Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1908, p. 4

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Sr TL a SR TI Wk 0 BD 0 Rr NL SEN RE The A HSE SS Ee we ¥ Aw. x 3 ma WiLLiAms STOVE PIPE ENAMEL gives a high gloss to stove pipes. It works easily under the brush and if properly lappiled doesn't #moke or blister, It stands a high Corbett's HARDWARE id "= ny Seay BaD A wei Good Spring Suits lack anid Blues and Worsteds, single or double-breasted, high grade quality ~fully equal to teilor made, $11, $12 and $13.50 We invite Inspection of these Suits. | Spring Hats and Caps Big variety, but small prices. Working Boots, Men's $1.40. 81.05 $1.90, $3.15. Also god Tine fine Boots, from $2.76 to | $4.50. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 Princess street. ' EDUCATIONAL. ® un you wish to be successful at- s tend The i] Kingston Business : College ® Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, ® shorthand, typewriting, te ® wraphy, and all commercial @ Subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers. Day and night classes. Finter at any time. Rates very moderate; 'Phone, 440 " * # : H. ¥. METCALFE, President. » » S0seccoeveosseveey J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secrotary. : ahsonnoesbnsenreneene D000000TC000000T0000GO0 (MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie ~=4 Clergy Sts. T: N; STOCKDALE, > Plone, 680, "Principals 8 A LARGE STOCK NOW IN HAND TO CHOOSE FROM, LOW EST POSSIBLE PRICES, JAMES MULLEN, 87% Princess St., Opposite Y.M.C.A. \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1908. 7 DAILY BRITISH WHI 810 King street, Ki , i and 4 o'cl » Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, ent J snd cheap work; nine improved presses, The British Whig stage it Daily Whig. SLEIGHT OF HAND WORK. city council here should enquire at once. It is "a sleeve and subsides according to the of the annual deficit. "An interesting feature of it," according to the Jour- nal, "is that it only dates back singe 1900, but during the years that have since intervened no less than $400, 000 of surplus cosh has automatically appeared to the credit of this ac- couni." Assessments for local improvements were based, not on the actual cost but on the estimated cost, and wome citi- Zens in some cases have paid jn far more than their share of these local improvements, while in other cases, where the cost proved greater than the estimates, less money was col lected than should have been levied; so that it hgs come about that rate payers who Bon to be on the over- estimated accounts have been paying in to make good for the ratepayers who were on the under-estimated local improvements. : In Kingston there is not the chance in see public works' department, for sueculative financing, as the city con- duets all public improvements and only assesses the people for their shares when the work has been com- pleted. Then the cost is definitely known, and can be accurately ap- portioned, It js not desired that any municipality should imitate Ottawa in its slight of hand performance, PUMMELING AN OFFICIAL, Down in Quebec there has been a discussion as to the wisdom or um- wisdom of permitting public officials to engage in any service outside of that which public duty entails, The accountant of the clerk of the peace, Montreal, has been on the rack, the public records having shown that he has been interested in certain labour disputes - as an arbitrator. The individual in question is in- fluential with the working classes. Heo has represented them in certain nego- for better terms, notably with the managers of the Valleyfield Cotton and Dominion Textile mills. By the opposition it was made to ap- pear that he was a labour agitator-- he was declared to be such in the legislature at Quebec by Mr. Leblanc --and by the government, through Mr. Gouin, he was referred to as a peace- maker, and called as such to the help of the labour bureaus. A judge of the superior court acted on the same retoncilation board, so that one was out of place quite as much as the other, and both are the servants of the government. The ex- perience suggests that the public offi- cinls are well out of all commissions, which have to do with conflicting in- terests, and the scooter there is a permanent commission for the settle ment of laboui disputes the better. * Meanwhile the public officials should be spared any service which is calenl- ated to put them in a compromising position. The attack on the Montreal official points 'a morgl which does not require further illustration. CITY GETS A WARNING. The talk of