¢ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908. ER -- -- . Spring House More attention to your means more rest and comfort BEDROOM SUITES. Good finish, strong, etc., $12. Othe $15, $18 up. : v Bedroo: m, rs, HEALTH BRAND MATTRESSES. $3.50, $4.50, $6. Best Mattress made to-day for the full of comfort and durability. OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES. BEST ON EARTH, all sizes, ands in use and no complaints, up. $13 CARPETS, money, purely sanitary, thotis- 50 1908 stock pow in, all new patterns, benugiful color effects good weari qualities, all cowbined, Wiltons, Brussels, Balmorals, Tapestries, etc. CURTAINS. Gur pew Swiss and English Curtains are now in at $1, $1.50, $1.95 up. LINOLEUM OILCLOTH, widths. and ng Lace Some fine values, all Repair and Upholstering work prompt. ly done. ' YOURS, T. F. HARRISON CO Syeaneseeaeneeessseess We are ready now to show you Rugs and Carpets, in better values, softer colorings d an assortment as large Carpet House in Velvets, Tapestry, Union Hemps and Japan Matting. We have them all "Hear the April Victor Records -- ; Dawson & Staley' dle, 217 Princess St., Kingston. £5" High Grade Pianos at living prices. jeton Gramophones on easy terms. ix Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers, i Sewing Machige--Agents want. r $1, A gentleman on having purchas- a double brick dwelling is will to sell one to some one having family {Van Sant; vice-president, W. THE SPORT REVIEW MEETING OF THE VICTORIA BASEBALL CLUB. Sergeants Indoor Baseball Team Issues a Challenge--Roller Rink, Opening--Smoker For 14th Hockey Champions. The first meeting of the Victoria baseball téam, city champions in the season of 3907, was held at the Y.M. C.A. building, last evening, and was largely attended. The boys are all taking a great interest in the club, and they will work hard to defend their title. The followine officers were slected : Honorary president, William MrFedridge; honorary vice-president, J. MtDonakd Mowat; president, H. D. J. Dick; seoretary-treasurer, Frederick F. Fol- ger; manager, Stanley Trotter; cap- tain, Gordon Dick; captain second team, B. Muckler. The executive of the club will be composed of the pre- sident, secretary, manager and the captain. The secretary and the man- ager were appointed to sit om the executive board of the city league. It was decided to put both teams under one management, runping them both as clubs. The second team won the junior series iast vear and they hope to be able to do the same thing again. 14th Social Evening. On Tuesday evening in the On- tario hall the officers of the 14th Re- giment will be "At Home."" A large number of invitationd have been is- sued and a fine time is looked for ward to. The affair is in honor of the seven heroes who carried the colors of the old 14th to victory in the senior O.H.A. series this past sea- son. A fine programme has been ar- ranged for the evening. Boxing houtss wrestling bouts and fencing bouts will be pulled off, along with forms of en- tertainment for the boys. All the of- ficers, non-commissioned officers and men of the regiment will be present. Do Excellent Work. Large numbers of motor hoat en- thusiasts have visited the Sydenham street block house, where Coward & Deane are conducting a first-class boat factory. A lage number of. speed boats and pleasure launches have been turned out, shipments having been made already to such outside points as Hamilton, Ottawa, ete. Many citi. zens have also left their orders with this enterprising new firm. Their work is certainly excellent and prices unusually moderate, Sergeants Issue Challenge. The sergeants' indoor baseball team enter a challenge to any team in the city for a game in.the armouries. All challenges' are to be sent to the mess secretary, Secretary William Hazlett. The sergeants have one of the best in- door baseball teams in the city, to- day. and are anxious to trv conclus- ions with some other nine who think they are of the best class. ---- To Have A Long Run. The Y.M.C.A. Harriers club will have a long ran on Good Friday. The boys will run down Montreal street to Kingston Mills and back to town by the Barriefield way. It is likely that three or four local men will enter the twelve mile Marathon race on Victoria day. The Scheme May Drop. The lacrosse meeting called for Fri- day evening did not materialize as only a few members turned cout: The officers were willing to do all they could but finding that the lacrossists did not take any interest in the game they will let the proposal drop. ---- Baseball League Meeting. The first meeting of the city leaocue executive will be held on Wednesday evening next in the Randolph = hotel, when the by-laws - will be submitted. Every team must have two represen: tatives present and have the admit- tance fee on hand. r Getting Roller Rink Ready. D. E. Ryan, manager