TI -- To $4400035000000000000smnasmN IT SIT LINE . 4 i {iMin » * * Easter * Millinery Do you want your New Hat for Easter Sunday ? Of course you do, and fo be sure of it let us have your order now. The last two or. three days Délore Easter Sunday are such very busy ones with our Millinery péople that it is almost impossi- ble to fill all orders for 'that date unless they are in carly. Hats to suit everyone, low prices, courteous attention and prompt delivery. Try Crumley's for your Hat this,spring, EASTER JACKETS Just a word about these Jackets. You will find nothing in our stock that is not up-to-daté and pleasing.' New spring shades, best-materials and low prices will soon sell our large and varied stock. HAVE A NEW COAT FOR EASTER SUNDAY. CASH COUPGNs : CRUMLEY BROS. II CRIT AR e000 sssesccseresces 9000000000000 00000000 5 ~~ ® * eo » » * * . eo o ® ® * » hd . ® ® . e . ° ® . ° ° *» ° ® * o Ld . . . ° » ° ° - ® . ® .° ® . o 4 * » » ® ® * * * * ® . * ° ® » ® » ° » * ® ° * ® ® ° 4 . * ® . . . . * ® * * . ® * . ° *® The 20th Century Policy is eiiby, sib, fhe Canada Life Assurance Company fits intd any c requiring life insurance. Before. placing whi Ami correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you," AGENTS TON, Manager, Ringaion, 18 Market 8¢., J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, fnguen, Ont. fansdan a Its o shashe toput NN - In Light Shades, Pearl ¢ pista and 8 Lin the desi Sud Seiped: sud i Lar "extreme sty Prices van from $1.50 to $3.50. In_ addition to Ao ices vie we 1 ave received another 10 1 New Pattorn s, worth fiom $1.50 to 2.50. These rs ble tpt on eo Each. io i pre , White Ca 10 be seen to be in while sizes and patterns are nu forget we have 20th THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908. A PROPHECY TRUE A Amusements. SF SILENT FOR YEARS, DUMB WOMAN SPEAKS. a ---- "Bewitched" When a Child, She Was Deprived of the Faculty of Speech. Florence, April 11.--A woman nam- ed Carlotta Tani, living in the vil lage of Castellina Torre, near Flor- ence, has recovered the power of speech glter being dumb for forty-four years. If appears to he an absolutely genuine case, She astounded her fam- ily by. suddeply speaking, and now has . cothplete' control of her voice. In her home, a' farmhouse, which goed by the name of Belle Kagnzze, she related how, when she was seven years old, an old beggar woman call- od the "witch," gave her a quince. Immediately after eating it she be- came dumb, and in the forty-four years that have elapsed since has been able to express only her most pressing meeds by sounds which her brothers and parents could under stand, She has always heen very quick. of hearing. Before dying the "witch" ed the girl, promising a cure, Carlotta reached the "witoh's" too late. The woman, however, prophesied Carlotta's recovery she reached the "witch's" age, and, this the villagers say, occurred last week. At any rate, Carlotta's par ents spent half their substance' in seeking a eure from scientists. Carlotta's first words, spoken to her sister-indaw, who woke her in the morning, were, "Come, come and dress me." News of the "miracle" spreading, the villagers flocked to the house, whereupon Carlotta rated them and told them to be off. She is a cheery, healthy woman, but very shy. She remembers very little of her Past, save in the case of a few inci- dents which caused her violent emo- tion. One such incident was a propos- al of marriage from a hunchback. She told hov she tried to show her in- dignation by gestures, Yesterday she went in procession to the village church with numberless re- latives, and confessed vocally for the first time in her life. Previously she had written her confessions, FIGHT ON A TRAIN. Robbers ¥ surdmon- but hut had when 1 < r and Police in Conflict : Former Beaten. Vienna, April 11.