* THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1908. A NIGHT CAP Take two Beecham's Pills on re- tiring and avoid any ill effects from a late meal The n you will sleep soundly, awaken with a clear head and a "high opinion of the great stomach remedy, Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 23 cents, Beautiful Paper. A Paper for Every Room, in Every House--now in stock-- ready for your inspection. A pleasure to show you. We believe it should be a pleasure for you to lcok through this stock. Even though you do not intend to decorate now it is to your in- terests to find out just what we are offering, so that when the time arrives, you will know where you may obtain at right prices, that which will make your walls look niost beautiful. Let your own good taste udge. 7 THERE IS NO BETTER WALL PAPER LINE IN AMERICA. W. H. Medley, Cor. Clergy & Princess Sts, be Diamond Rings ! The diamond is the birth stone for April. If it's a solitaire you would like. No "better value can be had than our special $25, $50, $75 & $100 Rings Each stone is carefully mounted and our guarantee of refunding money is of some benefit to you. &d'Esterre Jewellers. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. Health and Accident ® Insurance That Insures 7 The Fidelity & Casualty Company, one of the largest and oldest concerns in the business, offers $20,000 in case of death Lu accident, and an indemnity of fifty follars per week in case of any iliness for B52 weeks, or for one or more days duration tn the suwie proportion, In ease of disability by accident, they will pay $50 per week for 200 weeks, or for one or wove days duration in the sams ratio. Apply to; W. J. FAIR, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Stal PERC YEN ern COAL.! The. sudden changes in - weather ought to suggest the wisdom of Putting in some good coal. We wl Coal. It's the kind that out the' most heat, and makes the howe comfortable { It's the. best money can buy, there is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom iBooth & CO. Phone 133. Foot of West St MERIDEN BRITA CO. SEALED TENDERS ADD ar the Postmaster wns one Hier TE 08 jot § nti 008 oe To 'oon. Contr You Hd ast Lapel gf each way, . between Kingston'snd Cape Vincent, NY. Feom the 1st July, next. | to-day, received his appointment from | thie fisheries A LAD SLAIN ON THE BA. THURST STREET LINE' With His Sister He Was Going | Home From School--Likely | That the Plumbers' Strike Will Secon Be Settled. April 9.- car fatality oecurred, to-day, when five year-old Ind, by a Bathurst' street car. The fellow, with his sister, who is years older, was returning to home, %19'Bathurst street, from Ring Edward school, and both were | crossing the street apparently not| noticing the south-bound Bathurst car hg little girl got over the track safe | but Norman was struck by the car | ih cut almost in two. A settlement of the long-continued | plumbers' strike, here, is in sight at} last, an agitation among the inde- | petulent employers having resulted in| the prganization "of a pew Master Plumbers' and Steamfitters' Associa-| tion. The object of the new organiza- i tion iw to work in harmony with the | union, and to settle all differences by | negotiation and conciliation. An| agreement with the men will be enter- ed into as soon as possible, and it is sxpected that a wage scale will be eutablished that will enable the mem- bers of the new organization success- fully to compete with the employers affiliated with the employers' associa- 'tion, i Ap application was made before the master-in-chambers, this morning, on behalieof the former directors of the Ontario bank, for further particulars in the action taken against them by the curator of the bank. The action is to recover losses made through speculation and dividends paid but not cafned, the principal particulars asked for are in regard to losses on speculation investments. Judgment was reserved, The application to quash the loeal | option by-law passed by Campbelliord, was dismissed, this morning, by Jus tice: Clute. The applicant claimed that the voters' list was not the final one and questioned the qualifications of a large number of voters. The judge re fused to consider these objections as having any weight. TO, SUPPRESS COCAINE. : SE ----_-- Prosecutions to Be Made in City of St. Thomas. St. Thomas, April 9.---Mr., Dun- combe, a druggist, will appear in court, on Friday, charged with selling cocaine contrary to the new pharmacy act. A number of young men from London afflicted with the cocaine evil have bos securing the drug in this city. Complaints were made and a government inspector was sent up frora resto... The result will be sev- eral Prosecutions LASHES CHILDREN WITH WHIP Pond dha "Citizens Leaking For Lt Prowje atl Thomas, On\., April 9.