THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1908. BEeNAE000000000000n0rsInessTIITIITEITIIOITE Gms iy {Easter Millinery i Do jou want your New Hat for Easter Sunday ? Of course you do, and to be gure of it let us have your order now. The last two or three days before Easter Sunday are such very busy ones with our Millinery people that it is almost impossi- ble to fill all orders for "that date unless they are in early. Hats to suit everyone, low prices, courteous attention and prompt delivery. Try Crumley's for your Hat this spring. EASTER JACKETS Just a word about these Jackets. You will find nothing in our stock that is not up-to-datc and pleasing. New. spring shades, best materials and low prices will soon sell onr large and varied stock. : HAVE A NEW COAT FOR EASTER SY CASH COUPONS, A ------ CRUMLEY BROS. od 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 wg uf 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:100000000000000000000 ®.. : . ° * ® ° *» ° » . . . ° o' » FoRM-TRAINING CORSET For STouT WOMEN: You will be Stylish if you wear this | 'Superior Model--"The Corset without a Rival", sold in all good stores through- out Canada. : W w No out wonsair has svar yet reduced har domen with comfort 'mpl perfect saloly, by use of any corset excight The "B 8A" Ne. 575. aa Sp pburble tc cconplid snd eis by "You Can' "Drive" A Horse to Water--- But a Pencil Has to "Lead" This is one of the latest vau- deville sayings, that our 'ad. man recently heard. We are not in the vaudeville business. g around SER OEIE SEER Ss AERA ss LAR Res see HIN TTATIN IS reas seis tre lisssssslcas HOVE ENS RRR ER SES C os sR Rs ES | | AWhat is Recorded As Results at IMPORTANT CAPTURE OFA COUNTERFEITER WH WAS IN HIDING. Two United States Secret Service Officers Arrest a Pole in Bellechasse County, Quebec To Be Extradited. Quebee, April 13.~Two United States secret service officers, Messrs. William J. klynn and J. KE, Nye, and Sergeant-Detective Patry of the wpro- vinuial police, made an important a:- rest on Saturday last, at Camp Mur- dock, twenty miles distant from St. Valier Station, Bellechasse county, As a result ther prisvter is now in the Quebec jail awaiting extradition pro- ceodings. The accuscd, is of Polish des- cent, and Whose pame is W. J. Pel liackas, was for some time suspected with two of his pals, of counterfeiting United States quarters at Elizabeth, N.J. The two others were arrested, pleaded' guilty to the charge, and have been sentenced while the principal party, Pelliackas, fled the. country and came to Canada. The tracing of the man and his arrest was performed ip a very clever manner and reflects wteat credit on the Saguity of the secret service men. STORY OF THE FIRE. Chelsea. Chelsea, Mass., April' 13. --Briefly told here is what yesterday's fire did in this city: Three persons killed, perhaps more; ten thousand home less; loss of between $7,500,000 and $10, 000, 000, on which there is about ¥5,000, 1400, insurance; section, three- quarters of a mile wide and a mile and a hall long, reduced to ashes; two hospitals, library, thirteen church: en, four schools, state armoury, five bauks, post office, Y.M.C.A. building, Chelsea hotel and pants destroyed, To Give Relief. Mass., April 13.--Relief work for Chelsea was put in opera- tion to-day. Mayor Beck is receiving messages. of sympathy and offers of aid from cities all over the state and beyond its borders. The public sub- seviption fund was started, to-day, with several subscriptions of one thou- sand dollars each. Several banks and trust companies have notified Mayor Beck to draw upon them for similar sums. Handly a big grocery and pro- vision house is not sending its teams to the relief camps loaded with pro- visions. The big insurance agencies of Boston announce that they are ready to pay losses in full, Boston, OUR NEW ARRIVALS. United States Loses $41,000,000 to Canada. Ottawa, April 13.