s GAMER - . ; i Synopsis of Canadian Northwest 1l | HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, | : ABy even numbered section of Domine fon Lands in Manitoba or the North-West rovinces, excepting & and 26, not re served, may be howesteadod by any per. Sob the Sole head uf o family, or male A8 years of age, to thes extent of ir setlion, of 160 acres, more or . Application for homestead entry must be in person by the applicaut at a im Lauds Agency or Sub-ageucy. BY Proxy may, however, be made A certain conditions by , Sonu, daughter, broth of an iotending homesteader An application for entry or canceilag- tion personally at any sub-ageut's office way be wired to the Agent uy the Hu t, at the expense of the appli cant, "and if the land appiadd for is vacant OR receipt of the telegram such applicas tion to have priority and the laud will be held until the Necessary papers to Samples the trausaction are received by mail, Eatry The Royal Purple La- dies' Fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye, ar- tistic in design, first-rate workmanship. The kid in these shoes is as fine as silk. Made to wear and keep their shape. Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying. $3.50 and $3.75. . St H. JENNINGS, King ore & Monuments! form the duties under one of the follow- th At lonst six months' residence up- # on chitivation of the land fn each A LARGE STOCK Yer during the term of three years. NOW IN HAND TO (2) A homesteader may, if he so de sires, perform the required residence CHOOSE FROM. LOWs= EST POSSIBLE PRICES, duties by living on farming land owned JAMES MULLEN, soled him, not less than eighty (80) hgh in the vicinity of his 372 Princess 8t., Opposite Y.M.C. As 3 homestead. Joint ownership in land will 0 . HOUSE-GLEANINC. not meet this requirement. Will not be complete without (8) If the father (or mother, father is deceased) of a homesteader has looking over your Mattresses. The best place to get new, fresh, sani- permanent resi ce om farming land owned selely him, not less than tary mattresses or have old ones repovated like new, is at 110 extent, in the vicini- Clergy street, Prices right. Kingston Mattress Co. stead entered for by him in the vicinity, HAIR WON'T FALL OUT. In case of "'persomation'" or fraud the applicant will forfeit all priority of claim or if entry hes been granted it will be umivarily cancelled. An application for cancellation must be made fn person. The applicant must he ligible for homestead entry, and only ome application for cancellation will be re eived from an fudividual until that ap- plication has been disposed of. ® an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, the applicant for cancellation will be en titled to prior right of entry. Applicant for cancellation must state in what particulars the howmesteader is in default, A ler whose eniry fis not the subject of cancellation proceedings way subject to the approval of Depart- ment, relinquish it in favor of father m T, 800, davghter, brother or sister if ofigible, but to no one else, on Sling ation of abandonment. such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or mother.) 4) term '"vicinity" in the two ding paragraphs is defined as mean "ag mot more than nine miles in a direct line exclusive of the width of rond al- wance crossed in the measirement. 15) A homesteader intending tg perform bis residence duties in accordance with above while living with parents or on ng land owned by himself must notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Before making application for patent ho settler revs a #iX months' notice fn Writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his Intern tion to do so: SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL~Coal minimg rights may be leased for & period of twenty-one years ¥ an annual rental of $1 per acre. Not THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1908; SS ---- Ji EL ROOF COTTAGE OF CEMENT CONSTRUCTION. Designed by Charles S. Sedgwick, Architect, Mianeapclis, Minn. We are illustrating this week a sgl! cottage, 25 hy 30 feet, in the gambrel roof style from the grade line to the cornice of cement blocks for the benefit of many people through the country who ar interested in this material, and desire | to use it in building. Much has been said for ment blocks, but where properly made they constitute a good, durable, dry wall, and quite inexpensive to build. Cement is the oldest known material known to the building business, and the use of it for houses has undoubt edly come to stay, as lumber hecome more scarce and expensive every year, and the blocks can be Wwe than 3.560 acres shall be leaged to Me individual or company. A royally at rates of five cénts per. ton shall pe on the merchantable coal mined. QUARTZ--A person eighteen years of ife or over, having discovered mineral in "lace, may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 'he foo for recording a claim fs $5. t least $100 must be expended on the fm each od or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof, Noon $500 bas been the Joeator may uw SED hee ey made, and upon with other requirements, pur- chase land at $1 por acre. Patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 2§ per cent on the sales. lacer wining claims generally are 100 Square ; entry feo $5, renewable yoar- If Yow Kill the Dandruff Germ With the New Treatment. John N. Fuller, a well-known citizen of Colfax; Wash., says: "I had dan- druffi so ba .y that it caked on my scalp. Herpicide completely cured me.' George H. McWhirk, of Walla Walla, Wash, says: '"Herpicide completely cured me of a bad case of dandruff of thirty years' standing." They took the only really sensible treatment, a re medy that destroys the dandruff gern --Newhbro's Herpicide, Stop dandruff hair won't fall out, but will grow na turally, luxuriantly, Allays itching in. stantly and makes hair glossy ane soft ss silk. One bottle will convine any doubter of its merits, Sold In leading druggists. Send le. in stamp: for sample to The Herpicide Co; De trait. Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. ¥. An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five mies each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the In- or. The lesses shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for euch five miles. Rented $10 per annum for each mide of river } . Royalty at the rate of -~ llecied the output Teor It pe 4. W. Mahood, special nt col on the output after axe LW. Mahood, scial agent, coeds "810,000. ¥ " FIRST FLOOR PLAN. and constructed and against the use of ce- easily made, and oftentimes by the owners them- low! selves, taking the sand from the ex-| of the gables, and there would be and where the house is to economical, strong cavation | built. It is durable, for many to use it. The accompanying design shows { wide piazza across the front, with | piers of cement blocks, and the main | cornice carried around the piazza and | over the top of the first-storey win- | dows, the gambrel roof rising from | this point, and the second storey {dighted with dormer windows in the | front roof Lhis plan is well suited 0 a southwest corner frontage, it really fronts two ways ? It is a very unique plan, with a {large living-room 12 by 24 feet across | the narrow front, "The vestibule ea-| | trance is the with 'living | room on the left and dining-room on! {the right. At the end of the long | { iving-réom is an open fire-place, with | bookshelves on either side, forming ah | | attractive feature, the stairway lead | ing up, at the right side, convenient in centre, also for kitchen, with grade entranse | and steps leading up to the kitchen { The second storey has three nice | chambers provided with apple closets {and a good bathroom. It js estimg- | | ted that this house can be built, ex | elusive of heating and plumbing, for | $3,000, finishing the lower floor { hardwood, and the second floor | pine with enamel paint. It is intended to shingle thé gables in in { If desired, howevér, the "dement | locks SECOND "FLOOR PLAN, THE SPORT REVIEW, Interesting News From the Vr». ious Sporting Fields. Sunday baseball will not be permit ted in Alabama this season, according 0 Attorney-General Garber, of that tate. Thoney is sensational ball 'or Boston, and has been dubbed "The Wallet." Ty. Cobb has a real rival in (honey Hamilton wants to send Kerr and 'oley over ta England ahead of the sther members of the Canadian Olym- ic team The Eastern Bascball League staff of phaving W. W. Cony, ty of the Migister of the Interior. N.B. Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be pad for, t's Your Move ! Our Sgures are "on the square' overy- thivg 'above board" and ® is now to you ta inspect and purchase our - Perings. If you are in search of a home, come son our lists. If you wdnt to. sell, tonsil us at once as we have several out-of-town clients who want wo tuy. T. J. Lockhart, "Sdent as the Sphinx "LIGHT ON THE Eddy's "Silent" Parlor Matches EE ---- _-- SUBJECT AN goog grocers sell Eddy 's Matches : rs; Baal Estate and Insurance Agent 359 Wellington Street. Z Kingston. American Olls Coal Oil HAVE ALL Lubricating Oils : : For Men, : Me make a specialty of handling $5.00 | Zubricating [Oils of all kinds, : : - | Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO,, 111 PRINCESS ST. Reid & Charles OurRoyalShoes for Spring ARRIVED. For Women, $3.50 to 4.50 REID & CHARLES, i& 55 KINGSTON: \ Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. Serd Inquiries. umpires will consist of John Stafford, W. J. Sallivan, T. B. Kelley, J. H, Conway and August. Moran. At the next meeting of the Faste t Baseball League directors the proposal to increase the salary of Preside | Powers from $2,500 to $5.000 will be! discussed. { There will be no Canadian rumuirs} in the Boston Marathon this vear. No C.A AU men would go, and no hold- | of Federation Are worth | | ers cards sending The Toronto outfield trio is clouting the ball in alf directions. There are | some major-league outhields which are! far from being as good as the Leal "Big Three." A Pittsburg is holding out for a $10,000 salary and the goceptanee by Pittsburg of Catcher Smith's terms. His said the Fittsburg Chub will agree to Wagner's term Edmunds was handicap match with Kenneiy times and the Kennedy to throw an--hous the third the winner of Frank was within lost at Toronto Edmunds: four He took two falls to Filmunds Fines of 8100 each against the Brooklyn baseball clubs for illegal drafting of player Finlaysop from Lynn, Mass and that player is returped to Lyun subject to class. The Peterboro Carling Club wil build one of the largest rinks in On tario;on the site of the old rink, that was destroyed by fire. The cost wil be about $20.000, and tenders will Ix { called "for "in a few davs | Ottawa Citizen: The City | League has wisely concluded that pro fessional ball will not pay in Ottawa I the officers had learned their lessor sooner. there might have been plenty of ball in Ottawa last year The Montreal Baseball Club has made offers to Manager Chance, of the Chicago "Cubs" for players Elstor and Walshe. Casey, of Montreal? an Chanee are good friends, and the form or will most likely land both of thom Walsh, who i= a bgother of the "Sox' twirler, is almost fas good as "Ed.' himself, Hachenschmidt, the Russinn wrestler is now. in New York, en route for Eng- land. He says that he will peeves wrestle again on American soil. He claims that Gotch had his body sat urated with oil which exuded from his pores when be perspired. Goteh, I says, tried to mutilate him in every possible "Way. were a suse] and Nashville Baseball I-- Like Money In The Bank. Tu the nerveracked business man. to the worried stock broker, to the doctor, the lawyer, the butcher, the and this is sutlicient reasgn! with laundry, a ' as otherwise i Maple | : i Maple | ointment invaluabte. despatch says Wagner | jiching eruptions of the 'about red-headed kids in height be no difference in the There is a | good basement under the entirs house, furnace-room and vege: The painting of the ex- with light, | harmonious tint or white, and the shingles in the gables with lightly darker shade, and the roof shingles in a rich color to harmonize, will add | the finishing touch to a Very pretty house; also the pointing of the Joisty {between the cement blocks, if neatly | done with light red, will warm up the cold appearance of the cement material and add to the gene- ral appearance, | could be carried up the entire cost, | table cellar. ! terior woodwork some grocer, to everybody, the bicyel: is an asset beyond rec koning. Think of the healthy exercise afforded. the tite saved running to and from the office, the money saved in car fare and the hundred other derived from the simple, smooth-riding wheel. The bicycle annihilates distance and the office and the home are one benefits They Rely On Wade's Ointment, Wade's Ointment is depended upon | in hundreds of homes for the euré ofl all injuries to the skin as well as the various There ix a family find skin diseases. that would not Cures eczema. salt rheum, sealy skin, pimples, | I lotches, dandruff. ote In big boxes, » 29f., at Wade's drug store. Ladies' Spring Suit A pretty design for a suit is shown above, It was developed of silver gray mirage, trimmed with braid of a darker color. The skirt is eut in | seven gores and is shaped so that the } top fits smooth and gradually widens toward the bottom. The back js A 'PAGE SEVEN. "™ Saturday Morning 8.30 O'clock 600 White Muslin Blouses Regular values $1.00, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 for 68c. Each This excellent offering of New Spring Waists is worthy of the attention of every women Kingston. Comprising many of the very latest creations for Spring and Summer wear. in All sizes will be found in this lot. In order to realize on this stock the manu: facturer has made an enormous sacrifice. See Window Display of These Blouses at 68c. Each. R. Waldron. fimished with an inverted box plait. The jacket ig attractively trimmed with braid, the pointed sections of the overfront and back which extend be low the waist tine give a smart ish. T-T-Two Of A K-K-Kind. Everybody's Magazine. A tall" man, unpatiently pacing the platform ¢f a wayside station, ao costed & red-haired boy of about twelve, "S-asay," he said, "do-d-do yo-vou know ha-ha-how late this train as * The boy grianed but made no reply, The man stuttered out something ral and passed into the station. fe * A stranger, over the sided conversation, asked the boy as haste answered thé"big man. <dd'ye wanter see me Lt me fa-faface punched 7" a oe the Soy. "uddat big ggguy'd tink | #as mo-mo-mocking him," one w hy To remove the strong taste from me lsave a quartered onion in it wer night. . \ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, CoLDs. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Life tuaily cuts short all attacks of SPASMS Checks and arrests those (oo ofizn faial diseases FEVER, CROUP asd AGUE Tha: only palliat ve is NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISY. r guid taken in drops graduated a cording to the malady pan of whatey / creates a calm refreshing sleep all other remedies fail leaves can Sb toleraied, her medicine iSI3T CN HAVING Dr. J COLLIS BROWNE'S CIILORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH * BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices is England 3. 2/0, 4/0 Sole Manufacturers: 1. T. DAVENPORT i, LONDON, SE Ths immease success of this Remedy has given rise to many imilstibas. N.S. Every bottle of Gassin. Chlorodyse belies on the stamp the same of (he iaveator, Dr. J. Collis Browse. & Co., Limited, Toronto. Special In. Bedroom Furniture. Dressers, over 35 styles. Prices range from $6.00 and up. : Iron Beds from $250, 3.00, 3.50%" 5.50. These have all been reduced, 9 Ask for Hercules Springs * a a R. J. REID, Street. 2 Re Bra ay "Faone, 872,