Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1908, p. 7

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Announcement to the Consumers of ORANGE MEAT The following list of PRIZES will be awarded to the parties sending in the largest number of CARTON BOTTOMS on or before May 31, 1900 The FIRST PRIZE willbe a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week During Lifetime The manufacturers of ORANGE MEAT will purchase an Annuity Joliey ftom one of the large=t life insuranes Companies in Canada, by w the Insurance Company will contrat to pay (to the winoer of this prize; the sum of Pifty-twe Dollars during each and every year of his or ber life-time, A Second Prize of One Hundred Dollars Cash will be paid and in addition there will be distributed ens THE SPORT REVIEW BURNS TO FIGHT TWO MEN IN ONE NIGHT. Gans and Nelson Meet in May-- Professional Lacrosse League For Port Arthur, Fort Will.| iam and Winnipeg. The Vancouver Lacrosse Club has | been taken over by the Vancouver Athletic Club. Ottawa will vote against the ad- mission of Quebec to the senior Na- | tional Lacrosse Union. The C.AAU. carnival in St. Law- rence Arena, Toronto, will be a moungtrous affair. Over 700 entries in all are in. 2 The Scottish Association Football Union refuses to give-any sanction to Eiger THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1908 ------ -- le THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things in Short Metre. George Mills & Co. lor caps. Bibby's $1 shirts are handsome. Buy your flour by the barrel if pos- sible. x Fresh raspberry jam, 7-lb. pail, 35¢. Gilbert. 1 Dried orange skin makes good kindling. George Mills' & Co, for Woodrow $2.50 hats. . To remove warts apply oil of cinna- mon as often as possible. < Bibby's #2 hats are wonders. Stove polish mixed with a teaspoon- ful of glycerine will stick, George Mills & Co. for caps. Ever notice how much truth there isn't in a compliment ? Other stores sell good hats for $2.50, We sell them for 82. Bibby's. Moth-eaten jokes of a Croesus never Saturday Morning 8.30 0'clock PAGE SEVEN. 5 isof Canadian Northwest ESTEAD REGULATIONS, 3 veh nulibered section of Domine lon Lauds in Mamtobm or the North-West rovinges, excepting 5 and 26, not ree jserved, may be bomestoaded by any pers [sol the suié head of 4 family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of % ¥ jone-guarter section, of 160 acres, move lor less. |. Apphcation for homestead entry must made in Person by the applicant at's Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-ageicy. {Enwry by Proxy may, however, be made fat an Agency om certain conditions hy the father, mother, son, daughter, broth jer Or sister of an intending hotuestgader. An application foe eutry of canceilas t wi rsonally af any sub-agents joffice may 9% Wired to the Agent by iSub-agent, at the expense of the appli- cant, aad if the land applied for is vacant oft receipt of the telegram such applica {Hows to bave priority and the land will be held until the necessary papers to {complete the tramsactiom are received hy fail to produce a laugh. am] George Mills & Co. for Waverly $2 {| In case of "persomation': of fraud the lapplicant will forfeit all priorily of claim lor if entry beens grasied it will be | ummarily cancelled, the approaching visit of the Austra- lian team to Britain. Ernest Siegiried, a German wrestler, hats. of Chicago, has challenged Champion Rennie's seeds, are the best; for sale Gotch. Gotch has yet to say whether | at Gilbert's stores. Ove Hundred Cash Prizes of One Dollar Each he will take him on or not. But few dancing masters are to be The party sending in the largest sumber of Carton Bottoms on Hamilton has signed Pitcher Covey, found in the hop districts. or Yefore Nay Bim, 1900, will receive the first or vive. of Portsmouth, NH. and Second Read Waldron's special advertise The second in ardee will receive » Prize, ete. Leite Dassinger, of the Lyons Club | ment in Saturday night's paper. above prizes are distributed ten days will be allowed for parcels to Baseman Dassinger, of ie . } ned pax reach ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, thet