-It is estimated that of the 211,859 jomigrants who came to Canada in the seven months of Inst year for which official re: turns are available, 39.000 were from the United States. At Jeast 5,000 of these sold their farms in the south manufacturing | Hmasements, To-Night and eves, igh: this week, Matiness; 1 hursday, Eider; Saturday, « c} 9 y Pathe Protos 'Superty Production. THE PASSION PLAY A Magnificently Colored Moving Pi. ture ol THE LIFE OF CHRIST As produced at o Cherammerga au. 39 Exquisite Sounes 89 , Wceompan, by ap- propriate Vocal and Instrumental Music. Hear W. Noort Hiaty Sing *T Holy City". and Miss Frankiyn snd My. Hiatt Duo, "Adeste Fideles.™ Priceg, 10c., 135e. Seats now on sale. TUESDAY, APRIL 2ist. MESSRS. MARTIN & EMERY'S Colossal Production of Richard Wagner's Mystic Festival Drama Parsifal (TN ENGLISH) Adopted by Wm. Lynch Hoberts presented on a scale of grandeur' before attempted. Evening Pe rior mance at 7.45, Carriages at 11.15. Prices, 25¢., be, Wg $1.50. Seats on sale Saturda BIJOU Two cron attractive, pretty, charming and unus- al subjects are offered at "The Bijou' to-day and to- morrow. "MINSTRELS FROM MARS" This is a Vaudeville Act ¥n brillant colors. The minstrels are first 'seen in the planet and them tumble off and fall down through the stars tosgarth, where they do stunts that nod earthly actors conld manage. Then they go back te mars. "LOVE SCENES IN CUPID'S REALN" This is an especially beantiful picture, which must appeal to every heart that has ever experigneed. the greatest of human passions, DON'T MISS THIS BILL "WHEN IT'S MOONLIGHT ON THE PRAIRIES." BY JOUNHOBERT DAVIS. 20 cents. and never SUNG WONDERLAND THE HOUSE OF HITS. to buy others in the north and they carried on an average $5,000 each. Collectively they thus brought isto Canada $40,000,000. Then there was also $1,900,000 from the 19,000 artisans, tradesmen = and laborers, who had on an average $100 each. "I'hus the United States emi grants altogether brought at. least $41,000,000 to Canada. DOUKHOBOR PUZZLE. Veregin Proposes to Bring Tribe to British Columbia. Nelson, B.C., April 13.--Peter Vero: gin, leader of the Doukhobors in Can- ada, stated that the climate of West ern Canada is tog cold lor his egun- trymen, and he proposed to bring all the Doukhaobors in Canada to 'British HOotumbia; settling them in the--Koe-t tenays, probably in the neighborhood of Nelson. if land could be got here about. If there was not room for all his people here he would take the 'balance to the coast and settle them OFO. 8B. Programme MONDAY and TUESDAY Neapolitan's Revenge" Drama~Colored. "Military Airship" (Ville Dr. Paris)2Conedy, Song Hlustrated "ROSES BRING DREAMS OF YOU' Published by Maurice Shapico, sung by TOUHEY Prof. Leon Marvin The Blind Pianist--Monday and Tues. day evenimg only. J. THEO. EK, Mgr. near Vancouver, He left for Van- conver on Saturday to logk over the situation there. The Doukhobors num- ber 7,000 persons, comprising 1,200 families. BURNED BATHING BABIES. ------ Dunnville Wonran Was Too Near Gas Stove. Dunnville, Dnt; April 13.~As Mrs. Stanley Bates was bathing her twin babies, vesterday, in front of an open gas stove, her dress took fire and she was so badly burned that she died. Mrs. Dates was alove in the house, her hushand having left for Penetanguishene a week ago. The Balkan Peril From Punch, A et story reaches us from one of the Balkan states, where commer cial morality is still in its infancy. At=s- recent banguet given at the house of the prime minister a distin fished diplomat complained fo his that :the minister of justice, next to whom he was sitting, had taben his watch. The Jute minis "Ah, he shouldnt have a "hat, 1 will get it hack for you." Sure enough, towards the end of the even ing, the watch a. returped to its pu. "And w hat dd * ask- the guest, maw 1 have got it baek," Tickets son's and E. Old | PRINCESS GEO. HAMMOND, Mgr. TO-DAY and TO-MORROW, "Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde" Che well- Known Drama by the Original Caste Song--'1 LONG 0 HOLD YOU IN MY ARMS." 14th Regt. P.W.0.B. Smok- + ing Concert CITY. HALL, TUESDAY, April 14th AT 8 PM~ Concert, - AssanitRiAnns, Pres- entation to the 14%h Regt. Hockey Admissiofi,85e. « t WW. WW. Gib ys, Team. CONDENSED ED ADVERTISING insertion 1c. a word. Each