raising the price of gas and because it is-now being dispensed below cost, comes 'as a painful surprise, No sudden or emotional changes should be made in business management, and if a mistake has heen made on the gas question it will be a severe reflection upon the dirvetions of a"great plant by a muni- cipal committee. The weakness of the committee is its changing personality, An important enterprise cannot be mastered by any spasmodic study of details. The peo- ples business demands the same care and supervision that are given to a private business, and the difference be- tween municipal and corporation man- tiations Otiawa has something which the into account," | the mystery of which is that it swells size THE WHIG, 75th YEAR a Hie peoples unl as to the value at 306-| of municipal management. The warning meanwhile is significant. pass, and one of two things: (1) The employment of an expert who will become the real man- ager of the city's utilities, water and light, running them on their merits, and simply using the civic committee in an advisory capacity way, or 12), the appointment of a commission un- der such terme as will secure the best attention of three business men and the enforcement of a continuous and conservative policy. CASTRO WANTS A SPANKING, Recent developments indicate that the Venenelan government--or Presi- dent Castro, who is its dominating spirit--is seeking the pretext for a quarrel with the government of the United States. A series of incidents have served to reduce the relations between the two powers to the break: ing point. ) The United States government is be- ing simply forced to insist upon a re cognition of its views. There are in Venezuela American interests which have been badly abused, The company which has owned and operated the Asphalt lake finds itself put out of business by the Castro combination. This has occurred after it had spent a large sum of money in building a railway and in meeting some very ex- traordinary demands of the govern. ment. Indead, there bas been a complete usurpation of American property and nights, and Mr. Castro is directing operations and disposing of the as- phalt as he pleases. He is even going through the farce of allowing the deposed company or the company which his conditions closed out of buginess, a trifling, royalty, about) one-fourth of that which the govern- ment extorted in behall of local dues. The difficulty hes been to secure a reasonable interpretation of the agree- ments which have existed or anything approaching to righteousness by ap- pealing to the courts. It. js charge that the judges are biased in their de- cisions, that they are the puppets or servants of the president-dictator. It is charged, further, that the state correspondence produces no impres- sion, The Castro dynasty treats the representative of the Washington gov- ernment with disdain. The letters may refer to the demands of state in behalf of an outraged company or indivi- dual, and the effect is the same. Last of all, and the culminating af- front of a contemptuous little repub- lic towards its great and important ally--the self-appointed demonstrator of the Munroe doctrine--is the rob- bery of the mails and abstraction of letters passing between the United States government aiid its represent- atives. Surcly this will produce the climax, The president of the United States must metaphorically lay the mischievious Castro across his knee and spank him into civility, Nothing else will do. -------------- EDITORIAL NOTES. Who are all the young fellows who lounge around the police court in the mornings ? Have they no work, and no ambition to find it ? Through the telegrams to the press Kingston is getting an unprofitable advertisement on the gas question: Has the department heen losing-on heating gas all through these years? The Peterboro Review demands the repeal of the British preference. Which recalls the poetic expression of the child erying in the night, and with no language but a ery. ---- The conservative papers have much te so say about the patronage list of the federal government. What about the patronage list of the local government ? Isn't it pretty exten- sive ? Mr. Whitney denies that he made nse of 'the expression, that the elec. tric energy of the Niagara should be "as free as air." He is alleged to have made use of it when in opposi- tion, and though confronted with it many a time, has only now ventured a repudiation ! Congratulations to Mr. Southworth, the new park commissioner in Toron- to. He leaves the service of the pro- vince with which he has been connect THEY MAKE PROTEST NESS OF GOVERNMENT And the Enormous Sums Voted For Various Things--Big Figures For Fire and Forest Toronto, April 10.