« The Daily British Whig ONTAKIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1908, MUST BE DECIDED | Year If Queen's is to Be Separated In Any Way From the the Presbyterian Charch--- She Would Get a Half Million Dollar Inter- est in Carnegie Pension Fund. si, RIX INGTON, LAST EDITION -- Probabilities Toronto, Out., April 10, Jttawa Valley and Up per St. Lawrence (10 a. m.)-Fresh to strong south to southwest winds, fair and YEAR 75--NO. 86. WILLING T0 STAND Johnson is a Candidate if the Demo. crats Want Him. Governor of Minnesota Declines to Be Led to Make Any Statement Against Bryan. anid BARNET GOT IT. SEEKING SETTLEMENT. | The Town's Factory Sold to a Company. | April 10. ~The town's | factory, for some years known as the {P. R. Cwaming company, has at last {been sold, and that to moneyed local | gentlemen, headed by James EE. H. | Barnet, who negotiated the purchase | from the town etouncil. The sum to be paid for a clear deed Is in the neighborhood of $13,000. The factory shortly after its incep tion, became involved and struggled along until two years ago last No- vember, when Alexander Barnet rent. ed the building and machinery. Since November it has been idle, but in view of the sale just made, which is} considered an all round satisfactory one, the factory's future and | consequent benefit to the town seems simi- ito be assured. The new company will branch out considerably, manufacturing cream separators, and numerous marketable articles, The U. S. Minister 48 Pushing President Castro. Renfrew. Ont. This milder to-day, afew local show- ers during the night aod for part of Saturday. ba Seas sacs os as EASTER WANTS hig success } The medical faculty of Queen's has outspoken in asserting thatthe fu i ture of Queen's will depend upon its being set free from its church connec tion, The Presbyterian general assem. bly did not guarantee anything to) Queen's, beyoud recommending it to the generosity of the Preshyterian people thraughout Canada, Manitoba, Knox ahd Montreal Presbyterian col: leges are all seeking endowments, and henge Queen's University eke only one of four institutions that are ap pealing to the church for big sub- scriptions. John A. encourag gement from him, lar souree. i Gov, Johnson said that he did not} Chicago, April 10. ~Uov. Johnson, of Minnesota, who is on his | way to the battlefield of Shiloh, Tenn., where a monument is to he dedicated to | care to discuss William J. Bryan and the Minnesota soldiers who were kill say difleronce in politics between him- ed. in the batils, passed through thes i-and Mr. Bryan. city. He discussed the presidential | "I have the hig ghest regard for Mr. question freely, saying : Bryan as a man," said Gov. Johnson, "1 am a' candidate for the presidency "and 1 adwire his ability and his hon- inithe sense that if | gain the nomina- [esty, We are friends as far as | know, tion I shall accept it and. wake every | My position is just this : If the mem effort 10 be elected. 1 am not mak-| bers of the democratic party feel that ing any personal campaign and do|l would stand more chance of election not expect to seek instructed dele-| than would Mr. Bryan or anv other gates. 1 consider the ambition to be| man 1 will be glad to make the cam- president one of the most laudable as paign., pirations which any man can enter "Hf 1 am considered the most avail tain." able man there will be no lack of ap "Any iosinuation ¢ preciation on my part of the honor said Gov, Johnson, "that my candi-| conferred on me. It all depends, in dacy is being advanced hy James J. | my judgment, on. the platform and a} Hill and his interests is absolutely | vizorous campaign. As 1 view it, the| false. I have fought him several times | democratic party has at lest an even and have never received a word of! chance to win this year," or any not vet given its expression of opin. ion upon the proposed change in the' constitution of the university, gested by the arts and science facul- ties, which have petitioned the hoard of trustees in the matter, More infor- mation is sought. The petition does not show just how much of the Car: negie pension fund Queen's would re ceive, One source states a hundred thousand dollar share, while anoth- er says hali a million interest in the foundation. The latter figure is under Those who know, say that very few stood to have been mentioned hy Mr.