~The Daily British YEAR 75--NO, 85. TO GET WAR OFFICE J is Suid: Winston. Churchill 'Will Succeed to It. As Haldane is Likely to be Made Lord High Chancellor With a Peerage Attachment--- The King Coming to London { and 18th street, eluded the police and | { I i i | Biarritz on April 15th, in order to hold a privy council in London on the 18th. The new ministers probably | will have their first audience with the f king on this occasion, as it is under- {stood Mr. Asquith wes able to sub. mit a Jizt of his main appointments to his majesty, yesterday morning. Mr. Asquith is expected in London, to-day, when he will complete his | Ininistry. | The latest information in well in- Hormed circles points to strong possi i bility of the retirement of Lord Lore burn, lord high chancellor and the appointment of R. 3. Haldane, secre {aby of state for war, to this post, { with the peerage attachment. It is known that Me. Haldane is ready to {leave the war office. He would have {liked to become chancellor of the /ex- { chequer, but. it is apparent that David ; | Lloyd George, president of the board i of trage, has the keys to this office in his porket. In the event of Mr. Hal { dave going to the upper house, Win | ston Churchill, under secretary of the colonial office, "will most likely the war office. i WINSTON CHURCHILL. London, April 9.--It ig officially an nouncesl that King Edward will leave wet DAILY MEMORANDA. Nowadays Good dressers Wear Campbell Brox', Stylish Labor Milons Moet, 8 pm Fire and Light Committeo, 4 pom, day. Kennedy Stock Company, House, 8.15 pa. Bijou Theatro--Burlesque, "Capt. Kid the 'Pirate.' Comedy 'The Tale of « Shirt."" John Hobert Davis Sings "The, Mulberry "Free." It will still bear repeating "Phe maids all adore Queen's wen. who are hatted At George Mills" Swell Store." esis WHIG TELEPHONES. 242~--Business Office. 229-~Editorial Rooms. a08-~Jobbing Department, Legul Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The: % 3K BiWaye on sald at tore, Market Square eh evening. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Vary Latest Culled From AL Over The World, St. Thowas' tax rate is twenty-one mills. Unleavened bread to Canada free, | Hamilton will spend $10,000 reppic ing asphalt pavements, br. George I. Westland, of London, is dead, agcd seventy-three. H. G. Lamonthe, clerk of the crown in chancery, died at Ottawa. Seeding has commenced in pértions of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. A package containing$275, was stol en from the Gracefield post office William Jennings Bryan bas made about $50,000 out of lectures in 1407, Quiet Mas been restored in Lisbon, but the city is victually under mar. tial law, At Winnipeg 330 cases of canped ap- ples from Oshawa wire seized as un- fit for food. The United States naval appropria tions bill calls for total appropriation of $103 56 N. James E. Harrington is bemg jro- seoutéd in Windsor [cr practising me divine without a license. Harry C. Payne, Windsor, will again be tried in Detroit for smuggling Chinese into the United States. Henry J Hill, J... of Aldboro, died: of injuries sustained fromm run away volt jumping into his buggy. Over three hundred students were dis missed from Clemson College, Colum: { bus, 8.C., Lecause of some April fool | pranks. | The members i chugelf] Vancauver, [wg ® new" edifice at an 3 {post of $100,000, | louis H. Curryer, aged thirty, | wealthy bachelor, was asphy xiated by { fumes from a gas stove in his home, Real Estate | Fort Wayne, Ind. Montreal suffered the worst blizzard Faquiries for Dwellings, ranging an | Of the season, on Wednesday. 1 he price, from $600 to $3,000 are mow pum | giver is rising fast and there is fear rota, {of an ice jam and floods, 2 Parties desirous of soiling should lose{ = At Detroit, while kneeling in prayer; oO Sine ln placing eis property with us. | in the parior at the home of pb dd teal state and Insurance | Inughtor, Mrs. S. A. Munger, Henry : . 1 C. Knill dropped dead. Death wa enused by heart failure. John R. Sandburg, aged seventy: three, a machinist of Galesburg, i. while going down a flight of steps, fell and was strangled to . death by his false teeth. The death is announced, at Hamil ton, Bermuda, of Mrs. Bland, wile of Rev. Canon BE. M. Bland, for many vonrs . pector of Christ church cathe dral, Hamilton, Ont. Delyware ropublicans have endorsed the a inistertion of President Roose: | volt, nth have refused to instruct their | delogates how to vote in the coming | convention in Chicago. i As a step towards the solution of the Oriental pr in British Colume iia, all Hindoos showing any inchna tion to leave their own country for another are to be instructed officially t Canada is