--For som tithe children hve heen attacked man on the street, with a whip. Last after dark by a who lashes them night, about eight o'clock an eleven- yew irl, Alice. McKane, who was send" on an errand by her mother, was attacked near her home on Seott street hy a man, who lashed her on the legs with a long whip. Neighbors, hearing the child's screams, rushed to the rescue, but the man escaped. | --~Another street! 12.30 oelock, | McKeown, al killed | hittle two Toronto, at Norman was instantly his the | GUILTY OF MURDER While Drunk Man Threw Wife Out of Doors. Montreal, April 9.--The coroner's jury, to-day, held Richard Cahill eri minally responsible for the death of his wife, which took place, yesterday Cahill is alleged to have thrown kis wife out of the house while he was in a drunken frenzy, ag the result of which the woman sustained a fractur ed skull. Flood Is Feared. Montreal, April 9.--~The south shore ol the St. Lawrence, opposite Mont- real. i threatened with a serious flood. The highway between Si. Lam- bert and Montreal South is covered with four feet of water at some places and it. is believed the trouble-is only commencing. Numerous St, Lambert cellars are full of water. It is several years ginee that loedlity has had al flood. Sentenced To The Lash. Crilha, Ont., April 9.---Joseph Me- Ronald, originally of Alexandria, drift- ed into town ri evening and on Monday committed assaults. He was prampily arrested, and yesterday aftermoon. sentencad by Magistrate Clagk to eightesn months in the Cen- tral' prison; and to reccive twenty lashes, ten poon entry and ten one miowth beitdte Iraving. %Mr, Toner Appointed. ~Livorge Toner, BH A Giamatiogue, April 9.- department of Ontario as overseer of fisheries on the River St. Lawrence. He will devote his full time to fish and game protection. i------------ RS 8% That's So. "hat hecoming to you you will have to he coming to us George: Mills & Co., introducers-of new styles in men's hats. empties Woodville Pastor For Strathroy. Strat Ont, Ape! $.~At an t. Bn "Andrew's Rev, Kan was » rhubarb, nawin, BA, B.D, Woodville, unanimously chosen 'pastor. cucumbers a alifiover, celery, tomatoes; Samersiys. 3 Ey: at » 8 veleran news- Morgan ; -- dor the city, } i i : | derland, which opens there to-night. | about le ear tH | MILLED BY I TROLLEY, PERSONAL MENTION, ---- Movements Of The * Pecple--What They Are Saying And Doing. F Donnelly, Strathroy, is visiting in i I. H. Craig in the city. dobn Theobald returned from Water- town, N ¥. last evening Jr. Alexander Smith, Utica, N.Y., is visiting his parents on Brock street George R. Hallman, of Syracuse, N.Y, spending a few days in the city. Sergt. an attack duty again. Elmer Davis has been elected a vice- | pramictent of the Ontario and Quebec Y. MC, a. Carmichael will spend the summer pear the Rockies for the hene- {it of his health. John E. Twige has been elected a grand trustee of the grand council of g, of Verona, is a visitor is from on Nesbitt has recovered of grippe, and is back { the Ontario Royal Arcanum. Bruce Galloway returned to New York, to-day, alter trying some me- dical examinations at Queen's, Miss Sarah A. Hales, a native of Kingston, died, in Hamilton, at the | home of her sister, on Tuesday. Maste: Gordon Staley has left for | Belleville to operate in the New Won- to-might. returned to after visit Miss Annie Montreal, on ing her father, mouth, Richard MeGecin, Portsmouth. been appointed a guard in tentiary, and will commence Hartrick, WVednesday, his duties w . Masterson, steward on the steam- er Kingston, in the city, to-day, arranging for his help. Quite a few city boys will sail with him this sum- mer. John O'Neil, with wie and family, returned to their home, at Black Riv. er, on Wednesday, after visiting rela- tives and friends at Bicknell's Cor- ners, Mrs. E. Williamson, of Lindsay, sis- ter of Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky, is ecri- tically ill in the genera} hospital. Mr. Williamson arrived in the city from Lindsay, to-day. is ton and Pembroke railway offices, regigned, and has left for Broekville. He versity, next fall. Many inquiries are John Randolph, the Randolph hotel, who was taken seriously ill last Supday. Mr. Ran- dolph is much better to-day. Invitations hava been issued for the marriage of Miss Florence, youngest! daughter of Rev, W. 8S, and: Mrs | Jamieson, Renfrew, to J. Elliott An-| derson, B.A, inspector of public] schools, Brockville, the wedding to! take place at the parsonage, Renfrew,! on April 20th. In Marine