--An exciting fight between a gang of train robbers and Beautiful 16 players Songs. THE PASSION PLAY A Mdgnificently Dajofed Moving Picture THE LIFE OF CHRIST Exquisite Seenes--89, accem propriate Vocal and Igstrumen Hear City," Duo, entation of Richard Festival Play Parsifal SPECIAL NOTICE will mde prompuly We W 48 jor the even dered for rise of first curtaing as no one will be seated during the action of the play. seélfaddresyed free Ist.) Bes TO-NIGHT. C.' STOUT Presents the Artist NELLIE KENNEDY Supported by ber exeellant company of {6 Vaudeville aad. Theirs TO-NIGHT- "IN LOUISIANA" Esuning, 10-20-30 Noting Seats now on sale. ---- ALL NBXT WREK Pathe Freres Superb Production. CONDENSED ED ADY ERTISING First insertion lc. s word. Each con secutive insertion thereafier half cent a word, Minimum caarge for one in- sertion, 25c. WANTED-MALE, SALESMEN A and ROYAL lays, Foli FOR A Sprayer m brood automatic. avers Bros., Galt, Ont. TO-SPRAY." le, compressed terms. TEAMSTER, MUST BE SPEADY AND strictly temperate and understand handing and taking care of horses Apply to W, F. McHrooum, Washburn, ont. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON CAN earn good income corresponding for newspapers. Experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C, at Oberammergau, 39-- tal Mugic W. Scott Hiatt Sing "The Holy and Mise Franklyn and Mr. Hiatt "Adeste Fideles. Prices, 10c., 150, and 20 cents. Seats now ob sale, As produced WANTED RELIABLE MAN IN every locality to represent largé real estate organization; good pay; in- structond ' {ree | experience unneces- sary, North American Realty Co, Des Moines, Ia. WANTED-FEMALE, HOSPITAL. TUESDAY, APRIL 21st. Messrs. Martin & Emery's Reverent, Artistic and Sumptuous Pres agner"s Mystic, MAIDS, AT Apply, 7 GENERAL to B pan. SERVANT, FOR SMALL Apply 129 William street. GENERAL family. APPLY IN EVEN. W. Lesslie, 37 George 5° A HOUSEMAID. ing to Mrs) A YOUNG GIRL, BETWEEN FIFTEEN and seventeen yehrs of age, to help with light housewor Apply 19 Mrs. Clark W. Wright, 25 Uolborne St, LADY SEWERS MAKE SANITARY belts at home ; materials fuppished ; $15 per hundred. Particulars stamp- ed envelope. Dept. 183 Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago. WANTED---GENERAL, - FURNISHED RESIDENCE, August and possibly Sep McCana's, 51 Brock St (EN ENGLISH) WILLIAM LYNCH TOBERTS The Most Noted Production MH The Century Ip preted by a com- any of seldct playe Adapted by TO RENT for July. tember Owing. ta the dongth of thaw equied to present Parsifal, the curtain PLAIN SEWING PONE OF ANY kind. Cal) or write to re Cayless, 884 King street, over Armstrong's. ng performance Carriage ® may be 11.15, oF : SEWERS, ON Also apprentices J, Rosen, 236 FIRST-CLASS HAND Ladies' Tailoring wanted. Apply to University Avenue. Auditors should Be in their ssats at Pricos--25¢., 506. ¥8¢., $1, $1.50, Seats on sale Sat, Apnil 18th. Tickets ordered by ail will be prompt- v forwarded on Wleift of penittance and stampey envelope, THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH éstimates on electri Work, All kinds of work promptly done. « J. Birch, Electrician, 206 ne oh street. TO SELL. Ww (Not soME MORE PROPERTY If you have eny, give us details. two policemen took place on a night train running between Agroin and Brod, in Croatia, yesterday. The two policemen found an unfor- tunate traveller struggling with three men, two of whom were rifling his pockets, while a third was hammering him on the head. The police at once attacked the rob hers with their swords. One of them jumped off the train. He was killed instantaneously, The other robhers climbed on the The Old nieht or da : will turn it into cash. CA Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, A JOB CLEANING ASHis ouT OF yards or cellars, ob oth