i 'WAS DRESSED IN GOWN ; MADE FOR HER WEDDING. EVER Ll] Teen gf | |} Tragedy in Mid-Ocean--The Lover of the Unfortunate Girl in Germany Proved . aithless. New York, April 11. Dressed in a Igown she 'had made for the marriage 0 a man who deserted her, Dora Gillar, a pretty young woman, bound for New .York on the liner Pretorian, jumped overboard in mid-ocean on March 24th. No one saw her leap in- 10 eternity and the ship wes miles way from the spot when her absence diseavered. he . Miss Gillar loft behind her on the ip tuo. Tittle. _childeen,_ hes ec +» IHECe, LIWin. an Re whom she was bringing to this - try to join their mother, who lives in Hoboken. : vise: Henry Maas, the father of the chil- dren, took them abroad three months ago. While he was at his old home in Germany a' young man who 'had promised to marry his wife's sister, Dora Gillar, disappeared. The young woman was heart-broken and her relatives decided to send her to Ame- rica. placed her aboard the Pre- Hamburg with the children on March 23rd. At two o'clock in the morning of March 24th, Miss Gillar, dressed in » white gown, appeared at the door of the ship's surgeon and complained of _fillness. She said she would like to go on deck and get some fresh air. The steward accompanied her. They walked on the starboard pro- menade a few minutes, the young wo- "man conversing rationally. The ste ward was unsuspicious when she ask- ed him to go below and get her a cup of coffee. ¥ "Btop at the state room," woman requested, "and see il children are all right." After the lapse of about half hottr the steward returned to the dock. Miss Gillar was missing. He notified Capt, Schratter, who was on the bridge..and the engines were stopped. A boat was lowered, but no trace of the missing passenger could be found. 5 ' the young the an § i A SUMMER PARADISE, The Beauties of the "Lake Bays" Country. A handsome brochure, artistically illustrated, has béen issued by the Grand Trunk passenger department, telling of the beauties of the Lake of {1 Bays district, in the "Highlands of * Ontario."' A new feature of this dis- trict is the new hotel-the Wawa--at Rorway Point. The hotel itself has a page illustration . reflecting the sum- mer glories of woodland and water, seven wild reese soaring beyond the tower. The com- cise desgription embodies the story of 8 Very n resort, a where is preparatory poem 'y. Warman, who tells that he is of "To the High- "ands of Ontario, in the merry berry moon. "To the Betty mon. Ontariog in the Aunts of witha 5 rosa lly he Banks of Athabaska: where gt HTS" always afternoon, d'm waithg for the Wawa to go by." The very preity duo tone photo en- i ow the beauties of the fairy land far more effectively words can do. The illustration = the cover, which is reproduced by ei chromatic process from an oil § fainting, is a typical soeme in the ia 'Lake of Bays" territory--an Indian in a Diubantery azing at the | Searchlight from t fake steamer. A it 1 ean be obtained free on appli: |B to J, Quinlan, D.PA., Mon. of ¥ Ja "an a English tweeds; serges, and. vicunas. A great variety them to choose from. hd % Servia's Record Of Murder. * erade, April 1h --During 1907 3 A) 492 murders, 38 attempt. + 8d murders and 227 suicides in Ser 'ia. There is a populition of only LS0D,000 and is a record, at least for of citizefis of Kingston @vill remember the beautiful lawn at She court house last summer. Ken- fucky lawn grass was used exclusively (5 Bn it. 'This reliable seed is sold in : ingston ouly 'at Gibson's Red Cross Senator Foraker has printed, then i withdrawn, a paper making a sonsa: i) a attack on Viee-President Fair- Zdust a little more style if is ordered from Crawford Naish, * Don't drift on the tide. Paddle your Gwn cance. If you drift you will pre iy get saying the river has ceased Four & i ae - rn---- How to Keep the Complexion the Most 15,000 NEWS FROM NAPANEE, ---- ) A Couple Quietly Married--Many Personal Notes. Napanee, April -11.