Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1908. A A Sr exer NEWS OF THE WORLD ROMANCE SPURS HER. { ¥ CONTRACT IS MADE HR To Wed ! i When Divorced. ! AT HEAD MEN OF MONT! Neu Yor tot orod oo (OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED Cs Apel] 20 : mante back of BRIEF ORM {tract between the Hydro Electric Com ! REAL POLICE. Vanderbilt's suit for! | missioh, and the Ontario Power com- | Mrs. Alfred ------y 3 1 that she will | Matters That Interest Everybody pany, lior the supply of power. is in- i Idivoree. Rumor has it {John Dillon Says He Has NG Re- jhe speedily married the yecond time. | Notes From all Overpitely ne ate ae gps Brpentc to of Everything Easily Read - o : grets For Killing Constable! Rumor connects her with Worthineton | k 1 . Whitehouse, and much in-! commission promises to take pow- ! Shea--He Picked Out Detective ranted. | and Remembered, exclusively up to 30,000 horse . Carpenter As One Victim. - Girouard. who has been re. |": also, in addition thereto, of ! gistrar of the Yukon territory i Less than { Mongrel, April 10.-~John Dillon, {derbilt was involved in a wreck hall of the amount of power required It : i he o¢ &&] 3 . { orse- | J { July, 159%, has yesigned. | by the commission up to 10,000 horse The dispute between | aliag James Smith, the book agent, | the Montreal express, on the N 8 r Who murdered Constable Shea 'on | York Central railroad, while the Winnipeg | POY®T: thereaiter the commission Monday might, and wounded Chief be- | ling with a party ol friends, among | street raiway and its employees will | ™2Y r al its option, take power from | FELL P04 E0400 0404000044 Leetive Carpenter and Constable Fo | whom was Whitehouse. {probably be settled by aritiation. |other sources. The commission agrees | caus,' talked to-day, at the General Last week Hugh Clark, M.P.P. has registered | 12 JO) the company at the rate of Hospital about the exciting event for |Party that accompanied the Duchess | his protest against guarantee of the | >? 40 per horse-power per annum. for the fest" time. He scemed in mo | of Marlborough to the vessel on which | C.N_R. bouds by the Ontario govern. | "Wer at 12000 volts, and at the way Sorry for his crimes, and appar | he sailed for Europe. From this time | ment. g | rate of $10.40 per horse-power, per | ently regretted that he had not suc-| the names of Mrs. Vanderbilt and Col. William L. de Lacy, a promin- annum lor power at 60,000 volts, and | ceeded in killing a few more of the | Whitehouse have mysteriously been | ent i Amount. reserved and held | police, He saw the police coming with | linked, the warrant for his arvest, | when the ready for delivery at the order of the | and hej had every intention killing Between Hydro-Electric Commis sion and Ontario Power Co. i Toronto, Ont., April 10.---The ¢on- ED DELIBERNTELY Worthington Whitehouse i Getting Close to Easter. Best Buying Now. We offer exceptional values in all lines of Dry Goods and Men's & Boys' Clothing & Fur- nishings for Easter. These for Saturday. st of | the sordid ry society is t and : | two years ago Mrs Van- | J. 1 since Whitehouse was with the | Cleared out 883 yards ( hiffon Tai { | feta Silk, and India Silk, from an im Pord agent, at a pric away down be lowNregular wholesale price. The cols Pale Pink and Black #1 vard ors are Cream, Regular values are 73c. to BIG RELIGIOUS RIOT. lawyer of Poughkeepsie, commit-| commission is in all 25,000 horse-pow- | $ «al of Chief | ted suicide, by inhaling illuminating | gas. | . : er or more, pavme % be . The governor-general has given onel + the rate of 89 at h hall 4 Jade Deséclive Carpenter and Chief of Pol- | thousan« i f $9 Orse-power, per | ice Campean as well. He had not the 1 dollars as his personal con-| for . ' } Diocese | tribution to the ene Battleficlds | 73M for Rowe at- 12.000 volts, and | slightest intention of allowing the Amalgamation. y | ssociation, : i= i Tate a oe fl ioging i | police to take him if he could prevent Rome, April 10.--A fierce religious | The widow of William Simpson kill- | ®™® or t ho t hig yo rs fH jab. He did not know Chief Campeau | riot occurred yesterday at Troin, a'ed at the Phoebe street school, To- f Doe OT on Ie b lgher voltace | by sight, and that is ihe reason he | province of Puglia, arising from re. |ronto, has sued W. C. Webb. the con- [qcna in 1 et hey shall be | escaped, He deliberately picked out|sentment agaist the vatican for | tractor, for 33,000 damages. { rmines . as rein ter provided Chief Detective Carperiter from among | amalgamating the diocese i. W. A. Galliber, M.P. for Kootend: HOO 19 sale yard . YARDS CHIFFON TAFFETA, and 20 inches wide. On Saturday only, per 49 Black only, 28 inches wide. On sale sale Saturday, only, per Incensed Over | i | { | | | i | i { | People gen { J i { i 230 YARDS INDIA SILK, | The agreement is to remain in force | {for ten wears, and can be renewed wy doug sy ssi joy og PELE 2 4440400444040 44 44 Just in Time for Easter FFP 44 40490444049 44444 of Troia | .