con insertion thercafier hall cemt a word. Minimum casrge for one ib sertion, 25¢. WANTED---MALE. AN EXPERIENCED DRIVER. APPLY at Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie St, Fist secutive ANY, AFTERNOON, #0 Irincess APPLY fenderson's Studio, street. SALESMEN, FOR "AUTO-SPRAY." Best band Sprayer made, compressed air, automatic. liberal terms. Cavers Bros, Galt, Ont A BOY, at H TEAMSTER, MUST strietly temperate a handling and Apply to W. F. Ont. BE STEADY AND nd understand care of horses. McBroom, Washburn, FOR PRIVAT One experienced in care of good ress, stating Murray © H. Club, HAND club. FARM country truck-gardening and horses and co¥ws. Add wages and experience, Bartley, Mgr. Opipacon Chaffey's Locks, Ont. WANTED--FEMXLE. APPLY TO #44 MAIN 7 and 9 p.m. TATLORESSES, St bet ween A HOUSEMAID ing to Mrs. W. Lesslie, 57 WANTED---GENERAL, POSITION AS STENQORAPHEB, BY young lady. Apply to care Whig ofies APPLY IN EVEN Ueorge St TO RENT FURNISHED RESIDENCE for July, August and possibly Sep teanber. McCann's, 51 Brock St. PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY kind. , Cuil or write to Mrs. Cayicss 834 King street, over Armstrong's. SEWERS, ON Also app sren tices Rosen, 236 FIRST-CLASS HAND Ladies' Tulloring. wanted. Apply to Jy University Avenue. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work.\ All kinds of work promptly done. F. J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellington street. MORE FRO RTY TO SELL. us details. We J. R. c SOME Dobbs, 171 Wellmgton 'street, A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or J owipd 'age carted, Prices right. NPL. Lytle, General Carter, ¥ ain St. GENTLEMEN TO GET Spee Suits made at Gallo. Style, price and finish guar please, 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co' are always ready to fe ropair worl at moment's notice. Kstimates fur nished for wiring. Beautiful {mport- ed fixtures a » falty. Fresh Bal. teries and Sparkers om hand. Tele phone, 441; 79 Princess street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- trade. Oraduates earn twelve to Help secure Con or iy doliars weekly. positions. will Squp shops. stant practice. Capelul Few weeks cemplete course. logue free. rite Moler College, Toronto. instructions. | The Peo ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF Sce, Uor. Yoeen and Bagot streets. HENRY rr. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ket. Square. ete. Anchor Building, Phone, 545, -, I ERLANDS. ARCIUTECT, OF. second Boor over Mahood' Drug a cormer Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. TO-LET, LARGE FRONT EEDROOMS, ail modern son ces, 160 St., near City Park. STORAGE roR FURNITURE, CLEAN a Frost's City Storage, 2v9 Queen St. wIiTH Phone, 546. NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, all moderns (improvements. Possession ist May. Apply A. BB, Cunningham. King 251 UNIVERSITY AVE. COR. JOHN- son, rooms, hot water furnace, v & C. Apply at McUann's, 51 Brock street. HOUSES, AT $7, $8 and $9, FROM Appiy R. Chas Hell, Real psurance Agent, 171% Wellingston St., Kingston. HOUSE, CISTERN and WITH SIX ROOMS, Jurden attached. be Also another Possession May 1st Apply fam Allen, Batrieficid. house. to Will. Immediate FR or MAY, 1908, NUMBER 138 rl stéwet; at present occupied Liewt.-Col. Hudon, C. na, heating and madetn } Apply to. Armstro Centre stropt, or NProvements. oriniek, 102 4. 19 PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKSN, warts, etc., removed permanently, without scar. Twenty years experi ied Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear Throat and Skin Boveiatist, 258 Bagot street. BUSINESS CARDS. CARPET Sewing, and layiog. Feather and Pillows cleaned by Milne, 272 Bagot strest ELECTRIC Beds | BOATS CHEAPER THAN EVER, are prepared to build 100 Lhoats on the sasy payment system builders of Cruiser, Launches, Speed Boats and Racers Coward-- & Doane"s Boat Factory, Od House, Kingston MARRIAGE LICENSES. 