perhaps, all things; dl, the worst country ihey Fp ag Hats, Fri Grand Opera will be admitted a " Open till late oo Toilet Sets New designs for the Spring season. Quaint, odd] old fashicned shapes and Prices Right. ROBERTSON BROS. I of Wesley Methodist B.C., propose erect proximate a i has { ' DR. ORONHYATEKHA'S GOODS ny China. Cabinet finest Marh alnut Bedrooin Sett, Hair Mat ok Wadnut High Back Leath- er Dining Room Chairs, Hand Carved, 8 Black Walaut Leather Low Back Dining Chairs, 1 Oak and 1 Black Walnut Hat nek, Dandies, 1 Black Walout High irror, 8 Brome Statues, 3 Soake Candle Sticks, ete. Jou't miss these th You'll never ot equals again, at TURK'S. "Phone, 70 i THE BEST THING T0 DO when you have lost some- thing, is to make it known] through the WHIG WANTS! = Most everything lost is ound by someone who the Wing Waxms. Mah Pluck tress, 7 3 reads re m-- 3 Accuses Julia Marlowe. Boston, ¥~Mrs, Clara L. Von Herrman, Hamilton, has filed a libel for divorce from her husband, Karl Stephen Von Herrmann, in the # jor court at Selem, naming Mis .9.~In Mon. Mr. Fis the inspection and parliament, the sinister of; agrieuiture has taken measures £0 ah end 'to the choose Lox: roma, hich atten the old hen. | "Ottawa, April her's bill to sale act, now 4g, Bs.COYespon- hushaud was formerly a magazine. writer and of t manager Fours 00cE- | Pr # {the 22nd street police station eaptur- | man, {en to the station Erom Our Own Correspondent, | taining $5,000, | companions planned 1 { piokles; 1de- at Gilbert's, cheese, or io imcarporate any ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1908, _-- ALLEGED TO BE MAD. i { MATTER ARRANGED a And Railway Not Go Ianto Receiver's Hands. New York, April 9 --langer of Erie railway recesVership, on account of the 300,000 notes which matured yesterday, and other floating indebt- edpess of the company, was removed at the cleventh hour by a new and entirely unexpected development. The management of the company and I. went to the rooming house. Felix Pat- | P. Morgan & | | had offered to give new six per cent ty succeeded in releasing himself, The | three-year nolss in exchange for those man was captur.d by Lieut. Enright | majuring yesterday, the exchange of and several policemen, and when tak- | thebe notes be ing made a condition he gave his name | proceeding to a loan of $56,000,000 by as James Hunt, forty vears old, Wel | a syndicate headed by J. P. Morgan lington, Ont. He will be examined by | fe Co., lonstead of this, however, ar a city physician. | Fangements were made less than an : , hour before the close of the stock market for pggment of maturing notes in cash ahd Y. furnishing of the ¥5.- { 000,000 additional capital as well. Native of Wellington Creates Sensation. 9. --~Letectives an Chicago, « April from ed a supposed insane man who had terrorized several roomers in a room- | ing house at 1823 Wabash avenue, The who had been seen roaming | ahout the streets near Prairie avenue tv, a boarder, was attacked, but Pai Chicago Aldermen. | Chicago, Apri 9.--Thirty-five alder men were élected in Chicago yesterday, and of this mumber twenty-four were republicans. Oue of these ran as anj independent, but he, nevertheless, is a republican. Mayor Busgso will enter on the second year of his term with a larger party majority back of him|L.I, who died recently, devised a than any mayor has had in the last| unique arrangement for the safe keep- thirty years, Ving of his money | His danghter found 37.652 in gold and silver coin, stored away in a hole in the wall. She said her father caus: ed a sort of repository to be built in the wall of the Kitchen. After it was once sealed up he had way of opening his home made bank and he dropped money in throuch a slot from time to time. From the day he had the place built up to the time of his death never disturbed his hole in the wall savings, $7,682 Cash In Wall. New York, April 9.--Lacking faith in banks as depositories for his savin Willian MH. Wilkins, of Whitestone, $ Appealed To Britain, London, April 9.~According to the Standard, the syndicate, whose con cessions to operate match and salt monopolies in Venezuela, were can- | celled by President Castro, some time ago, has appealed to Great Britain for aid. no he _A Good Reputation. Is a grand thing to have and when you buy one of Campbell's hats you buy a hat with a reputation to be envied. New derbies, $2, $2.50, $3, 84, +t Campbell - Pros., Kingston's style centre for men's hats. To Soon Pav Pensions. Melbourne, April 9.--Premier Dea-| kin is devising a scheme whereby old} age pensions of ten shillings weekly ghall begin in July, 190%, The Ila- borites propose that the money should he secured by an appropriation under the customs revenue bill, now before the house of representatives ------------ Jam sale still going on, Gilbert. Married Italian M. P. Rome, April 9.