carted. Prices. right. Apply to Lytle, General Carter, 8 TQ D psSY GENTLEMEN Rr Sprang Suits niade at on Way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co' are always ready to do repair wor BS! Old Number '490 orFIéE NG, 1. ordat apie attended to, he roof of the carriage, and aw the train was passing over a bridge across'the River Save, one of them jutdved clear into the water; and it is believed he estaped unhurt. $ The train stopped shortly after ward, and the third robber, who was still on the roof was arrested. ¥ GEMS FOR THE MASSES. » Plea is Made Far Cheaper Diamonds to End Crisis. Jobannesbyirg, April 13--R. H. Hen. derson, ex-mayor of Kimberly, in a letter to the pra on the diamond erigsis, says that the policy outlined by Cecil Rhodes at the last meeting of the De Beers company, that he at- tended, was the maintenance of a steady dividend of forty per cent. and a fair price of forty shillings per carat, He points out that since then divi dends have veached fifty-five per cont, while the price has almost doubled, thus. limiting the sale to a wealthy few in America. Mr. Henderson wrges that the posi- tion - could be =aved by reducing the price of diamonds to bring them with- in the reach of the masses in Europe and Amgriea. This would lead to the employment of -an inereased number of whites, and would relieve the win- ing companies of any agreement with the buying syfidieate. LUXURIOUS TRAVELLING, French Railway Inaugurates Up- to-Date System; Pats, * April 11.--The Orleans Rail- C P, B S w ar 8 he 1 I will offer for sale at Public Auction on Wed- nesday, April 15th, at 10 a.m., at No. 115 Gore Street Piano, TUESDAY, April 14th entation "to the 14th Regt. Hockey Team. Admission, 25¢, son's and E. at moment's notice. Estimates fur- nished for oo Beautiful im i" Tele: oh Princess street. LOST. TWEE KINGSTON AND ville, fon Saturday April 4th a Gentleman's Black Fur Coat Finder please leave Alvion Hotel or Joyceville. MONEY AND BUSINESS. QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF builling and contents than any other | company offers. Examine thém at Codwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark ot Square. AUCTION. Under instructions We the Executors, phone, 441: JOYCE at The household effects of the late Adam lark . Williamson, congisting of Walnut arlor and Dining Room Sets, several edroom Sets, Campels,: Weber Square Pictures, cluding two famous teel Engravings Entitled "Meeting of rilington and Blucher After Waterloo vd The Death of Nelson," Kitchen tave and Utcngils, and othée useful susehald articles. Termg cash. WILLIAM MURRAY, LONDON AND GLORE | Company, Available | asseis $61,187 215. in addition to which the policyholders have for seeurty the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at loWest possibile | rates. Before remewing old or giving pew business get rates from Strange & Strange, gems, 'Phone, 568. THE PARAGRAPH PULP Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, The New Emphasis. Thus far the emphasis in religion has béon put upon the existence and majesty of God. Men have trying to prove that God is, and what God But to-day the new emphasis is being put upon the exist It has heen the noed of but rath- LIVERPOOL, ire Insurance Auctioneer. 4th Regt. P.W.0.R. Smok: ing Concert CITY HALL been busy --AT 8 P.M.-- Assauit-at-Arms, Pres- is Concert, ence and majesty of Man shifted from the deity of God to divinity of man. The great toxday is not to defend God, Tickets on sale at W. W. Gib- 8. Webster's way company inaugurated. vesterday, a few train de. luxe, consisting of six new cabs each seventy fect long, or six feet longer than any cars now in use on the French lines, and mounted on, bogies with triple axletrees, giving great smoothitiess in running. There are two smoking cars furnish- od with writing tables. and newspa- pers and periodicals. In each is a news board on which are filed the lat- est bulleting from the Havas Agency at wich stopping place. Adjoining the two "smokers" ix a "Jibfary" car, with several hundred volumes, reading A A A A A A A AUCTION SALES HOUSE- 252. 