Circles. About $7,000 was spent during the winter on the steamer North King, in! which a new bottom was constructed. i The Calvin company's new steel tug, | built at Garden Island, will be ready for the coming segzon of navigation All the Folger steamers have receiv- ed vepairs during the winter, $5,000 or $6,000 baving 'heen spent upon them, The crew of the Islander will arrive) from Cape Vincent to-morrow and the steamer will leave on Monday for Alexandria Bay to go immediately on| her run between there and Clayton. The schooner Charley Marshall' and steamer City of New York, laid up at Cobourg all winter, will clear for Os his home i in| being made proprietor of John Hartrick, Ports- | i has | the peni- | Milton Singleton, clerk in the Kings- | has will enter Queen's Uni- | | Gov. | | visability of creating a commission to | are mentioned as likely Mmning mates (of the WHAT IS COMING. LEFT_LITILE ONES WALKED TO DEJ DEATH WHILE SLEPT. SHE §| l« ulation throughout ---- | speaking world, and a New York Woman Plunged From | on this story and another irom the the Roof of a Five Storey | "ame author's pen, called "The Cruci- House {fixion Of Philp Strong," has been | produced this week at the Toplady New York, April 9.-While her hus- { Hall, Whitefield's, Tottenham Court band and live little ones slept around | road. her Mrs * Langerman rosa from | The play, which will be in great re her bed lr apartment, No. 3529 |guest probably at those many reli Fast One Hundred and Forty Fourth | gious centres where the drama is now street, re daylight yvester ja. fol looked upon kindly asx a possible aid Jowing, is believed, a mis terious |» the work of social reform, s ggestion that came to. her in al sweepingly with the drink traffic, dream. Her body, dead, and ! therefore, eminently topical. It with | '* broken ribs and internal injuries, was | vontains several strong incidents, no {tably one in which the wile of a Stage. Sheldon's story, an SNoTmous the English M. "In His bas had Rev, | Steps, C a Rose it "In His Steps" to Be Put on the «re | drama based | deals } and oo) oo Beautiful Displays fof Spring Millinery found {wo hours afterward ¥, cant lot alongsidf the foe stone | pniter is threatened by a saloon i house. ii] a i Produced as a dramatic recital © in | he women. had jonas, ox Inllen, aid of Whitefield's Mutual Improve- | ! Wy [ment Society, the play was prepared | alion | by Francis Neilson, formerly of the | woman had evidently arisen| juke of York's threatre and Covent | from bed, walked straight 10 the roof | Garde en Opera House, at the succes- and probably toppled off when she | tion of the Rev. Sylvester Horne. It | came to the edge. | opens effectively with the singing of Three years ago Nrz. Langerman's: 'Lead, Kindly Light," by an unseen favorite daughter, Wilhelmine, died, | choir; then the curtain rises and re- and for the last three weeks the mo-| veals Rev. Philip Strong at home. ther has been dreaming and thinking | We learn that he is at loggerheads of the dead child almost constantly.|with some of the members of his con- A few nights avo she oke her hus- | grégation owing to his stiacks on the band, saving that she had seen alevils of aiconolism aud ill gotten vision of the little girl Feckoning her, | wealth. Ip his campaign the Rev, and she felt she must follow. | Philip bedomes a martyr to his con- -- | victions. He gives up a beautiful par- PITH OF THE NEWS. | sonage to go and live in the slums, (and he beards the drink-sellers in their The Very Latest Culled From All| houses. His wife stands by him, and Over The World. Lis nearly strangled, whilst he himself There was a tie vote on the race |S Stabbed. His church does not unm- track bill at Alban-- N.Y. derstand him, and calls upon him to A St. Paul man, who attempted to] resign, and, presumably, he finds peace fast forty days, died on the thirty-first | and due recogmition only in death, day. Two waterworks employees at Win HE SHOT HIS MOTHER, nipeg, Messes. A. Johnson and Clay Complained She Was Him in Prison. trey, were asphyxiated. At a meeting of the East Toronto New York, April 9 --Because his mother, Susan Carlin, had sent him i Keeping Conservative association a protest was to various reformatories, in which he | | made against the Albany club rule, Arthur Waters, aged sixty years, had been a prisoner for many years, | Bernard Carlin, yesterday, shot and | was found dead in his barn at Dela- a selicinfheted wound killed her at her home in Quincy | Mc-[ street, Brooklyn. Young Carlin had | the | just been released from the tory at Napanoch, where he sentenced for stealing a horse waggon. He was arrested after i shooting. To