Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1908, p. 6

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eo IMANIFESTED SPITE, rome mms aumces. KINcsToNS PEM LECH || Typewriters are divided | "va He a mo hs R IY L WAY into two classes-- {BENNETT SAYS HE IS AFTER| Newboro, April 9.--Miss Lena Pierce {was at home to a large number of 4 IN COANECTION WITH || The ONE made seemingly || BRODEUR. | friends at & sugar party on Monday ky! ! ! {evening. Edward Landon, attending | A. 1 1 Canadian Pacific Rallway | Mater bs peehed om Jo { Some of the Things Disclosed in Kingston Susie College, arrived is = in 0 n making ; i ements the § ; 'home for the holidays on Monday 2 { Commmittee--There Will - Be a evening. At the regtine April meet. | CX8Ctoess -- primers, pow- i ders, metal, paper, wads & » rm-- : . | New Issue of Stamps For the ing of the municipal council on Mon- oe I Lt ner ' | ] Ter-Centenary. lday evening James Beil was re-appoin- anc 81. ts based on skill ; {| From Our Own Correspondent {ted road and street commissioner and | 9d backed by the most No =AT- i | Ottawa, April 10.--A matter which {B. J. Cavanagh was appointed pound elaborate thethod of tests ; Single Fare i | has occasioned some talk in the Com- keeper, constable and fire inspector. | inuse in the world. - Every | | mons was aired in the public accounts | Messrs. H. 8. Foster and Henry Bell | Minute of the day we test Ticke | committee, yesterday, rrotessor E. E. {made a business visit to Kingston this the accuracy of our men, ts good going 'April 16th; 17th, | i s 18th and 20th. i | Prince, UDominjon commussioner. of [week. J. I. Gallagher attendsi' the | machines and materials. Valid returning on or before April . 2 loan : s List, 1908, fisheries, was asked to explain the | icense commissionérs meeting at - Ga- For all makes of arms. Costs money allowances of the other two{nanogue on Tuesday. A pumber from one-third to one-fifth less than duty Homeseekers' Excursion : ded the ne Smmanit ' L.C. Smith & Bros. members of the commission, Johu [here attended the funeral of the Be ating o : anion. Our gusran- To Manitoba and North-West Territor- | Birnie, K.0,, Collingwood apd James | Mrs. Gallagher at Harlem on ol . 8 | day. W. B. Adams, editor of the Cartridge Co. Lad. Montreal. deg, April 14th and 28th, May 19th and | : : { Bain Tickets good for G0 days. | Typewriter Noble, Liste Lumens I viport : Miseor i ; ; Sl caiary at X. & ¥., and C. 7.) He stated that Birsie and Nobls (Westpor » was a vitor in| DOMINION AMMUNITION teket Office, Ontario St. were appointed in 1905, first at 37 {town on Monday, F. CONWAY, (Writing Entirely in Sight) each per day and actual expenses. lif George 2 ohusony Forfar, was calling 4 5) { Gen. Pass. Agent, . . < March, 1%0/, an order-in-councii wasjon Inends here on Saturday. Ars, Ra ¥ The M in I with modernness inbuilt. @Every passed to allow Birae $10 per day|Vickery, who fell and broke her log \ 1 an ron i BAY or Suinze BAILY AY device for convenience, time-sav- || as secretary. In May, 197, anothes frome months. ago, is TveoVering very SEAT ves union sta jon, n! > - 2. o ; che vl -- 11 Ww » ssed t allows ow yY ang Di¢ 10 move aroun 4 , < i lal int It in or rin Counc: as pa Qo ot - % ap Sally (Sundays except h ng and labor saving is inbui Birnie and Noble, 85 per day each for] with the aud i a crutch, Mr, Barr, . A ; would look out of place 0, Banhothourn and ail pomnts Lorth.|| the L. C. Samu & Bros. Tyre hotel expenses. That meant Birnielof Opinicon, last week purchased the t a Ta. a To Ne es warrer., € Every known element || was receiving $22 per day and Eales Joust of He. » i | q 0 day. i ts vi tay "a sha 4 12. reqzee, rummon street, ang i : Por further particu | Of durability and dependability is || "Nl. Mclean of Prince Edward Is|will in & short time, enter into the q Times have changed mercantile business. Miss Brown, of { however, and the com- § l I] BE g SBE Fd rr H . Ba a { the most and best work both from to the number of days Birnie and laher. Mrs: M." Bressee, who sod the man of the hour ---------------------- SEXD FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE on a legal (------------------------------ been recently prosecuted for. illega WG. Dargavel ko know the Kiud of people Mr, Bro Leggett, who has been critically ill UESDAY, April ~LOCAL AGENTS-- gan SquSuE Sapp; dant -In Dennett was actuated simply by spite home for the holidays. IL. Hough, For farther particulars, apply to the postmaster-general that the post- holidays at. her hom: hogs. B.