248 'Sydenham street er to declare Man--aman in his larger self and diviner nature. We cannot ad! to the glory of God, but we oan assist mankind to attain to the more glorious estate of the life divine. To this work 1 invite you. prt Sasa fil tate, Fart Su. | A gdecns, Rav. C, W. Casson, a4 35 Pe Bi in. Borgo 1 Brooks, 301 poacon street, Boston, Mass., for the pil Bath Tudor McMahon, 280 literature. Barrie pril 29th --MPs. D. P. Armstrong, #57 | Johnson street HOLD FURNITURE. pri} Sud, ~~ ol M. Hibbs, 374 Brock prot Tain. ler, 282 Archdeacon Carey, Brock st tabled, Bnd easy thiirs, for reading. There is an electric pushbell at each chair to enable the occupier to call "the attendant. -------------------------------- Back At Woodville. Woodville, Ont., Aps&l 11. -- Perey Bowins, the Woodville youth who was at Detroit, Sud acquitted, on the [© Auctisn Sale of Solid Brick | ALLE 2 chan PU Orders promptly attends "TELL IT AGAIN! ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, Cor. Queen and Bagol streets. HENRY Pr, SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete: Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Hrock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fed, second foor over Mahood's Drug + store, corer Princess and Bagot streets. Sytrance on Bagot street "Phone, TO-LET, UPRIGHT PIANO IN gOoOoD Apply "A. X Whig office. ORDER. t WITH LARGE FRONT BEDROOMS, al 1 King 1 modern conveniences, Se. near City Park. CLEAN Frost's City Storage, 299 STORAGE FOR FHRNITURE, "Phone, 546, dry. Queen St, NOS 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, all modern improvements. Possession ist May. Apply A. B. Cunningham. 251 UNIVERSITY AVE... COR. JORN- son, 9 rooms, hot Water furnace, B & C. Apply at streets x TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms; with or withont modern conveniences. Clergy street FRONT board All Apply 53 HOUSES, AT $7, $8 and §9, ay 1st. Apply R. Chas Heil, Estate and Insurance Agent, Wellingston St., Kingston. FROM Real 1714 4 SQUARE #1ANO condition Adu Whig office IN FIRST-CLASS ws Box +87 A. : TWQ GoaD Wallington a0 HOUSES NOS t Poet Piven Be Cline CO-CART, IN COOH chiming' Sack Wilt pivota Whig otlies, | REs ATRUN ols Ape cheap, FOURABAR-OLD BAY MARE fifteen lands high, dition. Apply 0 8, Alfred strest SPAN OF SHIRE MARI S, 1 high, weight, 1 4x t dark bay, Lve-Yearw F. Graham Front R adh NO. 138 UNIV ERSIT bY solid brick house, tog, open plumbing. Su livan, Clardnee ABRour "s DOUBL B water heats He YE. ba Ape ly W, reat BEST FAMILY STEAM YACHT, BOAT. he suse and camping utensils, property of late "Jolm Enguire of Mrs. Routiey, over store, 178 Princess #treet. LUNDELL personally, McCann's, 51 Brock |' SE CONT HAND ted Pewly VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALFE-- Double house, on Johugon street, We, property of the late Joseph Jam son, now used as a dweling snd a Mumwber"s shop. Apply ta Messrs, 18ST, 8 ROOM No. 8 Jenkin St i hetween Alred and Frontemae Sts, bath and closet, good cellar Apply at 142 York street POSSESSION MAY h p, With barn, FROM Sok MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 | Earl street, at present occupied hy | Lives, ~Ueol. Hudon, C.M.G., hot water beating and modern fru pr ¥ariamte, Apply to Armstrong MeCormick, 10 Centre street, or Thomas Milla, 9 Clarence street, SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weckly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops, Con- stant practice Careful instructions Few weeks complete