the police he said killed his mother she making me do bits all my life." ware, with in his neck. Rev. William tameron, B.A, | Master university, was called to { pulpit of Bloor street Baptist church, f'oronto | and Gughes, in a message to New York legislature, suggests the ad- "hecause investigate the methods of Wall street. Messrs, Fred. Richardson, Dane, John Laxton and John Frad Tytler Repair Youft Own Rugs. Good Housekeeping, There seems 10 be a popular impres for the sion that an Oriental rug will wear present conservative ipembers legislature in Toronto. Suffering from a cold and rheuma- tism, Grover Cleveland has been con- fined to his bed in the Hotel Lake wood, Lakewood, N..J., for ten days. His condition is not alarming. Edward J. Downing proprietor of the Hotel Abbotsford, of Cinington, N.Y., was isstantly killed in a col lision between an automobile, in which he was riding, and a trolley car. Gov. Hughes special election senatorial district of New to be held on May 12th, successor to the late Senator chot. Four women, occupants, of a car riage, were instantly killed, mind the driver was fatally injured, on Wedns- day, when the vehicle was struck bv ment it receives, but this is one those mistakes which are often covered too late to be rectified. the east, by the gliding of their bare feet, in America boot heels are their stant and insidious enemies. their lives may be prolonged by skil- ful attention. If the overcasting the edge 'is gone or giving way thread of 'carpet wool or yarn supply new overcasting and give new resistance. If a warp or weft thread on the back is broken, it should not be left to slip out, taking the knots with it, but should have linen thread tied to it at one be woven over and under as far as the break extends and then be tied at the other. If the knotsvome ait. they should be replaced at once with con a will issue a call for a in the forty-seveath York state, to elect & Fran a end, wego, on Saturday, to load coal. The steamer Wolfe Islander received her inspection this afternoon The | island people made mistake in not| voting the money to false sides to the vessel, as this woul d | have increased her carrying capacity | from 143 to 300, and greatly increas-| ed the earning power, | The steamer Pierrepont brought al large number of passengers from Cape Sincent to-day and had quite a fe for the return trip. Captain Allan a required aid! There is quite a little bune hi from ice. Point and Simcoe hetween Nine Mile Island, steamer, Cutting Mahogany. The London Answers. Mahogany furniture, which has late been regarded with disfavor, once again beconiing fashionable. is now, however, more expensive in former years The supply of this wood is plentiful] but the difficulty of obtaining it great. The trees do not grow clusters, 'but singly, in the forests, Even then they are so hidden | by undergrowth that it takes a prac- ticed eye to pick them out, Round the base of the trunk are large spurs, to avoid which the tree. fillers erect a scaffold, upon which they work, 'This means that the tree is cut through at a height of ten to fifteen feet from the ground, leaving much valuable wood, which is, under] present conditions, allowed to go lo waste. The system liar. Workers are hiréd for one year, and three months' wages must be paid in advance. These are the borers. Expert woodsmen are ia charge, who are paid according to the work they accomplish. Your Choice For A Quarter. 6 lbs. of rice. 6 lbs, of barley. 6 lbs. of split peas. 8} Ibs. of tapioca. At Mullin' s grocery, re 'Come Up For Trial. John Tyo, the young lad who shot Arthur Rielly in Cataraqéi marsh, «o few w ago, and was committed for trial by Magistrate Farrell, will appear before Judge Price to-morrow moming at eleven o'clock. is] 1} than! in| Bowin Acquitted. Detroit, Mich. April 9-1 win, was found mot guilty murder Mrs. Cornellia Welch the jury in the recorder's court, noon, to-day. Bo- at v funeral of thie late John Gol Thursday ------ iin A, reports that thé line is practically tree | but not enough to. hinder the| fe of | © Honduras | of labor is also peen- i Ia an' electric train near Mayywood, a suburb of Chicago. A freight engine on the New York, New Haven and Hartford railway, blew up, early to-day, at Whee ler" Farm, Conn. Two men were badly in | jured, one of which may die, and an- other was painfully hurt. The bill providing for & subsidy wot more than $200,000 per annum to a direct line of ' steamships between | Canada and France was read a third [ tinte and passed in the House of Com- {mons after some discussion. Ladies waited upon Premier Gouin, | of Quebec, aid presented a petition signed by over 