are mailed on or before of the Empire State ; Bibby's for Rerrin's gloves, $1. Above date. Receipts of the Gotch-Hack wrest-| There isn't much hope for a deal CONDITIONS ling contest amounted to $43,758. A | man who is unable to hear the noise the Sisytou Dotigms every package y y i f a paper dollar, Sav, i of k of pretty good sum of money, of which [of ¢ | . : Read ORANGE, EAT you buy. Collect very $30,000 clear is for the promoters. George Mills & Co. for Woodrow earton haltam. you can get from your ne i n Ten Cash Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each Ten Cash Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Cash Prizes of Five Dollars Each [the applicant for cancellation will he ititled to prior right of entry. Y | Applicant for Sancsllutiom must state in {what particulars the Tomestoader is in {default Ay | A bomesteader whose entry is aot, he may to ORANGE MEAT, Kindston. Be sure and . W hen wiiting state that you enter this contest = write your full name and address plainly. Keep necurate roynt of the number you send in. The Orange t Cor ny will scknow - lodge reesipt of any carton bottoms tm contestants if of is prevaid, Every earton containing ORANGE MEA merk of the wears on the Lottom of the package. This mark serves to ly them, The JUMBO or 28¢. Packade of ORANGE MEAT will count equal to THREE of the ordinary size. BEGIN NOW TO COLLECT GET YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP YU 11 the winner of the GRAND PRIZE so elects, the manu facturers of ORANGE AT will pay the sum of SEVEN SUNDRED DOLLARS in CASH tastead of the POLICY calling for FIFTY. TWO DOLLARS per annum during life-time. { An application for cancellation must be @ made in person The applicant must he | Hiible for hamestend am. and or one a.) ication for cancellation Will be roe ps from an individual until thet ap- |Plication has been disposed of. 1 here an entry is canbelled subsequent v ito institution of cancellation procesdings, @ o "Joe" Gans and "Battling" Nelson [$3.50 hats. Gi Mu lin Carefully | or riends, ra LAL have been matched for a fight at San | "For Easter giving," McConkey's jsublect of aancellation proceed Francisco in May, Gans to make 133 | Choice of Koyally eandy or Huyler's Felibgy oh in favor of fythar pounds ringside, with Nelson to catch | high-class candy. Sold in Kingston sob. duughter. brother of sigter weight, only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store if eligible, but io no one cise, on Shing Cleveland has the only real Cana- J Bea. Wallings Bostter, of Bogart, is Peclaration of shondonment. -- dian baseball batiety in captivity in Bekd, age d se os years. Her {form the duties under one of the follows the big league, "Glad" Graney, ushand and nine children survive, | ing plans ey --- Nig" pn nip , : & . least six months' residence St. Thomas, and "Nig" Clarke, of Endless variety Jacob's Irish Lis- | 2 At least siz months Le dem ok Amherstburg, being fhe pair. h a. lan iyear during the term of three Joors. in) "Joe" Gans, the lightweight cham- Bibby's $2 hats are favorites. - | (2) A homesteader may, if he so pion of the world, will not fight Ru-| William M. Rath has purchased the Regular values $1.00, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 for ror a the ite dents dolph Unholz, the Boer, at Jeffries' | Peebles farm in Kaladar, near Flinton. {solely by him, mot less tham eighty (80) club in San Francisco, unless he re- |The farm is a big one of about 1,000 {acres in extent, in the vicinity of his ok 5 ; ' og. {homestead. Joint ownership in land will ceives a substantial guarantee. acres. Son re Re Touran An amateur Athletic Association has | Mrs. Electa Daggett died, the other | (3) MM the father (or mother, it the heen formed at Calgary and the Al- day; at her home, in Lawrencev ille, father in deceased) of a homesteader hua berta government will be asked to |on the New York side of the St. Law- ] i fonce, oh ne - " contribute $2,000 towards sending rence, aged 106 years and 10 months. 