ofthe roller rink, will be in the city on Monday and the rink will at once be put in order. It ix to be hoped that it will be open lor Good Friday. A SUCCESSFUL "AT HOME. In Aid of the First Baptist Churn Building Fund. On Thursday afternoon, the Ladies' Aid Sotiety of the First Baptist church held a successful "At Home" at the residence of Mrs. Jameés Leslie, Brock street. Mrs. Leslie and the president, Mrs. Savage, received, and iss Sharpe, the treasurer, was as- sisted at the door by litle Misves Isabel Leslie and Edna Singleton. Mis. H. A. Calvin and Mrs, J. A. Hendry presided at the tea #hble, as. sisted by Misses Jean Laing, Mabel Lake, Limie Hughson, Mabel Clark; Ethel Jones, Irene Moore and Annie Friendship, members of Mrs. Calvin's school class, while Mrs. Shirk and Miss Booth looked after the gene- ral welfare of the guests. The "home-made" table "was in of Mrs. A. Singleton, Myx. © S. Litton and Mrs. J. E. Jones. Candy buyers were served by Mrs. Se ---------- SUNDAY _ SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE CITY PULPITS. CITY AND VICINITY. Silk Hats. The new styles now being shown at Campbell Bros' Gave A Little Play. The German Club met at Mrs, Macgillivray x, on Friday night, and | gave a little play. The members of | this club are all now quite at home in the tongue of the 'Vaterland. John ser Rev. W. H. Sparling Vill Give a Special Discourse on 'Cards' ~Bishop of Ontario in St. George's. Bethel chureh--The pastor preach morming and evening. St. Andrew's--Rev. Dr. Mackie. Ser. Vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Strengers and students welcome. First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastes. Rev. J. Charles Vii liers will preach at 11 am. and the pastor at 7 pam. Sunday school and Bible class a 2:45 p.m. Strangers ever welcome 10 all services. St. George's eathedral--S a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m., matins, preach- er, Canou Starr; 3 p.m, Sunday school and Bible class; 4 p.m., bap tism; 7 p.m evensong, the holy rite of confirmat will be administered by the bi ! Cooke's Preshytorian Church, Brock street. --The pastor, Rev. W. 3, Mac- Tavish, PhD., will preach at both services, Sunday school, Bible classes and mission study class will meet at 3 pm.; Young People's meeting 5.15 p-m. You are cordially welcome to all Services, Brock Stfeet * Method st Church-- Rev. T, E ke, B,D., pastcr. Ser vice, 11 ak. and 7 p.m.; class meet- ing, 10 a.m: Sunday schocl and Bible class s, 3 p.m.; special Lenten services every night next wesk, 8 o'clock, except: Seturday. Strangers made wel "to all services. Queen #8 Methodist Church-- Rev. W. NH. Spering, B.A. paster, wiil preach at: both scrviees. Morning subject, "Woman's Work fcr Woman." Evening subjeet, "The Christian and The Card-Table." E. 0. Sliter, of the Collegiate Institute will speak to the Young Men's Club in the aft rnoon. The public: cordially invited. Sunday school and Bible class, 2.45 pm. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. First Congregational Church, cc rner of Wellington and Johnson streets.-- Pastor, Rev. J. Charles Villiers. Di vine worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev, D. Laing will preach in the morning, and the pastor in the evening, on "The Kingdom of God, What is it, In- dividual or Social ¥"' Specisl Palm Sunday music. Mid-week servcie, Wed- nesday evening at 8 p.m. Strangers are invited. A welcome to all. Seats are free. Sydenham Street Methodist Church --Charles A. Sykes, B.D., pastor. 11 a.m., preachery Rev, E. B, Ryckman, M.A., D.D.; 7p.m., preacher, the pas- tor. Theme, "Why Should I Le a Christian 7 & pm.; Bille school and Men's clip; 10 a.m., Junior League and society classes. Special services th's wéek on Wednesday even- ing at 8 b'cloe®, and on Good Friday evening at 7.30 a'clock, in the Bible school hall. Chalmers Presbyterian Church, cor ner Barrie and Earl stréet#®-Anniver- ic, Inthe Romine Princi- pal 'Gurdlok § h i ihe even: ing Prof." Dyde. Spécial 'musio at | oth services, Special 'offering in aid of the building fund. Sundey school ani Bible class, 3 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers cordial ly invited to all services. Musical Fro- gramme; morning : "Te Deum," Lloyd; solo and chorus, "'Jeruga- lem," Gounod's "Gallia": solo, "One Sweetly Solemg /' Thought," © Pruno Huhn. Evening :* Solo, "The Lord is My Light," Allitisen anthem, "Father, Forgive Them," Dubois; quartette, "God So Loved the World," Stainer. Mrs. A. R. B, Wiliiameon will have charge of the organ. sd Try Bibby's $2 brown derby. Miss E. McAuley has issued invita- tions for an "At Home" to hé held in the Whig hall on Tuesday evening, April 21st. Buy spring Hat Talk. will Our hats talk two languages--style and good value. Don't miss seeing our new shapes in men's brown and fawn derbies. Campbell