Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1908, p. 8

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CLEANED STORED AND INSURED Telephone waggon to_call, i | chief ranger of the Independen & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908. ANS TSSUED. WAIT % |G. W. FOWLER, M.P, SEEKS $250,000 DAMAGES. A Great Lot of Things Are Charg- ed Against Toronto Men in Connection With XK; loops Lumber Company. Toronto, April 11. ~Charging Hon. G. Ww, Ross, Chancellor Sir John. A. Boyd, Elliott G, Stevenson, s@preme t Order Jobn I. Davidson and of Foresters, the Union Trust company with frand, coliusi conspiracy, sion, . cohwersion, breach of duty and negligence, G. W. owlpr, this morning, issued a writ claiming $350,000 damages from the | above named defendants in connection s 489, Pr---------------- | [| with the conduet of the Kamloo Lumber company, in which Fowler Was at one time interested. The plain- til complains that the Union Trust company secured control of the Kam- | loops concern and then organized the r CITY AND VICINITY. Another Special Sale To-Morrow. Fifteen large nutmegs for Be. 15ec. bottle of Worcestershire satice, fc. tin "fine Durham mustard, Se, Mullins, Elected Queen's "rustees. Rev, Dr. Crummy and Rev. Alfred Gander, of Toronto, huve heen elected trustees of Queen's by the alumni, or graduates df the university. King Of All. The king of all $2 hats is the world wide "Waverly," Sold in Kingston by George Milly :& Co. only, the sole agents focomil' the best makers' hats. Passed With Honors. Dr. Wiliam Smith, son of John Smith printer, pessed the N. Y, coun- cil with honours. He is a graduate of Queen's College, and his many friends are glad of his success. Home From Convention. R. B. Nelles and Ehuer Davis have returned home from attending the Y.M.C.A. convention, at Stratiord, and they speak in glowing terms of the success of the convention. The 10¢. | at] THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--=Other Brief Items of " Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. Try Bibhy's special $1 umbrellas Pay gas and electric accounts save discount, Next week is the last of Lent, everybody try to be good. Style, fit, finish, Crawford & Walsh, tailors. W. J. Gibsen, of Gananogue, was a visitor in the city, yesterday. jeorge Driver, Stewart street, turned from Hamilton, to-day. Francis Purdy, of the Crown bank, Lethbridge, is visiting in the city. The predicted rain shower came last 10 evening, and Let re- Now for the cooler spell, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. 'Phome 778. Bishop Mills held confirmation in Trinity church, Brockville, on Friday night, the Nellie Kennedy Stock company will leave on Monday for Watertown, several dances during the winter, and | The Scraper came stree STULENTS HELD "AT HOME." | Pleasant Affair Given at Kingston | Business College. ! The students at the Kingston Busi- 1] ness Colleyre held an "At Home," Fri-| day night, which proved a most plea: | sant affair. The assembly room was] the scene of a jolly crowd of guests, | and all present spent a most en.oy-| ahle time. Large strefimers of red, | white and blue bunting were placed | across* the room, and formed a very! pretty decoration. The dancing was | Commenced at 8.30 o'clock, and con! tinted until midnight, Joseph Hac- kett, presiding at the piano, aud ren-| dering a fine programme, Principal | Metcalfe and Mes. Metcalfe were pre-| sent, and gave the guests a warm welcome, | The students at this college held on all occasions, they: have proved, themselves to be fine entertainers. STREET CLEANING BEGUN. | at Work | Was Set This Morning. morning Edward McFadden | forth duly with the oaty's| scraping maching and began the] This Ai fot Arter Supper Sale SL To=Night, 7.30 to 10 O'clock. There are a numb>r of good reasons why annua spring cleaning, starting in the | east end of the city, where the frost is well out of the ground. It will bel a little while yet before the frost willl NY. M. R. Davis, government hull inspec- tor, is confined to his home through attendance of delegates was very large, and the addresses given on Y.M.C.A. work were most inspiring. John McKay Fur House, EH] | Independent Lauber company, placing in power the same directorate as that over the first company. The accisa- you should come to-night, We will only mention a few. j TENDERS TENDERS ADDRESSED 71 3 um: at Ottawa, "In wo ne 1 the envelopes yslopes and on p- r for New Crui i Columbia," will. be received oor " ih tor oF MUP JAY OF MAY NEXT, fo @ construction of a twin screw steel Crug for Fisheries Protection in Britian Columbia waters, gw following leadi dimensions, namely Jength over all 250 feet, Breadth of beam moulded 82 feet and Depth from top of keel plate to top of beams at side - 3 i and