0: 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER Marriage Licenses, 42 Ularance St LOST. BETWEEN KINGSTON AND ville, on Saturday April 4th, =a Gentleman's Black Fur Coat. Finder please leave at Albion Hotel, or Joyceville JOYCE- YELLOW BODY, FOUR black tip on nose to name of "Rex." Finder please me turn to ©, H. ota Bookbinder, Corner Bagot and Brock Sis, FOUND. A PAIR OF SPECTACLES afternoon, on Princess St may have same hy Whig office and paying for advt COLLIE DOG white feet OW ner bot er Blewish CLEANING, steasn. IH. | Wi | expert | Bloek | or | Answers | FRIDAY | identfying ati FoR SALE, A SQUARE PIANO. IN FIRST. C1 ASS sundition Address Box Whig cifice I £00D Bou ES NOS. ART, IN GOOD CONDITIO € ining back Pigg to Wha SPAN OF high, dark SHIRE weight, bay MARES, } HANDS 1.400 Soy » BVE-year 3 rout NO. 188 UNIVERSIT solid brick house, hot ing, open plumbing. Apply W, Sullivan, Clarence street. EGGS, FROM THOROUGHBRED 8, White Leghorns, bred to lay, Al Prive Winning Rhode Mer setting, P. O, Box 53. BEST PAMILY 91 AM YACHT, house aod cam § uteXNsils, properly of Jats John Reutley. Euguire of Mrs. Routiey, personally, over store, 173 Princess gu VERY Fil HOR SE . BARK BAY, coming 5 years, hands high, sound and quiety well bred, will n.ake a fine driver. APPly at 101 Earl Stu, or 10 St. Catharing St, NDELL MOTOR, 1 H. P 115, speed, 1.3850, almost further particuldrs, appiy and Urown Stopper St. East, Toronto, VOLTS new. Foe Aluminum 106 "Front } ---------------- oan a-- SECOND-HHAND DOCG CART, TWO seated, newly painted and trimmed, also runabout Buggy waggons and lorries. Jas. Latucrney, Carriage Muker, Erincess street | vaLy ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE { Double house, on Johogom street, the property of the late Jeseph Janie son, now used as a dweling and a viambar's shop Apply ta Messrs, Alken & Walkem, i A A CHEST! ur STALLION, 10 HANDS ¥ high, good action, sgund, kind and well broken Formerly h hid by Dr, MeQill For information, apply ta Jas. Stratford, 387 Princess Kingston cy PROPER TY Bagot St., near ( provements, 9 sion ; © No CHEAP NO. ity Park, all roots, large 204 King St well: built "stone house of about 13 rooms ; No. '82 Optario St, 12 rooms, all jme provements, hot water heating, snap. Geo. CHF, Reul Estate, Clarence St. | A FIRST-CLASS MOTOR BOAT, 1 ft. long, 4 ft. beam, equipped with ¢ two eylinder 8 H P. Bay of Quinte motor and reverse hh. Speed, 14 niles per hour Car six ta eight persons. Good Ja hont aqui at ¢ | with everything make a motor boat smplete. a ood reasons for sells | ing Foy further particulars write to H. PB. Mastin, Picton, Unt i Lee | MONEY AND BUSINESS. SEB eRBsat Ry | 1 i QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than uny other ' company offers. Examine them at { Godwin's Insurance { et Square. {LIVE RPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company. Available aanets $61,187 215 in addition ta which the policyholders security the unlimited lamility the atockholders Farm and eily pros porty fnwurad at YW es 1 sitile rates. Defore renewing old or giving new business get rates fre & Strange, Agents. "Phone, aLrLonm i i | i LOH, COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets. Montreal power's year ends this month, and it is estimated that the company will show gross earnings of $3,910,000 for the twelve month The net will likely be around $2,222,000, and after providing for bond interest it is believed that the company will show to ten per cent. earncd on the common stock. As an illustration of the huge amount of capital awaiting solid in vestment in London, it is anpounced tht the first day's applications "for the éounty council's three and a hall per cent. loan of $13,750,000, issued at par, amounted to $500,000,000. A similar 'loa a vear ago was issued at 97, And then it was covered ghout twenty-foldi Douglas, Lacey & moters, of New York, who in the past few years have floated forty compan- jes, with $150,000,000 of capital stock, among 20,000 shareholders, from which they drived $4,000,000, now plan to cut the $150.000.000 capital fo 815, 000,000, place the compunies under one control, the Amalgamated Properties company, and assess every stockhold- er ten cents on each §l he invested. When Mr. Hosmer introdured postal telegraph and commercial cable here, the Montreal Stock Exchange experi ented some of ite best and most pto- sperous days. These two issues be came immensely popular, and it is Ho exaggeration to say that within a comparatively short time Canadians were carrying from 85,000,000 to 36, 000.000 worth of the two stocks. Rt is equally safe to assert that the Canadian investors who stuck to the jssues have made over 85.500,000. close Co., mining pro- Will Try And Settle. Toronto, April 13.