Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1908, p. 7

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Gold in Guwilight NAPE GRE IRRVNERREREN 45 Mrs. Keaneth Blair gave a lar and. very smart supper party. on Wednesday night, after the assault-at- arms at the Loyal Military Colleve. Among the guests were © Colonel and Mys. T. D. RB. Hemming, Miss Grace emining, Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie, Major and Mys. H. E. Burstall, Captain and Myre. H RV, Pe Bury, Captain and Mrs. Alan Pal mer, and their guests, Miss Dorothy and Miss Isobel 'White, of Ottawa Captaip and Mrs. de Mowbray Bell, Missew Bessie and Nora Cordon, Mrs, Iva Martin, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, - Miss Marie Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs, John Macnaughton, Mr. and" Mrs. Percy Stevensoh, Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Hill Mpenee, Mrs. Arthur Flower March, Miss Laure Smith, of Ottawa; Miss Mary Hora, Miss Mabel Gilder sleeve, Major N, A. W. Scott, Captain, Edouard Panet, and a number of the course officers. ' - oe ow Colonel E. TI. Taylor's supper, on Wednesday night, resolved itself, on aecount of Mrs. Taylor's illness, into & men's pariv solely, and weighty * matters pertaining to the future wel fare of the R.N.C. were discussed over "the supper table. - - - Men. Henry Merrick, Bagot street, asked a number of the young girls, Mise Marjory Merrick's friends, to tea on Thursday and with them several of the more youthful men who are going out. It wes a Very pleasant little affair, - Z - Miss Beatrice McGill iw» from Toronto, to-morrow. be with Colonel and Mrs. Sydenham McGill at "The Avonmore," and will be in town till the end of the holi- days, when she will return io Haver wall Hall, - Mrs. John Bell Carruthers asked a few people to "Annandale," on Thursday evening, to meet Miss Laura Smith. . : > > - Mrs. Iva Martin will entertain the vounger girls at "Underwood," to- night. expected She wil - o> oe % Mrs. Lennox Mills will not receive at "Bishopscourt" again this season. i "o> - -> The Badminton tournament was on at the Armouries this afternoon, > - -> Mrs. Henry Skinner and Miss Na Skinner, who are "now=in Victoria BU. will leave, early in May, for home, Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnsen street, bas returned from Otfawa, " "Miss Spangenberg, Johnson street, is howe again from Lowell, Mass. + Mrs, Pemberton, of Toronto, is the Our of New Spring Suits from Gananoque this week. | her visit to | guest of her daughter, Mrs. Percy | Stevenson, Stuart street Miss H. Gracey bas been in town Miss Laura Smith, at the end of Mrs. Lennox Mills, at "Bishopscourt," will go to pay Mrs. Daniel Gordon a visit at Queen's. at "> J Dr..and Mrs. James Third, Welling: ton street, will be off, next Wednes- day, for England, and good wishes will. go with them, snd a hope that their whole trip may be a pleasant one. Miss Kathryne Sowards, Montreal street, who has heen the guest of Miss Ashley; Hotel Strathcona, Brock- ville, has returned home. «Miss Winnifred Brough, of Brock- ville, has been spending a few days with Mrs. Henry Merrick, Bagot street, on her way to New York My. Gordon Merrick has licen moved from the Peterboro branch of the Bank of Commerce to Toronto. He will be home here for Easter. Fy the A gm ot Mrs. Stanley Chown has been in town from Renfrew, for a few days. Mrs. 1. Graham, Princess street, has returned from Toronto. Dr. Colin Graham is in town from New York, and will stay till the lat- ter part of the month. He will then go to Panama. Miss Helen Campbell, Sydenham street, is another Havergal Hall ~irl who is home for the Easter holidays. Miss Jean Craie, Princess street, who has been spending the week in Harrowsmith, has returned to town. Miss Munbel Richardsa. Stuart street, is' a Westhourne school girl home from Toronto. -> Miss to Montreal. ? Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie street, id home from Ottawa. Mrs. George Eade and Miss Daisy Fade came over from New York, to day, snd are with Mys. G. W Mahood, Uniou street. Mr. Eade will be here a week from to-day. Miss Evelyn Kerr is expected down from Toronto, shortly, to pay Mrs. John Bell Carrdthers and "Annan- dale" another visit. "> --> -> Brigadier-General and Mrs. Cotton aud family will occupy quarters in the residence of Lady Kirkpatrick, To tonto, which the latter recently sold ta the federal government for mili- tary headquarters. Mys, Cotton and family will not remove to Toronto from Ottawa until the autumn. Mrs. John Charles, Yarker, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boyes, Al: fred street. Mr. Charles Robinson, Kingston, is the guest for a few days of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gi. Robinson, of Cardinal. - -~ - is. visiting the Rev, F. G. Kirkpat- rick ahd Mrs. Kirkpatrick in - Cardi. nal. Mrz. Kenneth Fenwick and Miss Anita Fenwitk, King street, will not be leaving Kingston until July. Mrs. Fenwick' has rented her house for a Showing and Coats Is admitted by évery woman to be far superior in nything in Eastern Ontario. every way td a pty 218 Distinct Models in Spring Suits. Prices $9.50 to $50.00. +» 370 COATS in all the latest ideas; 17.50 each. Black Silk Coats New York & London Styles. $15.00 to 35.00 each. It is always a pleasure to have you examine our large stocks and compare qualities with what others offer. »- Nellie Fortescue has retained | Miss Etta Kirkpatrick, King street. | $5.00 to THE DAILY sini. Telfer, King street, went | {to Toronto, to-day, om a visit. She | was accompanied by her sister-in-law, | Mrs. C. Harrison, who has been her | guest the past few daye. | - - w- Mrs. Lawrence Buchan, who has | been spending some time in Toronto | and Preston, under treatment from her physician, is very much better, and will return shortly te Montreal to rejoin General Buchan. Lady Clark will give a dinner, to- night, at Liovernment House, Toron- Ito, in honor of Lady Kirkpatrick, oi "Closeburn."" Mrs. Mpleolm Macyillivray, street, has been spending some in Ottawa. | Mes. W. Earl days - - - The marriage of Hilda Marian, only daughter of My. and Mps. Thomas Van Buskirk Bingay, of Yarmouth, N.S, to My. William Arnott {raick, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Craick, of Port Hope, will take place in Holy Trinity church, Yarmouth, on April 22nd. - . (Continued on page 35.) Spring Millinery. | i f i The attractive piece of millinery | shawn above was a white straw in| bell-shape, trimmed with a rosette of stiff saxe-blue musseline and two black quills. The hat is faced with dark blue chiffon, and is extremely stylish, and suitable to wear with shirt waists. See What We're Showing. And you'll see what's right to wear in men's hats, You can choose from New York's and London's' latest styles if you buy at Canipbell Bros'., the leaders in men's hats. Ty cost no more than inferior makes, 60c., 75¢, and %1 and 2 boxes. McCounkey's and Huyler"s high- class candy from Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Try Bibby's dressy $2 hats. Mr. Moore, whose readable article | on "British Diplomacy," is found on page thirteen, to-day, was formerly assistant postmaster of Gananoque, and is well known in Kingston. # Bibby's for hest £1 shirts. i By the way, what's become of the man who used to tell her he "was go- ving to lodge *" { cuffs, sold at J. BRITISH 5 READY FOR A DEAL CHASE OF PINE TIMBER. Member of Parliament Makes An Offer Fcr Trees on West End Property--Citizen Males Gen- erous Suggestion For Park. Negotiations are on foot in this city Jooking to the sale of the stand- ing pine on the Rivers™ property at the west end of the tow n of Brock ville. The prospective buyer of the trees is Melzar Avery, MP, Frontenac, of the firm of Thompson & Avery Shar bot Lake. In the event' "OF the deal going through, as appears 'probable, a port- able saw mill be erected on the pre- mises and a complete sweep of the timber made. . My. Avery has made his estimate and a "cruiser" is Mow getting at the value for Col. Rivers. It is said to be Col. Rivers' inten- tion to divide it" fio building lots and sell. * If the town weve 0 secure the Pines for a park site a @itizen will contri- bute $1,000 towards a public subscrip- tion te procure the Malloch property immediately want «ol it for the same purpose or 0 corporation purchase the Malloch poopertv for a park the same. ofler would hold good for public subsciplion towards buy- ing 'the Pines. ' _ Mr. Avery has been in Brockville several times lately ooking the tim- ber over. ¥ Men Of Every Ape. Find Campbell's bats just right. So many styles to to be erfectly "fitted at Campbell Bros'.i the leades§ ih men's hats. You Will Find Livingston's display suiting, the largest andl most exclusive in the city According to thé way you behave in life vou will be your greatest friend or your bitterést ehemy. There is no more "luck ' than #hat in the world. See Bibby's $1 mnbrellas Wizard Burbank has begun to take an active part di politics. He hopes, perhaps, to sues in evolving a graftless' politicias Tooke's famoukfghirts, collars and Forrest's, King St, Bibby's $1 shi are neat. What men call bad luck is not that chance does not present itself to them, but simply that they let it go bv and miss it. See Bibby's knitted silk ties, Some men are Lorn to others acqire.y have to fight a For brown and green suitings, ingston's. Bibby's for best $2 hats I a bride isn't homesick for her family six weeks after marriage it's a | & Co. sign she married the right man. See Bibby's $1 blue shirts, i i i i NEGOTIATIONS FOR PUR. se from, so easy | | and Mrs. W. } i | spending the past three months | riches; | oe and still others | guarantee for national bank deposits. will 10 get. them. Liv- | the chance to do the IG, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908. ¥ GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What is Transpiring in the River Town. Gananogue, April 11.