--Mrs. Denis Daly and son, Donald, left Thursday for Philadelphia to spend the Easter week with her son, Arthur. Mrs. KR. 8S. illigan, Simcoe, is' the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Gerow, and other friends. Rev. W. H. Emsley, went to Montreal this week to attend the funeral of his friend, the late. John Torrance. My. and Mrs, A. C. Parks, who have been sloping at the Campbell house during the winter, will return to their home in Hay Bay, to-day. Miss G. Alice Heck entertained her Sunday school class last evening. C. Perey Pierson, hors baiyer of Montreal, pur: chased fo m fine animals here. Among the lot was a fine team purchased from G. H. Williams, and another fine pair of drivers from C, W. Hambly, North Fredericksburg, for which he paid the latter the sum. of he The Robinson company have this week placed in position a complete set of pew awnings. The awnings are mo- dern in every detail, harmonizing in color and tone with the handsoms stone 'front, and are admired by every passer-by. - No tidings have yet been received of Zan Smith, misting from his rooms for two weeks, and fears are enter- tained that he has fallen into the river. Miss Nettie May Bowen and Frederick Templeton Thompson, were united in marriage, on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of Frank Kinkley, Mill street. CARRIED OFF SOFA. Woman Beat a Man in House and Court. Renfrew Journal, An interesting case was before Po- lice Magistrate Eddy, Wednesday af- wrnoon, when a charge of house- breaking was laid by a farmer from Admar'-m against a woman living nearby. It appears that the woman had loaned a sofa or folding bed to this man and thinking that he was going to move away wanted to get her sofa back, On Saturday she en- tered his house and walking right in- to the room tried to take her sofa. The man locked her in the room to prevent her taking it, claiming that she had given him the sola in return for several loads of wood, This she denied, The woman, unable to get out the door, succedded iw forcing open the window and putting the sofa through, carried it home: herself, The man then Kad her brought here for trial for breaking into his house and damag- ing his windows, On the evidence giv. en, the case wag dismissed, the man laying the complaint to pay cost. guson. On Tuesday morning the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Ferguson of Blos- som Hill farm, near Gravel Hill, was the scene of a happy event, when their second daughter, Minnie, was united in marriage to Buell Dickey, of Gana- noque, formerly of Roexport, The bride looked pretty as she was given away by her lather, and was becom: inly gowned in white silk trimmed with chiffon and wore a veil of orange blossoms. She carried a show- er bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern. Her going away gown was of blue broadcloth with white picture hat, The young couple were unattended. Rev. James Hastie officiated at the ceremony. After the ceremony, all repaired te the dining room where a dainty breakfast had been prepared. They then took the C. P. R. at 11 am. for their home at Gananoque, amid showers of rice and the good wishes of their many friends, Mrs. Dickey will be greatly missed by her large circle of friends. Going To Vancouver. Donaldson, April 8.--Suger making is the order of the day, We are sorry to hear that A. Cheatter's chil dren ave sick with grippe. William Webb and littly daughter, Annie, are away to visit the latter's parents in Smith's Fallss Messrs. Jones and Donaldson have erected a new ice house. 1). Geddes has had a sale and leaves for Vancouver Island in a few days. WJ. Lett will go with him, There are whispers of a wedding in the near future. Mr, Shier has re turned to the states. Migs Mamie Boyd has gone to Kingston. Miss KE. McFarlane is visiting ber sister, Mrs. E. Rasberry. Mrs. Ladone, at Mrs, H. Morrow's; E. Jones, at 'A. Cheat- ter's; Miss M. Richardson called on friends around here, Messrs. Jones Donaldson and Thurston had quite an experience the other day when they got their five horses in the marsh. It togk nearly the afternoon ta get them out as the ice caved and they had to use lumber to walk them on to get to high land, Washburn Notes. Washburn, April 10.--The Washburn yoad is in a bad condition. The Per feet Brick 'and Tile company, it ig said, is about to start work again. Cold Spring cheese. factory started operating on the 6th with a large crowd of patrons. Recent visitors: James Fisher, . Sunbury, at Walter Toner's; Elmer Balls, at Battersea; Miss Black McHroom in the tity. Boys Petition Parliament: , A I-A ition with Fo lly gy Inge. '| a8 cover by BURIED 17 IN YARD AND DIED BEFORE DISCLOS- ING ITS HIDING PLACE. Toronto. Woman's Search--Un- availing Hunt For Treasure Which Her Sister Had Saved As "Ambition Money.' Kansas City, Mo., April story of Mri. James Reeve is a dime novel mystery, but to Mrs. Reeve's sister, Mre. James Smythe, of Toron- to, who came bere to see Mrs. Reeve on her death-bed, it is a story of sacrifice for family pride, Somewhere in the little brick house at 715 East Fourth street, or in. the vard surrounding it, $3,000 is buried. Mrs. Reeve hid it and died without telling where. She and her husband had been saving up for twenty-five years. "Keeve worked as a stationary engineer in the gas works and Mrs, Reeve was the house treasurer. She had no faith in banks. When Mrs. Reeve: was taken ill with grippe, the doctor told her she would die. She would not believe him. Hut to satis- fy her husband she promised to tell where the money was hidden. She said she would tell Sunday. She be- came unconscious Friday morning and died last night, Her husband and Mrs. Smythe have failed to find the money. The brother of Mrs. Reeve and Mrs. Smythe, Charles Kimpton, is a whole- sale fruit commission merchant in To- rofito, "We had bought a lot in a more fashionable part of the city, and were planning to move this summer," said Mr. Reeve, "but I guess I'll sell it now and keep on living here. It's close to my work. As for the money, that was my wile's 'ambition money.' Now she's gone, the money does not matter much." THE SPORT REVIEW. Interesting News From the fous Sporting Fields. The weeding out stage has been reached in the Eastern baseball league and the men who failed to make good are being released or turned over to minor clubs, The New York State Fair commis. sion announces five stakes for the race Jsmeeting at Syracuse in September. The most valuable are the Empire State, of $10,000, for 2:14 trotters, and the Syracuse, of ¥5,000, jor 2:11 pacers. Quebec will make a strenuous effort to break into the N.L.U. The Quebec club has plenty of backing, and the men behind it claim that the team's, showing last season justifies its appli- cation for admission to the senior ranks, Tommy Burns, the champion heavy- weight pugilist, who in the last four months has knocked out Gunner Noir and Jem Roche, has signed articles for a tenround contest to be held in! Paris on April 18th, with "Jewey" Smith, a South African boxer. Edmonton Bulletin : ¥or some sub- tle reason a trotting race does not hold the same excitement for. the populace that a running race does, and many of the lovers of the game in Edmenton are looking forward to the opening of the first season of the Western Canada Turl association. Buffalo Times : We welcome Tommy Burns to the ranks of the literati, Tom has written a book on the science of hit-and-get-the-money, which ismow selling like 'ot kykes hor pigs' trots ters hat hall the bloomin' stalls in London hat two bob the copy. Hit his profusely hillustrated with the hauthor's photygrapwh. Bli'-me. The venue of the championship tour pament of the English, Scottish, irish and Welsh Bowling associations has been changed from Glasgow to Edin. burgh, where the competition will take place over the green of the Braid club on July 9th, 10th and 1lith. The visit of the Canadian team is antici- pated with much interest by: old conn- try bowlers. "Norway is the latest competitor "to enter, for the Olympic regatta, 'which is to be held at Henley in July next, Capt. Swerve, pigpident of the com- mitteg which is Jims charge of the ar rangements, is mow om a visit to London. He states that the Norwe- glans intend to send an eight-oared crew, and he has engaged an English waterman, "Dubber" Follett, of Rich- mond, to go to coach the oarsmen for three months. The new stand at Hanlan's Island is almost completed, and the diamond | has been laid out. Toromto will have the only covered bleachers in the Eastern league, and the best accom: modation for spectators generally in the civenit. 