§ Co § Cong PAGE TEN, Se Arm ie nr pr TI CTT Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold the shar pet © cough ~iry ii on agua. antee of your x if it t tually CURE guieker than anything you ever tried. bate lo take, ~nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure~-- 25¢c,, B0c.. $1 85 Shiloh's Cure Cures and Colds QUICKLY 'Beautiful Wall Paper. A Paper for Every Room, in Every - House--now in stock-- ready for your inspection. A pleasure to show you. We believe it should be a pleasure for you to look through this stock. Even though you do not intend to decorate now it is to your in- terests to find out just what we are offering, so that when the time arrives, you will know where you may obtain at right prices, that which will make your walls look niost beautiful. Tet your own good taste judge. THERE IS NO BETTER WALL PAPER LINE IN AMERICA. W. H. Medley, Cor. Clergy & Princess Sts, be CAUSED BY A GERM. A New Discovery That Kills the Geérm and Prevents Baldness. Pretty nearly all the hair pre parations for dapdrufi have some merit in allaying itehing of the scalp, und in being a fairly good dressing for the hair, but there is only one that recognizes what causes dandruff, falling hair, and baldness, avd that destroys. the cause, a little germ--and that it Newbro's Herpicide. This germ eats its way into the sealp, it digs up the gealp into little white scales, Un- lesa it jn destroyed there's no perman ont stapping of falling hair and cure of dandruff and baldngss. Newhro's Herpicide kills the germ. "Destroy the cauge, you remove the effect." Sold by lending druggists, Send 10e, iu stamps for sample to The Mer pigide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, fide. and 81. G. W. Mahood, special ngent, DANDRUFF ibly have oa than You cannot a better EPPS'S . A delicious drink ang a sustainin food. Fragrant, nutritious an economical, This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust beaith, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Seld by Grocers and Storekeepers in 1-1b. and §-Ib Tins. ~~ HOUSE-CLEANINC. Will not be complete without looking over your Mattresses. The best place to get new, fresh, sani- tary mattresses or have old ones renovated like new, is at 110 ~ . Clergy street. Prices right. | Kingston Mattress Co. "Silver Plare that Wears" Spoons of Quality - Exquisite designs, brilliantly long wear, are marked The kind of silver plate you - Gips For Ghe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH Milking of cows by machinery will soon be A girl of seven, in Glasgow, recently muked thirty-four Cows in an hour and a quarter, with the assistance of a hoy the milk pails away, general to carry ---- Jn general, hens over two years old, Proi. W,. R. Uraham points out, are seldom good layers. Leghorns, Minor- vas, ete, are sometimes good during their third and fourth years, but gen- erally speaking, the Rocks and such fowl are of little or no use as layers alter the second year, being much in- clined to become excessively fat. Sr -- There is nothing Jike a good eoat of whitewnsh for the interjor of the poul- try house, regardless of how the walls are made or finished. Whitewash is a good eradicator of things objection- able about the poultry house, and it makes the house look light and clean. It should be sprayed into every crack and corner, not forgetting the nest boxes. A little crude carbolic in the whitewash will improve it. ---- With good management a sow should bring two litters of pigs every vear. Two or three sows should supply all the. pigs that the average farm will care to fatten. -- ~ When pasturage cannot be provided for the growing pigs e soiling should be grown for them, With Bogs one of the plainest indi- cations that they have been crowded with feed when too young, is the 'breaking down in the fect. Feed the pigs so they will be contented. By giving them too much the feed is wasted. If fed too little they become restless, and try to break out. -- You can not afford to let the cows run down in condition, for that will mean not only a present loss but loss during the coming' vear, crop a to feed your cows so that they will keep up' to a paying production, sell them and do something else. It requires a certain amount of food to maintain an animal. Any addition al nutriment produces a surplus pro- duct, be it flesh, milk, work or what. How many short-sighted men simply keep the engine warm ? Use the Bah cock test and weed out every cow that does not show a paying percent- age of butter fat. -- Dr. C. A. Publow, who recently ac- cepted a position with the department of agriculture for the