course, Cata- logue free. Write Moler Barber | College, Toronto. "The Whig sold 1,500 seven- pound pails of jam for Gilbert | # | | in 4 weeks." | That's going some, isn't tr] Gilbert says so himself, and we believe he's truthful. The Whig sold 'tons of other eatables Tor! this enterprising grocer during the | same period. | 1,500 pails ! That means nearly | a pail for every other home .in | | Kingston. The effect of judicious | advertising is seen here. Turning | over stock at this rate gives many i | profits during the year. Ever { think of that ? IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE, READ THE 'ABOVE LESSON. There is only one moral to draw --ADVERTISE. | AT VAN LUVEN'S. Oranges, Dried Apples Prunes Dates, 4 Ibs Pompkin, 8 tins Corn, Peas and Tomatc Macaroni, 2 pkgs Golden Haddies, in tins Shredded Codfish, pkgs. Choles Salmon, 2 tins r Baking Powder, Malay s"s Pure Lemons and Bananas Peaches, Apricots He 10¢, and 124 ws, 8 tins 18¢ Tartar at 1c Cream ure B Farmer's Jellies, in tumblers , 10e Earge Stock Canned Fruits, at prices to interest y F. W. Van Luven Phone 417 =: 248 Princess St and Preeérved uh, THE FRONTENAC ! LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED, 1863. PresidentSir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City sud Farm Prov erties. Municipal "res. gages eceived and inierest allowed. County Debens Hi Depovi lf I IF IT IS Square, NAY, April TATE 130 a wars | ed to, day or night. THE URAERSIGNED Valuable Hotel a eaten four setiiemmant raed. To get a sink set up or a bath; jroom enstalled. I can do it in| first-class style and at the right | price. Give me a trial. i alkemy & Walkem, A CHESTNUT STALLION, 16 HANDS high, good action, wound, kind and well broken. Formerly handily Pr, McGill For information, apply ta Jas. Stratiord, 287 Princess street, Kingston NO. 76 BSYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK with extunsion kif chen, 6 bed rooms, hot water heatirg Hivently renovate ed throughout Bossman 1st May. Also pair of good houses Nos. 80 and 62 Wellington street, Apply A, B, Cunninghgqm, PROPERTY St, pear Oiy provements, $ rovins, sion; No 204 King St stone house of about 12 ro 32 Ontario Nt 12 rooms al? ovelnents, hot water heating, 1, Meal Estate, CHEAP NO. os Park, all fm argo extens well Built vine; No, CITY Hagot FIRST-CLASS MOTOR BOAT, Tong, 4 ft. hoam x cylinder 1 mator and reverse mitles per he ur Ca persons xl sea bomt, with eve A to innke boat complete Goon) Fos ing For further I H. PB. Mastin, Picton, BUSINESS CARDS. seme pgp CLEANING, Lavin Feather , Beds cleans by Wrenn, Hh 272 es street 4 ELECTRIC CARPED Sew Toi a and iow Milne, BOATS CHEAPER TIAN EVER." wR are prepared: to build 160 bhoath on the easy ystom pert builders «¢ Lauhches, Bpeed Noats ane Lace Coward & Doane's Boat oid flock House, Ki Btn th MARRIAGE LICENSES. KIRKTATRICK, Marringe Licenses,' 42 Clarence Cc. R INSUER OF St. PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES warts, ote, PINTIMARKS, removed permangutly, without scar Twenty years eo ri- ence. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye Ber, No: Throat i Skin ibm int Specialist, 258 Hagot street. mn -- ONTARIO ORURC HMAN, KING STON, as hy far the best circvulatic mn Anglican families in Canada fore the best to advertise reputation and resulls. FIRE ESCAPES! Al lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built to order and erected in place on short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Ltd, Kingston Foundry. T Jd. O'Connor | Wn. Auctionser and Commission Merch. ant 86-88 Brock street. Prompt to Household Purniture Sales. Conderted = Special _stteation | ote. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Wew Carriages, Cutters, Harness for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday,