Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1908, p. 2

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. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1908. > o OPERA HO 3 Mea. The account of the passion of "THE CMMDTABLE |... == === == _ CONFIRMATION RITE]: Zi. == BON HOUSES. SUARGE The Passion Play.to Be Presented : 166, was read, and the lesson irom All We. ADMINISTERED AT ST} o¢ the moms. The moon" ane® intoned Past! REV. W. H. SPARLING RE-| The Nellic Kennedy Dramatic com ISTER "fuer draped in penitentinl clos os} TO HAVE INE AND FAST FERS TO THE GAME. pany closed - yoy sugeessful hh GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL. Trencs of al sim alors. and NEW LA S. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY HT a rde night. was ------ . deyoting the beginning of passion: Points Out Evil Influences That . large amd appreciative audience fOR Sunday Evening tb Forty-three ude. or aio monica durin There is Need For a Free Wharf FOR RE-ELECTION Result From This Amusement, present. The company presented the Candidates--Sermon By Bishop solemnity. ud and the Council and Board of ~Often Starting Point For | cumady drama, Ns fi oniisiama, a Mills--The Service Was Im- -- Lfrade Should Arrange to save am ing southern pilav, we ennedy ng : o . : Gambling. the dual. roles of "Mabel" ami pressive, Archbishop Gauthier Speaks. One EDW, J. B. PENSE, "The Christian and the Cary Table" "Madame de Cova." The various : The. rite of confirmation was admin- : At 7.30 am. mass, in St. Mary's| Three crews for NM. T. Co's boats was the subject of Rev. W. H. Sparl- | members of the company, in their sev. {istered by the hishop of the diocese, | cathedral, on Sunday, Archbishop | arrived in the city from the east, to- Mig ge Aes ] ] ce 13 + --' 3 | G hier ke } biec i Ee ------------------------------------ ing's discourse, at Queen Street Meth- | eral parts, acquitted themselves credit- | in St. George s cathedral, on Sunday | Gaut Spoke upon the subject of | day. We Are Very Proud of > odist church, on Sunday evening. The ably. The specialties were well | re- evening, and the service, always im mi xed marriages, announcing that the The motor boat Kittie was launch. Dining Room & Library sermon was the last of special ser | ceived and enjoyed. The 'company pressive," had - added to _this impres- sy marriage law recently promulgat- ed April Ist and is now making wipe nhns given by the pastor, and the left, this morning, for Gouverneur, | *iveness the deep solemnity of Palm | ed by the Pope, would come into ef-ibetween Clavton and Thousand ls Furniture. congregation that gathered was very N.Y, by the, Cape boat. Sunday, which stands at the entrance feet on Easter Sunday. His grace! land Park. Cri iain i The text was chosen from 1.| 34 very handsome new curtain was | to holy week. As at matins, the pro- | hoped that the Catholic le would | Some speedy motor boats will make he a ALL -You might as wel salonians, v, 22: "Abstain from | used on Saturday night. Ii shows a|cessional was the ancient, "All glory, | strictly observe the law. An this dio- | their appearance in the harbor, this English Mission Style asd Finish, or in all appearance of evil." In his open: | group of pretty girls gathering flow- | land and honor," and for recessional nae, he said that mixed marriages summer. Local merchants and mili- Golden Duk. No trouble to find phat ing remarks, Rev. Mr. Sparling again ers and fruit. e design is rich in| Dean Milman's, "Ride on! ride on {| would be solemnized by a priest tary meu are the most interested par- Puest. and China Came' nie' Table. explained that in dealing with these coloring and draping. in majesty." to Dykg's throbbing tune. | only under very special cirgamstances. ties, special subjects, he was addressing the This last came ever as the cry of the Sr ---- sr A free, public wharf, ceatrally loca: professing Christians. = The Christian, Farmers In A Row. first Palm Sunday multitude, from CAME FROM CORNWALL. ted, is owe thing the city really needs. he said, was not a petson who went Late Saturday afternoon. two farm-| the congregation which filled