~ H.D. Bibby Co q In fine black cheviot or vicuna wo make this Moming Coat to your ordegy § With many gentlemen it takes the place of the I'rock Coat, and is quite proper except at the affairs, € Made to your special measure iy four days at the factory, $25 and $30 qualities for the whole suit. forma! more § Our special order department demonstrates the difference between the Semi-ready system and .ready- made clothing, . ' Semi-ready Tailoring KINGSTON. Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 470 Broadway, New York, N.Y. For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 69- 71 Brook St., Kingston, Ont. TENDERS. TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undersighed at Ottawa, in semled en- velopes, and mar on. the envelopes "Ponder for comstruction of a t- house Tender and Buoy Steamer for Georgian Bay Service," will be received up to the TRENTY-BIGITH, PAY XT OF _ APRIL for the construction of a Steel Twin Nerew Lighthouse Tender and. Buoy Steamer fur the Georgian Bay Servies, to be delivered at Prescott, Ontario, of the following leading dimeusions, naines, 1y. length over all 194 feet, breath woubtded 35 feet and depth moulded re. Plans and specifications of this steam- oF can lw seen at he Department of Marine andl Fisheries, Ottawa, at the pilices of the Collectors of Customs at Toronto, SH imran and Midland, at the Dominion Lighthouse Pepot, Pros cott, aml at the agencies of the Depart. ment of Marine and Fisheries at Mont real and Quebec. - Similar plans and specifications can be procured hy sosnlication, from the De partment of Marine and Fisheries up to the Tenth Day of April next. Each tender must be accompanied by an nece bank which Will be forfeited if the person sending the accepted tender declines t eotér Mito a contract with the Departs ment and complete the steamer. Cheques | i unsuccessful tenders will accompanyi Vo. returned. bind itself to! temder, F. COURDEAT, g of Marine and Fisher- trae 100% aren, Tos, 5 Hear the April 4 Dole ten from Dawson & Staley's 217 Princess St.. Kingston. pRraw, of this place, received the sad those who were in the near vicinity. This je confirmed hy the fact that he might have killed others more ea sily, but 'he was not shooting wildly | the crowd. : i | HE IS AGED 79. Lemonstration in Which 25,000! Took Part. | | GENERAL DOOTH. Jondon, April 10.--General Booth, of the Salvation Army, was seventy- nine years old to-day,. The event was velebirated, in. this city, with exercises in. which 23,000 members of the army took, part. COLEBROOK MAN DROWNED. Melford Shangraw Fell OF a Log Drive. Colebrook, April 9.--Mrs, John Shan. iptelligence, this eveping, that her son, Melford, was drowned in the swift river near Wanakena, St. Law- rence county, N.Y. While working on a log drive, he fell between the logs and disappeared in the swift current beneath. As the river is jammed with logs for several miles, his compan- ions have been unable to recover the body, and think they will be unable to do so before the drive has passed The water in the river here is very high and the icp is going out rapidly. There are fears of it doing damage to the mills and'«dam. Miss Libbie Rid- dell has returned, after three months' visit in Kingston. Mrs. Perry Corhor is improving, af- ter her recent illness. The Ladies' Aid is preparing for a sugar social. Nel son Walker has #oturned, after an ex- tended disit : with friends in Dresden; Ont. Baby Shangraw, daughter of G. A. Bhangraw, has received one of the beautiful silver 'mugs presented by the Toronto World] in honor of its birth- dag. being on. February » 20th, 1908 Miss Florence Bradford was married, Wednesday, April Sth, to Fdward Jovner, of Lapum. Mrs. Charles Benn is improving slowly. A DASTARDLY CRIME. Fires House to Burn His Wife and Child. Deuphin, Man., Apedd 10. --Apparent- ly a most dastardly eliort at revenge has been made at Pine River. Owing to domestie trouble a Galician named Andrew Wanger, twenty-four, separat- of "frome hiv wife, The latter, with her. ebild, returned parents, named Galan. During his absence Ualan alleged that Wanger went to Galan's hous and fastening the door with a rope on the outside, set fire to the house. The Hames speedily gathered headway and only with great ditficalty did the wother, wife and child escape through a solitary and small window, and that 'hot unscathed. w disappeared, but his arrest fs a matter of time, as the police aye on his trail. The house and contents were Completely destroyed, Made A Big Capture. "Berlin, April 10.