Hon. William Pugsley, minister of public works, wirkd the board of con- trol, Toronto, that steps would be taken to protect the island shores By a judgment in Hull superior court, it was decided that/a purchase of logs must be delivered in the river and not upon the bank of the stream. The Wheatland steel mill of Shenango and Steel company, Shar- on, Pa., resumed operations, on Mon- day, affording employment to 1,000 men. Guy Cline, an Englishman, found dead on the shore at Corona- do, Cal.; with a bullet wound through the heart. The coroper's jury returned a verdict of suicide. Ing Look, the Toronto Chinaman who was found guilty at Hamilton, Ont., of obtaining $25 from Lew Guy upon a worthless check, was, to-day, fined 850 and $109 costs. William Bennett, IHamilton, who says his home is in Detroit, pleaded guilty to stealing fifteen cents from a poor box at St. Lawrence church. He was remanded for sentence. A French newspaper called LeCourier has made its appearance in Windsor, Ont. Its editor is Mr. Chauvin. It is expected to exert some influence in the interest of the liberal party Lieutenant-Governcr Dunsmuir is to mect his three married and four un- married daughters in London, for a cruise to Norway in the new Duus- muir $200,000 yacht "Delaura."' The Hlinois Cehtral railway com pany is charged with cheating the state of Illinois out of 815,000.00 by and fraudulint reports some at was making' false in an amended bill to be filed time this week, Bernard Kennedy, Hamilton, frandubegtly removed hie furniture to escape rent, was assessed $132 Ihe rent due amounted to $66; the law al lows of the imposition of a fine dou- ble the amount due who Rector Johnson, Brantford, Ont] while walking along the G.T R. track, Monday mornihg, about a mile of the city, was struck by a He was removed to the hos but died soon after reaching on north train pital, there After four months of idleness, the rail mill of the Lackawanna steel plant, Bufialo, N.Y.. haz resumed work. As a consequence, 2.000 steel wotkers and laborers were added to the steel workers' plant, a new build- ing adjoining. The Canadimn Pacific Railway pany has decided to break with ions. which have a membership in the metal trades employed in the Cana- dian Pacific railway shops. The ecom- pany has abrogated the agreement en- tered ing last September. | The liberals of North Essex laugh at the published statement that they would have difficulty in finding a can- didate to oppose Hon. ;I. 0. Reaume at the next election. They say the doctor will have to put a stiff fight if he hopes to get back to the legisla- ture . Walt.or Clayton, a negro, swrving time ut the stockade of the Hand company for manslaughter, late Saturday afternosn, criminally asia Mt] Myre. John White, aged tusaty years, and was lynched by a moh of twenty-five men outside the Himits of Bay Minette, Ala. News has Deen received, from Otta- wa, of the superannuation of P, Doyle, for many vears immigration agent at Quebec." Dr. Lavoie, ap- nointed Jast spring, replaces Mr. Doyle, while J. TF, O'Flaherty, a weil- known and popular journalist, of Que- bee, has been named to replace Dr. Lavoie. Col. Bowell Decorated. Belleville, April. 7.--Lieut.-Col. J. R. Orr, of Madoe, the commanding of- ficer of the 49th Regiment (Hast ings) Rifles, bas received from the mi- litia department, Ottawa, for Col. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G., honorary lieutenant-colonel of the 49th, one of the handsome silver and gold "decors. tions dwarded to officers who have twenly vears or over continuous ser- vite as a commissioned officer to their credit. Sir Mackenzie Bowell started his military carver in the old "Belle com- un Lam jer be a family the | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AP WON $10,000. Sledge Trip Made From Nome to New York. | Herald dogs, York, April avs When seven Alaskan drawing an Alaskan sledge on wheels, to City Hall park late ve driver, Eli A Smith, probably the longest trip on eoord and won a wa ger, to be for $10,000, of pearly thre standing. Smith was formerly government mail driver in Alaska When he stepped in to visit Mayor McClelian vesterday he had completed, he said, a trip tirely In Nome, finishing it in a month less than two vears and New 6.--The trotted 1 terda thelr completed dog sledge vears en- land, from a haf Smith = trips his and regularity through in making mail the wilds snows of Alaska with dogs as a mo-, tive power, resulted finally in a wager being made that he could not make a] trip with his outht from Nome m two and one-hall years, Smith has won by one day short of a month. He Peceived from the ma- yor an autograph letter, certifying his arrival in New York, / They Rely On Wade's Ointment. Wade's Umntment is dlepended upon in hundreds: of homes for the cure of all injuries to the skin as well as the skin diseases FThere is not that would not find this ointment invaluable. Cures eczema, salt rheum, or itching eruptions of the skin, punples, Llotehes, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug «tore various sealy Populist Candidate. St. Louis, April 7. the United States--Thomas FE son, of Georgia. For vice-president of the United States--Samuel Williams, of Indiana. by the People's party convention, af the Nebraska and the gates bolted * because they could not procure a postponement of the