Bros'., the style centre for men's hats To Be Tried To-Day. A case of assault from the county was tried before Col. Hunter at the court house, this afternoon. Two men got inlo an argument and. one was quite badly used up, and the case was brought up for trial Civic Finance Committee. The civic finance committee met, last evening, and transacted routine busi- ness. The request of the Montreal Transportation company, asking per- mission to reduce fire insurance on the grain elevator, as the agreement with the city has lapsed, was referred to the city solicitor for report, His Stratford Address. Elmer Davis, who was elected first vice-president at the Y.M.C.A. con- vention, at Stratiord, spoke on the subject, "The Importance of Business Methods in the Young Men's Christian Association," and it proved a most en- couraging talk by a business man to business men. Disturbed By Geese. People living on Colborne street have a rather unusual complaint to make. They say that the geese kept in that vicinity are too noisy early in the morning and that they are dis- turbed. "We do not need an alarm clock or anything of that sort in the mornings," remarked one resident, to- day. Last Dance Of Season. The final year students of arts, me- dicine and science will hold their fare- well dance in Grant hall, on Frida Ap#il 24th. 'Fhis giving of farewell dances was only started last year, but promises to become a permanent fix- ture, and this one will be the best of the season. The students of the three faculties are working bard to make it a success. Died In Toronto, John Robert Davis, singer at The Bijou theatre, received a telegram, on Friday afternoon, bearing the sad intelligence of the death of his young brother, in Toronto. Little Owen was only a vear old, and was the joy of the ; household. Mr. Davis' many friends sympathize with him in bis OSS, Not Yet Moved: It was fully expected that the sta- tion hospital staff would be moved from their old quarters, at Tete de Pout barracks, to the new building, on Queen street, néar Clergy street, several weeks ago, but the work on the 'alterations to the building has been delayed, and the change could not be made. The members are anxi- ous to get into the new quarters. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. A. T. Ortton, Guelph: W. J. Gibson, Migs MacCrae, Miss Stevens, Genan- oque; George W. Evans, G. H. Raw- ling, « W, McKenna, A. M. Russell, Montreal; Max. Myers, New York; A. E. Moore, Ottawa; George A. Barra- ger, Belleville; W. Marshall, H. Cal- derwood, J. Whelton, Toronto: D. Bennin Grover, Cincnoati: B, T. Burt, Chattanooga, Tenn.: L. R. Ccs- sett, G. Dalin, Brockville; E. H.. Da- gett, New York, N + » Gibson's All fresh medicines at Red Cross there: : Try Bibby's snobby 32 hats Constable "Nick" Timmerman has been very bugy | the past few days, making a sanitary inspection for the board of health Try Bihby's 82 brown derby. W. B. Barker returned from Winni- peg, this morning, to tréRome medi- cal examinations at Queen's. Oranges or lemons, 2 doz., 25¢. Ed- wards & "Jenkin, See B bby's handsome 81 shirts. A Lively Runaway. drug store. Quite an exciting: vinawav took place out on Division street, this morning. A team belonging to one of the farmers coming to the city, dash- ed along Division street towards Prin- cess street. The animals becaine frightened when passing near the toll gate and were at a stiff gallop be fore the driver could get them under control. Some of the produce was scattered ower the road and was brought to the city by a man com- ing in after the farmer. The animals were stopped at Queen street. Fighting The Weeds. A new act for the province requires that overseers of highways shall see that the provisions of the act rela ting to noxious weeds are carried out within their divisions by destroying || or causing to be destroyed at the pro- per times to prevent the ripening -of their seed, all noxious weeds growing in highways or road allowances, such work to be performed as part of the ordinary statute labor or to. be paid for at a reasonable rate by the trea. surer of the municipality, as the council may direct. Ci Kingston's Fahious Fur Store. The Hat Problem. There's no such thing. Simply walk into our store. w our Sales ie Si ou up" and t ight Bator you ted. Theo. ov. "That's fine, I'll take it" and Four "hat problem" is solve puns, Picedilly $2.50 Strachan $.3.00 Howes $300 Woodrow. $3.50 These popular makes can be found only in dur store, 1 ly left Nokomis, Sask., for Edmonton, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. -- Kennedy Company Concludes ' Its Engagement To-Night. A very fair audience witnessed the production of "The Triumph of Love," by the Nellie Kennedy Dramatic com- pany, at the Grand Opera House, last evening. "The Triumph of Love" is a beautifal drama, treating of simple country life, in which