4 eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vieiwis CEREALS LIMITED," KINGSTON, CANADA Canadian athletes to the Olympic Read Waldron's special advertise ty of the homestead, or upon a hotles games ment in Saturday night's paper stead entered for by bim Jn the vicinity, Port Arthur and Fort William are Now is the time the iittle lads Conga dts may Riviog with "the anxious to form a professional la-| and lassies take their sulphur and father {or mother.) ; at , se > > ri ¢ f innipe N ¥ RRL | (4) The term 'vicinity' in the two ee ol mh ct, i | tom Sg apt apt ie Ei al She s ake the d at. Gibson's : : . } h les rec How's This excellent offering of New Spring ine exclusive of the wilth of Fun Waists is worthy of the attention of covery women in Kingston.. Comprising many of the very latest creations for Spring and Summer wear. COLLARS The material used to m.cke Iron Frame Brand Tooke Collars is an exc nave brand of fine, evenly woven Irish Linen, made s~acially, Absolute accuracy is necessary in making each part of a collar so that it will fit perfectly. All Tooke Collars are made by specialists, only a very small part being made by each one. The " Anglo," illustrated, an Iron Frame Brand collar, is especially suitable for dress and semi-dress occasions. Sizes 14 to 18, heights 2, 2), 2)4 and 2){. Price 20¢. each--3 for Soc. 7 TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED « . MONTREAL. ced a collar # It's Your Move ! ------ Hats With A Reputation. That's the kind you get when vou buy at Campbell Bros', 5 style centre for men's hats. west interest in Canada's national | (ross drug store, line exclusive of the width of road al pron '3 id. Mois : 3 (6) Ab steader intending to perform The University of Toronto a hold Mrs. John Gordon, of Lodgeroom, hin res a in I re with a Fy mnbsivm Sompetition i . vor near 'Tweed, is dead, aged eighty- the above while living with parents or ng 10 «bole ON 8 conta len © | three. Her maiden name was Elliott. potify the Agent for the district of such x For t tention. Jhe Diympic soaps. Keith, Elliott and M.P., of South Winnipeg. Boor making application . for patent idlar are star performers. T fi ; Po aa , k "Tommy" Burns has decided not to my! a pent battles English I Oran, gp jo Phy > 5 n on to do sor : was expected. Me is to meet Charley | cin to ee ' jus . : a Wilson and Tiger Smith. Matches with rite tell wary Seo Eohdy Just Bae All sizes will be found in this lot. WEST MINING REGULATIONS. o e be or i i 2% Ale ey 8. Buy | COAL--C y ights n both, men have been offered to himat | oly yyier's or McUonkey's high- No or ered ng, is the couple on the same evening. a : \ ' de aliz » iS R ¢ ' | wwe than 2560 acres shall be leuyed i Toronty Yanme SYEUNE. Club at Gibuon's Bed tron drug store. In order fo 1ealiz2 on this stock the manu- | go individual, or 'company: A royal.y _ a V8 9 newest. ae » . A In rates of five cents per ton shall be has arranged the hardest schedule of | ub ® #2 0 Ee wate i woul facturer has made an enormous sacrifice. cted of ver had. The team will play on Ma 3X prog kom LC BL py eve . 2 v g F . + i M0 n i 2rd, at Johus Hopkins; oe May 26th Falls, in course of erection for some . - | may ots claim 1,500x1,500 at Mount Washington; on May 27th months, are completed. The plant is See Window Displ i 1 h | "Fhe fee for recording a claim is $5. of the most modern type. ay oO ese At least $100 must be expended on the of Brooklyn; on June 2nd at New claim each year or paid to the mining 4 na 2 York Athletic Club; and on June 4th noo hats. > ' been AR or paid, the locator may at Syracuse. A few more games may he ten-year-old son of Richard Gra- upon having a survey made, and upon ham, liberal candidate in Centre Sim- complying With other requirements, pur- The Belleville Golf Club has elected | ©0¢. Was killed by a companion falling | The patent provides for the payment the following officers : Election com- | WPon him during some gymnastic ex- {of a royalty of 24 per cent om the sales. . mittee, Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Miss Sills | ¢rcises at school. Placer mining claima generally are 100 Sneyd, F. W. Moore, W, R. Ostrom | Gilbert. { 34 215 acres, near Stockton, Ill. Fes. Barley, Mrs. KE. B. Hutson, Miss