every |The council and the board of trade through life in a careless way. He ers became involved in a row. on |8vailable space in the cathedral. _ | Eleven Men Seek Shelter at Police | should lose no timg in takine up the was one Who endeavored to live by a Brock street. .near = the market, end | Dean Ferthing presented the candi- Station. subject. : : rule, and to conform to a standard. | kT : ,| dates, forty-three in number, to the Tosid th The steamer A. FE. Ames left Rich- nh shaicst . "| several blows were struck, The timely | 1 : nside of three quarters of an hour, : h a I'he Christian would mot enly abstain 1 . : bishop, Canon Starr, as chaplain, | o_ ¢ night, elew ardsons', to-day, and will le. at i 4 arrival of a couple of police officers, g A 3 80 5" | Sunday night, ven men assed for|® i! : bo from that which was evil, but also Yat a stop to the bout. It was stated | Te2ding the exhortation. The bishop's shelter at the police station, end aff | SWift's until she receives orders to from all that appeared to be evil. put 4 Sto far . wets { one time|address was from the text, "The lay- were taken in for the night Each Han leave for Belleville to load coment for He would abstain from all that wes : a iv. ing on of hands," Heb. vi, 2. "Ii oS : - Fort William. . . neighbors, and that they were endesv- | 'Pf 4 » or gave Cornwall as his home, and al- , : . . doubtful. In the - playing of cards, oring to settle up: an old score. No | 50% he, "we accept the doctrine of thoygh they did not to 'the stati Capt. Rochefort will start to work The reputation we have made in busineds such as in whist, euchre and bridge, BE ore a 3 I yi wd 'w | repentance, faith, baptism, resurrec-| / © 1 believed hat Tri ign at once to raise the sloop Idlewild, | very glad that we have pleased uc T bles f there was a fascination, which, in . re ey arge. croy a8} ion from the dead and judgment, 8 : RAY ey ar] hich sank in Aunglin's Bay on Thurs- | patrons so muck in the past that they a or time, became uncontrollable. 'What | £8thered to tha scene, and the afar have. we Buy Tight to put asids. the all one party. They are working their day. The sloop sprang aleak and | *ta¥ with us at present Ne have made Ke . > AX CE » . ay y > 5 . t our tra maxun 40 keep only rel Li y harm is there in a pack of cards ¥' caused a good deal of extitement, other foundation ingiple of Christ's ar we, here they expect to Et | went to the bottom. She has been able goods of the best qualities, tq give brary many would ask. History would doctrine set forth wv the writer of the Summer. examined and the damage is very | to our customers prompt and efficient prove that the dance, the. theatre and epistle 7' St. Peter and St. John, cards possessed a dangerous fascina- light service, and to charge only the most i, la Paul he Acts of ali ot. Edwin S. Keeler. th ¢ | reasonable prices. | and, later, St. Paul, in t Acts ol apt. Edwin 3S. Keeler, for the pas tion. The card "table was often the TO GET $2,000 YEAR. rx the Apostles, are found to consider Jhiree Toate master on the steamer Ww. F. GOURDIER. CARPETS to harmonise wilh your starting- point for gambling, and En the laying on- of hands a necessary sland Belle, has resigned to accept" a ise oF oh arior Sites 3 Match sometimes led up to excessive drink- BoVernnient has dd completion of the repentance, faith similar position on the vacht Sport, woold's in, and is the Lest selection ever shown ing. The speaker quoted John Philip Siatate gr on and baptism of converts. In the early Capt. Byron J. Estes will fill the va- @ ht Reaed bere. Ginn, Chicago, twenty years a gam- red tha cities having church the rite was known as the cancy caused by Capt. Keeler's resig- PrnSreat Sngtish Nencdy: LCURTAINS Lace Stack, direct from | hlor. as saying that card playing in 18,000 population and over "sealing of the spirit." mation. ana makes now fagiand, Austria, Switzertand, Some the home was a kindergarten for gam- by municipal cens the 'After general teaching pn the scrip- The steamer Aletha is on the. dry- was Dobility. Menta ina eC res Mere. Repair and Upholytering work prompt. | bling. Other authority