50,000 residents of {Montreal in favor of Dr. Lemieux's bill for the reduction of the liquor | Hcenmes in the province by fifteen per | *Rioting has ceased in Lisbon. The government's foes have resorted in- | stead to a campaign of assassmation. lem uom [eaosag fo ase They are dead and a fourth is seriously wounded. The crimes are plainly political. | At Ottawa Judge McMahon gave | judgment sus taining the verdict of the awarding $2,300 damages in the | suit Hugh Carran against, the GG. {I', railway for the hie of his seven | year-old son, killed by tripping on u| Planking between the rails at street crossing the defence may appeal. | Inner court circles deg lare that the | king's appointment of the Earl of S| Dudley as governor-general of Austra- {lia is the forerunner of a rpyal visit to the antipodes. The king has lon+ [wanted to pay a visit to his most distant colony, and - Sir Frederick Ireves has told him it would do him an incalculable amount of good. aid of a coarse, needle. I the it should be ravelled overcast, saving the other repairs. All these vaJuable preventive measures. A good Oriental rug is a work of art and should treated with the which deserves. selvage out are he reverence it of NEW YORK STOCKS. Hume, Clarence Chambers. April 9th. Opening. Close. 59% BIg iy 53 1243 1264 . "04 338 tis si Stocks. Amal. Copper Awerican Loco. Am, Sugar Re. Co, Am. Smity. & Re. Co. Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min. to. Atches, Top. & St, Balti. & Ub10....« oc. Brooklyn Rapid 1. .. . Central Leather Canadian Pacific... Chicago Great West, Ches; & Ohio. Chic. & N. W . C. Mil. & St. Paul ... . Colorado Southern ... Col. Fuel & Irom .. .. Delaware & Hudson... Distillers secs. ... Erie Railroad... aes a G. North Ky. pid. ... .. Kansas & Texas com. Kadsas & Texas pid Missouri a Min. St. P.& 8S. 8 National Lead.... N.Y. Uenttal - N. Y., Untario & Northern Pacific Pesn. R.R. People's Clas... Reading ative Rock Tslamd ..... | Rock islamd pid. . Southern Rv. com. .., Southern Pacific... ave Rigss Shefiee'd ..... ... .. Twin City oe. cn Hi, 8, Stee. com... ... .. vt Steel, pid. ¥, S. Rubber. com. ... Union Pacific... Wabash, {fd .. Com. \. Fe... HO aps 10 j04s | wry of La A large consignment of milk bottles arrived over the GT.R., today, fo Kirk & Lee, to meet the increased «de- | mand. for bottled miik. Sweet apple cid r, 30¢c. a gallon, at Gilbert's. Sir Casper Purdon Clarke, director ol the Matropuiitan Museum of Art, New York, to be given an honor- ary degree be McGill University. What Jou 2 get out of the world de- & what you put in. Pe "Arthur 3 opted 4 eastern standard time. CHICAGO PRICES, 6A eB my 13.TIA 13.56 13.90 reforma- | had 'been | the | he | was | forever, no matter what sort of treat- | where they are worn smooth ASTER MILLINERY in a bewildering vari« ety of choice as to colors, shapes, size, and trimming ideas, portraying perfectly the sca- son's best and most authoritative styles and aflord- ing the widest. possible latitude in choice. David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Stére, 1 5 6, a chances for immortality are great, hut | However, | on | will | | the | old-fashioned worsted wears crooked, ! and | surplus wool for | Prices Furnished By W. Hector 8 | About Your Spring Suit. Come and see our unlimited variety. Come and see our faultless styles. Come and see Our Hand-Tailored Clothing. Come and see our matchless values. Men, all we ask is for you to come and see our Suits and Top Coats for RR, RLS SL NORE ee $9.50, 11.50, 13.50, 15.00, 17.00 We claim that we give you as good, and very often batter Clothing, for less money than any other house in the trade. Let us prove to you that this is no idle boast. We are satisfied to leave it to your judgment. Remember our business methods. : "We pay the moncy back If purchase is not satisfactory." We keep every Suit bought of us in repair for one year, free of charge. RONEY & co. 127 Princess St. _The Store That Sets the P { vices." "Madam, i 'we, are oply proud to fight for j the flag under which we hove heen gade at Aldershot, is one of C 'anada's; born, exist aod Lope to live." I was {most prominent soldiers, and served Probably fhe las! speech addressed to | with his contingent during the late, Geen Vietorin by u colonial woldiers- I war in South Africa, says the Cana | perhagm by any representative of the colonies. Gen. Otter And Queen Victcria. said the colonel, Brig. General Otter, who has just de | clined the command of an isdantry bri- ton } . | dian Gezette. On his way home from; Colonel Utter {as be then = "suitings tt Cranford He g him und Wisi Tavely brown for ther "admirable sere & Walsh's, ta