a young girl, the daughter of a farmer, is courted and wronged by a New York adven- turer. She is also loved by a young clergyman, who follows her to the city, where he rescues from a gilded gambling den, and finally marries her and brings her back to the home of childhood, where a lamp is burning for her in the window. The leading role is taken by Nellie Kennedy, in the character of "Marie Aller," in which she gives a realistic and na- tural conception of her part. Mazie Hallet, in the duel characters of **Min- nie Gray" and "Alice Finch," proved herself to be an accomplished young actress. They were ably assisted by Sara and Lillian Armitage in their parts, R. C. Stout, George Hayes, Millard Vincent and Milford Stack also took leading parts in a very creditable manner. The specialties were entirely chang: ed, and were well carried out, especi- ally by the Armitage sisters, in their singing and dancing. The Burdette brothers, in the comic acrobatic work, gave pleasure. Milford Stack' also contributed his share to the success of the entertainment. ; To-night the company will Present the closing bill of its engagement-- "In Louisiana," a popular drama in the United States. 'Passion Play." The moving pictures illustrating "The Passion Play," will be shown at the Grand Opera House for one week, commencing, Monday April 13th. This is generally admitted to be the most elaborate and pretentious moving pic tures ever devised. It is shown in five long reels and its presentation takes about two hours, Considered as a spectacle it is often magnificent, re- vealing many glimpses of attractive scenery and the movements of "vast throngs of picturesquely costumed people; while the acting-especially of the leading character--is simple, dig- nified and, impressive. The life of Christ is followed very closely and no important event is omitted. 'Parsifal" Is Coming. "Parsilal," in whatever shape it is presented, whether with all the beauty of Caruso's voice and Conreid's oper- atic orchestra, or" in the blatant translation depictéd by He-ry Sav- age, or whether in the form of Eng- lish music drama, as it will Le seen at the Grand on Tuesday, April 21st, it will always remain an education in itself. No one can deny the Leauties of the wonderful story. There is about it that pristine atmosphere of mysticism, that charm of medieval ism, that constant succession ¢f sym- boljc utterances and acts which makes Lit impossible t0 class it with any* thing modern, one which lifts it to the realm of classic. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Hosery at Livingston's. Newman & Shaw's "To-night." Our prices' are right. Crawford Walsh, The Perth Fish and Game Club has now a membership "of 160. Lovely brown suitings at Crawford & Walsh's, tailors. Quoit playing has begun at Frontenac Rasiness College. Bibby's fogMent's English gloves ' aentucky" Lawn Grass Seed," sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug story, Frederick Quinsey, of the Kingston Business College, leaves, to-night, for his home at Gananoque . Bibby's. new collars, 2 for 25¢ One hundred and fifty people wanted fo buy 'wall paper remnants at Weese's sale, Sce Bibby's new 81 shirts Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Watt, Mss. J, W. Watt and son, Master Kenneth, of Gananoque, have left for Victoria, B.C., where they will reside. Bibby's new collars, 2 for 23 Urbain J. Mangan, a graduate of the Kingston Business College, leaves, to- night, for his home at Atkinson. He was well liked by all who knew him "Moth camphor balls," the strong kind, are sold at Gibson's Red Cross & the THE FIRE COMMITEE WILL GET REPORT FROM ~ CHIEF ELMER As to the Expediency Arranging the Fire Alarm Boxes So That One May Be Close to Every School. At the fire and hight committee. vos. terday afternoon, there were present, Alds. * Rigney (chairman), Hoag, Nickle, Harty and Henderson The chairman reported upon the sale of the two 'fire horses hv auction. Ald. Hoag said he thought that the chairman and Ald. Robertson were appointed a sub-conimittee to sell the horses. Ald, Rigvey said that was yuite true, but they. used their. dis cretion as the method of sale, They chose an guction ws® the way that would be satisfactoryita all con- cerned. Alds. Harty and Henderson thought, with Ald. Hoag, that Alds Rigney and Robertson were to sel the horses by private sale, when more money would have been got. Ald. Rig- ney, however, closed the discussion with a broad smile directed at his confreres. The committee decidd® on motion of Ald. Nickle, to request the chief of the fire department to report upon the expediency and probable cost of a re- arrangement of the fire alarm boxes. so that a box may be in.frant of or adjacent to, each of the city schools. Ald. Nickle said he understood that such a re-arrangement could be wade that would be satisfactory in