YEAR 25-N0., 87. -------- CANNOT CLOSE YET . Ames Anxious to Report the Matter to the But Liberals Contend That Orly One Side Has! House Been Heard, That Men Besmirched are Entitled to Be Heard. -------- + n------ From Our Own Rotrispondent. ttawa, April 11.--1he fiery spirit which characterieed the debates earlier in the session and up to a week or tWo ago is almost entirely a'wanting There has been less obstruetion of late by the conservative opposition with the result. that some good progress being meade with the business of country. More interest altaches to the public accounts! committee, a body which has always something on hand eal Jenlated to eall forth comment later in the house, The fist half hour of the yesterday, was quite lively, Ames moved that the evidence taken in the investigations the timber fumit transactions in the Calgary and Edmonton districts be reported to th house forthwith, asserting that he had conelnded his conse and that, therefore the matlor was ripe for discussion in the house, E. M. Maedonald, Pictou, that Mr, Ames' desive to « enquiry so frecipitately savored of the susple ous. The reputations and good names of certain people had been be smirched in the course of this enquiry und ib was only fair that they be given an opportunity to be heurd in thieir own defence, or to call witnesses in rebuttal if they so desired. There had been no delay except that which was absolutely necessary, "When th committee resumed after Easter he would be feady to proceed, and he, therefore, moved that further consid | eration of the matter be deferred un til Thursday, April 2ZWd. This was the: view of the majority of the com-| mitteo and it was so resolved, except; at the request of Mr. Ames the date was changed to April 24th, It 'ia the contention of the libera members of the committee that it) would be walair to report the provesd- BN j of : wh others pending, and that the proper course to pursue is to wait until all the charges have bein fompleted and thon report them all en hloe Recent dispatches from Washington, indicating that the passing of a treaty, settling the question of Niagara wa: ters as hetweon the United States and Canada was being held up hy the re- fusal ok the dominion to come to terms ix at complete variance with the facts of the case, DAILY MEMORANDA. is the vomamitice, H. B into declare lose th No (lueas work About Campbell Bros'. Hats Chalmers Church Anniversary to-mgrrow, Kennedy Stock House, 815 pi a sure andl see Tulip School Room, "April 21st Auction of a Sydenham sirost by Willimss Murray, Monday noon Vocal Students" Club prasties Sanday afternoon, at four o'clock, Monday evons fng, at 8 o'clock. Your lash dear's hat is twning And Faster is not far away So drop in to-night and see the show Of nokest Styles at George Mills & Co. Bijou Theatre : "Tha Like apd End of a Bottle of Wine' The Troubles Caus- ed hy Smith's New Watch." John Robert Davis. Sings 'Laura Leo' * N Services Company « Grand Opera ! Bed Si. Paul's House grey WHIG TELEPHONES. 243 Business Office. 229~Editorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. I'he Dally Whig Is always on sale at Gibson's Drug Stork, Market Square--| Open till Fate sath evening. " Toilet Sets New designs foy the Spring season. . Quaint, odd, old astiienad shapes and - Prices Right, ABRIL BA , this decision of | questions f tions affecting the two countries, the but | Opposition to the" cdnclusion of treaty comes not from Canada, from the United States senate, The! Canadian government bas been all along willibg to abide by the arrange ment reached some years ago international commission and incor- porated in the Buxton act of the Uni- ted States, ing the amount of water fron Niagara Falis on each side of the boundary expires in June of next year) unless the aet is then extended, It was the expectation of the government here that the present treaty negotiations would result in an agreement to "per- petuate the present arrangement, but the United States scnate now seems to be blocking the proposal. It is suggested that the real reason for en- dorsipg the agreement lies in opposi- tion on the part of a large section of the American senate to the general policies of President Roosevelt, Secre- tary Root and other members of the republic's administration in favor of genoral public interest as opposed to monopolistic or corporate interest A recent decision by the New Jersey bench to the eficet that indivi dual states have jurisdiction over riv erg contiguous thereto, further compli- gituation., It has been sap posed that the federal government of the republic had power to deal with all interpational waters