| who have subscribed to present endow. Pritchett, of New York, president of | ment fund would withdraw their sub» the foundation executive. | scriptions il the university constitu. Many leading Presbyterians connect- tion were changed, Nearly all the sub. ed with Queen's are asserting. them- | scribers are friends of Queens, and | selves in favor of separating the uni- | graduates, and broadminded men. versity from church ties. They say! There would be disappointment per- | that the late «Principal Grant haps if separation did occur, but if it right after' all--that he had looked far | did, the move whuld be regarded in into the future when he formulated] the best interests of the university. | his plans in 1900 and 1901 for making | The matter of change in the constitu- | Queen's a non-¢hurch university, What tion has to be decided this vear if | Dr. Grant saw then, they are begin- | Queen's is to gain mem} ership on the ning ip see now, and some are very! Carnegie foundation. sug- thet RT WILLIAM W. RUSSELL. : William W. Re "the United States minister to Venstueia has teen much in the publ eye of late through his activity in. pressing kre sident Castro for a t of the long-standing claims American citi- zens who wish peb sement from Venezuela for damages #0 their pro- perty and interests, Me. Russel] is a citizen of Maryland, who has had con- siderable experience ling with Pan-American nations, first went to Caracas, the eap of Venezucla, in 1805, aud served $6F a number of vears secretary of the United States logation there. Then, in 1904, he placed in charge of Uncle Sam's branch office in the newly cre ated republic of * Panama. A few months later he was promoted to the position of minister to Columbia, in volving delicate duties, since rela- tionz hetween Colombia and the Unit- ed States were somewhat strained. Upward of three years ago he was made minister fo Venezuela, the Am- erican officials f eling that his know- ledyn of Venezuelen Tact r would enable him to smooth out the tan-les that have since engrossed his atten- HE CANNOT BE ON HAND. (J 4444444444444 Rear Admiral Evans Must Secure Health First. Paso Robles, Cal., April 10.--Rear Admiral Evans will not rejoin the bat- tleship fleet at San Diego or partici- pate in any of the functions and cele- brations in the ports of Southern California. That has practically been ed upon. The rear admiral this morning, by Ir. P. E, surgeon on the Conpecticut, that it will be very inadvisable for him to undertake to rejoin the fleet at San Diego, and participate in the festivi ties in Southern California. The doc tor afterward said he thought the {rear admiral would take his advice. Rear Admiral Evans himself has stated that he would submit to the judgment of | his physician, although it will be a bitter disappointment to him if he cannot rejoin the fleet. ---------------------- Last year wa had an parly determin- was told McDonald, Easter and a late this like assertion, Spring, year it looks the reverse, a At + +e + art late Faster and early spring, ns was rate we for We any lind an jmproved dee was 4 mand goods for the Easier- on SE ---------- ---- TO PROSECUTE ¢ OFFICIALS. ide, would advise an early DAILY MEMORANDA. The Largest stock EF stylish hats in Kingston Now bel shown at Camphell Dros'. Cive Fines Committee, 8 p.m Lecture on Archaeology, at Queen's, p.m, Kingston Business College ¥At Home,' 8 p.m. Frontenac Liquor License mm. Saturday. Read Waldron's Special Advertisoment in Saturday night' 8 paper, "The Cowboy's Sweetheart," Grand Opera Ouse, to-morrow noon, by the Kennedy Co, This is the story We wish to repeat "Buy your Hats from George Mills, on Princess St."' Bijou Thee "Phe Life and End of n Battie or of ; "The Troubles Cans ed by Mmith's New Watch," John Robert Davis Sings "'Latira Lee." Last Recital, Si, James' Chorch, to- morrow, 4.80 p.m, Srganiat, -- Marsh all, Vacali Miss Tweddeil ny Linge ford, swell Mr, oe and Harvey oltmiyt,. Miss Miss 8. Cochrane, whic TELEPHONES. 3 Huainess Office, Pditorial Rooms. obbing Department. "Legal arm. wil kinds, at Whig. The Dai! is always on sale at a tore, Market Square Oyen li ate each evening. Toilet Sets Now designs for the Spring season. Quaint, odd, old fashioned shapes and Prices Right. ROBERTSON BROS. ++ call as every day makes the as. sortment smaller, HA 444444444444 The '"Paper Trust' Must Come In- to the Courts. Washington, April 10.--The house resolution, introduced hy Speaker Cannon, requesting information as to what steps have been taken to pro- secute the "paper trust," yesterday, reached Attorney-General Bonaparte, who referred it to Mr. Purdy, assis- tant to the attorney-general with di- rections to prepare the reply to the house. It is understood that this re- ply will show thay the department of tier already has taken' the initial steps to bring the "paper trust" offi cials to trial on criminal charges und probably for that reason it will not be possible. to supply congress with much detailed information as it might jeopardize the success of the prosecu tion. FROBING HAMBLY'S DEATH. AT ST, JAMES' We are Goods, Silks anc be seen howing beautiful Dress art Suitings, Exquisite Wash Goods, only to be appreciated DOWN 1 IN GANANOQUE. SCHOOLROOM. A Lacrosse "cmb Organized. Gananoque, April 10.