ads. hed f ciu f K elen Wallbridge, Miss Yoemans, Miss undreds of cluzens ol ingston | terior. This NEVER WAS, and never shall be, A STOCK- Ethel Lingham; handicap and mateh | Will remember the beautiful lawn at { The lessee chall have a dredge (in opers JOBBING PROPOSITION committee, Mrs. Morden, Miss Dup- | the court house last summer. Ken- |ation within One season rom the date Actual Devel . nett, Miss a Muidge, J. W. David- | tucky lawn, grate 2 utd sxdlutivel, ! ne tor neh fe u ha of river pme proceedi and pros; son, Peter Forin. on it. This relia seed is sold in Royalty at the rate of 2§ per velo nt now ing Pp pects good. Fil entries were made for the Irish | Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross . { coeds $10,000. Fifteen tons of Cox Lead now piled at the shaft house and about | ladies' golf championship played at | drug store. tt " Be 3 pp { sli W. W. CORY, 88 much more on the dump; to be washed, when frost goes out. [Portrush this week. They included] Georre Mills & Co. for hats. : rr nein) hey { Deputy of the Mia ster of he Intieios \ 1 nauthort publication of La) . o Adair, when she visited Canada. Mrs, | James Beatty, jr., in Kaladar town Five decent, intelligent fellows Control the Property. Cuthill was British lady champion in | ship, was burned to the ground. The And have teen carrying on active development work! from the 1900 and 1903, runner-up in 1901, and | firc was caused by an overheated Bale of Stock. Lt " ock bd ba kb ba 13 1900-1-2-3. Other notable entrants are | lady and a eripple from rheumatism, ar ; Pi .r > : . . : ; i . }ehampionship; Miss May Healt; Brit-| from the biirning buildin. " 3 Apply to THOMAS MILLS, 79 Clarence St. Mh dy shaipion, 1599, 1902 © and George Mills & Co. for bats. i » and Irish champion, 1899, 1904. Instead of spending their money i Th F d ti i Good Bed Kingston, April 0th, 1908. 56. paying travellers' salaries and ex- ec oun a on 0 a wnses, the Orange Meat people re a i at pe I ge Peo} A The foundation is the most important part of a building. will notice their advertisgment in our It is on the foundation that the whole weight of the Kingston's | COlumns to-dav. All that " required structure rests. A fault in the foundation means the g in order to win their first prize is to . Ee att or -- entire building at fault. tons, cutting out the bottom part and % . George Mills & Co. for Woodrow | mailing them periodically to Orange ee Reig Ry Neat. Kingrion. Begin 1odoy oni | $8 = A "Banner" Spring Bed - $8 Any time of the year isa good time | your friends to help you. : abt i a « o ASIDE game. Bibby's for Pertin's gloves, $1. wance crossed in the measiremen on farming land owned by himseil must compete in Montreal, April 11th, for| Ope of her sons is J. FT. Gordon | he settler must give six months' notice return to this country as promptly as | "pov believe it" when any store ' a YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. the Folies DBergeres. He is to scrap class candy, Sold in Kingston only an annual rental of $1 per acre. Not 4 | allected on the merchantable poal mined ames for this year that they Vi : . : & " wey have hump in the C.P.R, yard at Smith's at Harvard; on May 30th at Crescents ' f : : George Mills & Co. for Piccadilly 1 t recorder in lieu thereof / When $500 his "0 n oo x hw Blouses a 68c. Each. be arranged. Bp {chase the land at $1 per acre + : - ! v 1 and Dr. Farley; greens committee, H. Fresh strawberry jam, 7-1b. pail, 35c. flee square ; entry fee §5, renewable yours (INCORPORATE D) 1 . | An applicant may obtain two lonses to : and J. W. Johnson; house committee, Bibby's for the best $2 hats in Can- ® | dreds tor goid of five mies ench for & {term on yoars, rene Ne a # {discretion of the Minister of the In leet collecisd on the output after it exe This will make the firsc car load for shipment. Mrs. Cuthill, who was Miss Rhona | On Wednesday last the residence of {advertisement will not be pad for. | winner of the Irish championship iy | stove. Mr. Beattys mother, an aged Some Shares for Sale. Par value one dollar. Miss Walker-Leigh, holder of the [was with the gremtest difficulty taken appealing direct to the consumer, You ---- immediately begin collecting their car- to make good resolves, ABERNETHY'S is i iL JER 3 ithe foundation Wy a good bed. A "BANNER" Bed is Our figures are "on the square" every the right principle to begi ri 2 sD 5 thing "above hoard" sod ® is DOW up ght princiy to begin with, because spiral springs 160. 