was given to police magistrate shdll be turalness of confirmation, the bishop dock undergoing repairs. She is hav- rondency, i, eakn-sa, Joni lons. Spore ly and weil done. show the evil influence of the card ta- paid 3.000 a Yar, wud be turned specially to the candidates, ing her bottom scraped, her wheel | satorrima, rd Kjects of Abuse or Krocsses. om practice a saying that ii they had not come with ar or solicitor. The ying h - change goes into effect at rice & g 3 3 1 pk. ble. tightened and is having iron sheeting loo81 pazbox, six for rORRine & mad In * 'What are we to do?' you ask, a prepared heart they would go empty away, in worse state from their close end of 1908 and governs Kingston. | * EEEEEXEEREFERSRER NOTHING TO SHOW. "If the council had only made it twenty-ome half mills and given us decent streets. I would have been much pleased," said a wholesale merchant Satur- day." As it is, the half-mill advance will increase our taxes, but leave us just where we were as far as street improvement is com- cerned," the dry-dock on Thursday and will Peers He tars Tasnnta, One start her regular run on Friday. With its miles of Charming water J mr ---------- front, 3 it is almost impossible to rent or purchase a boathouse or site IKKE [for one in Kingston. The vacht club Seestassinios courpge is needed. There is a with devout mind, then their's would BO000CNIICINIONINS 09900000 | to be borne for Christ's sake, and may tem ----n------ be the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit. ) # not this be vour cross *' INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. He urged them tie forsake the as- showed commendable enterprise in aS er "In his concluding remarks, the a. sembling of themselves together, as THE M. T. COMPANY WON constructing a number of launch SAMPLE ENDS | 66 (Curtains. 166 pairs Sample Lace Curtains (Nottingham) 50c Per Pair. 119 Single Half Pairs of LACE CURTAINS, 30c. each. The demand for sam- - put on her hull. She will be out of te Bh. on Sece it of price, New poncpilet 3 i : . The Mod cine Co. YOURS, T F HARRISON co The people in our set play cards, and ind if we go out, we must play or we will contact with God, in His holy ordin- EFEXEREXKRETE REE KEEXZEEXEEEER EERLHEFEER FRR FERRE ance than if - they had never ap- PHONE 90. be left out of the set. The situation is proached Him. But if they bad come A most trying one. A great deal of houses, but the applicants outnumber speaker &aid that in his special series | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By |the manner of many is, to-day. to be Taine thaw ie had avoided saving anv] Reporters On Their Rounds. faithful in private devotion and in at. | An Appeal = Before: the Stipreme he hounen fou to ume, Suther Gifts thing that would offend, or harden the i i , i t the holy communion. He t. g Our prices are right. Crawford tendance at the holy com i Cour | fond have each purchased new Sterl ing motors of Gifteen horse-power for their pleasure launches. The latter is » ® o * * ° . $ Lheart of aby . prion ug the Walsh, specially asked that all who would In October, 1904, the steamer West) . Enitra. De had TE - gr hie The allowance for petit jurymen has some | in outact with hie nwl¥-con- mount of the M. TF. Lo. gd the ht of history or er inere pRrtcn ary: parents, ) Neepawah, cf the New On- : y ®|.. : . been increased, by an Ontario act, | firmed, pa u ; steamer Neepawah, ry re es oe, - 1 highs of Bistory aud seperisuoe. He from »2 wo 2.50 per, day. Grand jury- | careful Jest. in any way. they quench tario Steamship company, passed each speod" (ype Ht te I'he ps . ® | had not come to these conclusions id 4 Py the. pew-born desire for God. and ask- he & 23 and 24 in the |™ Pp : h hastily, as he had become acquainted | ™en are paic 0. od 1 h hey be give i' the] Other between : he gines arrived 'last week, and are on er ng ver . th the. ] The Lockett shoe store has secured|ed. also, that they be given a Welland canal. The night was dark view 'at e ® . * ® ® » ® : P i iderati : 3 Moore & Co's machine s) with the facts, from years of careful the agency for the famous Regal{ help that patient