--A well-at- tended mecting was held in the town hall last evening for the purpose of organizing a lacrosse team. The fol- lowing officers were elected : Honor. ary president, Charles Macdonald: pre- sident, Louis Frawl; vice-president, Frank Hicks; secretary, Clark Gilles pie; treasurer, William O'Brien, The club's colors will be blue cap, green shirt and white trousers. It is some years since the town has had a la- crosse team and local enthusiasts pro. pose to boom the national game this season. The women's missionary society of Grace church met at the homo of Mrs. William Crouch, Princess street, Miss Meta Dobbs read a paper on erday afternoon. The following | "Deaconesses,' by Deaconess officers were elected : Preside mt, Mrs lg a paper on (Rev.) William Timberlake; -vice-presi-, «Vocation " by a sister, was read by dent, Mrs. C. B. Rogers; recording-sec-! Miss Macaulay. The le tier also read retary, Mrs. B. O. Britton: correspond some facts regarding the history of ing secretary, Mrs.. J. M. Thomson; sisterhoods, written by a former resi treasurer, Mrs. James Donevan, dent of Kingston, who is interested in Several' gasoline launches came up the sulsect. , to Gananoque from Thousand Island| Before the meeting closed' Miss Ma- Park yesterday and to-day. They caulay spoke of "the object which eame by way of Clayton and the head}. classes had been : organived---~the of Grindstone lsland. treating of an intelligent. interest in | fiss Mc iregor, a youig lady lately} sha great congress to which the eyes | arrived from Scotland, and possessing I the » world will t J . an excellent contralto voice, has been] © sodbhtic il surm in June, secyred by the management of the Star theatre for their illustrated songs. © She heard for the first time last evening and gave entire sa tisfaction. John Wright, has heen in Bre ckville hospital for several months past, has rtrd home much im- proved. 1. 8. Knapp, located on the Ellis farm, at South Lake, for the past year, has returned to town to reside, Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Watt (3) Has Been |Pan-Anglican Study Class Was Held. The last of the Pan-Anglican study classes was held, in St. James school room, on Thursday night, the atten dance being good. Miss Charlotte Lo- vick read a forcil lo and brilliant pa per on the "Religious Training of Children." First and last it is depen dent on the mother. She represents everything to the young child. The child who has lost respect for bie mother is in a bad way. Next in in- flugnce to the mother is day school | teacher, then the Sunday school teacher, and fourth, the clergyman. Regret was felt that more young mo- thers were not present to hear what Miss Lovick had to say. tores sell good hats for $2.50. The H. D. Bibby Other We sell them for $2. company. George hats, Bibby's. for Dent's gloves, PIRATES STEAL in --S---------- Attack Captain and Mate With Toma- hue hawk and Force Them Overboard. Remarkable Tale From South Seas---Heecded Stolen Vessel For Australia---Wrecked on Gilbert Islands. a fda y from Callao, when the cook made the | #n attack on the mate and captain. . J rushed at the first mate and struck the steam- {him on the head with a tomahawk. | He was fviled by a blow but quickly recovered himsell and took to the rirging, 'The captain, hearing the tomahawk and forcad to jump over-! seuflle; came out of the cabin and was! board by Joseph Mortimer, a BPel- [felled by a blow. gia; J. Taylor, of Manchester, and! "Immediately Li, Jackson, of London, who then stole | got his gun and fc the-schooner;--the -Neuwvre --Figre, of Land thet the skip Callao, and started for Amstralia. The hoard. The mate sank but the skip- vessel was wrecked ia the Gilbert . is {per struck out for the shore, distant lands, where she was found by fourteen miles, and I threw him a tain Marshall, of the trading schooner | plank. . The cook threatened me and I Laurel, who reported the piracy and!agreed to aspist in working the murder to the authorities at Suva, !gchooner, Tha cargo was jettisoned where the pirates were made | and started for Australia. The ors Jackson later confessed. vessel fing went ashore the Gil hert g about | The first fir trial will Board, 1 Mills & Co. for Waverly $2 The $1. afters at Hosiery & Gloves Are Easter wants, and we are wall-known for our assortments of these goods GLOVES In Kid, Silk, Lisle. Lace, Tafleia, ete, 2 Domes, Wrist Lengths, Arm Lengths and all the loading Colors to choose from. HOSIERY Lisle, Silk, Cashmere Embroidered, in Tans, Sky, Pink, White ng" FVII TUTU VIS +44 Sree Inquest Opened at Orangeville on Body Found in Vat. Orangeville, - April 10.