~The police have, in custody, three well-known anar- chists named Kubn, Roux and Rous. sol. They also captured a cart loaded with dynamite which the prisoners bad in ir possession, It is believed the mei. are connected with a plot inst the lead: of the gigantic lockout which went juto effect in this April 4th. to her city on cathedral where the canons were . | sembled for service, and wrecked the! bimself from the three-fifths ¢ | dral. {and cléared the cathedral at the point chell, of Ottawa, to be its pastor. { of the bayonet, | ing house of the Cleveland another head, case of Mrs has brought suit for diverce fram her husband, official confirmation is lackin absolute stopped by the with that of Lucera. A mob attacked | B.C., announces that he will not | the palace of the bishop, who favors |888in be a candidate at the amroach- | the amalgamation, and smashed all | ing dominion 'tions, the windows. 1f then stormed he Toronto World reports that 5. Gallagher, of Frontenac, | J.| absented lause di- | the as bishop's throne. The incensed people Vision in the legislature, piled up the fursiture and set it on{, The congregation of Knox church. | fire in an attempt to burn the cathe-| amilton, Ont., decided unanimously | Infantry was hastily summoned | '0 extend a call to Rev. A, E, Mit | John Mclnnis was instantly killed in | a coal mine, at Bridgeport, NS. when a heavy boulder fell on him. He | was employed in driving coal boxes to | the landing. { At Vancouver, B.C. of equipment and on the construction Irunk | Prince It's Hams And Bacon Now. Cleveland, April A six-legged hog was found in a drove at the pack- Provision | , the first carload| horses to be used of the Grand! Pacific , railway east from Rupert; aftived, from Kenora. | \ Hid, who jor many years | Workmen at the pack-| been the Hamilton agent of the | * ap] Canada Lite Assurance company, has} | tendered his resignation, Me will hel | suceeded by G, Denholm Burns. | It is said that PT. H. Preston, M.L.} A., who some time ago announced his| retirement from public life, will again | {be the candidate of the liberals 'for South Brant in the coming provincial contest, Promier Murray, in Nova Scotia leg- islature, gave notice that he would move that the sessional indemnity for members of the legislature be increas ed to $700. Last year it was raised from $500 to $600. Hon. George P. Graham has been in vited to Boston %o attend the banquet of the Canadian club of Boston, on Empire Day, observed this year on May 25th, and respond to the toast of Canada. He will accept. E. J. B. Pense moved an amendment on going into supply, in the legisla- ture, last night, regretting the prac tice of resorting to commissions by the present government, with the re- sult of unusual charges under this head. King 'Edward's visit to Biawitz was undertaken as a holiday in confoym ity with the strong opinion of fie majesty's medical advisers, owing to repeated attacks of influenza to which the king has been subject during the spring for a number of years past At Oil City, Pa., Miss Nellie Smal- ley, aged seventeen, may die from over-exertion, due to skipping rope After jumping 300 times she dropped exhausted, and was seized with paroxysms so severe that force js ne cessary to keep her in bed On receiving the news. that been named as & co-respondent in the spit for divorce brought hy Mrs, Clara Louis Yon Herrman against her husband, 'Karl Stephens Von Herrman, Miss Julian Marlowe was completely overcome and tancelled her engagement i at the Lyceum theatre, company. Two perfectly formed legs protruded from the hogs chest. In the centre of the chest was a hard lump resembling | David ing house examined the animal some interest, and then strung it by one hind on the big wheel which carries the pigs to the slaugh- ter room. It is hams amd bacon now. leg Absolute Divorce Likely. New York, April 10--~Referee Clure has finished the report in Ellen Vanderbilt, No the who While it recommends granted Alfred Vanderbilt. is an the referer be the divorce reported plaintiff, Recent Copyright Fiction, 48¢. Tomorrow morning R. Uglow & Co. will open a great sale of new $1.50 copyright novels at a special price of 48c. per copy. All new illustrated editions, specially imported from the publishers for this sale. Dainty cov- ers. Suitable for Easter gifts, Comes To The Penitentiary. London, Ont., April 10.