to be delivered at Vietoria, Plans and specifications of this steamer can be seen at the Department of Marine and Fisheries. Oftawa, at the offices of the Collectors of Customs at Toronlo, Hamilton, Collingwood, Midland, Van. couver and Sydney, N.S. and at the agencies of the Department of Marine ahd Fisheries, at Montreal, Quebec, St John, Pa, Halffax, N.S, and Charlottetown, The same plans and specifications can be procured a plication from the De partment of, roe and Fisheries up to the First Day of May next and at the Agency of the Department of Marine and Figheries, Vietoria, B.C. Fach tender must be accompanied by an accepted bank cheque equal to 10 per cent. of tho whole amount of the tender, which cheque will be forfeited if the per- son sending the accepted tender declines to enter into a contract with the De partment or fails to complete the steam er. Tenders on letter paper will be con- sidered, The Department does not bind itself to accepi the lowest or any tender. Newspapers copying this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid. F. GOURDEAU, _ Deputy Minister of Marine and F ies. Ottawa, Canada, 14th March, 1908. Sal Tenders for Ohaln;, Swivels and Shackles. TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE un gned at Ottawa, and endorsed on the envelope "Tender for Chain, Swivels and Shackles," will ba received at the De- partment of Marine and Fisheries, Otta- Wa, up to noon of ¢ : FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, for the furnishing of about 8,974 fathoms of different si Chain with Shackles send My * to suit. to be delivered at Charlottetown, Specifications and detailed information can be obtained from the Department of Marioe and Fisheries, Ottawa, and from the Agents of the Department of rine and Fisheries at the cities already named. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartcred bank, for the sum of $600, to the order of the Mriister of Marine and Fisheries. This chaque will be forfeited the party whose tender J accepted declines to enter a deliver the Chain, ckies, or fails to carry U the tender is not nto a contract Swivels 'and out the contract. beret ogeepled the cheque will returned. The Ce Noe not bind itself to fccopt the lowest or any tender Newspapers copying this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid. 0 F. GOURDEAU, Deputy Minster of Marine and Fisher oo. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, 28rd March, 1908. TENDERS, TENDERS ADDRESSED TO 'VHE undersighed at Ottawa, and endorsed on the envelope "Tender for Lighthous: Supply Steamer," will he. regeived up to the ® EIGHTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1908. for the charter of a suitable steam vessel, to deliver 'supplies to the lighthouses hove Montreal, commencing at Montreal shout the 24th June next. to Lhe vessel required on application 10 the here, and at the Custom \, Ha hein Hamilton, un land, olling- and + Sault Ste. Marid, and at the of the Department of Marine and Bu at Montreal. Bach tender must be accompankd by tion then is that these directors put through a deal whereby the Kam- loops company sold lumber to the in- € nt company at a price $1 per thousand less than was their actual cost of production. Messrs. Mont- gomery, Fleury and Montgomery are acting for Mr. Fowler. -------- ORIGIN OF HEAT. Dr. A. J. Park, A Canadian, Made Wonderful Discovery. Chicago, Aprit 11.--Dr. Andrew J. Park' of Chicago, a graduate of the University of Victoria College, Toron- to, Ont., and of Harvard University, believes that he has discovered the true origin of heat, and intends to lay his discovery before the Assooci- ation for the Advancement of Science in London next June. The old theory that heat is a mode of motion is de- clared to be fallacious by Dr. Park. He asserts that heat is imponderable ether accumulated in excess. This imponderable matter, accord: ing to Dr. Park, is completely neutral and is never manifested as heat in its elementary condition, But when it ac cumulates in excess and its equilib rium is disturbed, it becomes heat. He says that when the equilibrinm of the ifaponderable ether is disturbed, there must be motion, but in this applica- tion, motion is simply the agent and not the principhl. Tt is merely the battery, not the electrical power. Dr. Park gays he was immediately acquainted with Lord Kelvin, and that the iatter some time before his death said he believed Dr, Park was working on the right theory: He suys that Prof. Tyndall also endorsed his theory of the origin of heat on which he has been working for years, NOT IN RIGHT MIND. Dillon Alias Smith Not Likely to Be Tried. Montreal, April 11.