-An Inquest was opened on the body of John Hambly, found in an unused tannery vat. The foreman is Henry Flesher, The jury view the body and adjourned until Monday: Dr. G, H. Henry performed the au- topsy, the report of which, although not made public yet, it is under stood, developed the fact that no wa ter being found in the lungs indicated that Hambly was dead hefare the body went into the vat. The remains were interred by the authoritie The ease has caused a entation hove, as there are rumors that * de- ceased met with foul play. In Cotton lace and Operas. Greys and Black, Chamois Cloves In the way anise Creme, ned writs natural coler News of ih with butic B.A piracy April 10 murder Victoria, : i remarkable and in we A Tw South seas was brought by BEARER ERLE LEER EEE bt SEPEPEIEEES ship Marama, which arrived here last Fhe captain and mate of ga were attacked with a! PEOPLE NOT WORRYING rs +Hete een ++ night. Callao. schooner Vas Over Having to Pay Only a Dollar | For Gas. When asked how it. that light department was selling gas one dollar when the total production was ¥1.26 last Toye, ex-chaitman of the civiel heat and power commities, re | plied that he would have something! to say about the matter when it J. W. Watt and son have left for | discussed hy the city council. He | Kingston and will proseed to Vie {that the committee of last year was | | torin, B.C., where they will locate for Well aware of the fact that in 1906] {the futore A A. Welsh, proprietor the cost was $123, when every charge allan] lof the Critaron Cafe, Montreal, and against production was taken {owner of Ganane sue Inn, was in town | Account, but notwithstanding all { yesterday and reports the outlook ex. | it was considered that the plant could | collont for the season. A large num-! afford to sell at one dollar snd mak [ber of guests have already engaged) money. The committee hoped to in 0. J. Shan-| crease business. The big the { rooms for the seasan. non, Tanner street, is atiending the sumption the cheaper the was what guided the committee grand council of the Royal arcanum a t in London this week, representing the Toye doesa't: think that the are worrying over havisg to local council. only a dollar for gas the at rt of { 1 i] was cook mate afterwards the ced first the TOT mp ova Headmaster Of Rothesay. who St. John, NB., April 9.-Rev. W. R Hibbasd, of "Mantroal. head master of the grammar school at Berthier-en- Haunt, Quebec; has accepted the post of headmaster of Rothesay College, near here, offered him by the Church of England synod, by which body the school is conducted. Mr. Hibbard was senior inathematical master at Trin ity Collage School, Port Hope, Ont. for some years. He vemes highly re commended by the Bishop of Toronto | and the Bishop of Montreal. | To Marry Clarkson. Philadelphia, Pa., Apsil 10.- first time Martin Maloney, datighter"s matrimonial complications have caused him soch worry, broke silence and in an interview admitted that Miss Helen Maloney would in all f robability become ne bride of Sanni el Clarkson, the nglishman wit whom she eloped, if the result of the anbulment mow pending scaingt Arthur Oshorne makes it pos: 8 Negro: Kidnape Papuy Sheriff. Aun 5 0-4; C. West, a white man, Seine ae a Spe aind ty sheriff, was kidnapped by win --_-- ngham, a negro, whom he >a attempting to arrest pear Lia . While West war reading the war- latter seized cost year, derman Cap- light, PLP 4040904 4400494004444 wasis Mrs and sad wil Oth, 1908, AWO yours afternoon prison we f BUDSON fn in Hudson Fu - pr ¢ 1 90m { the late eighty-throe said : "The vessel fourteen miles AL Ann 0 Lith years and Ode fart 5 inider; had only got may mt tot wrto | off the coast, the prisoner that Real Estate Boquiries for Dwellings, ranging in price, fron: $600 to $3,000 are pow num wrous i ROBERT 3 "REID, The Leading Undertaker. | "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. + Cowan's Cocoa (MADE IN CANADA) and For the CAN TAKE A PEERAGE. OPEN SHOP POLICY whose ver production Ald MOY es Be Adhered to By Vessel Owners. Cleveland, Ohio, April 10.--The open- shop policy will be adhered to by ves. pel owners in the operation of boats upon the great lakes this season. A stand of this character, in dealing with organized labor, was unanimous- Iv agreed to at the annual meeting of the Lake Carriers' Association here | yesterday. The rule will be put into operation at once ang will affecy up wards of 40,000 - men. Whether the plan adopted by the hoat owners will be opposed by the various unions is unknown. lis union representatives | were present at the meeting. While the cartiers do not take the position of being antagonistic to organized lakor they say employees will be dealt with individually, irrespective of 'their Iab- or affiliations. The vessel men also An Active Campaign in View of Bye-Elections, April 10.