by treaty, but the court throws the matter ------ he anadian government, Ambassador Bryee's recent visit to Ot. tawa, recommended that outside of effecting fisheries and Nia- all other Tinsettled gues most char given cates the now some doubt on gara power, of them of a relatively minor by the! That arrangement regulat-| to be take mn | _KINGSTON, THE HORSE DIED. Ingenious Scheme to Chinese Into U. S. Windsor, April 11. Frederick M { Mann young man, home is in this city, is under arrest at Adrian 1 Mi higan, | charged with smuggling | Chinese cMann was travelling to i hicago in a box car, ostensibly in charge of a race horse, but when the | car was searched three Chines were j wind voncealed under the hay. The dan to smuggle the Orientals jn to the by nited States might have been sue- ssfully carried out had not the horse, which was being fused as a blind, fallen down dead in | the This brought out inquiries | and investigation which led to the dis | covery. LOTTERY MEN PUNISHED. a whose a : {ne ia ted Car Fines Aggregating $32,000 Inflict- ed on Law-Breakers. Cincinnati, April 11.~--Fiacs gating 200 were today against Morris Richwond and six oth- who were arrested some weeks ago, charged with conducting the Kentucky lottery, contrary to law The men were arrabgnd before United States Judge Cochrane in Covington to-day, under the indictments recently i returned, and all pleaded guilty, the fines being at once announced. Rich ! mond was fined ten dollars and lesser amounts 'were aunouneed against the others, all of whom declared that they ware through with the lottery business forever, nt ir-- New Symbol For France Wanted "Varis, April 11,<The directors the Paris paper, Le Journal, ave offer ing » price of 82,000 for the best symbolic statue of the French repul. liz of to-day. 'The fignve with the { Phrygian cap is considered out date. agyure assessed | ors o ---------- lefore bmying vour nif, howing spring Livingston's THE TREAS URER YIELDED His Constituency Gertvnaidered fo Help the Legislative Whip. during } acter sbould: be referred en bloc either | to an international commission for| arbitration or. else 'should he referred] to Phe Hagui for adjudication, The having each of thess questions the point being sist on co if indiwidually, that states concerned wish to have their own say in any settlement effected. As bes been already stated the tron ty with regard to fisheries on inland international waters is now drafted and is ready for ratification, On-ether outstanding questions matterd are still in abeyance, as indicated above, HIS NAME GOES UP. | Judge Gray's Candidacy is Form. | ally Launched. {a H daily i GEORGE GRAY. Philadelphia, April 11.<The of Usitteil States Judge George of Delaware, for the democratic dential' nomination was launched JUDGE boom Gray, presi- ization of the "George Gray League' at 'a meeting held in this city. An executive committee composed olf Jentiing dethocrats from nearly every sac of the state was named. Re solutions | were adopted pledging the support of the members to uso every honorable means to secure the pomiug: tion of Judge Gray at the Denver con<! vention, Saved By Cat. Philhdetpliia, Apeil 11.--Had it not been dor 5 pet ent that jumped on the breast of Anns Mary Gaunt, daughter of of Mie-und Mrs. 'Amos Gaunt, of. 1,122 Tosh their lives if & troyed the building 4 Gnunts lived with two other famities bat. the three! Al eel in » families lost all of their furniture. n® separate slates ave variously' interested senators from the respective} in Perinsyivania last night by the organ Torante, April 1L--A great struggle Bas hecu - going on' at'. Toronto fe: tween the provincial trcassrer aud CNEL whip of the gove Ferament party, respecting a re-adjust- iment of the tory majority of South Lanari., "The doctor d thig strength and the {treasurer not agreeable. But he has vielded pressure, relaxed the gresp and a fresh gerrymander has heen added at the Inst reading of the redistribution act. The jugelis over thega vot proves once more the low grounds adjustment There is no priseciple spoil was to g of spoil, only EX-PREMIER VERY LOW. Special Physicians Called to His Bedside. London, April 11.--Ex-Prime¢ Minis {tér Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman is very low. Bir Thomas Barlow, physi- | ian to King Edward's household, Dr. Bertrand Dawson, physician extra ordinaty to his majesty, wore considtntion with Sir Henry's yesterday. For weeks, fiven { | fe tin fular physicians, time in several bulletin _ was reading 1 "Sir day, but | 8 i irs a out, Henry there { evening, has {had a wjuict provement in his { though he has had vers. little ing he is comparatively weak." Was Niece Of Lord Gelverton. April H.