every way. : The chairman reported that he and the city engineer had visited the cor ner of King and Union streets, for which an are light was asked by resi dents. Thev found that the light was needed, but as there were no funds at present, it could not Ald. Rigney asked members what they asking for tenders for oats for the fire stations. The opinion was that it was better to continue buying as at pres ent, as there may be a drop in price by the summer. A batter quality of oats is secured hv purchasing from lo cal retail dealers, and the best feed possible to get what fire depart ments berses require. of Re to be erveted. the committee thought about Good Friday Recital Vocal Students' Club, Gounod's demption,"" Chalmers church 17th. Admission, 15¢ "Re- April Latest styles in Eaiglish eaps. Liv ingston's This is the store that all the people in town are tal¥iHg about, They are getting - wike to fact that for Natty Skirts Nifty Neckwear And the newest styles in | Collars that this is the only store to come to. Nothing old and everv- thing new at The New Men's Wear Store. P. J. HUNT, 653 Brock street. ¢ BETWEEN NOW AND MONDAY THINK OF THESE ARAGRAPHS. Defective sight get right without will help not by drug store, Bibby's for Tooke's shirts Mrs. G. L. Crawford, Gananoque, is confined in Hotel Dien, where, recent- ly she underwent a critical operation for varicose veins. The dperation was successfully performed, and she is making satisfactory progress towards recovery, The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, of Toronto, is appivinge for probate of the will of the late, Mary Jouise Worsley, of the town of Block- ville. Bibby's for latest hats, #2. The K. & P. RR. company is pre paring to continue this \summer, the work of last season, of improving the road in general. At Calabogie there is a lot of work to be done around the new station in the way of fill- ing in. 5 . Boubie strength Tarine moth proof bags are %old at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. - ug Bibby's $1 shirts are swell. The death occurred rectly of W. J. Irwin, a construetion i on A Grand Trunk Pacific. He had recent and death occurred in the hospital ai the latter place, after a brief illness. Mr. Irwin was a graduate of Queen's University, and a native of this city. Cummings has resis as a at Sydenham Street Me- thodist church, and his resignation has been a by the board of management. Mr. Cum % has been leader of the choir for over two years. It is understood that Mr. Cammings will shortly leave the city, Liquidation Sale. 908000000000 0000000000000 glasses. Trying on Glasses to fit or mot to fit, as it happens ~is not scientific. There is a better system than has ever been used, it is being demonstrated in my' Optical Room. Some of the most difficult cases in -wmll/ this country successfully fitted Montgomery this In fact there is no case too difficult none tog complicat- ed. The above illustrates the new system of measuring the inside refraction of the eye. All next week the Demon- stration wi judging by the past week my Optical Room will be a busy Place. ity tc consult A Montgomery. Many children during the past week have been fn and many more should Come. : Dr.A. P. Chown 185 ce pa" : the LEGISLATIVE. ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE, The candidate's public duties will prevent a systematic canvass. Will old friends, and many new supporters kindly reserve pledges for his benefit ? their We Are Very Proud of The reputation wg have made in bu very glad that we have pleas patrons so much in the past that t! stay with us at present. We have it our trade maxim Lo keep « able goods of the best qualitie to our customers prompt and service and to charge only the reasonable prices. W. F. GOURDIER. | Easter Gifts Sterling Silver . Novelties Just suitable for Easter. Not Expensive. SMITH BROS., 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Wood's "Phone, 660. The Great English Fem ey. Tones aud. invigurates (bo whole nervous r im, makes new Blood in old Veins ures Nero ous Debil Mentod and Brain Worvy, Des : ! Weakness, Fmisvions, Sper Effects of Abuse or Kreesses, a for WW 1 of One will please, six by al ists or mailed in on rece joa, New pamphict Med cine Co. Tonto, Ont HSRAAHAHIINCHAANNAH ANN : : 3 Follow the Crowds to This Store. White Waists broidery front, * with Em- * the Dollars ¥ S0000csccccccccscongencrcstcscccsncececece line selling for % 59¢ Each. All izes | : White Silk Waists Of the very newest designs in odd sizes. Prices were $2.50, $2.75, 83. To clean the: lot out ina hurry, we make them TO-NIGHT, only $1 08 Men's Oxford Shiris Dainty patterns in sizes 14 to 174, extra well made. The Dollar quality for 8c. Special Snap In White § Corsets Popular shape, extra well ® made, all sizes, regular 75c. B line, for a SATURDAY NIGHT Special, 50c. NEWMAN & SHAW.