--lo the debate upon the Supgdlementary Estimates, in the legislature, Mr. Preston, of Brant, i complained of the absence of ns and grants to advance techni: cal education, Brantford has, through one of its masters, made a record upon this subject and blazed the way for a revision of operations and sub- jects. An item of $2,000, to enable Hamilton educationists to tour the United States was voted another of The indulgent ways of the administra- on. Mr. Hislop failed to elicit how much of the $10,000 vote for the purchase of the Ontario Veterinary College was for the museums, and how much for the good will, The additional $3,500 for re- parliament building for lights, without fixtures, made the grand total of $13,500, Lucky elec- tricians ! x The vote of $10,000 for assembly hall at Brockville asylum, was a kind. ly appreciation of favor expressed and enjoyed. For purchase of land for a new Central prison; $20,000 was granted. The Boo constithency was voted $6,250 for colonization roads, a useful remembrance before election. The grant of $100,000 for the Quebee National Park brought generous ap- proval from Hon. Richard Harcourt. Edward J. B. Pense made two earn- est protests inst additional credits asked. been demanded hy the government $95,000 for fire rang- ing, $60,000 for forest ranging, $45. 000 for forest reserves--altogether $200,000 in one year, compared with 852.561 in 1894, the liberals' fattest year. Making allowance for expansion this was an enormous sum to vote. The premier replied that the revenue warranted expenditures and the only question .was as to the money being reasonably spent, Mr. Pense retorted that revenue was not a fair measure but economy, and that the expenditure was not reason- able. However, he presented an item that was measureable and was unrea- sonable in the strongest sense--$14,600 in 1907 for sessional writers, steno- graphers and messengers, increased this vear to 818.950. The liberal scale in 1904 was $9518. A comparison showed in numbers of employees : 1907 20 Stenographers ' 15 Motor Moan Fatnits isin wis BE 42 This was a controllable item; the sessions were not as Jong as those of 1903 and 1904, and shoyld not _ re- quire as great an expense, but a less- ened one. Yet it was doubled. He would not object to a pension bill in fair form, but this crowding on of un- necessary officials was a pension sys- tem of a purely partizan character, If the wastp ocourred under a liberal government 'the gertlemen opposite would have protested and challenged for a week at a time. It's Easy. Selecting a new hat from our im- mense assortment of nobby styles. New derbies, all sizes, all colors, all prices, at Campbell Bros'., the lead- urs in men's hats. Cracked wheat for porridge, at Gil- hert's. George Mills & Co, for Hawes $3 hats. President Roogevelt sent a message to congress, afking for legislation with a view to suppressing anarchy. Kingston creamery butter, in 5b. crocks, 33¢. lb. Gilbert. Bibby's for Fowne's gloves, $1. A teaspoonful of mustard mixed in a tumbler of warm water is one of 'the quickest emetics known: George Mills & Co. for hats. Rice soaked a few hours in cold water may be cooked quickly, without the hs being broken. brown suitings at Crawford 's, tailors. Bibby's $2 hats are nifty. A simple way to keep mirrors and other glass 'polished is to rub it well over with some tissue paper. Other stores sell good hats for $2.50. We sell them for 82. Bibby's. Fresh butter, rolls and prints, 30c. 1b. Gilbert. Resolutions of condolence are, as a rule, poor sympathy. Bibby's 82 hats are dandies. Curiggity is usually the forerunner of imputence. George Mills & Co. for caps. AGAINST THE INDEFINITE WANTED. Every Person in Kingston to Know What Vinol is and How it is Made. For sometime we have recommended Vinol to the people of Kingston as the best cod liver preparation and tonic reconstructor we have ever sold. To prove the reliability and geou- theness of this successful remedy and that it is in no sense a patent medi cine, the people of Kingston will find on every packagé of Vinol not only a statement of the ingredients Yiool contains, but an illustration incolors showing just how Yinel is made from fresh cods' Jivers and peptonste of iron, which is a needful constituent for the blood. This proves in a very convincing manner to the people of Kingston the origin from which Vimol derivet its wonderful curative power, and that it is a real cod liver preparation made by a scientific process which