30u ta Inspect. aud purchaas ou of are the only ones which will not sag in the middle--will not | teringe. rmin------------ sr -- If you are in search of al wne, come stretch out of shape--will not lose their springiness. | "wo our lists. If you want to ee, m--i---- ----- lconsuit us at once as wa have seversh The *" BANNER "is the perfect spiral spring bed. It is made of best quality 100 spiral springs. These are oil tempered, like a razor blade--japanued to prevent rust--and rigidly attached to flat steel bands which in turn are riveted to angle iron sides. This method of construction also enables the *'Banner" to fit any iron bed without the use of slats. If you want a bed that is noiseless--that wifl hoid its shape -- that will always be easy and comfortable --and that is guaranteed for a life- | | | ! | DEATH FROM A FALL. ; _.. Bathe the Baby th Mira Skin Soap. It cures chafing, | Mrs. James Lochhead Succumbed ¢k es scalp irritation and all skin troubles, to Injuries. © Napanee, April 10--~Word reached Napanee yesterday of the sudden death | out-gl-town clletits who want wo LEY, T. J. Lockhart, Real! Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington Street. Kingston. Health and Accident Insurance That Insures The Fidelity & Casualty Company, one of the largest and oldest somcerns in tha business, offers $20,000 in cass of death bu accident, and an indemnity of fily dollars per week fn case of any illness for 53 weeks, or for one or more days {duration in the Same proportion. «* T. F. HARRISON C2: In cass of disability hy sctident, they 229-237 PRINCESS ST. will pay $50 per week for 200 weeks, Special "Wa. FAIR, In Bedroom Furniture. Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Dressers, over 35 styles. Prices COAL! range from $6.00 and up. Th mobs Shs in, went Iron Beds from $2 50, 3.00, 3.50, 5.50. These have all been reduced. "Ask for Hercules Springs Centreville, yesterday, of Mrs Deceased slipped at James Lochhead. Dan ALSISTCALS. on the icy ground at her home, falling SKIN SOAP heavily {0 the ground, injuring her 5 head, and death ensued $n a couple of . i i I oothing cu aceount of ors hours, A family of five daughters and antiseptic, healing : to the most delicate ski three sons survive. It was only a i an, and few months ago that she and her hus cefreshing. 1 soap well as the Bar he best ® band celebrated the fiftieth anmiver- ke a Catggists or seat on of |sary of their wedding day. alee, Tn Chemists' Co, of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Daly loft, yes ti 5 po TR terday, for Brandon, Man. where me--- you should certainly buy the "BANNER they will locate' for the next seven Spring Bed. - The price is 88. --anywhere, months. L.'H. Bennett and J. Do-| iornio, mark is your guarantee. of ------------ long also ft for Brandon, where . The Stricken Rose From Grief. [they will be for the summer month: What a fortunate provision of na- i Leonard went to Montreal -Tues- it i " iy. i : Cheese Factories Open. Brockrille, Ont., April cheese factorics in this in operation, and dyring the past week a fow hundred boxes passed We have received all the latest styles of the Invictus Shoes for Men, Women and - Boys, in all leathers. All newest lasts and patterns, 5 y ; : Men's "INVIOTES" Patent Colts, Velour Calf and Gun Metal Leathers, in Button or Laced, $4.00 to 5.50, ; s Women's "INVICTUS" Patent Colts, Gun Metals and Brown Leathers, $3.50, 4.00 and 4.50. : Boys' "INVICTUS" in Black and Tan Leathers, also Patent Colt, $3.50 and 4.00. . Just the Shoe Boys like. They are made like. Men's--that's why. iy ; NATURE SPARES Ci i t would be its' griel 10 discover, in the height of its ir OTRO OOO OOTIOCGO ro ; fei F fife

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