'There will be seats for more than 5,000 people. The dill- culty of getting to and from the is land will be largely overcome hy thé greatly improved facilities for loading and unloading the crowds and making faster trips from the mainland to the Island grounds. Vr To Prevent The Grip. Laxative Bromo Quinine rémoves the leause. To get the genuine, call for full name and look for signature of i. W. Grove, 25c. Fort Of Dromedaries. Paris, April 11. --Admiral Philibert reports that during a recent engage were killed. These animals were used the Freach troops, who in the square. 1.~The| ment in Morocco filty-six dromedaries| fie. AUTHORITIES ON CORRECT DRESS Til-Letorm Fit-Reform Wardrobe is splendidly complete with all that is foremost in fashion's favor. Keeping in close touch with the leaders of fashion throughout thé world as we do, we are enabled | to shiow exclusive creations in Men's Suits and Overcoats. For every cccasion, you will find the appropriate garments for men, in our wardrobe. For Easter We are showing the seasoi"s most attractive models in single and Suits and Spring Overcoats. double breasted Prices $15, $16.50, $18, $20, $22, $25 up $35. to The Fit-Reform] trade- mark is in the inner pocs ket of every genuine Fit-Reform Your, protection and our it garment as guarantee. Look for Crawford & Walsh, Sole Agents for Kingston whenever you buy. Tit-Feto 150 AGENCIES IN CANADA Crawford & Walsh, Sole Agents for Kingston IN. COANECTION WITH CanadiamPagific Railway Easter Excursions AT Single Fare Tickets good going April 16th, 17th, 18th and 20th, Ci Valid returning on 2st, Homeseekers' Excursion or belory April 1908. . To tes, April Hh pd Mth May "12 thand 26th. Tickets goml for 60 days Full particulars at R. Picket Offige, {On wwriov Ste LE Ee Gen. Pass. Agoat, Pr BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY 'Train leaves union station, Ontarky Street, 2p m. daily (Su for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee; onto, Bannockburn and 8't points Lorth, To re quick down ato to Bennoek- burn, Ma ynaot hd oomts on Central Ontario, route yur shipments via Day of Quinte Railway. Jor further particus lars, apply to R. W. DICKSON, Agent. 'Phone, No. 3. GRAND TRON EASTER, 1908. Return tickets will bo lssued at SINGLE FIRST-CLA FARE Good going Thursday, April 16th, Monday, Aprit 20th, 1908, fnclusive, valid returning from destination oa or betore TUESDAY, April Zlist, 1908, Re- duced fares, apply between all stations in Canada. Frou: eli statipns if Canada to Detroit, Mich, » Huron, Mieh., ~ . aspen N NEE Niagarn Falls, N.Y on, NY. Bombay, N + N.Y,, Massena Springs, N Rouses Point, N.Y., Swanton, Island Pond, Vi, and vice versa. For further particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson nnd Ontario Sts. ALLAN LINE TO LIVERPOOL : Rates of and Tall PEformies Deger- RAILWAY, SYSTEM Manftoha . and North-Wast. Territor- | K.&R., and C.P.| days excepteay io lover 18 years of i An + thon made ng plans '= (1) At least six. tw TIL arthy "redhlencs [= i LWAY jon and cultivation of the land in each {year during the term of three years. (CH (2) A homesteader may, if he so de sires, perform the required residence duties by living on farming land owned solely by Wim, not less acres In extent, in ths Royal Mail Trains ~ th eighty (840) From Montreal : iotuemteads, J oint FI Lal i to Halifax! & u the father. Tor TaaBuher it the CONNECTING WITH - |jermeaorot msiinos! cn Ppmemicaor has Royal Mail Steamers TRC a From Halifax to Liverpool Canada's Famous Train stead entered for by him {he vicinity, uch homesteader mav perform his own THE MARITIME EXPRESS residence duties by .Mving wish the ather (or :mother.jp- - Lr : (4) The ters gviinity™ in the to ( Leaving MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 foun) carries passengers, baggage and | European wails reaching the steamer's preceding paragrs is dred as oan mg wot more than nine miles in a direct jdock at HALIFAX the following Satur- line exclusive "of the width of road al- wance crosged in the meastrement (3) A homesteader imténding