--The Daily announces that John Morle while retaining the office of secretary for India, will accept a peerage, declining health and a throat afiection giving him the alternative of resigning or retaining office in the less exacting atmosphere of the House of Lords, The unionist leaders are making an active platform stump of the country with a view go influencing the bye- elections, which will result from the cabinet ree onstruction. Parties desirous of selling should lose no nly er their property with us. sw Estate and Insurance Agency. mR. ORONHYATEKHA'S GOODS Mahogany Guin China Cabinet finest Marh Bedroom nah »phiaie Mat~ ee 7 RT Leath- rved, 8 ut Legther Low Back 1 Ouk and Wal rs, 1 Hack algu EE ins London, News Will Re-organise The Victoria Busty lab meet in the Y.M.C tonight. officers for the season will be wlected | and routine business transacted. The A STRANGE CRIME. Charged With Murder After Sense less Altercation. St. Louis, April 10.---Dr. Engleheart Yoerster, Jr., formerly chief physician at the city dispensary, was arrested last night, charged with killing Ro- | bert Bell, a paper-hanger. Bell was killed while escorting a woman and two of her daughters from | & party. Bell was singing as he met a} man and a woman. The man remark- ed that the singing was "rotten. Bel retorted by saying that his com- panion sang like & mudlerk, whes | Quick Icing Powders ics." should be stronger this vear | than last, and have a good show of | Will be /demonstrated in our sapctessiully defending the title of |store all this week, April 6th to techampions of the city league | 11th. | Xou are sotlially invited | cali and try them Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries, to HOE YOUR OWN Bibby's for President suspenders The anpointment to the customs col- | s | lctorship of Port Hope has been ee jen to W. 8. Bletcher, whose late office | | of landing waiter is giveg to John] | McMullen . little more "% No Plumbing Inspector. The city council bad no mosey for a plumbing inspector this year, and City Engineer Craig will have to per- form the duties as best he can, when style if vour he is nbt busy with street work, The engineer says he has emfugh to do, without ng called upon to do Rluihing napestion To do it proper mean that he would have to police | neglect other important work. So what can he do ? Miss Squires Secretly Married. Panama, April 0.-Mise Gladys Squires, daughter of the United States Afminister to Panama, * Herbert Squires. was' secretly macried Lieut. Henry H. Rousseau. a member of the Panama eanal commission, last Saturday night. Convicted Of Perjury. Rtsadon, April 10. "Mrs. Hamilton, one of the principal witnesses in the [Drier ease. was found guilty, ester on wocharge of perjury. She will sentenced, to-day recommended the paving of the high est wages. The first move along the line wae taken on Wednesday, when the Pittsburg Steamship company, operating the boats of the United States Steel corporation, made eon- tracts with their engineers individual Iv. No trouble was experienced. ---------- aly Building's Repairs. The repairs to the city Myildings thip year = year will ke almost altogether on More painting wil be dome, and Ee be dome snd the roof will{ on he given attention, It will take siver- al thousand dollars after this year to put the city buildings mito a fair tate of repair. So long were ne glétied, that they bad fallen into state of decay ia fed Si nT dial for the tower cleek will be put The man whipped out a revolver and shot Bell in the head. The slayer hur- ried away before a polieman came. Voerster denies guilt of the crime, His Terms Were More Beer. Montreal, April 10. --An intoxi man on as picked up this morting in the C. P. R. station yard with 8700 in one pocket, and a beer bottle in the other! He proved to be an immigrant, bound from New York to Wianirez. and had been sampling the good ha: of Montreal. The only copsideration which he would continue his jour ney was ihe purchase of more beer, a compromise to which the station of- cials finally agreed, 'The board of arhitration in the dis- ted ra ve Aad fn favor of the | pute between the Hamilton etreet rail | Jusg = { suit is ; ordered from Crawford | Walsh, Onen discussion is educating. Bibhy's $2 hats are stylish. Thisis the best season of the year fo hammer for business. The Best Hammer is 2 good Ad. and the Best place to nse it to get business is on the Wuiec Waxr Pace. e------ & : | What is Transpiring About MARINE NOTES, e--, the Wharves. : Capt, Toke Whilan has purchased the steamer Stranger and will rug be- tween Smith's Falls asd Kingston, The schooner Ford River is being unloaded of its easge of barle?. stor- ed in the boat last fall, and will clear on Saturday for Oswego 10 load cual for Oakville, The schooners Betha Kalkine and Kitchen are being overhauled and put into shape {or the season's work. Be stenmbarge Navajo is also getting regdy. ' Fhe hooner Clara Yovell was bad, y. da y