--The conserva. tives held a general caucus in the town hall last evening for the pur pose of revrganiting their forces, J. R. Dargavel, MPP. of Elgin, and George Taylor, M.P., 'of Gananoque, made short speeches. The Young People's Scciety of Grace church, held a pie social in the lecture room of the church last even- ing under the auspicey of the mission ary committee. There was a good at- tendance. The proceeds will be devot ed toward the forward movement for missions, ) A very pleasant event took place at the residemce of the late John Seal, uncar Maple Grove! when some forty members of the Maple Grove Metho- dist church met there and presented Miss Annie Beal, who has been organ- ist of the church for some time, with a beautiful diamond ring ss a token of kindly feeling and appreciation of her services. Mise Seal purposes l:av- ing that section in the near future. James Shaw, has disposél of Lis residence on North street to C. W, Walker, of Taylor. Mr. Walker took possession during the past few days, and will in future make it his home. The many friends of Mrs. George Crawford, corner Hickory and First street, will learn with satisfaction that Mis. Crawford, who has keen for the past three weeks in Hotel Dieu, Kingston, after undergoing a surgical operation, is gaining rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Lent, Market sireet, who have been spending the past two weeks in New York city and Boston, have returned to town. Miss Laura Gibson attending with her parents, Mr. J. Gibson, King street s'reet 8 reet, at Thousand Tsland Park, has retoried to town. Miss Anna M. Kane, nurse n-training at Kingston General Hos- pital is in town, spendine a short fur- lough with: her aunt, Miss Margarat Kane, Garden street. vacation here Miss 8. A. Cross, King Real Estate Booming. I have sold nine dwellings this last five weeks, rented six, have a number more to rent and a large number more for sale. Several farms are also for sale. Apply to 428 Princess street, Vaughn terrace, or Windsor hotel. Now is the time the little lads and lassies take their sulphur and molasses, and they all find it easier to take the kind sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Bryan has 'added greatly ta his strength by his advocacy of a federal One-half of the world is waitin~ for tof its joh | J Don't forget, we have a new hanging paper, ete., this year. Weese See our bargains in wall pa- jer remnants, Try Bibby's special $2 hats. Easter Gloves Dent's English Gloves for Ladies' & Gentlemen. French Kid Gloves, the guaranteed makes, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, \ Long Kid Gloves, New French Veils and Veilings An immense stock to select from. 25¢ to $3.50 each { New English Parasols and Unbrells For Ladies and Gentlemen. 75¢ to $5.00 each. iw 5 » & - " $1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 pair. On Sale Saturday SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY NIGHT, 7.30 0'CLOCK. 310 MUSLIN BLOUSES White, regular 90c., $1.00, 1,25, 1,75. For 48c Each. 360 Pairs Men's Cashmere Socks ar Regular 25c pair. 2 Pairs for 25c. These Socks are made of Soft All-Wool Cashmere .in Navy, Black and Tan, and are offered at actually less than mill cost of production. Special sale Night. ed a 1.35, col- 3 lege in Toronto, is spending a short | i other half out | staff | | £30 Princess street. When you drag yourself out of bed these mornings, feeling just about as badly as a human being can feel ~that's " Spring Fever.'* Now, what. you need is something to stir up the liver, clean the stomach, cool the blood, and put some vim and bounce in the system. ABBEY'S SALT does all this as nothing else will. For young and old alike, it 8 is the best spring tonic. . : 5c and 60c a bottle. 3 fee. Salt i PLUM RIVER LEAD MINING COMPAN (INCORPORATED) r. 215 acres, near Stockton, Ill, This NEVER WAS, and never shall be, A STOCK- JOBBING PROPOSITION. Actual Development now proceeding and prospects good. Fifteen tons of Cog Lead now piled at the shaft homse and about as much more on the dump ; to be washed, when frost goes out, This will make the first car load for shipment. Five decent, intelligent fellows Control the Property. And have been carrying on active development workl from the Sale of Stock. FEY Eis i 41 { Some Shares for Sale. Par value one dollar. Apply to THOMAS MILLS, 79 Clarence St. Kingston, April 9th, 1908. Special In Bedroom Furniture. Dressers, over 35 styles. range from $6.00 and up. [ron Beds from $2 50, 3.00, 3.00, 5.50. These have all been reduced, Ask for Hercules Springs R. J. REID, Prices "Phone, B71. French Broadcloths The superior qualities of French Broadcloths are well known to every observant dressmaker. They are made of softer yarn than other makes. "rough up." longer. They will not They hold their color better and wear * Real French Broadcloths In Venetian and Chiffon Finish, thoroughly spong- shrunk. Black and Colors, 90¢, $1.00, 1.10, 1.25, 50, 1.75, 2.00. We Voiles, I Poplins, &e., &c. In Black Dress Goods guarantee the color of every piece we sell. anamas, Roxanas, Cashmeres, Silk Warps, -------------------------------- -------------------- Rough Shantung Silks A splendid assortment of qualities and colors to select from in Natural, White, Black, Blues, Browns. Your attention is drawn to the special dye of these Silks. Prices 50, 60, 75, $1.00 yard. em ---------------------------- On any and every purchase you make you can "always depend upon obtaining value for your money at R. Waldron's, Brock and Wellington Sts. We are Making Special Reductions on Lace Curtains Which are worthy of your attention. You can save money. Genuine Hand-work, The very latest Large Display of Irish Crochet Doilies ideas for t ble decorations. 25c to $3.00 each.

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