consideration makes and stormy and in the passing the agate & Ce machine shop - "UT fel Christi inister, | Bhoes. Tneie spring stock has areiv-| possible. Neepawah had a blade broken off her ove ties I felt that as a Christian minister, ed and they will be glad to shoe Re-| The candidates, among whom were propeller, by cohing in contact with I should no longer remain silent, in 1 several grown men and women. are Neava<1- f bo 3 {gals to all, ! the bank. The owners. of the Neepa 3' Just suitable Tor Easter. dealing with Shave el Sheft have The street railway company is expected to make their first comnun- | ered attion: against the MT i : J : . to do with the sppftual life. Vel | raking in many new men. to' be used jion at oud of the early celebrations company for daz R ne for the lost ot Expensive. are all big husky chaps and should prosented te a 1 Yinve ein on the open cars this summer. They|on Easter Any. a time, in the Shapuet going roth the $1 them with your 'own judgment and] Ml bie husky ch AT CHALMERS CHURCH. | canal to Port Arther and return with -------- TTT : Sieistion, Someionte. 1 have uf Ary: Have you seen our range of suitings LL -- w 1d before Justice Hodgins, local judge in This is the store that all the SMITH BROS . mister anil rents with' you what | oF spring. Crawford & Walsh, Anniversary Services ere He admiralty, at Toronto, in 1207 and | people in town are talling about. * Ol he reit Nli be." you The storm th dou have hoop taken off i _on Sunday. " he gave judgment that there had Lesn Toy. axoemetid Se otn 350 KING ST. e i 8 i Iso took occasion to | the post. office] and-wil the doors arel An versaty sprvipes wee elobin a collision, and that the Westmount etting. .. wise the . 0 Sparling 4 io hs os Sesto now open for patrons. The planks |in C afniees chigreh, ou § He wea liable. Fraveis King, represented [fact that for Issuers of Marriage i @ hich stated that the New York Meth. | ave also been taken off the stone | pulyit was occupied in the morning] oo 5 7p. company at both trials. 5 . odist oly o had u held dancing. | ¥0p%) leading to the main entrance. w| by. Rev. Principal Gordon, of Queen's The M. T.company appealed the > Licenses. : ® | odis nferenc ¥ i. | "Have vou that, tired feeling, university. = Large congregations were on ih a ow a. 1 ®iThis he looked upon as in Sav y ) case and it came up a ir . ples is very great and ® | correct The conferénce would | SiTing weather _prdduces the change. {present at both services, especially sittings, at Ottawa in March, mg : once a year is as often e not uphold dancing, was not Take $ Sood ping Vabie. from par in the wing; oon every available before Chief Justice Fitzpatrick, Sir yo . : as they can be got. : at all in favor of it, but would not bron He Spiel i stht ie ad Prot. Dede. of Lows Davics ond Siigen Idington, . Ty ; 5 ; AAI 1 ber of the church for D rn y Na a i Be yi Maclennan and Duff, Judgment was RIRTOTOROR, a $ Come at once for : ig did ~t Koper of one -- John Kelly, Queen street, soeieed ys Queen's, ocer upied the pulpit and gave given oUt: Toversing: the former judy. 1 eC wear H * . choice. r e nine-pound pickerel, on Saturday af- [an interesting exposition of the words et, and suttling it with cons : ousekeepers, | * ; . 3 - i Attention. # * * % ° " ® ° ® At Meeting of County Frontenac Just a little more style if vour » " : . ) ) text, Prof. Dyde said, indicated the . come to. Nothing old and everv- Commissioners sa Saturday. suit is ordered from Crawford '@&/clectric spark transmitling the spirit F hotel Axiivals: J | thing new at The New Med's The board of license commissioners | walsh. of prophecy from Elijah to Elisha. The ran . Shannon, Hamilton; for the county of Frontenac met at The Methodists of the city will hold age of miracles, of prophecy and of} Rd . the office of Clark Wright, on Satur- | union service in Brock Street Meth- | faith had not passed away with the oar wood, pa ulon, oko: Willian: day afternoon, and issued the licenses [ church, on Good Friday morn-| prophets of old. The spirit of pro-| ikinson, oR ve. L y fu. P. J. H UN T, 4 oti N ken. where such action had been taken ternoon, down near the marsh. He | of Klisha when he beheld the transla against the: New. Ontario Stenmshin R. McFaul Piles of good things LIQUOR LICENSES GRANTED [as spearing fish, and secured quite a | tion of Elijah-- "My father, my father, '0. Francis King represented the M.