conven until after nominations had beer the democratic national con that the People's party Bryan for pre defeated at tion made by vention so might nominate W..) sident, if he were democratic . convention. Directions For Making Tea. Warm the teapot (crockery is hest) Put in a teaspoonful of "Salada' Tea for every two cups. Pour on freshly boiled water and allow it to steep (not boil) from five to eight minutes. Pour the liquor off the leaves into another teapot and serve. When made in retain its delicious flavor for hours. On account Of its delicious strength a pound of "Salada" will zo as far asa pound and a quarter of other teas, Eczema's Awful Itch. i burns--it bitee--makes vou serateh sleep von cannot becanse Eczema is he Hitless sow pang of The Regiment, as an » Petiring| lively at vight a= by day. But cure i« possifle--lasting cure that comes win Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. It soothes, heals and cures you quickly. Give up experiments and use Dr, Hamilton's Ointment, which is guar- anteed for the worst cases. Sold by all draggists, 50c. per hox -------------- - Travelled In Male Attire. Reading, Pa., April 7.--Jennie Van Vliek, of Kingston, N.Y., and Edward Major were arrested by the police here, the woman disguised in male attire Major is wanted by the authorities of Sangerties, N.Y., on the charge horse stealing. Not 'until the fell into the hands of the police the woman's sex revealed She she had been travelling in disguise for several weeks, saying she and her com panion found this a more convenient and cheaper manner of travel pair was Where Is The Hurt ? Any deep-seated pain, any strain or of we muscle or tendor will rjnickest the of Litiment. If penetrates the muscles and and banishes pain or inflammation. If have hackache, muscular rheuma lumbago, ete, trey this ren Big bottles, "5c. at Wade's bruise be cuped Smith's White deeply into bv use tissues you tism to-day. drug store, Fell Sixty Feet. Belleville, April 6. -Cephat son, thirty-five years of age, an ployee of the Lehigh Cement pany's works, fell 'of a scafiold sixty feet high, to the ground His injur consist of a [fractured thigh, knee cap, injured arm and scalp wounds and internal John em com- es smashed shoulder, injuries, That comes with spring and early summer, oan be quickly changed to a feeling of buoyancy and energy by the judicious use of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The restorative js a genuine tonic to tired, rundown nerves, and but a few doses is needed to satisfy the us er that Dr. Shoop's Restorative is actually reaching that tired spot. The indoor life of winter nearly always leads to sluggish bowels, and to slug- gish circulation in general. The cus tomary lack of exercise and outdoor air tics up the liver, stagnates, the kidneys, and oft-times weskers the heart's action. Use Dr. Shoop's Re storative a few weeks and all will Le changed, A few days' test will tell you that you are using the right re medy. You will easily and surely note the change from day to day, Sold by all dealers. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnet, Renfrew, have left for British 'Columbia to re main a month or so, A rural telephone company will have a central office in Gananoque. -For president of Wat | the | this way, if kept warm, "Salada" Tea will of | said ¥ RIL 7, 1908, '® SUCCESSION SECURE, | er Duke's Love Romance May Sway the King. Rome, April 7.--Although the ! ported engagement of the Dukg of the Abruzzi to the daughter of thi! Ame ; rican Senator Elkins has occasened grave displeasure in certain quarters, | there good reason for statmg that King Victor Emmanuel mimself is not to marriage monarch s private sen- re ' the seriously averse The Italian timents in these' matters are strongly tdemocratic, and even sodalistic in | r trend. Both King Vicia and Queen Margherita cherish partizglar pride and affection for 'the intrepid roval explorer, while from the politi- cal point of view no insuperable ob- stacle to the King's consent presents itself, especially the duke's chances of succession the throne are remote, seeing that, besides | Crown Prince Humbert, both the duke of Aosta and the Count of Turin have { prior rights, Apart from these. considerations, it is pointed out that the youn~ duke's father, Amadeus of Aosta, married with the full consent of Victor Ym- } manuel 11, the Duchess of Cisterna, who, though not of roval blood, even- tually ascended the throne of Spain The cases of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the alliance of Napoleon ILI with Mlle. Montijo (the Empress Eugenie) are also cited. The profound esteem and intenwm popularity which the gallant duke of | foe Abrugzi enjoys among all classes of society in Italy by reason of his sterling personal qualities, will most assuredly not be lessened on the score of his romantic love match, and the attitude of the Italian press is every where . sympathetic and congratula- tory, sive to the | Theatre Wrap, The foregoing ticket was nominated | ter two stormy sessions during which] Minnesota dele- | | 1 This stylish design for a theatre wrap can be effectively developed in green chiffon cloth, lined with nile green silky It is cut in two sections and has a seam up the centre back which is left open and finished to form two pointe. The top portion is shir red to a deep pointed voke, which is concealed by a lace berthy which gives a hood effect TAFT IN COMBINATIONS. ; Gigantic Controversy Between Capital and Labor. Chicago, April 7.