- F RAILWAY Lombardy, April 9.---Miss Lizzie Noble fe rince i ble Worker], it Professor _ Prine her store and residence to Mr. Barr hasbeen greatly altered fishing, While crossing the lake on his way LIMITED in hi . ; 4 deur had in his department. Mr. Ben for some time, is Tapidly recovering. fuoed fares, apply between all stations), 16 Detroit, Mich., Port Huron, Mich. Na i Bnd Buftalo N.Y., Black Rock, N.Y. Suspen- NEWMAN & SPRICGS fagainet Me. Biraie. " Mr. Ben-| Pending the winter. with friends at N.Y. Niagara Falls, N.Y. ), I'm. alter you, 100," Mr. Beni} 0 avenue returned on Monday J. P. HANLEY, Agent . f i 3 ' { y AR ' A full stock of 'Typewriter Supplies for office department will issue a new ser- Bolton, Grossley, spent the 'weekend per pn . ' : " : i The H. D, BIBBY COMPANY, 78-82 Princess St... ane Reiki i or consider op Shhh . - h and English is under consider Kyan visited Smith's Falls friends last 5 . . + " . Ars, li u ps MCOVET { - t---- -- -- -- oy Royal Mail Trains Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux will shortly (neck: Nes. Wiliam Jones io recover | (© oe | introduce in the Commons a bill pro- [1g rom her Nt Jilness. SxAncer oF ¢ Bisonette lost a valuable colt this - fs Joe ao oa oo Eo oo oo i Cll 1 3 to R. W. DICKSON, Agent. is insure: 3 alia a a there--Buur In. € This insures || land, asked who kept the account as Art i a Hrowhy k hn 4 REN FN : That' 4 sa RA! i LL 3 % {1 ir machine and operator. t's || replied that his supervision wae gen- hs Pag f fort and appearance of JR office economy. eral and that the actual check was (last wee 8 maved to Westport; that both were responsible men. ute she has puschased a Hons, 1 Ke if Mr. N Mrs. A. Coons and infant son, of Ot- Mr. Bennett asked if Mr. Noble had tawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Smith & Bros. ' nr Brodeur protested Jigorausy. 10 Shute or Bu Eire | way q In Canada, the & said it seemed more like persona pO » : Typewriter Co. spite on Mr. Bennett's part than any-|team of oarriage horses owned by q Our $25.00. Indigo clothes are greatly |. fike on = | Felix MeNally broke through. the ' ico Blue serges will prove . 1 | Newsome & Gilbert, | ~ Mr. Bunpett setorted that he wanted and were "drowned, The team was ! themselves worthy of praised that bear the valued at $500. Miss Georgie E. ; , the price. name of i ¥ ' No. 9 Jordan St., Toronto. Branches, {nett did not 8s the question, but n : \ tag. Apri ois 108, crave, | Hiax, No Otwas Onc, WASIoR: oaid that Ta mil Lene cheion. (but |). R. Wight, local fishery oversecr, pr . IH, igclasive, Man said that he woul ring t m seriously ill with rheumatism Mise vitid Peturning from destination on or y out in another way. 3 > . . cov before 21st, 1908. Re Again Mr. Brodeur charged that Mr.| Honor Tett, attending Havergal La SIE DAGOdn, From nil aiatee i, Stations = dies College, Toronto, has arrived sion Hridge, N.Y. Fore Covi 3, N.Y. Bombay, N.Y.. nett answered, '"'and when I get to 3 Jiu itn, & Massena Springs, NY. through with 'you thers wan't be such and is getting the Untario factory in wes Point, N.Y.. Swanton, . . ha 3 shape for the season's operations. Mrs. sinnd Pond, Vi. and vice versa, ' left. : ; . t Anne Bishop is critically ill. Miss Mae 79 Princess St. Kingston. Armand Lavergne is informed by Mooney, Westport, is spending her Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. all makes of machines always pn hand. . : dhand Typewriters, ies of stamps on the occasion of the at his home here g three-hundredth anniversary of the . g Kingston. } 3 if founding of Quebec, The question as . | 3 ? A N H ER IRL EY $0 whether - they will bo printed in Lombardy Tidings. From Montreal viding Jars Gnescent Srop Jotter te week, Miss Tena Corell left on Tues 1 . Po check early colds of Grippe with "Preventicy" | in cities. This is along the policy o v 8 vi i to Halifax mena gure Gefons for Pneumonia. To stop a cold | the department to apply increasing jay fot Sniawa, whete She will: ey to lot it ron aod be | onus and surpluses of the depart- [her #ister, Mrs. Neville, for some time. 4 CONNECTING WITH : A Re ment towards the general betterment Special services wore held in the Ro- the sneeze bi ) : gman Catholic church here last Sunday Royal Mail Steamers off § , better, of the service and the lowering evening and. Monday. Rev Father ted Proventics. postal rates wherever possible. Staley, f Smith's Falls. is assiating From Halifax Lg yh Yon Patter: Beale He Br ev, er nley., rs, 1, " : seh fk COMMERCIAL MATTERS. call is in Smith's Falls' hospital, suf- > tho to Liverpool f you eneeza, if you ache all over, th Pr---- on § : E. '3: Kelly Promptness may also save ering from pucumonia. 5. J. Kelly Slekness, And don't Yoraet oer hl What is Going on in the Business is giving up farming and sold to-day, verishhoss, nightor day Herel World--The Markets. by auction, his stock and farming A y 3 in ventics' grentest A in x & i alidud S amous ram the pocket: also in #1 A syndicate is to build sixty houses { implements, Miss Sara Uorell' has : mY Jasiat ou in Welland to meet the house famine. gone to Smith's Falls to learn = mil : "THE MARITIME These houses will rent all the way | finery at the A. B. BSeott store. Ro- " | - * B from $10 to $25 and cost about $70,- {ert J. Wood, Charles' Williamson and that Beaver Flour makes--light, { Pot ' ' flaky, tasty, inviting, appetizing. J y 8 APF RT ¢ . 9 . y your druggists giving you » tg EXPRESS Prev ICS "o.. i { Bethl Robert Lawson left on Tuesday for pn ON a riets 12.28 Steck company for the you. en De. | a Sorter or es Dom "Beaver Flour" 4.00, 5.00 Ares HALA the i San "ALL°D ERS" cember 3st last was $2,638,067, an toba, after visiting her mother, Mrs, E| Just a word: about' your ' ' Sessa over the previous year of 81, Tweedie, and other relatives here, Shoe s In Q Quali Sh » BPEOL I Passenyge: 274,782. Born, on March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs, is 'equally good for Bread and = Dose ar, 1 'you are ueen Quality Shoes bave i ayy BL TRAINS sureying passengers Fire losses in Canada and the Uni- [p, Ww, O'Mara, a daughter; on April Bisco. A and Pies -- = thinking thoughts that lean Frestige. What is Prestige 7? [8 Onneth With the MARITIME ted States during March, as compiled | 15 to Mr. and Mre, Herbert Frayn, a Decause it combines the famous & towards: SPRING SHOES, Twelve ars' conti by the New York Journal of Com- daughter. . * pastry-making qualities of Ei | [| We're here to show you the merit' $1 oN ontinuous Ottawa, Toronto, frees and Commercial Bulletin total A Ontario flour with the strength x best, . a youo Spent 5 pit and poin ge 6,723,300. ni ng . y | BB t all . 0 words FO amis Yant, FURTHER IN- 3 ade Bw. financing plans of NM News From Maberly. . of Musiigha Wi oe ] ho idl Ye Shae you huge wave of publie favor-- Ua RATLAARY do earest RAND the Ogilvie flour mills, the common hi aberly, April ~The farmers in & Shoes are sold, and sean the A mighty volume of appreci- pr la stock is to be increased from $1,250,- glue vicinity Mi making pleaty me m| make of the shoes and the ation--guarantee security-- maple syrup. Miss Pressie Lillie anc | price closely. KNOWN WORTH. At 000 to £2.500,000, share = © R : ; Montreal Ticket Office Ai at . 0, pod She Sore of Relist Eo pore united n phatase Then before you buy we 1 t th bh , x t the bride's home o 7 even > | { 8 not this what - : § at the € ome on Monday éve ABSOI UTE : ask you to call' here and al- you re These are the kind of Biscnits § 141 St. James St. S = of. givinnteq shares at the ratio of ing by Rev. Mr. Allum. They were lowus to si quire in Shoes ? A timber deal involving two hun- hnattended. A young daughter = has | Men's Sho ow ; X09 aur We think the tyl dred and fifty willion feet of lumber [COM 0 make things lively at the It So i Ladies Sh nin low ! * thome of Geotge Dowdall. Mrs. John hat on are not ixauviafed : windows will - - ron that K our. Dhoes are superior you a within twenty-four miles of Vancou- Ee . ] . | I ; . : alt Palmer. has. been visiting friends in ] 5 3 : Yor, Wipe closet by --D. VanWagner, Sherbrooke for 'a: few Fini Mes { X in style, quality and general