--The physicians and nurses at the General Hospital area now of the opinion that John Dillon, alias James Smith, the mur. derer of Constable Shes, is not in his right mind, and they do not be ig that he will ever be brought to trial. Dillon will undergo an opera- tion to-day, when the bullets will be removed from his side and back. The surgeons consider he is strong enough now to undergo the ordeal, as he has been resting quietly for the lagt couple of days. It was stated at the hospital, last night, by a physician, that Dillon was of unsound mind. He is not violent, however, and has little to say to the nurses and attendants. WILL ARREST BE MADE ?- There is a Rumor to This Effect Going About Ottawa, Ont., April 11.--While it is said that some arrests may be made in corinectign with the scandals in the marine department, there is no. surety in the rumors. The fact that the min- ister asked for the investigation, amd that Judge Cassels is to conduct it, is taken as a serious sigh, but nothing will be done until the judge's work is concluded. It is said there was con- spiracy to defraud on the part of the employees, but' no names are men- tioned or particulars known. . Other statements are premature. Appointed Comptroller. Montreal, April 11 -U. M. Hays, of the Grand Trunk railway, this mom- ing, issued a circular, announcing the appointment of M. M. Reynolds as vice-president of the Grand Trunk ® swith headquarters at Mon- treal. The appointment iv effective : cheque on a chartered a Te rr Lars tender, which t of the ot , inserting this advertisemen Yin the. undersigned; Sout MMthority from not be paid. x : | Macine sod Death OF Mrs. 'Gault. pn, Ai i a} pected Lost Valuable Horse. Nelson McAdoo, Montreal Road, lost a valuable horse on Thursday. He phirchased ® fine team, #360, in Stirling, for his private use, On the way down one of the animals took ill, and died before it reached the city. My. McAdoo feels his loss very keenly. Lecture On Archaeology. Last evening, Prof. H, L. Wilson, of Johng Hopkins University, Baltimore, gave an address at Queen's on the subject of "Archaeology." It is pro- posed to form a branch of the United States' Archaeological Association, and the lecture was for the purpose of creating interest at Queen's. Kingston Funds For Redmond. The Catholics of Kingston recently wrote to the Hou. Mr. Devlin, thank ing him for the lecture delivered on St. Patrick's day, Enclosed was a cheque for $50, which the minister of colonization at * once forwarded to John E. Redmond as a contribution to the funds of the Irish party. Purchased By H. W. Richardson. H. W. Richardson has purchased the sailing yacht Kathleen from the local syndicate which built that boat last summer for internationat racing, and will likely have Lieut.-Col. Frank) Strange to sail her again this sea- son in the various yacht races at this end of the lake, Water Risen Two Feet. Since the yacht club's new pier was constructed this past winter, the wat- er has risen nearly two feet. The new pier will not be completed until the foundation has had a chance to settle, The object of the new eonstruction is for yacht anchorage, and the neces- sary shelter has been secured. Easter Book Sale. ' The great, sale of new copyright $1.50 books, for 48¢. dash, successful- ly opened by R. Uglow and company, to-day, will be continued all next | week. For Faster stock of sacred and. presentation boaks, Easter cards and booklets 'will also be shown. Concert At Murvale. A concert was held at Murvale on iday evening, O'Connor's orchestra of Kingston, was present. William Craig, the faird.ol Glenburnie, gave several fiddle numbers which roused the Murvale folk to the height of en- thugiasm. 'The proceeds of the con- cert will go toward buying a bell for the &cliool house cupola. A Warning Posted. Notices have been posted drawing attention to the by-law forbidding the throwing of ashes and other re fuse on the streets. There is a hig penalty for one found guilty of the offence. The notices were orders! pst ed as a result of the practice of throwing ashes, etc, on Aberdeen street, the uncompleted uptown thor- oughfare. People didh't seem to re- gard it as a street, but it is, and no refuse must be thrown upon it. On Twenty-Three Years. Constable "Nick" Timmerman, one of the veteran officers of the Kingston police fore, just completed twen: ty-thrée years' service. Nearly every- one in Kingston is acquainted with "Nick." and his host of friends, while vice, wish for him many more years health, such as he is now en- joring. Constable Timmerman was an {inpioyes of the locomotive works in Ald, Graham For Mayor ? The latest rumor in civie circles is that Alderman C, J, Graham, chair man of the board of works, will be a AM. Gra: ham tried twice as judepuiiden liberal candidate against Dr. J. H. , but led each time. As a conservative Marine Notes. The schooner John Howard is ex- at the spite dock en