--Miss Annette Loeb daughter of My. and Mrs. Charles Loeb, of New York, was married, in this city, to Signer Arturo kuzzato, a member of the Italian' parliament. ---- PASSAGE U. S. WARSHIPS The Correspondence Tabled in the House or Commons This Week. . which was passed through for the same purpose in 1903. On February 15th, 1908, an order-in-comncil was passed permitting the U.8.8, Nash ville to go through the Canadian can- als to be used by the state militia in Illinois. 2 The correspondence shows that in the case of the Nashville the British authorities informed the government at Ottawa that "the whole question of armed on the great lakes has been referred by his majcsty's gov- ernment to the imperial defence com- mitteé and his majesty's government will further consult the Can adian government." In all cases the government at Ottawa exacted the conditions that the vessels should be wsed only for training purposes and that their armament and 'ammunition be sent By some other route. The house will ndjourn next Wednes- day, for the Easter vac ation until the Thaesday following. Vor days there heer hitile doing im the Lom: Private bills have run their and public business will mono- polize the attention of the members. I'he civil service report has been printed, and there have heen other matters incidental to legislation which are interesting. For instance the official dence relating to the passing of Un~ ited States warshifs for the great lakes through Canadian canals has been tabled. The record shows that permission wes given on June 28th, lust to pass the schooner rigged war ship San Juan de" Austria, designated for the use of the naval reserve of the state of Michigan. The United States gunboat Sandov- al. by order-in-council on August lst, permitted passage through the Cana dian canals to Charlotte, N.Y., where to he stationed. for instruc- Ao. replace the Fern, Litawa, April has mons, course, correspon: Vessels she was tional purpo WOMEN LOOK STIFF-NECKED. Co., its fiscal agents. | | | { i { An Explosion of | -- i Struck a Light the 9.--A five belonging April storey and a hall residence, Brantford, | Uat., to George Bickell, and situated on 93 Murray street, was totally wrecked, yesterday, as a result of an explos- ion of natural gas, which practically blew the house to pieces. The gas connections had only been made since Saturday, and an electrician named Thomas was busy installine eleetrie lights. In the upper storey he lit a torch to solder somik iron, and imme- diately as he did the gas went off with a cannon-like report. He was standing between two open windows, which was all that saved him from being badly burned The leak was found under the floor of the first storey, and the house was fairly filled with gas. The front win- ---House Was Vacant. EE BL OWN TO PIECE Natural Gas Brantford Building. 'An Employee Was at Work and When He Explosion Occurred downstairs waz blown dear across street, and the walls of the foundation shattered. Every room was a wreck, so great was the force of the explosion. The damage will amount to over ¥1,000. The house at the time was untenanted, and was being made ready for occupancy by Thomas Foulger, a retail clerk, said to be contemplating matrimony. The firemen from both departments were called out, but there was no blaze to amount to anything. The explosion is the second one of its kind resulting from natural gas in this city during the past few weeks, The voung man with the torch is congratulating himsell that he not downstairs at the time, as might have restflted very seriously for him dow the PASSED THE HOUSE. Asking What Steps Taken to Sup- press Trust. Washington, April 9.--By vote the commitice digiary, yesterday, agreed to report favorably = the "paper trust" resolu- tions, intreduced by Speaker Cannon. One of these resolutions directs the attorney-general to inform the house what steps have been taken to inves tigate and prosecute the luternational Paper company of New York, and other corporations or combinations engaged in the manufacture of pulp- wood or print paper. The other re solutions direct the secretary of eom- mere: and labor to inform the house of what steps have been taken by the bureau of corporations towards inves- tigating the alleged "paper trust. The resolutions subsequently were call- ed up in the house and passed. unanimous house on the ju Came Close Together. Chicago, April 9.