--Thomas Noah, the Indian who has been on trial here on a charge of murdering Absalom Fox, another Indian, on the) night of May 22nd, 1W7, was found] guilty, this morning, of manslaughter, | and was sentenced to twelve years in the penitentiary, Again Hit Trail. Fort Wilham, Ont., April 10.--Naked Doukhobors attempted to hold an- other parade, yesterday, but were police; fourteen of them have been taken to police sta- tion in hacks and the magistrate will commit them to six months in the Central prison at Torggto. she ha Sent To Penitentiary. London, Ont, April 10. --~Herbert Mee, convicted of embesdding the funds of the Stratford Malting and Brewing company, at the recent sessions of the assizes, was sentenced, by Judge Rid- dell, to five years in the penitentiary on all the counts, the terms to run concurrently, ---------- Will Command Support. London, April 10.--The Times, in an editorial, this mornine on President Roosevelt's message on anarchism, says the president has entered wpon a campaion that will command the sympathy and moral support of the aivilized world. 5 a Your Choice For A Quarter. 6 Ibs, of rice, 6 lhe. of barley, 6 ths, of split peas, 34 lbs, of tapioca, At Mullin's Grocery. in ""Gioria' Ithaca, N.Y. NEW YORK STOCKS. Prices Furnished By W. Hector H. Hume, Clarence Chambers. / April 10th. Stocks. Opening. Close. Amal. Copper... ... ... ... BY 594 Amer. Loco. com. ... ... Am, Sug. Re. Co... .. Am. Smitg. & Re. Lo. ... Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min. Co." Atches. Top. & St. Fe... Baltimore & Ohio ... Brooklyn Rapid T Central Leather Canadian Pacific .. ww. & Ohio H/& St Colorado Southern Cons. Gas, N.Y. ... .. Col. Fuel & Iron Delaware & Hudson Distillers secs... Erie Railroad (i. North Ry., pid. ... ... Kynsus & Texas com, ... Konsus & Texas, pid... Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacifie Min. St. P National Lead N. Y. Central Northern Pacific, ex I§ per cent. Penn. R.R. . People's Gas Reading ...... Roek Island .... Rock Island, pref Southern Rv. com. Southern Pacific Sloss Sheffield .. U.8. Steel, com. 14) 120 70% A Big Decrease. London, April 16.--Lioyds' Register reports that the shipping under con: struction in the United Kingdom amounts to 459.000 tons less © than in the previdus twelve months. This is the biggest decrease singe 1884, Only One 'Bromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo Quinine Look for the ture of E. W. Grove. Used 'the world over to cur a cold in one day. 2a, Canadian Girl Farmer. London, April 10.--~A letter from the first girl farmer in Canada appears in Women's Employment. She is a resi- dent of Whitewood, Sask. She says that the right woman with capital will succeed in Canada. The Dr. Oronhyatekhs historical eol- lection has been presented 16 the Uni- versity of Toronto. : div. po ied Br ny 13.47 13.55 wey ll lhe aes . held ow the Sarnia T jadion Bank equal to 10 per cent to forty vears. i ---- Fish Asleep Change Color. New York Press i "That file fish is asleep," said the | attendant. | "How do you know ?" the visitor | to the Aquarium asked. "But 1! can't see him, by the way." i "That s how I know. he, like many | other fish, changes color on «oing off. | Awake, he is mottled with brown and dark olive green; a handsome, som- | berly splendid object, Asleep he is a pallid gray, with darker wings and tail-a ghost of a file fish, practically | invisihl Manv of the weaker fish, | especially in the tropics, have this | ability to change from a bright to a i pale, vague hue when they sleep. Thus ! they safely, Otherwise their | slumber would end between a bigger | fish's jaws." i e. sleap -------- Would Reduce The Ewrce. Belleville, Ont., April 10.--The city | council hgs asked the police commis sioners od reduce the police force of | this city by constable, At pre- sent the force consists of a chief, one ! sergeant and four constables, The police commissioners also asked to increase the.license on moving pic- | ture to $60 per year, instead! of $25 as at present. | ---- | one are shows Little Danger. Philadelphia Press. "I did think," said Cholly berly, "of gong in for politics, but I was afcaid | wouldn't know Justi | how to tweat my inferiors, don't v' know." "Your inferiors,"" remarked! Sharpe. "0! you wouldn't Le likely | to meet any of them." : -------- Pension For Lankester. London, April 10.