Sunday with coal from The steamers ved in the city to-day | from Port Dalhousie. The steamer Ames is being given a coat of paint. The vessel will séon valued at]onto gifts, a beatiful { congratulating him on his long ser-| candidate for mayor nest January, as | F { & conservative candidate. Ulness, Pineapples, Edwards & Jenkin, Rev, G. A, Mackenzie has returned home, from a few days' stay at Tor- Well, we had a very light snow fall this morning, It's a long way off spring. yet, "Flake moth camphor," the strong kind, 'is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The K, & P. railway is putting ina new telegraph line from Sharbot Lake to Kingston, Bepl, Iron aud Wine, "our own" make, pint bottles, fifty cents, at Wade's Drug Store. Many complaints are made by citi- zens about the condition' of the roads and crossings. H. Cunningham, piavo tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Mo Auley's book store. The proceeds of held at the Y.W.CA., ing, amounted to $94, The firemen petitioned the city coun- request fi the jumble sale, |! on Friday even- » t cil for mere wages but their has been shelved so far. Lowney's. Edwards & Jenkin. There are at present in the county i jail, seventeen prisoners, sixteen I males and one female. Col. Frank Strange's portrait, as well as the Kathleen shored up, ap- pears in the April Rudder. Miss Kate Sowards. Montreal street, returned {o-day, after visiting Miss Gladys Ashley, Brockville, Try Bibby's smart $2 hats. The Lennox and Addington council is dickering with Kingston institu tions in which to' 'shelter jts indigents, The Welfe Islander had a very large crowd on its first trip over, this morning. It 'was 'a market crowd. Thomas MeAdait, of the locomotive works, has been' quite ill for several weeks. He is suffering from gangrene. Rev. W. H. Sparling will be the preacher in Chalmers church, Quebec, on May 3lst, at the Methodist con- ference. We do copper, nickle and &lver plating, also oxidize metnls. Newman & Spriggs Electric Co., 79 Trincess street. Try Bibby's smart $2 hats. The fmeral of "the late John Hud- son, took place Saturday afternoon from his late residence, Garrett street, to Cataragui cemetery Rev. William Craig has heen appoin- ted financial agent of Bydenham street Methodist church, his duties to beginjl at the next coanferchee year. Chalmers church trustees are asking] for a collection' of $500 at to. mor. | row's anniversary services. Ne doubt they' get every cent of it G. HW. Rawlins, representing the C. PR hag secured quite a number of a t t 1 N a t a J work in the company's hotels there, Oranges. Hdwards & Jenkin. Recently a fine cut of Major George Dufi, RM.C.,, a Kingstonian, appear: ed in Toronto Saturday Night, as a Canadian doing good service in the imperial army. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Clark will occupy the residence om Gore street purchased by J. D. Allan, of Missis sippi, from the executors of the Wil liatnson estate, The upstair portion of the K. & P.| railway station is undergoing altera- | tions, and will Fe put into proper shape as an office for Engineer G. G, Hare and his staff. All Christian euchre, pedro, and whist players should be seated in Queen street Methodist church to-mor- row evening to hear Rev. W. H. Spar-| ling's opinion of the card table, Ganong's. Fdwards & Jenkin. The farmers coming to the city, to- day, report the roads to be in fairly good condition. The late rains have removed all the ice and snow from the roads and the pitch holes are all settling down. ~ » t your gas and electric chande: liets and brackets toned up to look like new fixtures, Charges moderate. Newman & Sprigys Electric Co, 7 De. ~ ! treet, Jobn Knight, Kingston, is to tion his home, brick yard, stock and implements as weil as several sections of land, at Renfrew, preparatory to leavin itish Columbia. ; ale, dl pe rush week at the pay stalls of the city light and water departments. Good Friday heing 3 holiday Collectors Moore and 2 lands will have it all the héavier on the tollowing Saturday and Monday. Try Bibby's special $1 gloves. A waggon of the 3t. Lawrence lee o T eame to grief, at the corner Princess and King streets, this roi » hind wheels beeame en- in atrest car tracks and the axle broke. dropping the waggon the road. It was taken to a re ---------- The third Presbyterian church, Ro- chester, N.Y.) has increased the sti fend of the Sestkiote minist's y. Rewy J; Drysdale, M.A., from §1.200 to § be 'out Of a lot of the roads are sheltered by buildings from sun, thoroughfares in which the frost mains for quite a time. of the streets month or more. scraped in the same old way--wholly' clean. - There have been suggestions of leaving the mud on the middle, died on Friday ness born ig Kingston eighty-six years ago and was the