state of New York, has been so successful that his salary has been materially increased, He has been induced to remain with the department for a year at least. Dr. Publow is a son of the chief dairy instructor, G. GU. Publow, of Kings ton. He writes that the sums of mon- ey that are spent in the state of New York for dairy and agricultural work, would surprise the farmers of Canada. When you sell butter fat you selling sunshine. When you you are selling the fertility of soil. You harvest wheat and corn once a year, You harvest milk twice a day, The dairy farmer raises more grain andibetter grain and gets 'a higher price than anybody. The dairyman leaves his family a better farm than he got. The grain raiser doesn't, A ton of wheat takes $7 worth of fertility from the soil. A ton of but- ter takes SOc. The wheat is worth $20 and the butter $400. Which do you raive 7 A carload of grain is worth $250. A carload of butter is worthy $5,000, Convert your grain into butter and save the freight on nineteen cars.-- Blue Valley Bulletin. 3 A---------- Boy going to agricultural = college this year ? Good. An agricultural education plices a young man in an absolutely independent position for life. He may not have as much mon- ey as the neighbor's boy over the way, but his scientific knowledge of farming coupled with what he has al ready learned by hard knocks, will more than make him even. In fact, the boy with money, but no educa- tion, is the one who is handicapped. So the daughter of our friend who lives across yonder is going to the city to try for a position. Thinks there is vo dignity in farm labor ? Too bad that any girl or boy should make the mistake of regarding this work as inferior. Work on the farm is not only. equal, bat it has a higher place than almost any other form of fabor, There is as much of dignity and nobleness in the work of a farmer or & farmer's wife if it is well done, a4 there is in the work of the most are sell grain your J elegant preacher or the most suecess- Dignity | in ful teachers in the land. the gift of farm labor ? Why it is God Himself. oi It_does not pay to work too hand or too many hours a day. Remember John F., who used to go to work be- fore daylight and work tll it was too dark to see. He boasted that he al- ways did two men's work. He would often hive his mules on a gallop bome from town. To-day he isa con- Grmed invalid, bent, broken and un- happy and without fortune. nn mies them right. fis of The young folie like to have a few Soilne think the farm is all Not that the "is all there to 819; pressed, $20. If you feel that you can not afford laid, 20¢. per dozen. Grain--Uats, 43c. to 47¢; loval wheat, 51 to 21.04; buckwheat, 53¢.; barley, Tuc; 5 ; Peas, 5 Ni NEW VE, OR, x», to "orn, test, We. Batter Choice, ers' butter, prints, rolls, xe. Meit=Brel, car choice, cuts, Se. Ye, per 1b. . per ib.; cats, He. carcase, Jc. to Se. per ib; 124e. to 13c.; lamb, by pound, chops, 15¢. a Ibh.; mutton, fe. Per jh. live bogs, $7. Fish--Salmon trout, 12jec, skinned dighy herring, 2c. per Ih; whitefish, 124e, a Ib.; pike, 10c. a lb.; Chinook salmon, 30c. a lb.; smelts, 10c., 15¢c. and 20c. per lb.; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 4Ce, a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 30e. lb.: salt codfish, 7c. to 15¢c. a Ib.: halibut, 2c. a lb.; fresh haddock, 0c. a Ib.; bullheads, 10¢. a Ih.: red herring, 15c. a box; mackerel, 15¢. a Ib.; trout, 124¢c. a lb. perch, 30c. a dozen: frogs legs 10c. a Ib.; ciscoes, lfc. a 1lb.; oy- sters, 40c., 30c., 60c. per quart: blue fish, 13c. a Ib.; lake herring, 1c, Ib.; finnan haddie, 10c., 12jc. Ib. red snappers, fe. flounders, 10c.; fresh salt water herrings, 40c. 'to €0c. doz- en; fresh Jolsters, 30¢. a lb.. sea bass, 12}c. a Ib.; smoked salmon, 30c. a lb. Poultry--Chiekens, $1.25 per pair; turkeys, $1.25 to 81.75. Fruit--Malaga grapes, 20c, per Ib.; lemons, 20¢. per dozen: Valencias, 10c. to 20c.. Mexicans, 20c. to 30c.. navels, 25¢, to Bfe.; bananas, 0c, to 40c. per dozen. Vegetables--Potatoes, $1.10 per bag; cabbage, 75e. to 81 dozen: celery 50¢. a dozen; parsnips, 75¢c. a bushel; turnips, 75¢. per bag: beets, 30e, per peck; onions, $1 per bushel. carrots, 75¢. per bushel, Wool, washed, 15¢. to 16¢. per lb.: sheep sking, fresh, 75c.. tallow ren- dered, 5¢, per Ih.; deakins, 50c.: veal sking, 7¢. per 1b.; hides, No. 1, de. per Ih.: hides, No. 2, 3¢. per Ib. horse hides, $2.50 each. . . farm- packed, Se; Creamer) 2M =. $M to $10 ewt. a lb. pork, the quarter, Oc. to 12¢.; by cutlets, 12c.; to 'et as 10 veal, by 15¢, a lb. ; They Rely On Wade's Ointment. Wade's Ointment is depended upon in hundreds of homes for the cure of all injuries to the skin as well as the various skin diseases. 