--Sir Edwin Lankester has received a civil list sion in recognition of his serviees in| biological science. Sir Edwin is best! known through his confection with the] Natural History Museum. Snob- | Ray pen Indoor Hockey. Two games of indoor hockey played at the Y.M.CA., yesterday The Fagles defeated Wanderers 7-11 and the Nationals won from the Vie } torias 6-1. | were | The Bank of Commerce had a new | safe installed this morning. Quite 5 few people watched the me n unloading and installing the heavy 'vault { A woman thinks she has the worst of the bargain she can where she got more than her money's worth, George Mills & Co. for caps | unless wee } + | | LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY EON. J. B. PENSE, The candidate's public duties | will prevent a systematic canvass. | Will old friends, and many new supporters kindly reserve their | pledges for his benefit ? TENDERS, i TENDERS ADDRESSED TO "THE! undersigned: at Ottawa, and endorsed on | the envelope Tender for lLighthous:| Supply Steamer," will be reccived up to the § FIGHTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1908 for the charter of a suitable steam vessel } to deliver supplies to the lighthouses above Montreal, commencing at Montreal | about the 24th Juve next: | Particulars as to the vessel required] can be obtained on application to the Department bere, and at the Costom | Houses at" Kingston Toronto, Hawihon, | Owen Sound, Midland, Colling- wood and Sault Ste. Marie, and at the! agency of the Department of Marine and | Fisheries at Montreal : Each tender must be aconmpani-d an accepted cheque on a chartered hy | Can- | of the | whole amount of the tender, which cheque wil be forfeited if the suceeswiul | Tiny r declines to entef into a contract or falls to perforns the service. i Newspapers inserting this advertisement hot Department of Marioe und without amnthority from the undersi | Fisheries, f Ottawa, Canada. 4th April. 1908. i { oy' Mine, 1 OSE ion. Jd. LEACH, "OUR AUCTIONEER." 58 Brock St., Kingston. Many years experience in England en- goed, GOURDIEAY, Fisher | FELL P0000 EPPA EE PRINT FOR SATURDAY, 4,500 Yards. We have been asked so many times to repeat our Print Special, so here goes for Saturday inches wide, Regular price 350 ol wade £3.5 Sizes ? week and all next Week, at popular price. English and Canadian Prints, all new Colors and Patterns, Stripes, Spots, Figuris and Floral Designs, 32 inches wide. Regular price 1 Ile. yard. On Sale Saturday and all next Week... . . YARDS SWISS DOTTED MUSLIN, 32 Medium sized Dot. Good wearing Quality, J Je. yard, On Salg Saturday, per yard a A HURRY OUT OF WHITE WAISTS, dozen only. Fine White Lawn. Front Trimmed with Pane] Embroidery and two Rows of Wide Lace, also Lace Collar and Cuffs » Buttoned Back, 7 Sleeves Regular price 75¢. to 90. * On Sale Saturday . ' \ . . 150 PAIR MEN'S TROUSERS. Made of solid English Worsteds in Dark and Medium Stripe effects, well and trim med, 32 to 40. Regular, price and #4 pair. On Sale Saturday and all next SEE SAMPLES IN OUR WINDOWS EVERYTHING NEW IN BOYS' SPRING The New Russian Blouse, Buster Brown and Norfolk in neat Vatterned Worsted finished, Tweeds, Trimmed Suttons and Braid. Elastic Bloomers and Plain . = . > hy Prices :--$2.25, $2.68, $ 3.48 and 3.68. SAMPLES IN OUR WINDOW Fancy )8, $3.25, SUITS Styles, Fronts, Knickers D(C -ar 8 EE These are not all of the specials for Saturday and next week, Huns dreds of others, too numerous {o mention, The Montreal Stock Co |§0 PRINCESS STREET |g Between Redden's and Crawford's Grocories. 'Phone No. 844. I a a It's Up To You. -If you want the BEST in Men's Toggery at the lowest prices, it's here. Our New Spring and Summer Suits and Top Coats are now ready We can please the man who knows style and good tailoring when he sces it. . Men's and Young Men's Suits, $9.50 to 20.00, Men's and Young Men's Top Coats, $7.50 to 15.00. SPRING HABERDASHER See our spring styles in Neckwear, Shirts, Hosiery and other small wears, necessary tom complete outfit for a well-dressed man, Our claim is that you can save fully twenty per cent. by buying here. Surely you'll come in and look, won't yon ? Boys' Norfolk Suits, $1.95 to 6.50. Boys' 3-Garment Suits, $3.00 to 9.50. A Humming Top Free with every Boys' Suit, RONEY & CO., 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. PIG METAL We are headquarters. Canada Metal Co.,L Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. Send us your inguiries. b 1] WILLIAM ST. : 3! s» TORONTO ONT

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