~Previous marital troubles evidently had ne terrors for Walter Newton Jones, known far and wide as a tramp impersonator Neither do the laws of Ulinois bother the actor for he was married, yesterday, Miss Blanche Lillian Pixley; only few weeks after his previous wile vorced him Miss Blanche Lillian Pixley, bride, is Blanche Deyo, a dancer vaudeville artiste. She cently divorced. to a di the and re also was Personator Fined $500. Montreal, April Y.--George whose name has been called in the recorder's court many times, and who finally appeared before Recorder Dupuis, ten days aml pleaded guilty to the charge pex sonating, appeared, yestirday, and was sentenced to hour's imprisonment and a fine of $500, or six months in jail, Potts was arrested while trying to persomate lsase McRae, in 5 Joan Baptiste ward, at poll Ne. Polis 80 about ago, 01 one tin After a vear and a half in the hos- pital at "Kenora, Michael Brudeneck walked out, the bone of the leg. | which had been shattered, having completely healed. : 2 John Warren, a. eoal miner of} Owenshoto, Ky., ie in Kankakee, for a kettle of gold con- of which he claims, o rob him Gleasdn, Wear High Collars Which Reach | Roots of Hair. | New York wouien are wearing collars that go up to 1 their hair, and, on the st astonishingly stifi-necked. took delight high roots | his, become | The | { there always in "rubber | | but with the high collars now! in vogue it is bound to become a lost| art. The collars are open-work al fairs and so Iashioned that points come up behind the ear. searchipg wollen . ing," Sophronia South Ind.. scolded the lawyer in aj divorce court, when asked to give the order . of her marriages, saying onld only remember ihe names ol ! her husbands immense devil fish, ng ahout 2.800 pounds, killed in the Geli of Mexico, was shipped Jost week to District Attorney Sims, ol Chicago, in recognition of his battles with the i ' octopus. ------------ Mrs Yond, two} Any familiar with the pew wo-| with | one who is not style would imagine that all the men of New York were suliering stiff necks Eve time the wearer of} the mew style collar wishes to look) sideways she has to stop. and turn around. Onee in a while a fair one forgets the vice-like contrivance and | suddenly "rubbers" at some passer-by, But she receives a 'sudden reminder] when the whalebone points pepetrate her lobes, -------- CURRIE DROPS OUT. she ¢ five of An weighing " It's A Wise Head. That covers itself with Campbell Bros." hats. one of Rennie s sends, are the best; for sale at Gilbert's stores. A maskinonje, potinds, was caught ice mear Gananoque. Twenty-five ont bottles He Urges Selection of Candidate | ' at Once. Special he Whig. Rn ts Nori SD Mosley CGurrie, M.P.P., bas written the secre tary of Prince Fdward County Reform Association announcing that owing to his recent illness Ne will not be able th contest the county at the coming elections. Un account of the appar ent nestness of the election Dr. Cur vio urges the selection of a candidat without delay. A meeting of the ex aputive of the association has been called for Saturday afternoon. Can't Wed, Wants Damages. Waterbury, Conn, April 9.--Aleging that she is not now able to keep. a promise to marry, and must be = de. prived 'of the comforts of a home and a husband, ail because of injuries in ap accident, Mies Kate A. Brosnan is suing the Connecticut company for £5,000. She was obs of those on. a to! ear lnxt November when ao fovight 'train ran nto it weighing forty-five on some sunken Englith ht bottles dn cutting the cheese, more apt to grumble about the convenience god nuisenck thaw they are to take any serious interest in the contents of the deitymaid's note. The bill which Me. Fisher has intro. duced will declare it an offence to put any substanse whatever into inferior are in i the ne in the recent civic election. The was paid, Gets $20,000 For A Leg. New York, April 9. The first mdy under the labor passed legislature in May, 19096, companies responsible for In law by making railway ir received through 1 oe of another employee, has been awar the supreme John Toner getting a verdict 000 far the los of his left July, 1906. W pres an employes court for $20 leg i in « in Bonus Of Railway. Brockville, April Y.