[And the newest styles Ja Collars ady for FO * ins C= - Kingston ready for your inspec Kennedy, Jr., J, . Davis, large number, the nine-pounder being{the chariot of Israel and the horse- : tion. Carpet Warehouse. e year. All th mbers of th. 4 ' 55 fot for the year. A é mei § OF had ing, at cleven o'clock. Rev. F. H, pheey had been handed down from Simon Front, Moutrert, Pot or 83 Brook atrash. the largest. men thereof," Il Kings ii,-12. The] |: company at this trial, that this is the only store to B. Parkinson, London; Hon. Nathaniel | Wear Store. Axminster Mats and AOOORES0000000000000e | (0ard we present, also Inspector Sproule, of Princess Street Methodist | age to age. Due lesson from the Seut is, Willipm Wilson, Burt Purdy, D. -- » * » -» ° » » » . » » » -® » shades and. rich color- ings. A-_sample lot at special prices. Size 36 x 65, plain + Size 15 x 30, fringed, * for 75¢. 4 Bize 27 x 54, plain edge, a $5 Rug for § Rugs, in all the newest Moreland. E. K. Purdy was electel chwrch, will preach. La '| wai that we must not live upon - chairman. "For that tired weary feeling," Jack ast We must not ro ly upon our The _ licenses granted were as fol- | ambition and energy, take a bottle! fathers, bul upon ourselves. - Gardiner, <Tronto: ; Thomas Keteheson, Syivester|® ms a a os & lows + Bediord--W. 'A; Ferguson: [Burdock and Sarsaparilla Com-| The evening music was particularly | Hope, "Hear the April Wolfe lsland, ' O'Brien, N. Bel aren: pound, $1 bottles for 7bc., at Gib good, The solo in "Jerusalem. from | Pine, Bellavill; C. H Spencer: Napa: THERE I NO : Loughboro, John Switzer, Woodruff ' " tore. Phone! eG splendidly on | Dee. W. J. Woolsey, Phoenix, : 6G : rug son' Red Cross drug sto Me Gounod's Gallia was splendidly taken H. Pinty, Newport, N.H.: C. Keseber- : and Brawley; Portsmouth, James by Miss Bajus, and the choir's ebhorus " Victor Records Short, W. B. Westlake. On Saturday afternoon a large tree| work was strong and effective. Miss| ry, Boston; A. Bannerman, Water NEED FOR ANY Spencer, J. Gornully, Frank Oriel, 'J. Sheriff Geotge 0000000000 OSOIOISIRIIRIGS In connection with the issuing of . > § a : : o town, N.Y.; George Carktcn, Oshawa: -- -- + ti : on the vacant lot at the corner of | Massie g Wiss Bajus, W. Lowe and H. » : rR Ar the licenses, it is of interest to note, Princess and Division streets, fell. The Coane rendered very feelingly Stain- | M. McDonald, Glengarry Da 9 hat in She Sens TSH Shite wate issusd tree carried away a Take portion of ots ago So Loved the nora." A Diind Wucician ¥. > y p fy » A nrge limb of | "Fat F i of - » 18), s . wson Staley S Rehile on Seurday the number of She. fotos and broke Ee, aivm - -- Hem ih renders Proi. Leon Marvin, composer of the : : icenses granted was only seven. whi sis + % : aabkod foc o i two-step, "The ( 817 Princess St.. Kingston. "Surely, that should be good news 2 evuiy brown suiting at tition He Re hh k feching. aE a herd "Band," : will play ot for the temperance ple," one mem- s 3 haa 5 mw Ah oo od] + o 1" ¢ and Tues High Grade Flanos at living prices. i peo The legislature has given power to organ throughout the dav and plaved| 'Wonderland, Monday an uesday v Gramophones on casy terms oe of the board - was heard to re: school trustees to purchase at public | two delightful servioss. Her rendition] et enings only. ; The professor is ¥ x Dry Powder Fire Extioguishers, | MoS expense books and stationery for pen-| of "The Lost Chord' during the even. | graduate of an schol foe he itd, Alliams' Sewing Machine--Agents want. ASE ---- ny-savings banks, the first recognition ing offertory, was greatly admired. at Batavia, N.Y., and also from the oa Spring Importations Of 1908. of these avenues of thriit. They are whe ¥ Normal Hawthorne Fianoforte school, Prevost, Brock street, has received | in operation in several places and] pq Sunday At