-United States Secretary of War Taft left Chicago for { Omaha. In an address before the Oy der of Railway Conductors, he said "Men who control capital, as well a men who work for must bine. Combinations of capital within the bounds of the law for expediency and for reduction. And binations among employers ing. men must combine to obtain that independence to. which they are entitled. Every who works welcomes the * lawiul combina { tions of laboring men and the com bination of capital. After all, there is no denying the fact that we must look forward to a gigantic controversy be tween labor and capital, hoping and trusting 'that it will settled peace fullv. That controversy when it comes, will decide once for all capital and labor shall share the joint profits which they create "For the past three have been doing some house-cleaning Wo neaded it. President Roosevelt was the chief of those who called a halt and convinced the people that one ir this country is above the not say that all rich men are We take pride in those who by gv, intelligence and honesty have cumulated wealth. But there are in this country who by means devious to law have become They must be made their chief Jawless be successful in the wages, com Are NOCesSSAry business cost because of these com the labor also in order man be how VOArs we no law. | wi do ked ener no men and contrary multi-millionaires to know that methods cannot future." Fugitive Hid In Cave. New. York, April 6.--After a search lasting more than five months, Daniel R. Delaney, twenty-seven vears old, who lived at No. ¥1 ° Hamilton place, was arrested and brought to New York, yesterday, on a charge of grand larceny. Detectives caught him after a dramatic and romantic chase, loca ting him in Gee cave, at the smmit of a mountain near Mountaindale, Sullivan count New York. For three weeks Delaney had been living in the cave. He went there for his health, he says, but his precau- ting him in Ges cave, at the summit were extraordinary, according to the detectives, who say he had two blood hownds, three bird dogs apd four hunting dogs in the cave with him, besides a small armament of guas and ammunition A large tract of lgnd néar Shanndn- ville, some B00 acred, pass under the control of Messrs. Lingham and -Cor- by, Belleville, These gentleman are at the bead of a company which wil] go into the manufacture of lime and o*'ment on a large scale : Accompanied by bis four sons the body of PFitham E. Taprell, a former resident Brockville, arrived there on Friday t from Montreal, where be died do Tuesday, and this worn ing was laid in the vault, He * hal been ill but a few days. I -- ----_-- ~ PAGE SEVEN. How Much Do You Wish to Pay for a Spring Suit? $15 to $35 is the Fit- Reform range of prices. $15 marks the lowest --and $35 marks the highest--that any man should pay. Fit- Reform Suits at $15 mean reliable fabrics, handsome patterns, perfect fit and absolutely correct styles. Fit-Reform Suits at $35 are the finest that Fit-Reform makes--and that means the finest in Canada. No matter what price you pay, the Fit-Reform traderhark guarantees satisfaction. it-Sedorm Sole Agents for King together-- FISH and Lea & Perrins' Announcement to the Consumers of ORANGE MEAT The following list of PRIZES will bé awarded to the parties sending in the largest number of CARTON BOTTOMS on or before May 31, 1900 The FIRST PRIZE will be a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week During Lifetime an Anfmity Canada RANGE MEAT w i! gest ule y whieh mpany w of this pr f Fifty-two year Lis or bs {e-tine I nt t Dollars du each and every A Second Prize of Ope Hundred Dollars Cash will be paid and in addition there will be distributed Ten Cash Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each Ten Cash Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Cash Prizes of Five Dollars Each Ome Hundred Cash Prizes of One Dollar Each 1 party sending efore May 3 the largest number of Carton Bottoms on roe r Givond Prize, pe, of Heforh for paresis + GE MEAT, King that i n we Read Carefully nrepay postage. § write yourioll ne CONDITIONS the Carton | f avery package of E MEAT Collect every neighbors y Be sure and or (rien etd 1 FT ORANGE MEAT, Late plainly 3 in period Kingsron. tot ye ptmetant « A NGE MEA wrk of the manufacturers ou We bottom ently then the privete { tue package. This mark serves to | The JUMBO or 25¢c. Package of ORANGE MEAT will count equal to THREE of the ordinary size. BEGIN NOW TO COLLECT GET YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP YOU i the winner of the GRAND PRIZE so elects, the manu factarers of ORANGE MEAT will pay the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS tn CASH tastead of the POLICY calling for FIFIY.-TWO DOLLARS per annum during life-time. CEREALS LIMITED, KINGSTON, CANADA Business Men Who Take a Hurried Luncheon Will Find Comfort During Lent in TRISCUIT The Shredded Whole Wheat Wailer. It contains the eaters amount of body-building material in a form that is easily di- gested. F148 EERE EEE Try Toasted Triscuit with butter, cheese, or marmalade, ' Ali grocers, 13¢. a Carton, 2 for 25¢. 871)

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