--A meeting the electors of the township of Bas tard and Burgess South was held * in the town hall, Portland, on Tuesday, when the matter of a honus to the Ottawa -ningston railway was consid ered, but no definite action was taken fintil a subsequent mecting is held in conjunction with the township coun cil. of ------------ i Are Great Favorites. Campbell Dros." new $2 and §2.50 derbies are unexceiled for style aml quality, and are great favorites with 'particular people. to an appreciable degree, | '] TWO THINGS IN VIEW. Fleet and Public Life. To Receive VICTOR HOWARD Several circimstances of late to focus publi upon LU. 8 of Vietor Howard Orie is his trip across METCALW hate combin ed the of content Secretary Meteall the these to San retary Met. he at administration and resume the persons, his at Francisco great flicet 'upon arrival | Another is | cali's announcement that {the and of 'the present retire from public life | practice of taw. Many predict that his but temporary and 1 United {from California. Mr. I native of Uties, N.Y Yifrom Yale College for a couple of | town and then, about was twenty-seven sears of age, Lt Oakland, Cal, and opened. a office. He served ferms will, how retirement that he will Slates senator MetcaM " and a ~raduate He practiced law hig home whpn he ever lere long be in nw vears in Iss0 law several and labor be gave him the | partment of comme President portfolio The Colorado Vote Col. April 2 in Colorado, sn wt held, vot th option. Nmeteey resulted voted to @ . {lore Roosevelt 3 -- Lver elections of elec h question of icense Vie loeal tions on © these n i and wx The in no hoe Mert were formerly teen saloons anti-g=aloon aver towns that the liquor element made gains of towns, giving them the advantage won and five i of wet one in the total of changes Girl Tries On Togs, Skips New York, April 9--Dora Meredith tried a of pairs of stockings and waists in the women's parlor Sixth avenue department the goods, left. them on, dressed starterl away when she was artested She was accused of shoplilting = never did it belore," she wailed before the magistrate. "1 should hope not," he said, as he released her on 2500 bail. on wut shirt- of a Yikedk twos store, Kingston creamery butter, In 5b erocks, 33¢ Wy Gilbert. was | it attention | Navy | will | Thirty-five | four | and | LAST EDITION Probabilities Toronto. Ont., April 9, Ottawa Valley and Up~ per wrence (10a. m.)-West- erly winds. fine and cool. Friday, ----dsouthwest to south winds, fine and mi | | a 2d JERE Go Exclusive ER --FOR-- EASTER to Quit The for Faster ing exhibit ever millinery we are is Lhe showing MOSL interest. shown in King- The snappiest and smarts Furopean models and adop- and also the cleverest con from our own expert stall designers We are showing some very ex clusive models dircot from Paris headquarters, Maison oawis Mme. Rolland, Mme. Germain and other well-kndwn Parisian M{llin- ers of fashion rT Sy Ree In extending you an invitation viet Our M@lipery Salon we proguse you sbundent* in stances of Versatile cone fashions ceptions from her: varities of two remcinber that continents, and the hats shown are exclusive. OUR SHOWING OF BEAUTIFUL YEILINGS Was never just as interesting as now Novelties {rot 4 nnd New York are her abundance for your reasonable officially welcome Admiral Fvans and {1 from aris n i at pr ces * mgved | nj congress and was seeretarv®sf the de | Mr «Falls > and Mex ant March Vincent on irs March 12th, to Austin, a deaughe AUSTIN My fu nd Mrs Eth PICKFRING on Thugs A Mr. and 0 1 9th, 1908, and Ne & son April Tt Turner, 8 ; 8 daughter, n underwear, several Ape Oth, Mr her of the late Dr , aged ninety-Qite. years. $ ROBERT J. REID, The leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, Cowan's Cocoa (MADE IN CANADA) + i PROVINCIAL -------------- Toronto, April $.--~The liguor license act has been amended by the bill in- troduced last week and already pose od in the legislature, which : the peace, of giv ag cortibeates purchase of liguor on Suntsy for medicing] purposes. The prewicr said the privilege had been grossly abos ed ; i bad been very LIQUOR ACT Chasing Down the Indians Still---Some Amendments. | Provisions agpinst changes of B- conten to (scape the second aod third penalties are provided As many av u doen changes of owners had tak- en place at Owen Sound year or su, fo avoid penalties, A form of notices to habiteal dronk. ards j= provided and on proof of their ipebriation or of purchase df liguor a five of frbm $e to BO fined. while imprisonment is crdered for refusing to discjoss the nawe if seller of the Liquor. Thi claves borrowed from Manitoba. wl withia | Quick Icing Powders Will be demonstrated in our- store all this week, April 6th to 11th. You are cordialiy isvited to cali and try them. Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groecsries What Is To Be Dope ? ' According to the law followed by {the city council, no work ean be done Punless it is shown that there is money - to. pay for it. This rule may Cuting trouble for the hoard of education in ard to exits and fire escapes whith I contamplates adding to the vehooln, At garesent the board of edwsation hes no money to pay the cost; neither has the city conneil. As debentures would | have 10 be issued, the question mae go to the In the ; § 4