elimin- ates the useless oil and retains all the active medicinal principles. As a body builder and strenoth cre ator for old people, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, after sick: ness, and [for chronic coughs, elds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, Vinot is nnexcelled. Try it on our offer to rturmn your money if it fails. Geo, W., Mahood, Drugeist, Kingston, Ont. Russian Dress For Small Girl. Colored chambray or linen | with bands and pipings of white duck is used for the little frock here pictur ed. The model was in tan _colored chambray, made to wear with a sep- arate guimpe and undersfeoves, In the gketch this guimpe was out with a square neck, but a high neck and collar band could be substituted i' desired. White embroidered eyelits, through which a black silk scarf was laced trimmed the front of this little frock, ------------ cost no more than inferior makes, G0c., 76c. and $1 and $2 boxes. McConkey"s and Huyler's high- class candy from Gibson's Red Cross drug store, . No reduction in the price of steel is contemplated, according (0 a state ment made by E. H, Garry, chairman of the United States Steel Corpora- tion. Read Waldron's special advertise. ment in Saturday night's paper. An expert from the United States is to conduct tests of the Ross rifle, un- der the parliamentary committee. Buy spring medicines at - Gibson's Red Cross drug store. All fresh there. "A bill to guarantee debenture stock of the Canadian Northern Railway company, to the extent of $1,500,000, was introduced in the legislature, on Thursday, by the provincial treasurer * nentucky Lawn Grass Seed," sold only at Gibsons Red Cross drug store, Hugh McCowan, a prominent arebi tect and pioneer of Winnipeg, died suddenly, aged sixty-seven. Bibby's Faster neckwear ig ready. The. steel plant at Sanlt Ste. Marie, Ont has closed 'down -agéin for lack of pig-iron. Double strength Tarine moth proof bags are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Several hundred Buigarians in Chi- cago are reported to be in extreme want. / \ George Mills & Co. for hats. Moth camphor balls," the kind, are sold at Gibson's Red drug store, Our prices Walsh. Bibby's fanev hosiery is ready The new tobacco bill, passed the House of Commons, on Friday. George Mills & Co. for Waverly 82 hats. They strong Cross ave right. Crawford & Toronto will appoint a bread inspec- tor. . y - Want It? Ask your docior all about Ayer's non- alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Then you will know whether you want it or not. Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor This season we are showing some extra- ordinary $15.00 Suits. The fabrics are new and handsome, the tailoring is perfect, the cut is correct. There is nothing wanting, Our Fifteen Dollar Suits are nothing short of IDEAL SUITS. Materials are Cheviots, Serzes and Fancy Worsteds. We call special attention to our Swell $15.00 Black Cheviot Spring Overcoats, Our Suits and Overcoats at $15.00 are Master- pieces of Tailors' Art. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. VOO0000000000000000000 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. EB. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches ESTABLISUED 1867 Paid-ap Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES $5 and under Over $5 and - $10 - - $30 - These Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bask (Yukon excepted), and at thie principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of and at small cost, and may be ob not exceedin g $10... - 3 cents 6 cents $30...... 10 cents $50 15 cents sy remitting small sums of money with safety tained without delay at any office of the Bank KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STH, mA E VEN SON, Manager. +444 PEER E EEE 4000000440400 000 000 You Want a New Pair of Shoes for Easter Our new styles are here. They are very Our selections are Dunn, J. & T. Bell, Geo. A. Slater's Invic- tus, Miss Canada & Victoria, In Gun Metal, Vici Kid, Patent Colt and swell. Chocolate. from Utz & THE SAWYER SHOE STORE PEEP PPFHP0 0009999999999 909 9% FEEELAESRIER EPEC EEEI SESE RIERA ESE FATE James Reid Chocolate Eg and 35c each. Cream Eggs, Fancy Biske | BRASS and IRON BEDS BIG CLEARING SALE In pr¢tty designs, strong and durable. Also Hercules Spring to fit, and Sanitary Mattresses at sale price. ~The Leading Under- : ker. "Ph Easter Novelties! gs at lc, 2¢, 4c, 7c, 10c, 20c Decorated Eggs, Eggs in ets, Boats, &ec. ee Chicks, Roosters, Rabbits, &c. iA. REES, 166 Princess St | | ULM Ys

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