'I'here is not a family that would not find this ointment invaluable. Cures eczema, salt rheum, sealy itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandrufi, ete. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. : oO TO MAKE ENQUIRY gto Into the Whole Subject Stock Broking, of HERBERT KNOX SMITH. President Roosevelt could not have selected a better man than Herbert Knox -Smith--whose latest portrait is here presented to investigate the bucket shop evil and the whole sub- ject of stock gambling, with a view to national legislation regulating this menace. Mr. Smith, as United States commissioner of corporations, has beén the ehiel "trust hunter" of the administration and leaped into fame by his scorching reports on the Stan dard Oil company. Mr. Smith was born in Chester, Mass., und is the son of a Congregational minister He graduated from the Yale Law School, in 1805. His first experience in public life was in Hartford, Conn., where he was made a member of the common council, in 1900, Then he was elected a member of the Conwecticut legisla ture, and, in 1903, appointed deputy commissioner of corporations, later be- ing promoted to the head of his hur ean when James R. Garfield left to enter the Roosevelt cabinet. He draws a salary of $5,000 per year. An Irish Sailor's Wit. The Pathfinder. An Irishman who served on a man-of- war was selected by one of the officers to hanl in a towline of considerable length that was towing over the taffrail. After pulling in forty or fifty fathoms, which had put board as every muscle of his grms, he © mus: tered to himself : "Surely, it's as long as to-day and to-morrow. [It's a good week's work for any five in the ship. Bad Juek to the leg or the arm it'll leave at last, What, more of it vet 7 Och, murder ! The say's mighty deep, to be sure." Alter continuing in a similar strain and conteiving there was little pro- bability of the completion of his Ia bor, he suddenly stopped short, and, addressing the officer of the watch, ex- claimed : "Bad manners to me, sir, if I don't think somebody's eut off the other end of it 1" When you uee Ramsay's Paints, vou are astosished to find how far they they are, how I ny s and how 4 ¥, anybody can ly el i hry colors for your horse to keep her well ad, lest ey ty Mg "RK delightfal story." The 2 delicious 0 . healthiul SHE 1S PROTECTED PRINCESS INVENTOR OF NEW CHAFING DISH. -------- Name. COUNTESS LONYAY. Vienna, April 13-=I'rincess hanie of Belgium, now Countess Le yay, who has chating dish and spirit lamp combin Step. mn Just patented a tions and contrivances the labor of her servants. Patents for her latest invention have already been taken out in England, France, Ger many, Italy and Belgium. The device, for 'which used, is especially adapte ry mansions city are not alcohol is for At the availabl same vantages pre 2 ented by will lead to its sdneral adoption. while water recep any danger of upsetting, tray under hot ! effectually pred bude any accidents such as the spoiling of sideboards through the spilling of aleokol. The countess in vention on th possible, and nogotintions bhetw her . agent and seversl firme are ready in progress i ep ---- Character in a man pression, It is both and a testimonial You about Lim Io elds ta pat her | market as soon ercates an im an adverti will get cold fest it vou waiti 7 dened men's shoes Judicial Sale of Property in the City of Kingston. : PURSUANT TO THE Jude Hickey 'v. "Rrowely, ade iz the « for sale with the Loeal Master MENT suse of offered of Robert rock street, in SATURDAY 1908, at t 3 the following the NM 1 street, te e dwelling e- houge street be two-story detached rougheast house with brick fr t and kitchen Lot No. 3.--No. ing & sewi-detached brick story house with extens The operty will 1 subject to a reserve bid ten per cent 285 Farl street, and fran kitcher he- 6 to 1 nd produce such evidences of {i sion In «ull other conditions of sale conditions, of thig Farther particalars ¥ he MACDONNELL & FARRELL, 88 Clerence St., Kingston J.B. WALKEWM Local Master 8rd day o the standing he Solicityrs Dated April A. at K nD ingston the 1908 Diamond Rings ! kis "patience severely to proof, as well} & The diamond is the hirth stone for April. If it's a solitaire you would like. No better value can be had than our special $25, $50, $75 & $100 Rings Each stone "is carefully mounted and our guarantee of refunding money is of some benefit to you. : Jewellers Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. 3 RES RL ORTSTOP pr ~ LL COUGHS ps SH A LA 8 Device of King Leopold's Daugh- ter to Be Sold Under Her Own! The construction leompletely oh iates | bes | from | JAM Table and Whipping notice. Dated thin 31st March, 1908. J. Be WALKIM, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908, YETRTET ra IB TRH 8 6 J: 3 asi, Your dealer has No. 98. TE ---- A Hi Ca now "And do you know, boys, this Pen-Angle Underwear has everything beaten for comfort?" "I've worn a good many kinds, but never found any with wool so nice and soft--or wath a fit so ideally perfect." : "p "It's a medium weight, a great wear-resisier, "Dyes are "No. 85 is the line | am wearing, natural wool. "I've found No. 9 'And it doesn't change its color or size when washed and the fabric unshrinkable." 2 understanding that your money will be refunded He sells it w on any garment found defective in material or mak 2 If you prefer lighter weight underwear. ask to see these Pen-Angle numbers. y f ------------Se en MET VEAL, No. 7--Nawra! Marine Mix No. 22 -Twe- Thread Egyptian in, various shadzs. No. £3 Worited Mix, blue-gray shade. Ioriggan, blue siripe. No. 83 --Balbriggan No. 9 Egyptian Shade Mesh Stach. A weight, size, fabric and price to suit the individual requirements of every man, woman and child in the Dominion. Also makers of Pen-Angle Hosiery. EN ANGLEZY > UNDERWEAR 4%; new | ed, has already produced many inven- | for lightening | coun | where gas and electri- | time it is probable that thé great ad- | the invention | i the | SPRING UNDERWEAR TRADE MARK; IMPERIAL When Underwear ask for the 'g IMPERIAL GROWN | BRAND guaranteed. you buy 3 Every garment Durability comforty KINGSTON Kingston, Made only HOSIERY CO, by LTD. EDUCATIONAL. [}ascccssccvesnrsusseny | : Kingston Business stand | i i extension fur-{ GLOVER'S, {In the Estate Kinnear &d'Esterre | = | their claims with hall to Rosetta Rydn, sd twinistrateix will distribute the essets of maid deceased thereto, having rega citims } CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE i you wish to be successful at- ® | tend The | College | $ Limited, head of Queen wtreet, | business | shorthand, graphy, school, Bookkeeping, typewriting, le- and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers, Day and night classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate; 'Phone, 440. IL P. METCALFE, President. J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary, 0000000000000 0s00el et ---------- S000 s0OROIOUTOIOIIIIV ) * 3 » . * . » ® ° ' » +O OOOTO 3O0VOCOO000 (MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION ¢ an ; INCREASE YOUR EARNING EE ari i SB est Out! We have received all the latest styles of the Invictus Shoes for Men, Women and Boys, in all leathers. All newest lasts and patterns. Men's "INVICTUS" Patent Colts, Velour Call and Gun Metal Leathers, in Button or Laced, '$4.00 to 5.50, Women's "INVICTUS" Patent Colts, Gun Metals and Brown Leathers, $3.50, 4,00 and 4.50. Boys' "INVICTUS" in Black and Tan Leathers, also Patent Colt, $3.50 and 4.00. Just the Shoe Boys like. They are made like Men's--that's why, | VO0000000V00 ® nny POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College; Barrie and Clergy Sta. -- fn T. N; STOCKDALE, Plions, 680, Principal; Monuments! seececserevecee o Ssovcooncveve A LARGE STOCK EST POSSIBLE PRICES. ES MULLEN, 372 Princess St., Opposite Y.M.C.A. Refrigerators. The one household article that is of more importance to the health of your family than any other is the Refrigerator. If you have none you ought to get one. If you have a poor one better discard it and get a good one. We have twelve sizes an styles, ranging from $8.00 Up. Come in and see them. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St i (4 S800AaccavsncernesescatBovecsOReeee CREAM Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. Notice to Creditors. of 'Michael Ryan, Late of Wolfe Island, Farmer, Deceased, ' NOTICE 1S BERERY GIVEN PUR 1897 snd amending ing claims the said Michael required in articulars the red AMratrix, or to ber solicitor on or iwiore the First da of ly vexi, after which date said ' Misnt te R. 5. 0, at arm those entitled only to thowe of winch who © shall thew have! Soltitor, Kington," Wols Jolos J really wants Sith fare be tho Jew he wants the Jesy he'll ] PIG METAL Q Tn Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. Send us your inquiries. Easter Novelties! Chocolate Eggs at lc. 2¢, 1c, 7e, 10¢, 20¢ and 35¢ each, Oream Eggs, Decorated Eggs, Eggs in Fancy Baskets, Boats, &c. Chicks, Roosters, Rabbits, &c. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St We are headquarters. Canada Metal Go. Li. 55