--J. H. Plummer, wesident of the Dominion Iron & Steel compaty', arrived last night; James Ross, of Mpatreal, president of the Dominion Coal company. and RB B. Angus, Montreal, one of the direc- tors, are also hee. It is rumored these two companies are {o endeavor finally to get together and attempt fo settle the matter in dispute. Why is it that every time a girl goes out with a young man of whom she is ashamed she meets all ber Friends ? + dud YThe Stove and Utensils, bousehoid art Unitarian, REV, C. W. CASSON. Have Faith In Yoursel. Have faith Have faith own your own thought, your own opinion, your own conviction of the right and true. You ave sufficient of yourself for every task that God puts before You have to do the dead, to the word, to resist the temptation, to arhieve the to compel victory If any man or any church tells you that you. are inherently weak asd helpless, believe it not. It is not true Xou are not weak. You are strong enough to do and date strong enough to stand alone, enough to live the life divine faith in yourself. in yourseH. in your power, you. power speak 1 nohbie, strong all, strong Have Address, Rev. C. W, Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature, The Old Cab Stand With a New Number PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. AUCTION. Under instructions from the Executors I will offer for sale at Public Auction on Wed- nesday, April 15th, at 10 a.m,, at No. 115 Gore Street The bonsehold efiects of the late Adam Clark Williamson, condisting of Walsut Parior and Dining Room Sets, several Bedroom Sets, Carpets, Weber Squars Pictures, meluding two famous -- | years 'J. LEACH, 88 Brock St., experience Kingston Many in England en- sures business methods and Wm. Murray, Auctioneer New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ote., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--8ir Richard Cartwright Money: loaned on City and Farm Vro- erties. Municipal and County res. Morigages purchased eceived and Iniekest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managi ing Director. IF IT 18 To get a sink get up or a bath room enst I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID HALL, a T.d. O'Connor Auctioneer and Commission Merch- Deben- Deposits Steel agra igs Entitled "Mesting of Ww, gLon Blacher Alter Waterloo" * Peath of Nelson," Kitchen and other useful Terme cash. 2 WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. | Ti NTERSIGNED with SETR on 'the ; t oll Fi fre oad. Feieocs] NESDAY, April 30th. at cod a TOREESS rs a nition Bore" 0 . to Kirke 3 Te, Seiicitors, or ™ Eg. CIE, Auctionoer. | onl YOUur I Well Cared For. it will "be called for, eardully Bashad and isunderied and promptly | vere. J take good eure of the glothes, FONG SING, $95 Princess street. 4 NOTICE | fei =) o, ies I Bit Cones £E FER ant 86-88 Rrock street. All males carefully covducted- Prompt setilements motle. Hpetial attemtion gives to Houmbhold Furniture Sales. , 32 Blades $1 complete, guaranteed. STRACHAN'S New Chinese Restagrant King Streef. quality 166 pairs sample lsce curtaivg (Not- Hingham). Be. per pair. ends lace a. L19 single; best Maes 30c, Apes from 10.50 am., to 3 wm. the to get am oll round Leech in city, Monies of all Made on shortast and Chinese dishes @, wecialty, . Goo Inland Reds $5.1 BOAT. 7 ' Lusi ness: street, « ih ava . ® » Fuiporium, Mark- 4 # ¥ * » » »* m Sirange i "OUR AUCTIONEER." i § » 27 BROCK ST. * THE FRONTENAC i LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ™ : i EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR Ar an Sb A AE onde so A i