we are just a seaspn ahead mining engineer, London and New | [@ shoemaking, we'll forfeits thé of the other fellow: When cs i ' a a y John Morrow risiti ¥ 5 York, and J. G. Fitch, a Californian Curt's. Miss Joie a Frank i shoes. you are buying New Shoes capitalist. The tract is situated on S : s « ' ists The 8 sity on | Sunday with Maberly friends: Men's Sho t 00, you want the new styles MOST PERFECT MADE. Manquin Creek, Squamich Valley. The William McConnell os dixe | 3.50, 4.00 and Tri They are all here. sum of $700,000 will be paid for the to Andrew Robiuson, veterinary sur- |. Genuine | Begular Sho Drices of | A i 4 i | J. H. Sutherland & Bro Aegan CEE timber, and a $100,000 mill will be i E : : ) geon.. Howard Robinson has been en- SOLD AND erected in June, gaged as helper in the cheese factory 3 J Souray, BU he shag ale A Se---------- and good results are again looked for, Do en, ats Viele we Q EVERY WHERE lowne Locals. as both checsemaker and: helper are a el} S ® win. Where the G d Sh . € , ' Try us for your Spring | ? Lansdowne April --N Oss, (energetic en. iss ie oriey . > Y r . 1e tic. am 1 Minni 9 C M ( i Come F rom Halstead's Bay, has moved into the | 5 : Vv, pent a few days at home. Miss Anni Lubricating Oils of all kinds. . PoNTANY house near the Orange hall. He is as- | Buchanan intends going back to Perth 4 i Li ill Bc oe om aoe SL [nix] a Prices on application. sisting Nis brother, Firman Cross, in| Business College on Monday. Miss e iver Se - ---- m-- pu y ie implement and machinery business, | Alma Donnelly is ti fe W. F. KELLY & CO., Alexander MoCl 5 i y ater a 4 ary, lately employed | days with her sister, Mrs. Ale on the G.T.R., has moved to Hon. Ferguson. 2 Sdesauder Must Bear Sigravme ol Clifford Sifton's summer residence. ----_-- near Brockville, where he has secured ini oe : X Lake Opinicon Notes. 20th Cen Poli b Canada Life the position of caretaker. S. C. E. Lake Opinicon, April' 9A ac . The 20th tury cy-issued y the Lif, Dixon has resumed business, after a ff ' : +. . month's illness, with a severe attack [°F farmers have tapped their, trees, Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life of grippe. The C.0.C.F. held an en [209 T®POrt & good run of sap. ~ Misy insurance. Before, placing your insurance correspond joyabl ial i ic hall Muggie Darling, of this ve, d . . : : joyabie duper social in their hall, on Frank Best, ol Cros, or idly | with, or call into the effice, where full information how ston an : . v 5 . | = ho & be dn, the J of : a policy on this ap-to-date plan will shape for you. : "! ae upper crust of society is some- IR Brn ga. Sid Jot and hag : AGENTS WANTED--= A pply--Office 18 Market Ames miserably tough, n A pu x : The diamond is the birth ed in last weok. iss Irene Smith re- "I 3 8t. J.0. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston nt, stone for April. ¥H.it's a turned to her home at Leland, after 0G solitaire you would like, No g tx 0 ending a few weeks with her sister, - » * o ® . ¥ # * S, Linklater. Visitors : some benefit to you. 0 -- The one household article that : x 3 Re ra Ye VY, " ¥ has 3 J § : bE fe Cor. Prissess nd Welliurton J w "Rope . Ea - © RAE ki \ If you have a poor ome better sessor, has been making his better value can be had than Uumpson. J. Shearer is our special (FAS: { Lickls ioe: he a uncle, JIB 1 - in . i GENT IN $25, $50, $75 & $100 Rings Road, is spending a lew ih o ®scseccscenesecssssnes s00000000sv000y Each stone is carefully Ira Smith at 0. € : tod tad - Campson's; Mr. and : etn A a au 2 Susfantes Mrs Suthes Sherwood, Philipsville, at Refriger ators. News Of Cushendall. 18 E -- Zi is of more importance to the Kinnear &d'Esterre : . Cushendall, April 9.~The Pine Hill) A BY 20 health of your family than any y N ho , OPens Bi: FNS . 7 hie - he Refei Tewellerw, = cheese | 4 LW SECA gther ia the Relvigermor.. If you i have none you ought to get one. ' 5 3 y discard it and get a good one. ae wk "PRE, 00 is DINER. We hove elves and bon ms ) . de TL { . styles, ranging from Shroughout recently. A : Ie Li oR Wiltars Hewberson, of 2 wi 7 . 00 Up. I Saline , has been g : Come is and see them. : . . * . . : : » * » 3 . * > : :

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