daughter of the late Pat ago. on a member by four sons and five daughtegs : Mills; Mrs. PP. Farney, Mrs. D. O'Gor- m Jroble are able to clothing, or part of it, until the warm | weather comes, and, therefore, the old- | where three used to exist. between 'winter. and lake into fury. ing high, dashed against Macdonald eighteen inches higher this year # was last vear late John farmer of Westport, was married Wednesday wv a-Fexas-woman- has forfeited an-estate: students to go with him to Banff, to | worth poker, @ ally transforms old furni- ture into new, renews th finish which has deteriorat- ed on all articles of wood or metal. A child can apply is a Queen's. aha 1 which{ the, the re- The cleaning' next | will be' Princess street is one of will occupy the The roads but t has been found much more satis- actory to clean 'the whole roadway. eee Aged Glenburnie Lady Dead Mrs. Felix Reenan, of Glenburnie, night after a brief succumbed to the weak- The deceased : was | liness. She of old age. ick Fowler, .of Glenbumie. Over ixty-two years ago, she was married | o Felix Keenan, who died a year After her marriage she settled farm in Glenburnie, and lived here ever since. The deceased was a of the Roman Catholic hurch at Cushendall. She is survived Wil- iam, at home; David and Felix, near- w: Patrick, of Chatham; Mis P| logan and Mgs. P. Black, Kingston | an and Mygs. T. Graham, Kingston Good Reason For Grumblipg. Merchants are complaining about he late spring spoiling their business, wear their winter | ime spring trade no longer exists. 'here are practically two seasons now | The gap | summer is too hort to be of any account. A Very Heavy 'Gale. The heavy wind, to-day, lashed the The waves were roll- | washing over the wharves | water front. When they | long the 412 YA « Last week we secured a small lot of Fine White Fancy Waistings at a great bar- gain and will offer the lot to-night, RDS FINE WHITE MERCERISED WAISTINGS Dainty brocaded designs, width inches, This quality is very good, and the regular wholesale price was 32¢ yard last fall. We will sell this lot To-night x Ric YARD. Just received and placed in stock for to-day's selling 137 Children's and Girls' New Spring REEFER JACKETS - 27 In Fawn Covert Cloths, Navy Blue Checked Tweeds, all the latest designs for child- = Venetian Cloths, Fancy ren, sizes from 2 to 14 years. Prices, $2.19, 2, 3 75, 4.50. 90 GIRLS' STYLISH SPRING SKIRTS French Venctian Cloth, new pleated design, with deep fold around bottom, lengths 32 inch, 31, 36, 37. Special Value $3.75. the large boulders at | park, the spray was | Brown mountains high. The water is | i than For Sale. ; ! Best family steamyacht, boathouse nd camping utensils, property of the | Routley. Enquire of Mrs. ohn Routley, personally, over store, 73 Princess street. | Thomas Green, a prosperous young on to Miss McMillan, Ellis ille. | In order to marry the man she loves He has no title. LOOOCOGTD ! x00, 000, Showers Will soon be here and you will need an Umbrella .. We sell a superior grade well constructed and with durable coverings. We carry a well selected stock for both ladies and gentlemen with choice handles that will appeal to HOSIERY --FOR-- All the Family. We have now ready all our Spring Stockings and at prices that will prove economical buying CHILDREN'S Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, 15¢c., 18e¢., 20¢., 25¢,, 30c. and up te 50c. pair CHILDREN'S Plain Cashmere Stockings, all sizes, in great variety of makes BOYS' FAMOUS 'Leather Knit' Ribbed Cotyon Stock- ings, heavy make that will stand hardest wear, all sizes, 15c., 18¢., 20c., 25¢c. pair. LADIES' PLAIN CASHMERE LADIES' PLAIN CASHMERE, LADIES' FLAIN CASHMERE, 50c., 69¢. MEN'S BLACK CASHMERE S0X, seamless feet prop- erly woven toe and heel. Special makes, 25¢c. and 35¢ Many makes of Fine English Cashmere Sox both 1ibbed and plain, in Black, Tan, and Heather Knit, . all sipes, a Stockings, special, 25¢. 35¢ $1. special makes, at 485¢.. or 3 pairs for Ah fc 7%, 2.99, 3.25, 349, you in both style and price. Spangenberg JEWELLER, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Works like magic, actu- 20c. a tin. OO000000000 000000 ONO 00 000000000 50 Bargains For Easter. We have just secured direct from factory, a bargain lot of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Box Calf Lace Boots, Blucher Cut, Sewed Soles, splendid value, We only have a limited number and as we cannot get more are selling them very cheap. Men's Box Call Blucher Lace Boots, size 6 to 10 ~-----..82 Boy¥ Box Calf'Blucher Lace Boots, size 1 to 5 " Youths' Box Calf Blucher Lace Boots, size 11 10,13 - $1.25, All Solid and Nice Appearance. 000000000 0000000000000DA0D000OBOD0HOOGOOOC HOOOLO0 0000000000 VOV NOVO OTOV OCD

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