St. Mary's. of Potsdam, N.Y. He will render three cases of imported goods for his | their denasits exceed $100,000, The eceremonics in connection with classical music, cousisting of Lisat tl id . order cloth department, consisting "Do you" feel the effects of the hard Palm Saal in on Sction i rhapsodies, Beethovia . synomyus and . of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, | winter on your system. Take a good Ny we thedr LH: le h in =| Choupin etudes, as well as the usual % cheviots and vicunas. A great variety | spring hlood y' and follow - that hich cathedral. His grace Xie arch- popular music of the day. Come and » S a e of ta - with a bottle Beel, Iron and Wine. hn a h i and: bles z palm hear the most wonderful execution of : . J You will feel like anew person. Buy --_-- $ 8, distributed them to the as. this most wonderful player, who has City Council Meeting. these at Gibson's Red Cross drug] %%'ant priests and sanctuary boys, learned to play since became blind. J Th ae . 3 ; . rill know they are fresh! and took part in the procession usual Cs Safe as the Bank The city council theets again this|store. You wi on on such occasiops. High mass was af- Tenders For Mails. evening, for the third time in two] then. terwards ese} ¢ Rev. PP and T'wice as Productive weeks, There is not much business for -- cletrated by Revs Father Tenders will be received by Hh pont: ine dain aks to a oor i| Tait The Stes Light Pale. | Ey | the reports, of the light end the works Toy i Nery muh bo te iad Som: Kitgmos's p Kingston and Cape Viveent for the 1 testimonials from committees, ie civic Ugit, hes the ie Night ingston's amous Fur Store. next three years. It is likely that the ing 1 SOME work. Tt mittee wilh see that ated this 3 he 3 Folger steamers will get the contract Optics to know oat = Poles on the stropts nit There is nothiog in Spring || again as they have been doing the |® ricer sperm of ater ial th Spring. Provision was jor. pa Head f Bo work for the past twenty yesrs. The of sight has been Perle ed. dur. ing them, and the work should no wear tor ys and Contract for carrying the mats. bur tg the past few alike weit ow : . . hv TRON Yo Yisd " longer be delayed. The jokes ate un: Girls quite so suitable as twee n Kingsion snd Wolfe Island, will Optical Ba Saturday some ered, Piherath id eared tien apd thelS fae Bo Trot : : is a . : ; ill likely E y en " aati (tar) Tay, new t those now in use, nd the iagtive Wolo tant ferry steamer wi ¥ KNOW that they cond have their + Coy or hot ; poles formerly used. y-laws r . ting. : ' quire all poics erected on the streets) iL AS Pastor's Hel ; . ; per. It appears a mistake was made in the designation given in these col umfis to the new position crested by the board of Sydenham Street Metho- dist church, Rev. William Craig is not edge, $2.75. x $3.95. ¥ LACE CURTAINS, & Lace Curtains, larger ? variety and lower prices 2 than avy previous sea- ¥ son, from 25c. to $7 a ¢ pair. Bee the special 3 line, 40 inches wide and 2} yards long, selling for 48c. a pair ; also the wide and 3} vards long, larger size, 50 inches regular $1.85, on Tues- ¥ day for 95c. a pair. 3 Brass Curtain Poles, # will fit any window, Stair Oil Cloth, pret- ty patterns, 13¢. and & complete for 15¢, : 18c. a yard. Shelf Oil Cloth, in plain white or colors, 8c. a yard, ~aid Cartain Scrim, wide width, 8c. a yard. "The Always Busy Store" BERS EER Er sho Cannot Understand It. "Some things in this world ars hand to 'emlerstand,"' remarked s mer beaut as he emerged from the cussoms hou. the other day. "For wmetance, the: Hebrews can bring in = their Passover bread duty free, while | have to Pay twenty per cent. on my ontowal -------- $0 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,, £1} 2E fs : f HH SINCERELY hope that aif who read thes Sadly re ages wili ve lightly Of this matter or be lod astray Ly iRinking thet We have nothing mew to offer, This new systons of sight tenting is positively the Kreatest the rentury" in Uptical Scene ions copiinne all this wesk. Cote. i v 5 § S00000000000000 1000000000000 00sscnts |

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