tor Poel orn his residence duties in avoprfance with the above while Mving with phrenis or on farming land owned hy himself must notify the Agent for the distrizt of such tention Before making application | fc he settler must ay xi apy JOLT writing to .the € rT Pos {say aftermoon. | SPECIAL TRAINS carrying passengers jbaggage and mails when inward steam- {ers do not connect with the MARITIME EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX. immediate {ly after the arrival of the wteamer, mak. jing commections for Ottawa, Torouto, {Detroit and points west. {_FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN. IFORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND inion Lands at Ottawa, of hip jnten- TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office ANOPSIS oF GANA Nolen ¢ WEST MINING REGUL LATIONS, 'OAL~Coal mining rights b leased for a- period 'of {ES a ke : An annual rental of $1 per acre. Not ore than 2,560 acres shall be leaged to Ae individual or company. A rovaliy at Jo rates of five cents per ton shall be silected on the merchantable oo mined. QUARTZ~A persom sighted Swears of €e or over, havieg #igon Silcoral ice, may locates cial : The clam ee for recordin . 141 Bt. James St. At least as be nim 500x1,5 . . $5 $100 must be expended on th { elaim each fear or paid rr the iGing recorder in lieu thereof, 'When $500 has been expended or paid, the loca tor Hay {upon baving a survey madd; Wbd upon complying with other requiretnepts, pur- chase the land at $§ por aere. r The pa tovides Tor' the payment of a rovalty 2% r cat on the sales Placer mining 1a ms geuaraily are 100 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest fet square ; entry foe $5, renewable year- HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, we, onan" poh taln two lesaet to Any even numbered section of Domine form the 'duties Stole oh Gréchilrbitom @ Typewriters are divided into two classes-- The ONE made seemingly modern by patched-on im provements--the OTHER L.C.Smith & Bros. Typewriter (Writing Kutirely in Sight) with modernneds inbuilt. @Every device for convenience, time-sav- ing and labot saving is inbuilt. in the L. C. Swrrit & Buos. Tyee- warren, € Eyery known element of durability and dependability is there--Bunr Ix. € This insures the most and Hest work both fram machine and operator. "That's office economy. 2 ---------- i 0 BERD FOR ILLUATRATED CATALOGUE ------------------------------------------------ L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. [aa a AE BE {on Horde in, Mamitovs. o the North Went ikcreion "of he chsisier of, the Lr Served. tty be Homesteaded by any pete] The lessse shall Daves o drips in brgr- a family, or mgiei8tion within one fromisthe ¥ . rear ion 3 $80" Sere ets Fer of the lease for each five miles $10 T Anum for each m%e of river . cane ¥ s of 3 per Fy Appheation for homestead entry must chad on, the: 030 four 0 one f a in person by the applicant at & {Rowton Lands Agency or Sub-agency. ernt colleciod on the outphit after it exe Entry by proxy may, however, be leeeds $10,000. Deputy of the Minkte Yok 'Ttuie ibs at an Agency . : oe: te ane eo, Stein, Coniitions ™ wa. Haan - publication of this } vertisem wilt 3 [er or sister of an intending homest. o fo ui for, application 'for entry of cance i rsonally at any sub-agent's office may bs wired to the Agen Sub-agent, at the of a cant, * and if the land applied for is vacant om receipt of the telegram such » tion is to huve priority and oy be heid until ihe necsssary papers to the wr Ftion are received by " "| Newsome & Gilbert, | ~ | all makes Second-hand Typewriters, - LIMITED No. 0 Jordan St, Toronto. Branches, Halifax, N.S. Otiaws, Ont, Wissipeg, Man. --LOCAL AGENTS-- NEWMAN & SPRICCS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Prinocasy St. Kingston. A full stock of Typewriter Supplies for of ma slways pu hand. In case of *4 tiom™ or freed applicant I affats all priority of a a ' granied it will be An application for cancellation must be sade in % applicant must be ligible homestead eniry. and only ome for camorilation indivi Li Pr deliver without slate, st prices, {Booth & Co., Pu Bin i Wek 0