--One of residents of these united Mrs Ormond Jone, Ihe at the home of nephew Lek Cheekiey, nesr North Au at the age of ninetyfour vears, Hef hushand was a former rea istrar of ghe united counties of Leeds fand Grenfille. Mrs, Jones was a native of Ireland and a niece of the late Lord Gelver: ton, I no am Al suffer symptoms the coun Braciville oldest tice, itgt hind Lieut.» gstin her - Closed Door In Manchuria. Shanghai, April 11.--<The British foreign office regarding nese rajiway from Tsinminting to Fak.| umen, They contend fhat the action! of the Japanese is opposed to the pledges given by Japan in the Ports mouth treaty. | Bird Saved By A Lifeboat. Liverpgol, April 1.~Whle the Lowestoft lifeboat was on a practice trip about two miles out al sea, a starling flew into the rigging. The bivel was exhausted and nearly frozen, buat one of the crew warmed it by holding it in his' hands and liberated it when the shote was reashed, il | zine of of | | Smuggle | Uses Novel Means ta Get ritish ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908. ------ "I'M DEAD," HE SAID. rm-- HERE IS THE REA } Wife, April Charles Clark. who is etgaged as a hired Willis Lrabam, an Ome adopter & novel means a reeongiliation between wife. They were living at Omemeo and the wife Clark had a me sent to his wife that had Ee by a horse | and was dead and esting the wile to come to Omeme@Rt once. A Peter- undertaker Wl all ready to gol o "pref the body fori anoth@ message was re that Clark was alive Clark i is still in Peter | 'Why Gas Can Be Sold at One Dollar to Consumers. Peterboro, of #his ci man with mee farmer, of effecting himself and hi apart, Clark at Poterboro Profit on Meters Makes Up i Up Deficiency---It Was Thought Better to Have Dollar Gas Than to Strike off Meter Rents. | i i i he boro to Omemes burial when ceived stating and well, Mrs horo. i rite from price Aid ethic last | a Gas fecting a reduction ing gas fi $1, 20 as 1 cooking then chairman thé civ and power comumitiee, after sidering the matter, came clusion that it would have ¥1 gas than the reduced to have of light + £1.50 told | at $l a thousand | feet, and costing the city 81 26, Vear, ta. prodace, and yet vie ding | profit » 18 pugzling the local mathema- ticians. Very few have found the ex | planation, and yet it is as simple as! simple can be. No doubt every gas | consumer in the city knows that he! bas a meter in his house or store, and | hat he pie _33 a year rental for | and strike the meter rent I'he g that meter Fell the ex lanation of | co ittee agrees 8 ¥ Winston Churchill, who had an inter-| the above seeming Ar lies right | Ee re Pronk a. al gy ow - Pai view with Mr. Ay bh after the lat-| there. Two dollars a year is hig the gener al rate. It ter's arrival, will designated for | yental for a meter. Hence ther must that $1 2 would bye the presidency of tl i Board of Trade { be a big profit to the city. The pro of securing more Lloyd George its Slermer president, fit equalizes the difference between the They ¢ right becoming chancellof of the exchequer, | £1 charged for gas and the $1.26 that | their estimate 4 the position formes bold by Mr. it cost, last year, to produce it. So! What Asquith : that the city isn't selling for less | canvass of various sections than it costs. to produce. Instead of striking the rent last year most people tho i should be the first ASQUITH rE BACK. selling was one for light the heat It is Likely Two Appoint: ments Are rrect. April 1EEWikh the return Minister Alguith, from Biar- i ritz, last » ABE news-mongers | oulng again hecame 4b putting forth | punative appointments to the cabinet Ihe. concensus § opinion is that Tove light, fully to the con be better to to have two prices ing g a as : of Loudon, of Prime was | the | cus in reduce | thoug | yught i means tomers a as many were quite to revive the the city is needed now is gas of more people and the Hon | ar urge to use gas lighting will heating it put olf meter ! cooking the April as lower be | Nature the maga Nelhorn@eBociety, we learn a bill to be introduced into parliament tosestriet the impor tation of birds siin and check the rapid oxterming tional beautifu I birds, of which the ey' and birds of paradise examples. greater 0 the of From 05," London, number of the last done in eof cost product FEARING FLAMES JUMPS. that at THERE IS BULL TALK Ottario i Fire in Thousand Islands Led to! | Death. Ont., April occurred at N.XY., a fashionable {Over the Richelieu and Navigation Stéck. Montreal, April 11 Ontario, from a big advance, went 11 Alexandria in A fatal Bay the | Brockville , Richelieu accident & resort Bibhy's fe It | themsejves, | Syracuse stockholders every vear near i | {1 | ia silver { unto death." Britigh| dog i merchants in Tientsin' and Newchwang night with ite paws have addressed strong protests to the, cap Ja: }edom | pan's opposition to the proposed Chi-{ others on faithful dogs. i esires some of | A and | t { freight-carryir called {1 5 {In any higher, yesterday, and there appears ta be a good deal of bull talk on it emrvent especially in Montreal, The celebrations at Guehee this summer ill be an enormous revenue for the company, and it is theorized that a large proportion of the business will permanent, many of the tour especially from the United States, will the beauties of the St Laws nce and the Saguenay rivers for the first time, and will probably return in future years. It is alsa theorized that in any event would be reasonable to expect than usually heavy tourist season, owing to the financial troubles of the past six months, which have made jt im. i] possible ar inadvisable for Ame- ricans to take the European trip. In 1907 the Richelieu company earned sn equivalent of 8.43 per cent. the capital outstanding, and in the pre Vious vear a little over nine per cent and as these years were of normal traffic proportions, it is possible that with the largely increased business the will be twelve on the capital. TO HARMONIZE VIEWS when | wile ! 1 that on Thursday fifty-two vears, mer Thousand lilands, Mrs. Hunt, aged of W. HB. Hunt, place, lost her Fire broke of the house, ill, chant ot life out in the and Mi was resting on a upper Hunt portion who was wd jn the second storey. The fie spread rapidly | that her rescue by the stairs was cut off, and a ladder was placed against the open window ok her room, jumped to the ground, breakingd , and dying from her injur S44 e44 RE +: he as ists, those 80 just as she both lim it i wes. a more The sew act of the legidature, in additions on the last reading, fixed a indial licse at $10 a ugh "8875 day Wis at frst in by the government. Municipalities are given power to empower a license, ig scare has passed away The riding of Cardwell, subicet strenuous debate redistribution times, has disappeared. It will now be South Simcoe. The. bread bill legislature, upon mittee, without goes into effect on DEAKIN DEFEATED. Hy in Now Thinking Seriously Quittine, on ol at finaliy passed in the | earnings eleven or return from com word or question July 1st per a - dAVE MONEY INVESTED. In Regard to the Proposed Inter. national Court. _ Washington, D.C April Pritain pre to powers, signatory the ference, that an international confer ence be held, in Lipndow, for the pose of harmonizing the views of ih | diffe rent countries upon the organiza the" great { tion of. the proposed international | prize court. Fhe min features of this tritmal were Gitlined in the conver tion adopted at the second Hague the United' States peaco conference held at The Hague of the lake ports| last bit sections Bf the treat, and: there: is ishursed $0 | require further am plifieation. her TY TTY TTT Y re TvTvwers 11. Great posed the various to peace Con. Syracuse Capital Invested in Great Lake Vessels. N.Y., April 11.--With the launching of the A. E. Nettleton, at Detroit, Syrac investors will com- rol a fleet of seventeen of the largest boats on has Syrad use, Da se more money ihvolved the great lakes than Syracase ~has 8 shippmg on city in some other of outside summer ALFRED DEAKIN April | i Premier HO Melbougn: Gave Her Life For Cat. pen Mass, April 11.--Mrs' Cath. | kin Hiv Tucker, matron of feline H South Boston, her | caused fa lamp, i do in dividends. | the various | Boston, is estimated | cTine ( of iron, | hospital life in yorite and Mrs she lars of 1907 consisted million combined ly one The oar at or value but is a = fost hy goes carried for $56,530 664, and grain pa tari in an cat a ident gn" The upset a in efiort to save het pet Pucker received burns from whic died Mrs Tucker was of Capt, Tucker, federate who was | after the war the of a at 10 Mississippi, coal and act hr Syracuse during cat probable. re ket t eon- the navigation| when they call at the follow] ports : Duluth, Two Harbours) Mesaba. Clevelend, Cenreant, | Ashtabula, Dunkirk and Buffalo. ie hat $ 1 : stantly busy ain season, ng Toledo, PUNISH PRINCIPAL. the wi. dow Thomas ton killed explosion + After Serving Six Months Parents | Detain Him | Apr 1 oolong oint pupal allotted commander, caval by 1} P i -- Pris i mprs uk Champaign | Sherman ( the Champaign ping an uaraly has served | the confinement provided bn {lish debtor force in {but seldém invoked. But he hy : { breathe the. air of freedom, 2 The Marquis o Ripon 'will retive | lay, as expected. Mr. and The marquis. who, as lord privy seal, | W, Burke, parents of the draws no salary, was horn éighty-one | pupil, tendered £3.15 16 Sheriff vears aga, and has had an active pub. i or another week's board, and lie life, fall of honors was retained in custody. Cass Tey Bibbe's special $1 gloves f have to fight a legal battle Blind and a pauper, Frederick ¥iI- |i relonsed. sock, an inmate of the county home | at Marshalsen, Pa, is now. worth | $200,000. Elrock is part heir to a large estate in England. Mrs. Sadie Collett. St. Louis. whe Bananas. Edwards & Jenkin. claimed she was defranded out of a The London Daily Graphic demands 829, 006 estate from her grandmother that Britain force Veneznola to respect Mes. Annie A. Depew, of Fort Erie the righis ol British. companies with ended ber life by jumping from concessions in that country. urfth storey window, Try Bibhy's speeinl 81 umbrellas.» | Chocolates. Fdwards & HIS SUCCESSOR CHOSEN To Be No Intervegnum Should General Booth "Soon Die. I-A Eremendous , audience gave an enthusiastic recep Oli " ped i w hie erely months Ener Himnois did not vester Nes. E pun ished Peters Cass may | before ---------------- Rev L. IL. Brace, who recently signed from the pastorate of the Pet erboro Baptist church, has been in vited to become pastor of the Baptist church! Cobourg. It is understood he will accept Presentation To A Dog. Liverpool, 'Apeil 1152A¢ West Hough ton, near Bolton, on Thursday, a spaniel whose . owner was recently drowned, was publicly presentid with collar, inséribed : "Faithful After the aceident the watching a pond all on its master's collar vas given by « Lon who has bestowed three wail for re too IX the old law, in remained f The woman, Six Towns In One. be | London, April 11.--8ix pultery towns Hanley, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Lovgton, Fenton sad Tunstall---ate, advording to a looal government board order issued, wvestarday, to be united in one borough, to be knows as Stoke-on-Trent. The new town will be the twelfth largest in the king- dom. Try Biblv's nabby $2 hats . Jeokin Terrier's' Vitality. i Edinburgh, April 11.<A fox tercier belonging to Mr, Conacker, of New- lands, Roxburghshire, suceeded yester: day in pherating itself from a rab bit burrow in which it had bén im prisoned for six days, and retiened home little the worse for its Jong fast. Woman Thief's Oversight. April 1k =A woman horse: had i - morniog: 'with the exteption of forty London, Apil piinutes for Yauch, be mate & dprach, i for ¢ The | 4 i "Phone, tion to Gem. Booth, head of the Sal vation Army, = Queen « hall, Yast | § gel Life. He which otenpiod an hour and 8 hall ie ite delivery an which be reviews his reiterated that A jrucensor , #0 tial "Wierr wosld | i i i i } { f § i { big LAST EDITION Probabilities Toronto, Onta April 11, Ottawa Valley and Up per St. Lawrence (10 a m.)-North vest gales, fair aad cool, a few local snow flue= ries. Sunday, decreasing winds, fair and cool. a sd Osh A bs ly EASTER WANTS Last year we had an early + * ¥ Faster and a late spring, this 4+ year it like the reverse, a spring. At improved do- looks late Easter and early rate wa find an for We any the FEasters an early makes the mand goods jde. call as every for would ad day as: 3 | 4 + + "> {¥ sortment sf er, + ment smpalier, + We are Goods, S Silks and be seen to showing beautiful Dress nart Suitiagsi Bgquinite Wash ods, only be apprediated. Hosiery & Gloves Are Easter wellsknown for these goods GLOVES In Kid, Silk, Love, Taflein, ete., 2 Domes, rist Longthw: Arm "Lengths and all the leading colors to Shvone Juin, © HOSIERY Liste, Silk. Cashiners, Embroidered, in Tans, eys, Sky, Pink, White and wo are afvoFtments of wants our + Liste In Cotton Lace and Operas, Gr and Black Chamois Cloves In : 44 CH aL. FHEL ERLE E4444 4 4004004 the length olor natural #0 Creme with ts wr b el ZEEE 4 4440040440444 4249440400400 0004044 DIED. Kingston Aprit TOth are aged ninet y-ong of Jer davgh- Se, on Mary's Libera on April 10th Hf Lhe ed eighLy sis lonbu nie wie 1 st § v'elodk "> GC lets barn iy Cushendall, whers . Ww be sung ¥ rads fully invited ROBERT J. REID, The Lesding Undertaker. = 577. 227 Princess street, Cowan's Cocoa (MADE IN CANADA) : and Quick Icing Powders Will be demonstrated in our store all this week, April 8th to 11th. You are cor dally in¥ited* to cali snd try them. Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries Thisis the best' season of the year 1p' hammer for business. The Best Hammer is a good Ad., and. the Best place fo use it to get business is on the "Wnro Waxes